#Chase calling anyone 'ma'am' just gets him suspicious squints
shepherds-of-haven · 11 months
Trouble should get a hat. Reason: the idea of Trouble touching the brim of his hat and saying "ma'am" is hot and seems like peak Trouble behavior
Honestly, hard agree. I also think he's the only one who could pull something like that off (other than Red) without sounding sarcastic glfdjgdgdf
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har-rison-s · 5 years
heaven: 2
request: Stan x Reader where they were together back in Derry and kind of forgot about each other after moving away but they always had a void in their lives. And then when Stan is just about to do it after Mikes call his phone rings and it’s you and you’re crying after just getting off the phone with Mike to come to Derry. You both end up going back and seeing each other at the restaurant and you guys just catch up after all these years that passed and old feelings come back. A/N: Hello. This is part two, as promised. Quick, I know. I'll try to write more cause I really want to, and I like this story. I even have ideas for the plot, yay! But I wanna write other requests, too, especially for Bill and Eddie. Don't know why them specifically, but I guess I wanna explore writing all the Losers at some point. I hope you guys like this. Happy reading!
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warnings: None! :) I suggest you listen to “Losers Reunited” from the IT2 soundtrack.
word count: 2.1k
gif credit goes to owner, which is not me!
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Derry is dark. It is summer, and yet the night here falls quicker than in other towns. And it was more gruesome here. The night hid more in Derry than what appears to the eyes of someone passing by. Y/N knows that well.
The Jade At Orient Express neon entrance lights shine bright in the dark night and almost make Y/N squint her eyes at the brightness. She sighs as she stands before the entrance door. This won't be easy. But she will see her friends. More memories will come back. Good and bad. God, she'll probably remember things she doesn't want to and has happily forgotten. She hesitates to pull the door open, standing just half a foot away from the handle. Her friends will be there with her. It will be okay.
Her chance of opening the door is stolen by someone else's hand. They pull the door open before Y/N can even step closer to it and hold it open for her. She has to thank this stranger, so she turns towards them with a grateful smile. Her eyes first see the dark jeans the person is wearing, the sweater and then the shirt collar peaking out of the sweater. Then, dark curls that cast shadows on the frail chin, the round cheeks, the pointed, small nose and the brown, dark eyes. She sees thin eyebrows, dark roots of the curly hair. Looks awfully familiar. Could it be…
When their eyes meet, both pairs widen in shock and freeze. They realise who they're both looking at. Y/N's lips change into a widely-opened o-shape and all she lets out is a squeal. To Stanley, it still sounds the same as her child-like squeals did back in the day.
His face breaks out into a wide smile and he even chuckles. “Hello there.” He greets her finally. Y/N smiles, too, and immediately goes to embrace him. The restaurant entrance door is long forgotten.
“Don't you “hello there” me, mister Uris.” She tells him when she feels his arms sliding around her back to hug her. Y/N sighs and closes her eyes. She feels somehow peaceful in this little moment in time. “I didn't even know how much I missed you.” She admits upon opening her eyes. “Until I… Until Mike said your name.” Y/N tells him.
That's when they pull apart and look into each other's eyes again. Wow. Stanley sure has grown to be taller, Y/N thinks to herself. But his eyes… They're the same, only older. They look exactly the same. They hold the same soul, the same big world inside of them.
Everything about Y/N is the same, Stanley observes. She's only aged, that's all. She's the same little Y/N who'd run around after bubbles and birds and chase the bugs she found beautiful. Same little girl who always had a trick up her sleeve. The same girl who was once his girlfriend. Stanley smiles.
“I hate to have forgotten you.” He tells her, and Y/N's eyes show agreement. “We should go inside, right?” He asks, then, and Y/N nods.
“I don't know if we're late or early, but I don't see anyone I could recognise inside just yet.” She admits, and Stanley again swings the door open and they both go inside.
