#Franziska jaeger
lumilasi · 2 years
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Belladonna: I still sleep one eye open around Angus
I found this sketch from my laptop, I can't even remember when I made it? Anyway, I think it was like a perspective practice thingy or smth, with my fave villain siblings Angus & Frankie.
......IDK what that eye stuff is about, it just looks cool with Angus lol
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movienized-com · 2 months
Cannes Confidential
Cannes Confidential (Serie 2023) #JamieBamber #LucieLucas #Shym #TamaraMarte #JeanHuguesAnglade #NancyTate Mehr auf:
Serie Jahr: 2023- Genre: Action / Comedy / Krimi Hauptrollen: Jamie Bamber, Lucie Lucas, Shy’m, Tamara Marte, Jean-Hugues Anglade, Nancy Tate, Sammy Lechea, Anna Franziska Jaeger, Hugo Brunswick, Ruth Vega Fernandez, Ava Griffith, Richard Darancy, Eric Savin, Olivia Gotanègre, Yann Babilée, Anaïs Weill … Serienbeschreibung: Die Serie folgt der französischen Detektivin Camille Delmasse (Lucie…
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antonknightsblog · 1 year
The Rising of the Shield Hero Saison 3 : Date de Sortie, Trailer, tout savoir
Visuels, trailer, équipe de production et distribution artistique, date de sortie : l’anime The Rising of the Shield Hero Saison 3 se dévoile.
Annoncée pour la première fois courant 2020, en parallèle à la seconde saison de la série, la saison 3 de l’anime The Rising of the Shield Hero dévoile finalement ses principales informations sur son site officiel, à commencer par sa date de sortie, mais également de nombreux détails concernant sa production.
Dans cette troisième saison, le groupe de Naofumi se prépare à affronter une toute nouvelle menace. Après Reiki la Tortue Spirituelle, c’est au tour du Phoenix de faire son entrée, dans un contexte pour le moins tendu puisque Motoyasu, Itsuki et Ren, respectivement les héros à la lance, à l’arc et à l’épée, sont introuvables. Une fois de plus, c’est au héros au bouclier que revient la lourde tâche de sauver le monde !
La date de sortie de l’anime The Rising of the Shield Hero Saison 3 (Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Saison 3), réalisé par le studio d’animation Kinema Citrus, est programmée pour octobre 2023 au Japon.
C’est Hitoshi Haga (Star Wars Visions : The Village Bride) qui réalise le projet au studio d’animation Kinema Citrus (Made in Abyss). Keigo Koyanagi (Sirius the Jaeger) occupe le poste de scénariste principal tandis que Komatsu Sana, Franziska van Wulfen et Masahiro Suwa sont crédités pour le design des personnages. Sera Kota coopère à la conception des chara designs. Les musiques sont composées par Kevin Penkin (Tower of God). 
Pour ce qui est de la distribution artistique, nous retrouvons les principaux comédiens suivants, à savoir :
Kaito Ishikawa, dans le rôle de Naofumi Iwatani
Asami Seto, dans le rôle de Raphtalia
Rina Hidaka, dans le rôle de Filo
Natsuko Hara, dans le rôle de Lecia
Yoshitsugu Matsuoka, dans le rôle de Ren Amaki
Makoto Takahashi, dans le rôle de Motoyasu Kitamura
Yoshitaka Yamaya, dans le rôle de Itsuki Kawasumi
Maaya Uchida, dans le rôle de Melty
Ruriko Aoki, dans le rôle de Eclair
Kikuko Inoue, dans le rôle de Mirellia
Sarah Emi Bridcutt, dans le rôle de Myne
Yutaka Nakano, dans le rôle de Aultcray
Pour rappel, l’anime The Rising of the Shield Hero est adapté du light novel Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari, écrit par Yusagi Aneko et illustré par Seira Minami, publié au Japon depuis août 2013 par l’éditeur KADOKAWA. Le titre connait aussi une adaptation en manga par Aiya Kyu, prépublié par le même éditeur depuis février 2014 dans le magazine Monthly Comic Flapper.
Les deux premières saisons de la série animée sont à retrouver sur Crunchyroll.
Après avoir mis un terme aux villes manigances du vicieux Kyo, il est temps pour Naofumi, Raphtalia et leurs camarades de reprendre leur aventure là où elle avait été laissée. Naofumi, désormais vicomte suite à ses exploits face à Reiki, a pour projet de se réinvestir corps et âme dans la lutte face aux vagues.
