#Assassin 's Creed - Duat
With Valhalla behind, I have some serious questions about what the Underworlds in Curse of the Pharaohs DLC were
Were they simple hallucinations? Or were there not unlike Yggdrasil, a simulation? And if so, were they a remains of Isu simulations, or something that humans repurposes for their own needs as they discovered the locations? I’d be really curious if it was the latter. Having the Valley of Kings as some kind of unclaimed experimental playground… That was adjusted to reflect local beliefs, would be fascinating. And it’s not like it would be THAT far-fetched – not when the pharaohs were shown to be using an Apple, and to apparent great success
But then, that begs the question: how were the people who were within the simulation, were accumulated? Were they actual imprints of living people, or were they, too, randomly generated simulations? I’m honestly leaning towards them being imprints of the living – but then, how would they have been collected? Were they people that were “in vicinity” of the priests of Amun who carried the apple?
And finally, how did Bayek manage to enter the simulation? Were they a physical manifestation, like a large-scale version of clones we see in Assassin’s Creed 1 & II? Or did Bayek get “knocked out” in the light tunnels, and experienced it all in his mind? (as is the case in Yggdrasil?)
Regardless of either I – it’s astounding how the system could have survived, and managed to replicate such intricate worlds. By comparison, the simulation in Valhalla is simplistic. Repetitive. Doesn’t show much aside the main building and some measure of fields outside of it. And the tech enabling that is *gigantic*
Nevermind the actual AU possibilities for the Field of Reeds/Duat/Heb Sed/Aten. I’m still surprised there are no stories in Origins tab of Ao3 that explore what could have happened to Bayek if he lost in any of said locations. The angst of being trapped in one of the simulations alone has – so much potential. I’ve already tagged the Nefertiti gifs with my tiny dark AU idea. But I shall repeat it here – imagine Bayek losing the fights and being trapped, eternally, as medjay serving any of these Pharaohs. Well, maybe not Akhenaten because that would be just too cruel to Bayek and his faith.
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codexassassin · 5 months
Bayek and Amunet: what did they call their brotherhood(s)?
I decided to do some research.
I watched the last scene in Origins again where they part ways, to me, Bayek named themselves the Hidden Ones, and for location I don't know, it does not say. However, I muse that their brotherhood is formed out of their love, their love begin in the Duat, (do at) the Egyptian underworld.
Others have said it would be the Ptolemaic Brotherhood, loosely.
However, Bayek hated the Ptolemiac Rulers, because his son was killed, so there is no way he is calling it that. From a scholar's standpoint who isn't connected, looking at the time frame, one would call it that, but there is no way.
The Ptolemaic Kingdom, also known as the Ptolemaic Empire, was an Ancient Greek state based in Egypt during the Hellenistic period12345. It was founded in 305 BC by Ptolemy I Soter, a companion of Alexander the Great, and lasted until the death of Cleopatra VII in 30 BC2. The Ptolemies were ,the longest and most recent Egyptian dynasty of ancient origin, ruling for nearly three centuries2. The Ptolemies broke millennia of tradition when they based the capital of their Egyptian empire not in Thebes or Luxor but in Alexandria, a newly constructed port on the Mediterranean Sea.
I muse that it would be called The Duak, because it implies what is brought here from the underworld. Bayek was a romantic, he would have implied it with it's name, because Aya his wife, changed to Amunet, and they parted ways due to the death of their son. However, Bayek was keen to all early Hidden ones that they remain secretive, so that is probably (I muse) ut has no actual location of name for the first brotherhood(s), and neither does Amunet's brotherhood that she helped found. Which I think was much more in Greece than Egypt.
Duat means "down below" and Duak implies "brought forth". However, this is a musing of a first brotherhood, and it may be more reasonable to believe that they were working with Alamut or the Persian brotherhood, due to warriors like Darius and Basim, which is also written about in the fandom, https://assassinscreed.fandom.com, where Basim requests help from Bayek and his Egyptian brotherhood.
In Assassin's creed odyssey, both Bayek and Amunet can be co captain's of Kassandra's fleet on the Andrestia.
According to Bing's Chat Search:
According to the Assassin’s Creed Wiki 1, Bayek founded the first bureau of the Hidden Ones in Memphis, Egypt2. He sometimes used the alias “Amun” when signing off on letters of correspondence1. The Hidden Ones were the precursor organization to the Assassins, who fought against the tyranny of the Order of the Ancients1.
Sometimes in Egyptian lore, Memphis was seen as the beginning of the Duat or birthplace of the Duat. As if the portal opened there.
I could muse that he could have called it the Diat, meaning "Brought here" as brought to earth. Or he could have gone with a more Akkadian name, like Uruk, or something like Urud Asad. Will we ever truly know? lol Give it a "Tumblr Canon Name" lol
The Andrestia is the name of the ship that the player uses to sail across the Aegean Sea in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey1. It is a single-sailed trireme with a crew of over 200 people, armed with arrows, javelins, and fire braziers2. The player can upgrade the ship’s hull, weapons, and cosmetics, as well as recruit lieutenants from various enemies and allies3. The Andrestia is captained by Barnabas, a friend of the main character, Kassandra4. The ship also serves as a fast travel point and a source of naval contracts and bounties3. The Andrestia is named after the Greek goddess of justice and revenge2.
Learn more1gamepressure.com2assassinscreed.fandom.com3primagames.com
Yes, I am a nerd/geek. :-D
Hidden Ones Bureaus - Locations and Guides - Assassin's Creed Valhalla Guide - IGN
The first Hidden One’s Bureau was founded by Bayek in Memphis, Egypt 1. He sometimes used the alias “Amun” when signing off on letters of correspondence 2. The bureau was located in a hidden underground chamber beneath the Temple of Ptah 3.
1: Hidden Ones Bureaus - Locations and Guides - IGN 2: AC Valhalla Hidden Ones Bureau locations: All Valhalla Codex Pages … 3: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Codex Pages & All Hidden Ones Bureau Locations
Learn more 1ign.com 2pcgamer.com 3gamertweak.com 4ign.com
Ptah is an ancient Egyptian deity, a creator god and patron deity of craftsmen and architects. He was the chief god of Memphis, the capital of Egypt from the 1st dynasty onward. He was also the father of the sage Imhotep, who was revered as a god of medicine and wisdom1. Ptah was depicted as a mummified man with a skullcap and a short beard, holding a staff that combined the symbols of life, stability, and power2. He was part of the Memphite Triad, along with his wife Sekhmet, the goddess of war and healing, and his son Nefertem, the god of the lotus and the dawn3. Ptah was also associated with the sacred bull Apis, who was believed to be his manifestation and gave oracles at his temple4.
1: Ptah - Wikipedia 2: Ptah | Creator God, Memphis, Patron | Britannica 3: Ptah - Students | Britannica
Also spelled PhPtah. (Fa-Tah?) Pas-Tah?
I muse further: If Basim knew the Egyptian Hidden ones, instead of one kingdom or time frame dictating or following one after the other, wouldn't it make sense if The timelines of Egypt and Alamut/Ottoman Brotherhoods existed at the same time, as perhaps the bureau's of Valhalla?
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