#Crusher's Asks
crusherthedoctor · 3 months
What history has taught us about Ian Flynn: 1) He likes flexing his fandom too much. 2) He badly wants all his headcanons ascended to a higher plane of canonicity. And 3) He probably killed his cheeks from too many Knowing Smiles. Accurate?
4) He hates the mandates term so much that he won't acknowledge he started it.
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crusherthedoctor · 3 months
Hi! I just thought I’d throw my hat into the ring with the whole conversation about the whole tails being willing to use his weapons more if it wasn’t for sonics interruption because as much as admit that some people can take it to far (just like on any side of the fandom with any character or idea) I think the actual idea of it is being misinterpreted.
The idea that I’ve seen always centres around how they respect each other, tails before he met sonic is a knowledges by multiple sources that he had a rough upbringing before he met sonic, this is mainly shown through the bullying that has left such an impact on his self-esteem he’s still dealing with it in recent games and still trying to overcome it. Tails is also skilled in making weapons, things he can use to defend himself and his friends.
Now no one’s saying that sonic known about the weapons or that he’s a weapons expert because that isn’t really what the head canon is about and I’ve never really seen anyone say that to be honest? The head canon mainly comes form the idea of ‘what if something went wrong and his friends were hurt and tails saw it as a last option’ this brings us back to tails upbringing
And as much as some people like to make him act more mature this is still an eight year old child who for half of his life basically was bullied so bad that it’s still impacting him. The headcanon usually (it can vary from person to person) makes tails feel the need to defend the people or things that have defended him. Mainly sonic usually.
So since tails is smart it’s only natural that he’d be quicker to the opinion ‘if I took the threat out I’d never have to deal with it again’ because it’s the most logical conclusion. I think where the head canon is mainly misinterpreted is that I don’t think anyone’s saying that tails is using his weapons on every single opponent or every single threat that comes his way. From what I’ve seen is that if it comes down to the last few options in a split second his mind will go to that logical conclusion.
However, sonic basically raised him. Sonic wouldn’t even have to literally point out what tails is doing (most of the time) because tails stops himself, because Tails knows that what he’s doing is something against his own moral code
It’s the way sonic raised him and it’s the way tails lives his life.
I think the headcanons mostly just ‘survival instinct vs moral code’ and I think that’s why people like it so much, it’s less about tails being reliant on sonic (which is what I think it’s being misinterpreted as) and more Tails respecting the way sonic raised him and the moral code he was raised to believe in to not forget it even in the heat of a battle
I apologise if I'm blunt, but you're missing the forest for the trees with all this.
This post wasn't really about Tails' willingness to use weapons. Rather, it was about fans' penchant for infantilizing Tails to the point of exaggeration, despite him showing capabilities even before Sonic showed up in his life. Tails has been enriched by Sonic, he's even said as much, but there was never an indication in the games that he would become a psychopath without him.
It removes too much agency on Tails' part for the sake of leaning too hard on Sonic's ability to affect others around him. No amount of headcanons and "well, he is a kid"-style justifications can salvage Tails straight up being done dirty. Rationalizing it is all very well in the realm of fanfiction, but not so much when dealing with the official work proper, when everything has already came, went, and influenced fandom mentality for the worse.
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crusherthedoctor · 7 months
To celebrate CD's 30th anniversary, would you like to gush about the Bad Futures and how they efficiently portray Eggman's personality and cruelty without a word? :P
So then, Sonic fandom. Eggman isn't a dangerous villain, you say? Then how come, when the Little Planet is under his rule...
Palmtree Panic becomes a polluted mess, with the lake being as grey and dirty as the rest of the land?
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Collision Chaos becomes tacky and broken, with the remaining lights sticking out like a sore thumb amongst all the muddiness, instead of complimenting the vibrancy of the other time zones?
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Tidal Tempest looks more like a disused sewage system than any healthy ruins or aquarium?
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Quartz Quadrant has been mined out from top to bottom, with rusted machinery galore?
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Wacky Workbench becomes... Wacky Workbench-ier?
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Stardust Speedway becomes a neon nightmare, where neither the thunderstorm above or the imposing metropolis below is there to greet you?
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And Metallic Madness is abandoned, cold and withered, having lived out its remaining usefulness to its creator? The person who created this base is human, yet it looks so alien.
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And in all of them, the Badniks are worn and forgotten, trudging on in spite of their decay, and in some cases despite lacking a weapon of any sort.
