#Caelus & Guinaifen | It was never the Stars. No. My warmth is the Sun you've always been.
astrxlfinale · 1 month
Head on his shoulder, Guinaifen let out a content hum as she'd scroll through endless of updates on her social medias, the buzzing life of the streets around them fading on occupied focus. All it took was a feed, the comfort of her lover and a soft drink in hand to bask in the artificial warmth of the sun above them. Quick scrolling, occasionally showing him hilarious pictures, and then... a pause.
Who was that ?
Finger scrolled back up, clicking on a video that would display a woman with purple hair and a great set of legs. Wow. Guinaifen needed both hands for this, fingers zooming in on the female figure. It was a news report, something that went straight past the performer's head as she paused on an image shown of her full figure, sword in hand.
"W o w, look at this woman -" Not just any woman, but a woman the trailblazer might find it in him to recognize as she exceeded every bit of reputation tied to her name (destiny's slave, Kafka) would be held up before the two of them, a nudge to his side. "Her legs are awesome ; I'd love to get my hands on that outfit ! Do you think she's like a celebrity or something ? She looks awesome... and kinda hot, but I think that's the outfit's fault ... Hm..."
There'd be a glance down at her own legs. "Mine might be a too long for that outfit though - What do you think, babe?"
Caelus's own hands were no better. A rhythmic, constant flow of the thumbs repeatedly raining perturbation upon his foes, and the gallant strides required to avoid their lethal, eldritch brand of powers on the other. Comfort like this genuinely feels rare, how even in open space they're basically treating it like their own house. Once again their 'infamy' has made them a common sight, either in mischief, testing new frontiers or just this.
From the bottom of his heart, the Trailblazer knew he could get use to this.
There's a moment of tension from her figure, and from that, a natural assumption that her attention might've been snagged as a volatile, original plan may be in the makings. "Mm? Just what did you--" Eyes drifting to the side, for a moment the delinquent's heart found itself stunned to a pause, his phone nearly dropping as the velvet like confidence of quite the infamous face found itself parked on Guinaifen's phone.
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Exactly as he can remember or imagine, the way how life itself is played to her silk, the devilish glow underneath those eyelashes as the entirety of her form was utterly recognizable to him. Should he tell her? "Dude, that's--" He begins, that nudge succeeding in jostling out any thought that would come. Only for this moment to heighten it's prominence by the opinionated addition that, due to knowing these two worlds, watching them converge made his jaw hang in utter speechlessness.
Her legs are awesome---
SHE looks awesome.... and kinda hot.
Caelus could not refute that statement. All the same, his heart ping ponged within his ribcage as this obscure combination of amusement, shock, stunned, how the hell was he supposed to feel about this?! In the gleaming eye of his imagination, that image briefly comes to life, Kafka's calculating eyes practically peering up towards them as if the epitome of innocence. As if she was wholly conscious of the chaos woven by her hands.
...Did that goddamn image of her just wink at him!? He swears it did at this moment!
"You've-- legs." Of course she has legs, Caelus. The image of those form fitting tights would be imposed upon the mind, drifting from the image of Kafka's natural confidence to his Firekiss, except rather than her sunny disposition, here she was wearing that same confidence as the Stellaron Hunter in question! It led to his face growing warm, this image of Guinaifen holding those razor edges, donning an outfit similar to Kafka's as within moments, his eyes sailed down to the glory of those lovely and strong legs of her's.
For an instant that phone was dropped, impulse overtaking him as he press a hand onto her thigh, drifting it over the current fabric and the warm shape of that lovely curve, prompting him to give it the most appreciative of squeezes. Somehow, his body was host to a spiritual form of autopilot as he pictures a different fabric adorning them. A low hum of confirmation escapes as he peers back up to her.
"We'd find the length if you like-- That, considering how beautiful your legs are?"
"Firekiss, I'd stay buried between them for the whole day if I saw that."
Caelus what.
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astrxlfinale · 2 months
While the big sister of the family might be strict when it comes to keeping her phone by the dinner table, Guinaifen took the opportunity of a hectic dinner accident to pull it out to send a few pictures of the feast on the table. A wide array of various dishes could be seen, arms and hands stretched over the entire table as each sibling would fend for themselves. Her own? Striking a small peace pose in front of some of the buns she was about to devour (some she'd have to fight over brother over).
[i made the ugly one to the left ... i can't roll them properly (*/ω\*) would you eat my ugly bugs? ? (●'◡'●) *buns , omgg dont quote me on that]
What's not seen on the other side of the text messages is how one hand occupies itself on the screen soon to be chased, the other smacking the hand of an older brother who is attempting to steal the buns she helped making. It wasn't that she was completely useless in the kitchen, she just didn't... have it in her to take her time with things like that, rolling and kneading. It was too slow ! She liked to sear and spice things ! Make spicy sauces and watch her brothers cry ! ... Though, the latter part might not be related to food, merely revenge and payback.
Quick on her hand, she'd hook onto one of the strangely shaped buns, switching the camera over to the front. Biting into it, she'd snap a quick picture of herself, sending it to Caelus just as quickly.
Displayed would be her, eagerly biting into the bun, eyes joyous from the concept of finally being able to dig in ( ... thankfully Caelus couldn't hear the scolding from across the table, her sister ordering her to put the darn phone away ).
[they don't taste bat at all !! they just look a little weird !! BAD, i meant BAD!! i can't type lololol blame my evil sisterrrrrr (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ i want to show you a new dance routine after dinner !! i'm sending you vids !!! the dragon is cominggg !!!]
A final pic is sent, a more surprised Guinaifen as she turns to take a picture of the table at the table, once more striking a pose (bun still in mouth, she has no manners at home). Pictured are the siblings mid-conversation as well as a sister looking very miffed...
