#Carolina hurricanes blurb
senditcolton · 4 months
Your Mother Tongue
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Grocery shopping together. Always asking for each other’s opinions when deciding between brands or snacks in general. Trying to sneak in little snacks and treats they know the other person likes.
part of my Valentine's Day prompts requested by anon | word count: 1k | warnings: none!
Days off were rare for both you and Andrei. Many people would think that when the two of you had a full day with no responsibilities, there would be an agenda to fill the time and spend it together since you were afforded so few opportunities to do so.
The reality was that most of your shared days off were spent lounging around the house. You both wanted to relax and take a breather from your demanding jobs. Sure, occasionally you would try to go to the movies or eat at a nice restaurant. But mostly, days off were filled with nothing special.
You are lying on the couch, playing a game on your phone, passing the time, letting your mind go blank. Your eyes are diverted from the screen at the sound of Andrei’s footsteps coming down the stairs and you smile at him when he rounds the corner.
“Hey,” you say, noticing the keys in his hands. “Where are you off to?”
“Oh, just running to the store for some things.”
“Can I come with?” you ask, lifting yourself upright.
“Why?” he questions, curious at the sound of your excited tone.
“Why not?” you quip back.
“No, no reason, I’m just…” Andrei says, that confused expression still on his face. “It’s just the store. Doesn’t seem very exciting.”
“I like spending time with you. Plus, it’ll be nice to get out of the house,” you explain. Your reasoning seems to be enough for Andrei because in a matter of minutes, the two of you are in his car on the way into the city.
You watch the buildings pass by you, thankful to be out and about but when Andrei makes a turn down a road you don’t recognize, you realize that he never mentioned what store he was going to. You assumed it was the small local grocery store that you frequented but as Andrei pulls into a small parking lot behind a strip mall, your intuition turns out to be very wrong.
“Andrei, where are we? What store are we going to?” you ask after removing yourself from his car and taking his hand. He takes your hand in his, pulling you forward as he starts to walk.
“Right there,” he responds, pointing to a hidden entrance on the side of one of the buildings. “It’s an Eastern European store. Martin told me about it a while ago. I like it because it reminds me of home.”
The smile that pulls at your lips when you hear his explanation is genuine. You knew that Andrei missed his home a lot during the season. You were glad that he had found some sanctuary and it made you even happier that he was sharing this piece of himself with you.
Andrei guides you into the store, the bell ringing cheerfully overhead. The sound of Russian hits your ears; the dialect is familiar but the words are not. You locate the source of the voice to a very cute old lady smiling at your boyfriend from behind the counter. Andrei greets her with a smile before gently pushing you forward, the Russian flowing from his mouth sounding like an introduction.
“рад встрече,” you attempt, the words clumsy coming out of your mouth. You have to stop your cheeks from heating when the clerk gently laughs, replying to you. Andrei comes to your rescue, murmuring a translation in your ear.
“Vera says it’s nice to meet you too. And that you are very beautiful.”
“Спасибо,” you reply, the thank you feeling more comfortable falling from your lips. She smiles again at you before turning her attention to Andrei, chattering at him in Russian. You see Andrei’s cheeks turn rosy as he glances down at you before replying to her.  
Vera shoos the two of you off with a wave of her hand and a smile. Andrei takes your hand in his and guides you down the aisles of the store.
“What did she say to you?” you ask, looking up at your boyfriend, the blush still lingering in his cheeks.
“Vera just told me that I better not break your heart,” Andrei explains. “I told her I’d try not to.”
“Well, you’re doing a really good job so far,” you reply, giving his hand a soft squeeze.
You finally turn your attention to the shelves lined with drinks, snacks, candy, and other food. The Cyrillic alphabet stretches across each label and you attempt to re-familiarize yourself with the letters. Andrei guides you around the store, answering your questions, helping translate, and sharing memories about each item that he places in your basket while also convincing you to add whatever sounded interesting.
It makes you insanely happy to see Andrei’s face light up over the things that remind him of home. You loved the sound of his native language falling off his tongue with such ease, you loved that he helped you immerse yourself so completely into the culture that was so integral to him.
You make your way back to the counter and you stand back and listen to him and Vera chat, the small talk feeling so natural even if you could only pick out bits and pieces of their conversation. You are caught off-guard when Vera turns her attention to you with a call of your name.
“Huh?” you ask, stepping forward.
“Vera has a gift for you,” Andrei quickly explains as you keep your attention towards Vera. She reaches out over the counter, placing a chocolate bar with the name Babaevsy printed across the paper in gold.  
“She says it’s her daughter’s favorite. She hopes you like it as well.”
“Спасибо,” you thank her again, pulling the candy close to your chest as a sign of gratitude. Vera speaks again and you hear Andrei chuckle behind you before his translation comes.
“She also says that you better keep me in line, make sure I’m treating you right.”
“Don’t worry, I will,” you laugh, your reply swiftly translated by Andrei. Vera smiles back at you before bidding you both goodbye. The two of you walk out of the store together, the bag full of treats securely in Andrei’s grasp.
While a trip to a Eastern European grocery might not have seemed like anything special, it meant everything to you and Andrei. That impromptu excursion helped you love him more completely.
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behoright · 8 months
I am going feral for jealous possessive andrei
Cant wait to read it
the bane of my existence, the object of all my desires - a. svechnikov
i'm sorry this wasnt even planned but it has to be done like.....
warnings: yall know I write disgusting smut like... gross, dirty, nasty - includes but not limited to unprotected and semi public activities, dirty talk, mentions of sweat n blooood. just nasty shit. also its bad writing get over it! word count: 3.5k
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nothing like a day off to watch your boyfriend work
 he would never say it explicitly
but andrei loved it when you spent all day around him
you both knew how crucial it was to have your own lives
and your own friends and jobs and hobbies
but he couldn't lie
when you spent all day around him, he would go crazy
there was something about you 
something about the way you moved
when you thought no one was watching or nobody cared
the way the air in the room would change whenever you walked in
and he had noticed it before
how everyone around would
adjust themselves, cough awkwardly or give him glances
part of his burning for you was just that
knowing how much you were valued 
not because how you looked necessarily
even tho he found you stunning
it was because of your essence
enthralling everyone around you
and it wasn't beyond him that that factor called for
a lot of attention
which he had been giving to you since day one
since the day he saw you and he knew no one else could have you
the cling to you the need to have you didnt come from any lack of security
it came from simple desire
indisputable and ever present, to the point where
everyone had to pretend not to see it
the intensity repelling any and all grossed out friends and teammates
he had tried, truly, at the beginning, but there was no way to dissimulate
if he had melted in presence of past women, he lit up in yours
and so far, there were no signs of slowing down
ever since he could remember, andrei never had any breaks
no way of slowing down, of letting it breathe
it was one of his biggest peaks but also downfalls
skate faster
shoot sharper
push harder
until his legs gave out and even then 
crawl and claw if he needed to get everything
every single thing he wanted
and he wasn't afraid to admit it
never arrogant, but always honest
the house, make it bigger
the car, flashier
his mother’s wrist, shinier and heavier
more wins, more
more of
you. as well
in quality always before than in quantity
get the best, and give yourself fully to it
invest everything you have in it and simultaneously squeeze every drop of pleasure from it
he wasn't ashamed
or apologetic about it
it was one of the things you loved most about him
and it did wonders for your relationship
so today, despite it being a relatively easy day
no traveling, no game, just practice
(which took all day for andrei, obviously)
you decided to spend it being clingy
your boyfriend's favorite word
he loved to see you watch him
it helped him focus more stay more present as he felt you closer to him
and sneak around to see you
come to the glass
give you a puck
take an extra long lunch (and nap)
it was the day of his dreams honestly
you grabbed your things as he was the last man to leave the ice
seats around you empty by now
made your way towards him
right after he was done, just how he liked it
always right after a game, a practice, a trip
there was nothing better than to see your face immediately as he was done
he didnt want a second to breathe or clear his head
all of that was done with you
the sound of your shoes echoing in the halls of the arena
matching rhythmically your heart pounding within you
every step matching every contraction, every rush of blood sent through you
you knew the walls and corners of this place like the back of your hand
the sound of muffled music waltzing around from afar
as others began their afternoon workout, you knew andrei had just finished his skating
at times it seemed like
there was no way to calm yourself down around him
but it had never been nerves you thought
wanting and needing for each other
sweat clung to him as you approached him in the empty locker room
it had been such a domestic experience by now that you knew when to be there and when to know it was only him
like clockwork
and he loved it
every time he thought about it, a smirk would adorn his face
you stood at the entrance of the room, placing your shoulder tenderly against the doorframe
a smile forming on your lips as you saw his body shift
pretending that he didn't hear you, that he didn't know you were there
but it was so simple to see the sculpture of his shoulder twitch 
stretch in the most minuscule way, letting you know he could feel you
it was like 
a magnet
no matter how far you were, if you were in the same vicinity, the polarity zapped you both
pulled you in always
the closer, the more intense the energy became
you stood still, the two of you immobile in the silence 
it seemed like forever
the aching growing stronger
both unrelenting in your posture
but he knew
he always knew you'd give in first
you noticed, in your attentiveness, the slight tremor that rolled through his back body
slight, but noticeable
you had become an expert by now at concealing your worry, letting andrei take care of himself
but it was still there deep down
had he pushed himself too far today?
was it finally the day he didn't listen to his limits?
unconsciously, you stepped forward
and taken aback by your own actions, the smallest gasp leaving your lips
he turned his head just enough for you to see his profile, a thick eyebrow arched in 
rude awakening almost
the tightening of your chest prevented any words from tumbling out, the feeling only deepening as he turned to face you fully
immediately meeting a newly formed gash on his chin
your eyes darted as you tried to remember when you could have missed this
you were there almost the whole time he was on the ice
“you see? this is why i need you always here.”
as he broke the silence, a small drop of blood began to pool at the surface of the cut
“what happened? i didn’t even…”
you failed to finish your sentence, shock, and anticipation mixing underneath your rib cage as he began to step towards you
walking slowly, molasses dripping in every movement
“imagine how bad they treat me when you are not here, Ки́са”
he muttered, his voice low, as he threw a scarlet-tinted towel on the floor
“if it was up to you, i wouldn’t leave you ever.”
you smirked, raising your chin in defiance when his walking came to a stop
you could always see the enjoyment on his face whenever he played these games
his feet planted firmly a few inches away from you
more than a couple of steps, but close enough to feel his heat
the musk that emanated out of him after getting off the ice
the mix of the cold environment and the rough maneuvers created a scent you could never find anywhere else
“what can i say? i am happiest when you are around.”
the corner of his lips pulling, smugly tugging up
there was something about the sincerity and vulnerability of his statement
combined with the way he delivered it
with that shit eating grin
the fuckboy esque aura of his appearance
oh, andrei
your boyfriend and his erotic, slow burning, sexual standoffs
“you know I can’t do that”
you replied tenderly, snickering at your own thoughts
he looked down, placing his hands on his hips
a drop of sweat hitting the ground as he inhaled deeply
a slight rasp finishing his exhale, his lungs still reflecting the hazardous workout
it took all the strength within you not to move
you had learned to view andrei as
an animal
a feline
you could open the door, but they would come in whenever they wanted
always taking his time
knowing that he could feel the neediness seeping out of you
it was consistently on his terms
you clenched your fists and let them go, leaving imprints on your palms 
waiting desperately for him to 
do something
look at you
move towards you
the less you got lost in yourself, however,
the more you could him crumbling inside
his fingertips white, pressing deeply into his skin
his chest beginning to heave
“yeah, you like to come back to me, eh?”
your face dropped, the tone of his voice melting you
seeing your defenses come down
your breath deepen
had him on the edge of it all
yet, he was wise enough to have a sliver of self-control
but never for long
you couldn’t 
say anything
he had officially turned it from simmer to high
not causing an immediate eruption but 
the heat pooling all that desire together
and you knew it would rip out of you both forcefully once it was consistently kept on high
“what happened, baby?”
his accent was thick as he faked concern, almost mocking you 
all you could do was open your mouth, but 
nothing. not one word
he walked over to you, degradingly normally in his stroll
no different than as if he were approaching a cash register or clerk
as if he hadn't spent who knows how long toying with you
loosening your joints with every single dedicated action since you walked in 
he stopped dangerously right in front of you
close enough that 
another bead of sweat fell again
this time, hitting your own nose
he loved to see you like this, practically panting in front of him but paralyzed
he knew he couldn't show it yet
not yet
it was purposeful but not planned, at least he didn’t think so
every single moment he played it by ear
responding to your state second by second
“how do you guys say here?” 
he muttered, voice ever lower now,
“cat has your tongue?”
