#Birth Photos In Madurai
starxerox1 · 5 months
Best ID card printing in Madurai
Best ID card printing in Madurai
An identity document (also called ID or colloquially as papers) is any document that may be used to prove a person's identity. If issued in a small, standard credit card size form, it is usually called an identity card (IC, ID card, citizen card),[a] or passport card.[b] Some countries issue formal identity documents, as national identification cards that may be compulsory or non-compulsory, while others may require identity verification using regional identification or informal documents. When the identity document incorporates a person's photograph, it may be called photo ID.
In the absence of a formal identity document, a driver's license may be accepted in many countries for identity verification. Some countries do not accept driver's licenses for identification, often because in those countries they do not expire as documents and can be old or easily forged. Most countries accept passports as a form of identification. Some countries require all people to have an identity document available at all times. Many countries require all foreigners to have a passport or occasionally a national identity card from their home country available at any time if they do not have a residence permit in the country.
The identity document is used to connect a person to information about the person, often in a database. The connection between the identity document and database is based on personal information present on the document, such as the bearer's full name, age, birth date, address, an identification number, card number, gender, citizenship and more. A unique national identification number is the most secure way, but some countries lack such numbers or don't show them on identity documents.
Loaction- Company: Star Xerox PERIYAR BUS STAND, No: 16, TPK Road, K.G. Lodge Building, Opp. Malai Murasu, Madurai-01 Email- [email protected] Mobile- +91 73 73 78 78 23 , +91 73 73 78 78 10 Website: https://starxerox.in/
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storizenmagazine · 11 months
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#BookReview - “Through the Broken Glass: A Fearless Journey of Electoral Reforms” unfolds the remarkable story of “T.N. Seshan”, an unwavering force who fearlessly fought to reshape India’s electoral landscape. Seshan pulls no punches in this captivating autobiography, boldly recounting his struggles while spearheading a transformative era of change. His unyielding resolve and unapologetic demeanor caught even the Union governments off guard, leaving an indelible mark on the nation’s history. The book is divided into 23 chapters that start with his birth. What is more fascinating is the simple language in which the book is written. The footnotes in some chapters are helpful too.
Born in Palakkad, Kerala, in 1932, Seshan commenced his career as a member of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) in 1955. He held prominent positions, including District Collector of Madurai and Secretary to the Atomic Energy Commission, before assuming the role of Chief Election Commissioner in 1990. While Seshan’s reforms encountered criticism from certain quarters, his supporters maintained that his actions were necessary to rectify Indian politics and ensure a fair electoral framework.
T.N. Seshan, serving as the Chief Election Commissioner of India from 1990 to 1996, implemented crucial reforms that revolutionized the fairness and integrity of Indian elections. His notable achievements during his tenure include the introduction of photo voter I.D. cards, the prohibition of money and alcohol in elections, the establishment of the model code of conduct for political parties, and the reinforcement of the Election Commission’s authority. Despite facing resistance from some politicians, Seshan successfully transformed the electoral landscape of India, contributing to the cleanup of politics and fostering transparency and accountability in the electoral process.
Get your copy now!
Read here - https://tinyurl.com/tfsttfby
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shithole-world · 5 years
Interestingly India has seen many folk or tribal deities from ancient and medieval eras being worshipped from time to time, especially during the time of epidemics, and other physical and natural calamities. Some of these deities, which retain their primitive aspects, are still venerated by many, and temples dedicated to them are seen spread across the rural parts of India. I have listed some of the better known tribal/folk devis that were once highly venerated in ancient and medieval India; among them some have lost their relevance over the sands of time, while few are still respected and worshipped by their faithful followers.
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Folk deities in Pondicherry. They are the protective guardians of villages. 
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Local deities in a roadside temple in Papanasam, Tamil Nadu
The story of the king of Magadha, Raja Jarasandha, is well known. The Mahabharata gives details of his stand against Vasudeva-Krsna and the Pandavas , and finally his death in the hands of Bhima.
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Bhima Slays Jarasandha: Page from a dispersed Bhagavata Purana Manuscript (Book 10) Date: ca. 1520–40  Medium: Ink and opaque watercolor on paper. Source
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Bhima and Jarasandh Wrestling, by Raja Ravi Verma. Baroda art gallery
While the face-off and fight is well known, the focus remains away from the giantess or ogress Jara who had attached the two halves of king Brihadratha’s new born baby, and had given the baby his life back. It is from this Jara that the child was named as Jara-Sandha, which when translated means ‘united by Jara.’ While speaking to Brihadratha, Jara describes herself in the Mahabharata as a rakshashi who can change forms (kamarupini). She is worshipped both by the royal family and the common people as ‘Grihadevi’ (the devi of households), and she describes herself as being depicted on the house and palace walls as a young woman surrounded by children. As Jara says, blessed are the households that paint her in this form on their house walls, and those that don’t are cursed with poverty and unhappiness (Mahabharata II. 18, 1-6).
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Jara merges two parts of Jarasandha. source: Wikipedia
An iconography similar to the one that Jara who had described herself to be painted on house walls, is also seen in the depiction of Hariti , a Yakshini associated with Buddhism. Various Buddhist texts such as Mahavastu, Vinayapitaka, and even  the Chinese version of the Sutrapitaka talk of Hariti, which show close iconographic and conceptual connections between the two folk deities. According to the story in Samyuktaratna-sutra of the Chinese Sutrapitaka, the Yakshini Hu-anh-shi (meaning happiness) was said to be patron deity of the kingdom of Magadha. Owing to her wishes from a previous birth the yakshini stole children from the people of Rajgir, which she used for feeding herself and her 500 sons. It is for this reason she was termed by the locals as Hariti (a thief) who asked Buddha to help them. Buddha stole Hariti’s youngest son and hid him, in order to teach Hariti a lesson, and when she came asking for his help, Buddha rebuked her for giving terrible pain to others by eating their children. A contrite Hariti asked Buddha how she would survive if she stopped stealing. Thereafter Buddha ordered all monasteries and houses to paint her figure along with the children on their walls, and offer them food. Hariti took a vow to protect all children, and thereafter survived only on a diet of pomegranates. Hariti was soon seen as the protector of women during childbirth and children. She also received bodhi from Buddha, which gave her powers to cure sick people and also fight against evil powers and black magic.
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Hariti with children, 1st BCE, Gandhara. Swat Valley, Butkara I area, source: LACMA
Hieun tsang in his travel records mentioned a Hariti stupa from ancient Gandhara that had been built by Ashoka (identified as the Sare-makhe-dheri in Peshawar). Her worship had also spread to Korea, China, and Japan. In China, Kwan-yin (the female Avalokitesvara) was integrated with Hariti; while in Japan Kishi-mo-jin (also called as Kariteimo- check reference section for more details on this) was an ogress who later turns into a saint (Koyaso Kwan-non/Kish-mo-jin); and the story is directly derived from Hariti’s tale. According to the Japanese story Kishi-mo-jin or Kariteimo was once an ogress (like Hariti) who kidnapped and murdered the children of others, and fed their flesh to her children. While an ogress, she took help from her 10 demon daughters (the Jūrasetsu-nyo or Jurasetsu Nyoshin) to kidnap and murder the children. To teach her a lesson Shaka Nyorai (the Historical Buddha) hides one of her children, and after failing to trace her child, Kariteimo comes to Shaka, who then makes her understand the pain and suffering that she has caused to many parents. She repents and embraces Buddhism (the Lotus Sutra) along with her daughters, and together they become the protectors of children, and defenders and guardians of their faith (Nichiren sect).