Light years away, across beautiful celestial sightings woven with vast and proud planets, that very signal about a universe holding this wholesome meal would be received within the crux of a moment filled with excitable strife. As the scenery sweeps from the clouded atmosphere down to the ground below, once more did the Pathstriders find themselves in a natural showdown with an encroaching essence of the Fragmentum. A focused gaze, one filled with bubbly mirth, and an all too sharp but prepared stance unveiled the golden three of the Astral Express in action.
May the Remembrance carve this moment with frosty vigilance, just as the Hunt decisively punctures with it's fang made spear, and for the ever turbulent Destruction thriving in the loss of life to fuel his very own. Explosions ripped across the surrounding area sectioned off by realms of Fragmented statis, giving them full clearance to go as wild as they please.
"HELLLL YEAHHHHHHH!!" Caelus's voice would ignite with an infectious vigor, that untamed Fighting Spirit flourishing a lethal aura as he charged up the arm of an icy behemoth, vaulting forth to deliver a lethal, neck snapping kick in tune with a back flip, the focused force made it a live boulder launching into the air. A content smile situated on his face, only for his attention to get immediately caught as a looming, threatening shadow began to rise, covering the skyline with its magnanimity.
Except, that's not what he paid attention to at all. For upon these grounds did a certain ringtone was plucked at that time, catching Dan Heng's and March's immediate attention. A tug of amused disbelief rising from the latter, as one quick glare towards her immediately compelled her to be responsible.
"Caelus! I SWEAR you better--"
"Sorry, hold on! Once in a lifetime call here!" Was his immediately call out upon landing.
That phone found itself open, seamlessly set off the lock screen as the familiar view of (*/ω\*) (God she picked the cutest emojis.) reflected upon the screen. The tremor crafting roar of the distorted Void Trampler going entirely ignored as those excitable golden eyes focused on the screen.
As a quick sprint meshed with sharp instincts made him jolt past a volley of fireballs, miraculously holding his balance while working on a return text at the same time, the view on screen only charged the energy within his heart. The sight of those buns and Guinaifen's star igniting smile made him nearly want to curl up on the ground in a fit of pure emotion. Seeing his lady make the most of this peaceful day while those curious questions drew forth made it impossible not to responsd.
Caelus wasn't sure why she'd compare her culinary effort to bugs (the correction text edged in late), but who was he to say anything?
With the momentary pause, a call for action proudly taken as swift thinking allowed him to duck to dodge a steel melting fireball. Immediately jolting off the ground like a spring unleashed, within his opposing hand would his sacred lance of Belobog come forth, skewering a total of three foes in one as dark, data like viscera spilled from those foes. As a wolfish grin dawned upon those lips, that vibrant power of the path only glimmering with his potential, his sights were immediately poised upon the Void beast as a volley of airs sniped those pesky airborne elements.
Just as he prepared to launch, frothing flame lapping hungrily from the exhaust ends of the lance, once again did that familiar text jingle go and snipe his attention. With an ungodly measure of tonal whiplash does he focus on the phone again, that touch screen note from Guinaifen immediately being pressed as it pops back up. This time, more pictures of that lively family unveiled as she makes out like a victorious pirate.
Heavens above, help his heart because it was going to melt. This is the sun, an adventurous heart like his eagerly awaits each new day.
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Once again he's irresponsibly texting while calamity itself began draw antimatter and infuse it within those hooves, wholly prepared to atomize him on the spot. Dan Heng in an abrupt change of character, internally curses before yelling out towards him.
"AT YOUR SIX CAELUS! You'll..!" When it looks like it's too late-
The game changer arrives. For within that moment, once more, a pristine picture of that shimmering Firekiss fleeing from the table had charged the emotional values into overdrive. Not to mention.. The idea of wanting to let her graceful frame bless him by breathing her ideas to life? A dance no less?
Qlipoth's divine realm of Imaginary would be instinctively grasped and harnessed, swaths of miraculous, foundational might roaring with the surrounding flames as an Amber blessed forced field surrounded his body, allowing for a single hand to draw upward, causing March's and Dan Heng's mouths to drop as incoming attack was caught by the hand once wielding the lance. Irregardless if the ground split akin to an earthquake's rage, or if the volley of pure destructive might sung to the heavens in a vicious beam. Any risk of damage found itself unable to breach this height of resolve.
Caleus was going to make sure she got those replies at the utmost haste. Within this moment of astute and empowered clarity, typing up the following messages somehow felt slow
Text: If they got your golden ideas of spice. BELIEVEEEEE ME when I say you should whip me up some sometime!
Text: Also I see you're doing a big showdown yourself. Show the fam what my lady can do!
Text: And me too! I'm lookin' forward to what you're cooking up as the big routine!
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Whoops. That picture was not meant to be sent. In the midst of that explosion, he looks as if sun in this distant world just left him looking like a shadow!
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astrxlfinale · 12 days
Sore muscles are a top priority in the household of the rowdy Camelot family, especially when it's her favorite (and totally the bravest) nameless in question! With majority of the older Camelots out and about, Guinaifen has occupied with the living room and therefore the couch with an instruction for Caelus to sit in front of her on the floor !
While the missions of monsters and bad dreams certainly is far more entertaining, he has now been hauled into the duty of a fellow babysitter for the younger (totally not in need of some stupid supervision from their dumb sister and the lovey dovey boyfriend) siblings. Consider it the greatest challenge of them all, guard duty, for the zone within the living room remains off limits to gremlins that are meant to be sleeping and with the occasional threat from Guinaifen where she has stated that she can - and will - kiss her boyfriend with extreme kissy noises, it seems that the last hour has been quiet.
Are they sleeping? Probably not.
Are they plotting in their bedroom? Certainly.
But with occupied gremlins, and the performer's hands seated on Caelus' shoulders, Guinaifen hums and laughs along the silly movie on the screen before them (totally kids friendly, because if one thing was to lure those monsters out it was scary movies - a bit too similar to their older sister, maybe?). Thumbs press along Caelus' neck, Guinaifen soon leaning over him a little bit with a warm smile.