Toutefois, de nombreux nouveaux problèmes l’attendent, à commencer par l’éveil du Phœnix, une autre Bête Gardienne, provoqué par la disparition de la Tortue Spirituelle. Face à cette menace d’une tout autre ampleur, le monde à plus que jamais besoin du héros au bouclier !
Mais comme si cela n’était pas déjà suffisamment compliqué, les trois autres héros semblent avoir disparu suite à leur cuisant échec dans la bataille face à Reiki. Alors, afin de renforcer les défenses de Melromarc en prévision du terrible affrontement à venir, Naofumi décide de rechercher les membres dispersés du village de Lurolona et se rend sur les terres de Zeltoble, où il apprend que certains d’entre eux ont été vendus comme esclaves.
Pour les libérer et obtenir leur aide, il participe avec Raphtalia et Filo à une arène de combat souterraine. Tandis que les demi-humains cherchent le salut, Myne fomente quant à elle un nouveau mauvais coup dans l’ombre…
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Original character.
Hermine von Karma.
Mother of Franziska von Karma & Miles Edgeworth (plus, her eldest daughter). Cold-hearted on the outside, soft on the inside. She's forced to hide her true feelings due to her abusive husband. 50 years old. Closeted Bisexual. FC: Carla Jaeger from Attack on Titan.
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italianaradio · 5 years
Alice nella città 2019: Lorenzo Mattotti vince per la migliore regia, tutti i premiati
Nuovo post su italianaradio https://www.italianaradio.it/index.php/alice-nella-citta-2019-lorenzo-mattotti-vince-per-la-migliore-regia-tutti-i-premiati/
Alice nella città 2019: Lorenzo Mattotti vince per la migliore regia, tutti i premiati
Alice nella città 2019: Lorenzo Mattotti vince per la migliore regia, tutti i premiati
Alice nella città 2019: Lorenzo Mattotti vince per la migliore regia, tutti i premiati
Sono stati consegnati oggi i premi di Alice nella città 2019 che quest’anno ha registrato una crescita esponenziale dei numeri: + 26 % di biglietti emessi a fronte dell’aumento della capienza delle sale che dai 199 posti del 2018 ha raggiunto i 456 posti del 2019 (380 posti per la Sala Alice TIMVISION e 126 posti per la Sala Raffaella Fioretta). Un aumento sostanziale dell’affluenza del pubblico di Alice che ha registrato il tutto esaurito a quasi tutti gli eventi in programma.
La giuria di Alice ha decretato i vincitori di questa edizione annunciando oggi il Premio al Miglior Film, alla Miglior Regia e il Premio Speciale della giuria.
Il premio per il MIGLIOR FILM è andato a “THE DAZZLED” di Sarah Suco con la seguente motivazione: “per la capacità di raccontare una storia cruda e coinvolgente, attenta ai dettagli di una realtà tragica, cogliendo al tempo stesso in modo intelligente le sfumature comiche di una vita imprigionata. Un film travolgente che emoziona e fa riflettere su un contesto lasciato spesso in ombra, qui descritto dalla luce accecante di una lotta interiore verso la salvezza”.
Vince il PREMIO ALLA MIGLIOR REGIA a Lorenzo Mattotti per “LA FAMOSA INVASIONE DEGLI ORSI IN SICILIA “con la seguente motivazione: “una favola senza tempo destinata ad adulti e bambini raccontata con efficacia, delicatezza e maturità. Una regia che eredita lo straordinario talento compositivo delle illustrazioni di Lorenzo Mattotti ed immerge lo spettatore nella magica Sicilia di Buzzati”.
Il PREMIO SPECIALE DELLA GIURIA è andato a “SON-MOTHER” di Mahnaz Mohammadi “per la messa in scena lucida e partecipe di emozioni profonde e coinvolgenti, calate in una dimensione di denuncia culturale, sociale e politica. Un film in cui l’assenza di parole è un urlo alla libertà d’espressione”.
Il PREMIO TIMVISION è andato a “CLEO” di Eva Cools che sarà possibile vedere in esclusiva sulla piattaforma. Questa la motivazione: “Cleo è un film drammatico e autentico che sceglie la strada più difficile per raccontare l’elaborazione del lutto e il senso di colpa incrociando sullo stesso piano la vittima e il carnefice. Le atmosfere malinconiche di Bruxelles scandite dalla musica di Segej Rachmaninov contribuiscono a rendere il tutto ancora più sospeso e introspettivo”.