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Hariti and Panchika – Schist –  2nd Century CE – Gandhara – Jamalgarhi – Indian Museum – Kolkata (photo from Wikipedia by Biswarup Ganguly)
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Hariti (Gandhara), 2nd c. CE, Chandigarh museum. 
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The bas-relief of Hariti with her children on inner northern wall of Mendut (Java), 9th c. CE. source: Wikipedia
Jara and Hariti were once the figure heads of two popular sects of folk worship, both in India and outside, and the conceptual similarities between the two are well established through different archaeological artifacts and literary accounts. Hariti, who was popular mainly in north and north western parts of India, were often depicted along with her husband Pancika (Kubera) along with the playing children, and some of her reliefs from the medieval era have also been found from Bengal.
  Jyestha or Alakshmi
Another interesting deity who was once popularly worshipped in south India is Jyestha devi.  Tondaradippodi (Bhaktanghrirenu), one among the Alwar saint (a devout Tamil Vaishnava saint), is heard lamenting in his 8th c. CE verse about how the foolish common people would worship Jyestha devi of low origin, for good health and prosperity, instead of worshipping his lord, Vishnu deva. This lament shows quite clearly that Jyestha devi was once very popular among masses, so much so that even the powerful families, including royal members, succumbed to her influence too. Hence, it is not surprising to find Jyestha devi in early temples and temple walls, even though she is no longer worshipped. The Bodhayana Grhyasutra has an entire chapter on the worship of this devi who rides a chariot pulled by lions with tigers following her, and is variously named as Jyestha, Jyaya, Nirrti, Hastimukha, Kapila-patni, and Vighnaprasada (Shama Sastri, pp. 294-296).
Jyestha devi with her children. Photo sourced from internet
There is an interesting story associated with this devi in a Shiva temple in Tirupparangunram near Madurai. it is believed that a Pandyan queen of 8th c. CE had sculpted a Durga rock shrine where she had got the murti of Jyestha devi carved in half relief (Rao, 1914). However, over time, as Jyestha devi’s worship declined, the central figure of her got draped in a man’s attire, and she was then worshipped as Subhramanyam. The figure on her right with the bovine head (Jyestha devi’s son) was seen as Nandikesvara, while her daughter on her left became Subramanyam’s  first wife.
These changes over time stand as evidences of changing cultural and religious practices that keep altering as per sect popularity and need of the day.
Another interesting story is associated with Jyestha devi and a Chola princess who was supposedly born with the head of a jackal. The grieving father prayed to god to change her face, and was asked in  a dream to build a temple for Shiva in the Nangapuram village (Trichinopoly district) that would cure his daughter. After the king built the temple, his daughter visited it and lost her jackal face, which then became the face of the figure which we see sitting on Jyestha’s right (Rao, 1914, Plate CXXI).
  Jyestha devi. photo source: google
Jyestha variously known as Mugadi, Kaladi, Thavvai/ Tauvai, Mudevi, kettai, and Ekaveni. It is believed that she was perhaps originally a Mother goddess associated with agricultural fertility and wealth. Her vahana is an ass and her banner emblem is that of a crow (kakadhavajasama-yukta), while her weapon is a broom. In a variation of Suprabhedagama, Jyestha is referred to as ‘Kali’s wife riding a donkey’ (Khararudha Kaleh patni). While Alakshmi finds no mention in the Vedic, Upanishadic, or early Puranic literature, however her characteristics closely match that of the RigVedic goddess Nirṛti. In Padma Purana (chapter 4) the Universe includes her too as a part of the cosmos, wherein we find that the samudra-manthan creates both good and evil.  That which is inauspicious and associated with misfortune emerges first (Alakshmi), while greater effort later brings in the good. Alakshmi brings in poverty, grief, and unhappiness; and as quarrels between friends and families follow wherever she goes,  Alakshmi is also known as Kalahapriya. Often a thread with seven chilies and a lime is hung over the door in many Indian houses in order to ward off the devi of misfortune, Alakshmi.  “It was said that when she entered a household, Alakshmi brought jealousy and malice in her trail. Brothers fell out with each other, families and their male lineages (kula) faced ruin and destruction” (Chakraborty, 2000, p. 227)
  The description of Jyestha devi as found in various texts (Surprabhedagama, Vishnudharmattora) show the devi as two armed, with sagging lips and a long nose, and pendulous breasts and flabby stomach. Her right hand may be in abhaya mudra or she maybe holding a blue lotus in her right hand while her left hand rests on the seat. Her hair is tied up in knot and she is seen wearing a crown. She is accompanied by her children (kanyaputramvita). Her two armed bejewelled son with the head of  a bull sits on her right, holding a rope (left hand) and a danda (right hand). On her left sits her daughter named as Agnimatha. She is young, wears many ornaments and dons a red garment, wears a karanda mukuta, and in her right hand carries a blue lotus.
                                 Jyestha devi, Kailashnathar temple in Kanchipuram
According to Lingapurana, Jyestha devi who had come out of the ocean during the second churning of samudramanthan, she was married off to muni Duhsaha. The muni realised soon after his marriage that his wife wasn’t interested in hearing his songs and prayers in praise of Vishnu and Shiva, and she was also averse to good deeds. On hearing this, Markendeya advised Duhsaha to humour his wife by taking her to places where inauspicious things took place. However, Duhsaha decided to free himself by asking her to take care and sustain herself by oblations from women, until he comes back from Rasatala-loka, which he never did. When she approached Vishnu for help, he advised her to visit his exclusive followers for sustenance, thus suggesting Vaishnavites and women should worship her.
There is an interesting puja associated with Alakshmi known as Alakshmi bidey (getting rid of the Alakshmi) during the Dipanwita Lakshmi puja, which takes place on the day of Kali puja. Many Bengalis from West Bengal perform Lakshmi puja on the day of Kali puja, when both the devis are greeted (boron kora) with series of oil lamps. However, it is believed that Alakshmi came out of the ocean before Lakshmi; hence, she is the elder sister of Lakshmi, so must be worshipped first, and then removed (as she symbolises unhappiness) before preparing the seat for Lakshmi. On the day after Bhoot Chaturdashi or Narak chaturdashi, the women of the house wake up much before sunrise and start preparing for the Alakshmi bidey and Lakshmi puja. Two crude symbolic feminine figures are made at that time: one of Alakshmi using cowdung, and one of Lakshmi using alo chaal (a type of rice grain). The figure of Lakshmi would be then kept on a banana stem, and a tulsi leaf and flower are placed along with it, which is then kept aside somewhere inside the house. Once the Lakshmi figure is made and kept aside, the figure of Alakshmi is made with cowdung in the open space under the still dark sky; and decorated with torn clothes, torn hair, and sindoor, and placed on a banana stem. Next a flower and batasha are offered to her, incense sticks and a lamp are lighted to welcome her home. After the boron or welcome, the banana stem holding the Alakshmi is then carried out of the house accompanied with the beating of winnowing fans and discarded under any tree. At the same time all the collected garbage (the entire house is thoroughly scrubbed and cleaned on bhoot chaturdashi night) are burned as a bonfire, symbolising the removal of all that is inauspicious for the household. After disposing off the Alakshmi, the women then head for the nearest pond to take a bath without turning back to look at the discarded figure of Alakshmi. Once bathed and back home, the women light many diyas, light incense sticks, and give dhuna. The house is sprinkled with Ganga jal, conch shells are blown, and the women place the Lakshmi figure in the puja-sthan, while singing songs in praise of the devi. Devi Lakshmi is now ready to take her puja, as the ritual of  ‘Aakshmi bidey’ has been completed and the house is now pure. After the completion of this ritual, the women of the house however do not go back to sleep or rest; they start with cleaning the courtyard once again, putting alpona all across the house, and making further puja arrangements required for the Dipanwita Lakshmi pujo.
