#Bertel Express
sikyurame · 1 year
asdfgg no one cares about this I know, but I’m happy to say that one of my Gyro and Newton comics (this one) made it to the Bertel Express duck magazine 8)
If you’d like to take a look at it, it’s on issue 50.
I never thought I’d ever get to be apart of something like this…ever.
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modmad · 2 years
Question: Would you mind if someone made a Finnish translation of your duck comics? Saw the German translation and it to look like a very relaxing project Sent a long overdue tip coming your ways, good luck and thanks for the ducks!
oh gosh yes I'd love that! the German translation was for a special fan-run duck comic (Bertel Express) so I've not put those on the webbed site, but if I have translations with permission to post/reblog I'd be very happy to share those! I love making my work more accessible, it's why I want to keep my site free to use forever
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gwekkuu · 7 months
For the artist ask game: 16 & 28! thx and have a great day ^^
16. Something you are good at but don't really have fun doing
Coloring :>
I prefer doing lineart or sketching, coloring takes a lot of brain power for me, iiit’s not fun
28. Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines)
A few!
I’ve tabled at Sonic Revolution last year
I’ve participated in the Follow Your Rainbow and Love Letter to Sonic Team zines :0
And I’ve gotten one of my comics published on the Bertel Express! It’s a German duck fanzine d:
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beguines · 1 year
Marx's early critique of bourgeois society is humanist and romantic through and through. It is humanist in the sense that the concept of the essence of the human being occupies a central role as the basis of critique. It is romantic in that it is founded upon an idea of an original, lost and natural unity which ought to be restored. This is a form of critique based on typical romantic ideals about immediacy, naturalness and wholeness. The political project which follows from such a critique necessarily takes the form of the reconstitution of a natural order, i.e., the emancipation of human nature or the abolition of capitalism in order to allow humans to become what they are underneath their alienated existence. This kind of romanticism can be found in most forms of humanist Marxism. Lukács, for example, denounced the division of labour on the grounds that it "disrupts every organic unified process of work and life and breaks it down into its components". In his view, capitalism brings "the essence of man into conflict with his existence" and creates a "fragmented" and "deformed and crippled" human being. Stavros Tombazos claims that "Marx's revolutionary project is nothing other than that of the reconciliation of the individual with himself, who by his own initiatives must search for his own fragments, recover the lost time and return 'home,' purified from slavery thanks to a long journey through the maze of alienation". Bertell Ollman similarly accuses capitalism of reducing the human being to "a mere rump" and conceives of communism as "a kind of reunification". A contemporary Marxist humanist also formulates it as follows: "Liberation from capital requires that the proper relationship between subject and object be established". Such romantic criticisms rarely specify what it would mean to establish such a "proper" relationship. As Kate Soper puts it, quoting Marx's 1844 Manuscripts: "To be told that 'man himself should be the intermediary between men' or that 'men should relate to each other as men' is not, in fact, to be told anything specific about the form their interaction should take". John Mepham's account of the pitfalls of romantic humanism is even more to the point:
"The phrases 'man himself' and 'as people' trade on some untheorised ideal of the really human, some vision of true humanity being expressed in social life. They are functioning as metaphors in which idealised relations between individuals are illicitly mapped onto a utopian scheme of patterns of relations in general, relations in which social organisations (political organisations, institutions, collectivities of all kinds) have entirely disappeared. The disjunction between 'the human' and 'the dehumanized' as forms of social mediation, is empty of cognitive content, for the valorization of the former is based on nothing more than an implicit, essentialist individualist philosophical imperative."
Critiques of capitalism in the name of human nature rarely go beyond solemn invocations of an ideal of the truly human, and when they do they tend to depoliticise critique by conceiving the abolition of capitalism as the restoration of a natural harmony.
Søren Mau, Mute Compulsion: A Theory of the Economic Power of Capital
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arthist0rian · 2 years
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Venere degli Stracci Michelangelo Pistoletto, 1967 1ver
Today  some contemporary art.
