#Experiment Au
dicediceking · 2 days
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"Lucky" page: 1-9
Fan is sick. What will Testtube do to fix this?
I'll also be posting this on wattpad, when I finish the cover of course!
General TW for terminal illness, experiments, kidnapping, needles, and probably more will show up, so be warned
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senoleaf · 3 months
here's Timekeeper's transformation from this Stanley Parable Experiment AU thing i did!!
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[P3 Experiment AU]
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Built to be torn apart (again and again)
I'm totally normal bout them
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captain-mj · 1 year
Monster handler monster handler monster handler! You promised to hurt the babe! (Not by Soap’s hands of course)
Hell yeah! A few of you guys may have... opinions on this one lol
Ghost wasn’t nervous. Whatever Soap did to him, it wouldn’t be too bad. 
Alex took them home and he noticed Gaz and Price there. He started to sink into his seat, groaning. 
Price already had the lecture ready. It was on the tip of his tongue and Ghost could see it. 
Soap shoved Price to the side and grabbed Ghost’s hands immediately. He pulled Ghost’s gloves off so he could check his hands, glancing over his knuckles. 
Ghost froze and watched him. Was this idiot going to hit him with a ruler or something? Seemed weird.
“You didn’t hurt your hands again did you?” Soap glanced up at him. 
Ghost blinked and he could feel the other three staring at him. “What?”
“When you go off places, you tend to hurt your hands.” Soap pointed out and he seemed to decide his hands were adequate. “I got worried. If you want to go places, you could just tell me. Freaked me out when you were missing.” He glanced up at him with those giant blue eyes and Ghost nodded dumbly. 
“Yeah. Okay.” 
Soap smiled at him and quickly started to pull Ghost along, completely ignoring Gaz and Price. He was Ghost’s handler. Neither of them needed to be involved. Ghost flushed a little and followed him. 
Soap hummed. “So what did you guys do?”
“We ate and Alex showed me a bridge.”
“Why did you need to go to a bridge?”
“...to pretend to be mothman. Because of the black wings.”
Soap laughed. “No way! Did you get photos?”
Ghost pulled out his phone and showed him, unaware of how his wings were fluttering or his tufts were sticking straight up in excitement. Soap would never tell him. He knew he’d probably start to think of it and wouldn’t do it again and something about seeing him show emotion so easily was beautiful. 
The pictures on the other hand… They had really made it the worse possible picture. Ghost was incredibly blurry and scary. 
“You look so cool.” 
Ghost… chirped? Churred? Rumbled? The noise was new and interesting and Soap wanted to hear it again. 
“Thank you! I thought it looked nice.” Ghost smiled at him.
Soap never wanted to let anything happen to him again.
The very next day, Shepherd ordered physicals on all ESUs. They had to have them annually, so it wasn’t the most shocking. 
What was strange was how reluctant Ghost was to do it. Soap didn’t really get it. A few minutes with a doctor and he would get the okay to continue. 
Price warned him that getting Ghost to do the exam was hellish. When asked if he could help, Price shook his head. 
“Absolutely not. This is the first time I don’t have to worry about that. Plus, I’ll be busy that day.”
“What are you going to busy with Captain?”
“Long story. I’ll tell you more afterwards, okay?” Price sounded rather casual so Soap dropped it. 
Then, the day came and Ghost had disappeared. Soap had to search the entire base for him and it was past four before he had even heard a word of where he was. So Soap told the nurses to come back tomorrow, but silently. 
Ghost reappeared after dinner, eating calmly.
“Where did you go?” Soap said conversationally.
“I told you to tell me. I needed you for a mission report today.” Soap pouted at him and Ghost frowned, staring at him. 
“That all?”
Ghost nodded slowly and kept eating. He was clearly half starved. Poor thing. Soap watched him and eventually walked with him to his room, admiring the way he moved like usual. 
“Oh, Lt, can you help me in the morning?”
“With what, Johnny?”
“With the mission reports, Ghost.” Soap smiled at him and Ghost nodded. Slowly, he pulled away, clearly cautious, but he didn’t really have a reason to be. Exam day was over. 
Soap waited until after breakfast to lead Ghost down the hallway to his room. He promptly ignored his room and led them to the infirmary. Ghost caught on and tried to leave and Soap grabbed on to his arm.
“Simon. Physical. Now.”
Ghost snarled at him and Soap snarled back. It wasn’t as intimidating, but it was enough to catch him off guard. He reluctantly let himself get dragged along. 
