#Bruno Madrigal fanfiction
brunofanfiction · 1 year
🐀 Autistic! Bruno Madrigal 🐀
Master list! (Pt.1)
🐀Unmask With Me
By @brightredsunset800
“Both Mirabel and Bruno learn to unmask; Bruno with his autism and Mirabel with learning how to love herself.” #toothrottingfluff #stimming
🐀 The One to Blame (Series)
- 11 fics exploring the familias reactions to Bruno’s disappearance and his autism.
“After Bruno's disappearance everybody in the Madrigal family blamed themselves.” #hurt/comfort #ableism #breakdowns
🐀 Bajo la arena sin poder salir
By @brittlebutch
“Bruno can’t let them find out all the ways that he’s been hurt and hurting over the years. He can’t let them see how badly he’s still struggling. Bruno has been the guardian of terrible things ever since he was five years old, and these secrets are nothing new nor different.” #hurt/comfort #angst #healing
🐀 Quiet and Comfort
By @pasta-stuffed-possums
“Dolores slips away from a party to her room, overwhelmed by the volume and needing the soundproofed room to calm down. She isn't the only one who gets particularly overwhelmed at social events.” #fluff #stimming
TW: SH (hair pulling)
🐀 Cuñado
By @special-consultant-ortega
“How a brother-in-law becomes a friend.
Series of vignettes, set shortly after Agustín's marriage to Julieta.” #hurt/comfort #familybonding
Chapters have TWs
🐀 Memories
By @im-just-a-br0adway-baby
“After the triplets' fifty-first birthday party, the Madrigals end the night by looking at old photo albums.” #fluff #somecrying
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capypub · 9 months
Bruno Madrigal (Encanto) Masterlist
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Summer Wine (Completed)
Bruno Madrigal x OFC
Rating: T - M (chapters vary in rating)
Bruno can’t help but be drawn to beautiful little bartender who so openly flirted with him, unbothered by the rumors and stories. She’s everything he ever wanted to be, confident, comfortable around people, and able to bring out the best in those she serves. Over time, as they grow closer, she begins to bring out parts of him he never knew existed, courage, dominance, and perhaps a bit of jealousy…
Chapter 1 Chapter 6 Chapter 11 Chapter 16
Chapter 2 Chapter 7 Chapter 12 Chapter 17
Chapter 3 Chapter 8 Chapter 13
Chapter 4 Chapter 9 Chapter 14
Chapter 5 Chapter 10 Chapter 15
Dancing With the Double-Edged Sword (Completed)
Bruno Madrigal x OFC
Rating: T- M (Chapters Vary)
Summary: When Bruno introduced Hernando to the family, his sisters and mother thought he was simply playing games, but as they grew older and Hernando continued to grow with Bruno, they realized that he might be here to stay. After many failed attempts at “curing” Bruno, the family eventually grew used to Hernando’s presence, learning to recognize the signs of when they were interacting with Bruno and when they were interacting with Hernando. Although their personalities may differ, they continue to share the same body. Now they must learn to maneuver romance together as they pursue the same woman. Likewise, she learns how to love two versions of the same man, finding pieces in each of them that only draw her closer.
Chapter 1 Chapter 6 Chapter 11
Chapter 2 Chapter 7 Chapter 12
Chapter 3 Chapter 8 Chapter 13
Chapter 4 Chapter 9 Chapter 14
Chapter 5 Chapter 10 Chapter 15
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kogito-mojito · 2 years
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It’s Time to Come Home
(After the scene at the river)
“Mirabel!” Bruno shouted after her as she ran off, throwing his hand into the air and himself off balance. “Whoa!” Then fell off and hit the ground with a thud.
Alma turned and looked down at her son.  Although she was concerned for the fact that he just fell off a horse, she couldn't stop herself from smiling.
“Ow, ow, ow...” He muttered as he clumsily picked himself up, rubbed his knee, dusted off his ruana and tried to get his damn sandal back on.  
“Brunito, would you help me down please?”  Alma asked gently.
The foreseer turned around and looked up at his mother with big, uncertain eyes.  He swallowed, then timidly reached up and offered her his hand.  She grasped it firmly, and as she slid down from the horses back, Bruno offered a second hand.  
Still holding on tightly, Alma looked up at him, smiling with tears in her eyes. She could hardly believe who she was looking at.  A face she hadn't seen in ten years.  A face she'd yearned to see again for ten... ten long years. “You were always such a gentleman.  Thank you.”
Bruno could do little more than just stare.  He was so... intensely confused.  And did she just compliment him?
“Let me look at you.” She said and rose her hands up to hold his face, sending his eyes darting back and forth between them before looking back at her.  Alma beamed with motherly warmth, and something that even looked like pride.  “My boy.  My sweet, precious boy.”
The fortune tellers parted lips closed and he swallowed, feeling a tight lump suddenly stuck in his throat.  She was speaking to him the way she did when he was a child.  The way she did before...
This was not at all what he was expecting.  He had this whole speech prepared in his head. The whole time he was out there searching for Mirabel, that's all he could think about.  That he would have to confront Abuela.  He would have to take the blame.  No, even before that.  Ten years he spent, thinking about what he would say if he ever stood up to her. He was ready.  He was so ready.
And then she had to go and steal his thunder right out from under him.
His adrenaline was still going.  There was a part of him that still wanted to say it. Say all the things he'd ever wanted to say.  All the things he'd suppressed for so long.
“Have you been eating well?”  She said, her loving tone becoming pained.  “You look so thin, Mijo.”  
But he couldn't.  He was stunned.  The shock of his mother... mothering him. What in the Encanto did Mirabel do?
“I'm so sorry.”  She said and lowered her hands, taking one of his and holding it lovingly in both of hers.
The words drifted foggily through Bruno's ears as though his brain was struggling to process the fact that they were even being said.  
Alma shook her head and lowered her eyes.  “There are... so many things I want to say.” She looked back up at him, her tearful eyes and pained voice filling with cautious hope.  “Please...  Please tell me you've come home. Tell me you're going to stay.”