"I know that you totally didn't have babysitting in mind, but..." massage fades, a hand cupping his cheek with a gentle caress. "I really do appreciate it that you wanted to stick around ; they are a bit stupid, but they are sweet... both of them, really !... when they aren't trying to shoot spoonfuls of food at you..."
What were they? Three ?
Nine and eleven, gruesome ages.
"... you don't have to answer if you don't want to," Guinaifen then added, thumb grazing his cheek as eyes remained on him. "You've asked me about my stuff, so it kinda makes me a bit curious about you in return, so... do you have any family, Caelus?"
His posture remains stalwart, even the modern day temptations of indulgence not allowing him to forsake it while basking in relaxation. In many ways this very nirvana was an 'uphill' battle, a constant test to ensure he doesn't melt entirely against his Firekiss in the process of her assistance.
Guinaifen's skillful application was the sort to commend, long days of battle, the testament made through stress were gradually melted from his wired up muscles. Shaken exhales, low grunts to abrupt hisses were all signs that her manner of diligence was paying off. In the process, it allowed him to simply be at ease. A factor that he's coming to drink deeper in terms of the well of appreciation. "That-- mm, is really hittin' the spot.."
With his attention being vied for in three different ways, it led him in a measure of half-points, simply content to be amidst all of this as she made her thoughts clear on the unexpected direction of the day. Once that stir of burning hair fell before his vision, it prompts him to peer up, to meet the star stunning eyes of a very special person. Just the view alone distracted him from the flick ahead of them, the mere thought of simply being lost here being too tempting to pass up.
"I mean hey. Who am I to complain about free snacks if I can catch em?" He adds in, tilting his head up to engage with a better view, leaning against the toned support of her belly. "With them being a buncha runts, no wonder that energy has nowhere to go. They just need another party member here to even out the stakes. That's where I come in."
In the time of adjusting with Guinaifen's family, it's been joyful in ways that were almost alien. Rather than static, what remains in memory before any times entrenched in similar veins were entirely null. What remained were external examples to learn from, families uninvolved with him, many across different spans and scopes of age, each dynamic facing a different branch of issues.
What glimmers as evidently clear is how the 'inner child' is a facet that never fades.
In truth, it may be the most prominent force that clings to all life. Their humble, rough, upright or outright deplorable beginnings.
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"Ah. Where my line remain when it comes to this? I guess you have only known just the current 'me' for the most part, huh?"
There was a heaviness that builds within his soul once it's actually considered. Though, in a strange way, it was comforting. The idea that his Firekiss didn't have to deal with the complications of such a topic alone. Despite the way it causes his chest to tighten, a metaphorical hand would grasp firmly onto the weight this introduced. As an inner battle wages inside, he'd take her support, a winded sigh being spilled from his nose as he'd tilt towards her brushing thumb, momentarily nestling his face there as it's all considered.
"If there was any note of them out there, by now, they're simply part of the stars now, Gui. My chance to see them expired a long time ago."
All that could be tapped upon for such questions was a warm void. Obscuring all sight, leaving vestiges that made the aspect of importance never leave his heart in terms of understanding. For the time, he'd align this very sensation with the starlit flame cradling him. "Did I ever tell you that I was reborn?"
For a moment he'd allow the brunt of such a notion to remain, for it to be faintly grasped before he continues. "The weird thing is, I can't exactly remember what made my curtain call. It was just through the power of an Aeon I managed to tear into a second chance. There's been too many damn days I considered exactly what it could've been, even with a lot of my memory down for the count. Firekiss, even my own damn childhood is known only by time."
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"But then it hit me. If there's something that made me deny all angles of impossible like that, whatever I had once upon a time, it must've been important as hell. But that belongs only to the me back then."
One of his ungloved hands would close the distance in kind. His touch is solemnly gentle, the way he'd come to cup her cheek from the reverse point, smoothing his palm against the warmth of her skin. To no one's surprise, he was handling her like a priceless treasure.
"So when I see families now days? I really don't know how it is to truly have one, either bound by blood or just made from a close knit connection. It's the kind of empty that makes me want to stay considerate, and I guess, just be thankful if people want to share me in that sort of company."
Sorrows weren't made to keep him downed. In many ways they were a force for his emotions, a means to learn, a means to rise again if the time calls for it. Family however, tilts a direction that's too bizarre for him to truly ever get. A craving was held, sadness entirely misunderstood succeeds in drawing forth complicated feelings, and right now? It etches a troubled look upon his face, the fortuitous side of the Nameless allowing those walls to lower.
"Do you find that strange?"
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astrxlfinale · 22 days
The Reverie.
Guinaifen had only seen some pictures and quick glimpses of it through the social medias she'd follow, the famous hashtag #GOLDENDREAMS hosting a series of stunning pictures of grandiose structures, elegance galore and the occasional pose with Clockie merch. As enthralling as the pictures on the various feeds were, it was the pictures from her star chaser that had truly sparked a curious fire in Guinaifen's heart.
It was so luxurious and it looked so cool in the messages, videos and calls they exchanged between Caelus and her. She couldn't quite set her finger on what she loved the most. The lights, the fashion or all the people (well, the food was right up there of course, but ...food was always up there for her!). There such diversity in every picture.
Oh, to found herself in such golden moment, if only for a minute.
For someone whose roots belonged on the Xianzhou, and whose ambitions didn't always quite fit her wallet, one could almost wonder which Aeon had decided to offer its sympathy to the firecracker. One sister's burden would, in passing conversation, present itself as a grand opportunity. For it had almost been a dream come true when her older sister had come home with grievances of having to travel for some time. It bothered her, for who would tend to the chores of the rowdy household? Who would ensure that her brothers didn't set fire to the kitchen and who would ensure that homework was followed up? No, she certainly could just not just up and leave, grab such a chance... without a demanding push from Guinaifen.
