holyhuppert · 1 year
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cupcake-de-abacaxi · 1 year
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Essa cena nunca fez tanto sentido quanto agora…
A esperança venceu.
This scene has never made so much sense as it does now…
Hope won.
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whoaffle · 1 year
Happy Halloween!! 🎃
Thank you!!!! Same to you! 💜🖤🧡
I woke up 5am today to get my costume ready because we'll have a Halloween party at my job and I'm going as Sans Undertale, AND I made a cake with gummy worms!!!! 🐛🍰🐛
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alotofmanythings · 1 year
Finally, as a brazilian, I have to say: FORA, BOLSONARO! Thank gods!
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onissassa · 1 year
In other places people are talking about halloween
Here, its almost like a civil war or purge
Because of elections and stuff.
Tumblr its the only place who isn't show de *****naro face
And honestly
Fuck you, fuck bolsonaro, fuck every single neighborhood
Who thinks its not poor
Fuck me, fuck him, fuck
This place is nuts, i love brazil and all
But its ridiculous, we are the second country where
Covid kill most, everthing sucks, old people sucks
I hate this, i cant go out without some miserable older man
Says "viadinhooo maconheiro petista"
Go to hell
Go kill yourself if agree in some on degree with this shit
People doing lines to pay for bones in butchery, starving to death
I see children with white hands of packing cocaine
Never have saw some school
I see middle class thinks its rich and hate the poor
Hate the black, hate the LGBT, the woman, anyone actually
And whats about japan??????? Huh???
No really, 60% 0f japan would vote for bolsonaro
Bitch what??? Go fuck yourselfs small penises
Stay glamorizing war and military, this is not anime you fuckers.
Não, sério, essa merda toda é piada mano.
Como q ainda da pra defender morte, miséria em prol da "familia"
Vao se matar nmrl
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asgardwinter · 2 years
Lula or Bolsonaro? Or your thoughts about them haha no need to choose one
for me it's pretty simple, there is only one option right now and it's Lula
i'm not going to vote for someone that was already doing a questionable job drown even before the pandemic, made fun about more than 600.000 people who died from covid, is completely misogynistic and against women rights and takes away important money from education — my university included
i might not agree with Lula in a lot of points but to actually promote some change that is very needed around here we need Bolsonaro to get the fuck out
**sorry about any typos, i'm very shaken right now
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platinumluana · 2 years
The Piquets are one of the most disgusting families in the world. A heartfelt FUCK YOU to these fascist bootlickers. There is no feminism in the world that can make me sympathize with that hypocritical woman. Will she complain about the "keyboard warriors" again after her father used racist terms to talk about Lewis? She and her boyfriend are a match made in heaven. None of these people will ever come close to the importance Lewis has for the sport, so they offend him to try to stay relevant. NOJENTOS!
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stevienick · 1 year
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raquelsantos92 · 1 year
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tortademaracuya · 5 months
hi bestie i'm very sorry about the election. i love your country i love your people and i wanted to wish you all lots of luck and good health to fight against that dumb motherfucker who was elected. we went through hell with a similarly stupid president in brazil but we got through that, it's over now. bolsonaro has lost most of his supporters at this point but the fight against the far right is never ending. keep going keep going i'm rooting for you all 🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵 i pray you will be safe!!!!
thank you, I really appreciate it. and you are right, we just have to keep fighting, even if it's a never ending fight I do believe things can get better as long as we keep holding onto one another.
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tomicaleto · 8 months
Wait you’re from Argentina, I’m so sorry about your election :( I read somewhere that this was just a primary, but ppl are acting like the fascist won the whole thing! Who is this fucker and are you all going to be okay?
Hi Anon, yeah I'm from Argentina 🙃
The thing with these elections are that, while they are a primary election, they also give you an idea of what to kinda expect for the general elections. These results are disheartening to say the least.
