#Fort Defiance VA
ilarywilson · 4 years
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11 apr ‘76 | Back to ‘50s
I: Non gli stacca gli occhi di dosso; il sentore che stia per assistere a una dimostrazione in piena regola c`è tutto. Così come il proprio fermo intento a volergli far rischiare il soffocamento, aspettando a parlare proprio quando lui sarà sul punto di deglutire. «Insomma» con la stessa noncuranza con cui un inglese parla del tempo 
«Vorresti essere il secondo uomo a venire a letto con me, ahn?» 
Ha un modo di studiarlo curiosamente interessato, come se lui fosse un animale appartenente a una specie rara o quantomeno in via di estinzione. 
H: Quell`ultima domanda quasi lo fa strozzare. Boccheggia e la guarda fisso. Apre la bocca, la richiude. E non si aspettava proprio una domanda così. «No... E non vorrei ci fosse un tavolo tra di noi per dirtelo» Con lei la situazione è completamente diversa. Lei è un mondo a parte. Si alza. Un`azione che effettivamente il cervello non gli ha ordinato di fare. Si alza e fa il giro del tavolo, raggiungendo la ragazza. Così si curva leggermente, per avere quegli occhi azzurri alla sua stessa altezza. 
«In questo momento vorrei essere un`infinità di uomini, credimi».
I: «E` tipo un: vorrei essere qualsiasi altro uomo nel mondo per non essere qui con te adesso o più un... vorrei non essere me perché ho l`abbigliamento sbagliato per gli anni 50? Perché, insomma, forse la stai prendendo un po` male. Sono bravissima anche coi Vestis e...» cosa? 
«Dovremmo ballare!»
H: «Magari lo capirai». Aggiunge un secondo sorriso e scuote la testa. «Wilson, sei un`imbranata» un sospiro, raddrizzando la schiena e allungando una mano verso di lei, proprio nel momento in cui lei esprime il desiderio di ballare. «Ti porto in pista».
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H: Le luci colorate illuminano la pista dal pavimento di legno beige, lasciandola però in penombra, disegnando fugaci cerchi sul legno, ora gialli, ora verdi, ora fucsia. Andrebbe quindi a far voltare la Wilson, tirandola per la mano alla quale è legato, con una giravolta, per poi riprenderla con fermezza. Poserebbe allora la mano sulla vita di lei. Un fremito si inoltrerebbe nel corpo, fino a serrargli la mascella. Le alzerebbe la mano all’altezza della spalla, stringendola forte. Concludendo quell`inizio avvicinandola a sé, ventre contro ventre, la mano a premere sulla schiena di lei, gli occhi persi nei suoi. 
«Posso condurre io o la tua amica avrebbe da ridire anche su questo... donzella?»
«Se lo dici un`altra volta, ti farò notare che la corretta posa per ballare presuppone di lasciare dello spazio molto ben delimitato fra i ballerini, così non si finiranno addosso a ogni giro pasticciando i passi. Non l’hai mai visto Dirty Dancing?»
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 «No, ma dal nome è una roba che metterei nel mio locale, eh?»
H: Lui non balla. E’ quello che se gli gira bene rimane a letto con l`altra fino al giorno dopo, altrimenti un biglietto d`addio basta e avanza. E allora perché sta ballando con una gonna svolazzante? Per lo stesso motivo per cui, dopo vari movimenti delle gambe al ritmo della musica, la farebbe voltare ancora un paio di volte, mantenendo ferma la presa su quella mano, per riacchiapparla di nuovo, senza che lei perda l`equilibrio nella giravolta doppia. La attrarrebbe a lui ancora e andrebbe a sfiorarle il naso con la bocca, senza intenzione, effettivamente. 
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I: Il nasino a scontrarsi contro le sue labbra e lei che al cambio di musica opta per restarci, lì vicina. Dondolando sul posto a tempo, facendo scivolare delicatamente la manina dietro il suo collo per sistemare meglio la posizione, il capino a spostarsi appena di lato per offrirgli probabilmente una tempia. Gli occhi socchiusi per abbandonarsi semplicemente alla musica e trascinarlo forse un po` lei, adesso. 
H: Non sa bene quello che stia succedendo. Eppure lui è uno così razionale. Quasi non si accorge della mano intorno al suo collo. Piccola e delicata, pelle contro pelle, gli fa mettere in allarme tutti i nervi della spina dorsale. È allora che stringe la presa sulla sua schiena, rimanendo con un sorriso ebete, mentre quasi si aggrappa a lei, continuando a dondolarsi. Andrebbe così a portare la mano di Ilary sul proprio petto, racchiudendola nella sua, continuando a tenere la donna attaccata a sé. Cullandola con fare protettivo, mantenendo ancora per un po` quella fortuna che gli è capitata tra le braccia. E un brivido gli scorre lungo la schiena quando sente il fiato di lei entrargli dentro la camicia. Scosta leggermente la testa dalla sua; la guarda, con gli occhi semichiusi, in completa estasi, sembrerebbe. Sorride appena e va a posare le labbra sulla fronte chiara della ex concasata. Un accenno di bacio. Leggero e timido, una prima volta si può dire. 
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«Ehi...» le sussurra. «Siamo stati bravi». Che sia stata bene? Forse sì. E quanto è durato? Sicuramente più di tre canzoni; ma è certo di non averle contate. Infine, andrebbe a premere nuovamente le labbra sul nasino, forse ignaro della violazione del suo spazio vitale, forse no.
Possibilissimo che la musica sia diventato il sottofondo di qualche jukebox e che loro si siano persi il momento di stacco; quando le luci si sono rialzate e la pista s`è lentamente svuotata. Il naso a rubargli quella fragranza muschiata ancora a occhi chiusi e forse starebbe per puntellare indegnamente il mento contro la sua spalla se solo quel delicatissimo bacio sulla fronte non arrivasse a ridestarla. Il capino a sollevarsi in automatico per puntargli gli occhi azzurri addosso, appena più vitrei, sicuramente un poco turbati. Probabilmente da quell`attimo di defiance o dal fatto che sì, magari è stata bene. Un brividino divertito le fa arricciare il naso sotto le sue labbra e un grumo d`indefinite emozione rende difficile tirar fuori la voce. 
«Questo perché ti ho insegnato la giusta posizione». L`appoggio su di lui a venir sfruttato ancora per poco, quanto le basta a sollevarsi sulle punte per provare a raggiungergli la guancia con un morso. Leggero, molesto, ma che dovrebbe funzionare a farli uscire dal torpore dolcemente. E` pur sempre un altro contatto quello che gli concede. «Credo di aver da dimostrare la mia gentilezza con le palle da bowling ora».
«Ci resterei per ore...» mormora più a se stesso che alla Wilson, voltandosi di scatto verso di lei. La mano sale a toccarsi quel morsetto le cui tracce sono ancora lì. Imbambolato - Duffany, davvero!?
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I: E fra chiacchiere, lanci, coccole e bacini (alle palle da bowling), è al suono emozionato ed esterrefatto del suo acutissimo «Wooooooooooooooo!» che viene sancita la sua vittoria definitiva. Scoppi di coriandoli e la scritta "Donzella WON" a campeggiare in caratteri cubitali e sparafleshanti dritti contro la dignitià rimasta di:
«Sir Duffany, valorosamente caduto in battaglia. Qui giace dopo aver dato il meglio della sua...dolcezza» .
«UHHHHHHHH, PREMIO!» davvero? Toh, un peluche le è appena stato scaraventato addosso dalla pioggia di coriandoli di cui ora è simpaticamente invasa: morbido e fluffoso, ha l`adorabile aspetto di uno zuccotto di zucca avvolto nella sua glassa arancio e ricoperto di praline di zucchero. Un passetto dopo l`altro, fino ad arrivargli sotto il naso con un balzello. «Per te».
H: Ammutolisce dinnanzi a cotanto festeggiamento, l`essere permaloso sta lottando contro la gioia di stare con lei e di vederla contenta. Inarca un sopracciglio e socchiude gli occhi, inspirando un momento. «Sono senza parole, Wilson» commenta. «Così gentile» aggiunge, mettendosi una mano sul petto con fare melodrammatico. Afferra il peluche e tenterebbe di cingerle di nuovo la vita, attirandola a sé.
«Non avevo dubbi sulla tua dolcezza» sussurra. «Ma ora andiamo in un luogo dove si vincono premi veri... Dammi la tracolla, ci smaterializzeremo ancora» le dice, allungando una mano per stringere la sua; andando a intrecciare le dita alle sue, se lei glielo permetterà.
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Leicester Square | vicoletto cieco dietro il teatro
H: «Spero per te che non soffra di diabete...» esordirà, tenendola ancora per mano, guardando la grande vetrina colorata piena di luci e confetti al cioccolato colorati.
I: «Chi, io? Io sono fatta di zucchero» infatti lo sguardo si è già illuminato e un sorriso ha fatto capolino - deliziato - all`idea di altri dolci. E sì, poi alla fine s`è lasciata condurre per mano fino a quel negozio; un pugno di colori che le fa sgranare le iridi e dimenticare perfino la flebile volontà che aveva di andare ad adocchiare le loro mani intrecciate. Questo è altamente compromettente, lo è, non è vero? 
“Tu... cosa? “Potrei aver... accidentalmente rimorchiato Harry Duffany fuori dal DNA Cafè” “Oh...” “I know”
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harryduffany · 4 years
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11th April 2076 | Back To The 50′s
I: Non gli stacca gli occhi di dosso; il sentore che stia per assistere a una dimostrazione in piena regola c`è tutto. Così come il proprio fermo intento a volergli far rischiare il soffocamento, aspettando a parlare proprio quando lui sarà sul punto di deglutire. «Insomma» con la stessa noncuranza con cui un inglese parla del tempo
«Vorresti essere il secondo uomo a venire a letto con me, ahn?»
Ha un modo di studiarlo curiosamente interessato, come se lui fosse un animale appartenente a una specie rara o quantomeno in via di estinzione.
H: Quell`ultima domanda quasi lo fa strozzare. Boccheggia e la guarda fisso. Apre la bocca, la richiude. E non si aspettava proprio una domanda così. «No… E non vorrei ci fosse un tavolo tra di noi per dirtelo» Con lei la situazione è completamente diversa. Lei è un mondo a parte. Si alza. Un`azione che effettivamente il cervello non gli ha ordinato di fare. Si alza e fa il giro del tavolo, raggiungendo la ragazza. Così si curva leggermente, per avere quegli occhi azzurri alla sua stessa altezza.
«In questo momento vorrei essere un`infinità di uomini, credimi».
