#And “this is now a headache to think about and actively detracts from understanding the story so I will not entertain”
modestmuses-a · 5 years
✂ ☀
I Can’t Wait Until Munday To Reblog Munday Memes | accepting
✂ A fandom that you feel isn't open and accepting?
Ahaha, I haven’t really run into any fandoms that aren’t accepting.  The last time I roleplayed on Tumblr, I had four blogs for a fandom that consisted of 5 people and a shoelace.  When I went on hiatus, half of the fandom’s active rp blogs went down.  We didn’t really have much choice but to be open and accepting, or else we never would have gotten any interactions whatsoever, ha!
And now that I’m running this blog, I can’t really speak about any fandom besides League because the other fandoms I write for... well, they’re just me.  I saw a couple of MLaaTR blogs a while back, one Jenny and one Sheldon, but they haven’t been active since 2015.
Anyway, I haven’t really had any problems with the League fandom!!  Everyone’s been pretty nice, actually.  I’m very new to the fandom.  Got into it with the release of “POP/STARS” back in November, and I don’t even play the game.  But like, nobody’s been mean to me for being new or anything.  Everyone welcomed me pretty much with open arms, so!
☀ What's your rp pet peeve?
God, the formatting some people have...  Let me see if I can get a book and then rewrite a sentence from that book in the way some people format their roleplays.
Ah, yes, here’s the opening sentence from Jill McCorkle’s Crash Diet but ~roleplayified~.
kenneth left me on a MONDAY morning before i’d even had the chance to mousse my hair, and i just stood there at the picture window with the drapes swung back and watched him get into that flashy red mazda, which i didn’t want him to get anyway, and drive away down mariner street, and make a right onto seagrams.
Like, I think people don’t realize that the problem with bolding and italicizing random words for ~aesthetic’s sake~ is that it actually detracts from the meaning of your writing by putting emphasis where emphasis shouldn’t be.  Emphasis isn’t something that should be aesthetic, it should add something to the writing.  What about it being Monday is so important that you have to indicate it with bold and capital letters?  Why would you emphasize the word “drive”?  Obviously, if he’s in a car, he’s gonna be driving.  Why is it necessary to bring extra attention to the fact that he’s driving when you already said he was getting in a car?!
I dunno.  That’s definitely my biggest formatting peeve.  I find it extremely difficult to write with people who don’t understand what bold and italic fonts do in writing.  They aren’t just aesthetic choices, and it gives me a headache when people treat them like they are.
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gabbiwenyiayane-art · 4 years
Eleanor Antin
“I was determined to present women without pathos or helplessness.” - Eleanor Antin
Eleanor Antin (born 1935) is an American performance artist, installation artist, filmmaker, conceptual artist and feminist. She is considered one of the most important feminist artists of the art world. Her works are often concerned with the self, sex, revolution and the body.
Her first conceptual art piece was Blood of a Poet Box (1965-1968), in which she collected over 100 blood samples from poets and put them on slides.
In 1972, Antin created Carving: A Traditional Sculpture, a performance art piece in which she photographed her naked body at 148 successive stages during a month of crash-dieting. It is considered a staple of early feminist art.
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Recently, researching feminist artists has had me feeling a little conflicted. It starts with the feeling of distant empathy - I get where these women are coming from, respect it and outwardly go, “yes, that’s smart and it makes sense.” But then that sort of evolves into a realisation that that empathy is very far-removed from the fire inside you that lights up when you resonate with a piece of work. (the ecstasy I felt reading Tania de Rozario or Marylyn Tan’s writings, the urgency with which I peer into photographs of Lee Wen, the desperation of gazing at Zanele Muholi’s portraits and feeling them gazing back, and still wanting more).
I know why I feel so conflicted - it’s because I do not see myself in these portraits of early feminism. And then I feel guilty for feeling that way, because surely there must be something I can take from them, even if I don’t resonate with the concerns they are voicing. Surely there must be something shared, something universal. And the thing is, I do have takeaways - I do walk away from the work thinking, “it was brave of her to do that” or “I wonder how many artists wouldn’t have approached self portraiture this way if not for her work”. But I don’t walk away feeling inspired or enlivened by the work. I sometimes walk away feeling suspicious that it may be something a non-white, non-cisgender, non-educated person may have explored before, but flew under the radar of big galleries and art critics. (I mean, you’re telling me a white woman from Europe was the first person to artistically interrogate her body, when indigenous peoples have approached the body as a vessel of knowledge and power for time immemorial?)