He didn't answer her right away, just stared with his breath caught in his throat. His eyes moved back and forth between hers and then began to blur.
“Bruno.”  She said softly.  “Say something, Mijo.”
The foreseers head dropped down.  He couldn't fight it any longer. “Mama...”  He whimpered, his voice hoarse and small like a child’s.  Tears began flooding down his face, and he was immediately embraced by Alma. 
Bruno embraced her back, his fingers clinging to her black shawl as he sobbed into her shoulder.
It was time to come home.
* * * * *
I would like to believe Alma took that moment she and Bruno had alone to give him a proper apology.  So I wrote this.  Here, take it.
Read on Ao3
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5footframe · 1 year
>>Please find me<<
Summary: Bruno doesn’t make it out of the house in time to escape. The collapsing rubble around him feels somehow lighter than his mothers words.
“Bruno didn’t care about this family.”
Mirabel just wants to bring him home.
Chapter 4 “Haunted” is out!
“The matriarch of the Madrigals had stood up at Mirabels call. She was in disbelief at her youngest granddaughters words, her son was alive! ‘For now’ a dark voice whispered to her, winding its way to the front of her mind. Dios, her little boy…”
CW: character injury and heavy maternal angst
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beanie-beebo-writes · 2 years
All Along [The Casita]
Summary: Just one of the days of the life in the walls of Casita...with a twist.
Category: Genfic, Pre-movie
Warnings: Angst, Abuela being an ass
10 years. 
It had been almost 10 years living alone in the walls of Casita. And despite being housed in a magical paradise, the years weren't kind. 
The bags under his eyes had grown deeper and darker, his hair growing more and more unkempt, his eyes losing the light they once held. 
And yet no one knew. 
Or at least he thought. 
Just like every other day, he lay haphazardly across the crumbling recliner catching some much needed z's. An annoying crack of sunlight shone through a gap in the boards, disturbing his slumber. Bruno groaned and buried his face into the old fabric of the chair. It was too early. But yet again, time was only an illusion. 
A rat scampered up from the floor, giving a small squeak once it reached Bruno's sleeping form. Not receiving a response, it lightly nudged the side of his face and earned mumbled gibberish in response. It tried again, harder this time. Bruno turned his head, eyes squinting in the bright morning light. The small mammal motioned its head to the boarded mural from where the sun had been peeking in. 
Bruno slowly blinked, trying to process the nonverbal cue. To reinforce the rat's message, a soft clatter of porcelain dishes could be heard beyond the walls. Bruno's stomach grumbled in anticipation. 
He slowly sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, sending the rat back to the floor. Too tired to notice, he swung his feet to stand and sent the poor thing flying across the room. He opened his eyes widely upon realizing his clumsy mistake. Bruno's eyes shot to his small companion and he carefully made his way over to the other side of the room. With extra caution, he picked up the dazed rat. 
"Oh mi dulce Rosalita, ¿estás bien? Lo siento mi cariño. I'm so damn clumsy." Bruno said softly. 
Rosalita blinked and wiggled her nose before giving a small squeak in response. Bruno sighed in relief. 
"What on earth was that clatter? I heard that all the way from my room, Juli. Everything okay?" 
Bruno froze. Of course he had to give himself away to his family, again. It's not like this hadn't happened before. It's bound to happen in a quiet community when you live inside the guts of your house, literally. But over the years, he had grown to be more careful. Especially after he had almost been caught a few times. He was lucky there always seemed to be a distraction right after to cover him up. 
"I have no idea. Maybe some kids rough housing nearby?" He heard Julieta reply. 
Bruno peered through the gap in the boards, giving him a small glance into casita’s kitchen. Julieta was just finishing up breakfast, as she did every morning. It was Agustín who had come to check in on her. He made a face and shrugged, seeming to agree with Julieta's explanation. It was a quiet enough town, so it wasn’t illogical.
“Everybody almost ready?” She asked, beginning to clean up.
“I think so,” Agustín said. “I can check though if you’d like.”
“Would you, cariño? That would be great.” Julieta said.
“Sure, no problema amor.” Agustín replied.
As he left to check on the others, Mirabel came rushing into the room towards the family plates.
“Good morning Mira, sleep well?” Julieta asked.
“Sí, a little too well. Lo siento, mamá. I guess I slept in.” Mirabel said.
“It’s quite alright, everyone needs it every once in a while. I would take care of setting the table if needed.” Julieta said.
“No má it’s fine, really. I have to help somehow..”
Bruno looked on with a heavy heart. The whole reason he had left in the first place was to make Mirabel’s life easier. Even if it was a little bit. But even with his disappearance, he could see that it apparently wasn’t enough. Mirabel still felt pressure to live up to his mother’s impossible expectations, and still felt like she wasn’t enough. She was still the scapegoat, the one everyone blamed when things went wrong. The thing Bruno had been trying to prevent. It’s obvious his prophecy would have made things much worse, but he thought that his mother would have been at least a little more forgiving of her granddaughter. Apparently not.
Julieta’s voice brought him from his thoughts. “Did you happen to see how everyone else was doing upstairs?”
“Everyone’s pretty much ready. It’s just..” Mirabel scoffed. “Señorita princesa Isabela is hogging up the bathroom for some reason this morning. Can’t she just grow a waterfall or something to wash up? It’s not like everyone else needs to shower or anything.”
Shower.. ¡Mierda! He forgot to shower! And if he didn’t keep up with his rituals.. Well. He didn’t want to think about it. Bruno rushed to the small cracked basin at the other side of the room and quickly splashed water onto his raggedy face. He blindly reached for the soap and began scrubbing himself as quickly as he could manage, knowing he didn’t have much time before his family came down for breakfast. Even though he knew no one would see him or notice his presence, Abuela had always made it known how important it was to have a specific routine. And what the consequences were if you didn’t follow it.
Bruno Madrigal was a grown man. He washed his own clothes, he knew how to make a meal if he had to. But what Abuela said, you would follow. And if you didn’t? Well may God bless you. And even when Abuela was long gone, Bruno was sure the family would still be mindlessly following these habits. They just stuck with you.