“Actually, I don't think we'd know how our friends look right off-the-bat.” Stanley speaks. They both look around the lobby. No one really stands out here.
“We were best friends.” Y/N says. “It didn't take us too long to recognise each other.” She points out when she looks at Stanley again. He agrees. They spent the much more time together than with their other friends, they remember that. They were a couple, after all. 
Stanley and Y/N both look at each other with questioning eyes, as if not sure that they're really here, that they do see each other and are, in fact, back together in their hometown. The sight still seems like dreams to them both. An illusion. One of them is more suspicious that it might be an actual illusion created by IT.
They don't have time to think, their names are called by a familiar voice. And that voice belongs to Eddie Kaspbrak. They could recognise his intonation any place, any time. Y/N and Stanley turn towards the man with welcoming smiles and watch him walk closer to them.
“Stanley? Y/N? Is that really you two?” He asks. There's a glad smile on Eddie's face and his eyes keep a guessing glance on the two in front of him. Mischief is in them, too.
“It's us.” Y/N tells him, nodding. Eddie breaks out into a laugh. “My God, how you've grown.” She tells Eddie, looking him up and down. She would like to give him a hug, but she knows Eddie too well and that she shouldn't even try.
“He hasn't.” Stanley says and Eddie gives him an annoyed glance. “You haven't changed a bit.” He tells his friend and even dares to pat his shoulder, at which Eddie flinches a little.
“Okay, okay,” Eddie brings his hands up, “now that we're done laughing at me--did you guys come together?” He asks and sticks his hands into his jean pockets.
“Oh, no, no.” Stanley shakes his head. Y/N hides her little smile and blush of the thought Eddie's question brought.
“We just met outside.” Y/N explains.
“Wait, you're not, like, together, you're not married to each other?!” Eddie raises his voice. His eyes widen in big surprise. “How is that--”
“Keep your voice down!” Stanley shushes his friend, worried of the heads already turning in their direction. Y/N feels puzzled, and embarrassed, by Eddie's question. Maybe in another life they would be married. A life that isn't changed by a killer clown demon that lives in the Derry sewers… “Where are we all dining?” Stanley asks Eddie, then.
“I'll ask the waitress.” Y/N volunteers and leaves both men standing by the entrance. She approaches a girl that looks as if dressed in a uniform and speaks. “I'm sorry,” she starts.
“Hello, ma'am, how can I help you?” The girl asks her, a nice smile on her face.
“We're supposed to meet our friends tonight. There could be a reservation for eight under the name of Hanlon?” Y/N guesses. “Mike Hanlon?”
The waitress nods. “Come with me.” She tells her and Y/N looks over her shoulder to wave at Stanley and Eddie. They understand her message and all three start following the waitress.
She leads them to a room just around the corner which has a big table in the middle of it, fish tanks around it and two people already standing beside the table. Well, that is Mike, and the other man must be…
“Bill!” Y/N cheers. She can't keep her excitement to herself and she walks over to the grown man without a stutter. Bill Denbrough turns around to greet the happy face of Y/N and can only hug her back when she embraces him.
Bill was the first Loser she became friends with, and they clicked right off the first moment. They were almost as close as Y/N was with Stanley, but not quite the same. Bill smiles. “Y/N.” He finally says. “So good to see you. And Stanley! Eddie!” Y/N succeeds to grant Bill a kiss on the cheek before he runs to his other friends. And she turns to Mike Hanlon.
“Hi, Mikey.” Y/N greets him, and Mike smiles at her before they both embrace.
“Y/N. I'm glad you came.” He says to her, holding her tight. “Was afraid you wouldn't.” Y/N sighs at that. She was, too. She closes her eyes and pulls herself back. She gives Mike a smile.
“I had to come back.” She tells him. “I remember everything now, Mike. And I had to come back.” She nods, and Mike responds with the same gesture.