“Soap… I don’t want them to…” Ghost seemed weirdly whiney. Usually he didn’t really complain about anything. On their last mission, they ran out of MREs and had to hunt for food and cold as hell Russia and he didn’t complain. Maybe he was immune to the cold and Soap just didn’t know?
The nurse smiled at Soap and put on rubber gloves, making them snap. Ghost flinched. “Thank you Mister MacTavish, but I can take it from here.”
“Price said he stayed, so I’m staying.” 
“Price is a Captain.”
“Fine. If you want him to go feral and eat you alive.” Soap raised his hands and the nurse’s jaw twitched. He looked… distinctly upset. Ghost snapped his teeth to add weight to the accusation. 
The nurse sighed. “Fine. You know the drill, Mister Riley.” 
Ghost slowly started to undress. Soap didn’t really think it was odd until he was down to his underwear and slipped off his mask. 
“Wait a minute, this isn’t protocol.”
“He’s not protocol.” The nurse retorted. “We have to check the spread of the… infected skin.”
“It’s fine, Soap, It is protocol for me.” Ghost said quietly, but he pointedly did not look at either of them. 
Soap took a moment to look at his face. The soft blond curls and the scarring. Black skin that went up his throat and along his body, spiraling out from where his wings met his skin and from where his nails were. The nurse started to measure it and took photos of where it was. He clearly avoided any identifying features and Ghost didn’t fight which gave Soap an idea of how fucked this situation was. 
“Surprisingly good news. No spread that I can see.” The nurse clicked his pen and made a few notes. “You can get redressed and we’ll do the other tests okay?” 
Ghost threw his clothes on quickly, relaxing immediately. They quietly went through the other blood test while Soap’s brain was still reeling. 
What happened when it covered all of his skin?
Were they just worried since it was uncontrollable? 
Ghost was unique. His physiology and biology a complete mystery to everyone. If he lost what little was left of himself, his face disappearing and shifting, if that was even possible, what would happen to him? Would it simply be the los of humanity? Or worse, would Ghost simply be gone? An actual monster? 
Soap didn’t know. He wanted to ask, but Ghost was about to get his blood drawn. 
“Yeah, Ghost?”
“Can you hold my hand? I don’t like needles.” Ghost looked up at him and Soap quickly grabbed his hand and squeezed. 
The nurse took his blood and put it in a vial. He did a few standard fitness tests to check that Ghost hadn’t deteriorated or started to develop any health issues. 
Soap waited until they were out of there, a little surprised by how easy it was considering how hard it had been to get Ghost there, to ask Simon something that had been bothering him lately. “What do you plan to do when you retire?”
“I won’t.”
“Gonna go up the ranks?”
“No. I’m going to die a Lieutenant.” Ghost looked at him. “Johnny, I appreciate what you do. It’s nice to not feel like a walking weapon all of the time. But I’m never, ever going to retire.”
“Could they… remove your wings?”
Ghost stopped and it was suddenly too quiet. A vacuum had formed in the hallway as Ghost slowly turned to him.
“Even if they could. They never, ever would. Do you ever wonder why I have restrictions and why I’m a ticking time bomb?”
Soap stared at him, because yeah. Of course he wondered.
“I was rescued, ya know. Went home. To my family. Good people. They didn’t know really how to handle it. Who would? It was Christmas. I still remember the lights. Twinkling rainbow ones.” Ghost looked away, eyes shining as they reflected the hallway light. “It was the microwave. It went off and they forgot to warn me.” 
Soap stared. He didn’t want to say it. “You freaked out?”
“You have any nephews?”
“You ever want to know what their guts look like? Because I do. I know what my brother’s blood tasted like in my mouth. It was fucking bitter. Not only could I never, ever go back to civilian life for many, many reasons. The moment I retire is the moment I die. Either by the enemy or by you.”
Soap shook his head, shaking. “I’d never.” Ghost didn’t sound guilty. He sounded blank. But Soap had picked up a while ago what those things meant. The less emotion he showed, the more he felt. 
“Fine. Then, it’ll be Price. Or Gaz. Or Shepherd. Or Las…” Soap noticed the sad look in his eyes. Was he thinking of his own Mom? “Or Laswell. It’ll be quick. I know that.”
“How can you be sure that this will still happen?”
“Because I asked. It’s part of my contract. I’m a dead man walking, Johnny. Living on time I stole from a little boy named Joseph who wanted to be a pilot.” Ghost’s voice cracked. It sounded painful. 
Soap gently led Ghost to his room since it was closest. He left the lights off, sure Ghost could see just fine and he knew his own room well enough to not stumble around blindly. They fell to the bed and Ghost grabbed him, pulling him to his chest like he was an overgrown teddy bear. Maybe that’s all he was to the guy. 