Michelangelo Pistoletto is an italian artist exponent of pop art and arte povera he experimented with numerous materials, techniques with the aim of actively involving the viewer within his works.
After having experience in the field of restoration and advertisement in his early career, in the 60s he stated working new objectivity art. using unconventional material and concept such as life-size photograph of people or object on mirrors or plexiglas in stack of disks. The ambiguity of the relationship between reality and image finds in this technique a particularly provocative expressive code given by the apparent objectivity of the proposed universe, where the reproduced image is inserted in a trompe-l'oeil of the surrounding environment. In the constant interrelation of reality and appearance, engaging environment and spectator a series of installation and works that used heterogeneous material from rags to paper to electrical wires sculpture in polyurethane, plaster, cement, marble.
Venere degli Stracci
A classical Venus statue is facing a pile of clothes all different and colorful, the viewer cannot see the front of the statue.
Venus was the Greek and roman deity of love. Symbol of beauty and fertility. Pistoletto used the figure of Venus to recall the classica tradition of Italian art.  The juxtaposition with the used clothes represents an ironic representation of the iconic classical beauty. The artist confronted the classical and neat of beauty with the pile formless of dismissed clothes.  His intention was to interpret opposing concepts through combinations of objects now in disuse. So that at the beginning even the statue was a concrete statue with no value.
The statue is based of off the original Bertel Thorvaldsen "Venus with apple", now at the louvre.
We could say this work is a ready-made. In this artwork Pistoletto wanted to have a confront between opposite concept like hard/soft, shape/shapeless, monochromatic/multicolor, historic/contemporary, unic/common, cultural/pop cultural.
I love this artwork because you can see the difference between the material, the bright and shiny surface of the statue with the opache and multicolored wall of clothes that the statue is facing.
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hello-look-at-this · 8 months
The Lion of Lucerne
The Lion of Lucerne, created in 1821 by the Danish sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen, stands as a poignant and striking monument to commemorate the Swiss Guard soldiers who lost their lives during the tumultuous events of the French Revolution. This majestic sculpture is located in Lucerne, Switzerland, and has become an iconic symbol of bravery and sacrifice.
The monument itself is a masterful work of art, carved into a sandstone rock face. At the center of this somber tableau lies a colossal dying lion, its expression a mixture of pain, sorrow, and unwavering courage. The lion is depicted impaled by a spear, symbolizing the fallen Swiss Guards' tragic fate during the attack on the Tuileries Palace in Paris in 1792.
Thorvaldsen's attention to detail is evident in the intricate carving of the lion's mane, the textured rock surface, and the solemnity of the scene. Beneath the lion, an inscription in Latin pays tribute to the Guards' valor, translating to "To the loyalty and bravery of the Swiss." This inscription serves as a reminder of the selflessness and dedication displayed by these soldiers in their service to the French monarchy.
The story behind the Lion of Lucerne adds depth to its significance. The Swiss Guard was a mercenary force hired to protect the French monarchy, and on August 10, 1792, they found themselves defending the Tuileries Palace against a revolutionary mob. Despite being vastly outnumbered, many Swiss Guards fought to the death, steadfastly protecting their charges and their honor.
The Lion of Lucerne not only commemorates the heroism of the Swiss Guards but also serves as a symbol of the enduring Swiss commitment to neutrality and peace. It has become a destination for visitors from around the world, drawn not only by its artistic beauty but also by the compelling historical narrative it represents.
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nitasilmey · 1 year
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(Ini express thought karena aslinya mau posting di stori WA, tapi kepanjangan, dan aku udah butuh bgt tidur siang makanya nggak bisa bertele-tele lagi kwkw).