  Sitala devi
Jyestha completely disappeared from South Indian temple worship scenario from around 10th c. CE; however the place lost there was regained by her in another form known as Sitala devi, in the eastern and western parts of India. Sitala is also similar to Hariti, in terms of her iconography and other aspects.  Sitala rides a donkey, and carries a broom (to spread and also dust-off germs), a pot (holds germs),  and a pitcher (cooling waters that help to heal), while crowned with a winnowing-fan. Sometimes, she is also shown as carrying neem leaves (Azadirachta indica) because of their medicinal properties. While Sitala is born of ashes and tends to cool, when faced with irreverence or is angered, she can heat up others, meaning transfer the small pox virus to them. Sitala, thus can be both benevolent and dangerous, and her traits are summed up as:
Devi of epidemics such as small pox, cholera etc (both the cause and remedy)
Protector of children (when associated with Sashti and worshipped as Sitala Sashthi on the 6th day after the birth of a child or on the 6th day of many lunar fortnights)
Bestows good luck to those who worship and revere her
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Sitala devi. Source 
  As per the Devi Mahatya, a demon named Jvarasura (giver of fever; jvara means fever in Sanskrit) caused fever and sickness to the children.  It was then that devi Katyayani took the form of Sitala to purify the blood of children and destroy the germs.  Sitala is often worshipped along with Oladevi (devi of cholera) and is depicted along with Jvarasura, Ghentu-debata (the god of skin diseases), and Raktabati (the devi of blood infections). Sitala devi is till revered in many parts of West Bengal as evident from the number of temples extant across the state.
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Sitala Ma Statue at Gokarneshwor Mahadev Temple Premises, Gokarna, Kathmandu. Source
Bodhayana Grhyasutra
pdf of Srinivasacharya (editor) can be downloaded from archives.org
pdf of Srinivasacharya and Shama Sastri can be downloaded from VedicGranth.org
  Dipesh Chakrabarty, 2000. Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial Thought and Historical Difference. Princeton University Press, New Jersey.
  Tracy Pintchman 2005. Guests at God’s Wedding: Celebrating Kartik among the Women of Benares. State university of New York Press, Albany.
  Mahabharata (in various languages are available on archive.org)
chapter on “Alakshmi” (pp 618-626) available at
  Proggya Ghatak. Sitala
  TNG. Rao, (1914). Elements of Hindu Iconography, Vol 1-part II.
  Dowson, John (1820–1881). A classical dictionary of Hindu mythology and religion, geography, history, and literature. London: Trübner, 1879.
available at archive.org
From to Jara, Hariti, Jyestha/Alakshmi, to Sitala – an interesting study of the worship of folk devis Interestingly India has seen many folk or tribal deities from ancient and medieval eras being worshipped from time to time, especially during the time of epidemics, and other physical and natural calamities.
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deekshaclasses-blog · 5 years
KVPY 2019 Admit Card (Out), Exam Date, Pattern, Syllabus. Everything you want to know
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KVPY (Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana) is a national level scholarship program up to Pre-Ph.D level. It is organized by IISc Bangalore annually. For the year 2019, KVPY exam is scheduled to be conducted on November 3, 2019 Latest: KVPY Admit Card 2019 has been issued on October 7, 2019 at the official website, Candidates can download KVPY hall ticket in online mode only from kvpy.iisc.ernet.in by logging in with their application number and date of birth The exam will be conducted in online mode means it is a computer-based test. Check KVPY Exam Pattern KVPY will have multiple choice questions on Mathematics, Biology, Physics and Chemistry. KVPY 2019 Result will be announced in the first week of December. The selection of candidates is done through aptitude test and Interview round. 
KVPY 2019 Admit Card Highlights 
The key points about the admit card of KVPY 2019 is highlighted below: Issuing BodyIndian Institute of Science and Technology, Bangalore (IISC, Bangalore)Mode of AvailabilityOnlineKVPY Admit Card can be downloaded from kvpy.iisc.ernet.inKVPY Hall Ticket can be accessed using Application Number and Date of BirthDetails on Admit Card of KVPY Exam Date, Time, Venue and Candidate’s DetailsDocuments to carry on exam dayKVPY Hall Ticket and Original Photo ID proofKVPY Helpline Desk 080 - 22932975 | [email protected] The table below brings to your list of cities where KVPY 2019 exam centers will be located. EXAM STATEEXAM CENTEREXAM STATEEXAM CENTERAssamGuwahatiAndhra PradeshKurnool, Vijayawada, VisakhapatnamBiharPatnaChandigarhChandigarhChhattisgarhRaipurDelhi-NCRDelhi, Faridabad, Ghaziabad, NoidaGujaratRajkot, Ahmedabad, VadodaraHaryanaAmbalaJammu and KashmirJammuJharkhandJamshedpur, RanchiKarnatakaMangalore, Mysore, Bangalore, Belgaum, HubliKeralaKochi, Kozhikode, Thrissur, TrivandrumMadhya PradeshBhopal, IndoreMaharashtraMumbai, Nagpur, Pune, AurangabadOdishaBhubaneshwar, RourkelaPunjabJalandhar, MohaliRajasthanJaipur, JodhpurTamil NaduChennai, Coimbatore, Madurai, SalemTelanganaHyderabadTripuraAgartalaUttrakhandDehradunUttar PradeshAgra, Allahabad, Kanpur, Lucknow, VaranasiWest BengalKolkata, Siliguri, Durgapur-- Only Indian nationals are eligible to apply for KVPY exam.  StreamEligibilitySACandidates who enrolled themselves in Class 11th (science stream) must apply for this exam. Minimum Marks: Candidates must pass class 10th with Mathematics & Science subjects with minimum 75% (65% for SC/ST/PWD).SXQualifying Exam: Candidates who have taken admission in class 12th (science subjects) can apply. Minimum Marks: Candidates must score minimum 60% (50% for SC/ST/PwD) in Mathematics and Science subjects (PCB) in Class 12th. Candidates also have to obtain at least 75% (65% in case of SC/ST/PwD) in class 10th.SBQualifying Exam: Candidates who enrolled in 1st year of the UG programme in Basic Science (Physics/Chemistry/Mathematics & Biology)- B.Sc/BS/B.Math./B.Stat./MS/Int. M.Sc) can apply for this exam. Minimum Marks: Candidates must score at least 60% (50% in case of SC/ST/PwD category) in 10+2 examination. In the first year of their final exam in B.Sc/BS/B.Math./B.Stat./MS/Int. M.Sc, students must secure 60% (50% for SC/ST/PWD). Read the full article
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newsalert24 · 3 years
TN Labour Registration 2021 Renewal Online~Form Status: labour.tn.gov.in
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Tamil Nadu Labour Online Registration 2021 | TN Labour Online Registration 2021 | TN Labour Registration Form 2021 | TN Labour Registration Status 2021 | TN Labour Apply Online 2021 | labour.tn.gov.in Registration We all know very well Tamil Nadu State Government has launched various schemes from time to time in all sections of society. Recently Tamil Nadu Govt introduces Labour Registration in TN. All dear people informed that get all information related to registration cum application process, process, eligibility criteria, helpline number, objective, and benefits. So, if you want to read and apply online for labour registration on the official portal, then you are required to read this article carefully to get all details. About TN Labour Online Apply 2021 and other information.