Some fans believe this is all due to Eggman's vision going beyond his control, because they think he shouldn't be able to tie his shoelace without something going out of his control. But this is false: Eggman just doesn't care. For all the great lengths he goes to conquer an island, a kingdom, a whole planet, or more still, he is still a man who grows bored easily. When he eventually does get bored of the current place he's conquered, he'll move on to somewhere else in the hopes of adding that to his list of conquests. This is why, contrary to popular belief, he would not be indecisive on what to do in the event that he finally conquered the world and killed Sonic for good. He would just move on to conquering the universe. Nothing would be out of reach for his level of greed, his determination, and his ability to actually pull it off.
The side-effects of his doings may rarely be for their own sake, but the state of what he modifies to his liking does not concern him, nor does the amount of casualties in his list of deeds to make it this far. As long as there's a place for him to rule, and as long as there are remaining people who are there to obey his every whim, then everything is good, he says.
Other villains blow up the planet and leave it at that. A terrible fate to be sure, but a brief one. Eggman bastardizes the planet, reducing it to a sorry, parodic shell of its former self, with the self-aggrandizing monuments made in the doctor's likeness existing almost as if to mock the suffering of everyone that's beneath him. Which is everyone. Because only Eggman is supreme. Only Eggman matters. Only Eggman decides.
Unless Sonic stops him.
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crusherthedoctor · 22 days
Amy 1, 15 and 25
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
It's complicated. See below for more.
15. What's your favourite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
Don't really have one currently.
@beevean has made me see an interesting side to KnucklesXAmy, but it's not one I'm dedicated towards compared to EggmanXPunishingTheFandom'sShittyTakesWithTheSuperstarsFinalBoss others.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Used to dislike her. Then I liked her. Now... well, as I said, it's complicated.
I like Amy in concept. I like her design and her role in the series as a heart of sorts. I think the good portrayals are worth merit, and shouldn't be ignored. But out of every main recurring character that I'm invested towards (read: not Silver, sorry Silver fans :<), I don't think the good-to-bad portrayal ratio is in her favor. There have been too many portrayals that have either made her a "funny" crazy woman, or a Strong Female Character™, and while they don't take away from the better portrayals completely, it's hard for me to continue saying she's one of my absolute favourites with complete honesty when so many portrayals drag her down. By contrast, while a distressing number of games certainly use Eggman poorly, Frontiers is the only one IMO that really fumbled with his characterization (I still think SA2 and ShtH had some off moments, but they were the exception by comparison).
It doesn't help that for whatever reason, perhaps as an overcorrection to how things were in the mid-00s, bad Amy portrayals tend to get swept under the rug nowadays compared to other characters' less than beloved outings. You can dedicate as many paragraphs as you want about how Tails' cowering moment in Forces is the reason we live in a society, but the moment you suggest Amy was a bit weird in Battle, pandemonium ensues.
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crusherthedoctor · 2 months
Honestly, I wouldn't mind of Sonic had a bit of cheesiness every now and then.(Snowboarding Egg Pawns anyone?)
Sonic is inherently a cheesy franchise. It's in its DNA. And I don't mean that in a patronizing "it's not a masterpiece but..." way, like most critics who get offended by anything resembling fun. It should be celebrated, not torn down.
Anyone who vouches for Zack Snyder's Sonic the Hedgehog should not be trusted IMO. Sonic is always going to be a blue hedgehog who talks and wears red shoes. Shadow is always going to be a black hedgehog who poses like an aloof teenager and wears hover shoes. These things don't change no matter how you frame it, no matter how much you take things seriously. It's why I stand by the opinion that the "Modern Sonic was necessary because Classic Sonic couldn't do a darker plot" is a weak argument, despite liking the Modern designs. (Do I need to bring up the Bad Futures again?)
I'm not saying it needs to be overly self-aware to the level of something like Boom, but having no self-awareness at all is not a solution. Instead of dragging all quirky elements offscreen because the vague concept of a joke reminds people too much of the time their dog was murdered by a sentient copy of Lost World, it's more sensible to sell it for what it is, and sell it proudly. The fun should co-exist with the serious moments.
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crusherthedoctor · 3 months
The obsession with wanting Maria to die is so freaky.
Again, I wouldn't think anything of it if it were a just a random joke from some fans here and there. These characters are all fictional, so it'd be a bit of a double standard to get offended over such a joke while other characters are given no such outrage when they're put through not-so-flattering scenarios that risk undermining their own standing in the fandom. (Remember when Tails was forced into drag and was visibly not comfortable with it, and everyone thought it was funny and cute? Crusher remembers.)