Jauh sebelum ditanya sama Mas Fikri di Quora tentang cara menanamkan tauhid sejak dini kepada anak-anak, aku sudah lama tertarik sama topik ini. Aku suka konsul ke beberapa guru yang juga para ibu tentang cara memahamkan, dan/atau cara menjawab pertanyaan ajaib anak-anak tentang beberapa konsep akidah. Aku beberapa kali ikut seminar/kajian parenting yg temanya tauhid untuk anak-anak. Aku diskusi sama murid2 aku di RQ tentang cara pandang mereka terhadap beberapa konsep agama. Aku mulai ngoleksi buku-buku tauhid buat anak (walaupun anaknya blm ada, yeah, kwkwk).
Why all the efforts, ya selain jawaban formalitas: "bekal untuk menjadi ibu yang baik". Kwkw. Tapi kenyataannya faktor utamaku bukan itu sama sekali.
Sejujurnya aku sendiri baru ngerasain utuhnya pemahaman dan implementasi tauhidku belakangan ini aja, seiring bertambahnya umur, dan saat aku mulai mendalami filosofi kehidupan. Dulu, sebelum umur 24, sebelum aku nge-sok filsuf kaya sekarang kwkw tauhid di kehidupan aku itu yah asal nggak syirik, nggak riya, nggak mengingkari konsep agama, hafal asma wa sifat dan paham makna-maknanya. Udah.
Tahun-tahun ini baru terasa tauhid merasuk ke jiwa, baru benar-benar meresapi esensi tauhid, tergugah dengan urgensinya dan ingin menjadikannya sesuatu yang pokok dan pertama dalam segala hal. Telat bgt kan 'sadarnya', walau alhamdulillah selama ini selalu Allah jaga untuk tidak keluar dari lingkaran tauhid itu sendiri.
Makanya, penasaran juga sebenernya bisa nggak sih anak-anak seteguh itu sama tauhidnya, sejak dini? Bisakah esensi tauhid benar-benar ada di jiwa mereka sejak kecil walaupun mereka belum melalui apa yang dilalui oleh muslim-muslim dewasa? Karena memang faktor kedewasaan juga sih yang membawaku sampai ke tahap ini dalam memahami tauhid. Aku dulu masih kecil nggak banyak mikir, nggak banyak merenung jadi bertauhid pun sekedar bertauhid. Aku nggak maksa anak-anak harus sampai ke level spiritual ini, tapi kalau akarnya bisa kokoh lebih cepat tentu lebih baik kan.
Dan nggak ada yang nggak mungkin sih. Pasti bisa biidznillah. Tinggal memecahkan bagaimananya, dan ini yang sedang kukerjakan sekarang, step by step. Semoga Allah senantiasa membimbing.
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dirtyriver · 3 years
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Bertel-Express 35, June 2020, cover by Mikkel Hagen, "Forever" by @alicerovai
Full zine available here.
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lettheladylead · 2 years
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Remote Acquaintances
Saw this cute comic in a (sort of) recent Bertel Express so obv I had to scanlate it. [inducks link]
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greekromangods · 4 years
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Venus, Mars and Cupid in the Smithy of Vulcan
c. 1814
Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770–1844)
Thorvaldsens Museum
** Visit my Links page for my other blogs & Facebook Pages
A domestic triangle is being played out here. Cupid’s arrows are from both sides being directed at the main figure in the middle of the relief, the goddess of love, Venus. Those coming from the left have been made by her husband, the blacksmith god, Vulcan. They are red hot like the love he feels for her. But Venus is cold and rebuts his approach. This is seen by the fact that she is unconcernedly hardening the points of the arrows by cooling them in a bowl of water. She is more interested in the arrow being pointed at her from the right by the god of war, Mars. For this expresses a love that she reciprocates, something that also emerges from the way in which little Cupid is placed between Venus and Mars. Cupid actually plays the impossible dual role in the drama of being both the creator of the love between Venus and Mars and the result of it — for Venus and Mars are his parents.
Other version: A419
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lauragardner · 4 years
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This sculpture was made by Bertel Thorvaldsen one of the most prolific Danish sculptors. This is a Mary’s sculpture. The artist was inspired by the Greek classical sculptors.This sculpture captivated me because the woman projects elegance, delicacy and serenity all this not only in her face’s expressions but also in the posture of her body. When we see a sculpture, other judgments come in, we do not see lights, shadows or colors, I think we focus in things like forms, proportions, pose and sculpture details. Mary’ Statue was made of well polished white marble, it has a lot of details and beauty.