the taunting tensed your face
your eyes piercing his, intensely, as your jaw clenched
not yet
one second
a couple more beats
he thought
before breaking and grabbing the back of your neck harshly enough to 
make you lose your balance
but it didn't matter
his hands strong enough to 
have you
hold you
and his plump
bitten and red lips
meeting yours
both of you inhaling
not deeply, but suddenly
overhauled by the adrenaline, the endorphins
his teeth catching your lip at the end of the kiss
just slightly
biting off some of that surface skin
his expression, completely different when you guys pulled away
eyebrows furrowed, face scrunched up in what could have been mistaken for frustration
eyes stuck on your lips
as he dived in again
so powerfully that it stung at first. it hurt from smashing his face against yours
tongues not fighting
but ramming against each other
every single millisecond
his insides moist and slippery from the hours of skating
and spitting on the ice
sticky more than anything
sticking to 
your tongue
your teeth 
your lips
so aggressively as he explored your mouth
he pulled back just as hard
whiplash in your neck
the gasps the only thing filling the room
“you did not answer.”
he says, matter of factly
much to your confusion 
“answer what, andrei?”
you ask, his hand firmly planted and keeping you from approaching him again
“cat has your tongue?”
he says, as serious as ever
“andrei, it’s a sayi-”
“let me see it.”
he interrupts
“open your mouth, y/n.”
your breath hitches for the millionth time as you realize what he meant this whole time
your body betrays you, your mouth slowly opening against your will
you can see 
trembling in his breath 
as you do what he ordered
his gaze unable to pick a place to 
focus on
running all over your face
your big 
doe eyes
only he got to see this submission in your look
your tongue glistening before him
he moves his other hand to the front of your throat
placing it gently but securely in the crevice where your chin meets your neck
he was
covered in sweat
before you could try to 
check any other place
to see it glint and glimmer
in one swift motion
bends down and licks your tongue
his meeting yours 
right against yours
so deeply that you can feel his tastebuds
his ridges
through the thick saliva
as he does it over and over again
so feverishly, so fast 
in the mess of it all
in the middle of your storm
you taste it all
his spit, his sweat
droplets of blood that snuck inside your mouth in his ferocity
the mix metallic and 
piercing through every layer of your mouth
every layer of you
the rush of it
the tension that you both held in as he kept space between your bodies except for 
such a sacred place. Your mouths
more and deeper
making a mess out of you 
moans evacuating your system 
unwittingly, just the way he likes it
as he switches from licking to
fiercely kissing 
not your lips, but your tongue
open-mouthed and sloppy 
a trail of your mixed spit uniting you every single time he pulls away
beginning to groan 
his grip shaking from holding back
swallowing every single one of your moans
his back straightening up as he pulls away from you breathless
watching you pant and 
inevitably he can't help but
untidyingly spit into your mouth
the thick glob of you 
mixed with every part of him. His blood, his sweat
landing on the plains of your tongue
clear dribble threaded in with pleasure and cerise 
finally coming to a stop
“боже мой”
oh my god
he whispers, his lips glistening
you stand there, frozen together
heaving in synchronicity
before he spins you around 
so quickly that the world around you doubles for a second
before you realize your feet 
your body, in midair
his strong forearms holding tightly to your midriff
before he places you in front of his locker
you can feel 
cold perspiration hitting the top of your head from his chin 
as he slithers his hands down your arms
creating a road of damp goosebumps on your skin 
interlacing his thick, calloused fingers with yours
the pruned skin of his palms coming in contact with the top of your hands tenderly
guiding you to grip the slats above his locker 
the cold, metal bars becoming slippery with the dampness that had accumulated in your grasp
andrei lets go one hand for just a second
sloppily raising your skirt to reveal your ass
holding back from ripping your underwear off with one simple gesture
instead moving it to the side
placing it securely over the curve of you body
letting him access all of your vulnerable parts
you can hear the fabric ripping off of his hips just after
as the tip of his cock
already slicked with precum 
hits you, releasing from the tight grip of his boxers
he places himself right at your entrance
his member sizzling against you
andrei’s fingers begin to explore 
up and down your cunt
you moan, sharply
“you know I take care of you, принцесса”
he answers, his cheek pressed against the side of your head
you could feel your hair sticking to his damp skin
“i’m already wet, just, please.”
you start to plead, looking down in defeat
“i can feel, baby. just let me feel more.”
you could hear the entertainment in his voice as he kept his touch feather light
up and down 
circling your clit, spreading your juice on every inch of your vulva
even moving the tip of his cock, which kept pressing steadily at your entrance, to dip his touch inside
not fully, just slightly
“let me have what I gave you.”
he mutters, unable to keep his cock from twitching as the words leave his mouth
you knew him, and how he asked for things in his fashion
immediately, opening your mouth as his hand moved back to your front, swirling his fingers around the inside
“such good girl.”
he drawls out, scooping some spit from the back of your throat
a slight gag sending shivers down your spine
and placing it inside you, finally giving you an ounce on relief with his two fingers
“you see? now you already have me inside you. before I can even fuck the shit out of you right here.”
he teases, his accent shining more than ever in his cursing
the way he slightly mispronounced every word made your body loose even more
“you know if I am home, I spit in every single one of your hole.”
he whispers, bending down so you can take in every word from the shell of your ear
“andrei, please.”
this one is louder, your system alarmingly imploring for more 
your tone sending a jolt throughout his nervous system
allowing his guard down enough to groan suddenly and steadily
“you ask so nicely, Малы́шка”
your moan of exasperation relaxes as he finally drives his hips forward, his cock parting you easily and coating himself with muddle that you had become
you both tighten the grip that holds you almost perpendicularly
the bar underneath you letting you a creak just as you both exhale in pleasure
andrei wastes no time in beginning his thrusts
his humid hips slamming audibly against your ass as he moves his hand to your lower belly
pushing you back towards you even more
the grunting was unabating, jerking out of him every time he bottomed out 
at this point
you weren't even sure if you needed to be concerned about getting caught 
for a moment, you had gotten so wrapped up in him that you forgot 
the locker room
technically public
and on top of that, his workplace
it was hard to keep that fear in mind when the clench of his hands began to tighten 
right as he began to ram himself full force into you
his hard cock sending signals of delirious elation all throughout you
your sighs and moans harmonizing with his
he loved how expressive you were
it wasn't faked or exaggerated
he knew that everything that came out from between your lips was his doing that you just couldn't hold back
“andrei, babe.”
you moaned, failing to access any other part of your vocabulary
“i know, baby, I know”
he grunted out
the pit in your bellies, concurrently deepening
he couldn't stop, releasing all his tension with every shove inside you
“i know, let it out for me, yeah?”
he added
you knew you couldn’t last much longer
your thighs jiggling and trembling as you both surged and waved back and forth in unison, meeting the other’s flows
“oh, my-”
your orgasm jumped through you, your eyes squeezing shut as you clamped around andrei
feeling your ecstasy pool at the base of his cock and slowly began to dribble down his pelvis
getting caught in his pubic hair while you shook his his arms
your fingers gripping impossibly tight underneath his
it all made andrei sped up even faster
eliciting the sweetest sounds he had ever heard to rip out of your throat
your vision clouded by sweat and stars
the way your pussy clutched his member rolled andrei in his own exaltation
his muscles binding as he stiffened behind you, releasing all of himself inside your cunt with a groan that echoed throughout the locker room
your breathing stayed synced as you both came down together
worried that if you moved or let each other go that you would both tumble out on the ground
“you feel good, baby?”
he asked breathlessly, placing a sweet kiss on your temple
another drop of blood from the long forgotten gash accidentally splashing on your face
you nodded, turning around to find his rich brown eyes staring right into you
his thumb rapidly cleaning up your cheek
apologetic in his look and yet
still behind a roaring fire that never seemed to die within his gaze
“are you okay?” 
you asked, a giggle interrupting your sentence as you eyed his chin, now swelling more than ever
“I told you, I’m okay when you here always.”
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sportswriters · 1 month
nope, no favorites around here - j. drury
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pairing: jack drury x female!reader | f, slight a | co-workers to lovers | wc: 716 | warnings: mentions of jack fighting on the ice
welcome post!
y/n’s part of the medical team of the carolina hurricanes. she has a great relationship with the players since it's her job to do check-ups before and after the games.
one fine day, she almost collapses while watching jack getting into a fight with the opponent. the crowd is loud, the guys on the bench are shocked and impressed at the same time. jack dropping the gloves mid game? that's rare. she hates it.
“i don't care if you won, i don't care if it hypes up the crowd, i don't care if it's normal in this sport. are you freaking dumb?”
she's distracted until she notices jack watching her with a smug smile on his face, not even slightly offended by her rant. y/n freezes.
“sorry, shouldn't have gone that far.”
“it's alright, it's a valid worry to have… as someone from the medical team.” jack absolutely knows there's more to it, but he's having fun. she's adorable.
“of course.” she nods. “medical concerns only.”
at home, she starts overthinking about her relationship with jack, wondering if people might be seeing too much. i'm kind and attentive to everyone, right? oh, no, what if they think jack's my favorite? that's awful!
the next day, she goes to work completely self-conscious of her own actions. she greets everyone trying not to be suspicious as she almost sprints to her office. she takes care of the paperwork from the previous day and take notes of what the boss left for her. when practice time arrives, the players come around to do a quick check-up before going to the ice. she has other doctors with her, but somewhere inside she knows jack is going to her cubicle.
he does. jack walks peacefully to his favorite doctor assistant — knowing that there are a few others available —, but what catches him out of guard is how professional she’s acting. well, of course she always does her job correctly, but never this cold, this far — far from him. y/n does every step of the check-up carefully, trusting she’s great at hiding her thoughts from her expressions. they seem to be eating her up inside, that’s why she looks so focused on not messing it up.
“you alright? you look restless,” jack asks, genuinely concerned.
“all great, just got a lot on my plate today,” she replies, eyes on the clipboard with his informations. “good practice, jack. don’t come back here anytime soon.”
y/n turns her back at him to hide her frown, regretting her words. she just needs him to leave so she can breathe properly.
“thought i was your favorite patient.” he tries to lighten the mood. he really doesn’t want it to end that fast, but regrets it a second after, because when their eyes meet, she’s terrified.
“what? nope, no favorites around here. i treat every player equally. have you heard something about it?”
“hey, don’t worry, i was kidding.” jack watches her posture relax. “i promise to do my best only to come here to see you, is that okay?”
y/n freezes. what the hell is going on, right now?
“look, i like talking to you, alright? i’m not a fan of pain and bandages as well, i just don’t mind coming here when i know i’ll be seeing your pretty face.” jack decides to keep talking, afraid you’ll make any assumptions. “and i don’t want you to overthink that i’m giving mixed signs. so, y/n, i’d really like to take you on a date if you allow me.”
“yes. wait.” she covers her mouth then her face in embarrassment. jack softens, his smile grows bigger.
he waits patiently for her. in fact, he’d love to cup her cheeks on his own hands, but that’s hopefully for another day.
“i mean, yeah, it would be nice to go out with you,” she answers, holding a smile as best as she can. “but now i think you should go. wouldn’t wanna mess the queue and get me fired, right?”
he chuckles. there she is, the y/n that got him infatuated.
“of course. see you later, then?”
“don’t even dare getting a scratch on purpose, you hear me?”
“even though you’re adorable when you’re worried?”
“get out of my face right now!”
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hockeyboysimagines · 1 month
I’ve loved you three
Chapter 3
Warnings: language, kissing, mild sexual content, some angst and mentions of manipulative/abusive relationships.
Hello friends! Happy this is starting to catch on a bit. @cellythefloshie s chapter should be up soon! When it’s posted I’ll link it here!
Thanks!! Enjoy and let me know what you think.
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The grocery store was mostly empty at this early morning hour and Madison was thankful because she had Seth on the brain.
They’d parted ways last night with more kissing and she hadn’t seen him since then.
And she was kind of glad.
She hadn’t even begun to process what had happened the night before and was still not totally sure it wasn’t a dream. The situation with her and Seth could go one of two ways. It could either be a wonderful amazing adventure or she could run the risk of losing a lifelong friend. It really just came down whether it was worth the risk, which she already decided it was. But it wasn’t only up to her. She had no idea how he was feeling.
If she hadn’t been thinking about Seth, she would have been paying closer attention, but she didn’t even see him coming till it was too late.
She turned and felt something that could only be described as dread start to settle in her stomach.
Darren was standing a few feet away, fake smile plastered on his face, the same one he wore the very first time she ever met him. She did not return it.
“Hey how are you?” He moved closer and she took a small step back. Annoyance flickered across his face.
“Fine.” She moved to walk away from him but when he followed and she turned to face him fully, arms crossed with a frown.
“Is uh-is Harper here?” He asked glancing over her shoulder.
She scoffed “No Darren. She’s not here, but I’m guessing you knew that already. Leave my sister alone.”
“How is she?”
“Did you hear what I just said? It’s none of your business. If you wanted to know that I guess you should have spent the last 6 years treating her better.” Madison’s brows were pulled low over her eyes which were blazing with anger. She wanted to punch him right in the throat and run him over with the cart.