TN Labour Registration 2021 Renewal
Recently Tamil Nadu Government launched a portal known as labour.tn.gov.in to provide various benefits to unorganized workers in order to provide them with food security. Previously the Govt provided ₹ 1000 along with dry ration to all unorganized workers. Now Govt introduces fresh Labour registration on the official website. Around 27 lakh people are registered on this website under various social security schemes. Now people can register online to avail themselves of various benefits for the registration process you have to read the complete application process. TN Ration Card Apply online 2021 Objective - The prime objective of this scheme to provide various benefits and financial assistance to the labours and unorganized workers. You have to register online to get the benefits of various Govt schemes. Registration Labour Registration Department Labour Department Under State Government of Tamil Nadu Registration Tamil Nadu Labour Registration 2021 online Official portal labour.tn.gov.in Status TN Labour Registration Status 2021 check online Beneficiaries Unorganized Workers Benefits To avail the benefits of various Govt schemes
TN Labour Registration Online Form 2021
Documents Required - Ration card, Aadhaar card, Residence Proof (permanent resident of TN state), Passport size photo, Mobile number, Photo ID card. Benefits of Labour Registration in Tamil Nadu - Under this scheme, the Government will provide financial support to unorganized workers. - Also, Govt going to provide food security through the official portal. - To avail of the benefits, you have to submit an online application form for the registration process. - Now you have no need to visit the concerned department, you can apply online by following the simple procedure. - Under this scheme, a huge number of unorganized workers will avail themselves of various benefits. PM Shram Yogi Man-Dhan Yojana 2021 The main objective of labour registration in Tamil Nadu state to provide financial assistance to the unorganized workers. Around 2.5 million people are registered at the official portal and the Concerned department decided to improvise all process and the registration process will start along with new guidelines and process. TN Labour Registration district wise Chennai Ariyalur Cuddalore Dharampuri Dindigul Erode Kanchipuram Kanyakumari Karur Krishnagiri Madurai Nagapattinam Namakkal Nilgiris Perambalur Pudukkottai Ramanathapuram Sivagangai Salem Thanjavur Theni Thoothukudi Tiruchirappalli Tirunelveli Tiruppur Tiruvallur Tiruvannamalai Tiruvarur Villupuram Virudhunagar Chengalpet Kallakurichi Kanyakumari Ranipet Tenkasi Tuticorin TN Labour Registration Status labour.tn.gov.in Unorganized worker registration in Tamil Nadu Khud Kamao Ghar Chalao e-rickshaw Scheme - You are advised to go to the official web portal of Labour Department of Tamil Nadu
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TN Labour Registration online - After that homepage will open in new tab - Click on the login button for already registered candidates and Click on New User for fresh registration. - After that application form will open in new tab fill in all asked details like name, date of birth, ID proof, address (district, taluk, email address).
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TN Labour Registration login portal - Click on upload documents and attach all supporting documents. Create a username and password. After that use username and password to log in and complete the registration process. - You can use your username and password to log in on the official portal to check registration and status. Procedure to view TN Labour Application Status 2021 - Visit the official web portal of the Labour department.
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TN Labour Application Status 2021 - Then homepage will open in a new tab - Click on the online services tab and click on application status - Now you have to enter all asked details like application number, aadhaar number etc and click on submit button. - After that, you can check the application status. Also, stay tuned here to get information about schemes. You can write in the comment box if you have any queries related to schemes.  Read the full article
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govtforms-blog · 3 years
TN Labour Registration 2021 Renewal Online~Form Status: labour.tn.gov.in
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Tamil Nadu Labour Online Registration 2021 | TN Labour Online Registration 2021 | TN Labour Registration Form 2021 | TN Labour Registration Status 2021 | TN Labour Apply Online 2021 | labour.tn.gov.in Registration We all know very well Tamil Nadu State Government has launched various schemes from time to time in all sections of society. Recently Tamil Nadu Govt introduces Labour Registration in TN. All dear people informed that get all information related to registration cum application process, process, eligibility criteria, helpline number, objective, and benefits. So, if you want to read and apply online for labour registration on the official portal, then you are required to read this article carefully to get all details. About TN Labour Online Apply 2021 and other information.
TN Labour Registration 2021 Renewal
Recently Tamil Nadu Government launched a portal known as labour.tn.gov.in to provide various benefits to unorganized workers in order to provide them with food security. Previously the Govt provided ₹ 1000 along with dry ration to all unorganized workers. Now Govt introduces fresh Labour registration on the official website. Around 27 lakh people are registered on this website under various social security schemes. Now people can register online to avail themselves of various benefits for the registration process you have to read the complete application process. TN Ration Card Apply online 2021 Objective - The prime objective of this scheme to provide various benefits and financial assistance to the labours and unorganized workers. You have to register online to get the benefits of various Govt schemes. Registration Labour Registration Department Labour Department Under State Government of Tamil Nadu Registration Tamil Nadu Labour Registration 2021 online Official portal labour.tn.gov.in Status TN Labour Registration Status 2021 check online Beneficiaries Unorganized Workers Benefits To avail the benefits of various Govt schemes
TN Labour Registration Online Form 2021
Documents Required - Ration card, Aadhaar card, Residence Proof (permanent resident of TN state), Passport size photo, Mobile number, Photo ID card. Benefits of Labour Registration in Tamil Nadu - Under this scheme, the Government will provide financial support to unorganized workers. - Also, Govt going to provide food security through the official portal. - To avail of the benefits, you have to submit an online application form for the registration process. - Now you have no need to visit the concerned department, you can apply online by following the simple procedure. - Under this scheme, a huge number of unorganized workers will avail themselves of various benefits. PM Shram Yogi Man-Dhan Yojana 2021 The main objective of labour registration in Tamil Nadu state to provide financial assistance to the unorganized workers. Around 2.5 million people are registered at the official portal and the Concerned department decided to improvise all process and the registration process will start along with new guidelines and process. TN Labour Registration district wise Chennai Ariyalur Cuddalore Dharampuri Dindigul Erode Kanchipuram Kanyakumari Karur Krishnagiri Madurai Nagapattinam Namakkal Nilgiris Perambalur Pudukkottai Ramanathapuram Sivagangai Salem Thanjavur Theni Thoothukudi Tiruchirappalli Tirunelveli Tiruppur Tiruvallur Tiruvannamalai Tiruvarur Villupuram Virudhunagar Chengalpet Kallakurichi Kanyakumari Ranipet Tenkasi Tuticorin TN Labour Registration Status labour.tn.gov.in Unorganized worker registration in Tamil Nadu Khud Kamao Ghar Chalao e-rickshaw Scheme - You are advised to go to the official web portal of Labour Department of Tamil Nadu
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TN Labour Registration online - After that homepage will open in new tab - Click on the login button for already registered candidates and Click on New User for fresh registration. - After that application form will open in new tab fill in all asked details like name, date of birth, ID proof, address (district, taluk, email address).
