ya-no-la-quiero · 9 months
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H.M. Molina
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herpsandbirds · 9 months
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Indochinese Green Magpie a.k.a. Yellow-breasted Magpie (Cissa hypoleuca), family Corvidae, Vietnam
photograph by Sam Thuong Dang Ngoc
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kus71 · 3 months
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sassybouquetkitten · 18 days
Ben çalan müziktim lakin senin kulağın kesikti
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simon007 · 1 year
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hvezdarensti · 4 months
Zatím velice provizorní. Pravděpodobně později stáhnu; musím ještě vychytat zvuk a logo a takový věci. Sdílím zatím pro potřeby Čumblru.
Buďte prosím šetrní, je to moje prvotina a srdcovka. Dělám na tom sama a bojím se...
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lerelene · 3 months
Neslihan finding out Asi shanked Alaz:
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Neslihan to Alaz after realizing Asi split his lip:
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I mean WE know that Asi's not in the wrong but Neslihan "Mother of the year" Soysalan doesn't which makes it all the more ridiculous
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leregirenga · 11 months
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Elijo amarte así... Elijo amarte así en silencio, en secreto bien guardado entre los dos, que nadie sepa las noches que me desvelo tú recuerdo. Elijo amarte así en letras como lo hacen los poetas que dejan un poco de su corazón en cada letra que con sangre como tinta plasman en cada poema. Elijo amarte así en la distancia que dan los kilómetros entre tu cuerpo y el mío, pero con la cercanía que nos une de dos almas que se reconocieron como tal para cual. Elijo amarte así con la fuerza del amor que un día nos unió cuando decidimos intentar e iniciar la locura de volver a empezar ya que queda mucho camino por recorrer y elijo hacerlo tomado de tú mano. Elijo amarte así con pasión y con esperanza que un día las distancias se acorten, que ya no sea un secreto entre los dos y el poeta pueda decirle al mundo lo mucho que te ama... J.d.l.R... Ranelagh
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mrsgreenworld · 2 months
So, I got some requests for more Aslaz fluff and humour and I was preparing a very light one shot. But I hadn't managed to finish it before episode 29 aired. And the episode ... well ... To say it was underwhelming or disappointing would be an understatement. And there were some alarming hints in the episode at the return of the old Alaz. I honestly don't see this playing out. They'll just have to erase all his growth. Have the writers caught the rabies from the Yalı Çapkını crew? 🤔
Anyway, abort mission on fluff, I've got angst and heartbreak coming.
I don't own the show or any of the characters. They belong to the Yabani writers and the production company. This is only fanfiction.
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The Things I Hate You For
Alaz sees the moment the spark of love, that's just made home in Asi's eyes, dies out. Her deep dark gaze hardens and completely shuts down the access to his Asi.
"It's obvious that this isn't working out" she says in a dejected voice.
Alaz sees and knows that she believes it when she says it. But she isn't the only one stubborn in this relationship. And what's more important - Alaz is also a man of his word. He said that he'd never leave her. That they could fight and not talk to each other but still remain them, together. And he meant it. He means it now and always will, to his last dying breath.
"No! Stop it! You don't get to do this! You don't get to just give up when things get rough!"
"Things aren't just rough, Alaz! Don't you see how messed up this is? How messed up we are? How we have nothing in common? How our families clash? How there's always has to be some threat or risk of dying hanging over our heads for us to talk?"
"Well, there's no threat right now and noone is dying and we're talking just fine".
"We're not talking, we're fighting, as always".
"Well, this is us. This is our routine" he says with a helpless shrug.
Asi looks at him with tired eyes.
"Our routine" she echoes.
Alaz wants to shake her, knock some sense into her, some light and love back into her eyes. But they have nothing left for him to hold on to. And he hates it. He almost hates her for becoming yet another person he couldn't be enough for.
"What do want from me, huh? What do you want me to do?" Alaz asks, all the fight just leaving him, the body almost sagging.
"I want you to let me go" she says and her words have the weight of a death sentence.
"I know you said you couldn't and wouldn't. But, please, if you love me, if you've ever loved me, just let me go".
Asi voices her request and her eyes stay dry. And Alaz almost hates her for this too. For not choosing him, them. For not deeming them worth fighting for.
"If I let you go now, we're done, for good. You understand that?" he asks, deep down hoping against all hope that she'll take her words back.
She crushes that fragile little hope with a nod.
It is in that moment when Alaz realizes that he's losing not only her but his brother as well. Because Yaman is also Asi's brother and he'll forever be stuck between the two of them. He'll always be that bridge that connects them. For Alaz to let Asi go he'll have to let go of his brother too. And he almost hates her for that too.
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negraarmadura · 28 days
Can you eat me?
Without good manners it is not possible.
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siyahtanda-koyu · 1 year
Dışarıdan bakınca o kadar asi ve sinirli gözüküyorum ki kimse yaklaşmıyor yanıma.
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ruxashes · 3 months
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yeommijeong · 1 year
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@kdramaspace + @userdramas YEAR IN REVIEW 2022 | Masterclass in Acting (male)
What kind of lunatic lawyer asks for a jury trial? There are so many weird lawyers. Yes, I am that lunatic lawyer.
Namgoong Min as Cheon Ji Hun One Dollar Lawyer (2022)
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atempause-art · 9 months
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simon007 · 6 months
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noovva · 5 months
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Tuba Büyüküstün x Haper’s Bazaar (January) ✨
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