I think a lot of this work was a call to action then, but now it is a reminder of other things. I guess a lot of political/activist art is going to be very specific. If it’s not specific, how can it be effective?! A single art piece cannot simultaneously address the Flint water crisis, the Rohingya crisis, the Israel-Palestinian conflict and the Black Lives Matter movement successfully. Specificity is key to clear activism, which means lots of it can be respected later on, but very little of it can carry on the way it begun.
Which is a hard thing for me to say because I don’t want to sound like I’m detracting from the work these women have done and continue to do! There is definitely something powerful in their work, and I have a huge amount of respect for what they do. In many cases, seeing their work is a springboard to research other people, things, ideas. But it doesn’t mean I feel their art. You know?
I’m reminded of something Marylyn Tan said on a panel, before reading her incredible poem This is My Body (which is a very powerful piece that reimagines Jesus Christ as a teenage girl) -- she said “maybe if you don’t understand the work, it wasn’t made for you”
And I think that is it - a lot of cisgender white feminist art was made for the time and place it was created. It was not necessarily created for a nonbinary Southeast Asian person to look at, forty years later. For example, some of the struggles posited at the forefront of feminist art at the time are not very high on my own priority list. I’m not thinking about diet culture, I’m not thinking about “WOMAN” the same way they were, and I think that’s okay. I think it’s okay to desire a more nebulous, headache-ridden approach to dissecting womanhood. I think it’s okay to reject womanhood as a point of personal power - to accept that “woman” is a powerful notion for others, but a tremendously invalidating concept for myself. I think that’s okay.
So this has been a bit rambly, but maybe it is the start of me understanding why I struggle to feel moved by works by great feminist artists of the Western world. And maybe it is also a rude awakening that I have not done enough digging into the great feminist artists of the rest of the world.
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highriskpay · 4 years
Payment Processing Merchants for CBD Oil Businesses
As the CBD industry is poised to expand in revenue over the next several years, an influx of e-commerce stores have recently emerged to capitalize on the market. In an effort to meet the demand for CBD-based products, business owners across the globe have begun lining their physical and online store shelves with products such as CBD oils, supplements, and topical solutions. However, while it may seem easy to get from point A to point B, creating a CBD merchant account in this sector can be slightly more complicated than one would assume.
If you’re a business owner looking to start expanding your own line of CBD-based products, you may be wondering what options are available to you to start processing payments. Below, we’ve gathered a few resources for you to begin your search, including what to look for in a merchant account provider and who some of the best CBD merchant account providers are.
  What To Look For In A CBD Merchant Account Provider
Finding a merchant account provider that will be a good fit for your CBD business is essential when it comes to the daily operations of your business. However, as a CBD oil business, you will be classified as a “high-risk merchant,” which can make the process slightly more challenging. 
Here are a few things to look for when choosing the right high-risk merchant account provider for your CBD business:
  High-Risk Availability
As mentioned, as a high-risk merchant, it’s critical that your payment processor is equipped to handle high-risk transactions. Because the CBD industry is relatively new, it may be prone to fraudulent business activities and frequent chargebacks. This being the case, it’s wise to choose a merchant account provider that has extensive experience in high-risk businesses.
Seamless Integration
As a business owner, there’s nothing more frustrating than being forced to change your entire operation to integrate a new way of doing things. Not only is it time-consuming, but it’s a hassle that nobody wants to deal with and could potentially affect your business dealings with customers.
This is why it’s essential that your CBD merchant account provider enables you to integrate their payment processing systems with your existing platform to save you from needless headaches.
Low Fees
When running a business, the biggest concern will always be the bottom line. The same is true when it comes to finding a reliable payment processing merchant. When deciding which merchant account provider, your business will partner with, be sure to research any registration or service fees that could potentially detract from each transaction.
Reasonable Contracts
Another critical thing to consider is what type of contract each service provider offers. While each contract may look similar, some fees and clauses will differ. When looking over contracts, be sure to give yourself enough time to carefully review each document so that you know exactly what you’re signing and how it will benefit your business.
Customer Support
Last, but certainly not least, is customer support. When choosing a CBD merchant account provider, be sure to ask how they go about handling disputes or potential errors that may occur. While it may not seem important in the beginning, there’s nothing worse than having your payment processing system crash and not being able to speak with anyone to resolve the issue.
  Tips on How To Get Your CBD Oil Approved For A Merchant Account
There’s a lot of competition in the CBD industry, and the same is true for merchant account providers, which means any competitive advantage is sure to help.