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TN Labour Registration login portal - Click on upload documents and attach all supporting documents. Create a username and password. After that use username and password to log in and complete the registration process. - You can use your username and password to log in on the official portal to check registration and status. Procedure to view TN Labour Application Status 2021 - Visit the official web portal of the Labour department.
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TN Labour Application Status 2021 - Then homepage will open in a new tab - Click on the online services tab and click on application status - Now you have to enter all asked details like application number, aadhaar number etc and click on submit button. - After that, you can check the application status. Also, stay tuned here to get information about schemes. You can write in the comment box if you have any queries related to schemes.  Read the full article
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juzbornphotography · 2 months
Kids Photography in Madurai
Turn your child's precious moments into cherished memories with Juzborn Photography, your premier destination for kids photography in Madurai. Located centrally, our studio specializes in capturing the innocence, joy, and wonder of childhood in captivating images that you'll treasure for years to come.
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At Juzborn Photography, we understand the importance of preserving these fleeting moments, which is why we offer a dedicated studio for kids photography in Madurai. Our experienced photographers have a knack for connecting with children, creating a fun and relaxed environment where they can be themselves and shine.
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Whether it's capturing playful giggles, curious expressions, or tender moments, we strive to create timeless portraits that truly reflect your child's personality and spirit. From classic portraits to creative themed shoots, we tailor our approach to meet your preferences and create images that you'll love.
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Experience the magic of kids photography with Juzborn Photography. Contact us today to schedule your session and let us help you capture the joy and innocence of your child's early years in Madurai.
OFFICE Address: 42/1, Chandragandhi Nagar, Ponmeni, Madurai, Tamil Nadu 625016
Call us: +91 8608644422
 Website: www.juzborn.com
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yashfoto-blog · 5 years
Madurai Family and Birth Photographer | Madurai Photographs
Madurai Family and Birth Photographer | Madurai Photographs Baby photography in Madurai wedding picture taker ought to be proficient and supportive. They should offer proposals about choices you have for various things, give an exhortation on booking and setup, be loaded with thoughts, and be prepared to fill your heart with joy and your arranging simpler. A decent picture taker is enthusiastic about arranging. Your picture taker should work with you before a committee session to choose dress and area. Your big day photography ought to be planned as a major aspect of your day instead of as a reconsideration. Photography does not need to be awkward - it tends to be a fun and indispensable piece of your day. It may sound unusual, however not all wedding picture takers are the equivalent and not all picture takers are a solid match for each customer. Best photography in Madurai the event that your wedding picture taker meets you and gets some answers concerning what you are searching for and afterward reveals to you that they don't consider they would be a decent qualified for you, it may shock, yet it's not all that much. Wouldn't you preferably an expert speak the truth about this over attempting to change to address your issues? Here and their picture takers understand that what they represent considerable authority Madurai photography isn't something very similar a customer needs. Picture takers would prefer not to make you despondent, and if a wedding picture taker supposes you may be more joyful with an alternate style of photography or with an alternate circumstance, we will let you know before you book so you are not disillusioned later. Cost isn't the most imperative factor while picking a wedding picture taker: You certainly get what you pay for. Photography resembles whatever else throughout everyday life: You get what you pay for. Photography in Madurai isn't consistent to figure you can contract somebody for practically no cash and get similar outcomes you would get on the off chance that you had spent twice what you paid. Cost is regularly a factor with regards to quality. Picture takers who charge more are generally upheld by their notoriety, their image, and their experience. You ought to likewise comprehend that your photos will turn into the enduring memory of your big day. Baby photography in Madurai are two things you ought to burn through cash on for your wedding, it ought to be your setting and your photography. Individuals will presumably not recall the sustenance, you will just wear your dress once, and the greater part of different things are not colossal speculations in any case (blooms, music, cosmetics). You will take a gander at your wedding photos normally - maybe even each day - for an incredible reminder. Shouldn't your wedding photographs be incredible? Madurai photographers wedding photography studio ought to be guaranteed and authorized as a legitimate business. Numerous scenes really require protection from sellers working there. Camera gear is costly and you should ensure your picture taker is completely safeguarded by a respectable insurance agency to ensure you are secured. Numerous picture takers are only people with cameras and possibly a smooth site. Ensure your picture taker is sponsored by a lawful, genuine business.
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storizenmagazine · 1 year
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#BookReview - "Through the Broken Glass: A Fearless Journey of Electoral Reforms" unfolds the remarkable story of "T.N. Seshan", an unwavering force who fearlessly fought to reshape India's electoral landscape. Seshan pulls no punches in this captivating autobiography, boldly recounting his struggles while spearheading a transformative era of change. His unyielding resolve and unapologetic demeanor caught even the Union governments off guard, leaving an indelible mark on the nation's history. The book is divided into 23 chapters that start with his birth. What is more fascinating is the simple language in which the book is written. The footnotes in some chapters are helpful too.
Born in Palakkad, Kerala, in 1932, Seshan commenced his career as a member of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) in 1955. He held prominent positions, including District Collector of Madurai and Secretary to the Atomic Energy Commission, before assuming the role of Chief Election Commissioner in 1990. While Seshan's reforms encountered criticism from certain quarters, his supporters maintained that his actions were necessary to rectify Indian politics and ensure a fair electoral framework.
T.N. Seshan, serving as the Chief Election Commissioner of India from 1990 to 1996, implemented crucial reforms that revolutionized the fairness and integrity of Indian elections. His notable achievements during his tenure include the introduction of photo voter I.D. cards, the prohibition of money and alcohol in elections, the establishment of the model code of conduct for political parties, and the reinforcement of the Election Commission's authority. Despite facing resistance from some politicians, Seshan successfully transformed the electoral landscape of India, contributing to the cleanup of politics and fostering transparency and accountability in the electoral process.
Grab your copy now!
Read the review here - https://tinyurl.com/49ytmv9k
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bridalmall-blog · 5 years
Registrar services in  Madurai individual or legitimate element wishing to enroll a space name under a conventional best dimension area utilizing an ICANN-certify enlistment center. There are a few hundred certify enlistment centers situated all through the world that offers help in neighborhood dialects. The connection between an area name registrant and the ICANN-licensed recorder is represented by a Registration Agreement between the two gatherings. Bridal mall organizes to get marriage declaration inside 24 hours. Indians like to do their marriage just and lawfully in basic process and method with no standard ceremony.
Sangeeth Ceremony hall in Madurai
also provide Professional photography services in Madurai and Marriage endorsement is basic records to demonstrate the couple relationship under the watchful eye of any specialist or official courtroom and furthermore, marriage authentication is obligatory for an application for a visa, passport etc. The bridal mall makes it conceivable to get enlist your marriage through online in a single visit and complete your enlist marriage process inside a hourWe offering register marriage benefit for the couples the individuals who wish to get hitched just and lawfully. The Registrar required Documents are:-  ·         Application frame appropriately filled and marked by the gatherings.   ·         ID Proof of both the gatherings. ( For instance Aadhar Card)   ·         Living arrangement Proof. (For instance power bill or Passport)   ·         Narrative proof of the date of birth of the lady of the hour and prep. (For instance visa)   ·         Wedding Ceremony Photos.   ·         One photograph of the family.   ·         Two observers each from both the gatherings. (Two ought to be blood relatives, one to each gathering)  ·         International ID measure photographs of the considerable number of observers.  ·         Personal ID of witnesses. (to demonstrate that they truly are blood relatives)  ·         Receipt of marriage lobby.  ·         Seven duplicates of joint photos of the couple.  ·         Sworn statements from the lady of the hour and prepare.    ·         A gathering photo of the considerable number of individuals present with the couple. for example the observers and different things which just a lawful advisor will have the capacity to let you know.    Bridal mall help to get marriage declaration for apply Visa, Passport, and all other lawful reason.