It felt right though. Snuggling him like this. 
Ghost didn’t sleep. Soap could feel the gentle rise and fall of his chest underneath him. 
“You should stay here more often.” He didn’t want to think of the christmas party. 
“Your bed is cramped.”
“Exactly. Gives me the excuse to lay on you.” Soap smiled. “Thank you for putting up with today. I know it wasn’t easy.”
“It’s fine.”
“Still. Dealing with needles and being undressed. You were very brave for me.” 
Ghost rumbled again. Soap closed his eyes to enjoy the feeling. 
They couldn’t stay in there forever. It was only noon after all. 
Price sent out a message for them to have a meeting so Ghost dragged them up and they made sure to look ready. Fix their collars and hair, military styles right?
Price stood at the end of the little meeting table. “So, for the time being, we will be working with a group of mercenaries. Including their leader, Graves.”
None of them really reacted. It wasn’t exactly unusual, they had worked with KorTac, their sworn enemies before. It just came with the job. 
Graves hummed and all of them jumped as he wasn’t exactly visible in the shadows. He slid next to Price, the two of them rather close. “Full disclosure, I am an ESU. Ex Military, but I left. If that’s a problem, you can figure it out on your own.” 
Soap tilted his head. Weird. How fitting considering their earlier conversation, seeing one of them out and about and away from the military. He didn’t notice Ghost tightening like a coil. 
Price cleared his throat. “I’ll be working closely with him, of course, but he is a commander. Show him full respect as you would me.” 
Graves smiled. “Personally, I think the whole handler thing is silly, but I get its protocol. My Shadows will introduce themselves to you over the next few days. We’ll be staying at your base.” 
Everyone else seemed to understand and dispersed. Price and Graves talked for a few minutes, rather close to each other before they left. 
Soap looked at Ghost, wondering why they weren’t leaving. Ghost looked incredibly tense. 
“He replaced me.”
Soap frowned. “What?”
“He replaced me. He said he couldn’t be my handler anymore because he didn’t have time. They told him no. If they gave him this task, they weren’t the ones who told him he couldn’t. He just… decided he couldn’t. Price replaced me. He replaced me.” Ghost sounded so distraught. “Was I not good enough?”
“Simon, no, I’m sure the-”
“He replaced me.” Ghost hissed, glaring at Soap. His shoulders were heaving and Soap knew he was just lashing out because he was hurt, but his heart sped up anyway, a little afraid. 
“Did I do something wrong?” Ghost shook. 
Soap paused. “No. No, you didn’t do anything wrong.” He stared at him, swallowing. “Didn’t do anything wrong, big guy.” 
Soap was going to get answers out of Price even if he had to beat it out of him. 
Taglist this may be my outdated taglist but if you want to be added, please comment
@nalawayward @joltom @azure-winter-crow @korym @cod-hyperfixation @thychuvaluswife @revenge-of-the-bucket-demon @commie-ghost
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amoschaos · 4 months
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Christmas gift that I made for @welcometohomeworld , a movie poster of sorts of their SU ExperimentAU
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Picture of today‘s boredom:
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I just couldn‘t resist -w-
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kizi-zu · 4 days
I found my really, really old Kindergarten AU that I made in 2019 :') it's called
Experiment AU
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"Experiment 001 : Living Sock-Robot"
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"Experiment 007 : Green Flower"
((Oh god, look how I used to draw Ozzy 😭))
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"Experiment 015: ????"
((I forgot this one but it is Monty-))
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infinite-hearts-333 · 1 month
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zh4rkbyt3 · 5 months
I think it’s time that my friends have their debut.
Say hello to Ragatha and Jax from my Experiment AU!
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The sketches.
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And the final.
(There are a lot of mistakes in the drawing but ignore them)
Maybe if they get enough love I’ll give you guys the fanfic I’m writing for this AU. ;)
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just-jsabin-here · 6 months
Experiment AU - Corrupt Cube
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Haven't posted tons of art about my other AUs so uh here's the Experiment!Cube
Cube has tried to protect Blue (aka cyan/square in this au). But Blue continued his plans to escape when he failed, Cube was also punished. So Tree used the corruption serum on Cube hoping to scare Blue out of his attempts to escape. This only fueled Blue further, to stop the insane scientist and get everybody freedom instead of just his own.
C.Cube (Corrupt Cube) does not have any recollection of the past, one of the many side effects the serum has. However, in this form, he can shapeshift to whatever he desires but often has this goop-like appearance. Corrupt Cube keeps an eye on this "Blue" Square, as his physical appearance is rather fragile. He also feels a strong familial bond with Blue but is unable to understand why. C.Cube watches from afar feeling a need to protect.