I: «E` tipo un: vorrei essere qualsiasi altro uomo nel mondo per non essere qui con te adesso o più un… vorrei non essere me perché ho l`abbigliamento sbagliato per gli anni 50? Perché, insomma, forse la stai prendendo un po` male. Sono bravissima anche coi Vestis e…» cosa?
H: «Magari lo capirai». Aggiunge un secondo sorriso e scuote la testa. «Wilson, sei un`imbranata» un sospiro, raddrizzando la schiena e allungando una mano verso di lei, proprio nel momento in cui lei esprime il desiderio di ballare. «Ti porto in pista».
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H: Le luci colorate illuminano la pista dal pavimento di legno beige, lasciandola però in penombra, disegnando fugaci cerchi sul legno, ora gialli, ora verdi, ora fucsia. Andrebbe quindi a far voltare la Wilson, tirandola per la mano alla quale è legato, con una giravolta, per poi riprenderla con fermezza. Poserebbe allora la mano sulla vita di lei. Un fremito si inoltrerebbe nel corpo, fino a serrargli la mascella. Le alzerebbe la mano all’altezza della spalla, stringendola forte. Concludendo quell`inizio avvicinandola a sé, ventre contro ventre, la mano a premere sulla schiena di lei, gli occhi persi nei suoi.
«Posso condurre io o la tua amica avrebbe da ridire anche su questo… donzella?»
«Se lo dici un`altra volta, ti farò notare che la corretta posa per ballare presuppone di lasciare dello spazio molto ben delimitato fra i ballerini, così non si finiranno addosso a ogni giro pasticciando i passi. Non l’hai mai visto Dirty Dancing?»
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«No, ma dal nome è una roba che metterei nel mio locale, eh?»
H: Lui non balla. E’ quello che se gli gira bene rimane a letto con l`altra fino al giorno dopo, altrimenti un biglietto d`addio basta e avanza. E allora perché sta ballando con una gonna svolazzante? Per lo stesso motivo per cui, dopo vari movimenti delle gambe al ritmo della musica, la farebbe voltare ancora un paio di volte, mantenendo ferma la presa su quella mano, per riacchiapparla di nuovo, senza che lei perda l`equilibrio nella giravolta doppia. La attrarrebbe a lui ancora e andrebbe a sfiorarle il naso con la bocca, senza intenzione, effettivamente.
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I: Il nasino a scontrarsi contro le sue labbra e lei che al cambio di musica opta per restarci, lì vicina. Dondolando sul posto a tempo, facendo scivolare delicatamente la manina dietro il suo collo per sistemare meglio la posizione, il capino a spostarsi appena di lato per offrirgli probabilmente una tempia. Gli occhi socchiusi per abbandonarsi semplicemente alla musica e trascinarlo forse un po` lei, adesso.
H: Non sa bene quello che stia succedendo. Eppure lui è uno così razionale. Quasi non si accorge della mano intorno al suo collo. Piccola e delicata, pelle contro pelle, gli fa mettere in allarme tutti i nervi della spina dorsale. È allora che stringe la presa sulla sua schiena, rimanendo con un sorriso ebete, mentre quasi si aggrappa a lei, continuando a dondolarsi. Andrebbe così a portare la mano di Ilary sul proprio petto, racchiudendola nella sua, continuando a tenere la donna attaccata a sé. Cullandola con fare protettivo, mantenendo ancora per un po` quella fortuna che gli è capitata tra le braccia. E un brivido gli scorre lungo la schiena quando sente il fiato di lei entrargli dentro la camicia. Scosta leggermente la testa dalla sua; la guarda, con gli occhi semichiusi, in completa estasi, sembrerebbe. Sorride appena e va a posare le labbra sulla fronte chiara della ex concasata. Un accenno di bacio. Leggero e timido, una prima volta si può dire.
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«Ehi…» le sussurra. «Siamo stati bravi». Che sia stata bene? Forse sì. E quanto è durato? Sicuramente più di tre canzoni; ma è certo di non averle contate. Infine, andrebbe a premere nuovamente le labbra sul nasino, forse ignaro della violazione del suo spazio vitale, forse no.
Possibilissimo che la musica sia diventato il sottofondo di qualche jukebox e che loro si siano persi il momento di stacco; quando le luci si sono rialzate e la pista s`è lentamente svuotata. Il naso a rubargli quella fragranza muschiata ancora a occhi chiusi e forse starebbe per puntellare indegnamente il mento contro la sua spalla se solo quel delicatissimo bacio sulla fronte non arrivasse a ridestarla. Il capino a sollevarsi in automatico per puntargli gli occhi azzurri addosso, appena più vitrei, sicuramente un poco turbati. Probabilmente da quell`attimo di defiance o dal fatto che sì, magari è stata bene. Un brividino divertito le fa arricciare il naso sotto le sue labbra e un grumo d`indefinite emozione rende difficile tirar fuori la voce.
«Questo perché ti ho insegnato la giusta posizione». L`appoggio su di lui a venir sfruttato ancora per poco, quanto le basta a sollevarsi sulle punte per provare a raggiungergli la guancia con un morso. Leggero, molesto, ma che dovrebbe funzionare a farli uscire dal torpore dolcemente. E` pur sempre un altro contattoquello che gli concede. «Credo di aver da dimostrare la mia gentilezza con le palle da bowling ora».
«Ci resterei per ore…» mormora più a se stesso che alla Wilson, voltandosi di scatto verso di lei. La mano sale a toccarsi quel morsetto le cui tracce sono ancora lì. Imbambolato - Duffany, davvero!?
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I: E fra chiacchiere, lanci, coccole e bacini (alle palle da bowling), è al suono emozionato ed esterrefatto del suo acutissimo «Wooooooooooooooo!» che viene sancita la sua vittoria definitiva. Scoppi di coriandoli e la scritta“Donzella WON” a campeggiare in caratteri cubitali e sparafleshanti dritti contro la dignitià rimasta di:
«Sir Duffany, valorosamente caduto in battaglia. Qui giace dopo aver dato il meglio della sua…dolcezza» .
«UHHHHHHHH, PREMIO!» davvero? Toh, un peluche le è appena stato scaraventato addosso dalla pioggia di coriandoli di cui ora è simpaticamente invasa: morbido e fluffoso, ha l`adorabile aspetto di uno zuccotto di zucca avvolto nella sua glassa arancio e ricoperto di praline di zucchero. Un passetto dopo l`altro, fino ad arrivargli sotto il naso con un balzello. «Per te».
H: Ammutolisce dinnanzi a cotanto festeggiamento, l`essere permaloso sta lottando contro la gioia di stare con lei e di vederla contenta. Inarca un sopracciglio e socchiude gli occhi, inspirando un momento. «Sono senza parole, Wilson» commenta. «Così gentile» aggiunge, mettendosi una mano sul petto con fare melodrammatico. Afferra il peluche e tenterebbe di cingerle di nuovo la vita, attirandola a sé.
«Non avevo dubbi sulla tua dolcezza» sussurra. «Ma ora andiamo in un luogo dove si vincono premi veri… Dammi la tracolla, ci smaterializzeremo ancora» le dice, allungando una mano per stringere la sua; andando a intrecciare le dita alle sue, se lei glielo permetterà.
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H: «Spero per te che non soffra di diabete…» esordirà, tenendola ancora per mano, guardando la grande vetrina colorata piena di luci e confetti al cioccolato colorati.
I: «Chi, io? Io sono fatta di zucchero» infatti lo sguardo si è già illuminato e un sorriso ha fatto capolino - deliziato - all`idea di altri dolci. E sì, poi alla fine s`è lasciata condurre per mano fino a quel negozio; un pugno di colori che le fa sgranare le iridi e dimenticare perfino la flebile volontà che aveva di andare ad adocchiare le loro mani intrecciate. Questo è altamente compromettente, lo è, non è vero?
“Tu… cosa? “Potrei aver… accidentalmente rimorchiato Harry Duffany fuori dal DNA Cafè” “Oh…” “I know”
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coupsdoeil-blog1 · 6 years
Coup d’oeil sur… La marque à l’ère du storytelling
Nous assistons depuis quelques années à une perte de confiance des consommateurs envers le discours des marques. Cette méfiance face aux marques les oblige à ré-inventer leurs manières de communiquer avec les consommateurs. L’une des solutions des marques est le storytelling.
Nous verrons dans cet article ce qu’est le storytelling, quels sont les tenants et les aboutissants de cette nouvelle méthode et nous verrons des exemples concrets de storytelling.
C’est parti pour un nouveau coup d’oeil sur l’art du storytelling !  
Le storytelling c’est quoi ?
Les histoires et les contes font partie intégrante de notre patrimoine. L’homme aime qu’on lui raconte des histoires. Aujourd’hui encore, cet intérêt reste présent. Nous consommons de plus en plus de films, de séries et de livres. Les marques ont donc compris qu’aujourd’hui, il ne suffisait plus seulement de nous vendre un produit qui “lave plus blanc que blanc” mais bel est bien une histoire.
Grâce au storytelling, les marques créent un lien émotionnel unique avec chaque consommateur qui contribue à s’intégrer à son esprit.
Dis simplement, le storytelling c’est le fait de raconter des histoires dans un but de communication.
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C’est une véritable connexion émotionnelle avec la marque, le contenu s’étend au-delà du champ du seul produit ou service. Il crée l’intérêt, l’engouement et vise à transformer les clients en ambassadeurs. Cette connexion permet également d’améliorer l’image de la marque pour ainsi la rendre plus forte.
L’imagination des personnes est également sollicitée. Les cibles doivent être dans la capacité de visualiser l’univers de la marque.
Nous parlons souvent de l’art publicitaire, par son utilisation, le storytelling en est l’un des leviers.
Renouer un lien à travers les réseaux sociaux
Pour faire contre-poid à l’UGC, les marques tentent de reprendre l’ascendant avec le storytelling.
Par leur typologie, les réseaux sociaux sont le lieu idéal pour partager ces histoires. On parle également de storytelling social.
Cette déclinaison du storytelling permet aux marques d’utiliser leurs propres plateformes de communication (Owned) pour raconter une histoire mais aussi d'interagir sans intermédiaires avec leurs consommateurs.
Les marques contrôlent alors d’autant plus le contenu qu’elles souhaitent communiquer car elles orientent le discours des consommateurs.
Outil de prédilection à l’ère du digital, les réseaux sociaux ouvrent le champs d’action des marques. Les marques peuvent alimenter à leur gré leurs réseaux et les animer selon leur éthique. Vrais outils de communication ou juste complémentaires, les plateformes sociales facilitent sensiblement aux partages des histoires et des valeurs de cette dernière.
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L’autre avantage du storytelling est qu’il va nous permettre d’attirer la sympathie de notre cible et de nouer une relation plus humaine avec elle.