“You don’t know anything!” He snapped loudly at her, drawing the attention of the few people nearby.
But Madison wasn’t having it and stood her ground.
“You might have been able to bully my sister but don’t think for one second you’re going to bully me.” Madison was glaring at him “Stay away from Harper. If you ever really loved her you’ll let her move on. Or if you want to tempt fate show up to the house. I dare you.” Madison smiled a little and for the first time Darren’s confidence faltered. He knew better.
“Can you tell her-“
“Fuck off.” She turned away from him, heart beating loudly in her chest. Darren didn’t scare her, but her sister potentially having to suffer for it did.
She didn’t want to tell Harper and upset her but it would also upset her if she didn’t and Harper found out later. She was glad she had elected to take the grocery store errand and that Harper didn’t or it would be a very different conversation they’d be having
Madison checked out, not even sure she'd gotten everything, and made her way home, noting Seth’s car absent from his driveway, but that Harper’s car was parked in theirs.
She made her way very slowly inside, dreading the conversation she was going to be forced to have with her, and found her at the island in the kitchen.
Harper glanced up with a big smile but it faded a little when she saw her face “You didn’t hit another car in the parking lot, did you?” she teased.
Maddie shook her head and cleared her throat “I ran into Darren while I was at the store, i was just grabbing-“ she sighed, it didn’t really matter what she was grabbing “Nevermind, when he approached me, he acted like he just happened to be there at the same time, which was fine, until he started looking around, waiting, as if you were just going to walk up to us right there in the store, and when you didn’t he got really….” Maddie trailed off “Angry. He started asking where you were, how he could contact you. If I could give you a message-“
Harper’s face was unreadable, and Maddie wasn’t sure if she was mad or sad or even maybe a little bit scared. It had upset Maddie that she’d seen him and he made a huge scene like that, but it would upset her more if this upset Harper.
Sighing, Harper ran her hand through her hair, and sat down with her sister at the island shoulders slouched “He knows where I am,” she sighed, “He’s just too scared to come here.”
They shared a smile and Maddie said, “Dad.”
“Exactly. I can be safe here-” Maddie frowned hoping that Harper wasn’t alluding to what she thought she was “Hey,” she took her sister’s arm, “He never hurt me. Not in the way you think. And he didn’t hurt you, right?”
“I would have cut his hand right off if he had touched me.” Harper laughed and hugged Maddie to her.
”You still going out with your friends?”
Maddie nodded. She had lunch planned with friends mostly as a distraction and to give her some extra thinking time before she saw Seth later on. She would be prepared by then.
“Good, you go get ready, I’ll put the groceries away. Before you go, my new number is on the fridge, and if you need me and I’m not in here, I’ll be by the pool.”
Madison stood and squeezed her hand “I’m really glad you left him Harper. He never deserved you.”
She made her way through the house and up the steps to her room to ready herself for lunch with friends.
Seth was sitting on his bed with his arms crossed staring at the opposite wall. His house was completely silent, which was unusual under normal circumstances but now with Svech living there it was even more. He’d watched Madison leave early, and then leave again and had been sitting in silence since then thinking about her.
He’d done a lot of reflection over the last few hours, having not slept barely at all, and he’d come to the conclusion that he and Madison just made sense. The writing had been on the wall for years and he’d been so wrapped up in hockey that he hadn't been playing close enough attention. If he had it wouldn’t have taken him 21 summers to realize that there’d always been something there just under the surface. It couldn’t be undone now, and it almost made him laugh at how dumb he was. Things he’d forgotten about were starting to come back to him. Most of their close friends knew that their friendship was strictly a friendship. But there had been some questions about them and their relationship over the years.
“So what’s with you and Madison Alexander?”
Seth looked up and frowned at Meghan, a girl he’d been kind of hanging out with for the last week or so. She was picking at a manicured fingernail and glanced up.
“What do you mean?”
She shrugged and crossed her arms “Well you guys seem close and she’s the most popular girl in school.” She said it with some bitterness. Madison was in fact the most popular girl in school and for good reason. She was gorgeous, friendly and approachable, and Seth could tell Meghan was jealous. Madison’s popularity wasn’t anything new to him though and he never really thought about her the way others did. But Meghan was obviously insecure and he could sort of understand why.
She was popular but not Madison popular and the one times they’d crossed paths Meghan had been standoffish. Maddie seemed to not notice, but Seth did and it was starting to make sense now.
“And that’s got what to do with anything?”
Meghan shrugged “Just wondering.”
“Mads is my oldest friend. We basically grew up together.”
“And you like her?”
Seth paused and turned to her “No….? Not like that anyways-“
“Then why’d you blow me off for her last night?”
He hadn’t.
Well sort of. He was supposed to hang out with Meghan the night before but he’d spent the afternoon with Maddie and Harper next door. So when they’d insisted he come with them to get food, he had cancelled plans with Meghan and went with Maddie and Harper instead, unbeknownst to them.
He liked Meghan but she could be a lot, and hanging out with Maddie and Harper was so easy.
“I just-“
“I think your hanging out with me and hooking up with her or the other one behind my back.”
“Woah woah hang on.” He held up a hand “First of all, I’m not hooking up with Madison and if I was I wouldn’t be hanging out with you, and second of all, Harper is 23 and used to babysit us. What is your problem? Maddie’s been nothing but nice since you met her.”
“I don’t want you hanging out with her.”
Seth’s mouth fell open “Are you kidding? Your telling me who I can and can’t hang out with? We’ve been talking for like a week.”
“Okay well let me make it really easy for you then. If you wanna continue to talk, and you wanna date me, you can’t be friends with her.” She crossed her arms “Pick one.”
Serbs mouth fell open and he scoffed “Okay. Her.”
The smile slipped from her face and her mouth opened “Wh-what did you say?”
Meghan started yelling and pointing and calling him names, which he wasn’t surprised about, and next thing he knew he was making his way through his backyard and into Madison’s.
She smiled and waved “Hey you okay?”
He sat down on the chair next to her “Fine why?”
She raised an eyebrow and he sighed “You know that girl? Meghan that I was hanging out with?”
“Mhm.” She curled a leg underneath her and pushed a strand of hair from her forehead.
“She-I blew her off to hang out with you guys last night-“
“Seth why would-“
“And she told me that if I wanna date her I can’t be friends with you anymore.”
Maddie looked alarmed and her lips parted “Wow. That escalated uh-fast. So what did you say?”
He gave her a long look “You’ve been a great friend so it sucks that we have to stop being friends this way -“ but he couldn’t even get the words out before he started laughing.
A smile broke out across her face “You douche.”
“I’m kidding. I told her that I didn’t think it was gonna work. I’m not going to give up my friends.”
“I get it but still. That’s not fair of her to ask in my opinion and for her to think we’re hooking up is crazy.”
He chuckled and leaned back arms crossed “Not really. She thought I was hooking up with Harper too.”
A splash from next door interrupted his thoughts and he pushed himself up into a kneeling position on his bed. From his room he could see clear into both the Alexander’s back yard, Maddie’s room and part of the kitchen. It had made for one hell of a vantage point for years of hide and seek.
But what surprised him even more was that the splash from the pool was not only Harper, but Svech as well. A bold move he thought to himself with a smile and a chuckle.
Oh he was so getting in on this.
It was late afternoon when Maddie returned home, now noting that all the cars, except her dads cruiser, were accounted for in both driveways, and that Seth and Andrei were both out front.
She hadn’t talked to him all day, assuming he too was deep in thought about what had happened the night before or he was avoiding her. She’d also been a little worried that maybe he hadn’t been thinking about her at all. Maybe it was just another kiss with another girl and things would go back to normal. Either way, she wasn't about to reach out first. She didn’t even know what to say to him.
By the time she got out of the car Andrei had all but disappeared and Seth was making his way over looking at her apprehensively and smiled “Hi.”
She felt her knees get weak and sucked in a breath “Hi.”
She shut her car door and made her way to the front meeting him in the middle. He looked nervous, and she reached forward grabbing his hand and motioned towards her house with a smile “Come on.”
Harper wasn’t in the lower half of the house, and was presumably unpacking in her basement apartment. Seth followed her up the stairs and into her bedroom, which he’d been in before but that was before he’d kissed her in the backyard.
She shut the door behind her and turned to him, brushing past him and sitting on her bed. She patted the space next to her motioning for him to sit. He felt nervous and sweaty and he had no clue what was going on with him. He never got nervous to talk to girls but kissing her last night had rattled him.
Maddie was different. But thinking back he realized she’d always been different to him.
He cleared his throat “So about last night. Should we talk about it?” His arm brushed hers and sent goosebumps across it and despite the warm weather she gave a little shiver.
Maddie looked at her legs dangling off the bed and smiled “Probably..” she had her hands resting on her knees and tentatively he reached out to hold one, resting it there a second before he spoke.
“You know I really care about you right?”
She nodded, her thumb sweeping across the skin of his hand “Yes.”
“And I would never jeopardize our friendship if I didn’t think that maybe we were more than that?…Are we more than that?”
“I think we could be. If you want that is.” She smiled at him, hair spilling over her shoulder as she turned her head to the side. If she hadn’t been holding his hand he would have thought this was a dream. She’d smiled at him more times than he could count, but never like this. It made his stomach churn, and his heart start to pound.
“More than you know. So does that mean I can kiss you again?”
She smiled and nodded, meeting him halfway fingers still intertwined with his. He kissed her very slowly and sweetly, the hand that wasn’t holding hers came up to slide up her neck and rest on her cheek.
It did not last.
Years of feelings and sexual tension began to bubble over like water on a stove. She gave him a little tug and they moved over the bed, her underneath him as he slotted himself between her legs and a hand tangled in her hair. She lost track of what she was doing and let out a breath when he ground his pelvis into hers.
“Is your dad home?” He murmured against her mouth, breath coming out in gasps.
“No.” She pulled the back of his shirt up, tugging it over his head and tossing it down on the floor. She unbuttoned the tank top she was wearing as he sprung the zipper on her shorts and pulled them down her legs, leaning forward to kiss her again as she pulled at the waistband of his shorts. Her heart was beating so loud it was drowning out the hearing in her ears but not enough that they didn’t hear the front door slam from downstairs startling them apart.
“Girls! You home?” Her dad called. She heard his footsteps start to come up the steps and Seth jumped off of her, looking around in a panic. She jumped up nearly falling over as she yanked her shorts up and threw on his shirt, shoving him inside her closet just as her dad knocked on the door. She took a deep breath and opened it.
“Oh hey dad-what uhm. What’s up?” She was breathing heavy and leaned against the door.
He was frowning at her “Are you okay?”
“Yeah why wouldn’t I be okay?” She chuckled a little.
He looked past her into her room and then down at her clothes “Who’s shirt is that?”
“Oh it’s-mine, it’s mine. I found it in my closet.” She was a terrible liar and she could see her dad didn’t believe a word she said.
He nodded slowly eyebrows raised “Right. Is your sister home?”
“I think she’s in the basement.”
“Okay are you staying in for the rest of the day?”
She glanced at the closet “Mhm.”
“Great. I’m going to go talk to Harper and then get some sleep.”
“Okay sounds good. Get some rest big guy, you deserve it. Love you.” She called leaning out the doorway with a big smile.
He chuckled “Love you too Mads.”
She closed the door casually and locked it, letting out the breath she’d been holding and creeping across the floor to open the closet. Seth was crying with laughter inside the closet, hand over his mouth as he leaned on the wall and whispered “He definitely knew I was in here. He’s gonna kill me I-“
“He’s definitely going to kill you if he hears you in here now shh!” Madison shushed him with a giggle and made her way across the room to close her curtains, and flipped her tv on, leaving them in partial darkness. She pulled Seth’s shirt over her head and handed it to him, reaching for her own shirt on the end of the bed.
He sat on her bed and shrugged it back on “This looks better on you.” He watched her with admiration as she pulled the tank top back on over her shoulders and buttoned it, pushing her hair over her shoulder.
She smiled at him and turned the volume on the tv up enough that they could talk undetected and seated herself next to him, getting as close as she possibly could. Though this was the first time she’d ever laid next to him in bed in a romantic way, it felt so natural. Like they’d been doing this since forever, almost as if it was meant to be. He ran a hand up her arm to her shoulder, turning slightly so he could lean down to kiss her again, but she pulled away, instead running her lips over his jaw, tongue sliding across his neck.
She could feel him squirming around and smiled a little.
“Stop.” He pulled her mouth off his neck, holding her face in his hands.
“Stop what?”
“You know what. If you keep doing that I’m gonna start yelling. And then you know what’ll happen.”
“My dad finding you in my room half dressed? He’d probably shoot you.”
“Your dad loves me.” he ran a hand up the side of her neck.
“Not that much.” She sucked in a breath as he leaned down to kiss her again, hand brushing up under her shirt. As his fingers moved across her waist, goosebumps bloomed across her skin and she gave a shiver. She wanted to so bad, but her sisters room was directly under hers and her dad was just down the hall.
