pokemonshieldmonty · 4 years
Most hospital rooms were all cold and sterile and left Monty wondering How can I get well without a drop of color in the walls? Dad's room wasn't like that, because he'd been there long enough to dress it up and make it his to stay. The soft purple carpet was a great touch, and Monty dug her toes into it as she stretched up to hug him. 
"Hey now, champ. Nice to see you too," Dad said, ruffling her hair. "But if you don't leave my ribs in one piece, Nurse Lizanne will nail our ears to the door." 
Monty giggled. "Yours too?" she asked. Her accent always got soft with him. They both thought it was funny. 
Dad grinned. "For enabling you. Come here." He picked her up and plopped her down on the bed. "So Aideen says you're going adventuring at last." 
Monty's grin brightened with something too deep and heavy for it to be a grin anymore. "Yeah. See?" She pulled her Trainer card out of her pocket to show him. 
Dad took it and studied the portrait. "Not bad! Got your good side, princess?" 
Monty snorted. "They're all my good side." 
He laughed and returned it. "Well said, and darn right. You take after your mom, and more luck to you." 
Monty patted his hand. "Hey now, you're not too hard on the eyes." 
Dad put a hand over his heart, a classic I've been hit!  "What? Not too hard? You're supposed to say I'm handsome!" 
Monty scoffed and tugged one of his greying curls. "Right, right, ye silver fox, you." 
She felt a light ruffle in her hair and saw Dad smile. Hello, Mom. 
"See? I'm right." Dad couldn't see her like Monty could, but he could still tell. His grin was downright cheeky. It softened a little bit as he ran his fingers through Monty's curls again. "Glad you came by for me to see you off. I have something for you."
"Eh?" Monty leaned forward. "What's up?" 
"Wait and see." Dad walked past old Stovepipe dozing in her corner (good Weezing, Monty loved her dearly) and opened his trunk. He picked something up, but held it so Monty couldn't see it as he walked back over. 
"Whatchye got there? Come on, what is it?" 
Dad plopped it down on her head. It smelled like cedar. "Look in the mirror. It's my old cap. Your granddad gave it to me when I started off. It brought me a lot of luck, it did. I won my first badge in that cap… and met your mom in it too." 
Monty reached up to feel the old green felt. Still soft. 
Dad nodded a bit, thinking over the words. "My dad made me promise to pass it along to my son when he started off." He rocked on his heels a little, just like Monty did when she was anxious. "Well, no matter to me… You can be my boy, my gal, but always my Monty." 
"Always yer Monty," Monty echoed with that shy little smile that happened when trying to hold back happy heartache tears. 
Dad smiled. "That's right. So, it's yours now. Hope it brings you luck too." 
Monty swallowed hard, then threw her arms around him. "Gonna make ye proud, Dad." 
Dad patted her back. "You don't have to. I already am." 
That hit right in the tear ducts and took her voice away. Monty just nodded and let her tears leak into his hair. Served him right, it did. Getting her soggy like this… "I'm gonna miss you," she whispered. 
Dad let her have her cry, then leaned back to look her in the eyes. "It really does suit you," he said, and grinned a little as she glared at him for threatening the waterworks again. "Go on, then, Monty. The world's waiting. Don't worry about me. You can always visit, anyway. Got it? You just go make you proud." 
She swallowed hard again but her eyes stayed dry this time. "I will. ...thanks, Dad." 
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