As quick as Bruno had begun to bathe, he was already finished. And just in time for him to join his family at his usual place behind the mural. He made a sign of the cross as he sat down and bowed his head in prayer alongside his family. Everyone listened in silence to Abuela’s prayer, waiting in bated breath to dig into their meal. After a brief moment of silence, Abuela sat at the head of the table, signaling it was okay to begin eating. 
For a few minutes, all that was heard throughout the dining area was the clanking of silverware and soft sounding of eating. One would think the absence of talking would be unsettling, but it was actually quite comforting for Bruno. It reminded him that words weren’t needed to bond, that the family was still there; without all the usual chaos. He himself had begun to dig into his half of the bunuelo, saving the other half for his small friends. He exhaled in amusement. He could already hear his sisters and his mother if they saw the sight before him. Rats nibbling away at leftovers, on the table. ..And Bruno eating scraps from the night before.
He frowned and looked back at the family through the openings in the mural before glancing back at his “meal”. His stomach growled from the lack of food, causing him to look down. Before his thoughts could spiral deeper, Mirabel’s voice brought him back to reality.
“Hey mami, is it okay if I help out again in the village today? Like I did the other day? I was hoping maybe-”
“Mirabel, you know Julieta needs to focus on helping the community. You should know better than to interrupt that.” Abuela interrupted, void of much emotion.
Mira’s face fell. “I know but, it worked last time! I promise I won’t get in the way-” She said. 
Abuela held a hand up, interrupting her again. “That’s enough.”
Bruno helplessly looked on with a fiery, heavy heart. If he wasn’t such a coward, maybe right then and there he would break through the mural and tell his mother off right there. But just like when he left, he just watched in silence. He kicked himself hard in the shin and held back tears.
“Má.. leave Mira alone. She is free to help as much as she wants. She’s never in the way.” Julieta said, placing a hand on her daughter’s shoulders.
“But Juli, you mustn't be distracted-” Abuela began.
“I won’t be.” Julieta said firmly.
There was a brief, tense silence before Abuela sighed and resigned to Julieta’s request. It was a while before the usual chit-chat resumed at the table.
Bruno felt absolutely horrible. He was glad at least someone stood up for his sobrina, but maybe if he had been there… maybe if he lied ten years ago and took responsibility for the vision.. He couldn’t help but think that maybe things would be different. He punched his arm in both frustration and as a punishment of sorts.
Tu idiota estupido.. You really thought you leaving would make things better for your sobrina? Now look what you’ve done, you’ve made it wor-
“What is that noise? Did you all hear that?”
Bruno froze in place and smacked a hand over his mouth. He was muttering his thoughts out loud. Again. His heart hammered in his chest; he didn’t dare take another breath.
“Oh, it was Mariano. I think he’s at the door.” Dolores said.
Bruno slowly lowered his hand from his mouth and swiftly moved to the space in the mural boards, furrowing his eyebrows and squinting in the morning light. And sure enough, Dolores was going to the front door. No.. she wouldn’t-
But she didn’t stop there. She went outside and closed the door behind her. The family looked on in silence for a long moment before slowly resuming their previous conversations.
Bruno blinked. What just.. happened? Did that really happen? 
After a few moments Dolores returned, silently closing the front door behind her before she came back into view. The family turned attentively in her presence.
“Is everything okay?” Julieta asked.
Dolores squeaked and nodded. “Sí, he just wanted to know when Isa would be available later. I let him know we will all be headed out al pueblo soon.”
“Perfecta!” Isabela said, excitedly standing up from her seat to hug Dolores. “Gracías prima!”
Isa stopped for a moment and recomposed herself, smoothing out her dress. 
“I’ll take care of my plate, Abuela.” She said calmly, returning to the table.
“Thank you Isabela; much appreciated.” Abuela said, finishing up herself. “We have another big day ahead of us today, I want everyone downstairs and ready within a half an hour.”
A mixed chorus of “Yes abuela”’s and “Yes mamá”’s filled the dining room before everyone slowly trickled out one by one to clean their dishes. It wasn’t long before the only one remaining on the lowest floor of Casita was Dolores. She had been sitting timidly, playing with her leftover food. Once she finished chatting with Mira and made sure the coast was clear, she wordlessly turned to the family portrait.
Bruno receded into his ruana and inched backwards, as if she could see right through the painting. He again waited in bated breath. After a few tense moments, she broke the silence.
“You have to be more careful tío. I don’t know how long I can keep covering for you. I won’t be long before they.. you know.” She said quietly.
Bruno’s eyes widened at the realization. All this time, she knew. I mean, yes there was the food she brought to him occasionally, and she always had seemed to cover for him, but she never really said anything. Not until now. He just figured she thought he was lingering around somewhere or something, not that she knew he was still there, within the walls. His heart swelled, despite it hammering anxiously in his ribcage.
“And yes, I knew. Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. Just be more careful? Please?” She answered quietly.
Bruno nodded before remembering she had super hearing, not x-ray vision. “Sí.”
She squeaked quietly before hurrying off to take care of her plate and catch up with the rest of the family. Bruno lingered for a moment before turning back to his cuartito. For the first time in a while, Bruno felt loved in his own four walls.
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sharknadoslutt · 2 years
So bcs I'm experiencing writers block, I started working on this Wizard!Bruno x Princess!Nayelli AU of Antisocial because I have nothing else consuming my brain 🤪 Since I'm almost done with my first fic, I've been outlining this new one and already started chapter one. So. I'm gonna info dump and see if anyone's interested💚🤗
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Art belongs to @papayawhipped who heavily helped build the lore of this AU 🙏💕
So, this is obviously a very different magical take on the Encanto in which there are two different types of magic; Craft magic and Natural magic. There is craft magic. Think wizard, witches and their entire mystical world of wonderment. Spells, potions and mythical creatures. Craft is the kind of magic that is widely accepted by 'the real world'—The non-magic wielding world.
Natural magic is very rare, very pure and very powerful. This kind of magic is either hunted and drained for power, or hunted with the intention of being snuffed out. Examples of natural magic would be the Madrigal gifts.