Beautician services in Madurai
one can't get hitched effectively and they can't get marriage testament effectively in light of the fact that they don't have the foggiest idea about the correct strategies and they need to invest more energy and they need to pursue such huge numbers of systems and they need to visit the recorder office much time even to find the enlistment center office and to know the enrollment procedure.
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Honda Activa 5G Release new colors
The Honda Activa scooter with their 4G model was very much successful and it’s the best scooter available in India. Now the company has unveiled the next generation Honda Activa 5G scooter at Auto Expo 2018 which could easily out-throw the other scooter manufacturers.
We know that in future Activa 6G, 7G, 8G, 9G will come up but as of now is the Honda Activa 5G 2018 model.
The all-new fifth generation Honda scooter gets LED headlight and two news color addition.
Honda Activa 5G colors
Honda Activa motorcycle made by Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India was launched in India in 2000 and it gave birth to gearless bikes. Now a lot of gearless two-wheelers are available in India.
Activa 5G Specs
Activa 5G Price
Activa 5G Release Date
Honda Activa 5G Colors
Activa 2018 Photos
Activa 5G Online Booking
Activa 5G alternatives
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Honda ActivaA brief history until Activa 5G launch
Honda launched a new version of the Activa in the Indian market launched on 2009-05-08 and is available to purchase, with a new 109 cc engine. The Production began in 2004 in Mexico. A 109/125 cc, 7 bhp (5.2 kW) scooter has the option of kick- and self-start includes the puncture-resistant “tuff-up” tyre and tube combination. Especially those living in cities shifted from gear-bikes to gear-less Honda Activa.
Power output was bumped up to 8 bhp (6.0 kW) and new features like combi-brake and key shutter were introduced. Fuel economy was claimed to be improved by 15%. Also, in June 2013, Honda introduced Activa-i, a sleek and stylish variant of Activa.
It was reported by Economic Times that Honda Activa became the best selling two-wheeler in India, in April 2014.  The new model shared most of the features with Activa, the primary difference being only in the body style.
During the month of September 2013, 141,996 Honda Activa scooters were sold.
Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India recently came up with Honda Activa 4G that costs Rs. 500 less than Activa 3G.
Next in the queue of new vehicle introduction would be Honda Activa 5G, however, there is no official news and the rumors of Honda Activa 5G scooter is still in the heat.
Honda Activa 3G Price – 54,605 onward (Ex-showroom, Mumbai). Again prices differ in different states. It is available in 1 version. Activa 3G has a mileage of 61 kmpl and a top speed of 82 kmph. Honda Activa 3G is available in 6 different colors: Trance Blue Metallic, Geny Grey Metallic, Pearl Amazing White, Black, Majestic Brown Metallic and Imperial Red Metallic.
The new Honda Activa 4G has been priced at Rs 50,730 (ex-showroom, Delhi) which is Rs 440 more than the Activa 3G. It would be different in other cities based on its policies adhered to accordingly.
It is believed that Honda has passed on the GST benefits to its customers and prices for its two-wheeler have dropped between Rs 300 and Rs 700 depending on the state of purchase.
The single-cylinder engine delivers 8PS of power and 9Nm of peak torque. Suspension duties are handled by trailing link suspension at the front and a mono-shock unit at the back.
Drum brakes providing braking power and the Activa 4G gets Combi-Brake System (CBS) as a standard feature along with tubeless tyre. The Honda Activa 4G competes full-fledged against TVS Jupiter, Hero Maestro Edge, Yamaha Alpha and Suzuki Lets.
The Activa 4G is the latest installment in the famous Activa series by Honda. As the name suggests, Activa 4G is the fourth generation model of the scooter.
It has a kick and self-start with the wheels of Alloy. Also, has a Tubeless feature and a Standard Warranty for 2 years. However, there is no ‘Digital Fuel Indicator’ or ‘ABS’, however, has a ‘Low Fuel Warning Lamp’.
Drum Brakes provide good braking power and controlling a brake system and may also have opted for tubeless tyres.
The scooter has been updated with the auto headlamp on (AHO) feature and is now also BSIV compliant. In terms of looks, the fourth generation offering still runs on the basic design lines of the old scooters in this series and nothing revolutionary has been adapted in term of styling.
New Activa 5G Colours
The Activa 5G will be available in silver and grey in addition to the existing blue, red, black, white and brown paint schemes. It times to think about multi-color patterns.
All new Honda Activa 5G 2018 is available in following colors:
Dazzling Yellow
Pearl Amazing White
Matt Selene White
Pearl Spartan Red
Matt Axis Grey
Majestic Brown Metallic
Trance Blue Metallic
So, that’s 8 colors to choose from. Nice!
It runs on a 109.19 cc Air cooled, 4 stroke engine which is now BSIV compliant. The engine churns out 8bhp of maximum power @7500 rpm and 9 Nm of peak torque @ 5500 rpm. The engine comes mated to a V–Matic gearbox for easy city riding. The company claims a top speed of around 83 km.
The Honda 4G vehicle is a tried and tested engine unit which has gained the trust of over millions of Indian two-wheeler buyers over the years. This engine is not only famous for its refinement but also reliability and durability as per the daily Indian situations.
Activa 5G would be a fine competitor for TVS Jupiter, Yamaha Alpha, Hero Maestro Edge etc.
Activa 5G also will have mobile charging socket, which is very useful nowadays. There are various color options are available for buyers. Honda Activa 5G engine may have 110cc as per the previous scooter.
Honda Activa 5G Specifications
Some of the new Activa 2018 features are (expected) –
Mileage: 65 Kmpl Engine Displacement: 110 cc Brakes Front: Drum Power: 8 bhp @ 7500 rpm Kerb Weight: 109 Kg Self Start: Yes Wheels Type: Alloy Tubeless Tyres: Yes
Seems like there are fewer options to change designing of Activa because of itself a most popular product of Honda India. It is speculated to include Combi Brake System (CBS) with Equalizer.
There are a lot of colors introduced by Honda for its other models such as Pearl Amazing White, Matt Selene Silver Metallic, Trance Blue Metallic, Matte Axis Grey Metallic, Majestic Brown, Lusty Red Metallic and Black color and hence, there is an assumption that the company would follow the trend.
It also features HET which is Honda Eco Technology that contributes to making it one of the most fuel-efficient scooters by Honda.
Activa is highest selling an automatic motorbike in India. It covers 58% market share in the scooter segment. So new Honda Activa 5G price is expected to be priced at Rs. 52684 INR at Ex-showroom. Which could be BS-IV or BS-V emission in tow wheeler segment.
Honda Activa 5G Release DateHonda Activa 2018 launch date
The most awaited Honda Activa 5G is as expected is released in early 2018. Engine is expected to churn out 8 bhp @7500 rpm and peak torque 9Nm @5500 at automatic CTV gearbox.