It's the sheer frequency, and the aggressive eagerness making it abundantly clear that it isn't merely a joke, that pushes it into Sonic and the Bruh Moment territory. Because they have an angsty teen's interpretation of maturity.
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crusherthedoctor · 2 days
Top 5 Moments that Sonic did that didn't annoy you?
5. Actually owning up to a mistake in Lost World. Not to say he shifts the blame with other examples in the games, but seeing how I've complained in the past about other mistakes on his end being quietly ignored for the most part by their narratives, it's nice to see Sonic fully acknowledge it in-universe, and take steps to rectify it on a more personal level. And unlike Rise of Lyric and Prime, Sonic's friends don't collectively gang up on him to grill him over it either.
4. His dynamic with Blaze in the Rush games. It's cute. :> Not to shit on Amy as a character, but while I'm not a diehard Sonaze shipper, I felt more of a particular connection between Sonic and Blaze than I've ever felt over three decades between him and Amy. I guess that's the power of actual chemistry over years of forced, repetitive teasing.
3. His empathy for Elise. Funny how to this day, despite the common attempts to paint '06 as a secret masterpiece (as opposed to an actual masterpiece?), Sonic is still often portrayed as disgusted or horrified when Elise is brought up. If only they switched to realising how flaccid of a villain Mephiles was instead.
2. The ending of Secret Rings. Much praised is deserved for the juxtaposition between his ruthlessness with Erazor and his sympathy with Shahra.
1. The intro and ending for Sonic CD. Quintessentially Sonic, and effortlessly badass. What else is there to say.
Honorable mention: His final moments with Emerl in Battle, since it's a good example of how to show a more vulnerable Sonic. It's only undermined by the fact that the context involves a scenario where Eggman got upstaged yet again. I know that's petty, but considering how many times it's happened, to the point where fans consider it a tradition, can you blame me for being petty?
I guess I'm obligated to acknowledge his final moments with Merlina as well, but being honest, I get a little bitter about Black Knight because it feels like whenever people praise that game as the greatest story and character writing of all time, they only acknowledge Sonic himself, conveniently making little mention of the other characters. Gee, I wonder why... Coincidentally, this is also common with Frontiers, but obviously to a worse degree.
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crusherthedoctor · 3 months
Given the first movie hinted at Jimbotnik being an orphan, it should be interesting to see his reaction to learning he had a grandfather working within the same government as he did. Though more importantly, he'd want to see what secrets granddad Gerald kept hidden and how he could use it for himself.
I don't expect it to turn out this way, but it'd be funny if, instead of a different actor, Gerald was just Jim Carrey with a white moustache.
"You've been sentenced to death."
"Aaaallllllllrighty then."
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crusherthedoctor · 3 months
Legacy. The Freedom fighters existed far longer than many of the official characters and the fleetway/Sonic X characters, and have endured the test of time.
Look at it this way, Jimmy Olson is a Superman character, right? Well, funny thing is that he didn't originate in the superman comics but came from a radio show of all things back when radio was the largest media (30s-50s)
Now does Jimmy Olson contribute much to Superman's story? No
Is he the most important character in the superman lore? No
But is he still a beloved character that people like? Hell yes.
Legacy should matter, the freedom fighters were there when the sonic franchise was faltering, and they deserve some recognition.
This is just a burial of characters that Sega owns unlike say the fleetway characters, they don't belong to Archie or Ken Penders and have every right to be acknowledged.
But here we are, Sega taking the backhoe and burying them deep, hoping we would forget them.
Meanwhile, they keep shitting out one mediocre game after the other.
The Freedom Fighters are not as important or key to Sonic's success as you think they are. They're no more essential to Sonic's world than characters from AoStH, Underground, Boom, or any other adaptation that's a thing of the past (before you mention Sticks, she was quietly retired as well following Boom's end). You preferring them doesn't change that, and neither does the popularity of Archie or SatAM. Because lest we forget, the movies are also quite popular, and so are a few of their characters.
If we're judging things by the loose definition of legacy, then the games themselves have a "legacy" of three decades as of this year, and what's more, Archie Sonic and SatAM would never have existed in the first place if it weren't for the games. Yet you're quick to trash them in favor of characters you believe to be superior solely because you say so.
Legacy alone, and standing the test of time (which in itself is debatable BTW), doesn't make a character good by default. Characters ought to be judged by their quality, not by how old or how recent they are. Characters like Sonic and Eggman do have a legacy, yes, but they are literally the main hero and main villain of the entire scope of the franchise, and are not comparable to some team from a dead cartoon and a dead comic that fans happen to like.