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lordspectrus · 2 years
Hi do you have a thought of making a mini-comic called "Mickey falls in love with the Duck" where Mickey falls in love with Daisy, rescues her and marries her?
Short answer: No, I did not have that thought. 😉
Of course when I get an ask I do think about it but I'm neither a great artist nor somebody who's particularly good at making larger projects, and even a "mini-comic" would require me to write a plot and draw several panels. I don't really have the stamina for that right now.
I have done a few one-pagers but those were for the Bertel-Express fanzine, and I'm afraid what you asked for wouldn't really be of interest to many more people than you, so I wouldn't even be able to recycle it.
But as a compromise, I decided to make one more standalone drawing, of Daisy and Mickey sitting on a bench 😊
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uneminuteparseconde · 6 years
Des concerts à Paris et autour
Août 09. Paul Seul + Daoud + December + Détresse collée + Oko + Pute-Acier + Tropical Horses + Sentimental Rave (Qui embrouille qui) – La Station 10. Bajram Bili + Dimitri Rivière + Donarra + Elen Huynh + Harshlove + Jardin + Marylou + Myako + Netsh + Security + Théo Muller + Verset Zero (Qui embrouille qui) – La Station 11. AZF + Bracco + Dentelle + Les Fils de Jacob + Forme étrangère + Teknomom + Hasar De Doria + The Driver + Puzupuzu + Romain de Ferron + Aubry + Betty + Graal + Marcorosso + Mermaid Express + Nathan Zehef + Peev + Sina + Soul Edifice + Von Bikräv + Waldman... (Qui embrouille qui) – La Station 11. Dj Varsovie + Blndr + Illnurse b2b Panzer + Paulie Jan + Blind Delon + Verset Zero – La plage de Glazart 14. Chrysalide – Le Klub 20. Front Line Assembly + Die Krupps – La Machine 24. Fatamorgana + Cyclikweetos – Le Klub 24. Anastasia Kristensen (dj) + Black Merlin (dj) + Scratch Massive (dj) + Drame (Station électronique) – La Station 24. Blush Response + Codex Empire + Sarin + Melania + Philipp Strobel – tba 24. Die Antwood + Carpenter Brut + Dirty Projectors + Parcels... (fest. Rock-en-Seine) – Domaine de Saint-Cloud 25. Nordkapp + Rape & Revenge + Mecano Lacrymo – L'International (gratuit) 25. Awesome Tapes From Africa – Petit Bain 26. L'Ocelle mare + Sholto Dobie – musée sans bâtiment|40, rue Denis-Papin (Pantin) (gratuit) 26. Samuel Kerridge + Claro Intelecto + Ploy (Station électronique) – La Station 26. Jessica 93 + Idles + The Black Angels + Bonobo + Justice... (fest. Rock-en-Seine) – Domaine de Saint-Cloud 28. A Place To Bury Strangers + Entracte Twist – Petit Bain 30. Francky Goes To Pointe-à-Pitre + Tonnerre – Supersonic (gratuit) 31. Boys Noize + Randomer + Kris Baha + Lokier – Docks Eiffel 31. Kontravoid + BadBad + Froe Char – Espace B 31. Acid Mothers Temple + Bambara (Le Beau festival off) – Glazart
Septembre 01. Sholto Dobie – Cneai (Pantin) (gratuit) 01. Lilthics + Fiasco + Mamiedaragon – Espace B 01. Ropoporose + Eskimo – Olympic café 01. Ariel Pink + Vox Low + Cut Worms + Volage + TH da Freak (Paris Inter. Fest. of Psychedelic Music) – La Machine 02/03. Molly Nilsson + Petit Fantôme + Dead Sea + Faux Real + Saint DX... (Paris Inter. Fest. of Psychedelic Music) – tba 04. Thee Oh Sees +  Male Gaze + Prettiest Eyes (Paris Inter. Fest. of Psychedelic Music) – La Cigale 05. Jean-Luc Guionnet & James Rushford – Cneai (Pantin) (gratuit) 05. Feist – L'Olympia 06. Jean-Luc Guionnet & Anna Gaïotti – Cneai (Pantin) (gratuit) 06. Amelie Lens – Rex Club 07. Conflict + Humandogfood + Social Experiment – Le Gibus 07. Astrid Gnosis + Myss Keta + MLML + Bonnie + AJa + Sentimental Rave + Mechanical Heaven + Deeat Palace (Comme nous brûlons fest.) – La Station 08. Bisou de Saddam + Ex Mio – Zorba (gratuit) 08. Jean-Luc Guionnet &  Jason Kahn – Cneai (Pantin) (gratuit) 08. Lyzza + Countess Malaise + La Chasse + BadBad (Comme nous brûlons fest.) – La Station 08. Death Grips – Elysées Montmartre 09. Rrose + Gael Segalen + Rose Mercie + Elen Huynh (Comme nous brûlons fest.) – La Station 11. Sete Star Sept + Brutal Blues + Claude – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 12. Matt Elliott & Vacarme + Lucas Ravinale & Loup Uberto – Centre Barbara-FGO 12. Delgres + Dan Stock + Poppy Ackroyd – La Maroquinerie 13. The Oscillation + Lumerians – Petit Bain 14. Qual – Supersonic 14. Dylan Carlson – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 15. Monolith + Hypnoskull + Empusae + Meta Meat + Diaphane (fest. de la musique electro-industrielle) – Petit Bain 16. Jean-Luc Guionnet & Seijiro Murayama + Eve Aboulkheir + Jules Négrier + Max-Louis Raugel – Cnap (Pantin) (gratuit) 19. Fumo Nero + Chafouin + Siren's Carcass – Cirque électrique 20. The Brian Jonestown Massacre – La Cigale 20. Jean-Philippe Gross + Franz Hautzinger + Jealousy Party (fest. Crak) – église Saint-Merry 21. Chris Abrahams + Tarawangsawelas + Low Jack (fest. Crak) – église Saint-Merry 21. Crisis + Plomb – Petit Bain 22. Eve Aboulkheir + Prune Bécheau + Jean-Luc Guionnet + Muddersten + Ingar Zach – Cneai (Pantin) 22. On Ceim & Le UN ensemble : "Time Elleipsis" + Le UN ensemble : "Unkino" (fest. Crak) – église Saint-Merry 22. The Wedding Present – Point FMR 22. Zëro, Virigine Despentes & Béatrice Dalle – Auditorium du théâtre (Chelles) 22. Paula Temple + LSD + Tommy FourSeven... (Dream Nation fest.) – Docks de Paris (Aubervilliers) 23. Spiritualized – Cabaret sauvage 24. Holy Esque + Jaguwar – Supersonic (gratuit) 24. Oneohtrix Point Never (Red Bull Music fest.) – Le 104 26. Sleaford Mods + Consumer Electronics – Le Trianon 26. Chassol + Thomas de Pourquery + Flavien Berger + Jacques + Ala.Ni + Quentin Rollet + Gaspar Claus + Jocelyn Mienniel + Low Jack + Lucie Antunes + Christine Ott + Serafina Steer + Ghedalia Tazartes + Mathieu Edward + Mélissa Laveaux (Red Bull Music fest.) – Cabaret sauvage 27. Part Chimp – Espace B 27. Yuzo Koshiro & Motohiro Kawashima + Kode9 & Koji Morimoto + Oklou & Krampf + Teki Latex & DITC + Konx-Om-Pax (Red Bull Music fest.) – Gaîté lyrique 27. Scratch Massive – croisières électroniques 28. Rebeka Warrior – La Station 28. La Mverte + Markus Gibb – La Java 29. Terry Riley & Gyan Riley – La Maroquinerie 29. Aurora Halal + Roberto Succo + Elena Colombi + Jasss + Nihiloxica + Front de cadeaux + Julianna + Oko dj + Miley Serious + Jita Sensation (Red Bull Music fest.) – La Station 29. Bleib Modern – Olympic café 30. King Dude + Kaelan Mikla + The Dark Red Seed – Petit Bain 30. Eryck Abecassis & Francisco Meirino (fest. Maad in 93) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil)