Honda Activa 5G Price
New Activa 2018 on road price
The Activa 5G onroad MRP varies from states to states in India. It will be available in major cities and town through various Honda showrooms and online through PayTM and other eCommerce sites.
Honda Activa 5G onroad Price: Rs 69,925
Price in Mumbai: Rs 68,225
Price in Delhi: Rs 67,995
Price in Gurgaon: Rs 68,005
Price in Ahmedabad: Rs 68,725
Price in Chennai: Rs 68,725
Price in Bengaluru: Rs 68,725
Price in Chennai: Rs 68,725
Price in Hyderabad: Rs 69,002
Price in Mysore: Rs 68,502
Activa 5G Colours
The all new Activa 2018 will be available in various colors like –
Dazzle Yellow Metallic
Pearl Spartan Red
Matte Axis Grey Metallic
Imperial Red Metallic
Majestic Brown Metalic
Pearl Amazing White
The Honda Activa 5G image and pictures will be soon available.
CNG Kit by Lovato will be available for the Honda Activa 2018 5G.
The company has given the best and is in the wake of giving more so in future. To grab the favorite quality vehicle is on board for its acquisition to be live!
Activa 5G PhotosHonda Activa 2018 Images
Right now we can only provide you with the new Activa 4G model because there is no official or leak Activa 5G picture/image.
Activa 5G Alternatives
The upcoming Honda scooter will compete with already existing player’s scooters like –
Suzuki Burgman
TVS Jupiter
Yamaha Alpha
Hero Maestro Edge
Online Booking
As a known fact, the latest Activa is available at all the Honda dealers in Ahmedabad, Madurai, Kochi and other Indian cities, towns and villages.
You can also book the latest Activa model online through different sellers and get it delivered at your nearest Honda dealer. It’s simple, choose your color and book it.
Incoming Searches
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tvaraj · 6 years
 . By T.V. Antony Raj
Myth 6: The Deluge
Hindu religious scriptures such as the Vedas and Purāṇas describe a large range of units of Kāla or time measurements, spanning from Paramāṇu (about 17 microseconds) to the mahā-Manuvantara (311.04 trillion years).
The Hindu view of the universe is that of a cyclic phenomenon that repeatedly comes into existence and deliquesces away into oblivion.
Brahmā the deva (god) of creation and one of the Trimūrti (trinity) initiates the birth of the universe equaling 311.04 trillion years. This universe is then sustained by Vishnu, the second person of the Trimūrti. The cycle ends with the complete annihilation of the universe by Shiva, the third person of the Trimūrti.
Each cycle is divided into a number of manuvantara or age of a Manu, which is an astronomical period of time measurement. Each Manuvantara has four ages and is ruled by a specific Manu, created by Brahmā. “Manu” is a title accorded to a progenitor of the human race because during his period, he creates the world, and all its species. Each manuvantara lasts the lifetime of a Manu, upon whose death, Brahmā. creates another Manu to continue shristi, the cycle of creation.
The duration of a Mahayuga is 4,320,000 years. One Manuvantara, the lifespan of one Manu, is 71 Mahayugas or 306,720,000 years.  The present Manu has already lived for 28 Mahayugas, which is 120,960,000 years. It eventually takes 14 Manus and their respective Manuvantara to create a Kalpa, Aeon, or a ‘Day of Brahma’.
Those who know that the day of the creator (Brahmā) lasts one thousand Yugas (or 4.32 billion years) and that his night also lasts one thousand Yugas, they are the knowers of day and night. (Bhagavad Gita 8.17)
Thereafter, at the end of each Kalpa, there is a period of dissolution or Pralaya, wherein the earth and all its life forms are destroyed, and is called the ‘Night of Brahmā‘. After that, Brahmā the creator starts a new cycle of creation all over again.
Simon Casie Chitty in his work “Remarks on the Origin and History of the Parawas” mentions a myth about the origin of the Paravars similar to other deluge stories, like those of Utnapishtim from ancient Sumerian Mythology, and the story of Noah’s ark from the Torah, the Bible and the Qur’an.
Kumari-kaṇṭam is the name of a supposed sunken landmass referred to in ancient Tamil literature and in the Sanskrit Matsya Purana. It is said to have been located in the Indian Ocean, south of present-day Kanyakumari district at the southern tip of India which stretched for 700 kavatam from the Pahruli river in the north to the Kumari river in the south. As the modern equivalent of measure kavatam is unknown, estimates of the size of the lost land vary from 1,400 miles (2,300 km) to 7,000 miles (11,000 km) in length, to others suggesting a total area of 6-7,000 square miles, or smaller still an area of just a few villages.
The ancient Kumari Kandam drawn with the background-knoweldge gathered from the literature references. (Courtesy – Gems from the Pre Historic Past)
None of the texts in Tamil literature name the land ‘kumari-kaṇṭam‘ or ‘Kumarinadu‘. The only similar pre-modern reference is to a kumari-kaṇṭam named in the medieval Tamil text ‘Kanthapuranam’, as being one of nava-kanṭam or nine continents, bearing the name of Kumari, daughter of King Bharata, and the only region not inhabited by barbarians. In the 19th and 20th century Tamil revivalist movements, however, came to apply the name to the territories described in Adiyarkkunallar’s commentary to the Tamil epic Silappadhikaram. They also associated this territory with the references in the Tamil Sangams (academies), and said that the fabled cities of southern Madurai (Then Madurai) and Kapatapuram where the first two Tamil Sangams were supposedly held were located on kumari-kaṇṭam.
Time Portal Machine at The Niagara Gorge Discovery Center, Niagara Falls.
Last year, on August 3, I visited the Niagara Gorge Discovery Center, at Niagara Reservation State Park, Niagara Falls. There, I had a hands-on learning experience with interactive displays. One that fascinated me most was the virtual Time Portal Machine that allows us to view snapshots of the movement of continents through the ages. I took a series of photos of the continental drift from 160,000,000 BCE to 50,000,000 BCE.
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According to the Matsya Purana, at the close of the last kalpa (aeon), King Manu (whose original name was Satyavrata or Vaivasvata Manu), was the King of kumari-kaṇṭam, the supposed sunken landmass in the Indian Ocean, south of present-day Kanyakumari district at the southern tip of India, where the Paravars lived.
The Matsya Avatar of Vishnu appeared, initially as a Shaphari (a small carp), Manu while he washed his hands in a river flowing in his land of Dravida. The little fish implored the compassionate king to save it. King Manu put it in a pitcher containing water. The little fish kept growing bigger and bigger, and King Manu first put it in a larger pitcher, and then deposited it in a well. When the well also proved insufficient for the ever-growing fish, the King placed Him in a reservoir. As the fish grew larger, Manu placed the fish in a river, and when even the river proved insufficient for the growing fish, he placed it in the ocean, after which the fish almost filled the vast expanse of the great ocean.
It was then that Lord Matsya, revealing himself, informed King Manu of an impending all-destructive deluge. The King built a huge dhōni (boat), which housed his family, subjects, seeds, and animals to repopulate the earth after the end of the deluge. At the onset of the deluge, Vishnu appeared as a horned fish and Adishesha, the king of all Nagas (serpent deities), one of the primal beings of creation, appeared as a rope, with which Manu fastened the dhōni to the horn of the fish.
Eventually, the water subsided and dry land appeared and the dhōni perched on the top of the Malaya Mountains in the Southernmost part of the Western Ghats.
