#Eupherasia for a good chunk of 'Writers of Destiny'
localguy2 ยท 4 months
Zane being used as a fucking battery for Unagmi to get into the real world, and him walking it off like it's nothing fills me with so much viisceral rage it's unbelievable
What the FUCK do you mean he's fine??! Did you not see him literally pass out and wake up with an immediate inhale like he was drowning or something???
You don't just walk off being used as a battery, and no amount of cartoon logic will make me think otherwise ESPECIALLY seeing also how he seemingly walked off the whole Ice Emperor shit as well (until Quest for the Lost Powers)
Like, at the very least have him go into a panicked terrified franzy because according to him it felt exactly like his Sacrifice against the Overlord
Or if you wanna go all our just have it wipe all of his damn memories and make him start as a person all over again, even then that still works better if you make it a post Ice-chapter consequence
And even those besides, you could do soooooo much with Zane and consequences and the shit he goes through...
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