Here are some snippets from Milei's (the man that came out first in the primaries) wikipedia article in English, so you can have an idea of his ideals and politics and why he's like, the worst from right-wing politics in Argentina
"Politically and economically, Milei is a right-wing libertarian,[4][5][6] and he is supportive of the Austrian School of economics. Milei considers himself to be a short-term minarchist or liberal-libertarian [es; fr] but philosophically an anarcho-capitalist.[7][8] He believes that Argentina is a tax hell and advocates for a fast reduction in government spending in order to balance the budget."
"Several of Milei's political positions have caused controversy,[13] such as his opposition to abortion even in cases of rape,[14] the rejection of sexual education in schools,[15] scepticism about COVID-19 vaccines,[13] support for the freely possession of firearms by the civilian population,[16][17] promotion of the far-right Cultural Marxism conspiracy theory,[18] and climate change denial.[19] Due to those controversies, as well as his far-right political positions and radical conservative economic and social policies,[13][20] his primaries win has been considered an upset, and he has been characterized as a far-right populist.[10][11][12]"
"He has been described as far right by several Argentine and Spanish-language publications, including elDiario.es,[43] El País,[44] El Mundo,[45] Perfil,[46] Télam,[47] and Tiempo Argentino.[48] Milei is a follower of the ex-Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro and the ex-United States president Donald Trump.[49] He is also close to the Spanish far-right party Vox,[50] as well as the former conservative Chilean presidential candidate José Antonio Kast.[51]"
"Theoretically an anarcho-capitalist, Milei considers himself a minarchist or liberal-libertaire.[62] An economic liberal and fiscal conservative, he often referred to Carlos Menem, the president of Argentina from 1989 to 1999, and his economy minister Domingo Cavallo.[63]"
Full article here
But that's not the end of the problem.
The thing is that following him are Juntos por el cambio (another right-wing coalition, don't let the centre-right part trick you) and Unión por la Patria, the coalition born from the one that managed to get Alberto Fernández to be our current president.
As far as my understanding goes, with the current percentage of votes, neither candidate can win on the first round, which will lead to a ballotage, that is, the two candidates with the most votes will go for a second round. That's where the speculations born from these primary elections come into play. If, by some miracle, Sergio Massa (Unión por la Patria's candidate), the "lesser evil", wins, while generally speaking some things (like some rights hard won) will remain, it doesn't mean the ginormous debt that we've been dragging since Mauricio Macri's presidency will suddenly disappear or that the politics involved in trying to fix that will magically work just because Massa won.
If he doesn't win first round, which is the more likely thing, there are high probabilities that Milei's coalition and Juntos por el Cambio will call their voters to vote for the one that goes to the ballotage and against Unión por la Patria. So the right gets the government.
As you see, the political field is at best a mess, at worst, a big fucking mess. And I'm not even entering in our current economic crisis, and how the price of the dollar gets higher every day and how that affects the society. Or how the politics are less about actual solutions and proposals and more about emotionality and punishing the coalition you dislike the most.
I'm perhaps not the best at expressing myself when talking about these topics, at least not in English. I'm sure there are other Argentinean blogs that will explain this better than me but I will say. That even if Milei wins and doesn't burn the country to the ground with his outlandish economical plans, he still is against a lot of basic human rights that were hard won in this country. And even if he doesn't win but Juntos por el Cambio does, their politics are, perhaps not equally bad, but close to his. And Massa is not a saint of my devotion either, he's the main candidate because the peronist coalition is in as much crisis as the country is.
We got our democracy back just 40 years ago, after the worst and most bloody dictatorship in this country. And now the people are voting for the man that is pushing for the same kind of politics the dictators, Carlos Menem in the 90s and Mauricio Macri in 2015 were vouching for.
I'm not sure what the future has prepared for us (nothing too good as you can see) but at the very least I can say that Argentina is resilient, I can only hope for the best and if that doesn't happen, we'll have to do our best to survive.
