#As will a lack of rio's codling /him coming for her
sothischickshe ยท 5 years
I've been #talking in the tags about this and maybe I'm just being an idiot but that finale 'reveal' really didn't feel like a reveal...?
Beth's upset (upset enough to kill!) that rio'd be prepared to throw her under the bus if it came to that but:
1. He didn't have any active plans to do so, did he? It seemed like a jic plan. SHE TURNED HIM IN PREVIOUSLY so I don't think she can really be mad at him for hypothetically doing something similar?
2. He's like... A crime boss? I don't think it's weird that he'd protect himself by having his underlings take the blame, hell that might be how he got out previously after SHE TURNED HIM IN (has she even questioned or looked into how he got out?). She is... His employee, yea? (and I'm actually super into this show's critique of capitalism, and of how it's high risk for those low on the totem pole but high reward for those at the top, she was mad he was taking a vacation with his kid but she's not allowed to do that... But she can't be surprised that that's how business works?)
3. He told her the kingdom was in her name fucking months ago. Then they decided to launder money through a business bearing her name! Which she definitely noticed cos she was banging on about it when she stole the pills and strong armed him into a 50/50 deal. This set up cannot come as a complete surprise to her!
4. She just found all of his shit in the storage lockers and that's how she put it together??? Like if anything that's way less indicative of him framing her and more like can you look after my furniture for me. She's been in obvious business with him for ages, he's obviously looking out for himself ahead of her (which isn't weird!), he's leveraged all kind of things over her... Why is this the tipping point?? (like I get why having to shoot Turner would be the tipping point but not what that has to do with him putting stuff in her name really... Unless she's mad cos she knows he has cameras there...???)
5. She pushed him away!! I know she was doing it for her kids (does he though?) but his demeanour to her has noticeably cooled since then. Why is that surprising to her?? Maybe he wouldn't've been so intent on pinning things on her if he thought they had some kind of future? And I don't just mean romantic/sexual... She tried to leave the business.
6. They probs wouldn't've been in this mess if she'd killed boomer when he asked or at least been honest about what had happened - again, maybe he wouldn't've been so willing to pin things on her if he didn't think she was a fuck up? (and didn't think her crew were fuck ups too!)
7. He has a kid! He's motivated by the same self/family preservation instinct as she is. The same instinct that led to her SETTING HIM UP PREVIOUSLY. if anything i'd've thought this season was setting up that she could understand where he's coming from!
Anyway! I don't think it was necessarily ooc for beth to shoot him but the reason for her doing it didn't make sense. Him kidnapping her was batshit unless he was trying to get her off kilter and angry (?!) and her being mad at him for putting things 'on her' was weak. She could've been mad at him for kidnapping her or trying to get her to shoot an fbi agent (on camera!) or for going missing in her time of need and then panic when she thought he was going for her (though no need for three fucking shots).
Her apparent lack of remorse in the montage towards the end (not being sad for Marcus, wanting to take over rio's business, being happy he's gone) does seem ooc and makes her seem like a psychopath/Walter White. Maybe they were trying to highlight how similar she and rio are, but what I took from it is that she doesn't get how similar the two of them are (she saw him being practical and putting himself first, LIKE SHE HAS DONE AND STILL DOES as a betrayal) because she has blinkers on that allow her to justify her own behaviour. (and because she and Ruby and Annie are so ride or die each other? But she has no dang reason to expect the same thing from him! She isn't that for him either!!)
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