One would have thought that there'd be endless discussions, back and forths between sisters of different natures, but there'd been a single offer which had been enough to sway the dragon. The offer of Guinaifen taking a shift, helping out and working alongside her for the stay. Some hours on, others off.
Oh, and of course, ditch the performance outfit. She'd have to wear a uniform like the rest of the waitresses (dark, tight skirt and blazing red shirt with short sleeves). A small price to pay.
And that simple little deal was what had united her with the dazzling interior of the reception, gold and black, plants and unique people on every angle. Golden gaze had widened, the performer starstruck from head to toe there she followed her sister (and the rest of the restaurant crew) as a duck out of water, turning and scouring every little seat, surface and detail. It was all so massive, overwhelming. When comparing the Xianzhou to this... she truly realized how small everything was, and the fact that every door lead to a dream? Oh, she should probably have paid more attention to the information given by the bloodhound (she had turned to check that out, for a part of her had hoped for an actual hound) to the group. Something about dreams, something about rooms, something about pools, something about (he'd catch her eye in every world, every hour)...
... the familiarity of dark clothes, the expressive features as conversations seemed to be carry out with someone else as well as the meeting of glances (she'd lighten up so much).
" Caelus ! " Guinaifen would shout across the reception's floor before breaking way from the group of waitresses with a I'll be back and the sound of heels tapping against the shimmering floor.
She had work to do, but it would have to wait, for she'd make her way over to him and seal the distance with arms throwing around his shoulders, yanking him into a tight, warm hug. She'd melt against him, face nestled against his neck. "... I finally got to see you in Penacony."
Hope finds a very prolonged, very stubborn path towards death within the life of the Trailblazer. For despite the measures of despair in all of its calculations, falsehoods and means to tear away at the human spirit, he never stops. The uncertainty remains a price for the bridges to be crossed, to delve into a ground of others thriving with potential coupled with their own ambitions.
Never does he hesitate to give it the just attention it deserves. Penacony was a land that gradually showed him the strength of Heart.
Whether at the highs tied with its alignment, or rampant emotions, cries of injustice and decadence that intends to capitalize upon this endless feast. Another mission warranted by Clockie's go-getting hands already had him on the move. For a certain line of perception found itself gleaned. If something pivotal finds itself amiss, then without a doubt, the trail is situated upon the proper track. To see a nurtured fighting soul, the relief of hope or the tearjerking weight of being truly understood, the value of emotions situated within dreams were becoming clear.
Caelus simply found this a cause more than good enough to get his fist into action.
Guinaifen would find that his golden eyes lost no stroke of that resolve. A similar look found when his battlesong thrived and the threatening presence of his bat needed to initiate a 'conversation' with countless foes. Out there within the main plaza of Penacony's hotel, that's when her starting spark, the abrupt and elated call of his name outside of a digital device made him stumble into pausing. That Stellaron heart would pulse strong in recognition, a voice that brings bright summer days, that introduces a warmth of having all others feel involved, a sense of stunned awe would catch him as he turns.
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"Guinaifen--" Was it a dream? A mercy or a taunt by the grand scope of secret technology and the Memoria? Or was he really seeing this? Each step made upon a sharp heel, the sight of her new attire settling with another branch of blazing reds, not to mention, and most importantly those honeyed eyes. His voice briefly finds itself stunned to silence as for a fleeting instant the terrors that plagued him were simply burned, cast into the wonder of her flames as his exhaustion unconsciously eased him.
Only then would he fall into her embrace, the sudden, spontaneous and non-hesitance collision of her form and the secured wrap of her arms. The spiritually weary Trailblaze found himself speechless as his heart stormed within. It was beating due to joy, a reminder of what made him, what made them. For an instant he's simply rendered into speechlessness, all of that determined tension fading away, the sensation of her soft breath and these resilient arms speaking of one thing...
Not even lightyears in all of their boundless distance could keep them apart, this time, from her position colliding into his.
A surge of emotion finds itself burgeoning upon his rib cage, echoing deep and serving as a powerful balm to pain he's endured. There was no hesitation as he'd lean right in, allowing those jacket clad arms to become her protective veil in kind. A hand upon her shoulder, the other settled against the curve of her back as he squeezes, solidifying that her form would not be a cruel gesture or the darkness of a shattered form. For an instant, he's just... Swept away.
The familiar scent of her shampoo, the way he can feel her smile press upon his neck, a shudder racks through him as he gently sways their bodies to and fro. A soft chuckle bubbles up from the Nameless, complimented by a soft shake of the head as he nestled his face as close to her head's side as he could. Strength was returning to Caelus. "I.. you... how. Was there some early tag about my birthday or something here?" Not that it was such a day, but right now, that's what Guinaifen's presence felt like to his weary heart.
A miracle.
Caelus cares so infinitesimally little for the eyes bearing witness to their reunion. What was a journey in the Land of Dreams felt like a vigil lasting for years. To have her here, to be by her side, it was impossible to resist melting into this sense of home. There feels like there's so much that has to be said in a single moment, to catch her up, to warn, to find relief in.
None of it appears however as a shaken sigh enriched with emotion spills with him. The choice, the answer is obvious.
Speak from his greatest potential; his heart.
"I missed you... Guinaifen."
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astrxlfinale · 1 month
"It does sound a little weird..." Guinaifen would muse, body turning around on top of soft surface, phone in hand as she'd steal glances from the hotel Caelus had checked into; "... do you seriously sleep in a tub ? Sounds... kinda scary, I don't think you're supposed to sleep in tubs. Something about drowning, or -- something ?"
That was a lot of somethings.
On the table by her bed remained the ticked he offered to her, neatly kept in a small bowl she had picked up somewhere throughout her stay on the Xianzhou. It'd remain close for the moment, time and duties bringing them apart long enough to create a stirring longing in her heart, one that didn't quite seem to still at the stories that were tied to Penacony. Clockie was one thing, she could get on board with that silly little rascal and his adventures, the hilarious cartoons they'd spend time watching together, but...
