#But it’s truly amazing to know I can look forward to that
sailor-artemis · 3 days
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KBITY!!! I have done it, y'all. I've transcended my human form to become The Catgirl Of All Time™.
Jokes aside, here's my finished Izutsumi cosplay! This project has ruled my life for the past five months or so, and I'm so happy with how it turned out. I tried so many new techniques and did many of them scared, stupid, or both, but I've learned a ton and I'm excited to take the knowledge forward to future cosplays (and maybe even improve this one, too).
More thanks and rambles under the cut, the tl,dr is that my friends are awesome people and I love them a lot!
I had such a blast for my first time at a full weekend con, and while I'm bummed I wasn't able to make the official Dungeon Meshi cosplay meetup, I still met a ton of amazing cosplayers! I'm immensely grateful to everyone who came up and offered compliments or asked for photos, and a special shout-out to the person cosplaying Hayao Miyazaki (the famed animator, yes) who took the photo of me playing the train-driving arcade game. Thank you for indulging my silly request; you might've taken my favorite photo of the weekend.
I also have to thank my amazing friends I went with for making the con extra special; between letting me crash in your room last minute, putting up with my daily cosplay prep, holding my stuff during con floor photos and spotting other cool cosplayers to take pictures with, it truly would not have been as great as it was without you all.
Beyond that, I also have to give a huge thanks to @reversalsun! I truly don't know if this project would've come out even half as well as it did without your help and support. For tolerating my endless barrage of questions and progress pictures, for offering advice and tutorials, and for keeping me motivated with HxH watch parties, I honestly cannot say thank you enough. I look forward to seeing the projects you're working on, and I hope we can inspire each other going forward to keep making amazing stuff, cosplay and otherwise.
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In summary, I'm kbity!
(Also I know the black nails aren't canon, I just thought they looked cooler :P)
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