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hjellacott · 10 months
Why trash-talking J. K. Rowling (or anybody else) isn't OK (regardless of your political opinions and ideas).
Think of the way you routinely think of or speak about J. K. Rowling. If words such as "bitch", "cunt", "suck my cock", "nazi", "feminazi", "jerk", "die", or "go to hell" come to mind, then you have become a violent reactionary, sexist, misogynist, intolerant person, more similar to people from extreme political ideologies, such as the Nazi, than to any normal person, or any democratic person.
I'm a woman of many academic disciplines. Among the things I've profoundly studied are psychology, communications, social psychology, and the Nazi propaganda. So I am very much aware that what is behind of the sudden, intense hatred and intolerance, that goes on to be life-threatening and viscerally violent towards women and, in particular, those labelled "terfs" are the exact same things that characterise the Nazi Propaganda: a widely studied method of political propaganda nowadays used everywhere and for anything, including advertisement. First, you decide who you want to go against and create a problem to justify the hatred, i.e. "Jews take jobs" or "terfs kill trans people". Secondly, you try to seem reasonable by making unjustifiable punishment look justifiable, i.e., "I know making Jews scrub the roads with toothbrushes seems drastic, but you don't understand, Jews are thieves, they take jobs from honourable, good Germans, they deserve this, it'll teach them a lesson" or "Terfs deserve to die. I wouldn't wish death upon anybody, but terfs are the worst, don't you see they make people want to die? they deserve anything they get, it's for democracy". Third, you allow violence to progress and grow more disproportionated, more out of control, each time continuing to justify it with some excuse to make you feel better about it, and denying it when it gets too out of hand. I.e. the billions of people WORLDWIDE who refused to believe the Nazi genocide, or the billions of people worldwide who refuse to see the sexism of the violence against people who don't support the Trans-Radical-Activism-Movement, and who if pointed out to them, might say things like "yes well but they deserved it!".
If you are one of the people normally harbouring intense anger, resentment and violent, insulting thoughts towards people like J. K. Rowling, ask yourself this: when you spend your time and energy doing such things, are you spending a similar, or at least half, amount of your time and energy harbouring similar anger and feelings towards Adolf Hitler? He is directly responsible of the deaths of billions of people worldwide. How about towards Donald Trump, who provoked an anti-democratic Capitol assault resulting in the deaths of several people, opposed LGBT rights during his government, and constantly attacked immigrants and promoted laws against them while in government? How about towards Boris Johnson, Rishi Sunak or David Cameron, who caused Brexit, which stole academic opportunities for millions of young people, caused one of the worst economic situations and rise of poverty and homelessness in Britain in ages, and a rise in xenophobia and violence against immigrants, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of immigrants in the English Channel, the incarceration of even European immigrants in "detention centers", and on laws attempting to deport immigrants to Rwanda? Do you, perhaps, hate, bully and insult them half as much as you do with Rowling or with terfs? how about your feelings towards the European and UN politicians, who allow the monthly deaths of thousands of immigrants drowning in the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean and the English Channel? Or towards Jair Bolsonaro, who impoverished Brazil, created more laws against the LGBT collective, empowered the military, and targeted indigenous tribes, plus allowing more deforestation in the Amazon Forest, the lung of the world? or towards Elon Musk, more interested in getting to the space even at the cost of our planet's health, than on helping anybody with his money? do you perhaps hate Vladimir Putin, responsible of the Ukrainian War that has so far caused thousands of civilian deaths, as much as you hate a terf? What about George Bush, responsible for the Iraq War and the Afghanistan War, where hundreds of thousands of civilians were killed?
If these men don't occupy half the space in your mind, half the hatred in your heart, than J. K. Rowling, a feminist, or a "terf", then perhaps you're not somebody who truly cares about democracy, human rights or global unfairness. Perhaps you don't care so much about people unjustly losing their lives. Perhaps you're simply, deeply misogynystic.