... something seemed a little too good to be true.
(maybe it was the big sister in her)
"It does look pretty though, what are the dreams like ? " She'd inquire further, phone held up above her face as she made herself comfortable, legs crossing. "Penacony sounds pretty creepy, I don't think I'd ever dare set a foot there. Does it really have stores inside the dreams? How does that even work..."
If they had stores then they surely had restaurants... she had been granted the chance to taste some of the extraordinary deserts from that place, but it seemed weird to think that it could've been manufactured inside a dream. Not only that, but the rumors tied to the place were everything from awesome to less awesome, bordering towards concerning. Whether not those stories were true, on the other hand... seemed to slip her mind as body threw itself upwards, Guinaifen soon sitting up in bed, both hands clutched around the phone. The sudden change in weight caused the poor old bed to creak, a taunt coming from her brothers on the other side of the door.
(she'd quickly hush them, all whilst holding her gaze on the phone)
"TURN BACK AROUND ! " she'd demand loudly, face pressed closer to inspect the frame. Was that... really? "O h my AEONS - Go closer Caelus, closer - I want to look at that dress ! ! ! " Concerns about Penacony ? All gone at the sight of a dress.
"Closer closer closer, p l e a s e ! ! !"
"Should've seen March's concerns on that note. Almost confused it for a bubble bath initially, and for a second I did as well, a ritzy kinda detail."
It wasn't unfamiliar that the wealthy promoted the oddest hobbies derived from particulars.
When she drew attention onto how it all operates, all thanks to a conversation they held prior, Caelus wanted to grill a bit more attention to it. For an instant he was easily prepared to just talk about Memoria, only to remember that Guinaifen never held too much opportunity to delve in that subject matter. Maybe a light introduction was more effective?
"Don't lose that sense about ya. You're not. These things are infused with a special power. In truth-- It's not really water that's held in those. I wish bath bombs swung around looking that nice."
By the time his attention shifts out of his hotel room and off into the luxurious accord of the main halls, Caelus's stride was honestly no different than anywhere else. Penacony's hotels were more familiarized grounds, altering the course of his pace from slow and studious to a more casual gait, his features knitted into a sense of morbid wonder.
If there's one thing he's come to learn with time involving his girlfriend, there was an uncanny sort of sense she carries, a way to delve through layers with intuition intentionally offered or not. This was left as food for thought he advanced through the hall of keyhole shaped doors. Ornate ruby rugs and etches of obsidian flooring would be the grounds he crossed, weaving through sets of couples, business folk and a few gaudy individuals who's laughter barked louder as if creating a show.
"..Actually, that is what I wanted to show you. From what I learned, a lot of what keeps this place afloat has to do with The Harmony's potential. Screw just a lil bit, everything screams spiritual with the possibilities." He mentions, giving a grimace as his thought tilted towards other matters. Situations within the dreams, tense moments and loss all the same.
Thankfully, a voice of shocked, elated and outright excited reason snapped him from dreary reverie-- scratch that, it made him nearly jump out of his skin on top of that!
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"!! Whoa whoa hun, where's the fire?!" He sputtered out, the jolting his senses causing him to immediately survey the surroundings, battle sense wholly prepared to hone in upon any particulars. However what she brings to his attention causes the antsy-ness within his veins to falter as catching the way her eyes turned into golden gems at what briefly enraptured her attention. After pivoting to a full 180, he'd keep that hand coasted high in order to signify her confirmation.
Only for the view of not merely a luxurious, but a legendary scale of a dress to be revealed upon a showcase. Before he could take the moment to actively soak in the minute details, it'd be the excited squeals of his lady that hones his focus, mirth bubbling forth as he chuckled. "Okay there future fashionista, I never knew this was a scouring tour for technique here." He adds as a harmless jab before bringing them over.
Recognition flashes across the Trailblazer's countenance once he really takes a look. Watching the way ivory spills in what looks like a shawl of cosmic, silky rivers. How it's fashioned dark silks as the edges, only for the flowing course of white that seemingly cradles the violet angle within. For a moment it almost looked alien to Caelus as it was missing the particular lead of the Charmony Festival decked out within it.
"Damn, hold on a sec-- Are you familiar with that singin' superstar Robin? I remember this, it was the same show dress she hanging out and about in around here." Was she a long time fan and he's just never noticed? For an instant he wanted to ponder if it was simply celeb curiosity, but in the end, a much more interesting thought spun his mouth into speaking once again.
"Or were you wondering how you'd look in this?" What wasn't seen was the cheeky smile donned, easily heard through his tone instead.
..Maybe that could've been a bit of projecting. Compared to any accolades or heights of superstardom overtaking his mind, the much more original idea of how Guinaifen would give her graces to his outfit bulldozed to the forefront of his mind.
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astrxlfinale · 1 month
"It seems a little ..." Oh she's looking for a good way to say this, really, but upon comparing weapons to Caelus it grows gradually harder to force back down that tender laugh of hers, polearm up against bat in comparison; " ... corny to use a bat to fight monsters, it's like that game of whack-a-mole ! Do you like Bop them ?"
Guinaifen knows his strength, at least portions of it as there have been tales of his feats and what might he has shown in fights that's gone way over her head. But, she has to admit, the thought of him going after big, scary monsters with a bat is a humoring image. Does the marastruck fear the mighty bat? Maybe. In terms of bopping monsters, however, she really didn't have anything to say. It wasn't as if she had developed a rather offensive and striking style. She smacked the monsters that wanted to take a bite out of her, and if found in a pinch she's throw some stashed away firecrackers at them.
"How do you use it?" She'd ask curiously, allowing her own weapon to vanish from her hand. In return hands would reunite on her back, leaning over to inspect it. Not one to play around with bats, Guinaifen had never even held one.