Les marques « confessent » au public leurs secrets, leurs forces mais aussi qui elle sont au fond. Elles s’ouvrent littéralement aux consommateurs. Tout ça rend l’enseigne plus humaine et le spectateur apprécie la sincérité du message. Ce concept de storytelling rapproche les consommateurs de la marque.
Les marques deviennent donc de plus en plus transparentes avec les consommateurs en partageant avec eux des informations et des événements clefs de l’entreprise comme les anniversaire ou bien la mise en avant de certains collaborateurs de la marque aux travers des campagnes de communication. L’objectif est de renforcer le lien avec le consommateur pour, in fine, le rendre ambassadeur de la marque.
Coup d’oeil sur le storytelling de Nike et Monoprix. 
Après cette partie théorique, voici deux exemples de storytelling.
Dans ce spot “Dream Crazy”, nous pouvons retrouver une longue liste d’ambassadeurs de Nike dont LeBron James, Serena Williams, ou encore Megan Blunk. Chacun de ces ambassadeurs représente l’importance de croire en ses rêves. Un film narré par Colin Kaepernick qui pousse chacun à se surpasser pour atteindre ses objectifs les plus fous.
Comme nous l’avons dit plus haut, le storytelling est l’art de raconter une histoire dans un objectif de communication. Dans ce spot, Nike partage avec nous son ADN de marque, sa raison d’être et la raison pour laquelle il fait cela. Ils ne font à aucun moment la promotion d’un produit mais uniquement les valeurs de la marque, ce qui est important pour elle.
Ce spot nous véhicule un sentiment de courage, de force et l’envie de nous dépasser. En partageant ces différentes émotions, la marque créée un lien affectif puissant avec les consommateurs.
Cette histoire raconté par Nike est un exemple parfait de ce qu’est le storytelling.
Voici une vision différente de storytelling proposé par Monoprix. 
Nous avons choisis cette vidéo pour montrer une utilisation différente du storytelling afin d’améliorer les ventes de l’entreprise. Par rapport à Nike, où l’objectif était de promouvoir leur valeur, Monoprix fait la promotion d’un de ses services, la livraison à domicile.
Cette campagne est vraiment excellente car nous savons qui nous parle uniquement à la fin de la vidéo mais il se passe quelque chose qui nous donne envie de rester devant cette publicité pour savoir la fin de l’histoire.
En nous tenant en haleine avec cette histoire Monoprix, en utilisant un ton décalé et humoristique, parvient à faire la promotion de son service de livraison à domicile sans que nous nous sentons oppressés par cette pression publicitaire.
Monoprix fait un sans faute dans sa communication pour son service de livraison à domicile. Une réussite publicitaire remarquée et appréciée du grand public.
“Monoprix crée "La Pire Chanson Du Monde" pour promouvoir ses services de livraison en magasin. Chez Monoprix, nous avons une ambition : ré-enchanter le plaisir des courses ! Le plaisir de sentir les produits, de les toucher, de les essayer, de faire des découvertes uniques… C’est pour toutes ces raisons que nos clients viennent dans nos magasins Monoprix.” - Monoprix.fr
Pour conclure, 
Le storytelling est un merveilleux outil de communication permettant aux marques de transmettre un message en faisant rêver les consommateurs en racontant une histoire. Malgré la beauté de l'exercice, il ne faut pas oublier que la marque garde toujours le même objectif, vendre plus.
Malgré tout, les marques ne peuvent uniquement se contenter de nous compter une histoire pour nous faire devenir shopper. Elle doit entrer dans une situation de storyselling et gérer l’ensemble des points de contact que nous pouvons avoir avec elle pour nous faire devenir shopper.
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Notre regard s’est porté sur…
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Roof inspections takes about 30-60 mins. Roofing Services: Residential roofing, commercial roofing, roof repairs, roof replacement and emergency roof repair. We have a skilled crew that does good work for a affordable price
Think you might need roof repair? Then, you’d better fix it immediately, even if it doesn’t bother you much or you’re getting a new roof next year. Even after a a couple weeks, small leaks will lead to big problems, like mold, rotten house frame and sheathing, destroyed insulation and cracked ceilings.
If You Want to Try and Locate the Roof Leak On Your Own…Here are a Couple Tips!
Check for leaking by entering one’s attic on a rainy day and look for signs of wet spots, mildew and mold, funky smell, or rotting wood rafters.
Every one of these are the signs of a roof leak, the obvious being water spots in addition to water seeping straight through your roof. On a day it’s not raining you could get your garden hose and spray on the roof to find out if any of the water comes through the roof or ceiling.
Typical Roof Leak Repair Costs in Virginia
The table beneath reveals exactly the cost of residential roof repairs and where moisture is most frequently to be located by roofing material type:
  Big time water damage can also change the project from a simple roof repair to having to replace the roof. Another thing that can effect the cost is whether your house has skylights or chimneys.
Having them can increase the cost, as a roof repair contractor you’ll need to work around them. The cost of fixing flashing around the waterproofing can be between $200 to $500, while fixing it around the window can price between $300 and $500.
Another way to keep costs down would be by installing roof covering shingles over your existing roof instead of replacing it, but this is usually reduces its years of protection by twenty pct.
Different Types of Roofing Materials
roof shingles
asphalt roof
clay roof
metal roof
solar roof
Ready to Hire a Roof Repair Company in Fort Defiance Virginia
Before hiring any affordable roofing company, the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) proposes that you ask to see a copy of the roofer’s proof of insurance protection as well as business license.
Note: We handle all of the Fort Defiance Permits for Roof Repairs
Example: A permit to repair a roof on a 1,350-square-foot home costs between $150 and $400.
Find a reliable and licensed roofing company in Fort Defiance Virginia 24437. Any good roofing company should know about of any neighborhood building codes, which might include the kinds of asphalt shingles allowed in certain areas or policy about underlay.
Great Video: Cool Tips Tips on How to Fix a Roof
Resources: roof repair in Fort Defiance Virginia 24437 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roofer
Metal Roof Residential Fort Defiance VA
you can check here
  Search for Roofing Contractors
Find Roof Repair in Glen Wilton Virginia 24438 Find roof repair in Glen Wilton Virginia 24438. Leak in the roof? We fix roof leaks and replace roofs in Virginia. Our 100% guarantee on the quality and workmanship of our work. Call today […]
Find Roof Repair in Goshen Virginia 24439 Find roof repair in Goshen Virginia 24439. Got a roof leak? We fix roof leaks and replace roofs in Virginia. Our 100% guarantee on the quality and workmanship of our repairs. Call today […]
Find the Best Commercial Roofing in Fort Defiance VA Find commercial roofing in Fort Defiance VA. We are located in Fort Defiance Virginia that is bonded and licensed. Give us a call and we'll come by and do a FREE inspection of your roof […]
Find Affordable Roof Repair in Fort Defiance Virginia 24437 Find Affordable Roof Repair in Fort Defiance Virginia 24437. Got a roof leak? We repair roof leaks and replace roofs in Virginia. Our guarantee on the workmanship and quality of our […]
from RoofRepair360.com http://roofrepair360.com/fort-defiance-virginia-24437?
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roofrepair360 · 7 years
Find Roof Repair in Fort Defiance Virginia 24437
Find roof repair in Fort Defiance Virginia 24437. Leak in the roof? We fix roof leaks and do roof replacements in Virginia. Our 100% guarantee on the workmanship and quality of our work. Call today for a FREE roof inspection.
Roof inspections takes about 30-60 mins. Roofing Services: Residential roofing, commercial roofing, roof repairs, roof replacement and emergency roof repair. We have a skilled crew that does good work for a affordable price
Think you might need roof repair? Then, you’d better fix it immediately, even if it doesn’t bother you much or you’re getting a new roof next year. Even after a a couple weeks, small leaks will lead to big problems, like mold, rotten house frame and sheathing, destroyed insulation and cracked ceilings.
If You Want to Try and Locate the Roof Leak On Your Own…Here are a Couple Tips!
Check for leaking by entering one’s attic on a rainy day and look for signs of wet spots, mildew and mold, funky smell, or rotting wood rafters.
Every one of these are the signs of a roof leak, the obvious being water spots in addition to water seeping straight through your roof. On a day it’s not raining you could get your garden hose and spray on the roof to find out if any of the water comes through the roof or ceiling.
Typical Roof Leak Repair Costs in Virginia
The table beneath reveals exactly the cost of residential roof repairs and where moisture is most frequently to be located by roofing material type:
  Big time water damage can also change the project from a simple roof repair to having to replace the roof. Another thing that can effect the cost is whether your house has skylights or chimneys.
Having them can increase the cost, as a roof repair contractor you’ll need to work around them. The cost of fixing flashing around the waterproofing can be between $200 to $500, while fixing it around the window can price between $300 and $500.
Another way to keep costs down would be by installing roof covering shingles over your existing roof instead of replacing it, but this is usually reduces its years of protection by twenty pct.
Different Types of Roofing Materials
roof shingles
asphalt roof
clay roof
metal roof
solar roof
Ready to Hire a Roof Repair Company in Fort Defiance Virginia
Before hiring any affordable roofing company, the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) proposes that you ask to see a copy of the roofer’s proof of insurance protection as well as business license.
Note: We handle all of the Fort Defiance Permits for Roof Repairs
Example: A permit to repair a roof on a 1,350-square-foot home costs between $150 and $400.
Find a reliable and licensed roofing company in Fort Defiance Virginia 24437. Any good roofing company should know about of any neighborhood building codes, which might include the kinds of asphalt shingles allowed in certain areas or policy about underlay.
Great Video: Cool Tips Tips on How to Fix a Roof
Resources: roof repair in Fort Defiance Virginia 24437 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roofer
Metal Roof Residential Fort Defiance VA
you can check here
  Search for Roofing Contractors
Find Roof Repair in Glen Wilton Virginia 24438 Find roof repair in Glen Wilton Virginia 24438. Leak in the roof? We fix roof leaks and replace roofs in Virginia. Our 100% guarantee on the quality and workmanship of our work. Call today […]
Find Roof Repair in Goshen Virginia 24439 Find roof repair in Goshen Virginia 24439. Got a roof leak? We fix roof leaks and replace roofs in Virginia. Our 100% guarantee on the quality and workmanship of our repairs. Call today […]
Find the Best Commercial Roofing in Fort Defiance VA Find commercial roofing in Fort Defiance VA. We are located in Fort Defiance Virginia that is bonded and licensed. Give us a call and we'll come by and do a FREE inspection of your roof […]
Find Affordable Roof Repair in Fort Defiance Virginia 24437 Find Affordable Roof Repair in Fort Defiance Virginia 24437. Got a roof leak? We repair roof leaks and replace roofs in Virginia. Our guarantee on the workmanship and quality of our […]
from RoofRepair360.com http://roofrepair360.com/fort-defiance-virginia-24437?