Now that you know what to look for in a merchant account provider, let’s take a look at a few tips that can help you get approved faster.
  Comply with Laws and Regulations
Before starting any business, it’s essential to check if any state permits or federal regulations must be followed regarding the sale of CBD related products. Merchant account service providers require a copy of all business licenses and permits when you apply for an account, which means these must all be organized before your application.
If you’re unsure about laws and regulations, be sure to check with your local government agency beforehand.
Maintain Good Credit History
Before being approved for a merchant account, it’s crucial to maintain a good credit history. Any past bankruptcies, overdraft fees, or late payments can significantly decrease your chances of being approved. 
Having a good credit history will not only make a favorable impression with your merchant account provider, but can also be helpful in the future.
Maintain Processing Volumes
Another helpful tip to remember when applying for a merchant account is to ensure your products or services have enough demand. If you’re unable to prove a certain amount of demand for your business, a merchant account provider may not think your business is worth investing in. Stable processing or transaction volumes only increase your chances of approval.
Be Open to Special Accounts Requirements
If this is your first time partnering with a merchant account provider, you may be required to pay slightly higher fees or abide by certain transaction limits. While they may seem like a burden now, they are put in place to help establish new accounts and protect providers from future losses. In most cases, they will be reduced over time.
Research Each Service Provider
Once you’re ready to start deciding between merchant account providers, get as many quotes as possible to help you gain a better understanding of which service is best for your company. 
There are several things worth considering at this time, such as monthly minimum fees, startup fees, discount rates, reserve fees, and much more.
Getting as much information as possible upfront can help you make the most educated decision possible to put your company in a better position for growth.
Educate Yourself About The CBD Industry
While the CBD industry has shown significant growth over the past few years, the market is still relatively young, which means potential volatility. Although there is still plenty of skepticism, there are several health benefits and medical purposes for CBD, such as proven results of lowered cholesterol, balancing hormones, and mood stabilization.
Keeping yourself as educated as possible about your investment can help you make well-informed decisions down the line.
If you’re interested in learning more about how to get started with your high-risk merchant account, contact us today.
The post Payment Processing Merchants for CBD Oil Businesses appeared first on .
source https://www.highriskpay.com/payment-processing-merchants-for-cbd-oil-businesses/
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The world of video games has changed in to a practical, entirely believable internet playing field! You will be the hero from the 9th inning, bases jam-packed tie up game or save the attractive princess from that satanic warlord! Or, you could understand something new and useful. No matter what your intention with online games, the subsequent post will instruct you on a thing or two.
Be aware of ESRB rankings. Much like movies, games feature rankings. These rankings show you the intended market for your online game you happen to be planning to engage in. In case you are getting video games for the minor, it is important that you familiarize yourself with the status and caution process. If you're purchasing a game for a child, make sure you demand a variety of alternatives before you store. There are numerous items that enter into establishing the score with a activity. In case you have just one choice to purchase the child, it is probably not correct when you go to their grocer. If there is a compact guide or another symbol that is shown on your display to assist you, think about concealing them. At times a game title can be more difficult, and so, more fulfilling, in the event you go at it by itself. You typically have the choice of taking the icons back again in the event you choose that you desire them in the foreseeable future. Give the in-online game music an opportunity. If, even so, you happen to be frustrated along with it following 1 hour or more, don't forget to mute the television or pc and engage in some songs of your. Bandar Sakong will have a far more pleasant video games experience that way and therefore are less likely to have a headaches from playing. Taking part in video games is a wonderful way to chill out after a challenging day at work or in school. Don't enable a tricky degree on the video game detract with this relaxing process. The most seasoned players at some point want a cheat code to assist cope with a remarkably difficult levels. On the net, there are a few excellent websites which provide cheat regulations and method guides for many different video games. Use games to assist the brain! As folks era, their brains grow older, way too and don't work in addition to they performed once they were a kid. There are lots of online games that will help your mind get some good well essential exercise. By actively playing these online games, it really is proven your brain era might be youthful than your genuine age. When selecting online games for your kids, it is essential to do a little analysis initially. Take Agen Domino Online of the rating signs about the top in the packaging, as well as the video game descriptions in the back. But, you can also acquire useful info by conversing with other little ones, moms and dads and looking at on-line forums to acquire genuine replies about proper articles. There are numerous video