The Encanto is a town within the enchanted mountain range that's been hidden since Pedro Madrigal's death.
He was a man with natural magic in his blood but who also had a strong passion for craft magic. When he was found out as having natural magic blood, Pedro was hunted down by dark-wizards. But Pedro sacrificed himself to protect his family and this act of true love bestowed his them with the protection of the Encanto, which has flourished in secret for fifty years.
Alma hated craft magic after this. Her beloved Pedro was targeted and killed by craft-users because of his natural gift. So all craft magic was banned from the Encanto. But Bruno was curious of his late Father's passion and studied craft magic behind his mother's back since his early teens. He thought, perhaps instead of only seeing horrible accidents and travesties in his visions, craft magic would help Bruno also see the good in the future!
But when Alma found out, she gave Bruno an ultimatum—Craft magic or his family.
So Bruno left his home and lived a life of learning and growing as a wizard. He did this while keeping his natural magic a secret from those around him, knowing the dangers of this getting out.
Through the years, Bruno fell into many jobs and alliances within the wizarding community. He'd even taken on a familiar of his own (A rat named Estrella). But ultimately, after a business partnership ends in betrayal, our Wizard Bruno secludes himself in a tower hidden within the Enchanted wood near the Ramos kingdom, dedicating his life to a lone study of magic.
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Now the non-magical world also has it's own turmoil, on the brink of war between many powerful kingdoms. The Ramos Kingdom is seemingly at the center of it. Unbeknownst to the people, the kingdom is secretly adjoined to Wizard's Alley (A gateway to the mysterious wizarding world). King Javier Ramos' royal advisor, the Wizard Lucius, uses this to his advantage and has a sinister plot of his own in the works.
Due to the war, the Princess Nayelli Ramos has remained secluded in the castle for nearly a year in solitude. She has nothing but her cat, her library and her fantasies of an adventurous life beyond the castle walls (Princess Anna of Arendel Syndrome).
One fateful night, after falling asleep in the royal library, she wakes up to the Wizard Bruno sneaking into the library to peruse their famous selection of magic literature. For our Princess, it is love at first sight and she is determined to make the Wizard Bruno her new adventure.
What starts off as a sensual romance quickly turns into intense emotions and life and death steaks for the two. This is a love story that ends a war, brings our Bruno back to his family, and also brings the Madrigal's out of hiding. So... Yeah, that's what I've been working on
Have some more art~
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To be clear - This will not be an Bruno X Reader fic, I'm trying something new and will have this told in 3rd person. Nayelli will be named unlike how I wrote her in my Antisocial fanfiction.
If anyone is interested, let me know, I'll tag you when it's up! Ill be posting on Ao3 but can link to tumblr. 18+ ONLY as this will have sexual content and mature themes. Uhh, thank you 💚
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sorryiwasasleep · 9 months
heeyy 👉🏻👈🏻 i love your fanfic “he sees your dreams” and i was wondering if there ever will be an update… i don’t want to press you, i just wanted to know and also i wanted to let you know that whatever will be the answer you did and still do great! i love this fanfic so much you gave me a lot of emotions so far and i wanted to thank you ❤️
It will definitely get an update at some point!! I don’t have one in the current works because life stuff and other projects, but it’s for sure NOT finished! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed it so far (and this ask for sure is sort of putting it back on my radar of— oh hey maybe I should start brainstorming for that again)
(In a bit of overshare: I also tend to write that one when I’M not doing great, and while I’m doing BAD rn, I’m also BUSY AS FUCK and its keeping me stressed more than leaving me in the room of the melancholic mood that I tend to write that in, so once I have more time I’ll prob get back into it.)
Lady inspiration is a fickle and fleeting lover and I must adhere to her whims. But I will go back to ‘He Sees Your Dreams’ at some point (most likely it will be next month when I’m less busy, but again— she is fickle and fleeting, when she knocks is anyone’s guess! So may be earlier!)
The fic for any intrigued:
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We Don’t Talk About Bruno (But She Does) Part 2- Bruno Madrigal x OC
Bruno Madrigal x Adriana Cruz
Description: Relationships are rekindled when Adriana and Mirabel discover that Bruno was still actually with them.
Word Count: 2k
The thrilling chase continued to the second floor of Casita. Adriana chased Mirabel, who seemed to be chasing something that the woman couldn’t quite see. Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled behind them, but neither paid attention. Adriana rounded a corner, only to nearly run into Mirabel. The younger girl stood in the upper walkway silently, trying to figure out something.
“Mariposa, please-“ the girl shushed her, which rightfully offended Adriana. Just as she opened her mouth, she heard a quiet, almost silent squeak. Both she and Mirabel looked to the source then simultaneously spotted a single rat tail disappearing through an opening under a large painting that hung in the hall. Mirabel approached it slowly, almost as if studying it, then slowly pulled it open, revealing a passageway within the walls. Adriana gasped softly, and she and Mirabel shared a confused look before stepping closer to it.
“Let me go in and make sure it’s safe,” she muttered, knowing that nothing could stop the girl from going in there. “If I can’t stop her, I might as well join her and make sure she’s safe.” After getting the okay from Mirabel, she took a deep breath and climbed in.
The passageway seemed to be between the walls of the house. They were covered with cracks, which undulated dauntingly. She looked around nervously before ultimately signaling for Mirabel to come in. A rat squeaked as it scurried past Mirabel’s feet and away into the darkness, but as its glowing shard retreated, it moved into the air. Adriana squinted to get a better look, then gasped as lightning struck once again, now revealing a figure just a few feet in front of them.
“Bruno?” She muttered in shock. The man in question looked sinister and evil in this lighting as he held the shard.
The three of them stared at each other for an electric second. Another flash occurred, and Bruno turned and ran in the other direction, his shadow streaking away down a distant corridor. Mirabel wasted no time in running after him, ignoring her Tia’s calls. Adriana groaned loudly then began following her, and another chase ensued. The three of them raced through the narrow corridors, the girls having trouble catching up to the man as they weren’t acquainted with the corridors. Adriana moved faster and faster, sliding down any unexpected drops and making every tight turn. She had to stop momentarily when Mirabel bumped into one of the walls after a turn, but they continued on. Another flash of lightning occurred as the girls attempted to call for him, begging him to stop.