He pulled back to look at her, brushing a strand of hair from her cheek “You know we can’t do this right?” He said quietly with a small frown “Not with an audience. And I wanna do this right.”
She nodded and sighed “I know. Where though?” She added with a chuckle.
He laughed and ran his fingers through her hair “We’re in our 20s. It’s supposed to be easier to find places to hook up, not harder.”
She chuckled and sighed “I know. But I live with Elliot Stabler and the genius who’s spiraling in the basement and these walls are paper thin. How do you think Harper knows about all the bad shit we did growing up.”
He laughed and ran a finger across her collarbone “True. My house is out of the question too, between my parents and Svechy. Hey we-“
“Absolutely not.” She said putting a hand up.
“You don’t even-“
“The Tiguan is out of the question Seth.”
His mouth fell open and he deflated a little “Okay okay. Just a suggestion sheesh….but out of curiosity why not? Is there something wrong with my Tiguan?”
“That thing is one hopped curb short of being held together by duct tape. Too much movement and it’s falling apart.”
“You have a lot of confidence in my abilities.”
She rolled her eyes and gave the skin on his waist a squeeze “Guess that means you’ll have to really wow me.”
“Oh I’ll wow you.” He said leaning down to kiss her.
Hours later, she’d managed to sneak Seth out undetected and sent him back to his house with another quick kiss and a wave and she was now lying across her bed fighting the urge to kick and squeal because her dad was still asleep down the hall.
She felt her phone buzz and picked it up to see a message from Seth.
What are the odds you can sneak out later?
She smiled and glanced up through the curtains at his window Not so great. That’s the trouble living with a trained investigator.
Damn. Guess I’ll just have to visualize. So what’re you wearing?
Madison giggled and put a hand over her mouth eyes swiveling to the ceiling An oversized shirt and socks.
That’s it? Nothing else?
Like what?
Nothing underneath?
Maddie grinned evily Why would there be? I don’t wear underwear
Across the yard, in Seth’s room a phone slipped from his hand and fell to the floor. He let his head fall back and huffed.
She was killing him.
He’d kissed her on two occasions and she had him wrapped, but before he could have any more thoughts about Madison, or her underwear or anything, Svech burst through the door to his bedroom startling him.
“Do they not practice KNOCKING in Russia Jesus Christ.” He said grabbing the spot over his heart.
“What are you smiling about? And where you been all afternoon?” Andrei asked him sitting at the end of his bed.
“None of your business nosey. How goes the plan to get Harper to acknowledge your existence? Or are you still invisible?”
“Ha ha.” He said squinting at him “We’re not talking about me.”
Seth laughed and shrugged “I’m just having a good day is all.”
“And does that good day have a name? Madison maybe?”
Seth kicked at him “Never you mind about my good day. What’s the next step in your master scheme? You’ve tried stalking, complimenting-“
“I did not stalk her-“
“You.” Seth said sitting up pointing at him “Showed up at her job to go running when she didn’t want you there. I don’t know what they call that in Russia but here that’s stalking my guy.”
“And you.” Andre said pointing at him “Went with me so that makes you an accomplice. And I did it at the suggestion of your good day.”
“My good day never explicitly told you-“
“Aha! So she is your good day.” Andrei said slapping him on the shin and grinning.
Seth sputtered at him for a second before he broke out into a smile “Fuck off.”
“Joking, I’m joking. Is that what Harper meant by “Being good to my sister? Or whatever she said.”
“I think so. Maddie must have said something, I don’t know. Harper knows everything about everyone so maybe she just guessed. She’s smart.” He tapped his temple and Andrei rolled his eyes.
“So tell me.”
“Tell you what?”
“Don’t be an idiot okay?”
Seth was laughing and shrugged “It’s been nice. We gotta get you your own Alexander sister buddy.” He slapped him on the back and stood “Come on, can we go eat I’m starving. We can hatch a plan to make Harper fall in love with you before the summers over.”
Andrei watched as Seth stood and cleared his throat “So you think she might like me a little bit? Maybe?”
Seth grinned “ She will if I have anything to do with it.”
Maddie made her way through the house looking for Harper. She couldn’t talk with her dad about it, and her friends had been too wrapped up with their stuff to pay Maddie and her summer dramas any mind. In fact it had been over a week since she’d even seen or spoken to them. While Harper gave great advice, she was also uniquely qualified to speak about her and Seth because she’d basically raised both of them. Harper wouldn’t steer her wrong.
But really Maddie just wanted to talk. As a teen, before Harper moved out, they’d spent many nights talking and giggling together until their dad finally had to enforce curfew because they were keeping him up at night.
But as Maddie opened the basement door to descend the steps, she heard Harper crying. She paused and stood at the top of the stairs for second before she backed up and shut the door quietly. She wouldn’t bother Harper with this. As she made her way through the kitchen she spotted Seth and Andrei making their way though the driveway to Seth’s car talking and laughing. Seth spotted her through the large kitchen window and smiled and waved at her, which she returned before she made to turn and ran smack into her dad.
“Jesus dad I-“
“You going out with them?” He nodded to the Jarvis’s driveway.
“Me? No im going to sketch a while. Why would I be going out with them?”
“Did you or did you not go golfing with them yesterday?”
She chuckled “How did-Yeah but what’s that have to do with anything?”
He crossed his arms and peered down at her “And which one was in your room when I came home?”
Maddie wanted to shrivel up and die right there on the hallway rug as she looked up at her dad. Though historically he wasn’t a yeller, she and Harper had never really tested his patience. Maddie had always been more trouble prone than her sister but having a boy into her bedroom closet was a new one. They’d always followed the house rules, and their dad was laid back for the most part.
But he didn’t seem angry. He stood staring at her eyebrows raised “Hmm?”
Maddie felt her face get red and cleared her throat, straightening up and looking her dad in the eye “Seth.”
Surprise registered across his face and his mouth opened “Really?”
She hoped that because her dad loved Seth and had watched him grow up that he wouldn’t be as upset about it if it had been Andrei, a guy who had just shown up a week ago. She cleared her throat, crossing her fingers behind her back and smiled hopefully at her dad “So how much trouble am I in?”
He shrugged “Why would you be in trouble?”
“Because I lied. I had a boy in my bedroom….i lied? Really nothing?”
He frowned but looked amused “Do you want to be in trouble?”
She shook her head “No.”
“Okay then. But don’t do it again.” He warned pointing a finger at her.
“Yessir.” She said with a salute and a stifled giggle as she moved past her dad and up the steps pulling out her phone to text Seth with a small smile.
M: My dad knows you were in my closet. He said he’s looking for you.
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drewsbuzzcut · 1 year
Thoughts on Andrei as a boyfriend
He loves sleeping in your arms, chest to chest, face buried in your neck
He loves when you wear his boxers and a tiny top or when you wear his large tshirts and just panties
He is always kissing your neck
He loves holding/feeling up your boobs
He loves guiding your cold hands to press onto his warm chest, it’s become a big habit of his
He loves when you kiss his cuts and bruises, enjoying the intimacy of the action
He loves your massages
He knows how to take care of you when you’re on your period
Massages your stomach, dresses you in his warm hoodies
He’s about a foot taller than you and he loves it!
He always has you helping him with his tie on game days, knowing you use it to pull him down into a kiss
He loves hugging you from behind, hands wrapped around your stomach or planted on your waist
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ilyasorokinn · 1 year
feeling kinda soft and thinking about dad andrei 🥹 what do you think the first family vacation with kids would be like?
okay, idk if this is exactly what you requested, but i tried bestie! love ya <3
tw: kids/children
you had been on vacation with theo but never theo and anastasia, so it was going to be a big ordeal when it finally came time to take them both.
because they were both so young, there were only two options in their minds when it came to vacation. either a theme park or a waterpark, which greatly limited your options.
"i don't want to go to a waterpark," andrei whined as he looked over at your computer screen to see what you were doing.
"and you think i do?"
"why can't we go to like a beach or something?"
"because we have kids." you reminded him, jabbing him jokingly in the side, "now, can you look at this? does this look fun for kids?"
a few months later, you were finally at the waterpark. theo and anastasia's heads were on a swivel the entire time as they took everything in.
"over there!"
"mommy, look!"
"do you want to go on that one?" you pointed to a waterslide.
"that one." anastasia pointed to a bigger one. it wasn't the biggest one at the park, but it was the biggest one in the kiddie area.
your eyes widened, "are you sure? that's a big one." she nodded her head, "all right." you sighed, setting her down and holding her hand, "ana wants to go on the big one over there."
"me too!" theo exclaimed, jumping up.
you looked up andrei, a similar look of horror on both of your faces. you eventually found yourself waiting in the long line to get on the waterslide.
"why are we doing this? how did we end up here?" you asked andrei, keeping an eye on theo and anastasia who were entertaining each other while you waited in line.
"we're going on vacation, me and you, to a beach. a warm one. no kids, just me and you." andrei wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
"i won't complain." you sighed.
"next." the person working the slide called you over. theo and anastasia sat in the front while you and andrei sat in the back. after you got off, both kids were buzzing.
"was that fun?" andrei asked them, holding each kid in each arm.
"so much." theo nodded.
"hungry." ana stated.
"all right, let's get some lunch."
by the afternoon, both kids were exhausted and passed out. you carried theo while andrei carried anastasia, back to the car. after you strapped them both in, you sat back in the driver and passenger seats, enjoying the air conditioning from the car and a breath without kids crawling all over you.
"what if we just fell asleep right here?" andrei joked, closing his eyes and taking a breath.
"can we just cancel the rest of the trip? today was enough." you yawned.
"sounds good." andrei yawned.
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bunting27 · 1 year
just saw that andrei x reader and im in love 😭😭
#12🍓 with andrei <3
hugs ✏︎ a. svechnikov
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bunting27's 100 follower celly !
a/n: this was supposed to come out two days ago and i forgot to post it three times i hate myself. everything in italics (except for the prompt) is being said in russian
prompts: “your hugs are nice.."
wc: 0.6k
taglist: @kenanlotus0 @sidcrosbyspuck @whourfeyrac
“you are being difficult for someone who’s supposed to be my girlfriend” she glared at him, regretting having agreed to this arrangement in the first place. what was in it for her, again?
“you are being very touchy for someone who’s not actually my boyfriend” she shrugged his arm off her shoulders and he chuckled, bringing his arm right back up and kissing her on the forehead. 
“blame evgeny. he’s the one that told my mother he thought i was hiding a secret girl.” she rolled her eyes, looking towards the two people they were about to have dinner with and further regretting her decision to come with andrei.
“you didn’t think to tell her that he was wrong?” andrei didn’t bother answering, his mom and brother were rapidly approaching and he thanked god they weren’t in ear shot when she said it.
he did think to tell his mom evgeny was full of shit, but then he came up with a better, more rewarding plan - this one. the one where his mom met the girl he’d been crushing on and maybe now she would hopefully see that he was not just being a cheesy flirt whenever he spoke to her.
he gave his mom a kiss on the cheek when they finally got close enough, and then he hugged his brother. finally, he cradled the back of her head and smiled to his family, introducing them.
“she’s beautiful, andrei” that was gonna be the hardest part of tonight. she didn’t speak a word of russian, so she would hardly even be able to speak to his mom. originally, she thought that meant she would just be able to say whatever and then andrei would translate it to whatever would make her look good, and then he said evgeny would be there, too.
“she said you’re beautiful, kisa. thank you, mom. isn’t she?” she smiled, awkwardly sticking her hand out for andrei’s mom to shake, but she was quickly brought into a welcoming hug. evgeny settled for a slightly less enthusiastic handshake and smile, which she greatly appreciated.
the dinner went really well, as far as she could tell. andrei’s mom looked overjoyed, but she had absolutely no idea what elena was saying, because andrei’s translations could easily have been lies to keep her at ease.
they were saying their goodbyes, and she was actually quite happy to get a goodbye hug from both elena and evgeny, which hopefully meant she did a good job at being a fake girlfriend.
it was all smiles until his mom noticed that they were walking in different directions to get to their cars, since they had come separately.
“oh, no, mom. i have early practice. she likes her sleep” he chuckled awkwardly, grabbing her hand and ruffling her hair to hopefully help sell his lie. but his mom still didn’t look convinced. 
as casually as he possibly could in a situation like this, he held her close and kissed her goodbye, mumbling an apology against her forehead and making it look like he had been wishing her a goodnight.
elena smiled and waved at the two of them, gushing to evgeny about how happy her youngest son looked. 
he was actually feeling incredibly awkward, though, keeping her close to him until his mom was out of sight.
“your hugs are nice..” he grinned from ear to ear, looking down at her to see her red and flustered.
“my hugs?” she hummed, ruffling his hair and pulling away from him.
“hey, wait. i want more hugs, sometime. if that’s okay. i want to hug you and mean it” she smiled and kissed his cheek.