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topmediumreaderstop · 7 years
Psychic Reading in Fort Defiance VA 24437
The following article goes into detail about psychic reading in Fort Defiance Virginia 24437. If you have been mulling over whether or not you should get a psychic reading then it might behoove you to learn about the many benefits that a free psychic reading can provide for you. Perhaps you are trying to cope with an overwhelming amount of stress. Maybe you experienced a very specific kind of trauma early in your life. Do you have a phobia or problems with anxiety? Is there a loved one who passed not too long ago and you feel remorse or regret for not repairing your relationship? Are you trying to figure out what you purpose in life is? As you can see there are a great number of questions that a person can have that might make them consider getting a free psychic reading. Some of these questions can be incredibly deep and introspective, dealing with grief or a sense of being or purpose while others could simply just attempt to address more general ponderings about life as a whole. It does not matter what kinds of questions you might have, a quality psychic reading could help you find the answers you are looking for. When you take up a free psychic reading you will be able to tap into the highly refined sensibilities of the professional psychic you are working with. They will help you to focus and concentrate on the things you want; often this is known as the power of intention. The power intention unifies your mind and body into achieving what it wants most and that is the major benefit of a psychic reading.
When you can attune your whole being to acquire that which you want most you are more apt to hear the call of the universe around you as it tries to help you. This longing could be to find spiritual answers or to simply help you find peace with a recent death in the family. There are a couple of other ways that a free psychic reading could help you. In addition to finding great realization in regards to emptiness or questions that you have, many psychics also possess the power to heal. This could come in the form of removing doubt or anxiety in your life or just giving you peace of mind. If you seek the aid of a particularly gifted and well educated psychic they might also give you advice about lifestyle changes you can make (diet and nutrition, exercise and activity, social affairs, etc.) that will help you stay focused on the things you want as well as remain on the track that will take you closer to accomplishing your goals. These are just a couple of ways that a free psychic reading can benefit you. Of course, if it is of no cost to you, then you really have nothing to lose. If you really do have some personal memory blocks are want to relieve your anxiety, this might be the perfect way for you to do so in a risk-free environment.
Originally Published Here: Psychic Reading in Fort Defiance VA 24437
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itsworn · 7 years
Entry Lists Released for U.S. Short Track Nationals at Bristol
The expected entry lists for Bristol Motor Speedway’s U.S. Short Track Nationals have been released.  To no one’s surprise the lists are massive, with over 500 drivers ready to attack the historic facility May 19-21.
The divisions involved are Super Late Models (co-sanctioned by CRA, CARS, and the Southern Super Series), Pro Late Models (sanctioned by CRA), Late Model Stocks (sanctioned by CARS), Modifieds (sanctioned by the National Short Track Racing Alliance), Street Stocks (sanctioned by CRA), and Sport Compacts (sanctioned by Vores Cup)
Just a few weeks ago Bristol requested the participating sanctioning bodies limit each division to a certain number of entrants.  The maximum number set by the Speedway are: 80 Super Late Models, 80 Pro/Crate Late Models, 60 Late Model Stocks, 80 Modifieds, 110 Street Stocks, and 110 Compacts.  The numbers have been exceeded in all but two divisions.
Bristol is now asking those who may not compete to contact their corresponding sanctioning bodies.
For more information visit www.bristolmotorspeedway.com
U.S. Short Track Nationals Entries as of 3/27/17
Super Late Models (CRA/CARS/Southern Super Series # DRIVER CITY ST 1 C Keith Cahela Boaz AL 1 J Cody Coughlin Delaware OH 1 S Derek Scott Franklin TX 1 Jake Crum Taylorsville NC 2 J Kyle Jones Germantown OH 2 L Robby Lyons Seminole FL 2 N Trevor Noles Fuquay-Varina NC 2 W Donnie Wilson Oklahoma City OK 4 A Dalton Armstrong Alexandria IN 4 M Rob Maynor Hartland WI 4 N TBA 4 P Kyle Plott Mareitta GA 4 R Cory Roper Baytown TX 4 X Ben Rowe Turner ME 5 B John Beale Verona WI 5 D Nathan Davis Dora AL 5 S Will Sahutske Northville MI 6 R Logan Runyon Cambridge OH 6 S Brandon Setzer Newton NC 7 C Tyler Church Concord NC 7 D Erik Darnell Huntersville NC 7 E Doug Elliott New Smyrna FL 7 G Weston Griffith Jr Crown Point IN 8 F Tate Fogleman Durham NC 8 N John Hunter Nemechek Mooresville NC 9 C Jeff Choquette Orange Park FL 9 T Jason Timmerman Hicksville OH 12 Harrison Burton Huntersville NC 14 D Chris Davidson Pearland TX 14 G Cale Gale Athens GA 14 O Connor Okrzesik Grand Bay AL 15 H Roy Hayes Concord NC 15 M Joey Miller Lakeville MN 16 Lucas Jones Mooresville NC 17 B Josh Brock Corbin KY 17 M Eddie McDonald Rowley MA 23 S Thomas Skiles Indianapolis IN 23 V Eddie VanMeter Indianapolis IN 26 B Bill Burba Germantown OH 26 P Bubba Pollard Senoia GA 26 S Chandler Smith Jasper GA 26 T Rick Turner Yorktown IN 26 X Travis Braden Wheeling WV 27 Gatlin Lance Morristown TN 29 D Spencer Davis Dawsonville GA 29 S Tommy St.John Indianapolis IN 30 Joshua James Saukville WI 34 Nolan Pope Harrisonville MO 35 Derek Ramstrom Worcester MA 41 B Brandon Johnson Mooresville NC 41 J Hunter Jack Auburn IN 41 L Nick Leitz Chesapeake VA 43 Dennis Schoenfeld Van Buren AR 45 Joey Mucciacciaro Wolcott CT 47 C Brian Campbell Wyoming MI 47 K Allen Karnes Sharpsburg GA 47 S Dakota Stroup Owensboro KY 49 Jeff Batten Nashville NC 51 G Noah Gragson Las Vegas NV 51 N Stephen Nasse Largo FL 51 O Brandon Oakley Dayton OH 51 R Cole Rouse Fort Smith AR 53 J Boris Jurkovic Manhattan IL 53 W Jerry White Concord NC 54 Matt Craig Kannapolis NC 55 TBA 56 Robert Ford Lake City FL 57 C John Coffman Live Oak FL 57 T Cole Timm Mooresville NC 58 A Tyler Ankrum Colton CA 58 F Jeff Firestine Venice FL 62 Cassten Everidge Hudson IN 66 B Logan Beardan Leander TX 66 W Steve Wallace Mooresville NC 71 John VanDoorn Fruitport MI 76 Bubba Wallace Forest City NC 79 Kyle Bryant Navarre FL 81 F Jared Fryar Trinity NC 81 X TBA 83 Joey Padgett Concord NC 87 Mike Mazzagatti Clinton OH 88 Garrett Jones Mooresville NC 93 Dave Russell Clarence NY 96 Blake Jones Sevierville TN 97 Chase Purdy Huntersville NC 98 K Paul Kelly Pendergrass GA 98 M Mason Mingus Nashville TN 99 H Fred Hopkins New Castle IN 99 L Raphael Lessard St-Joseph CAN 99 O Justin Oertel Lincolnshire IL 112 Augie Grill Hayden AL 158 Daniel Webster Polk City FL 354 Chris Nash Portage MI JEGS/CRA ALL STARS TOUR # DRIVER CITY ST 0 Brandon Curron McCalla AL 1 C Cody Coughlin Delaware OH 1 D Dave Duncan Cicero IN 1 L Brandon Johnson Mooresville NC 1 S Jon Beach Watervliet MI 2 John Bolen Jasper AL 4 H Matt Hall Newport MI 4 X TBA 4 Phil Bozell Portage MI 5 C Michael Clancy Jr Ortonville MI 5 H Tyler Hufford Schoolcraft MI 5 L Eric Lee Macomb MI 6 Cody Quarrick Uniontown PA 7 B Jackson Boone Franklin TN 7 C TBA 7 D Cole Daffron Pell City AL 7 P Joey Pontbriand Norway MI 7 X TBA 8 H Hope Hornish Defiance OH 8 N John Hunter Nemechek Mooresville NC 8 T Scott Tomasik Avon IN 9 Jeff Choquette Orange Park FL 11 A Dustin Ash Las Vegas NV 11 C Stacy Crain Brentwood TN 12 B Brandon Brilliant Atlanta GA 12 L Dan Leeck Birch Run MI 14 D Corey Deuser Lanesville IN 14 H Carson Hocevar Portage MI 15 C Trey Craig Louisville KY 15 J Colt James Newton NC 15 T Kevyn Terry Citra FL 17 B Josh Brock Corbin KY 17 S Keith Sterkowitz Cedar Lake IN 20 Jack Dossey Indianapolis IN 22 Jamie Cox Dorcehster ONT 23 C Mandy Chick De Soto KS 23 G Dalton Grindle Flowery Branch GA 23 K Chris Koslek Grand Rapids MI 23 V Billy Van Meter Indianapolis IN 26 A Willie Allen Centerville TN 26 B Bill Burba Germantown OH 26 X Travis Braden Wheeling WV 27 Joe Ross Kansas City MO 28 Jack Smith Clyde OH 29 D Spencer Davis Dawsonville GA 29 K Austin Kunert Batavia IL 30 Memphis Villarreal Corpus Christi TX 32 Kent Baledge Alexandria IN 33 O Dillion Oliver Bowling Green KY 33 S Carter Stokes New Smyrna FL 40 Jordan Miller Breezewood PA 43 Justin South Leeds AL 44 Steve Laking Guelph CAN 46 Cole Williams Borden IN 47 C Brian Campbell Wyoming MI 47 S Dakota Stroup Owensboro KY 48 B Dwayne Baker Stayner CAN 48 C Kent Crane Independence