Octobre 02. The Melvins – L'Alhambra 03. Maoupa Mazzocchetti + Opéra mort – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 04. Jean-Louis Costes + Monte Verita : hommage à Daniel Johnston – Médiathèque musicale de Paris (gratuit) 04. Oiseaux-Tempête, Mondkopf & G. W. Sok + Princess Thailand – Centre Barbara-FGO 04. Ballaké Sissoko & Vincent Segal – La Seine musicale (Boulogne-Billancourt) 05. Clara De Asis + Simon Henocq & Jean-Sébastien Mariage + Farida Amadou, Olivier Benoît & Julien Desprez – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 06. Melik Ohanian : perf. musicale autour de l'expo. d'Abdelkader Benchamma (Nuit blanche) – Collège des Bernardins (gratuit) 09. Bérangère Maximin + Brutter + Gosheven (Biennale Nemo) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 10. Richie Hawtin – Olympia 11. John Carpenter – Salle Pleyel 12/13. Les Négresses vertes – Cabaret sauvage 12. Thorofon + Control + Te/DIS – Les Voûtes 12. Les Ramoneurs de menhir vs SP32 – Gibus 12. Villejuif Undergournd + Le Réveil des tropiques + Casse Gueule – Théâtre d'Ivry 13. Françoiz Breut + David Fenech : hommage à Daniel Johnston – Médiathèque musicale de Paris (gratuit) 13. Low – La Gaîté lyrique 13. Aquaserge + Mohamed Lamouri + P.r2b – Théâtre d'Ivry 15. Lloyd Cole – Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord 15. The Necks – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 17. Blurt – Espace b 17. Mark Morgan + La Race – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 20. Tallinn Chamber Orchestra : Fratres, Cantus in memoriam Benjamin Britten, Adam's Lament, Salve Regina et Te Deum d'Arvo Pärt – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 20. Les Tétines noires + Dear Deer – Petit Bain 22. Dead Meadow – Petit Bain 24. Motorama – Petit Bain 25. Marissa Nadler – Point FMR 25. Fews – Olympic café 25. Cat Power – Trianon 26. Jon Hopkins – Trianon 27. Killing Joke – Cabaret sauvage 27. CAR + Sentimental Rave – Petit Bain 30. David Eugene Edwards & Alexander Hacke – La Maroquinerie 30. Mariachi & Maria Bertel + Rafael Toral – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 31. Acid Mothers Temple (Le Beau fest. off) – Glazart 31. Phill Niblock & Thierry Madiot + Trio Grands Lacs – Instants chavirés (Montreuil)
Novembre 01. Elysian Fields – La Maroquinerie 01>03. Bon Iver + Fever Ray + Mac DeMarco + Blood Orange... (Pitchfork Music fest.) – Grande Halle de La Villette 02. Emma Ruth Rundle – Petit Bain 04. Peaches Christ Superstar – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 05. Colin Stetson – Café de la danse 05. Echo & The Bunnymen – Bataclan 06. Soft Kill – Olympic café 08. Cold Cave – Petit Bain 13. Hot Snakes – Point FMR 13. MellaNoisEscape + Puts Mary – Petit Bain 14. Peter Murphy & David J jouent "In the Flat Fields" – Bataclan 15. Méryll Ampe + Emmanuelle Bouyer + Anne Flore Cabanis + Matthieu Crimersmois + Frédéric Mathevet + Colin Roche + Anton Mobin... (Extended Score #2) – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux) 16. Parquet Courts – Elysées Montmartre 18. Ensemble Links : « Drumming » de Steve Reich – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 21. The Breeders – Le Trianon 21. Lydia Lunch's Big Sexy Noise – Espace B 22. Scout Niblett – Petit Bain 22. Serge Teyssot-Gay, Christian Vialard & Éric Arlix : Hypogé – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux) 23. Michael Nyman : "War Work: 8 Songs with Film" – Salle Pleyel 23. Ennio Morricone – Bercy Arena 27. Mudhoney – Trabendo 27. Etienne Jaumet – New Morning 28. Adult – Petit Bain 29. Interpol – Salle Pleyel 29. Esben & The Witch – Point FMR 29. CHDH + Mariachi + Lårs Akerlund + Sten Backman (fest. Bruits blancs) – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux)
