#Emilia Vanće
rosestar722 · 2 years
The Day I met you [Camilo Madrigal x reader] Part 2
Hi dearies! If you didn't read Part 1, I suggest you go read it because a big part of the story is based on Part 1.
Chapters: Part 1, Part 3, Part 4
Topic: Camilo Madrigal x reader
Warnings: Camilo's eyes being opened, Camilo finally meeting Y/N
Notes: This part is where Camilio finally meets Y/N when he realises that Emilia's a bitch. This takes place after the movie, a year or two. Stay tuned for Part 2!
Prologue: A month after the dinner, Emilia and Camilo are officially together, much to their parents' delight.
They were happy together, and frankly, everyone thought that this pairing was made to be.
Come think of it. A Madrigal and a Vanće.
The pefecto match, even better than Dolores and Mariano.
Too bad fate didn't think so.
After 6 months of seeing each other, Camilo started to notice something.
Some changes.
Emilia had started to change.
Instead of being as nice and polite to him, she now treats him like someone lower than her.
He no longer felt close to her, only taking her as something that's appeared in his life.
The kisses were empty, and every minute they spent together was thinking about something else.
Their relationship no longer had any warmth.
A fire that was being extinguished, bit by bit with each passing minute.
No matter how much he told himself it was still the Emilia that he knew, a small voice always told him something else.
That the Emilia he was now facing wasn't the Emilia he once knew.
She was already someone else.
'Maybe it got to her head? Or is it that I mistook her for something else?' He would think when he was alone.
He couldn't bring himself to tell his mama y papa. They were so happy with him and Emilia being together, he didn't want to ruin it.
But he knew that this empty relationship couldn't last forever like this.
One way or another, he would break.
Fall under the pressure that fate has bestowed upon him.
He wasn't Luisa. Or Mirabel. Or Isabela.
He couldn't handle the pressure.
"Camilo?" Emilia called, temporarily stopping his train of thought.
Mustering the best smile he could give, he replied,
"I need to go to the L/N's panadería to get some sweets for Ezperanza's wedding next week, can you help me get them?"
"Sure." He shrugged. He was already used to Emilia sending him on errands.
Before leaving her house, he stopped.
"You haven't yet told me what to buy," Camilo said.
"Seriously? Didn't I tell you?" Emilia says with a roll of her eyes.
"You didn't." He says firmly.
Rolling her eyes once more, she handed him a piece of paper.
"Here. It's a list of the stuff we need to buy."
Wordlessly, he turned around and walked out the door out to the bustling streets, leaving Emilia with a confused look behind her.
'He's been acting strange lately. Does he know about it?' Emilia thought.
'Whatever. He's not smart enough to find out.' Brushing it off, she turned on her heel and sauntered back into her room.
If she had known that this errand was going to tear their relationship apart, she would have done it herself.
But what is done is done, and can never be undone.
Camilo walked down the streets of Encanto, looking for the bakery that Emilia said.
It was a well-known shop across Encanto, but he's never been there before, so finding it will take some time.
Looking down at the list that Emilia gave him, Camilo wandered around the streets.
'A paper bag? What does she need that for?' Camilo wondered.
Still looking at the small piece of paper, Camilo didn't see the girl in front of him, and only realised when he had crashed into her.
She dropped everything she was holding, some of the boxes tumbling helplessly on the road.
"Dios mios, I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed, bending down to pick her stuff up.
"No, I should be the one that's sorry. I bumped into you after all." Camilo apologised profusely, helping her pick her stuff up.
She couldn't help but raise her eyebrows a bit.
"Your family is really one of a kind, aren't they?" She said with a small smile.
"Aren't we all the same?" Camilo asked, confused by her remark.
"You are truly one of a kind." She remarked. "Thank you for your help."
Turning around, the mysterious girl started to walk away, back to the ocean of people.
"Wait!" Camilo reached out to grab her wrist, refraining her from walking away.
"My name's-" He started to say but was cut off.
"Camilo Madrigal. Everyone knows." She said with a glint in her eye, tugging her hand from his grasp.
"If you know my name, shouldn't I know yours too?" He asked, still not letting go of her hand.
"Why do you want to know?" She asked, confused. 'Why would a Madrigal want to know my name?'
"Because why not?"
"And what if I don't want to tell you?"
"I'll find out then." He promised.
She kept her posture and a small smile, pretending not to be affected by him, but on the inside, her smile could light up an entire city.
"Please?" He begged, giving her the puppy-dog eyes.
She thought for a bit.
"Y/N. Y/N L/N." She said, pulling her wrist from his grasp and turning back to the ocean of life.
Camilo watched her disappear amongst the crowd, suddenly overcome with a feeling he hadn't felt in months.
YAHOO! I FINALLY GOT THIS DONE! [Ok, that was me on hype]
Anyways, how was it? Like I said before if you notice any problems contact me right away and I'll fix it up. Love you all!