MIGLIOR FILM The Dazzled di Sarah Suco
MIGLIOR REGIA Lorenzo Mattotti per La Famosa Invasione degli Orsi in Sicilia
PREMIO SPECIALE DELLA GIURIA Son-Mother di Mahnaz Mohammadi
PREMIO RBCASTING Beatrice Grannò per Mi chiedo quando ti mancherò di Francesco Fei
PREMIO DO RISING STAR AWARD Anna Franziska Jaeger per Cleo
Cinefilos.it – Da chi il cinema lo ama.
Alice nella città 2019: Lorenzo Mattotti vince per la migliore regia, tutti i premiati
Sono stati consegnati oggi i premi di Alice nella città 2019 che quest’anno ha registrato una crescita esponenziale dei numeri: + 26 % di biglietti emessi a fronte dell’aumento della capienza delle sale che dai 199 posti del 2018 ha raggiunto i 456 posti del 2019 (380 posti per la Sala Alice TIMVISION e 126 […]
Cinefilos.it – Da chi il cinema lo ama.
Chiara Guida
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sandrateitge · 7 years
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“A trashy tale” – a story on waste management in Mexico City
Thursday, 2 March 2017, 19 hrs, at the MUAC Auditorio (UNAM)
Franziska Pierwoss & Sandra Teitge (Concept & Dramaturgy)
In the context of Mexico City, a city that produces extreme levels of waste and in which, as a result, official and unofficial ‘waste management’ economies have emerged and co-exist, Franziska Pierwoss & Sandra Teitge are developing a dinner performance for the MUAC that will address the ambiguity of this situation.
During the culinary as well as discursive evening, questions of the local demands of organic waste management, informal economies, and waste crime in the city along with their social, political, and economic importance will be addressed. Around a menu, specifically conceived for this context, invited experts together with the audience are invited to converse over dinner.
For “A trashy tale,” Raul Gongora will prepare a three-course menu specifically conceived for this context.
Thank you to Carolina Borja for local support and insight.
With special guests:
Arnold Ricalde de Jaeger, Huerta de Roma
Jose Castillo, urban planner & architect
David S., former garbage truck worker
Elisa Lavore Fanjul, director of a study on Central de Abasto
Gabriela Montes Neri, PhD on waste management structure in Puebla
Ilana Boltvinik, artist with numerous projects in public space
Jan Landeros, entrepreneur (waste management facility in Valle de Bravo)
Ruben Lazos, Directorate General of Environmental Regulation for CDMX
Michel Lipkes, filmmaker (“Extraño pero verdadero”)
Arturo Ortiz, architect/artist investigating landfills
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lumilasi · 2 years
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Next lady in my dramatic pose series; Franziska. 
My brain was going “CAT CAT CAT CAT” the whole time I was making this lol, I wonder why. Also don’t ask how she’s able to do all these acrobatics in heels, IDK either. I’m suspecting it is related to the fact she’s a cat. 
Since she’s another character who doesn’t go and fight often, I decided to make her do a cat thing, and hang out on a tree. I’m not entirely happy with her legs, but ehh, this pose was hard. Also another nighttime background, I GOTTA make the next one not nighttime lol
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lumilasi · 2 years
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Finished the second antagonist subordinates set. (First one here)
Struggled a lot, especially with Franziska due to the colors I needed to use for her, but in the end I think I like it. Kouya’s my fave, he kinda looks like he’s mainly powered by spite and red bull lmao 
Short info of each below:
Nadja Jaeger (Surname means hunter)
Age: 36
Franziska’s younger sister/former teammate from Amalia’s mercenary days
She is the member of Amalia Marek’s sect. They do intelligence gathering/search for other “Reverence” infected people to join their ranks.
Nadja and Franziska used to work with Amalia before she left to search for a solution to her problem with her powers. Sometime later, the sisters had a run-in with a feline Reverence-infected demon, that in turn infected them. The pair decided to go and try to find their former comrade to see if she’d found a cure or a solution. The pair end up joining her new group as they didn’t really have much better options. 
Nadja is pretty silent and largely respected/admired by people around her, despite her Reverence infection only being at stage 1 (the weakest) because she was already so strong and capable even as just a normal human. Apart from her eyes, the only thing that changed for her physically, was that her hair feels more like fur than human hair, and also the color turned orange mostly from the original brown. She’s sometimes mistaken for a male from behind, up until she speaks as her voice is distinctly feminine. (even then it’s typically not until they see she got boobs that they realize this is a woman)
She’s friends with Sasori from Belladonna’s sect, both being the quieter, introverted type (and a bit scary) and she’s often seen hanging around him, or asking him jokingly to poison her to get away from an annoying situation. Usually he just pulls out a whiskey or other alcohol drink for her. A fellow sect member, a young girl Kujaku has a bit of a crush on her, although Nadja doesn’t take it seriously given she’s only 18, I.E far too young in her eyes. 