“you’re a dork. and you can stop using codewords, just kiss me”
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lifeofpriya · 11 months
How Long? - Andrei Svechnikov imagine
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[gif credit goes to @pyotrkochetkov]
summary: how long had it been going on for? was everything you knew just a big lie?
hiya everyone! i'm back with my entry for the wonderful @wyattjohnston's summer fic exchange! i had the honor and privilege of writing for @luvmmarner -- i had so much fun writing this fic as angst isn't usually a trope i tend to write about. i hope y'all enjoy and love this fic!
tw: mentions of cheating
word count: ~1.74k
You had always been a hockey fan, and when you met Andrei at a charity event that the Hurricanes hosted, it was like a dream come true. You were instantly smitten by the young Russian, and there was no denying that the connection you both had was electrifying, and soon enough, you and Andrei fell in love with each other.
Your relationship was perfect, or so you had thought. One day, you received a message from your acquaintance, Olivia – she was a friend of a friend – and in the message, she told you about how she saw Andrei out with another woman. You were shocked and devastated, to say the least. You couldn’t believe the man you loved had betrayed you like this. You felt angry and betrayed, and you wanted to confront him. You called him, but he refused to answer your calls. You decided to take matters into your own hands to get the answers you deserved.
You soon confronted the Russian, hoping it was a misunderstanding, while you were both at a café near the arena. As soon as Andrei sat in his seat, you asked him, “Have you been seeing someone else behind my back?” Andrei was taken aback by the suddenness of your question.
You could see the glint of hesitation in Andrei’s eyes as he stammered for a moment before he sighed and nodded. “I…I was seeing Olivia. But it didn’t mean anything! It was just a fling, that’s all! We weren't serious," Andrei continued. "It was just a bit of fun. I swear, it didn't mean anything."
You were heartbroken, to say the least. You couldn’t believe that Andrei had been unfaithful to you. “Andrei, how could you do this? I thought we had something special?”
Andrei hung his head in shame, unable to meet your gaze. “I'm sorry,” he said his voice barely a whisper. You felt your heart break even further. Hot, salty tears of anguish and betrayal pooled in your eyes as you stared at Andrei. He looked at you solemnly, “I’m sorry, Y/N…I never meant to hurt you, babe; I was just confused, and I didn’t know what I wanted….”
A sharp hiss escaped your lips, “Don’t you dare call me ‘babe’, especially after what you’ve done, Andrei.” You soon abruptly stood up and dashed out of the café. As you walked away, the tears began to stream down your face. You felt your heart racing as you tried to make sense of the situation. You had never felt so betrayed before. You couldn’t accept the Russian’s apology just like that. He betrayed your trust, and at that moment, you didn’t know if you could ever find it in your heart to forgive him.
As the days went by, you became increasingly distant from Andrei. You tried to move on from the whole fiasco, but in the back of your head, you knew you couldn’t shake off the feeling of betrayal. You didn’t know if you could ever trust Andrei again.
At the same time, though, Andrei’s relationship with Olivia was also falling apart as he belatedly realized that he made a colossal mistake and truly did love you. The one caveat, however, was that Olivia wasn’t willing to let him sneak away from her that easily. Andrei had to face the consequences of his actions, and Olivia made sure he would do so. She was determined to make him realize that he had to be honest about his feelings and take responsibility for the hurt he had caused.
One day, you received a package: a small box with a note attached. “I’m sorry for what I did. Please forgive me,” you mumbled the content of the message under your breath as you opened the box, inside which was a beautiful necklace with a heart-shaped pendant. You immediately knew the necklace was from Andrei; it symbolized his love for you…but you couldn’t accept it. You felt like it was too little, too late. Setting the necklace down on the kitchen counter that was conveniently in front of you, you soon grabbed your phone off the coffee table and immediately dialed the Russian’s number. “Andrei, I just got your little ‘gift’, and I can’t accept this. You hurt me too much…”
Andrei understood and didn’t push you any further. He knew he had to give you space and time to heal. You thanked him for understanding and hung up the phone. You felt relief wash over you as you placed the necklace back onto the kitchen counter. Taking a deep breath, you turned around and left the room. You went into the living room and lay down on the couch. You felt the tears begin to well up in your eyes, but you pushed them back down. You closed your eyes and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
You decided to walk in the park one day to clear your head. As you walked around, you noticed a tree with a heart carved into its trunk, which made you stop in your tracks to look at it. As you stared at the carved tree trunk, you realized the carved heart symbolized love and commitment.
There was a part of you that wanted to be with Andrei, but you didn’t know if you could ever trust him again. You decided to take a risk by ringing him up and asking him to meet you at the park. Soon after he arrived, you showed him the tree with the heart carved into it. Not wanting to look at the young Russian standing next to you, you plainly said, “the heart carved on the tree symbolizes love and commitment…do you understand what that means?”
Andrei simply responded to your question, “I do. It means that I’m committed to you…and that I love you.”
You looked at Andrei with a raised eyebrow, “I want to believe you so much, Andrei, but I don’t know if I can. You hurt me so much, and you know that.”
He looked away, his cheeks reddening. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I know it won't be easy, but I want to make things right. It was never my intention to hurt you. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life making it up to you.”
You couldn’t help but sigh; you could feel Andrei’s gaze on you as he pleaded for forgiveness. You looked into his brown eyes and saw their flicker of sincerity. You knew he was genuinely sorry and that he wanted to amend things between both of you.
“I want to believe you, Andrei…but you have to promise that you’ll never hurt me again.”
The young Russian fervently nodded, “I promise, Y/N….”
You could feel your lips curl into a smile as you stared at Andrei for the first time in a long time. “Ok, I’ll give you another chance, Andrei. But! You have to prove to me that you’re committed in this relationship as much as I am.”
Andrei nodded and said he was ready to do whatever it took. You hugged him and said, “Let’s start then.” With that, the two of you began to work on rebuilding your relationship. You knew there was a long road ahead of both of you, but you were willing to work on the relationship and make it stronger.
As you walked away from the tree with the carved heart, you realized that love wasn’t just about the good times but also about forgiveness, commitment, and trust. It was widely known that you and Andrei had a lot of work to do, but you were willing to give him another chance. You knew it would take time, but you were determined to make it work. You had faith that the love between you two could overcome any obstacle. You knew it was time to start fresh and make the best of this new situation.
Your relationship with Andrei soon slowly began to heal and grow stronger; you two started going on dates again and spending more time with one another. Andrei ensured that you knew he was committed to you and that you were the only one for him. You both worked hard to rebuild the relationship, and it was clear that Andrei was genuinely sorry for his past mistakes. Over time, the two of you were able to move forward and continue to grow closer. The trust between you was stronger than ever. Olivia eventually moved on, and Andrei cut all ties with her. He knew he made a mistake by getting involved with her, but he was grateful for the experience because it taught him how much he loved you. He realized he had taken your love for granted and was determined to make it up to you. He vowed to never take you for granted again and to always put you first. He wanted to show you how much he truly loved and appreciated you.
Yours and Andrei’s love story continued to flourish throughout the years. In the end, you learned that love wasn’t always about just the good times. You knew that the relationship would require work, but you were willing to put in the effort to make it work. Andrei also learned that love wasn’t just about the excitement and passion of a new relationship, but rather, it was about being committed, loyal, and faithful to the person you loved. He was aware of his mistake, but he was deeply grateful for the opportunity to make things right with you. Andrei was determined to make you feel loved and to show you that he was sincere in his efforts. He wanted to show you that he was willing to go the extra mile to make things work. He was determined to prove his love was real and lasting.
You and Andrei built a happy and fulfilling life together, filled with love, commitment, and trust. You knew your relationship wasn’t perfect, but honestly? What relationship is perfect? You both lived happily ever after, knowing that your love story symbolized the power of forgiveness and the importance of commitment in a relationship. Despite the occasional arguments, you both knew that your bond was strong. You also understood that you had each other's backs no matter what happened. This knowledge was the foundation of your relationship and was the key to a successful and happy life together.
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just-dino-maggie · 1 year
prompt #10 with andrei svechnikov?
Thank you so much for the request! I hope you like it!
10. Swimming at night
Working as a trainer with the team is hard. Being so young it took time to build trust but now that I have, things can get draining. A lot of the young guys depend on me. Not only for their physical health but sometimes their mental health. I’m happy to do it, I love my job but sometimes I need a break. Time to relax and focus on what I want.
The hurricanes are on a west coast road trip. It’s the longest one we go on and being away from my bed has sucked. Tonight I’m laying in a hotel bed, it’s too early to fall asleep but I definitely don’t want to go out. Then it clicks, I should go to the pool. It might technically be closed but I don’t mind.
I thank my past self for packing a swimsuit. I throw it on along with a cover up and some sandals. I make my way down the stairs to the outdoor pool. I don’t waist time throwing my things on a pool chair and jumping in the water. It’s perfect.
I swim a few laps for the exercise then I allow myself to float on my back. I look up at the stars. The palm trees frame my vision. It’s so incredibly peaceful.
After a few minutes of floating and looking at the stars I hear the door to the outdoor pool open. I look over and Andrei is putting his towel on the chair next to mine. He’s gorgeous, anyone could see that. He all man. Tall, muscular, and chiseled. I swim toward him and cross my arms over the side of the pool. “Why aren’t you out with the guys?”
“I didn’t feel up to it tonight.” He says easily shrugging his shoulders. His accent is music to my ears. It has lessened since I met him but it’s still strong.
I smirk, “You’re only 23 and you are already tired of going out? How can that be?”
“Y/n, you’re 22 and you’ve never liked going out.” He responds simply, walking toward me and easing himself into the pool.
I blush. It’s kinda sweet that he notices those kinds of things about me. “Touché,” I reply. I turn around so my back is up against the pool wall and I turn to look at Andrei. “Do you do this a lot?” He furrows his eyebrows as if he’s confused by the question. “Swimming in the hotel pools at night.”
“When I have time I try to. It’s nice.” He says looking at me with those dazzling eyes.
I glance back at the stars, “Do you ever have those weirdly particular experiences that you just really want to do?”
“I think I know what you mean.” He contemplates, “tell me yours.”
“I want to spend winter at a lake house, hopefully in Michigan. I want to swim in the ocean at night.” I pause blushing, thinking of something I shouldn’t have.
He pokes my arm, “What’s that look?”
“I want to make out with someone in the rain or in water. Like a lake, pool, ocean. I know it’s dumb but I always thought it was so romantic.”
He nods then goes quiet, I feel like an idiot. The other guys over share with me a lot so sometimes I forget to have a filter. “Maybe we could do some of them together. Swimming in the ocean at night seems fun.”
“Yeah, maybe we could!” I say smiling.
He looks away from me for a second, “I could also help with the other one.”
“You know a lake house in Michigan we could stay at?”
He chuckles and brings himself closer to me. “I was talking about the other one.”
I realize what he’s insinuating and I blush deeply. This would be very unprofessional of me and honestly stupid but I’ve been working on separating myself from work. Doing things that I want to do because I want to do them. And right now the number one thing I want to do is kiss Andrei Svechnikov.
“Are you sure?” I ask, putting my arms around his neck.
He grabs my legs and wraps them around his waist, “Yep.” Then his lips are on mine. He’s not shy, he’s pushing me up against the pool wall and his hands are all over me. I can tell he’s more experienced. I certainly don’t mind I just hope I’m keeping up.
Soon enough his hips are rutting against mine and his groans are undeniable. I pull back to try and slow things down but his lips goes straight to my neck. Now I’m arching into him.
When he pulls back to look at the work he’s done to my neck I can see him smirk. “We should stop.” I say because I know we have to, or I’ll do something I can’t take back.
“Yeah, we probably should. I don’t want to.”
I smile and push his arm, “You’re not helping.”
He laughs but holds my hips, not letting me go just yet. “What if I don’t want this to be a one time thing? I like you.”
I pause for a second thinking about what he just said. I should be professional, he’s a co-worker. But he’s also just a guy that I find attractive, maybe it wouldn’t hurt. “I like you too, maybe we could meet tomorrow for coffee?” I say with butterflies in my stomach.
He presses his lips to mine once again, “perfect.”
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senditcolton · 4 months
Be My Victim
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Watching a horror movie together, curled up in bed. Hiding your face into your lovers shoulder when something scary happens, holding them close, breathing in their scent.
part of my Valentine's Day prompts requested by anon | word count: 0.9k | warnings: OC & descriptions of horror movie scenes from Sinister.
“I don’t know how you managed to convince me to do this,” Andrei groans as he climbs into the bed, slipping his body beneath the black silk sheets. Rhiannon just laughs, her dark hair falling over her shoulders.
“It’s Halloween, Andrei. Best night of the year. Perfect time for scary movies,” she says, climbing into bed next to him after she has made sure the bowl outside her front door is filled with candy for any trick-or-treaters that might come by.
“You know I hate scary movies,” he quips, grinning over at her.
“Yeah, but you love me,” Rhiannon says.
“Yes I do.”