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mxsamwood · 5 months
TSP Experiment AU
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Zoom Out + Close Up
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I Might Even Make Some Chapters About Them If I Want
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dicediceking · 3 days
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I'm officially making the Lucky comic I said was gonna make
So here are some references of Testtube and Luck themself
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senoleaf · 3 months
after all this time they had spent imprisoned, Timekeeper can finally fight back.
Experiment AU:
an unfinished Stanley Parable AU by my friend Tallulah and me, following my fanfic Memories Buried Amidst Time that they helped me write! :)
a short summary of the AU:
After the events of MBaT, Stanley, the Narrator and Timekeeper ended up getting caught yet again. The facility they had been running from then conducted experiments on them, which ended with a wide array of side effects. Eventually though they all manage to break free—with a little unexpected help, that is.
And this time they won't let themselves get caught as easily again.
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Gotta love this fucked up boy
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captain-mj · 1 year
I live for monsterhandler! The tentative way ghost comes closer? Gives me life. Can I request the next part :)
Of course!! They sparring in this one
"Uh, Soap, you sure about that?" Gaz called, watching Soap bind his hands and get in the ring. "Soap. Soap." He sounded concerned, which was fair. This wasn’t the finest moment of thinking. 
"I'm fine, Gaz! We're just going to be doing some friendly sparring." He reassured him. Soap watched Ghost stretch and then pull on some sparring gloves. They had extra padding to prevent his claws from knicking Soap. He looked up at him, really taking in how big he was. He didn’t think Ghost’s claws were going to be his biggest problem here. "This is friendly, right?" Soap glanced over him. Ghost’s thighs were the size of his head. 
Did Ghost look human under there?
"If that's what you want." Ghost growled, though he didn't think it was meant to be threatening. It still rattled Soap out of his thoughts. He rolled his shoulders. "Don't some handlers do this? They beat their charges to prove dominance or some dumb shit?" His gaze looked playful, but his stance was perfect for sparring. Taunting Soap. Trying to get him to take the bait. Sneaky bastard.
"Maybe. Some of them do." Soap thought it was dumb. Besides the fact that he literally could not beat Ghost without handicapping him in some way, it was pointless. He really doubted if he managed to pin Ghost, he’d get any more respect than he did currently. And their current professional relationship was just fine. 
"Think you could beat me?" Ghost asked, the two of them starting to circle the ring.
"Absolutely, sir." No, not really. Soap was sure he’d get a few good hits in though. 
Ghost knocked him on his ass almost immediately. "Widen your stance. You're so off balance."
Soap stared at the ceiling, taking a deep breath. "Yeah... Yeah okay. Just caught me off guard."
"That happen to you a lot, Johnny?" Ghost watched him get up but didn't help.
Soap got up and dusted himself off. He slammed into Ghost and he barely moved. "You are solid."
Ghost laughed and shoved him back just a little. He looked down at him and Soap noticed the tiny bit of red over his nose.
"Just very muscular." Soap pointed out, dodging Ghost's strike. They danced around each other.
"Fuck off Soap." Ghost snapped at him and made a clumsy strike.
"You're very skilled."
"What the fuck are you doing??" Gaz called to him as he watched.
"I'm just complimenting my -"
Ghost knocked him into the ring ropes and his hand ended up around his throat. "Your what?"
"My Lt, of course." Soap quickly grabbed the ropes and yanked up, slamming his feet right in Ghost's stomach. Ghost gasped softly and let Soap go.
"Dirty hit, good job." Soap grinned when Ghost said that. He sounded proud.
They went at it again and Soap couldn't deny that Ghost was very skilled. So he told him so. Repeatedly. Until Ghost tried to shove his shoulder at a comment and Soap managed to flip him. Despite how heavy Ghost was, Soap was well aware of exactly how to overthrow a taller opponent.
Ghost hit the ground and Soap moved to pin down his arms. He was thrown off almost immediately and pinned on his stomach, Ghost's knee right at his back. His wings fell on either side of Soap, caging them in. Soap breathed in and all he could smell was... cologne? Did Ghost wear cologne? He had never caught it before but the smell of bergamot and a masculine soap like scent surrounded him. Soap found he rather liked it.
"What are you doing? What's your strategy here?" Ghost growled and it vibrated through Soap's body.
"Just want to build your confidence." Soap said cheekily.
Ghost huffed and got up. "I'm done. I'm taking a shower." He did help Soap up this time by picking him up easily. 
Soap watched him as he stepped away. “Hate to watch him go but I love to watch him walk away.”