MO 51 F Eddie Fatscher East Northport NY 51 N TBA 51 O Brandon Oakley Dayton OH 53 Kyle Ivey Nashville TN 54 H David Hite Apopka FL 54 T Brandon Thomson Seminole FL 56 Jerry Andrews Kalamazoo MI 66 Nate Walton Hudsonville MI 67 Ben Welch Spring Lake MI 81 Bob Varney Richmond MI 83 Andy Bozell Portage MI 88 Roger Reuse Alabaster AL 89 Bobby Reuse Alabaster AL 96 Marc Jacobs London ONT 97 I Robbie Iverness Escanaba MI 97 J Jaxson Jacobs London ONT 99 Harrison Hall Circleville OH 114 Sterling Marlin Columbia TN 127 David Strode Independence MO 145 Bill Melvin Trussville AL 407 Jason Vail Clermont FL CARS TOUR LATE MODEL STOCK CARS # NAME CITY ST 2 Paul Nogradi Knoxville, TN 2 Myatt Snider Charlotte, NC 2 Cody Haskins Marietta, GA 3 Taylor Jorgenson Stockbridge, GA 4 Mike Chambers Timberlake, NC 5 Jeremy Burns Simpsonville, SC 7 Bradley McCaskill Wendell, NC 7 Justin Crider Statesville, NC 7 Brandon Rogers Canton, NC 4 A Anthony Alfredo Mooresville, NC 8 Deac McCaskill Raleigh, NC 8 Trevor Rizzo Bluffton, SC 11 Jeff Oakley Manquin, VA 12 Ryan Wilson Randleman, NC 12 Paul Wark Winston-Salem, NC 12 Austin McDaniel Harrisburg, NC 12 Ryan Gray Raleigh, NC 14 Ryan Repko Denver, NC 15 Bryson Dennis Chuckey, TN 15 Sheflon Clay Asheville, NC 16 Colby Howard Simpsonville, SC 18 Evan Swilling Cohutta, GA 18 Ty Gibbs Huntersville, NC 21 Tim Allensworth Wallace, NC 21 Travis Swaim High Point NC 23 Zachary Dabbs Mooresville, NC 24 Kevyn Terry Citra, FL 26 Joey Trent Gray, TN 27 Tommy Lemons Troy, NC 29 Jake Ruggles Kannapolis, NC 30 Taylor Coffman Bean Station TN 32 Jerry Miracle Indian Trail NC 32 Brandon Grosso Belle Mead NJ 37 Joel Courage Dublin, CA 38 Hunter Byrd Clarksville, TN 38 J Ricky Jones Angier, NC 39 Grayson Massey Dryfork, VA 42 Craig Stallard Jenkins, KY 44 Justin Johnson Troy, NC 44 M Nate Monteith Bluff City TN 57 Justin Carroll Concord, NC 66 Austin Peters Kingsport, TN 74 Ronald Hill Rougemont, NC 77 Logan Jones Fredericksburg, VA 81 Jared Fryar Trinity, NC 87 Hayden Woods Piney Flats TN 88 Chris Davis Hillsborough, NC 88 B Josh Berry Mooresville, NC 96 Danny O’Quinn Abingdon, VA 97 Dylan Garner Yorba Linda CA 97 William Lester Lexington, NC 98 Stefan Parsons Cornelius, NC 99 Layne Riggs Bahama, NC TOP SPEED MODIFIEDS # NAME CITY ST 0 Tony Dager Grabill, IN 0 R Lucas Ripley Ulrichsville, OH 1 Wayne Jefferson Pinellas Park FL 1 Bill Prietzel West Allis WI 1 B Dan Burden North Canton OH 1 W Wayne Parker Mount Dora FL 1 W Rick Wiecorek Mount Morris MI 3 Kyle Bookmiller Riverview, FL 4 Mike Hadley Jr Greenwood, IN 5 H Bobby Heyink Eaton Rapids MI 5 Al Berry Auburn, IN 5 Greg Fullarton Howell, MI 7 S Bob Sibila Massillon, OH 7 Matt Dimit Huntington, IN 8 Scotty Tomasik Avon, IN 8 Jamie Sites Tipp City OH 9 Cory Nuttle Yoder, IN 9 N RJ Norton III Indianapolis, IN 11 Brian Nester Hamilton, IN 12 Chad Poole Springfield, OH 12 J Josh Nester Edon, OH 12 N Dave Nester Edon, OH 12 X Michael Occhipinti Dearborn, MI 13 Kevyn Terry Citra, FL 13 Kyle Purvis Marion, OH 13 M Sean McPherson Riley, MI 14 Mike Maddox Tupelo, MS 14 Tim Burkett Hamilton, IN 15 Scott Jones Marysville, OH 16 Bill Melvin Trussville, AL 16 Stephen Klinect West Salem OH 17 Chris Cotto Milton, FL 19 Andy Shutts Orient, OH 21 Ross Klingelhofer Quincy, OH 24 Buddy Gray Petoskey, MI 26 Jeff Lane Knightstown, IN 28 Dameron Taylor Indianapolis, IN 30 Y Brad Yunker Swanton, OH 30 Jonathan Martin Fort Wayne IN 31 Parker Pugh Madison, AL 31 L Chad Lemmerman Streetsboro, OH 31 Doug Meyer North Canton OH 32 D Danny McGowan Huntington, WV 33 Jason Morman Seabrook, TX 33 Jeremy Menninger Pataskala, OH 35 Evan Foster Clarkston, MI 36 Darrin Bowman Ambia, IN 39 Dave Christensen Clio, MI 40 Chris Stark Lewiston, MI 43 Billy Marcoux Goulais River Canada 44 Robert Babb Chesapeake, VA 45 Todd Gearhart Montpelier, OH 46 Doug Moff Fort Myers FL 51 Ryan Tamburro Worthington, OH 53 David Dobbins Hartville, OH 53 Z Eldon Zacek Jr Concord, NC 54 Clayton Green Marble Falls TX 57 Tim Moore Pinellas Park FL 57 N Tyler Nuckles Groveport, OH 57 Blake Rowe Ortonville, MI 58 Dan LaRocco Strongsville, OH 60 Brian Brewer Galena, OH 60 Bobby Gery Carrollton, VA 60 Sam Bigham New Franklin OH 61 Tyler Shullick Vermillion, OH 68 Stu Robinson Jr Beaverton, Canada 70 Mark Bott Port Austin MI 71 William Skaggs North Fort Myers FL 71 Johnny Brazier Hazel Green AL 71 Brett Hahne Brighton, MI 72 Gary Zink Jr Orient, OH 76 Mark Timmerman Fort Laramie OH 77 Hunter Slayton Richmond, VA 77 Kevin Doran Lebanon, OH 78 Travis Eddy Beaverton, MI 82 John Hansel Columbus, OH 82 Rick Sibila Mineral City, 84 Bubba Brooks Kalamazoo, MI 86 John Long Niles, MI 88 Travis Stepp Star City IN 88 E Ethan Mullet Hilliard, OH 93 Doug 1 Dowagiac, MI 95 Dave Stacy Enron, OH 111 George Perkins Fort Wayne IN 131 Jeff Letson Madison, AL 141 Rocky Rogers Jasper, AL TBA Mike Rush Powell, OH X Damon Breedlove Greenfield, IN CRA STREET STOCKS  # DRIVER CITY ST 00 B Bruce Burch Greenbrier TN 00 G Cliff Gaumond Midland NC 00 H Brett Hudson Owensboro KY 00 W Gordon Watson Tipp City OH 0 Ricky Young Beavercreek OH 1 D Brandon Tregembo Ray MI 1 W Jamie Whitt Wise VA 1 Jerry Zordan Bangor MI 2 B Jim Boyle East Windsor CT 2 F Bill Fisbie Jr. West Danby NY 2 S Paul Schloss Palm Coast FL 2 Mark Ross Jr Highland IN 3 M Jacob McElfresh Elwood IN 3 P Jeremy Pletz Dowagiac ME 03 E Kevin Eby Lenoir NC 03 S Ricky Stamber Bowling Green KY 03 W Matt Wilson Richfield OH 4 H John Heck Indianapolis IN 4 P Clynis Phillips Clintwood VA 4 X Matt Maurer Granger IN 5 B Chuck Barnes Sr Louisville KY 7 P Ryan Paul Richmond VA 6 HA Chris Harmon Brooks KY 6 HI Blake Hillard Owensboro KY 6 M Jeff Melton Concord NC 6 S Bryce Schaefer Niles MI 7 Jerry Lewis Waynetown IN 8 Brian McDonald Louisville KY 9 Jake Hinton Markle IN 10 B Dan Banker Des Moines IA 10 S Tom Stone Linden MI 11 Jimmy Kirby Indianapolis IN 14 H Aaron Abbott Reynolds Station KY 14 W Quentin White Greenwood IN 16 C T. J. Cochrane Buffalo NY 16 G Heath Helton Philpot KY 16 W Zach Westdorp Kalamazoo MI 16 Z Brandon Zachary Paw Paw MI 17 B James Brown Elkhart IN 17 PL Tim Pletz Sodus MI 17 PO David Powell Greenville IN 17 SC Bobby Schisler Cromwell IN 17 SH Stephen Shelpman Pittsburgh PA 18 Steve Bickett Whitesville KY 21 C Denver Carte Barberton OH 21 L Jeff Lane Knightstown IN 22 CR Skeeter Crum Jeffersonville IN 22 CU John Curtis Christiansburg VA 22 K James Kirby Indianapolis IN 22 L Brian Lewis Fairland IN 23 G Kenny Gibson Venice FL 23 I Larry Isenhower Greensboro NC 24 D Dennis Deese Piney Flats TN 24 W Jeremie Wiggins Elyria OH 25 B Louis Botti Irwin PA 25 C Jesse Collinge Swartz Creek MI 25 L Tory Lutz Wakarusa IN 25 R Kyle Ribble Delton MI 25 S Steven Schultz Drums PA 25 T Christopher Titcomb Amesbury MA 26 B Jeff Berg Louisville KY 26 H Jordan Hahn Wanamaker IN 27 Josh Poore Anderson IN 28 A Shawn Amor Walkerton IN 28 P Clark Perry Amherstdale WV 28 SH Jeffrey Shackelford Indianapolis IN 28 SI Dayton Sidner Pensacola FL 28 V Josh Varney Leeds ME 29 F Donny Fink Orlando FL 29 K Mason Keller Indianapolis IN 29 S Ken Schraufnagel Slinger WI 29 T Mike Todd Pleasant Hill IA 32 B David Bayens Borden IN 32 L Rich Lavallee Dixon CA 32 S Greg Schramm Wellington OH 33 Kimmie Greig Indianapolis IN 35 Bill Ashton Hopwood PA 36 Corey Hutchings Salem CT 39 Christopher Douton Waterford CT 40 G Rodney Glass Belhaven NC 40 M Toby Montgomery Vicksburg MI 40 P Royce Peters Kingsport TN 42 PE Curtis Peeples Round-o SC 42 PR Nick Pressler Buchanan MI 43 Douglas Post Radcliff KY 44 B Chuck Barnes Jr Louisville KY 44 H Scott Holbert Louisville KY 44 L Colby Lane New Castle IN 48 Eric Brown Springville NY 52 B Duke Bare Meadowview VA 52 S Bob Sibila Jr Independence OH 54 C Tony Conway Louisville KY 54 G Nathan Greene Muncie IN 55 J Phil Jenkins Greenfield IN 55 S Lee Slaton Constantine MI 56 Mike Short Auburn ME 57 Danny Adams Indianapolis IN 58 Larry Lathan Bedford KY 59 Corey Adams Indianapolis IN 64 Joe Mancuso Buffalo NY 65 Billy Williams Bowling Green KY 68 A Scott Adams Lake Ariel PA 68 S J.J. Schafer Bremen IN 68 V Trenten Vogts Churubusco IN 70 G Jeremy Gerstner Wesley Chapel FL 70 L Bob Lusetti Broadview Heights OH 71 Wayne Abner Heidrick KY 72A Bradley Abner Heidrick KY 72K Mike Abner Heidrick KY 72N TBA 74 BA Austin Baum Shepherdsville KY 74 BR Josh Brading New Albany IN 74 D Todd Duff Kingsport TN 75 K Mark Kalata Almond WI 75 W Ryan Waterman Danielson CT 76 Benny Bender Mobile AL 77 D Jason Drummond Gibsonburg OH 77 G Eric Greer Utica KY 78 F Robert Fink Sheatown PA 78 H Joe Holp Uniontown PA 79 Heath Bronkema Kalamazoo MI 83 Brandon Mefford Spiceland IN 84 Andrew Teepe Indianapolis IN 86 S Shawn Smith Louisville KY 86 W Geoff Wood Whittemore MI 88 Jeff Johnson Indianapolis IN 89 Josh