games that may be very habit forming, like combating game titles or athletics games. This can be an issue that could cause a difficulty in the future, as you will want to have power over your lifestyle and not permit your game titles manage you. Keep in mind these habit forming video games and try not to belong to the snare of taking part in them for almost all the morning. Monitor your child's video game playing. Video games are now rated the same as motion pictures and that can help. This enables you to keep track of the information your kids is exposed to. Based on your child's age group, keep him from video games which can be meant for those a lot more mature than him. If your kid needs an extra increase in school in the specific topic, try to find online games with an educative concentrate on that subject matter. Kids learn very best while they are having a good time. Taking part in these online games every so often may be able to strengthen a topic by which that they need additional help. In case you are concerned with anyone in your home carrying out an excessive amount of less active online video video gaming time, have them to feature much more active online video gaming several hours. Components and titles now really exist where online video avid gamers can play a variety of sporting activities, dance, exercise balance and agility and also durability teach. Agen Domino Online lead to great exercise on stormy or dim days and nights. You need to have the correct gear for every single video game. Tend not to create the blunder of presuming that just one controller is required and locate when you visit engage in that you needed something diffrent. Browse the package or on-line explanation thoroughly and know regardless of whether you will need special controls to try out. This allows you to prepare yourself so that you will everything required for the video game. It could be a large amount of fun protecting the world and wrecking alien intruders, or making thousands if you take more than a internet firm in one, hostile relocate! With any luck ,, this information has offered you with plenty strategies to strike your video gaming up several notches and have more out of it.
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mineciggarets · 7 years
Canada is Now Proposing Regulations on Vaporizers
After flurries of new regulations were introduced for vapor products around the world, it appears that Canada is set to follow suit in the near future. Until now, Canada has had few regulations on the books that directly affect the sale and production of vaporizers and related products. However, with a growing number of adolescents using vaporizers in the last few years, lawmakers are looking to strengthen regulations and keep vaping out of the hands of youth.
Classifying Vapor Products
As noted by Health Canada, the current tobacco regulations in Canada do a poor job of regulating vapor products as a whole. By grouping vaporizers and e-liquids into the same category as traditional tobacco products, the law is poorly implemented and lacks a fundamental understanding of how vaping works.
On the plus side, this is why some lawmakers have been adamant about creating a new class of regulations designed specifically for vapor. This could have both positive and negative impacts on the vaping community, but it does indicate at least a few legislators are actively engaged in learning about the ins and outs of vapor.
Preventing Underage Use
By and large, the focus of the new Canadian regulations is aimed at underage use of vapor products. The goal is to set the minimum age for purchase the same as the current tobacco regulations. The means your vape store will not be allowed to sell vapor products to kids under the age of 17.
Fortunately, most vape shops are already in compliance with these rules and probably won’t suffer much from the new regulation. However, some vapor store locations have allowed the sale of accessories and non-nicotine products to minors, and this may come to a halt.
According to lawmakers, the concern is that even kids who vape non-nicotine e-liquids could be inviting their friends to start vaping and introduce them to nicotine options that they otherwise would not have access to. The prevalence of sweet, candy-like flavors is also a supposed draw for minors that can cause concern among parents. Vape stores of all kinds are fearful that Canada will outlaw the vast majority of these flavors and severely limit the availability of products to people who are trying to use vaping to quit smoking.
Improving Safety
Another key component of the proposed vapor regulations coming to Canada is a focus on improved safety. So far there has been little said or done about e-liquid manufacturers using potentially harmful chemicals in their e-liquids. While the vape community as a whole has largely regulated itself and shunned companies that cut corners or use low-grade ingredients, lawmakers are looking for ways to hold manufacturers accountable.
In the U.S., the requirement for vapor manufacturers to submit their products to the FDA for approval has caused a headache due to the implementation. In Canada, it is still unclear which products will be subject to these regulations, although many are hoping that lawmakers focus on keeping e-liquids safe rather than placing vaporizers and accessories under the same umbrella. Of course, this will require more lawmakers to do their part to understand all of the various aspects of vaping.
There is definitely a lot of talk going on about the type of packaging that vapor manufacturers will be able to use in the future. Some lawmakers are looking to force vapor companies to use plain packaging that does not entice youth to try their products. This is especially true of candy-, fruit- and dessert-flavored products that are typically brightly colored and contain images that appeal to children. There will also likely be warning labels required based on the legislators’ assessment of risks posed by vaping.