SEGA are not deliberately singling the Freedom Fighters out and trying to wipe people's memories of them specifically. They've simply moved on from a now-defunct branch of the franchise, as they did with every other adaptation that is no longer relevant. That's not to say you can't miss these characters, but attitudes like this highlight an inflated persecution complex shared by many of the most aggressive FF stans.
And if we're going to give the Freedom Fighters an obligatory pat on the back for simply happening to exist during down periods of the franchise, then we might as well do the same for all those game characters that also existed during those same periods.
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crusherthedoctor · 3 months
WTF is up with fans obsessing over Maria getting shot?
Yeah, what's the deal with that? (And what's the deal with airline food?)
Granted, I will admit I think it's a slight overreaction to treat it the same way as if Maria were a real person, since she's still a fictional character at the end of the day, even when played by an actress in the movie should she appear. Hell, I made a joke about Maria essentially going "ah shit, here we go again" back when Shadow was confirmed, so it'd be hypocritical of me if I acted like the purity police over that alone.
Rather, the issues for me stem from how fans are so insanely focused on it as though this is all there is to either her or Shadow, how they curiously don't show the same gleeful anticipation for Gerald getting Sent To The Next Dimension as well, how they expect her to get shot onscreen in full detail in a family movie, and most annoyingly of all, the obvious insecure and ironically shallow need to emphasize "the good old days when Sonic took itself seriously, before Colours ruined everything".
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crusherthedoctor · 3 months
Whatever, clearly you can care less about legacy and what this franchise could have been.Just go play your MID games with MID characters and MID level design and keep shilling out to a POS company that hasn't made one single good game in decades and should have died or got bought out when the Dreamcast died.
Sally isn't going to fuck you, anon.
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crusherthedoctor · 22 days
I've seen so many times people try to "fix" Elise by making her like Sally, or like Blaze. And even though I like Blaze, Elise isn't a Blaze clone and you don't need to make her a Blaze clone to "fix" her.
I know some fans' '06 re-dos involve Blaze taking Elise's general position due to the former's pyrokinesis, that she's already a princess with her own kingdom, the Sol Emeralds, etc. From that point of view, I can maybe understand it.
Most of the time though, they just mindlessly stick the Blaze keg in the Elise hole (not in that way) and expect the exact same results to suddenly work without issue. As if Elise was to blame for the gameplay issues, or for the questionable focus on realism, or for Mephiles being a shitty villain, or for Silver being an idiot, or for Eggman's golden nipple any%. It's even worse when it's Sally, since that invites the usual Fuck The Games crowd, and forces me to ask once again why people consider her oh-so-richer than the game cast.
I know we're all fond of our preferred characters, but I don't get the popularity of fixing a character, or making a new one outright, only to make them a lifeless clone. All that ends up doing is reminding people of the other character, which inevitably gets them mad because this character is not that character, despite the attempts at emulating. When I set out to make what would become Trudy, one of my very first objectives was to give her a unique personality so that she could stand out.
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crusherthedoctor · 3 months
While I am starting to hate continuing this whole Sonic Movie 3 stuff, I have also noticed some speculate/want to see a revelation that Tom's dad was the soldier who killed Maria. Now that certainly /can/ be an interesting angle to take, but you can likely guess as to why some would want that because they still chugging dat Cops Bad Kool-Aid this hellsite indulges in.
Shout out to the time people threw a fit over some random joke Tom made in the first movie.
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crusherthedoctor · 6 months
At this point, it wouldn't surprise me if one of the IDW characters gets a super form/equivalent. (Like Nicole did in reboot Archie)
The question is who'd be the lucky character to get the "prestigious" honor? /s (Placing my bets on Surge or Whisper)
I'm surprised it hasn't happened already. Even if SEGA forbid them from doing so, you know they'd clutch onto any loophole they could think of. Because they have no respect for who effectively gave them their jobs.
Must have wounded their ego when Trip showed up and got one immediately.
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crusherthedoctor · 1 month
I like how Sonic 06’s defenders and their arguments never conform or line up with one another, like each of them has a different interpretation and headcanon to the game’s plot and characters.
Some say the Time Travel works in X way, others say it works in Y way, and so on, even though it’s never outright stated in the game any of this, and their own theories have their share of inconsistencies and holes with what the game shows us. Then there are the ones who say Mephiles is a 400 IQ villain whose actions were all according to his masterful and sadistic plan (despite all the other characters becoming fucking dumbass for all the ass plot to happen), and there are ones who says he’s supposed to be a dumbass and a coward, even though Eggman in the end props him up like a master manipulator who trolled them all, so I’m not exactly sure if the game confirms this view.
