#Blowing Godzilla The Fuck Up With Our Rad Ass War Machines' like not sacrificing Our citizens in our imperial advance would have fixed it
ahoneesan · 6 months
oh hey i saw that new zilla. its a fucking vfx tour de force, godzilla is fucking evil and nasty and despite being the smallest godzilla in quite a while feels FUCKING ENORMOUS. i watched it w the gfs in four dee ecks so the fucking chair whipped around and blew air past my ear which was ridiculous and for a few limited moments really did enhance the experience. mostly it was just stupid fun though. anyways. spoiler cut.
the rah rah we got beat in a war so this time well Win in a war done by Private Citizens and not the evil Government really rubbed me the wrong way. that characters are ok, acting is fun, story is melodramatic but hey its fucking godzilla. but more than any of that the Well Boy What If You Kamikazed Better And Didnt Die shit just really bummed me out. i guess its not really out of line with any other big budget blockbuster out there, but man. what a shame.
i really Really like the vfx work in this movie, its viscerally thrilling in a way im not sure ive ever seen godzilla. but that story is genuinely so distasteful to me i think i have to give it a 3/5. i can't recommend going to see this movie enough. godzilla fuckin rules in it. the actings good too! the period-ness of it plays well! its a fun ass movie! three outta five!
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