Décembre 01. Deux boules vanille (fest. Marathon!) – La Gaîté lyrique 02. Beak> – Café de la danse 06. The KVB + M!R!M – Badaboum 08. Père Ubu – Théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 09/10. Moriarty – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 14. New Model Army – Trabendo 14. Hangman's Chair + Jessica93 + Revok – Les Cuizines (Chelles) 15. Gaspar Claus – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 18. Drab Majesty – Point FMR
Janvier 22. Emmanuelle Parrenin & Dominique Regref – La Ferme du Buisson (Noisiel) 26. Chloé – Elysée-Montmartre
Mars 20. Oomph! – La Machine 29. Perturbator – Le Trianon
Avril 14. Arnaud Rebotini joue la BO de "120 Battements par minute" – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie
Mai 17. Philip Glass : Études pour piano – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 18. Bruce Brubaker & Max Cooper : Glasstronica – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie
Juin 26. Magma – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie
en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last news
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perkwunos · 6 years
[Marx] says, for example, that in bourgeois ethics speaking and loving lose their characteristic significance and 'are interpreted as expressions and manifestations of a third artificially introduced Relation, the Relation of utility’. According to Marx, 'something is demanded of the individual's power or capacity to do anything which is a foreign product, a Relation determined by social conditions - and this is the utility Relation’. In short, a social relation has become a thing in the form of a principle, and moreover a thing which exerts important influence over people's thinking and action.
Bertell Ollman, Alienation
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zahraniisaa · 4 years
hanya bisa diam dalam diam.
tulisan random malem ini aja kali ya karena i don’t know where and how to express everything in my mind.
udah jenuh juga lelah sama semua keadaan,
because, yes, i still doing #dirumahaja for no reason. sebulan kemarin rasanya semangat banget selalu ngitungin hari untuk akhirnya bisa keluar dari rumah. semakin hari, semakin hitungannya dikit, semakin hilang juga rasa antusiasnya.
justru harinya semakin bertambah, bukan malah berkurang.
no one know when we can go out from this situation and do our daily routine.
so do i.
but the point that i want to say is,
i really miss someone.
terlalu bertele-tele ya ?
sumpah, entah kenapa gengsi ini sgt amat mengubah segalanya
personally, sebenernya gue tipe orang yang kalau kangen tinggal bilang or send message that i miss that person.
but now, it is being a hard thing to do
akhirnya cuma memilih diam
dan memendam
sumpah konyol. i never been like this shit before.
but, yaa, what we can do right now, just stay in silence.
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steliosagapitos · 7 years
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      Statuette representing - Adonis - 2/3
  Reproduction made ​​in reconstituted marble (marble powder with resin). With oil-rubbed bronze patina.
Figure of unique beauty ideal for decoration or as an excellent gift. The piece, that we offer has a special elegance and delicacy, which it expressed with their lines.
Measures: Height: 65cm
An adaptation of the statue of Adonis of Bertel Thorvaldsen. The original is located in the Thorvaldsen Museum in Copenhagen. Adonis in the Greek mythology was the result of incest between his sister Mirra and his father Cinyras.
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