Word Count (Only for story): 801 words
104 notes · View notes
rosestar722 · 2 years
The Day I met you [Camilo Madrigal x reader] Part 1
Hi sweethearts! I am deeply sorry for not being able to update as much as I usually could, but my mother has been limiting a lot of my screen time lately. I hope this x-reader will let you forgive me!
Chapters: Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Topic: Camilo Madrigal x reader
Warnings: Fluff, fluff and more fluff
Notes: This part isn't exactly Camilo x reader, but it will be a starting to the x-reader. This takes place after the movie, a year or two. Stay tuned for Part 2!
I am totally new to this, so please forgive me if I mess it up or accidentally insulted anyone. Please message me if I did anything of the sort and I'll fix it up as fast as I could!
"Who're you staring at?" A voice suddenly appears out of nowhere.
Camilo suddenly shifted from himself to a plethora of people and then back into himself.
"Scared you, didn't I?" Dolores said with a satisfied smirk plastered on her face.
Camilo only grumbled in return, turning his back to his hermana.
"So who's the lucky girl?"
"What do you mean who's the lucky girl?" Camilo asked, turning to his sister.
"You were staring at someone."
"Was not!"
"Was too!"
"Was not!"
"Your heartbeat speeds up when you're lying." Dolores pointed out nonchalantly.
Embarrassed, Camilo turned from his sister to the window.
"Fine. I was looking at someone." He admits defeatedly.
"Who?" Dolores asks curiously, eyes sparkling with excitement.
"Emilia Vanće," Camilo says, a red tint appearing on his face.
"Vanće? Isn't her sister Elena amigas with Isabela?" Dolores mused.
"You know that her family are one of the most well known in all of Encanto you know?"
"Well, you should get to know her better."
"Sure- Wait what?"
With a mischievous grin, she walked out the door, leaving Camilo at a loss for words.
He continued to look out the window, staring at Emilia with a dreamy look on his face.
She twirled around in the grass, with such a grace that could compete with a princess
She was beautiful. Her hair was golden blonde and her big blue eyes were the colour of the skies. Her lips were shaped like hearts, long wavy hair that hung in loose waves.
There was no other word for her. She was perfecta.
He sighed. A girl like her would not be even able to look up to him, forget about liking him.
The next day, Camilo found out what was the surprise Dolores had planned.
The Vanćes came to dinner last night, courtesy of Dolores and Isabela, who couldn't help but invite them to dinner that night.
Of course, during the whole course of the dinner, Camilo was staring at Emilia.
After dinner, Camilo found Emilia alone.
"Emilia?" He asked, finding his voice wavering a bit.
"Yes?" She replied, turning around to meet his eyes.
"Uh, did you have a good time tonight?"
"Of course! Who couldn't enjoy the company of the Madrigals?"
"...No one?" Camilo said, unsure of what to say.
Emilia laughed.
"Camilo, you're such a funny boy, of course everyone would love the company of the Madrigals!"
He smiled.
"Please, call me Emma."
"Uh, Emma, I had a really fun time tonight with you, and I was wondering would you like to hang out again?"
"Sure! I would love to."
"Okay? So... do you want to like, uh, meet up again tomorrow?"
Emilia opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by her mother, Clarina Vanće.
"Emilia! It's time to go!"
Emilia looked at Camilo apologizingly.
"I'm sorry about that. I had a really fun time tonight, your family was wonderful!"
Camilo smiled in return.
When The Vanćes waved their goodbyes, Emilia stayed behind.
"Thank you, Camilo, for the wonderful night."
After saying that, she quickly pecked Camilo's lips before running to catch up with her famila.
After she was only a small dot in the distance, he touched his lips, and couldn't help but grin stupidly.
When he got back in, the look that Mirabel gave him was all he needed to know that they heard everything.
"Camilo, you're all grown up now!" Felíx exclaimed, throwing his arms around Camilo, nearly choking him.
"Papa!" Camilo said.
"Oop. Sorry."
"So, is she your girlfriend now?" Antonio asked.
"Antonio!" Camilo gasped.
"He's right. Is she?" Luisa asked.
"No, she isn't."
"Yet." Bruno chipped in. "When I say something will happen something will."
Camilo groaned.
That night, when Camilo slept, all he could think about was Emilia and their conversation.
She was polite, sweet and nice to everyone. The perfect ángel.
She was everything a boy wanted in his girlfriend. Who wouldn't want her?
Little did he know, reality was not always so kind to people.
So my friends, how was it? I know that it might not be what you expected, but wait for it! I promise you that Y/N appears in Part 2.
If you have any suggestions that you want to give me, please do! I would try to change some of the mistakes that I might have made. Just send me the word, and I'll fix it up ASAP.
Thank you so much for actually reading this!
Word count (only for story): 670 words
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