Mirabel was close to Bruno, practically within arm’s reach, but then she was forced to stop when he suddenly jumped over a large chasm. Both girls stopped abruptly and watched as he made it to the other side and disappeared down a distant corridor. Adriana was the first to gather her courage, and she gave Mirabel a look that said ‘wait until I cross first.’ Thankfully the girl understood and stepped aside. The woman breathed out deeply and took a few steps back before taking a running leap at the chasm. She copied Bruno’s moves, stepping on the same pieces of rogue wood that he had until she made it to the other side. A breathless laugh left her lips as she faced the tighter girl, gesturing for her to jump.
Mirabel grinned at her Tia’s success then did as she had done in taking a few steps back. After a moment of hesitation, she finally jumped over the chasm. Adriana watched worriedly as she attempted to do what both Adriana and Bruno had done. A sigh of relief left the woman’s lips as Mirabel finally made it to the other side. That triumph was unfortunately cut short when the floor beneath Mirabel gave way and she fell.
“Mirabel!” The woman called worriedly as she ran over to the edge of the chasm. The girl had managed to catch herself, practically holding on by a finger. Adriana could work with that. She fell to her knees and attempted to reach for her hand.
“Help! Someone help. Casita, Tia, help me,” the girl whimpered.
“Grab my hand Mariposa,” the woman instructed urgently, reaching her arm out as far as she possibly could without also falling over the edge. Mirabel attempted to do so, but in the process she lost her grip and began falling.
“No!” Adriana cried shortly before she felt a presence beside her. Another hand shot out and grabbed Mirabel’s. Both she and Adriana looked up and realized it was Bruno.
“You’re very sweaty,” he muttered anxiously, though no one had time to respond before he too lost his balance and fell over. Adriana attempted to reach for him, but it was in vain. Thankfully Mirabel managed to catch him with her free hand after Adriana finally managed to grab one of her hands. Mirabel, Adriana and Bruno stared at each other for a minute before a rat popped out of the latter’s ruana. It startled Mirabel enough to let him go, and the girls watched in horror as he fell with a slightly high pitched scream. Only a second later he popped back up in the smoke that settled on the floor. There had been a floor beneath them this entire time. Bruno hummed thoughtfully at it, then looked up as Adriana began lifting Mirabel up. Once she was safely on the floor, the woman held out her hand for Bruno.
“Take my hand,” she instructed, much calmer now. The man hesitated for a moment, then finally reached up after climbing the wall boards and placed his hand in hers. A slight shock went through them the moment their hands touched, but Adriana didn’t talk about it as she and Mirabel lifted him the rest of the way up.
Shock was the only thing she could feel as Bruno passed her, attempting to brush off what just happened. She couldn’t believe it. All this time she had been hoping and praying that he would come back to her…and he’s been behind the walls the whole time. For just a moment their shoulders met and it shot a spark straight to her heart. Though she couldn’t be sure, the slight hesitation in his movements afterwards gave her hope that he felt the same thing. She followed Mirabel, only half listening as her niece attempted to get him to talk about the vision as her eyes stayed on the man she never stopped loving.
Time seemed to pass in a blur and before Adriana knew it, she was in Antonio’s room with him, Mirabel and Bruno. She watched as Bruno made a sand circle for the vision, not missing the slight tremor that rubled through the house.
“We might wanna hurry,” Mirabel mentioned, having also felt the tremor.
“You can’t hurry the future,” Bruno almost laughed as he altered the circle just a bit to accommodate the chiguiro that sat in the way before finally sitting across from the girl. “And what if I show you something worse? If I see something that you don’t like, you’re gonna be all ‘Bruno makes bad things happen, oh, he’s creepy and his vision killed my goldfish,’” he threw his hands up exasperatedly, which almost made Adriana laugh as Mirabel responded.
“I don’t think you make bad things happen. Sometimes family weirdos just get a bad rap,” she encouraged, which made Adriana smile sympathetically.
“You can do this,” the older woman added shortly before Antonio came into view, holding the stuffed jaguar that Mirabel made him for his gifting ceremony. He whispered something to his Tio before climbing on his real jaguar and riding off. Adriana offered Bruno one last encouraging smile before climbing up after the young boy to his bed.
Once they were settled in, the show began. Bruno lit a match, which he used to ignite piles of wet leaves. As the smoke began to spiral around him and Mirabel, Bruno closed his eyes, entering a trance-like state as magic filled the room. The entire room began to glow in the light of his eyes, wind kicked up, blowing leaves and sand that began to swirl around Mirabel and Bruno, glowing brighter and brighter.
Neither Adriana nor Antonio could see what happened next as the sand storm blocked it off, though they got a synopsis once things calmed down. To put it simply, Mirabel simply needed to hug Isabela to save the miracle.
Normally something like hugging your sister would be easy, but not with Isabela and Mirabel. The latter made that quite clear as the three of them sat behind a plant staring at Isabela’s door across the upper level. It wasn’t until after Bruno encouraged her that Mirabel finally mustered up the courage to hug her sister. She and Adriana watched as Bruno knocked on wood as a luck ensurance before falling back into Pedro’s portrait hole. Adriana stared at it for a moment thoughtfully.
“Hey, Mira?” She asked softly, though she didn’t need to finish her thought before the younger girl spoke.
“Go ahead,” Mirabel responded with a knowing look. “You have a lot of catching up to do.” Adriana offered the girl a thankful smile before walking over to the portrait hole, opening it enough to slip through.
For a moment she forgot how difficult it was to get to his room, having to go over and under various obstacles. And, of course, the giant chasm she had to jump over. She got through it with relative ease like she had the first time, then continued on until she reached the door. As her hand lifted to knock, she hesitated.
Of course she knew she had nothing to worry about, it just was Bruno, her Bruno. But, at the same time, she hasn’t seen him in ten years, and ten years can change someone. She stood there for close to five minutes as she weighed her options. In the end she decided to throw caution to the wind and finally knocked.