“I thank you for it. I know it's not easy.” Mike says. Y/N nods. It's certainly hard. She feels a lot of things coming back all the time, and when she felt like she remembers everything there is to, more comes back. Including her feelings for Stanley. It's hard to even look at him now that they're back, hard to talk to him.
They sat down at the table once Richie, Ben and Beverly arrived. Y/N was between Eddie and Stanley, Richie sat next to Stanley and Beverly, Bill next to Mike and Beverly, and Ben between Mike and Eddie. Y/N felt at peace finally, now that she was with her childhood best friends. She could smile and laugh freely, she could drink as much as she wanted to, eat as much as she wanted to, say anything she wanted to when she wanted to. No judgement from any of the people around her.
The Losers Club recounted memories shared, recalled people they used to know, guessed where they were now. They told each other what had happened in their lives during the twenty-seven year pause. And what good lives they are all leading.
Ben's on top of the world with his architecture, Beverly has become a fashion designer, Richie is a famous comedian, Bill is a writer. Eddie drives famous people around, Mike has spent all this time researching the history of Derry and of IT--and done a great job of it, too--, and Stanley has an accountancy business to his own name. Well, that's as far as career.
None of the Losers would willingly uncover how un-great their personal lives are and have been since the incident in 1989. They each know the others' weaknesses, but they have yet to remember them and realise exactly what is wrong in their friends' lives. There's a door they have to unlock in their memory files.
The door in Y/N's mind is opened a slit already. She feels exactly like a teenager. The way she did all those years ago. She's completely sure her feelings for Stanley have come back. She loves what they feel like. But God, it's wrong. Y/N noticed the wedding ring on his left hand. Stanley's married. And Y/N's feelings are wrong. But oh, how she hopes that he feels the same now.
He does, and it feels strange. But the feelings are familiar. They feel like home. Y/N feels like home to him. He was stealing glances at her through the whole dinner. Stanley wanted to see what had changed, what her smile was like now. If her eyes gleam the way they used to when she talks about something she likes. Or, rather, he was testing himself to see if he can actually take his eyes off Y/N. He can't.
She returned these longing stares once in a while. Y/N was inquiring something with her eyes only. There was a question she didn't want to ask out loud. Stanley's responsive hazy look lets her know that the answer is 'yes'. He knew what she was asking.
It was dangerous to even think of the question, and its answer. The situation they were in, Stanley's relationship status, their friends' company. If they could be alone… Y/N's afraid to think of what would happen if they were. But she'd love nothing more.
Y/N knew of Mike's true intention of calling his old friends back to their hometown. So she wasn't as surprised and pissed off as her friends were. Neither was Stanley. He was scared, yes, terrified more than he had ever been, but he knows of what he was afraid, and he knows they have to do what they promised to.
Neither of them were cowards, and they were on Mike's side of the situation. Y/N tried to convince Richie and Eddie, and Ben and Beverly, too, tried to convince them to stay. But they went back to the hotel, anyway. Richie and Eddie were scared shitless, she understood that. But they need to take action.
When Stanley felt his horrid fear again, he grabbed onto the closest thing next to him. That was Y/N's right hand. She glanced down at it, and then their eyes met, but Stanley didn't withdraw. And she didn't want him to.
Stanley told Mike and Bill he was going back to the hotel to get the Losers back on track, get their minds straight. So they can all work like a team. So that they can all stay and finish the demon clown once and for all. Y/N told him she'll go with him and got her bag out of her own car.
They got into Stanley's car and silence surrounded them instantly. Silence full of tension and things longing to be said out-loud. They looked at each other and sighed a deep breath. There's a conversation going back and forth between their eyes. Frantic, quick, questioning, afraid, doubtful. Neither of them are certain of anything. But they know of one thing. They go back to the hotel and clear everything out. Everything.
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Stanley Uris tag-list: @nightbu-g @sadhwstudent @shawni-h@gothackedalready @seasidecrowbar @starred-river @raspberryacid @facelessbish @tozierskaspb @plum-duels @whereyoustand
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