Sage Piqua OH 90 Joe Quinn North Royalton OH 91 Rich Segvich Frankfort IN 95 Brian Hopkins New Castle IN 96 Donnie Woodard Charlestown IN 98 Jeff Caudell Scottsburg IN 99 Brian Bayer Birdseye IN 112 Mark Lushes Uniontown OH 131 Ron Ritcher Akron NY 311 Keith Bissinger Bloomsburg PA 333 Jonathan Ziegler Lafayette IN VORE’S COMPACTS # NAME CITY ST 0 Tom Gossar Markleville IN 0 Kamden Creek Anderson IN 1 A Mike Richardson Valparaiso IN 1 CT Chuck McDonald Groton CT 1 X Mark Mason Ft. Wayne IN 1 David Mehl Fairland IN 2 Brad Chandler Cedar Rapids IA 4 D Jamie Drook Maineville OH 4 Terry Eaton Jr Quincy OH 5 B Brett Duane Smith Richmond IN 5 JT Jesse Henry Jones IV Newport News VA 5 Lynn Waller Richland NC 6 H Billy Hillard Owensboro KY 6 Chris Jennings Richmond IN 7 P Paul Bittle South Bend IN 7 C Ron Masters Machanicsburg OH 7 Don Rufener III Uhrichsville OH 7 Steve Vore Ft. Recovery OH 8 Joe Jennings Richmond IN 9 T Nicholas Meade West Carrrolton OH 9 X Josh Richardson Ft. Wayne IN 9 Steve Vore Ft. Recovery OH 9 Wesley Ennis The Plains OH 10 Jake Albright Dover OH 11 Zachary Smizer Stafford VA 12 N Charlie Nickel Chili WI 12 James Scott Pierson Ona WV 13 Mark Jennings Centerville IN 14 Joseph Jennings Centerville IN 15 Andy Jennings Richmond IN 16 Michael Brewer Fairborn OH 17 Bill Honious Miamisburg OH 18 D Derek Davis South Bend IN 18 Gary Eaton Jr West Liberty OH 19 H John Handeland Belleville WI 19 RI Dylan Cabral Richmond RI 19 Joe Workman Milton WV 20 John Denny Erie PA 21 David Gilliland Harrison TN 22 Kevin Broski Cleveland OH 24 T Aaron Teegarden New Weston OH 24 Nicole DeVos Allendale MI 24 Cole Roelofs Dove MI 25 A Christopher Brown Cottontown TN 25 B Ben Belanger Whitefield NH 25 Tim Durfy Lockport NY 27 I Dan Irvine Valparaiso IN 27 Bo Hoelscher Riverside OH 28 BJ Honious Dayton OH 29 Josh Easto Cedar Lake IN 31 X John Isaac Davis Cookeville TN 31 JR Vester Muncie IN 33 X Thomas Kapish Mountain Top PA 33 Justin Brown Boggstown IN 35 Gary Stark Jr Ft Atkinson WI 37 Darek Morris New Castle IN 38 X Ryan Spillers Ft Wayne IN 39 Kelly Lilie Port Clinton OH 42 Johney Greer III Indianapolis IN 44 X Josh Brown Cottontown TN 44 Brooks Horseman Lebanon OH 46 Andy Manes Indianapolis IN 47 Kory Appleby Greenwood IN 49 B Derick Bradshaw Mount Washington KY 49 TBA/Hoffman Demotte IN 50 Craig Frase New Lenox IL 51 G Christopher Gammon Portland TN 51 Keith Watson Salt Rock WV 53 D Tim Dilg Cincinnati OH 53 Jr Lemasters Indianapolis IN 54 JT John Trimble Scott Depot WV 54 Chip Heintzelman Ft. Wayne IN 55 Kyle Byrd Greenfield IN 56 Sean Frederick Goodlettsville TN 57 Ricky Wilson Frankfort IL 58 Johnathan Waldrop Chesterfield VA 59 Kodi Bater Landis NC 61 Matthew Jackson New Carlisle OH 62 Mike Sabina Ft Wayne IN 63 Larry Hatfield Indianapolis IN 64 Derek Smith Clarksville IN 67 Rob Rehm Indianapolis IN 69 X Jeff Isbell Lebanon OH 69 Jeff Striegel Lanesville IN 70 Levi Hill Dayton OH 71 Trent Gossar Markleville IN 72 Bobby Sanders McCordsville IN 78 Michael Hughart Saint Albans WV 79 Todd Metz Jr Charlotte MI 81 Dalton Cox Versailles KY 82 Harvey Yoder Kenton OH 85 Phil Iliff Portland IN 87 Scott Kerley Elizabethton TN 88 X Steven Brock Elizabeth IN 88 Joshua Foltz Medway OH 91 Cameron Cruise Bradenton FL 92 TBA/Hoffman Demotte IN 93 Tim Cassidy Wayne WV 95 A Daniel Harper Portland TN 95 David Yoder Kenton OH 96 Jim Granzow Hobbart IN 97 M Matthew Morris Louisville KY 99 M Travis Lea Miller Jacksonville NC 99 Chris Clark New Haven IN 111 Devon Dixon Janesville WI 117 Ryan Hoffman Demotte IN 119 Brandon De Lacy Stunghton WI 126 Harry O’Neill Wapwallopen PA 133 Jess Drook Maineville OH 151 John Hunn Rolla MO 181 Daniel Herron Newcomerstown OH 192 Kyle Stark Marshall WI 223 Greg Garrison Bloomington IN 410 Steven Tito Drums PA
    The post Entry Lists Released for U.S. Short Track Nationals at Bristol appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network http://www.hotrod.com/articles/entry-lists-released-u-s-short-track-nationals-bristol/ via IFTTT
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topmediumreaderspro · 7 years
Psychic Medium in Fort Defiance VA 24437
The following article goes into detail about psychic medium in Fort Defiance Virginia 24437 A medium can either be natural born or develop later in life, though they will already possess medium skills which they just haven't recognised yet. It is the view of many life long spiritualists that the days of old were more productive in terms of the natural abilities and volumes of those having these abilities. The Victorian era saw mediumship as being highly fashionable with seances and parlour tricks providing entertainment for the curious, whilst being underpinned by the realisation of the power and greatness of mediumship itself when pure evidential readings left the sitter in no doubts as to its validity. Materialisations, levitation and apports were regular events and the great late Daniel Douglas Home was one Scottish medium who did these things. An astonished and varied gathering of well to do towns folk and journalists witnessed him float up into the air and they also saw a human arm materialise in front of them which was firm to the touch and seemingly unattached to anything. Daniel was quoted as being the most gifted medium, and sought to avoid contact with other spiritualists stating they could teach him nothing. He remains an enigma for many who merely thought mediumship was an illusion or trick. During the scandal, Home was apparently at his best when it came to producing incredible phenomena. In December 1868, his most famous feat took place at the home of Lord Adare. During the evening, Home reportedly went into a trance and floated out the window of the third floor, then floated back in another window - all before the eyes of a number of stunned witnesses. The event occurred in front of three irreproachable members of London's high society, Lord Adare, his cousin Captain Charles Wynne and the Master of Lindsay. There is no doubt the world lost an astonishing man when Daniel passed to the higher life.
In the early 1900s many natural born mediums were encouraged to develop and many young child mediums took to the stage to demonstrate their skills. These skills were developed by what is know as sitting in circle. Circle development covers a group of people sitting to develop their clairvoyant or psychic abilities. The aim is to help everyone learn to connect to spirit in their own way and usually in a variety of different ways. Workshops in general can cover traditional clairvoyance, psychic art, clairvoyance with music, ribbon and colour clairvoyance, psychic drawing, sand reading, flower reading, tarot reading and much more, all under the gentle guidance of a variety of well qualified mediums and psychics. Mediumship development needs 2 very important ingredients, one is a person with a good heart, compassion for fellow man and all things living and the aptitude to develop either potential or those already gifted & active, and the other are good spiritual medium teachers, it is a discipline that required intense study for the best possible results. Whatever phrases we use to describe clairvoyant and psychic abilities, first and foremost it is the spiritualist way of life and all that it encompasses that should always be at the fore. Some may feel that spiritualism is a religion, i feel it is more a way of life.
Sarah Saxon works in the psychic and metaphysical industry and offers services Worldwide to advance spiritualism & world awareness, articles are unbiased and fact based.
Post Source Here: Psychic Medium in Fort Defiance VA 24437
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Find Roof Repair in Fairfield Virginia 24435
Find roof repair in Fairfield Virginia 24435. Leaking roof? We repair roof leaks and replace roofs in Virginia. Our guarantee on the quality and workmanship of our repairs. Call today for a FREE inspection.
Only takes about 30-60 mins to for a roof inspection. Roofing Services: Residential roofing, commercial roofing, roof repairs, roof replacement and emergency roof repair. We have a skilled crew that does good workmanship for a affordable price
Think you might need roof repair? Then, you’d better fix it immediately, even if it doesn’t bother you much or you’re getting a brand new roof next year. Even after a a couple weeks, small leaks will lead to big problems, such as mold, rotten framing and sheathing, destroyed insulation and cracked ceilings.
If You Want to Attempt and Find the Roof Leak On Your Own…Some Tips!
First place to look for leaks is by going into one’s attic one day during the weekend and look for signs of moisture content, mildew and mold, scent, or deterioration of the wood rafters.