“Bruno?” She called softly. “Can I come in?” There was a tense silence that left Adriana waiting for the man’s answer with bated breath. It took a moment for him to answer, but he eventually did, telling her to come in.
Once she did so, they spent a lot of time talking. They talked about everything that happened before he left, after he left, what Adriana had been up to lately, what Bruno had been up to lately, just everything. It was exactly what Adriana needed. She was finally getting the answers that she desperately craved for the last ten years apart from him. Words couldn’t explain how relieved she was when she learned that it was not her fault, but everyone else’s for their treatment of him. That’s when she sympathized with him.
“I’m not mad at you, you know,” Adriana mentioned softly. The man looked at her, obviously surprised.
“Really?” She nodded, offering him a small smile.
“Upset, maybe, but not mad. Sure, there were many days and nights when I wondered why you didn’t feel like you could confide in me, but I was never angry at you. I don’t think I could ever be mad at you,” she laughed softly, shaking her head. Bruno chuckled along with her, then carefully reached over and took her hand.
“I never stopped thinking about you,” he muttered softly. “I couldn’t imagine how you felt when you found out I was gone. There were many days and nights where I just wallowed in my guilt about it. I missed you so much mi corazón (my heart).” His confession made her heart melt. She squeezed his hand before intertwining their fingers.
“I missed you too mi (mi) Bruno,” she whispered, lifting their hands to press a kiss to the back of his. Things weren’t one hundred percent clear with them, especially with Casita potentially losing its magic and the Madrigal’s fate resting on Mirabel and Isabela, but at least this would be a start. And a start was all they needed, it could only get better from there.
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mmollymercury · 2 years
"Little Belly"
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Little comic I did based off @glitternightingale's fanfic: Pinching The Pancita.
{I know Pepa's reaction in the fic isn't angry-but I couldn't resist 😭}
All I do here is post fanart of her stuff I'm so sorry😭😭😭 there are other things in my brain I swear-
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average-dilf-enjoyer · 6 months
Day 3: Roleplay + Bruno Madrigal (Encanto)
Pairing: Bruno Madrigal/f!reader
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 1.5K
Warnings: Fingering, PIV sex, consensual dubcon (is that what you call it??), this is cringe I’m so sorry
A/N: Honestly just expect every fic to be rushed asf and/or slightly late because I have ten million things to do every day 😭😭 literally proofread this at 3:00 am
You loved the Madrigals, you really did. Hell, you were married to one of them. But they could be a bit… overwhelming.
You and Bruno couldn’t even get a moment alone on your anniversary of all days, despite how much you tried. And oh, you tried, but you were constantly interrupted by people wanting to congratulate the two of you, wishing you happiness in your marriage and even giving you gifts. And when they threw a party for the two of you near the end of the day, you knew it would be late at night by the time you would get time alone. You appreciated it, of course, but all you really wanted to do was get in bed with your husband.
It was near midnight before you finally got to escape to your bedroom. After wishing everyone a good night and thanking them for everything, the two of you rushed to your room before anyone could interrupt again.
As soon as the door was locked he pulled you to him and kissed you. “Mierda, I thought we’d never get away,” he chuckled between kisses. “‘M sorry, mi vida. They mean well, it’s just…”
“Mm, I know. It’s sweet of them to do all of this for us,” you assured him, taking his hand and dragging him to the bed.
Bruno grinned as you pulled him onto the mattress with you, threading his fingers with yours as he laid next to you. “Yeah… I mean, it’s nice, but I’ve been dying to get alone all day,” he sighed, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb.
You cupped his cheek in your hand. “Well we have now, don’t we?”
He nodded, climbing over you. “Yeah… gonna make up for all the time we lost today,” he whispered, leaning down to kiss at your neck.
“Y’know, I was thinking… maybe we could do something different tonight..?” you whispered back, slightly nervous about his reaction to what you’re about to suggest.
He leaned away to look at you, a small smile playing on his lips. “What is it?”
“Um… well…” you took a deep breath, trying to steel your nerves. “Have you ever heard of, uh… roleplay?”
He gave you a knowing smirk, leaning closer. “Yeah..?”
“Um. Well, I was thinking, maybe we could try it?”
He kissed you again, sweet and gentle. “Sounds fun. What’d you have in mind?”
“Well, I was thinking maybe you could play a thief breaking into my home or something..?” you suggested, still shy.
He nodded, fully paying attention, and you had no idea how he wasn’t laughing at you. You felt ridiculous for even mentioning it. “Okay,” he said. Simple, no judgement or amusement in his voice. You would even go so far as to say he sounded excited. “You sure you wanna do this?”
You nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m sure.”
“Alright then, let’s do it,” he agreed with a smile and a kiss to your cheek.
“You better have been telling the truth when you said your real gift is acting.”
You awoke to a thud from somewhere in your house. You sat up, rubbing your eyes. “Wha..?” you groaned to yourself, getting up to search for the source of the noise. You didn’t even get to the door before you found your answer.
You screamed when the man appeared in your doorway, and he quickly silenced you with a hand over your mouth.
“Shut. Up.” he seethed, grabbing you hard and pushing you back onto your bed. “You're gonna let me have my way, got it?”
You nodded wordlessly, too afraid to speak.
He nodded in return. “Good.”
You watched in terror as he went through your room, knocking things to the ground and searching your drawers.
“This real gold?” he asked, holding up a necklace he found on your dresser.
“Yes,” you said quietly, terrified of what he might do to you if you lied.
He hummed and pocketed the piece of jewelry, then turned to you, eyeing you up and down. "Mierda, you're pretty. I couldn't see you well before, but now that I've got a better view, I think I might take you too."
You felt a chill run down your spine at his words. Take you..? You weren't sure what he meant, and you didn't think you wanted to. He started walking towards you and you squeezed your eyes shut, bracing yourself for whatever he was about to do. What you didn't expect was for his hands to grip your wrists, pushing you back onto the mattress as he climbed over you. Your eyes flew open. "Sir..."