“Besides, Sinister isn’t the scariest movie ever. There are definitely worse ones to introduce you to.”
“There were parts of Scream that I didn’t like so I don’t know if this is going to be any better,” he mumbles, his hand diving into the popcorn bowl already, grabbing a handful of kernels.
“And you did really well with the scary moments, so I think you’ll be fine. Besides,” Rhiannon says, scooting closer to him, her legs intertwining with his. “I’ll be here the whole time to protect you.”
Andrei sighs, his body relaxing into hers. Rhiannon reaches over him to quickly switch off the lamp on her bedside table, plunging her bedroom into darkness. The only source of light comes from the screen, the DVD menu on loop. She grabs the remote, quickly pressing play and placing the device on the table before curling into Andrei’s side.
The movie begins, the atmospheric soundtrack playing as the scratchy Super8 film appears on the screen. Rhiannon hears Andrei curse a little under his breath as he watches the opening scene, the family of four slowly lifted by their necks by a falling tree branch, their legs kicking until they stop.
“Fuck, dorogoy,” he whispers as the title card appears on the screen. “This isn’t scary?”
“I never said that,” she responds with a small giggle. “I just said there are worse movies.”
The movie continues and from the corner of Rhiannon’s eyes, she can see Andrei sinking lower and lower into the covers as each tape of murders play. She can’t help but smile, laughing a little bit at his discomfort. But it makes her happy – not his fear but his commitment. Because even though he was scared shitless, he was invested. He was following the plot, occasionally asking hushed questions. He was doing this for her and it made her feel loved.
She knew she wasn’t the girl that everyone expected a professional hockey player to be with. Her gothic style, her mostly black wardrobe, her dark makeup, her love of heavy music, her enjoyment of all things creepy. She was a far cry from the model blondes that filled the roster of wives and girlfriends and she dealt with her fair share of mean online comments when the public learned of her and Andrei’s relationship.
But Andrei loved her, despite everything people said. This was evidence of that.
Rhiannon keeps her eyes on the screen as Ellison Oswald prepares the reel titled “Lawn Work ‘86” and she can’t stop the wicked grin that tugs at her lips. The film begins and she watches Andrei’s eyes glued to the screen, watching the lawnmower glide across the screen, the humming bass of the soundtrack playing underneath. The appearance of a face on the grass in front of the mower coupled with the spike of the music hits. The iconic jump-scare does its job as Andrei practically leaps from the bed, his body turning to hug Rhiannon.
She tries not to break out laughing at his reaction, her arms coming to wrap around him and one of her hands brushing through his hair. Andrei’s face is buried into her neck and she can feel him muttering Russian curses into the skin.
“Babe, you’re gonna miss the rest of the movie,” she whispers, running her nails gently across his back.
“Don’t care,” he murmurs but reluctantly pulls away from her, his eyes moving back to look at the screen.
The rest of the movie goes on without another major reaction from Andrei, the most is a tightening of his grip around her hand as the final scenes play. The credits roll and Rhiannon can hear the breath of relief woosh from Andrei. She reaches over him, flipping the lamp back on and flooding the room with light.
“I don’t know how you don’t have nightmares after this,” Andrei says, his wide eyes looking over at her.
“I did when I first saw this movie,” she confesses, extricating herself from the sheets after gathering the empty popcorn bowl and discarded candy wrappers. “But now, I don’t know. Horror movies are kinda comforting to me.”
“Yeah. They basically take the things you are afraid of and gives you a chance to face those fears in a safe environment, knowing that it’s all going to be okay once the credits roll,” Rhiannon explains, turning to face Andrei, still staring at her bewildered. “But I don’t expect you to become a horror movie fanatic in order to be in a relationship with me.”
“Trust me, dorogoy. I don’t plan on it,” he teases, his breathing still heavy as he gently shakes his head.
Rhiannon laughs, laying back down on the bed next to him, her long black hair blending into the sheets. Andrei looks down at her, his confused expression turning softer.
“I may not understand why you like all the things that you like,” Andrei says. “But I love you and that’s all that’s important.”
“Well, that’s good to hear,” Rhiannon replies, looking up at him. “Because I still don’t really understand hockey.”
The two of them laugh before Andrei leans in, kissing Rhiannon. She sighs into the kiss, her arms wrapping around him and pulling him closer, happier, and more in love than before.
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mp0625 · 4 months
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Masterlist. Taglist.
Freddie Andersen x Reader
Thank you Demi @wyattjohnston for doing this little love fic fest thingy, it was so fun to do!!! I am choosing to do number 3 from the Fluff column “Are you about to monologue your feelings for me?”
A/N: I was planning on doing an angsty one but I wrote this at 5am on valentine’s Day cause insomnia sucks so y’all are getting fluffy. Sorry if it makes no sense, it made sense to my half asleep brain but I promise I did reread it before I posted it. Sorry it’s super short.
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“Hey Freddie I don’t know if you’ll hear this as you’re in the middle of a game, but I have something to tell you and when you get this will you call..”
“Y/N, you do know I’ve been on this call the whole time?”
“What? I thought I heard the beep, and aren't you in the middle of a game?”
“It's the second intermission, I don’t know how you heard a beep, I’m sitting in the locker room. Are you about to monologue your feelings for me via voicemail?”
“Maybe, can I or do I need to hang up the phone and call again so I get voice mail?”
“You can do it now.” And you could tell he had the biggest grin on his face.
“Freddie, you know how you asked me to move in with you right before you left for the road trip and I was so stunned I couldn’t answer you right away and you told me to take my time, I think I know my answer. Yes. I would love to move in with you and all of your plants. And you make the best dinner in the world, and I can’t wait to take our relationship to the next level!!” After your monologue you couldn’t hear anything from the otherside of the phone.
After a moment he softly spoke. “I can’t wait for you to move in with me.” And you could hear the tears in his voice. “Hey, I’m sorry I can’t talk longer we are about to go back out for the third.”
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Taglist: @studioreader @honethatty12 @slafgoalskybaby @swissboyhisch @topguncultleader @wondershells @cixrosie @kajasagmo
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behoright · 1 year
secret situationship with andrei
you, a new intern for the PTs in the hurricanes. andrei, lonely, overworked player. and lots of long hours. warnings: 18+ contains smut, mentions of injury n blood. also this is cliche as hell.
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- uhhhhhhh so basically
- yes you have to get a certain amount of hours to graduate and stuff
- and your older friend is a PT for the canes so
- after the scariest interview of your life
- and lots of begging very polite asking from your friend
- you’re in
- tough job tbh
- these men have many ailments
- it takes you a while to figure out who needs what and
- how they all work and move their bodies
- but it’s easy to get accustomed to the new environment when they’re all very nice
- and welcoming
- they’re all very good at communicating and helping you out
- but also they always acknowledge you and want to know more about you
- all except
- Andrei
- oh andrei
- he’s not rude or anything like that
- he definitely said hi and introduced himself
- but he’s very quiet
- and after a couple of weeks you notice
- you work on him the most
- and he’s definitely not this quiet with anyone else
- like not any of the other staff either
- but I mean
- whatever ig
- it’s not that it doesn’t affect you but
- you’re there to do a job and that’s it
- however you see that his teammates for sure have noticed it as well
- whenever he walks in there they go quiet and there’s always a lil smirk from them
you just ignore it
- like he’s really not being rude but he’s just not friendly or ever talks to you
- he’s a lil strange???
- stares at you a lot when you think you don’t notice
- you try to push it to the back of your head and just deal with him
- it’s most likely part of the job and it won’t be the last time you’ll deal with someone like this
- one day tho
- he’s the last one out of the room
- you’re done working on his shoulder and he stands up quickly
- as he usually does
- always says thank you and bye
- you dont notice bc your back is turned to the door but
- he stops and turns around
- “so, uhhhh, what are you doing this weekend?”
- and you turn like ???????
- “oh! um, nothing much, just study, i guess”
- and before you can even ask him anything back
- “that’s good. have fun.”
- and he WALKS out
- you stand there in disbelief almost
- like okay
- in the next weeks he asks you a lil bit more
- the staring is really getting like…. a lot. But it’s only when you’re not facing him like ????
- that’s good tho you think? he’s warming up a lil bit?
- he gets hit by a puck one game and
- thankfully you don’t have to stitch him
- but he has a lovely cut on the top of his cheekbone
- the next day during morning skate it reopens
- while you’re organizing in the PT room on your own
- and he comes in
- sweaty, out of breath and bleeding
- “they open” he says
- “oh, sure”
- for some reason he decides to sit on the lil bench that’s in there
- instead of one of those high massage table things
- perhaps it’s bc he has hockey pads and skates still on and stuff
- so you got over and start working
stand in between his legs
- today tho
- he is STARING up at you
- his jaw a little slack and he’s still breathing heavy a little bit
- it’s hard to work when you have to be so close to his face
- and he is legitimately staring like not looking away once
- you try to get your hands as steady as you can
- “does that feel okay? let me know if it hurts.”
- “perfect. it feels perfect.”
- he almost whispers it asjdydbhehdebdh
- you almost sigh in relief when you get it done
- “there you go. all done”
- you say as you wipe the blood on the cheek from before and
- this man
- wraps his hands around your like jaw/neck/hair
- you know that part 😭 like when his thumb is under your ear
- and as he stands up he kisses you
- a full on kiss
- he pulls back when he’s standing up
- looks at your lips
- looks at your eyes
- kisses you again
- he breathes DEEP into the kiss oof
- after that second kiss he almost books it out of there
- just walks away
- says nothing
- doesn’t look at you
- and you’re just left standing there
- flushed, heart beating overtime, breathless
- what the hell just happened ?
- should you tell someone?
- why? and like what???????.??
- you just…. go back to what you were doing
- he definitely avoids you after as much as he can
- awkward glances only
- when you see him he doesn’t bring anything up
- goes back to being quiet
- until you’re alone again
- “hi”
- “hi”
- “uhh….”
- “what can I help you with today, Andrei?”
- “uh, it’s my ankle. You know, the usual”
- so he lays down and you do the thing in silence
- you keep thinking how RIDICULOUS this is
- when you’re done…..
- “do you need anything else, Andrei? Another kiss, maybe?”
- and he does tHE STARE AGAIN
- 5, 4, 3, 2,…..
- he can’t help but sit up and kiss you again
- after that day the floodgates open
- instead of avoiding you he SEARCHES for you
- you guys sneak everywhere just to kiss and make out
- he finally opens up and he’s actually quite friendly and funny
- he hides you in storage rooms, one stall bathrooms, the PT room, empty video room….
- you guys just make out like teenagers
- you’re VERY careful not to get caught and so far it seems like no one has any idea
- but its very obvious to you both that things are starting to get a lil heated
- during your last makeout sessions he keeps pushing his body against yours
- like hard
- like.... your back hit the wall hard and he's low-key grinding on you
- but youre able to stop it before anything happens
- you guys always leave super flustered and breathless
- orrrr
- his hands start to wander a lil bit...
- from your face, then eventually your waist and now he loves to grip your hips as you guys kiss
- you can feel in the kiss too how bothered he is
- the way his tongue moves... much more aggressive
- much more spit, and biting, and even teeth
- or he'll put his hands in your hair and even grip it at times
- during the last couple of times you both moaned a little bit shh
- and he was definitely hard when he walked out
- so one night
- you're both at the arena late
- as you both usually are because yes you have things to do
- but also for your regular nightly makeout appointment
- when he walks into the PT room tonight tho
- he looks
- different
- like girl.... different
- his EYES
- much darker, much bigger
- practically black
- he doesnt say anything to you
- he just walks slowly towards you
- "uh.... Andrei?"
- finally he reaches you
- youre immobile, literally frozen
- he's actually mouth breathing dude
- his nose touches yours
- "I can't fucking wait anymore."
- "I can't pretend I don't want it."
- 4, 3, 2, 1
- he parts your lips with his tongue
- HARSH kiss
- while he grabs the back of your head
- HARSH makeout session
- grabs your waist after and immediately and puts you on the lil massage table thing
- you're both moaning already
- he RIPS your shirt open
- rips it with his hands, split right in the middle
- "fuck"
- he pulls your bra down and just starts attacking your neck, chest and tits with his lips and tongue and teeth
- he only pulls back to take off his shirt and his sweatpants come down easily thanks to you
- his cock springs out bc he is not wearing any boxers
- its huge, and red, and actually throbbing
- the flush of his cock matches the one on his heaving chest
- he pulls you down the table and turns you around so he can take your pants off
- theres a lil table next to him with a bunch of equipment and stuff and its in his way so he just shoves it out of the way and it all goes flying
- but he needs his space and he needs You most importantly
- now
- i can't even say he thought about any sort of protection srry
- he fills you up quickly
- all the way in with one thrust
- doesn't give you time to adjust but you don't care
- "you are soaked, shit"
- he thrusts so hard the slapping sound of your bodies colliding is so loud
- and you are facing the OPEN DOOR to the room
- if someone walks by you're in so much trouble
- but truly you don't even care
- because hes fucking you so hard and so good
- and he's so big
- he hits all the right spots but also makes you bend over a lil more since he is in your guts
- and he's groaning and panting behind you
- his other hand is wandering around on your body
- he grabs your tummy, or your tits, or runs it down your back, buries it in your hair
- he moves it down to your clit after spitting ON HIS FINGERS and audibly too
- applies the most pressure when he's rubbing your clit in circles
- there is no way to conceal any of your moans it just feels so good
- you're both getting sweaty too fkjvnkfjv
- safe to say you finish relatively easily and fast
- he cums with you
- straight up just
- fills you up with his cum
- you can actually hear it filling you up its so dirty
- andrei finishes with the loudest groan
- it rumbles so deep in his chest it's almost a growl
- the change between horny andrei and afterwards... dramatic
- he turns you around and he looks completely different
- "you okay? I hurt you?"