Every one of these are the indications of a problem, the obvious being water spots and water leaking from a break in your roof. If it’s not raining, also you can run your hose across your roof to see if water comes through the roof or ceiling.
Typical Costs of Roof Replacement Services in Virginia
The table below shows the cost of roof repairs and where wet spots is most frequently to be located by roofing material type:
  Major water damage can also change the job from a roof repair to having to replace the roof. One other factor that can have an effect on the cost is whether your roof has chimneys or skylights.
That can raise the cost, as a roof repair contractor you will need to work around them. The price of fixing flashing around the waterproofing can vary from $200 to $500, while fixing it around the window can average anywhere between $300 and $500.
Another way to keep costs down would be by installing roof covering shingles on top of an existing roof instead of replacing it, but this is usually minimizes its life of protection by 20%.
Various of Roof Materials
roof shingles
asphalt roof
clay roof
metal roof
solar roof
Ready to Hire a Roof Repair Company in Fairfield Virginia
Let’s start from the beginning before hiring any affordable roofing company, the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) suggests that you ask to see a copy of the roofer’s proof of insurance protection as well as business license.
Note: We handle all of the Fairfield Permits for Roof Repairs
Example: A permit to fix a rooftop on a 1,350-square-foot house costs runs between $150 and $400.
Find a reliable and licensed roofing company in Fairfield Virginia 24435. Any good roofing company should also be aware of any neighborhood building codes, that could include the different types of roofing shingles allowable in certain areas or policy about underlay.
Great Youtube video: Suggested Tips on How to Repair a Roof
Resources: roof repair in Fairfield Virginia 24435 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roofer
Roof Replacement Contractors Fairfield VA
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  Search for Roofing Contractors
Find Roof Repair in Fort Defiance Virginia 24437 Find roof repair in Fort Defiance Virginia 24437. Leak in the roof? We fix roof leaks and do roof replacements in Virginia. Our 100% guarantee on the workmanship and quality of our work. […]
Find Roof Repair in Goshen Virginia 24439 Find roof repair in Goshen Virginia 24439. Got a roof leak? We fix roof leaks and replace roofs in Virginia. Our 100% guarantee on the quality and workmanship of our repairs. Call today […]
Find Roof Repair in Glen Wilton Virginia 24438 Find roof repair in Glen Wilton Virginia 24438. Leak in the roof? We fix roof leaks and replace roofs in Virginia. Our 100% guarantee on the quality and workmanship of our work. Call today […]
Find Roof Replacement Service in Fairfield Virginia 24435 Find Roof Replacement Service in Fairfield Virginia 24435. Leak in the roof? We fix roof leaks and do roof replacements in Virginia. Our guarantee on the workmanship and quality of our […]
from RoofRepair360.com http://roofrepair360.com/fairfield-virginia-24435?
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Find Roof Repair in Doe Hill Virginia 24433
Find roof repair in Doe Hill Virginia 24433. Leaking roof? We fix roof leaks and replace roofs in Virginia. Our guarantee on the workmanship and quality of our repairs. Call today for a FREE roof inspection.
Only takes about 30-60 mins to for a roof inspection. Roofing Services: Residential roofing, commercial roofing, roof repairs, roof replacement and emergency roof repair. We have a skilled crew that does good work for a good price
If you have a roof leak, you’d better fix it immediately, even if it doesn’t bother you much or you’re buying a brand new roof next year. Even after a short time, little leaks will lead to big leaks, like mold, rotten framing and sheathing, molded insulation and cracked ceilings.
If You Want to Attempt and Find the Roof Leak On Your Own…Here are a Couple Tips!
Check for leaking by going into your attic one day during the weekend and in search of warning signs of wet spots, mold and mildew, funky smell, or rotting wood rafters.
These are tell tale indications of a leaky roof, the most apparent thing is water spots in addition to water seeping from a break in your roof. If it’s not raining, also you can get your garden hose and spray on the roof to see if any of the water comes through the ceiling or roof.
Typical Cost of Roof Replacement in Virginia
The table below reveals exactly the cost of leaky roof repairs and where moisture is most frequently to be found by roofing material type:
  Big time water damage can cause a roof problem to change the job from a roof repair to having to replace the roof. Another thing that can have an effect on the cost is whether your roof has skylights or chimneys.
That can increase the price of the undertaking, as a roof repair contractor you’ll need to work around them. The price of repairing flashing around the waterproofing can be between $200 to $500, while the area around the window can average anywhere between $300 and $500.
Another way to keep costs down would be by installing roof covering shingles over an existing roof rather than replacing it, but this is usually reduces its years of protection by twenty percent.
Types of Roof Materials
roof shingles
asphalt roof
clay roof
metal roof
solar roof
Ready to Hire a Roof Repair Company in Doe Hill Virginia
Before doing business with any affordable roofing company, the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) suggests that you ask to see a copy of the roofer’s proof of insurance protection as well as business license.
Note: We handle all of the Doe Hill VA Permits for Roof Repairs
Example: A permit to fix a rooftop on a 1,350-square-foot home costs between $150 and $400.
Find a reliable and licensed roofing company in Doe Hill Virginia 24433. Any good roofing company should know about of any neighborhood building codes, which might include the kinds of roofing shingles allowable in a particular area or policy about underlay.
Good Youtube video: Best Tips Tips on How to Repair Your Home’s Roof
Resources: roof repair in Doe Hill Virginia 24433 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roofer
Roofing Companies Doe Hill Virginia Roofing Companies Doe Hill VA
have a peek at this web-site
  Search for Roofing Contractors
Find Roof Repair in Fairfield Virginia 24435 Find roof repair in Fairfield Virginia 24435. Leaking roof? We repair roof leaks and replace roofs in Virginia. Our guarantee on the quality and workmanship of our repairs. Call today for […]
Find Roof Repair in Goshen Virginia 24439 Find roof repair in Goshen Virginia 24439. Got a roof leak? We fix roof leaks and replace roofs in Virginia. Our 100% guarantee on the quality and workmanship of our repairs. Call today […]
Find Roof Repair in Glen Wilton Virginia 24438 Find roof repair in Glen Wilton Virginia 24438. Leak in the roof? We fix roof leaks and replace roofs in Virginia. Our 100% guarantee on the quality and workmanship of our work. Call today […]
Find Roof Repair in Fort Defiance Virginia 24437 Find roof repair in Fort Defiance Virginia 24437. Leak in the roof? We fix roof leaks and do roof replacements in Virginia. Our 100% guarantee on the workmanship and quality of our work. […]
from RoofRepair360.com http://roofrepair360.com/doe-hill-virginia-24433?
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Find Roof Repair in Deerfield Virginia 24432
Find roof repair in Deerfield Virginia 24432. Got a roof leak? We repair roof leaks and replace roofs in Virginia. Our 100% guarantee on the quality and workmanship of our repairs. Call for a FREE inspection.
Roof inspections takes about 30-60 mins. Roofing Services: Residential roofing, commercial roofing, roof repairs, roof replacement and emergency roof repair. We have a skilled crew that does good work for a good price
If you have a roof leak, you’d better fix it immediately, even if it doesn’t bother you much or you’re getting a new roof next year. Even over a short time, little roof leaks will lead to big problems, such as mold, rotten framing and sheathing, destroyed insulation and cracked ceilings.
If You Want to Try and Locate the Leak On Your Own…Here are a Couple Tips!
Check for leaking by entering your attic on a rainy day and look for signs of moisture content, mold and mildew, scent, or rotting wood rafters.
These are tell tale signs of a leaky roof, the obvious being standing puddles in addition to water seeping from a break in your roof. On a day it’s not raining you can get your garden hose and spray on the roof to find out if any of the water comes through the roof or ceiling.
Typical Cost of Roof Replacement in Virginia
The table beneath shows the cost of residential roof repairs and where wet spots is usually found by type of roofing material:
  Big time water damage can also change the job from a roof repair to a roof replacement. One other factor that can effect the price is whether your house has chimneys or skylights.
Having them can increase the cost, as a roof repair company you’ll need to work around them. The price of repairing flashing around the waterproofing can be between $200 to $500, while fixing it around the window can price between $300 and $500.
Another way to keep the price of repairs down would be by installing roof covering shingles on top of your present roof top rather than replacing it, but this is usually reduces its life of protection by twenty percent.
Various of Roof Materials
roof shingles
asphalt roof
clay roof
metal roof
solar roof
Ready to Hire a Roof Repair Company in Deerfield Virginia
Let’s start from the beginning before doing business with any affordable roofing company, the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) proposes that you ask to see a copy of the roofer’s proof of insurance protection as well as business license.
Note: We handle all of the Deerfield VA Permits for Roof Repairs
Example: A permit to fix a rooftop on a 1,350-square-foot home costs between $150 and $400.
Find a reliable and licensed roofing company in Deerfield Virginia 24432. Any good roofing company should know about of any neighborhood building codes, which might include the kinds of roofing shingles allowable in certain areas or policy about underlay.
Do-It-Yourself Video: Suggested Tips on How to Repair a Roof
Resources: roof repair in Deerfield Virginia 24432 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roofer
Best Roofing Contractors Deerfield Virginia
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Find Roof Repair in Doe Hill Virginia 24433 Find roof repair in Doe Hill Virginia 24433. Leaking roof? We fix roof leaks and replace roofs in Virginia. Our guarantee on the workmanship and quality of our repairs. Call today for a […]
Find Roof Repair in Fairfield Virginia 24435 Find roof repair in Fairfield Virginia 24435. Leaking roof? We repair roof leaks and replace roofs in Virginia. Our guarantee on the quality and workmanship of our repairs. Call today for […]
Find Roof Repair in Goshen Virginia 24439 Find roof repair in Goshen Virginia 24439. Got a roof leak? We fix roof leaks and replace roofs in Virginia. Our 100% guarantee on the quality and workmanship of our repairs. Call today […]
Find Roof Repair in Fort Defiance Virginia 24437 Find roof repair in Fort Defiance Virginia 24437. Leak in the roof? We fix roof leaks and do roof replacements in Virginia. Our 100% guarantee on the workmanship and quality of our work. […]
from RoofRepair360.com http://roofrepair360.com/deerfield-virginia-24432?
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roofrepair360 · 7 years
Find Roof Repair in Deerfield Virginia 24432
Find roof repair in Deerfield Virginia 24432. Got a roof leak? We repair roof leaks and replace roofs in Virginia. Our 100% guarantee on the quality and workmanship of our repairs. Call for a FREE inspection.
Roof inspections takes about 30-60 mins. Roofing Services: Residential roofing, commercial roofing, roof repairs, roof replacement and emergency roof repair. We have a skilled crew that does good work for a good price
If you have a roof leak, you’d better fix it immediately, even if it doesn’t bother you much or you’re getting a new roof next year. Even over a short time, little roof leaks will lead to big problems, such as mold, rotten framing and sheathing, destroyed insulation and cracked ceilings.