He grinned as you whimpered under him. "I'm gonna make a deal with you. You let me fuck you, I'll leave."
Your eyes widened at his proposal, a mix of fear and arousal swirling in your gut. "And if I don't?"
The man chuckled darkly, his grip tightening on your wrists. "I'll make sure there isn't a single valuable item left in this entire house. Your choice, cariña."
You gaze up at his eyes, now darkened with lust, weighing your options. Surely it would be easier to just let him do this... and you certainly couldn't afford to lose all of your possessions. "You can fuck me," you answered meekly.
"Yeah, that's what I thought," he growled, letting go of one wrist so he could unbutton his pants.
You whimpered involuntarily when his other hand left your wrist to slide up your shirt, running along the skin, "Dios, you're soft..."
"Please don't hurt me..." you whispered shakily as he moved his hands to the hem of your skirt.
"I won't," he assured you, sliding down your skirt and panties, surprisingly gentle. "All you gotta do is lay there and keep looking pretty."
You nodded, eyes wide as his eyes roamed your body, drinking you in. His fingers gently prodded at your entrance, and you hissed at the feeling of his cold fingers on your heat.
His eyes never left yours as two of his long, thick fingers slid into you, watching you writhe and gasp beneath him. "That's it, hermosa..."
The nickname only made you more aroused, gasping and panting as he crooked his fingers inside you. You couldn't believe you were aroused at all. He was stealing from you a moment ago, for God's sake. But you couldn't help it. He was handsome and so gentle with you, the opposite of what you had thought he would be. "Please, sir..." you moaned softly as that oh-so familiar pressure built up inside you.
"Mierda, you're easy, aren't you? I've barely even touched you," he admonished you, pumping his fingers faster.
He had you coming on him fingers in seconds, moaning loudly into the quiet of your room. "There you go, cariña..."
"Sir," you whined after you came down from your high. "Fuck me."
"Needy," he chuckled. "Thought you were afraid of me?" he asked as he slid down his pants, revealing everything the cloth was hiding, and wow, it was hiding a lot. There wasn't anything particularly remarkable about his dick, but it looked incredible, hard and leaking precum.
"I am." You really were. You just also happened to be incredibly turned on, and his cock standing at attention in front of you wasn't helping.
He hummed and notched his tip at your entrance, slowly pushing into you. "But you like it." He said it like it was a fact. And it was. You did like it.
You gasped at the intrusion, grasping at his shoulders as he slid into you. "Ohhh, fuck-" you moaned.
The man hissed above you, fisting his hands into the sheets. "Oh, mierda, that's good." He began thrusting into you, setting a slow pace that quickly gained speed as you got acquainted with the feeling of him inside of you.
"More," you whined, rolling your hips to meet his thrusts, pushing him deeper. "More, sir, please..."
He snaked one hand between your bodies, reaching to play with your clit. His fingers rubbing circles into the sensitive bud had you reeling, unable to focus on anything other than the pleasure rapidly building in you.
"You close?" he rasped, rubbing your clit faster as his thrusts grew erratic. "Want you to come with me, can ya do that, hermosa?"
You nodded, gasping as he speared you on his dick over and over again. "Mhmm."
A moment later he was spilling inside of you with a loud groan, and the feeling of him filling you up was what pushed you over the edge. You came hard, searing waves of pleasure running through your trembling body.
"Bruno..." you sighed as he collapsed on top of you. "Holy fuck."
"I know," he laughed breathlessly, pulling out of you and rolling onto his back.
You turned to him, resting an arm across his stomach. "Happy anniversary, Bruno."
"Happy anniversary, cariña."
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glitternightingale · 1 year
Encanto Big Bang 💖
Here's my submission for the @encantobigbang 2022/23! Yayyy!!
I picked my favorite scene from @starlightomicron's fanfiction:
The Madrigal Triplets have finally found each other again and celebrate their first birthday together after their long separation. What traditions have stayed the same and which ones are just in the making?
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And, of course, my crack interpretation of another scene:
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brunofanfiction · 1 year
🥺 Best Tío: Bruno! 🥺
Master List (Pt.1)
🥺 A Madrigal gets Sick
“Mirabel finds out Antonio is sick and informs the family, unfortunately for them the rest of the family is stuck at the town with a storm hitting~” #fluff #sickfic
🥺Hide and Seek
“Bruno plays hide and seek with Camilo. Well, maybe it’s just the two of them hiding together from Pepa and la Abuela.” #fluff #hurt/comfort
🥺Petting Zoo
By @metaphoricaltigers
“Antonio, Luisa and Bruno go to a petting zoo and Bruno talks about his mental health.~” #fluff #BrunohasOCD #AutisticBruno
🥺 Daisy Chains
“On a sunny afternoon Julieta and Pepa take their one year old daughter’s (Isabela and Dolores) to the garden for a picnic along with Bruno. When Julieta and Pepa head inside for a bit, Bruno is left to look after his nieces.~” #fluff #itsjustfluff
🥺Duerme Bien
By @waitingonavision
“Listen to the six-year-old. Antonio has the only right idea. ~A sleep pile with Bruno and his niblings. This is the result.” #fluff #toothrotting #Brunospancita
🥺Healing Takes Time (you’ll get there in the end)
By @impossiblefangirl0632
“One day you’re going to look up and realize that things are starting to get better, that you’ll be okay. Today is that day.” #fluff #healing #hurt/comfort
🥺Little Gestures
By @sokkas-first-fangirl
“Mirabel noticed Bruno tended to pat them on the head (especially when he couldn’t handle a full hug) and, as he did, deja vu always hit. He must have done the same thing ten years ago.~” #fluff #toothrotting
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I'm deeply sorry but I thought of this and had to make it
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I mean it fits
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kogito-mojito · 2 years
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Abort!  Abort!
“Um... I, uh... I think I like this one...?”  Bruno said, holding up a maroon ruana.  Maybe he could find a green outfit to go under it, he thought.  Backwards Bruno day.  He laughed internally at his own dumb thoughts.
“Great!  Go ahead and try it on!”  The clothes maker said excitedly.