Kiyoi Nakano (First name means clear/pure/noble) His original surname was Saitou, but he started using his mother’s maiden name after leaving his former home
Age: 20
Belladonna’s nephew she took in after his mother was executed as a witch, and the townspeople attempted to kill him too. A rare case of a male child of a witch being born with magic.
Member of Taiga’s group; they work as assistants to other sects/handle mundane tasks like cooking, cleaning, looking after Hanzoku’s body while he slumbers, etc.
Kiyoi used to live normal life as the son of the town’s Mayor, albeit secretly studying magic with his aunt’s guidance, as his mother had disowned magic use and stopped using her own. Unfortunately the townspeople found out that she was a witch, and executed her out of fear. They then went after Kiyoi himself (including his father who hadn’t known his wife was a witch) and Kiyoi ended up accidentally killing everyone while defending himself, overcharging his strongest spell that basically banished everyone’s souls from their bodies. He was taken in by Belladonna after this, but Kiyoi’s relationship with her is strained, because he feels she only cares about him because he’s a rarity. 
Kiyoi’s strongest ability is his Charm (the same one that he accidentally killed the townspeople with) that can basically charm just about anybody and get them to do whatever he wants/just make sure they don’t hurt him. (the reason why it killed the townsfolk was because he basically made them so enamored their souls floated away, you know, “head in the clouds” type of thing) He applies this reflexively to every new person he meets, and tends to become curious of anybody who is immune to it AND still nice to him. He’s friends with Yoruga the moth boy, and has a crush on Kouya.
Kiyoi is physically very weak, so he mainly monitors people with his vision abilities to see what needs to be done, if anyone requires assistance with some of the tasks, and occasionally is asked to take notes because his handwriting is so pleasant to read. 
Kouya Garou (name translates to desert/wilderness & hungry wolf)
Age: 22
A hotheaded orphan with canine Reverence infection & Kiyoi’s crush
He’s from Azure’s sect, who are the warriors/warriors in-training to potentially join Amalia’s group if they are deemed skilled enough/have enough control over their abilities. Also hunt down threats or traitors.
Grew up in an illegal fighting club, rumor has it he was sold there by his parents as they couldn’t afford taking care of him. He’s always been a lone wolf and preferred to be by himself; even now he struggles to work with others. He does respect his boss a lot though
He ran into a Reverence infected wolf when he was 18 just hours before a match, where this demonic wolf bit and infected him too. he ended up activating his power and transforming mid-fight, accidentally killing his opponent and going on a rampage where lot of onlookers were injured. He spent over a year hunting down the wolf that bit him, thinking killing the demonic entity would turn him back to normal.
When that didn’t happen he fell into despair and almost let himself freeze to death, but he was picked up by Amalia, who promised they could help him learn to control his newfound powers. He met Kiyoi the first time in kind of an awkward manner, as he ended up crashing through his wall after a training match gone wrong, and Kiyoi realized his power didn’t work on him, resulting in the blond asking his friend Yoruga to stalk Kouya around for a bit out of curiosity, namely because Kouya had been nice to him and even apologized for the mess. 
(Kouya does find him cute, but also feels like he’s too wild and unpredictable for someone that weak, which basically means these two idiots don’t know how to act around each other)
Franziska Jaeger
Age: 38
Nadja’s older sister and a former comrade of Amalia from her mercenary days.
Member of Belladonna’s sect; the medics/poison & cursed objects and seals creators.
Between the sisters, Franziska was the intl/stealth mission person, and enjoyed putting on disguises and flirting with their targets to trick them into positions they could be dealt with/captured for interrogation. She enjoys her new work as Belladonna’s assistant, and like many others, very much is a fan of hers, loving her sense of style and flamboyant nature. She’s also Belladonna’s favorite assistant, partially because she is a friend of her GF Amalia, partially because Franziska is devious and really intelligent, much like her, and partially because Belladonna loves her sense of style.
(She also loves how in her new job, she can dress up more often and have much flashier outfits by default than she could back in their old job)
Her reverence is much further than Nadja’s, meaning her skintone has mostly changed to the ashy color apart from her arms, and she has permanent animal features. (the ears and the tail) Both she and her sister used to have brown eyes, though their haircolors were different; her sister had dark brown hair, Franziska had light brown that has now turned blonde, matching the color of the fur of the infected feline demon who attacked them. 
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