#Anne's just the best example I could literally rant about her writing for hoooooooooooooours
shiroselia · 8 months
I promise I'm gonna write a longer piece about SSO's writing one of these days but before I do that, have this general tldr I just spawned because I was thinking about why I'm so fucking disappointed in Anne's character writing in particular (I have a lot of positive things to say about Anne's writing but I also have a lot of complaints about it)
I want this game to be interesting in execution, not just in concept
This entire game is so fucking well set-up and it's so interesting as a setting, and SSE are really good at introducing interesting conflict in the story but then doing fuck all with it (for many reasons, primarily what reads to me like not wanting to make the "good side", i.e the druids, but even more so the soul riders, "morally questionable") Biggest example being Anne not being allowed to go far enough in her character set-up of being disappointed in her situation (like her only being allowed to be disappointed, not pissed and angry and vengeful, she's just kinda miffed about it), like how when she runs away with the clover SSE has THE free-est fucking conflict ever, and they just do not go far enough with it because we can't have the soul riders disagreeing, and that's so fucking Boring and Frustrating, because so much of it is Right There but they NEVER ALLOW THEMSELVES TO DO ANYTHING WITH IT for so many reasons and it pisses me of
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