#Can you tell i have one singular pair of shoes & can't really conceive of having multiple to choose from
dohmaverse · 4 years
thank u murpho for these bountiful prompts
Clothing Preferences: Belvite Edition
Maverick: Always covered from the neck down & dresses in layers, loves a nice poncho & tassels & really any kind of patterned knit and living in a desert isn’t gonna stop him(it’s the Dysphoria).  If he has to dress up for a formal event he opts for a modest dress over a suit(regrets wearing a tux to his wedding it was so fucking uncomfortable & awkward).  Always wearing gloves(he’s sensitive about his weird hands). Wears long-sleeved night gowns to bed.  Boots.
Lorant:  No such thing as casual looks for him, he’s always wearing professional cuts of clothing, generally dress pants+dress shirt+vest, exclusively in soft pinks and greys and whites.  The only deviation from looking like a pastel business boy is his enjoyment of cute ribbon-based ties & hairpieces, and pearl earrings.  He’s very dedicated to his aesthetic.  His pajamas are those button-up cotton sets in cute pastel patterns, sometimes with sleeping cap like a fucking cartoon character.  Low-heeled dress shoes.
Gale:  Athletic shirts & sweat pants all day every day.  Has an attachment to compression materials, especially in his shirts(he got rid of his tiddys years ago but he still feels better with his chest ‘bound’).  All his pants are loose & he never wears shorts because he’s sensitive about people seeing his prosthetic.  There is no separation of clean & dirty clothes he will just pick up individual garments from the floor & sniff until he finds one that’s not overly funky.  All of his shirts are black so he will always match no matter how loud & colorful his pants are.  On formal occasions he has one of those t shirts with a tux graphic on the front & pairs it with his least-stained black sweatpants. He’s been wearing it for 17 years & it’s still funny(to him).  Sleeps either nude or in whatever he was wearing that day, depending on whether he's sharing the bed or not ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).  Sneakers.
Kenny:  sleeveless shirts & cargo shorts, in various & often-clashing colors & patterns.  In her edgy phase rn so her palette is more confined to red & black but it’s been pretty eyeburny over the years.  Has a bolo tie that she wears EVERY DAY, doesn’t matter if her shirt doesn’t have a collar. Prefers a tux over a dress in formal settings & is a very handsome lil butch baby.    Sleepwear is big t-shirts & basketball shorts. Ugly leather sandals, will throw a fit over having to wear closed-toe shoes.
Marta:  Oh she loves a nice sweater dress w/ leggings.  Really dresses like a teacher(2 steps above casual, but still mostly comfortable).  Wears a lot of mustard yellow & dull green & maybe a burnt orange, just some nice autumnal tones.  Has a pocket watch on a long chain she wears on a necklace most of the time.  Formalwear i see her having a lot of different looks, mostly mid-cut dresses(always liked the idea of shorter dresses but never really had the nerve to get any). Pajamas are just soft shirts & pants, regular-ass pajama sets.  Flats & slippers preferred for footwear but will wear heels once in a while(probably is just in her socks most of the time tho).
Hyaki:  If She Covers Her Abs She Will Die, a lot of the time will just wear a sport bra for a shirt, maybe with a half-length vest or hoodie over it.  Wears sturdy pants, usually denim or leather, and some good boots.  Also knee pads just cuz Belles have weird nods to armor as a part of the general aesthetic.  Will deign to cover her stomach at formal events only, but whatever dress she wears has a halter top so you can still see her HUGE BICEPS and RIPPLING BACK MUSCLE.  Sleeps in her underwear usually.
Soleil:  Fuckin, rompers.  Has never been seen in an outfit that isn’t primarily yellow & black.  Beanie at all times, probably a cool belt with a sword on it.  She likes accessories, ok?  Has a pair of those sneakers with wings on them & keeps them in As Pristine Condition As Possible, will fight you if you step on her shoes.  Prefers to avoid formal events, but if she has to she’ll wear a jumpsuit or maybe a regular suit depending on her mood.
Tevyn:  This bitch loves a sundress, just a nice light flowy thing that’s easy to move in, both because they’re cute & comfy AND because their form is kinda...wibbly(it’s not fun to start sprouting extra limbs & scales & feathers in restrictive clothing).  Prefers vibrant, summery colors(orange & yellow & sky blue & white).  Desperately wishes formal dresses weren’t exclusively made of fabrics with No Fucking Give to them, but as it is they have One formal outfit & it’s backless.  Likes cute lacey pajamas that are like 1 step away from just being lingerie.  Prefers not to wear shoes, but if forced will wear slip-ons.
Tobi:  Just a basic bitch who wears graphic tees with wolves on them or polo shirts & khakis.  I hate looking at him.  Will wear a suit to work if he wants to be serious that day.  Pajamas are nearly indistinguishable from his daywear, but he changes before bed so there must be some difference.
Buddy:  Long sleeves + booty shorts.  That is all.  Has worn the same suit to every formal event he’s been to since he was 15, but if it’s a party he might just throw the suit top on with some shorts & thigh-high socks cuz he’s a thot.  Passes out in whatever he’s wearing, which is usually just his underwear cuz he strips down the moment he enters his house.  Has a few pairs of shoes but prefers his purple rain boots.
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