If You Want to Try and Locate the Leak On Your Own…Here are a Couple Tips!
Check for leaking by entering your attic on a rainy day and look for signs of moisture content, mold and mildew, scent, or rotting wood rafters.
These are tell tale signs of a leaky roof, the obvious being standing puddles in addition to water seeping from a break in your roof. On a day it’s not raining you can get your garden hose and spray on the roof to find out if any of the water comes through the roof or ceiling.
Typical Cost of Roof Replacement in Virginia
The table beneath shows the cost of residential roof repairs and where wet spots is usually found by type of roofing material:
  Big time water damage can also change the job from a roof repair to a roof replacement. One other factor that can effect the price is whether your house has chimneys or skylights.
Having them can increase the cost, as a roof repair company you’ll need to work around them. The price of repairing flashing around the waterproofing can be between $200 to $500, while fixing it around the window can price between $300 and $500.
Another way to keep the price of repairs down would be by installing roof covering shingles on top of your present roof top rather than replacing it, but this is usually reduces its life of protection by twenty percent.
Various of Roof Materials
roof shingles
asphalt roof
clay roof
metal roof
solar roof
Ready to Hire a Roof Repair Company in Deerfield Virginia
Let’s start from the beginning before doing business with any affordable roofing company, the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) proposes that you ask to see a copy of the roofer’s proof of insurance protection as well as business license.
Note: We handle all of the Deerfield VA Permits for Roof Repairs
Example: A permit to fix a rooftop on a 1,350-square-foot home costs between $150 and $400.
Find a reliable and licensed roofing company in Deerfield Virginia 24432. Any good roofing company should know about of any neighborhood building codes, which might include the kinds of roofing shingles allowable in certain areas or policy about underlay.
Do-It-Yourself Video: Suggested Tips on How to Repair a Roof
Resources: roof repair in Deerfield Virginia 24432 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roofer
Best Roofing Contractors Deerfield Virginia
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Find Roof Repair in Doe Hill Virginia 24433 Find roof repair in Doe Hill Virginia 24433. Leaking roof? We fix roof leaks and replace roofs in Virginia. Our guarantee on the workmanship and quality of our repairs. Call today for a […]
Find Roof Repair in Fairfield Virginia 24435 Find roof repair in Fairfield Virginia 24435. Leaking roof? We repair roof leaks and replace roofs in Virginia. Our guarantee on the quality and workmanship of our repairs. Call today for […]
Find Roof Repair in Goshen Virginia 24439 Find roof repair in Goshen Virginia 24439. Got a roof leak? We fix roof leaks and replace roofs in Virginia. Our 100% guarantee on the quality and workmanship of our repairs. Call today […]
Find Roof Repair in Fort Defiance Virginia 24437 Find roof repair in Fort Defiance Virginia 24437. Leak in the roof? We fix roof leaks and do roof replacements in Virginia. Our 100% guarantee on the workmanship and quality of our work. […]
from RoofRepair360.com http://roofrepair360.com/deerfield-virginia-24432?
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roofrepair360 · 7 years
Find Roof Repair in Doe Hill Virginia 24433
Find roof repair in Doe Hill Virginia 24433. Leaking roof? We fix roof leaks and replace roofs in Virginia. Our guarantee on the workmanship and quality of our repairs. Call today for a FREE roof inspection.
Only takes about 30-60 mins to for a roof inspection. Roofing Services: Residential roofing, commercial roofing, roof repairs, roof replacement and emergency roof repair. We have a skilled crew that does good work for a good price
If you have a roof leak, you’d better fix it immediately, even if it doesn’t bother you much or you’re buying a brand new roof next year. Even after a short time, little leaks will lead to big leaks, like mold, rotten framing and sheathing, molded insulation and cracked ceilings.
If You Want to Attempt and Find the Roof Leak On Your Own…Here are a Couple Tips!
Check for leaking by going into your attic one day during the weekend and in search of warning signs of wet spots, mold and mildew, funky smell, or rotting wood rafters.
These are tell tale indications of a leaky roof, the most apparent thing is water spots in addition to water seeping from a break in your roof. If it’s not raining, also you can get your garden hose and spray on the roof to see if any of the water comes through the ceiling or roof.
Typical Cost of Roof Replacement in Virginia
The table below reveals exactly the cost of leaky roof repairs and where moisture is most frequently to be found by roofing material type:
  Big time water damage can cause a roof problem to change the job from a roof repair to having to replace the roof. Another thing that can have an effect on the cost is whether your roof has skylights or chimneys.
That can increase the price of the undertaking, as a roof repair contractor you’ll need to work around them. The price of repairing flashing around the waterproofing can be between $200 to $500, while the area around the window can average anywhere between $300 and $500.
Another way to keep costs down would be by installing roof covering shingles over an existing roof rather than replacing it, but this is usually reduces its years of protection by twenty percent.
Types of Roof Materials
roof shingles
asphalt roof
clay roof
metal roof
solar roof
Ready to Hire a Roof Repair Company in Doe Hill Virginia
Before doing business with any affordable roofing company, the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) suggests that you ask to see a copy of the roofer’s proof of insurance protection as well as business license.
Note: We handle all of the Doe Hill VA Permits for Roof Repairs
Example: A permit to fix a rooftop on a 1,350-square-foot home costs between $150 and $400.
Find a reliable and licensed roofing company in Doe Hill Virginia 24433. Any good roofing company should know about of any neighborhood building codes, which might include the kinds of roofing shingles allowable in a particular area or policy about underlay.
Good Youtube video: Best Tips Tips on How to Repair Your Home’s Roof
Resources: roof repair in Doe Hill Virginia 24433 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roofer
Roofing Companies Doe Hill Virginia Roofing Companies Doe Hill VA
have a peek at this web-site
  Search for Roofing Contractors
Find Roof Repair in Fairfield Virginia 24435 Find roof repair in Fairfield Virginia 24435. Leaking roof? We repair roof leaks and replace roofs in Virginia. Our guarantee on the quality and workmanship of our repairs. Call today for […]
Find Roof Repair in Goshen Virginia 24439 Find roof repair in Goshen Virginia 24439. Got a roof leak? We fix roof leaks and replace roofs in Virginia. Our 100% guarantee on the quality and workmanship of our repairs. Call today […]
Find Roof Repair in Glen Wilton Virginia 24438 Find roof repair in Glen Wilton Virginia 24438. Leak in the roof? We fix roof leaks and replace roofs in Virginia. Our 100% guarantee on the quality and workmanship of our work. Call today […]
Find Roof Repair in Fort Defiance Virginia 24437 Find roof repair in Fort Defiance Virginia 24437. Leak in the roof? We fix roof leaks and do roof replacements in Virginia. Our 100% guarantee on the workmanship and quality of our work. […]
from RoofRepair360.com http://roofrepair360.com/doe-hill-virginia-24433?
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roofrepair360 · 7 years
Find Roof Repair in Fairfield Virginia 24435
Find roof repair in Fairfield Virginia 24435. Leaking roof? We repair roof leaks and replace roofs in Virginia. Our guarantee on the quality and workmanship of our repairs. Call today for a FREE inspection.
Only takes about 30-60 mins to for a roof inspection. Roofing Services: Residential roofing, commercial roofing, roof repairs, roof replacement and emergency roof repair. We have a skilled crew that does good workmanship for a affordable price
Think you might need roof repair? Then, you’d better fix it immediately, even if it doesn’t bother you much or you���re getting a brand new roof next year. Even after a a couple weeks, small leaks will lead to big problems, such as mold, rotten framing and sheathing, destroyed insulation and cracked ceilings.
If You Want to Attempt and Find the Roof Leak On Your Own…Some Tips!
First place to look for leaks is by going into one’s attic one day during the weekend and look for signs of moisture content, mildew and mold, scent, or deterioration of the wood rafters.
Every one of these are the indications of a problem, the obvious being water spots and water leaking from a break in your roof. If it’s not raining, also you can run your hose across your roof to see if water comes through the roof or ceiling.
Typical Costs of Roof Replacement Services in Virginia
The table below shows the cost of roof repairs and where wet spots is most frequently to be located by roofing material type:
  Major water damage can also change the job from a roof repair to having to replace the roof. One other factor that can have an effect on the cost is whether your roof has chimneys or skylights.
That can raise the cost, as a roof repair contractor you will need to work around them. The price of fixing flashing around the waterproofing can vary from $200 to $500, while fixing it around the window can average anywhere between $300 and $500.
Another way to keep costs down would be by installing roof covering shingles on top of an existing roof instead of replacing it, but this is usually minimizes its life of protection by 20%.
Various of Roof Materials
roof shingles
asphalt roof
clay roof
metal roof
solar roof
Ready to Hire a Roof Repair Company in Fairfield Virginia
Let’s start from the beginning before hiring any affordable roofing company, the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) suggests that you ask to see a copy of the roofer’s proof of insurance protection as well as business license.
Note: We handle all of the Fairfield Permits for Roof Repairs
Example: A permit to fix a rooftop on a 1,350-square-foot house costs runs between $150 and $400.
Find a reliable and licensed roofing company in Fairfield Virginia 24435. Any good roofing company should also be aware of any neighborhood building codes, that could include the different types of roofing shingles allowable in certain areas or policy about underlay.
Great Youtube video: Suggested Tips on How to Repair a Roof
Resources: roof repair in Fairfield Virginia 24435 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roofer
Roof Replacement Contractors Fairfield VA
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  Search for Roofing Contractors
Find Roof Repair in Fort Defiance Virginia 24437 Find roof repair in Fort Defiance Virginia 24437. Leak in the roof? We fix roof leaks and do roof replacements in Virginia. Our 100% guarantee on the workmanship and quality of our work. […]
Find Roof Repair in Goshen Virginia 24439 Find roof repair in Goshen Virginia 24439. Got a roof leak? We fix roof leaks and replace roofs in Virginia. Our 100% guarantee on the quality and workmanship of our repairs. Call today […]
Find Roof Repair in Glen Wilton Virginia 24438 Find roof repair in Glen Wilton Virginia 24438. Leak in the roof? We fix roof leaks and replace roofs in Virginia. Our 100% guarantee on the quality and workmanship of our work. Call today […]
Find Roof Replacement Service in Fairfield Virginia 24435 Find Roof Replacement Service in Fairfield Virginia 24435. Leak in the roof? We fix roof leaks and do roof replacements in Virginia. Our guarantee on the workmanship and quality of our […]
from RoofRepair360.com http://roofrepair360.com/fairfield-virginia-24435?
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