Gazing up at Caelus from her hunched over lean, a cheeky smile appeared; " ~ cooooould you teach me how to hold a bat ? I've never held one ! I think I'd look pretty awesome with one, don't you think?"
"A little what?"
Did she know that the bat listens to such conversations? Wholly allowing its emotional well being to hinge upon these very words? The fact alone they can find themselves falling into a casual line of conversation, fresh amidst the rotting leaves and the golden haze of Abundance's end, things were going pretty damn well.
Even the Mara struck need a hilarious or inconceivable sight for their final hour.
Caelus's features were quirked into a sense of amusement, a touch leaned in, drinking in the way her features perked into a measure of thought. This in itself was so beautifully endearing, the mere need to sigh wistfully at how damn cute she could be barely resisted! With how easy it was to distract or alter the floor of her conversation, appearances have to be kept!
Ah, so the advent of emotional damage was inevitable for his dear weapon. If the curio could move in response (like it does in Penacony), it would've shrunk back due to the sting behind such words!
"First off." He mentions, giving an abrupt point and loving prod to the warmth of her cheek. "It'll remember that. The art of bopping as you aptly put it has been a try and true method since the caveman days!" Whether the Trailblazer is aware of what he's insinuating about himself is up in the air. Simply embracing this curiosity of her's was a journey worth diving into, as part of him gets it, life gains a particular set of shades upon the Xianzhou.
Underneath the sanctity of The Hunt, of the glory of the Cloud Knights and no shortage of martial artists, there had to be a form of wonder for the success of an art contently wading through the undisciplined channel. Weaponry, their usage and even the philosophies behind each one held their measure of enrichment here, similar to the perceived grounds of where they were veritable extensions of not only the body, but the mind to the skill. Stances, poise, dignity, and the sheer realm of execution involving multiple styles and unique variations either to mindset or bodily constitution, there was a wellspring of time devoted to it.
Jing Yuan's protegee was living proof of that. The art of drawing blades into a divine state of mentally harnessed and wielded promoted that as truth, and in kind, a lethal flash of inspiration for others to reach that point.
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Aligning the bat with the lean in of her figure comes as second nature, allowing the ornate design and paths to be unveiled upon it, hints of steam freshly spilling from it's grooves as a lax grip carries it along. "As simple as it looks, catch your target before your eyes or senses, then proceed to lash it as the best kinda skull cracker. It's a lil different than using it for the sport it's based on." Did that even make sense? He'd have to contemplate that later, for that sight of her immersed in the touch of his renewed history had him.. well.. Touched.
He'd have to really run the humble beginnings of his awakening to fighting a Doomsday Beast to her sometime.
The bigger priority holds in that question as he makes a motion for her hand, to prompt her to perk up and offer those elegantly long limbs for the upcoming example. Grasp the bat, seize a hold as if it was the influence of carnage such a blunt instrument it truly was.
Maybe that inner sanctum of Destruction that flows with him needs to calm down.
All the same? Once his hand and Guinaifen's are situated on the curio, he doesn't hesitate to lean close, body to body, both of their hands holding the weapon skyward as his hand cups tenderly over her's. It allows for their grip to become firm. "Now if you want to be cool with it, this centers on applying a little bit of yourself, your force to the swing. Especially with my lil number. Say if we did it like this."
For an instant would that flow of Destruction vibrantly transmit from his palm, ignited from that spark as it'd wash over the stalwart nature of her own hand, harmless in nature to someone so beloved to Caelus. It'd assist itself as a bolstering factor, allowing for the weapon they wield to soak in the thriving potential of Path power. Within moments that once obsidian foundation hums with life, causing the bat to shiver as it gradually sparks with the illumination of his power. A cerulean sheen washes over pridefully across its expanse, allowing that 'bopper' to become both an extension of will and the bane of countless foes.
"Channel your frustrations, your aim, your strength and treat 'em like a watermelon on the beach." The imagery was clear and to the point. The martial finesse that dignified violence was void, for this was a simple and to the point measure, treating their foes to the brutality of nature itself. For many, it calls to a primal part of the soul.
Remembering how all of this even started, a lively, base rich chuckle followed from him as they leaned shoulder to cheek.
"Wasn't this corny to you at the start? Or do you plan on making a new definition come to be when it's in your hands?"
If Caelus were to be honest with himself? Picturing her in a similar position, with wild, determined eyes and allowing this Curio to sing the very force of her flames into this lethal model, there was a measure of attraction that made that heart of his shudder and beat with joy. She'd look like the prime definition of badass.
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astrxlfinale · 1 month
"It's not -- quite like chocolate, any of it really and it's not exactly roses, but --" She, had not practiced.
Lists, endless, has been written in her own spare time as pen had plotted down idea after idea in what she could give in return. While Guinaifen most certainly didn't have to return the gift she had been given on White day, there was something about it which had sparked fluttering gratitude, one she found it harder to ignore as hours passed. She had considered a card, but whenever words had been written down they all seemed to lose meaning (and she had never really understood poetry well enough to write it !), and as creative as she was with performances... she wasn't an artist either.
Her brother had laughed at her drawings, fallen over by the table as she had begged him for aid -- which had been quickly turned into heated punches exchanged with his arm. No use. There was simply no use... brothers would remain as useless.
But it was in her huffed prance that the glimpse of a shimmering pendant had caught her eye, the choker around her neck which held the golden flame she had carried for so long; " ... it's something I would like you to have, if you want it, of course --" And that she had now come to unhook from the choker, legs crossed on the bench they shared.
It seemed to small, so silly... so... insignificant when compared to both roses and the affection he held for her, but this was... hers, a little piece of Guinaifen, one she had carried since the early days on board the Xianzhou and one that had become a well known feature. Placed within her hand, a thumb grazing its shape, the performer soon held it out for Caelus to inspect. No bigger than a thumb, it could easily be put anywhere, or nowhere, that would be fully up to him if he wanted to keep it.
