#But nothing beats 'yeah ironman is in the arrow right'
familyofpaladins · 3 years
My sister has been watching Arrow, and will occasionally ask me random questions about characters because, despite never having seen even an episode of it, I have Approximate Knowledge from watching a couple of justice leauge cartoons, and general info from tumblr/other social
Example, a couple weeks ago
Sister: hey abby.
Me: yeah?
Sister: which group of super heroes is it that you watch, DC or Marvel
Me: well it's the marvel movies that I have and watch but i know a little about DC
Sister: so iron man. .... he's dc right?
Me: No. He's marvel
Sister: What about spiderman?
Me: he's also marvel
Sister: *slightly exasperated face* well who is other dc heroes then??
Me: uuh, batman, superman, wonder woman, green lantern, green arrow, uh, the flash, aquaman-
Sister: but not iron man?
Me: no
Sister: well who else is a billionaire who builds a suit
Me: uuuuuhh *me trying to think of who that would be for dc* ...... batman??
Sister: he's got a metal suit.
*we both go and look at who she is referring to*
Me: *looking at the suit which doesnt really resemble anything I remeber seeing for a hero* I have no idea who that is
We then try to figure our if he's supposed to be a villian or hero, but I ultimately don't know. I do briefly wonder if he's supposed to be The Atom, but the suit and backstory dont quit match up with what I thought they were supposed to be, but I also dont really know that much about it
A little later
Sister: He's the Atom
Me: Oh! I kinda wondered if maybe it was him
And then today:
Sister, suddenly walking into the run I'm watching tv in: is Scarecrow a the name of a hero?
Me: No.
Sister, with a face that says "dammit": is scarecrow the name of a villain???
Me: .... yeah
Sister: and he wears rags?
Me: yeah I think he wears like, a burlap sack over his face
Sister: and his name is [something I dont remember]?
Me: I have no idea
Sister: well then what good are you
Sister: so when does the joker show up?
Me: uh, I have no idea. I dont think he does?? At least in this show
Sister: what about the penguin?! Or batman?!
Me: I dont. I dont think they ever show up
Sister: well why the crap not
Me: I dont know dude.
Me: I mean there's the show Gotham, but that's a young batman before he becomes batman. But it has joker and the penguin
Sister: *disgruntled face*
Sister: so it crosses over with the flash, what's the other show you mentioned?
Me: uuuh, oh supergirl
Me: well actually, I know she crosses over quit a bit with flash, idk how much with arrow
Me: also theres the show Legend of Tomorrow that I think also has some crossovers
Sister: *makes a face like "holy crap, that's so many shows I'm not gonna understand what's happening in*
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