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transexualpirate · 4 months
im really scared cuz my stepdads parents are coming to visit in a week and they're aggressively conservative (like they're considered conservative by minas gerais standards which is one of the least progressive states here so that's saying something... also my stepdads sister, their daughter, literally worked on bolsonaro's campaign. like she got paid to post about him) and his dad specifically has a history with violence. and look. i know logically nothing would happen because they're coming to our house and my mom would never let something bad actually happen. but i also know for fact that they will fight over me being openly trans. they didn't even like the fact that my mom drives despite being a woman can you imagine the aneurysm they'll get when they see me with my green hair and pierced navel and deep voice and growing moustache saying Hi My Name's Vitor Túlio like bro. this is going to be fucking HELL. im scared
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morkitten · 1 year
“- What’s good Bolsonaro, you vulture. These are Lula’s voters, look. We’re walking by foot 25km (15 miles) to go vote, since you sicced the highway patrol to stop people from voting Lula, you son of a bitch. *laughing* No-good cuckold motherfucker. You’re a vulture, my man, but we’re voting Lula, and you’re gonna get thrown out of there, you plague. - Straightened-hair demon! - You’re going straight to hell, straight-hair *laughing* Lula is taking your job, and he’s gonna make you feel the taste of the hot ones too, plague. *laughing* So you’ll finally feel some shame after putting the goddamn police-- like the police’s got nothin’ better to do than to arrest other people’s bikes during voting hours. You’re a coward. (Cuckhold!) Cuckold! We’re here from Maranhão, ya can come that we’ll be here waitin’. Even if we run you ain’t comin’ *laughing* Come on, get that (cellphone) *laughing*” (despite Bolsonaro’s government’s attempts to suppress Lula voters, Lula still won) (”plague” and “cuckold” are translations of “peste” and “corno”, both northeastern Brazil slangs and insults. “Corno” means “horned” and is a way to refer to a cuckhold man, but also just a general insult for a man without character. I believe there’s also a play here where they invoke that insult to also imply that he has horns like the devil)
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How Steve Bannon and the American right export extremism, from Brussels to Brazil
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The US calls itself a beacon of democracy. But American extremists are exporting illiberalism and fomenting reactionary backlashes around the world, from trucker blockades in Canada to hard-right think tanks in Europe.
The exporter-in-chief is Trump’s political guru Steve Bannon, whose fingerprints are all over the attempted insurrection in Brazil last weekend.
On Wednesday evening, more than 70 centre-left US and Brazilian lawmakers condemned the apparent pact between supporters of former president Jair Bolsonaro and right-wing activists in the US aimed at overturning elections in both countries.
“We stand united against the efforts by authoritarian, anti-democratic, far-right actors to overturn legitimate election results and overthrow our democracies,” said the joint statement, led by Democratic congresswoman Ilhan Omar.
Bannon’s appearance before the 6 January committee would have been desirable. Lest we forget, Bannon declared in a broadcast the day before the Capitol was ransacked: “All hell is going to break loose tomorrow. It’s all converging, and now we’re on, as they say, the point of attack. I’ll tell you this: It’s not going to happen like you think it’s going to happen.
“It’s going to be quite extraordinarily different, and all I can say is strap in.”
Last weekend, two years on, it was Brazilians’ turn for a shock. “The links between the events at the Capitol on 6 January 2020 and what happened in Brasilia are obvious,” says Dr Vinicius Mariano de Carvalho, reader in Brazilian and Latin American studies at King’s College London. “And Bannon has links to both events. He’s close to the insurrectionists in the US and he’s a supporter of Bolsonaro and his clan. He went to Brazil and met them.”
Continue reading.
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lets-laughagain · 2 years
if you don’t know what’s going on in the circus that is brazil, there’s a catholic father running for president (who’s actually helping bolsonaro) and another candidate just asked him if he’s not scared to go to hell lmaooo
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