History of the Paravars – Chapter 3: The Myths (Continued)  . By T.V. Antony Raj Myth 6: The Deluge Hindu religious scriptures such as the…
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juzbornphotography · 2 months
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juzbornphotography · 4 months
Newborn Photography Studio in Madurai
Capturing Timeless Moments: The Newborn Photography Studio in Madurai
In the heart of Madurai, where tradition meets modernity, a unique and heartwarming trend has taken root - the Newborn Photography Studio. Nestled amidst the bustling streets and vibrant culture of this ancient city, these studios have emerged as a place where families can immortalize the precious moments of their newborn's early days in stunning imagery.
Madurai, often referred to as the "Soul of Tamil Nadu," is renowned for its rich cultural heritage, magnificent temples, and strong community bonds. Amidst this tapestry of tradition, the concept of a dedicated Newborn Photography Studio has found resonance with both new parents and the photography community. These studios provide a platform for families to celebrate the arrival of their little ones and create lasting memories that will be treasured for a lifetime.
Here are some key aspects of the Newborn Photography Studio in Madurai:
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Professional Expertise: The newborn photography studios in Madurai are staffed with skilled and experienced photographers who specialize in capturing the innocence and charm of newborns. These professionals understand the unique challenges of working with infants, ensuring the safety and comfort of the baby throughout the session.
Artistry and Creativity: Madurai's newborn photography studios are not just places for clicking pictures; they are hubs of creativity. Photographers use their artistic vision to create enchanting compositions, using natural light, props, and backdrops that accentuate the baby's beauty and innocence. Every session is a unique blend of art and emotion.
Memories to Last a Lifetime: The primary goal of a Newborn Photography Studio is to create tangible memories that parents can cherish forever. These photographs capture the fleeting moments of a baby's early days, from their tiny fingers and toes to their adorable yawns and smiles. Looking back at these images brings forth a flood of emotions and memories.
Family Involvement: These studios often encourage parents and family members to participate in the photography sessions. The result is a collection of images that not only showcase the baby but also the love and joy that surround them. Siblings, grandparents, and even family pets can be part of the heartwarming photos.
Personalized Experience: Newborn photography studios in Madurai offer a personalized experience for each family. They work closely with parents to understand their preferences, including themes, colors, and styles. This collaborative approach ensures that the final images align with the family's vision.
Safety First: Safety is a top priority in newborn photography studios Photographers are trained to handle newborns with care, using safe posing techniques and ensuring a comfortable environment. Parents can trust that their baby is in capable hands during the session.
Preserving Tradition: Madurai's newborn photography studios also embrace the city's rich traditions. Many families choose to incorporate cultural elements into the photo sessions, such as traditional clothing, blessings from elders, or religious rituals. This adds a unique and meaningful touch to the photographs.
In conclusion, the Newborn Photography Studio in Madurai is a testament to the city's ability to embrace tradition while welcoming modern trends. It's a place where the ancient bonds of family and the contemporary art of photography converge to create something truly special. As Madurai continues to evolve, these studios serve as a reminder that the celebration of life's most precious moments transcends time, culture, and tradition. They offer families the opportunity to capture the magic of their newborn's early days in a way that will be cherished for generations to come.
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juzbornphotography · 5 months
Madurai newborn photography
Title: Capturing the Miracle: Madurai Newborn Photography Unveiled
In the heart of Madurai, where tradition and modernity gracefully converge, a specialized service brings forth the artistry of capturing the earliest moments of life — Madurai Newborn Photography. Dedicated to preserving the purest and most delicate moments of infancy, this service stands as a testament to the belief that the arrival of a newborn is a timeless miracle deserving of artistic documentation.
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Embracing the Essence of New Life:
Newborn photography is not just about images; it's a celebration of the beauty, innocence, and fleeting moments that define the early days of a baby's life. In Madurai, where familial bonds are woven into the cultural fabric, newborn photography becomes a cherished tradition, immortalizing the pure essence of the newest family member.
Expertise in Newborn Photography:
Madurai Newborn Photography boasts a team of skilled photographers with a specialized focus on capturing the intricacies of newborns. Their expertise extends beyond technical proficiency to a deep understanding of the nuances and sensitivities involved in working with infants.
Safe and Comfortable Environment:
Creating a secure and comfortable environment is paramount in newborn photography. Madurai Newborn Photography ensures that the studio is equipped with baby-friendly props and setups, prioritizing the safety and well-being of the little ones during the photoshoot.
Artistic Vision and Creativity:
The service goes beyond conventional photography, infusing each frame with artistic vision and creativity. Every photograph is a work of art that tells a story of love, tenderness, and the profound connection between the newborn and their family.
Cultural Reverence:
In a city steeped in tradition like Madurai, newborn photography becomes a cultural celebration. Madurai Newborn Photography respects and integrates local customs and values, creating photographs that resonate with the cultural tapestry of the city.
Personalized Themes and Sets:
Understanding that every family is unique, Madurai Newborn Photography offers personalized themes and sets for newborn photoshoots. Families can choose from a variety of setups, from classic to contemporary, ensuring that the photographs align with their vision.
Inclusive Family Portraits:
The service recognizes that the arrival of a newborn is a joyous occasion for the entire family. Inclusive family portraits capture the shared moments of happiness, love, and anticipation, creating a visual narrative of the familial bond.
High-Quality Keepsakes:
Madurai Newborn Photography provides high-quality keepsakes that families can cherish for a lifetime. From professionally printed albums to digital files, these photographs become timeless treasures, preserving the early memories of the newborn.
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Booking Flexibility:
Acknowledging the unpredictable nature of newborn schedules, Madurai Newborn Photography offers booking flexibility. Families can schedule photoshoots at their convenience, ensuring a stress-free and enjoyable experience.
Conclusion: An Artful Commemoration of New Beginnings
Madurai Newborn Photography is more than a service; it's a celebration of new beginnings. Every photograph encapsulates the magic of infancy, the tenderness of family bonds, and the cultural richness of Madurai. As families in Madurai welcome the newest members into their homes, Madurai Newborn Photography stands ready to create artful commemorations of these precious moments, turning the earliest memories into timeless treasures. In the gentle embrace of the lens, the miracle of new life is beautifully preserved for generations to come.
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juzbornphotography · 6 months
Infant Photography in Madurai
In the heart of Madurai, a city steeped in history and tradition, stands Juzborn, a distinguished photography studio that specializes in capturing the precious moments of infancy through its exceptional infant photography services. For families seeking to preserve the tender beginnings of their little ones, Juzborn is the premier choice for Infant Photography in Madurai offering a seamless blend of artistry, expertise, and love.
 Infant Photography in Madurai is an art that demands a delicate touch and an understanding of the unique characteristics of each baby. At Juzborn, we believe in crafting images that reveal the captivating personality and charm of every infant. From delicate features and tiny hands to the spark in their eyes, we capture the enchanting nuances that define the early stages of life.
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 For families seeking Infant Photography in Madurai Juzborn offers the convenience of local expertise. Our studio is easily accessible, making it hassle-free for parents to bring their little ones for a memorable photography experience. We understand the importance of time for busy parents, and our streamlined processes ensure a smooth and enjoyable session.
Our studio is easily accessible, making it hassle-free for parents to bring their little ones for a memorable photography experience. We understand the importance of time for busy parents, and our streamlined processes ensure a smooth and enjoyable session.
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