"I just thought," clearing her throat, she inched closer to him on the bench, sides meeting enough for her other arm to slide up against his back, "that this way you'd always have a little piece of me with you? The path of the nameless... as far as I've understood it... will take you far and wide, beyond stars I probably can't even pronounce ~ which really doesn't say a lot, but..."
It felt odd parting with it, but a good kind of odd. Golden metal, a flame as golden as she was often described by Caelus, shifted from her hand to his, leaving it within his grasp as soft gaze sought upwards; "... this way you'll always have something to lean on, even if I'm too far away for you to reach ; you won't ever be alone again -- ah , that was a little cheesy wasn't it ? See, I read this poetry book and I might have gotten inspired and I'm really not that good with that stuff and I --" kept babbling, kept rambling.
Kept loving him.
"Guinaifen.." For a moment, the words are lost upon him, and in a way it feels good that they could be when it comes to the efforts she put forth. The hints had been subtle and barely discerned compared to the joyous days they shared. There were just tells that could be made when you had a select focus on her mind, when the idea of expanding upon it beyond her normal parameter was situated and tuned.
To think that before his eyes would be that very answer after they dabbled into a heartfelt conversation. The newest of this holiday to the both of them, the impact it carried, and how it boiled forth to the new resolve to showcase that very importance to him with something important to her. Caelus should know better than to measure the value in tokens they share, but this particular part of Guinaifen felt significant.
In many ways she is a golden flame. Radiant, valiant and fun loving, a fire that's more content in warming than damning any entity in the wrath of purgatorial blaze. Part of him felt compelled to stop her, the words attempting to bundle in his throat, she didn't have to go so far with such a long running article. One of their nightly calls had unveiled part of the story involving it.
....What lies as the prevention, as the heartfelt, loving reason was the newest way she comes to symbolize what that timestruck gilded flame can represent anew.
Their connection.
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Could guilt find itself so intimately tied with a fond branch of appreciation? Recognition is better molded within his chest, settling as a soothing warmth that exists alongside and interwoven with his Stellaron heart.
"Firekiss?" A soft kiss would pressed upon her cheek in a request for a brief touch of silence. He needs to respond.
In the end, he makes his choice, a soft flex of the throat made as his hand would gradually cover in his eyes was an invaluable treasure. A memento of her past, valuable article of the present, a toast to their future. The sentiment that's cradled within his heart prompts his hand to give it a careful squeeze. To remember the soft bites each edge gives his palm, to the residual heat carried from being by her lively pulse, to the grip of her hand.
This was another treasure to truly call his own.
"I want it." He answers, shuffling his own form in order to let his body lean over towards her, letting their heads knock a touch closer as he begins to fish around in his pocket. "I have an important place that I want to put it." Truthfully, Guinaifen may have the exact clue as the golden chain by his pocket rattles.
Plucked from the abyss of his pockets was that peculiar watch that he always carried around with him. "Right here. The memento a fellow Nameless passed on alongside a wish for me.. And for this to chart my course." Prior to their heartfelt sharing, it felt.. too sacred? Too personal? Caelus wasn't entirely sure, but he felt content to simply leave it the way it was initially.
However, didn't that mean he was simply following the steps of another in the worst ways? Within his own brand of internalized logic, after flipping off the golden lid to reveal that frozen hand eternally pointing forward, where Caelus settles the golden flame is upon a hook on the inner side of the golden casing. He'd allow the vessel of experience, time and direction to be held a little higher now, angled to where the shared sets of gold could glimmer by the approved blessing of the artificial sun.
"Outside of the bat you always see me with, this is one of the possessions I've made my true, new beginning with." Soaking in the moment of comfort, he'd allow his head to lean against that coral colored reprieve, the sight of his growing smile, tender in nature fashioned with certainty upon his very lips.
This feels right.
"The one who passed this on to me signified that it can't truly move until I make it my own." Hopefully the intent is clear.
For Caelus, the Trailblaze Timer could find a more resolved hand.
Guinaifen's care would be the life light that guided it.
"That changes today."
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astrxlfinale · 1 month
💪 listen , Guinaifen has to
Another fruitful day found itself tucked within the four corners of this cozy home of Guinaifen's. As it stands, a fine flare of music finds itself (modestly) bumping upon the walls, allowing for the two lovebird leads to park themselves right in the kitchen. Their growing experience led them to wanting to concoct a meal together, a task that feels like a turbulent mountain to traverse, yet what were they if not strong willed?
The roar of an open flame! Taking their specialties and applying it to the task at hand! Double checking that cookbook (and to a degree 'still' struggling) in the good name of ensuring their venture was edible! In truth the idea was prompted to Caelus the instant she talked of her live for fine spices, and with the grounds clear, what was the harm? However the straight laced approach simply evolved into them simply thriving in the moment. Their portions of seasoned rice and spicy baozi would eventually find the realm of completion.
Within the melody that pulsed from the jade abacus served as another brand of life blood, a beat they found themselves nearly gliding across the kitchen floors as a mix between giving each other dancing dips, busting a jig around each other, to a dramatized twirl in being made in the crux of it all that led the Trailblazer's vision to be fully consumed by her joy.
The surprising reality strikes him with being able to experience it firsthand. The way she hardly budges while keeping him leaned over, to the adamant way her arm held onto him like a life jacket, ensuring no harm of a knocked head would ever befall him.
Instinct itself causes an appreciative whistle to escape as he glances to the side, feeling safe in just letting his weight be as he sweeps a glance upon the smooth and formidable skin of that arm. "Mmmm mm." He hums in appreciation, unable to resist allowing his hand to drift across the expanse, soon batting those golden eyes up towards the magnanimity of his sweetheart. "Now just who said to bring the heavy artillery up in here with these guns, hun? I thought this was supposed to be a cooking set up!"
Caelus's grin turned absolutely cheeky in seeing the way his Firekiss's cheeks puffed out in growing amusement.