There is never a consensus on what exactly is the case on these things and it’s so funny to me. Maybe someone could say that because the story is so complex, deep and masterful, one could draw many interpretations from it. Like, yeah, it’s totally not because everything in the story is poorly explained, established, shown and executed, making everyone have the chance to fill in the gaps with any kind of bullshit the game shows and establishes or even what it doesn’t show and establishes lol.
Surge might have dethroned him as my least favourite Sonic villain of all time (funny how it didn't really take that much effort beyond simply being as annoying as possible for my tastes...), but Leslie the Dark is still a shoddy result who similarly did not earn his fandom acclaim. Much like how my personal distaste for Frontiers doesn't mean I'm suddenly going to start fawning over '06, or any other game I consider too flawed to consider good in the unironic sense.
You can tell Mephiles was set up to be the ultimate mastermind, and that him failing to line up with that role was not intentional. Notice you'll get fans gushing over how brilliant he is, but once you point out the issues with him, then they'll switch gears and act as though his flaws were deliberately woven into his portrayal. Either that, or that you can't expect perfection from a Sonic story (which is hilarious since most fans make a big deal about how they care more about the story than the gameplay, to the point of excusing certain installments of their non-nitpick shortcomings if they find the story to be halfway decent). It's no different to claiming Scourge was always meant to be a parody, despite how he would frequently be presented as the biggest and baddest threat with no irony whatsoever: it's a lazy excuse to justify bad writing, and very obviously such.
The only reason you could give Mephiles for going out of his way to convince Silver to kill Sonic is that he couldn't do so himself for whatever reason... which goes out the window when he ends up doing the deed himself anyway. It's not like he was too busy either, since up to that point, he spent the rest of his time fooling around with Shadow in ways that didn't really contribute anything to his ultimate plan. Or that he could have teleported all the Chaos Emeralds to his destination from the start, since it turns out he can do that as well, with no reason provided in the game as to why he didn't do so beforehand. While you can write a villain whose indulgements might occasionally drift from their overall scheme, you need to be smart about it, and provide context that doesn't compromise the story's structure.
This is what happens when prioritizing cheap power level thrills overwrites the plotting. To my dismay, this would not be the last time it becomes an issue in a Sonic game. *looks at Frontiers' shortsighted milking of super forms*
The recent push to retcon '06 in general as secretly brilliant is always going to be an example of why I don't take a statement as gospel just because it's a popular one. Yes, '06 does have some moments worthy of praise, and some ideas did have potential, but that doesn't mean the final overall product is actually good. The humans still look uncanny. The world still leans too far into realism for realism's sake. The gameplay remains as broken as ever, and no amount of praise given to Project '06 will change that the original game remains broken. Elise's character being reevaluated and appreciated is nice, but she was still used poorly in the plot. Silver might be powerful, but on top of being made to piggyback off of Shadow's popularity (and the majority of his creative process being little more than "think Trunks"), he was ultimately portrayed as a total idiot, and the way they framed him beating Sonic was just as unearned as Mephiles' kill, and contributed to Sonic's poor treatment in the game as a whole. Do I even need to go on, given what game that nearly killed the franchise we're talking about?
It's frustrating for me because not only can I express fondness for a less than stellar product while also acknowledging its quality with no issue at all (I am fully trained in the ways of Enter the Dragonfly and its lip flapping muppet models), I also happen to love stories that deliberately keep some of the details ambiguous in a way that's satisfying and intriguing instead of coming off as a cop out. So for people to hold up '06 as an example of that offends me lol, especially after so many years of later games being beaten over the head because fans cried up and down about not settling for mediocrity.
So we won't settle for perceived mediocrity, but outright shit is fair game?
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crusherthedoctor · 3 months
I wouldn't mind so much of the whole 'let's shoot the fictional white girl' so damn much if it was just done once and it died within a week. As it stands now, it's been really insistent on staying, and honestly it creeps me out how many people are eager for it like it was supposed to be a porn of some kind. Because of how eager people are at the idea of it, I wouldn't be surprised if them liking that kind of stuff was a possibility.
The level of dedication they have to bringing it up and touting it as Peak Artistic Vision for the franchise is where it draws my attention, so I agree with that. It's just not something I would be as quick to judge in itself if it were a rarer occurrence, because again, the line between fiction and reality must be drawn.
I also agree with you and what others have said that the need to emphasize that she's white is suspicious, but also not surprising coming from people who think many things can only go one way. If Maria were a black character, something tells me they wouldn't be nearly so quick to emphasize her skin colour.
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