- "what? no, that felt amazing"
- and he smirks yOU KNOW THE ONE
- takes a couple of steps back and leans against the wall behind him bc he's still out of breath and hot and sweaty
- but the whole time looking at you
- you both look over at all the stuff he threw on the ground
- he chuckles before turning back to you
- "made a mess, uh?"
helps you clean it up after you get dressed bc he feels bad and he's so embarrassed
i must also say you guys were not the last people at the rink.... little did you know marty decided to stay back too....but... did he hear anything?
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lfghughes · 1 year
Made From Love
sebastian aho x fem! reader
a/n: just a little short something for sebastian aho and since its mothers day why not
warnings: pregnancy and baby stuff. small anxiety talk sort of.
gif is not mine
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No one ever said that being in a relationship with an NHL player was easy. That was a quick lesson most learn right away when their significant other is a hockey player. Of course once the season is done there is so much time in the summer to spend more time with them but most still continued a pretty consistent schedule to stay ready for when the season started. When you and Sebastian started dating it was a tough balance at first between time for yourselves and time for the game. Then when you found out you were pregnant it definitely increased some of your worries because you knew that a lot of the first few months it was going to be mostly you. It wasn’t planned but of course Sebastian was excited and you were excited and when the baby came, a cute little baby girl, it was almost like Sebastian was made for this moment. He took off a few games but with your encouragement he went back to the game pretty quickly. It was playoff season now and you weren’t shocked that your boyfriends team had made it this far after an incredible season and between his traveling it was a little hectic with your five month old baby. But tonight it was a home game and you had a little surprise planned with the help of the team for your daughter to go see her first game (not that she would remember it but it would mean a lot to Sebastian). You got there just in time for warm ups with your little one in hand and with baby noise cancelling headphones on her head and placed her next to the glass as the boys all skated out. Nothing could prepare you for the smile on Sebastians face when he took a quick glance across the crowd and saw you both there. He quickly skated over and waved at you both, playing with the baby at the window for a little as she got excited over seeing her dad. He blew a quick kiss to you both before skating away to warm up. This was just a glimpse as to what your future would be like with Sebastian and how it was all worth it, every minute of stress you had washed away as you looked out at your boyfriend on the ice.
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hockeyboysimagines · 2 months
I’ve loved you three
Chapter 2
Warnings: Language, mild angst, fluff, kissing
Here’s chapter two, and the link to @cellythefloshie chapter 3!
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Harper came flying into the kitchen like the house was on fire the next morning startling Madison at the island while she was eating a bowl full of watermelon. She watched, amused as Harper stumbled around the kitchen attempting to make an iced coffee, spilling it twice and dropping ice on the floor.
She blew her hair out of her face and turned to her “I won’t be home till after dinner, running club tonight so don’t worry about me-“ she caught her in a hug before hurrying out the door.
Madison chuckled and yelled goodbye as she heard the door slam and her sisters footsteps descend the front stairs. The house was quiet and Madison stretched deciding she’d sit by the pool a while with her sketchbook, as she stepped off the stool and spotted Harper’s coffee on the counter.
“Shit.” She hissed and snatched it, hurrying out of the kitchen to the door, and then down the front steps, to find that Harper was still in the driveway and she was not alone.
Seth and his teammate, Anthony or something like that, were in the driveway with her sister who looked more than annoyed.
Madison stopped and looked down, suddenly self conscious about the fact that she had a pair of tiny sleep shorts, no shoes and a tshirt on, and turned to hand her sister the coffee clearing her throat awkwardly, but Harper seemed not to notice and smiled with relief “You’re a lifesaver, Mads” she sighed and took the coffee before turning to Seth and whatever his name was in the driveway, to continue what she had been saying.
“I work today, but Maddie here, she’s free all day.” She moved to get into the front seat of her car, but paused “By the way Maddie, this is Seth’s friend. Andrew”
”Andrei” He corrected, and Maddie shared a glance with Seth stifling a giggle, knowing that her sister had 100% done that on purpose. She crossed one leg over the other and tugged her T-shirt down attempting to cover herself a little and turned as Harper continued ”Right. You three, should do something-” her sister suggested and put on her sunglasses before offering them a wave and leaving the three of them in the driveway.
Maddie was grinning as she watched her sister zoom down the street before she turned to them.
“She’s sweeter than she seems trust me.”
Seth laughed and turned to Andrei “This is Madison, Harper’s sister. Mads, this is Andrei.” She shook his extended hand and he gave her what she assumed was his best smile. A smile that got him anything he wanted, but it wasn’t working on her.
“Nice to meet you. Your sister is very beautiful, and now I see it runs in the family.”
Maddie chuckled and crossed her arms “Your very smooth Andrei. But your right. My sister is very beautiful, kind…and single.” She said quietly, turning to Seth and waggling her eyebrows.
“Remind me of her job again? She’s a-?” Andrei asked, glancing at the U-Haul still in the driveway.
“Physiotherapist.” Madison said with a small smile “She’ll be there all day, and then she’s going running after work…it’s like a club…” she smiled and turned to walk into the house before she called over her shoulder “That you have to sign up for online. Have fun!” She made a move to walk into the house but Andrei saw a window of opportunity closing fast. Her tagging along with them had two benefits. One for Seth and one for himself.
“Hey!” She turned, hair spilling over her shoulder “You should come golfing with us.”
She raised an eyebrow and looked at Seth “I don’t golf.”
“Come on!” He said slapping Seth on the chest “It’ll be fun. Right?”
Seth was looking at him puzzled before he turned to her “Definitely. You should come.” Seth’s brows were pulled low over his forehead and he had his lips pursed.
She thought it over for a second and took a step up on to her porch, foot braced on the step “I need like 20 minutes.”
She disappeared inside and Seth turned to him frowning “Svech I-“ but he waved his hand to stop him “Relax buddy. I invited her for you not me. I like the other one.”
Seth rolled his eyes and shoved him “Shutup.” He mumbled. He wouldn’t admit it, but Andrei had heard the disappointment in his voice yesterday when he asked about her sudden absence in the driveway, and he’d seen him inadvertently straighten up when she’d come out the front door. Since he was apparently too scared to do it on his own, Andrei would do it for him. Plus he figured it wouldn’t hurt to get some more details on her sister.
40 minutes later they were out on the golf course. Andrei was sure Seth was going to throw up when Maddie descended her front steps in a short black skirt and a white polo, long hair hanging loose asking if it was golf appropriate, and he stumbled over his words for a second before Andrei saved him.
“You look great. So good Seth’s speechless.”
Seth glared at him as she chuckled and slid into the backseat of Seth’s car and they backed out of the driveway and made their way to the golf course.
The sun was shining down on them as Seth attempted to show her how to hit a golf ball correctly. She was looking at him like he was speaking another language, leaning on a golf club with one hand and holding a drink full of pink liquid in the other.
“Get it?” Seth asked.
“No. But let’s try it anyway.” She downed the rest of her drink and set the cup on the fender of the golf cart.
Andrei watched as she made her way to the ball, and shook her hair out. She was beautiful, and he should have been into her. She should have been enough of a distraction for him but she wasn’t.
Now Seth on the other hand.
Seth had it bad. He hadn’t said it out loud but he didn’t have to. It was all over his face as he watched her hit the ball, eyes moving up her legs more than once. They were cute, and he liked seeing Seth so happy, but it made him realize he was third wheeling.
While she was focused mostly on Seth and keeping things as natural and normal as they typically were with him, she was more than curious about Andrei.
Who was he? Why was he here? Why did her sister seem to hate him so much?
Madison knew why. The smile on his face when she’d seen him fawning over Harper in the driveway told the story of why her sister was being uncharacteristically rude to him. He seemed nice enough, oozed charm and was exactly the type of guy who would send Harper running for the hills.
She watched as he fiddled around on his phone apparently deep in thought until Seth tapped her shoe with the golf club.
“Are you paying attention? I’m trying to teach you something here.”
She turned to him and shook her head “I wasn’t really.”
She noticed a ghost of a frown cross his face as he looked at her and then Andrei behind her and before he could say anything else she cut him off “No I wasn’t if that’s what you were thinking.”
He shrugged “I wasn’t gonna-“
“You were. But it’s not like that. Trust me.”
Seth didn’t say anything but Maddie knew where his mind was. Even if she had an interest in Andrei she’d be barking up the wrong tree. He had practically flooded the driveway with drool this morning over Harper and Madison would never compete with her sister and she didn’t want to. It was nice actually that Andrei didn’t look at her like she was a piece of meat like most the guys she’d dated or hung out with. He just looked at her like she was a living breathing human being who had thoughts, and feelings. Like Seth always had. Normally it would have annoyed her that he even said anything, but this time it gave her some hope. If he cared, that she was interested in Andrei maybe it meant he liked her. He’d never said a word about any guy before. Maybe that walk last night had been good for them.
She was jarred from her thoughts however when she heard Andrei behind her “So, your sister, she doesn’t like me. Yes?”
Maddie turned and looked at him evenly but she had a small smile on her face “Now why would you think that.” She turned her head to the side, eyes twinkling mischievously.
Andre scoffed “She knew my name wasn’t Andrew.”
Maddie giggled and watched Seth switch clubs before turning back to him “You caught that? It’s not that she doesn’t like you, Harper’s just been through a lot.”
“Like?” He wanted to know more, everything he could about her. Her favorite things, music, hobbies, thoughts ideas all of it. But Madison shook her head.
“I’d love to fill you in, but that’s Harper’s story to tell. For context her ex is an asshole and she just moved back home. She’s still a little fragile right now, so if she comes across a being rude it’s because she’s still hurting.”
“Who’s an asshole?” Seth asked as he made his way over. He leaned around Madison to check his phone and Andrei didn’t miss how he went out of his way to brush against her, one hand on her arm.
“Darren. Your friend here has a thing for my sister.” She patted Andrei on the arm and moved past him towards the cart with a smile, and Andrei saw a flash of Harper for a second, and hoped he would be able to see a real genuine smile from her one day.
Seth shrugged “Not surprising. Everyone’s had a thing for your sister.”
She paused and half turned eyebrows raised, as he quickly corrected himself “Not me though. I’ve never liked your sister. That would be, uh- weird.”
“Yeah cuz she’s the wrong sister.” Svech said lowly from behind him.
Seth aimed a backwards punch at him as Madison leaned against the cart, arms folded, crossing her legs at the ankle “Harper can be complicated, but she’s worth it. She’s got a lot going on, but these last few days I’ve started to see the old Harper more and more. She’s healing, and faster than I think anyone expected. She’ll come around. You just have to get to know her.”
“I want to but she’s making it really difficult.”
Madison laughed and looked at Seth “Guess that means you have your work cut out for you. Now who’s taking me for a ride.” She glanced between them jingling the keys in her hand.
Maddie had just gotten out of the shower when she heard her phone buzzing.
She’d gotten home only a half an hour before and felt like she’d been out in the heat for three years. Whether she was sweaty from that or Seth she wasn’t sure but either way a shower had been in order.
She glanced at the phone to find a message from her sister and smiled
H:Sorry I threw you to the wolves earlier
M:Haha it’s okay. I get it. Besides, it gave me an excuse to spend some time with Seth.
H:Are you at least having a good day?
M:It’s okay. It wasn’t bad. He’s a nice guy, and he sure likes you.
H:Kid got to spend the whole day with you and he still asked about me? I don't get why.
Maddie rolled her eyes. Andrei had exactly zero sexual or romantic interest in her and either Harper didn’t notice or was being purposely ignorant.
M:I think “kid” likes his women a little older, and is smart enough to know I’m not interested. Or maybe my charm isn’t what it used to be. Either way he asked lots of questions. He must have a cougar complex. And he looked really good in that golf shirt. Just sayin. And don’t pretend you didn’t notice.
H:Don't encourage it, okay? Nice or not, he’s not my type.
M:If that’s your story.
H:Besides, I don't think I'm ready for anything with anyone right now. Today's been tough.
M:You know what they say Harper. To get over someone, get under someone else.
She could practically see Harper’s face on the other end of the phone and started laughing.