Ghost’s tufts twitched like he heard him. 
Gaz stared at him. “Are you serious?”
“I need to bond with him and I didn’t want to say no!” 
Gaz shook his head. “I’m so glad I have Alex. I like Ghost, think he’s cool, but I don’t think I could handle him.”
“See, there’s your problem. I don’t think of it as I’m his handler and he’s a vicious beast. He’s my friend and I’m his. That easy.”
“You’re like one of the dogs that zoos keep in cages with cheetahs to prevent them from going insane.” Gaz handed him water. 
“Well. You know. I can learn to bark.” Soap grinned. He thought of Ghost in the shower, and by extension, Ghost undressed and felt his face flush. He rubbed it and hoped it wasn’t noticeable against the flush from exercising. 
“What are you going to try next?” 
“I don’t know. I think we’re doing okay. I just… he has a hard time letting me in. And he deals with…” Soap paused, deciding he didn’t want to put Ghost’s business out there. “We have things we need to work on, ya know?” 
“Right. You could always try more extreme stuff.” 
Soap frowned. “Like what are you suggesting?”
“We went through the same training. They said if you have trouble getting your ESU to work with you, there’s a couple of methods. You could try wing binding. Properly, not what Price lets him get away with. Or threaten with punishments. You’re not Price. I think trying to have the same relationship with Ghost as he did is doing both of you a disservice.” 
Soap looked at his hands. Gaz had a point. While Soap would never, ever hurt Ghost, maybe trying to emulate the same friendliness Price had was a mistake. 
But he hadn’t failed yet. They were friendly, even if they weren’t friends, and within a few weeks of knowing each other, Ghost gave him a head pat when apparently he never touched anyone else. 
The wings. Fuck. Soap had an opportunity. He could’ve scratched them. 
Ghost finished cleaning up and started to dry himself off. He avoided the mirrors and stayed in the last stall, keeping the shower curtain carefully pulled. The last person to try to peek in on him mysteriously went missing so he doubted anyone would try it. 
His wings stretched out before he loosely wrapped the rope around them and redressed. The bones in his leg popped lazily as he stepped out. 
Ghost hummed as he went back to his room. It didn’t take long for him to notice his tail. 
Soap followed him like a lost puppy sometimes. This time, he walked with purpose so Ghost decided to just wait to see what he would do. He was too short to take his mask off and there wasn’t much else he could do in the hallway that wouldn’t take time. Plus, he really doubted Soap was the type to use public humiliation against him. It just… seemed a bit crass for him. 
The moment Soap’s fingers touched his wings, all of that went out the window. Clearly this little fucking pervert was like that. How da-
Soap scratched him, a bit like you would do a cat under their chin or a dog behind their ears. It felt blissful. Pleasure running down his spine to his toes and that up to his ears, making the little tufts poke up again. 
He purred. 
How fucking embarrasing. 
Ghost purred softly, stopping in his tracks. A trance like state fell over him as Soap continued the gentle scratching. 
“You like that, Simon?” 
Ghost growled immediately, but he didn’t move. Soap used both hands now and worked over the spots, almost massaging instead of scratching. He leaned his head back until purred louder. 
“Huh. I kinda thought Price was bluffing.” Soap let go. 
Ghost immediately pulled away from him. “You… bitch.” He felt fuzzy. It had felt so nice though and it clouded his thoughts, making it a bit hard to stay mad. 
“You really are just like a big cat.” 
Ghost hissed at him and Soap laughed. The bastard. 
“It’s okay, Ghostie. Won’t tell anyone, yeah?” Soap leaned in, like they were telling secrets. “You really did so good for me out there.”
Ghost bristled, feeling himself flush again. He didn’t handle compliments well and Soap was being too nice to him.
“Go get some rest. Price told me we’ll have another mission soon. This time, I’ll be setting up bombs.” He smiled, very excited about the prospect apparently. 
Ghost gritted his teeth. “Can’t fucking wait. Don’t ever touch me like that again.” Please do. Please be nice to me. 
“I’m sorry, Ghost. I shouldn’t have snuck up on ya like that.” Soap did not seem very sorry at all. 
This was written before the poll so if you guys made it fox, they’ll Fuck in the next one
Taglist: @nalawayward @joltom @azure-winter-crow @korym @cod-hyperfixation @thychuvaluswife @revenge-of-the-bucket-demon
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welcometohomeworld · 1 year
ExY Maybe with a bit of training you can win against shark
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She's a scientist, she's not interested in fighting ( and hates it) , so she always runs or when Ivory is in control, Ivory tries to confuse Shark using formulas.
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