stopbeingrude · 3 years
Warning rant:
( Sorry for any mistakes)
I have been seeing lots of Juvia/ Gruvia hate lately again. You know the same things :stalking, schtockholm syndrom , abuse..... yeah you know nothing new. I've also seen video on YT-(presentation) about why Gruvia is toxic made by psychology student ..........and i still can't believe on what i saw...
Ok first of all i can't imagine analyzing relationship of characters from shonen comedy anime where most od characters are potrayed as freaking CARICATURES , and not including the fact that they are well .... from comedy anime( really?). The person who made this video claimed, that their talked about gruvia with their teacher and they agreed with them about everything. I think this person is not aware that , when you discussing certain topic, you should be... OBJECTIVE. While analyzing characters , you're supposed to write/talk about them in objective way, it doesn't matter if you hate them or not. If i were to analize for example Gray or Gajeel, i would still mention their disadvanteges even though i adore both of those characters.
I decided to talk to my father who is also same kind of teacher , I wanted to know what he thinks about this. I told him about Fairy tail, lil bit about both characters in OBJECTIVE WAY , about their backstories and show some clips of them. He agreed with me( he's also a big anime fan and is well acquainted with various anime tropes). Fairy tail i SHONEN. COMEDY.ANIME. Very often many actions done by characters are strange, incomprehensible or even absurd ,so It's obvious that we should not take them seriously. The tropes where someone is madly in love, girls are getting accidently groped or someone loses their clothes are part of japanese comedy. Quoting someone: understand your media before you'll try to write something about them.
Besides do they really thing that Mashima would made supposed ,,sexual abuser "one of the main characters?
I was pretty calm till i saw slide about Juvia supposedly gaslighting Gray....
..... WTF people?
Why do they use term, they not understand meaning of ?
Yess sure ,Juvia trying to cheer Gray up after Ultear death is sure gaslighting, because sulking on sadness/ staying depressed is healthy as hell🤡
What really made me mad was saying that on the end of Tartaros Juvia gastlighted Gray on front of his parents grave ...i just...
Juvia holding Gray's hand is sexual harrasment, even though he innitiated it( dear God 😶). Also when Gray asked Juvia why She's holding his her , this person count this as a rejection??( Yeah i don't get how is this question suppose to mean rejection , but yyy you do you?). Ok. So let's say that i see model on magazine ,according to this person's logic this is sexual harrasment because She's not aware that i have her photo. It doesn't matter that She agreed to pose for this magazine. Yep totally makes sense😏. Stop acting like Juvia harrases Gray, he likes her company, he loves her.
Oh and apparently Gruvia fans harrased Mashima to make ship canon?? Eeh?? And he said it in interview ?? Where that came from ??Im not saying that all Gruvia shippers( shippers in general) are saints but the closest thing to harrasing Mashima were, people spaming about 100yq anime and some Gray x Lucy shippers ( no offense to Graylu's ) being mad at Mashima at the and of main series. I though that Mashima himself said that he likes this couple?
Another thing Gray being in love in Juvia does not ruin his character , it's didn't make him horrible person, or more stupid. So Gray is at his best when he is depressed, because being in love makes him boring buhh. Im not sure if they're aware but most people wants to find love/ start family . It's not really nothing odd
Going by those people logic all of fairy tail characters are sexual abusers , criminals ..
The best one at last... ,, Those who like Gruvia are not normal, many will say that..." when in reality those who critisize them are minority, cause in reality most people seems to like them or are neutral towards them.
I'm sorry this is so long , but whenever i write It always makes me feel better and i wanted to remind Gruvia shippers to not bother with this kind of people , they think that them having unpopular opinion makes them some kind of modern prophets. Let's just ignore those .
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