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Within moments he's drawn back up, exactly in time for Gui to preen herself on that hard made effort! Watching the way she'd hike the sleeves of her shirt, giving an ample display of arm while ensuring that a good 'Behold these champions!' being added in for good measure. In truth? Anyone could easily call him biased, anyone could equally say that the lovesickness is just talking.
They'd be right on one hand, but it certainly wouldn't stop the truth of the matter; she's packing some power.
Naturally the following step for this starfarer was to become an acute study. To ensure his calloused fingers offered the appropriate hoist to let that flexed set of arm muscle be highlighted in the kitchen. "So dreamy~~" He'd add in, letting his tone fall into that whimsical kind of swept away, only for those hot lips to lead a congratulatory trail of kisses right along her skin. A fine start from the elbow, only to work a fine trail of loving warmth directly up to her shoulder. Another to her jawline, a few nestled to the cheek~
Not to mention, that low, pleased hum that follows as he doesn't hesitate to give his lady a tender kiss upon the lips.
Wait. That whistling does not sound good, the reverie of the moment popping like a bubble as their sets of golden gazes exchanged that 'oh fuck' type of expression.
"Yeah, get the food. Can't burn up this portion!"
He needed to do that spicy taste testing! That! And those siblings of her's would never let them hear the end of it!
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astrxlfinale · 2 months
While early morning hours are best undisturbed, sleep as avoided Guinaifen these early hours, body tangling further around Caelus who has occupied her bed. A fun, loving night alongside family which turned into dinner and games, further a good excuse for him to spend one more night beside her. She'd turn so gently around, golden eyes admiring the soft features of her boyfriend.
Oh, even in her own thoughts it makes her heart flutter. Boyfriend. Hers. "Are you still sleeping?"
A gentle call out to him, hand cupping his cheek as lips seek to Caelus' forehead where they soon press a warming kiss. As small as the bed might be, she only finds herself wishing to be closer to him, to feel his arms around her; "... you look so peaceful..." A shift of her lips follows, the bridge of his nose, sweeter and a little more cautious as not to spook him, as if the brave trailblazer would have forgotten his surroundings.
"... are you dreaming about me?" Guinaifen chuckles quietly, moving even further down, this time to hus lips where she allows her own to settle, melt against the lips she has kissed (and felt) so many times before. Every kiss seems sweeter than the former one, whispers shared against them; "... you look like you're dreaming about me ~"
And a final kiss would land at the corner of his lips before Gunaifen curled up further, face inching into neck with a subtle peck; "... I love holding you like this..."
There would be no response to the softly spoken question. The dull hum of reruns would echo from the TV as he finds himself peacefully tucked away, long, vigil days despite the Trailblaze's blessing making him built to take advantage of some good rest. This happens to be why Caelus shifts to being closer to a deeper sleeper within her presence. This golden warmth that surrounds him, it was a brand of nirvana, a special paradise where the immutable fact of safety radiates with pride.
His features were a far cry to the sharper, boisterous notes that are worn naturally in his waking hours. So much of that sharpness has grown soft, as if the toils of galactic struggles never found themselves upon his shoulders.
Within? It'd be a dreamless sort of rest, his body busily, unconsciously attentive to the way his limbs are intimately tangled with the very woman who's come to mean so much to him. One arm draped across her midsection, their legs somehow giving tangled wires a run for their money, Caelus was never conscious that the wonders of solid rest could even be this good since his new life began.
Guinaifen may have not been completely right within her guess, but her presence did elicit something to stir in the depths of his unconsciousness. Light. For every kiss placed was a miniature sun, streaks of nebula like starlight gently blossomed as her fingers simply appreciated his figure, the soul of the Trailblazer could perceive these golden ripples that coast proudly within the already comfortable darkness. It was a sign especially nurtured, the sensation, the presence, it did allow a gentle breathe to escape as his lips carefully edged into a smile.
Maybe Fairy Tales were onto something, as it'd be the familiar meet of their lips within all its glamor that brings in the brightest source of light. Carefully would it meld the darkness within that moment, allowing for the woven threads of consciousness to be assimilated once again. Those fingers would softly clutch at the back of her shirt, an odd mixture between some low grunt weaving with a gentle groan.
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"Mmmm.. Hey." His voice was smoothed with the exhaustive base of sleep, the sights before him blurry, this magical warmth familiar as the focused images of that flowing bundle of coral tresses prompting him to work those arms, another working underneath her in order to join the first as the welcomed pressure of an embrace would be there to meet her. Getting a momentary peek at the artificial night outside, what truly captures his attention is the disarming smell of her shampoo, a fact these instincts were familiarized with as he loved to plant his face in her hair.
Those broad hands would exercise that loving tenderness as the ending scope of her words were properly perceived. The way it allowed butterflies to nestle free from the depths of his ribcage made that smile of his dawn with greater vivacity. The starting response to his Firekiss's words would be a kiss of reverence, carefully placed upon her crown of fiery hair as he squeezed her closer, ensuring their chests pressed intimately to the other. There would be no way that smile of his couldn't be felt.
"...And I love you, Guinaifen."
Allowing the entirety of her name to be spoken only felt right, his Heart of Hearts accepting no other alternative for this particular moment. Carefully does he cradle her, more of that tender volley allowing his warm lips to grace her forehead, matting her bangs to it in some moments, and pressing upon bare skin in the other.
The hand matted along her back would gradually coast up, minute care taken to cup the back of her hand, his thumb grazing serenely at the area as he awaited for those beautiful, star shattering eyes to peer up to him with such a charge of emotion.
Once he saw the hint of that smile? Resisting was rewritten as a concept entirely.
His lips would press firm onto her own, answering that very affection that transformed even the most sublime branches of darkness into the decisive glory of light.
Not that his thoughts trailed that deep, no, his thoughts were focused entirely on ensuring this pristine smile she always flashed him had every reason to keep going strong.
He loves kissing her.
@avaere | His favorite way to Awaken.
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