H:Mads! That's horrible. I'm going to pretend I didn't just read that. Love you lots. Have to get back to work.
M:Hahahahha. Don’t act like it didn’t make you smile. Have a good day. Don’t think about Andrei too much. Love you!
Curiosity it seemed had gotten the better of her big sister. Maddie giggled and grabbed the phone, wrapped her towel around herself and headed to her room. She sat on her bed and took a deep breath. She was exhausted from the golfing, even though she gave up around the 9th hole and mostly watched.
She glanced up and froze.
From her window she could see clear into Seth’s room, and was both surprised and delighted to find him shirtless, rummaging through a drawer. She stayed there, not wanting to move so he didn’t notice she was looking, and felt her face and body burn up as she watched him find whatever he was looking for. He left his room, presumably to go shower himself and Madison let out a long breath.
She was going to need another shower.
“So Madison?” Andrei asked later on when it was just them.
“What about her?” Seth said offhandedly. They’d dropped Madison off a while ago, having spent the afternoon with her. He liked her a lot, and he could see why Seth did as well. She was easy to talk to and seemed like a fun time, and by the end of the afternoon she and him were like old friends talking and laughing like they’d known each other for years. She’d left them with a wave and smile, and Seth had been avoiding talking about her since then no matter how many times Andrei brought her up. And it had been a lot.. Andrei could tell he was a little apprehensive probably because Madison wasn’t just any girl. She was a girl who had been a pretty prominent figure in his life for the duration of it. Things could get tricky for all involved.
“You know what.”
Seth smiled and gave a little chuckle “She’s my neighbor. We grew up together. Her sister was my babysitter.”
“What does any of that have to do with anything? I know you like her.”
Seth shrugged “Of course I do. She’s my friend.”
“Yeah that’s not what I meant.” Andrei said shaking his head. There was no such thing as having an argument with Seth. He’d learned long ago that trying to get him to admit something he didn’t want to would be impossible, even if it was already known, and Seth wasn’t giving this up too easy. Andrei had only heard Madison mentioned now and again in passing and now he could understand why Seth didn’t bring her up very often. There was some underlying tension that Andrei knew nothing about. But he’d be damned if he wasn’t going to find out.
Seth rolled his eyes “Even if hypothetically I did like her, I don’t think she feels the same.”
“Why? You two spent the day attached at the hip. And she laughed at all your dumb jokes. She wouldn’t do that if she didn’t like you.”
“First of all.” Seth said pointing at him “You can fuck right off. My jokes are hilarious. And second of all you laughed at them too so what’s that say about you?”
Andrei chuckled to himself but continued “So never anything between you two?” He’d never been so invested in someone else's non relationship, relationship but he had never seen Seth so worked up and he needed to know more. He had friends who were girls, but never a girl friend that close or one who he had feelings buried under the surface for. Plus it was a welcome distraction from his constant thoughts about Harper.
“I mean I kissed her once.” Seth said casually, glancing down as he pulled at a hangnail.
Andrei whipped around mouth falling open “When?!”
“6th grade spin the bottle.” Seth was smiling but Andrei was looking at him puzzled “You know spin the-No? Everyone sits in a circle and spins a bottle and whoever it-You know what. Never mind. It was a stupid 6th grade thing.” He said waving him off.
“How stupid can it be if you remember it still.”
He looked at the ceiling in thought “True I guess. I don’t know things seem weird with her lately.”
“What do you mean?”
Seth paused a second before he spoke. Andrei was seeing a different side of Seth that he’d never seen before. The Seth he knew was wild and fun, and rarely took life or himself too seriously, but this Seth seemed hesitant and serious. Andrei suspected Madison knew both sides, and she was the only one to bring this one out of its shell.
Seth cleared his throat and chose his words carefully “Last summer right before I left we got in a…it wasn’t a fight, but an argument I guess and then I didn’t really talk with her like I usually do when I’m gone. And now it’s just different. Like the vibe is off if you know what I mean? I’ve never felt weird around her but now it seems like things have changed.”
“Changed how?”
Seth looked at the ceiling in thought “Uhm I don’t know. I mean it was weird when she left the driveway yesterday right?”
Andrei shrugged. He’d been so entranced by Harper he had almost forgotten about Maddie’s mysterious disappearance from the driveway the day prior. But now that Seth had mentioned it, it was definitely weird.
He shrugged “Sure. Did you ask her about it?”
Seth shook his head “No. I’m kind of afraid to ask.”
Andrei stuffed his feet in his shoes “Maybe you should talk to her.”
“I’ll talk to her when you talk to Harper.” Seth was grinning ear to ear. He thought it was both hilarious and unexpected that Svech had fully committed to pursue Harper, who should be getting ready to get married, and Seth was secretly pining over Madison his lifelong friend and Harper’s younger sister. The summer had barely started and it was already full of surprises.
Andrei scowled and pointed at the clock “What do you think we’re going to do? After that it’s your turn.”
Seth rolled his eyes and stood, grabbing his keys and made his way outside “Come on creepy. Let’s go stalk my neighbor.”
“Do you remember spin the bottle? 6th grade?”
Maddie and Seth were sitting by the pool in the dark sometime later. She’d seen Harper in passing when she got home from running club, both surprised and not surprised that Seth and Andrei had actually shown up, and she’d been in her room since then. Harper called it decompression time and Maddie found herself making her way out to the pool to do some decompression and thinking of her own. A short while later she felt someone looking at her and turned to see Seth at his window. She waved him down and now they had been sitting in comfortable silence together for a bit.
She turned and smiled, half of her face in shadow “Of course I remember. Why?”
He shrugged “Just curious. I remember I was so psyched about kissing you.”
“What? Stop it.” She waved a hand and rolled her eyes. She did remember it, like it was yesterday and she was surprised he did too. It had been so long ago now she was sure that it was buried amongst all the other girls he’d kissed since then.
He looked offended that she waved him off “No I was. You were like the most popular girl in school then, and well for the rest of the time we were in school after that, and I got to kiss you. Top ten coolest things that have ever happened.”
“Got to kiss me first.” She corrected.
“Wait what.” He turned to her fully “What do you mean?””
She was smiling as she watched the water cast reflections across the pool. She was beautifully illuminated by the blue light from the water as she turned to him and spoke “You were my first kiss.”
His mouth fell open and he let out a breath “Are you kidding.”
“Is that surprising?”
“Of course it is. Guys have always been crazy about you, even in 6th grade.”
She shrugged “ I don’t know about that.” He nudged her “Come on.You know it’s true. You’ve always been smart funny and from my recollection you were always the prettiest, most popular girl at school.”
She felt her face get red and giggled “You have such a way with words.”
“It’s true. And those aren’t my words, I’m just repeating what every friend I’ve ever had has said to me. Everyone I’ve ever known.”
“That can’t be true. If it was I’d have a lot more boyfriends than I did.”
“Not a single one of them were ever good enough. And dating is overrated anyways. That’s why I ended things with Kristen-“
“Who?” She asked cutting him off, she was looking at him blankly.
“This girl I dated in North Carolina off and on, she-“
Something he wasn’t familiar with flickered across Madison’s face and he could tell she was immediately uncomfortable and he stopped talking “What?” She asked quietly. She wasn’t looking at him, but rather staring across the darkest part of her backyard.
“What?” He leaned forward looking at her questioningly.
She chuckled and pursed her lips “Okay.” She pulled herself angrily to her feet and turned to walk away from him.
“Woah wait. What’s the-“
“Save it Seth.” She snapped turning to face him “You can’t do that okay?”
“Do what?” He was so confused about why she was so upset.
“You can’t sit here and tell me about being psyched about kissing me, and that I’m pretty and then turn around and tell me about a girl you dated in North Carolina.”
“It’s not fair to me.” She was getting dangerously close to professing her feelings to him right there in the backyard but she didn’t care. She wasn’t going to put herself through this for the whole summer. It was barely even June she still had two and a half months of this left.
“I didn’t know it would upset you-I just-I don’t know why it is even upsetting you?”
Madison felt tears prick at her eyes and she let her head fall backwards “Really Seth? You don’t. If you don’t know why I’m upset then I guess you don’t really know me as well as you thought you did.” He continued to stare at her blankly until she spoke again “I’m jealous okay? Jealous of the girl in North Carolina, jealous of that girl last summer. Can you not see that?” She just didn’t care anymore. She couldn’t keep it to herself any longer. It was better to be honest and risk whatever was about to happen than run the risk of having to watch him meet someone. At least if it blew up in her face she wouldn’t have to see that.
“I had no idea-How was I supposed to know that?”
Madison crossed her arms and looked at him sadly “You just are.”
She turned to walk away but he caught her by the elbow spinning her around “Wait I-“ He leaned forward a little.
“Don’t.” She leaned away from him “Don’t just kiss me because I said all that, I don’t need a pity kiss I-”
Seth moved right in not bothering to go slow and pressed his lips against hers. She kissed him back, hands coming up to grip his shirt and pull him closer as they stood kissing in the backyard between their two houses. A yard they’d spent their whole lives in.
He pulled away and came back in at a new angle, sweeping his tongue across her lower lip, and she opened her mouth. This was way better than in the 6th grade. Had it not been for the grip on his shirt and his hands on her waist she would have passed out and fallen over, but he held her in place. Her heart was beating so loud it was drowning out everything else as they stood kissing under the stars. It was everything she’d been dreaming for the 10 months. When he pulled away they stood staring at each other.
“Are you still jealous?” He asked quietly giving her waist a squeeze.
“Do you still wanna date Kristen?”
“Who?” He asked with a smile “All I know is I wanna kiss you again.”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
Cool for the Summer: Chapter 3
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drewsbuzzcut · 1 year
Sherry At The Beach
andrei svechnikov x fem!reader
the svechnikovs ig edit
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liked by evgeny_svechnikov37, andrei_svechnikov37, and 1,543 others
ynskjei Had a long weekend at the beach🐚☀️
view all top comments
elena_svechnikova75 My babes❤️
andrei_svechnikov37 Love you
andreifan My favorite family!
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liked by ynskjei, elena_svechnikova75, and 15,736 others
andrei_svechnikov37 Sherry loves putting sand on my face and looking at flowers with momma
view all 126 comments
ynskjei My favorite people!
bradyskjei I thought I was your favorite person
ynskjei Well this is awkward
skjeifan This is so funny
bradyskjei I miss my niece
canes When is Sherry trading in the sand for a hockey stick?
a/n: So we finally have a name for baby girl svech!!! Sherry Anastasia Svechnikova. Also, I decided to have reader be the young sister of Brady Skjei!
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ilyasorokinn · 1 year
hi friend!! I was wondering if I could ask for a blurb with pyotr kochetkov, and something that has to do with meeting him at like a grocery store and helping him find some things? Like maybe you know Russian as well and see him struggling to find something? tysm and I can't wait to see how this turns out :)
i'm so excited to write this and i'm sorry this took like a year lmao. so, i'm gonna do something different and put the words i would normally translate from english to russian in italics. like, if a word is italicized, it would be in russian. i just want to try something new. also, requests are closed, so please don't send anything in!
you didn't like grocery shopping very much.
you knew what you needed, but having to walk all around a giant store to grab all the items you needed never was appealing to you.
you had your earbuds in as you blasted music, pushing your cart through the aisle, wanting to get what you needed and get out as quickly as possible.
as you turned down the pasta aisle, you almost bumped into a rather tall guy who looked confused. he flashed you a smile, before turning back to the sauce bottles in his hands, his brows furrowing together in confusion.
"do you need help?" he looked at you and you could tell he didn't understand what you were saying, "help?" you tried, "all right, this isn't going to be easy if we don't speak the same language." he still looked lost.
"all right, let's see." you took a breath, "my name's y/n, what's yours?"
he seemed to understand name, "pyotr."
"pyotr? that sounds russian." you commented, and he perked up, "are you russian?" you asked, smiling at the shocked look on his face.
"yes." he nodded.
"wow that was easy." you chuckled, "what do you need help with?"
"do you know what this tastes like?" he held up a bottle of dressing.
"well..." you looked at it, "it's garlicy and kind of tangy." you did your best.
"do you like it?"
"not really." you shook your head, which made him immediately put it back, "but that doesn't mean you won't." you cut in.
"i trust you." he smiled. you then went through the rest of the grocery store with him, suggesting things you liked and things you thought he might, and by the end, his cart was filled with american snacks.
you walked outside together after having paid, pyotr even offering to pay for you but you declining, "well, i hope i helped you today." you smiled as you parked your cart next to your car.
"you did. thank you, i appreciate it." he smiled.
"i'm glad." you nodded.
"could i get your number?" you raised a brow, "in case i ever need help again." he quickly added.
"right, just in case." you nodded, smiling, "sure." after exchanging numbers, you handed his phone back to him, "well, i'll see you around, pyotr."
"yeah, soon." he smiled, pushing his cart in the direction of his own car.
again, requests are closed :)
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