Ugh...  Okay...  Bruno was just trying to quell the awkward silence.  He really didn't care about it that much.  But he threw it over his head and put it on anyway.
“Hmhmm... lovely.  Uh, I mean!  You look very nice!”  She let out another nervous laugh.
Bruno blinked and rose an eyebrow.  She was giving off this weird vibe, but he wasn't really sure what it was.
All he knew was this was uncomfortable.  Everything was uncomfortable.
Except for the pants.  They weren't bad.
“Hey!  Hey!”  Nearby, Felix leaned over to Agustin and pointed a finger towards Bruno, speaking in a hushed tone.  “Take a look over there.”
“Huh?  What is it?”  Agustin did so, but nothing stood out to him.
"I think she's flirting with him!"  The shorter man whispered, holding a hand up next to his mouth as he spoke.
Agustin blinked, then adjusted his glasses, his mouth sliding open.  "Dios mio."
"Ew..."  Camilo said with a sneer.  "Should we stop them?"
"What's flirting?"  Antonio asked.
"Nothing, mi vida."  Felix responded.  "I'll tell you when you're older."
"Oh, she's... probably just being friendly."  Agustin said with a shrug, a little in disbelief.  Not that he didn't believe in his hermano Bruno.  But, well... the clothes were just the first step.  They had some work to do.
"Haha!  Oh, no, no."  Felix said, raising an eyebrow and waving his hands wildly.  "I can smell the sweet pheromones of lust from a mile away, and she's in heat!"
"Ugh!  Dad!"  Camilo scoffed in disgust.
"Oy..."  Agustin sighed.
"What are pheromones?  And what does... 'in heat' mean?"  Antonio asked, scrunching up his nose in confusion.
"Nothing, Mijo!  Close your ears!"  Felix said, then quickly put his hands over his sons ears himself before leaning over to the others, still speaking in a hushed tone.  "I'm telling you!  Something's happening here!"
Agustin looked back over at Bruno, squinting his eyes as if that would help him see what Felix was seeing.
“I'm going to tell mom you're smelling other women's pheromones.”  Camilo said flatly.
Felix shook a finger at him.  “Hey.  You do that?  We all drown.”
They all went about their business, trying not to make it too obvious they were watching.
The woman was giggling nervously, almost manically.  Bruno side-eyed her as he slowly put one of the ruanas back on the rack, as if he were afraid to make any sudden movements.  “I'm sorry!  I-I laugh when I get nervous.”
Bruno blinked, hesitating before asking, “...Why are you nervous?”
She waved a hand at him.  “Oh, haha, I'm always nervous!”   And giggled again.  
“Heh.”  Bruno chuckled.  “Me too.”
“Oh, good.  Then you get it.”  Another giggle.
He let out another light chuckle as well before it went quiet again.
She cleared her throat and put her professional face back on.  “Is there anything else I can help you find?  We also have foot wear, hats, accessories.”
“Umm...”  He looked down at his sandals.
Nah.  He was not about to ask her to look at his dirty ass feet.
“No, I think I've got everything.”
“Okay.  Well, I can start ringing you up over here, if you like.”
Bruno followed her over to the counter, placing down the two ruanas he'd chosen, then went to fetch the rest of the clothes from the dressing room.  As she started to ring up the items, they fell into silence again.
He wasn't sure if he should try to say something or just let her work.
As he sat there with his thoughts, an urge he'd had since he walked in the store started to increase intensity.  He'd managed to suppress it until now, but only because he had something else to focus on.  Now he was just standing there, waiting for something to happen.
The counter was made of a nice, solid looking wood.  Bruno preferred strong wood.  Healthy wood.  Nothing thin or brittle.  It just didn't have the right feel.  And also splinters.
He felt his fingers twitch, then almost without controlling them, his hands balled up into fists.  Damnit...  He thought as he stared at the wood counter.  If he could just...  No, don't do it, goddamnit.
“Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock.  Knock on wood!”  He chimed as his knuckles rapped along the top and sides of the counter, the final one landing on the top of his head.
The woman froze a moment, her eyes now staring at him.
As soon as he had control of his arms again, Bruno forced them to straighten out at his sides, then laughed tensely.
She kept staring at him as she placed one of the articles of clothing down on the counter, then grinned.  “Oh, good!  You're warding off all my bad luck!”
“Hah... Your bad luck?”
“Um...”  Camilo said quietly to his father and uncle after turning in Bruno’s direction.  “He's starting to hit things...”
“That's not a good sign...”  Agustin said.
“You better do something before he starts throwing salt at her.”
“Uh oh, time to go!”  Felix said to them, his voice hushed so Bruno wouldn't hear and started walking towards the front counter.
“But I wanted to look at the...”  Camilo muttered, disappointed and pointing somewhere else.
“He's floundering!  He's floundering!”  But he was ignored as Felix pushed past him.
“Oy... I guess we better go save him...”  Agustin said with a sigh, then started to follow.
“Abort!  Abort!”
* * * * *
Excerpt, In the Afterglow of your Eyes
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5footframe · 1 year
No one deserves that
✨Chapter 5 of “Please Find me” ✨
“Bruno gets a chance to rest and an old guardian reassures him that his healing is valid.”
CW for description of injuries
Last chapter! I finally finished it! I hope you all like it 💚✨
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sokkas-first-fangirl · 8 months
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“I was thinking,” Alma said. “It’s about time we update the mural. We still need to include you and Tonito.”
Goodness, Bruno had completely forgotten about the mural. He’d need to add himself and Antonio; he certainly needed to update Isabela’s appearance. Honestly, with everything that had happened he just hadn’t thought about it. But as soon as she said it, an old idea came back to him.
“About that,” he said. “I was wondering…Could I add Papá too?”
For a terrible moment, he thought Alma was about to cry. Indeed, her eyes watered and her lip trembled…But she took his hand and nodded.
“Sí,” his mamá said softly. “That’s a lovely idea.”
In which there's loose ends to tie up. Senora Rojas continues to heal and the Madrigals continue to find their way. Dolores has a confession to make.
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