Research Needed
Even among the vaping community, many people support stronger legislation for vapor products in Canada. However, most people want significantly more research to be done before regulations are put in place. Vapers recoil at the thought that their products could be painted as equally harmful as traditional cigarettes when the reality is much different. If regulators make people think vaporizers are as dangerous as cigarettes, fewer smokers will have access to the tools they need to help them quit smoking.
For many current vapors, these products played a vital role in their ability to reduce their nicotine intake and escape the harmful chemicals that are present in cigarettes. Vapers are encouraging their representatives to do their part to protect vaping as a medically useful group of products that increase public health, rather than detracting from it.
If you want to learn more about the fight to keep vaping accessible to the millions of people who quit smoking every year, you should contact your local VaporFi vape shop. Local organizations have been formed to help share information and educate the general public about the need for support of vaping in general.
from Vaporfi blog http://ift.tt/2lTBPDC via IFTTT
0 notes
ilikee-cigarettes · 7 years
Canada is Now Proposing Regulations on Vaporizers
After flurries of new regulations were introduced for vapor products around the world, it appears that Canada is set to follow suit in the near future. Until now, Canada has had few regulations on the books that directly affect the sale and production of vaporizers and related products. However, with a growing number of adolescents using vaporizers in the last few years, lawmakers are looking to strengthen regulations and keep vaping out of the hands of youth.
Classifying Vapor Products
As noted by Health Canada, the current tobacco regulations in Canada do a poor job of regulating vapor products as a whole. By grouping vaporizers and e-liquids into the same category as traditional tobacco products, the law is poorly implemented and lacks a fundamental understanding of how vaping works.
On the plus side, this is why some lawmakers have been adamant about creating a new class of regulations designed specifically for vapor. This could have both positive and negative impacts on the vaping community, but it does indicate at least a few legislators are actively engaged in learning about the ins and outs of vapor.
Preventing Underage Use
By and large, the focus of the new Canadian regulations is aimed at underage use of vapor products. The goal is to set the minimum age for purchase the same as the current tobacco regulations. The means your vape store will not be allowed to sell vapor products to kids under the age of 17.
Fortunately, most vape shops are already in compliance with these rules and probably won’t suffer much from the new regulation. However, some vapor store locations have allowed the sale of accessories and non-nicotine products to minors, and this may come to a halt.
According to lawmakers, the concern is that even kids who vape non-nicotine e-liquids could be inviting their friends to start vaping and introduce them to nicotine options that they otherwise would not have access to. The prevalence of sweet, candy-like flavors is also a supposed draw for minors that can cause concern among parents. Vape stores of all kinds are fearful that Canada will outlaw the vast majority of these flavors and severely limit the availability of products to people who are trying to use vaping to quit smoking.
Improving Safety
Another key component of the proposed vapor regulations coming to Canada is a focus on improved safety. So far there has been little said or done about e-liquid manufacturers using potentially harmful chemicals in their e-liquids. While the vape community as a whole has largely regulated itself and shunned companies that cut corners or use low-grade ingredients, lawmakers are looking for ways to hold manufacturers accountable.
In the U.S., the requirement for vapor manufacturers to submit their products to the FDA for approval has caused a headache due to the implementation. In Canada, it is still unclear which products will be subject to these regulations, although many are hoping that lawmakers focus on keeping e-liquids safe rather than placing vaporizers and accessories under the same umbrella. Of course, this will require more lawmakers to do their part to understand all of the various aspects of vaping.
There is definitely a lot of talk going on about the type of packaging that vapor manufacturers will be able to use in the future. Some lawmakers are looking to force vapor companies to use plain packaging that does not entice youth to try their products. This is especially true of candy-, fruit- and dessert-flavored products that are typically brightly colored and contain images that appeal to children. There will also likely be warning labels required based on the legislators’ assessment of risks posed by vaping.
Research Needed
Even among the vaping community, many people support stronger legislation for vapor products in Canada. However, most people want significantly more research to be done before regulations are put in place. Vapers recoil at the thought that their products could be painted as equally harmful as traditional cigarettes when the reality is much different. If regulators make people think vaporizers are as dangerous as cigarettes, fewer smokers will have access to the tools they need to help them quit smoking.
For many current vapors, these products played a vital role in their ability to reduce their nicotine intake and escape the harmful chemicals that are present in cigarettes. Vapers are encouraging their representatives to do their part to protect vaping as a medically useful group of products that increase public health, rather than detracting from it.
If you want to learn more about the fight to keep vaping accessible to the millions of people who quit smoking every year, you should contact your local VaporFi vape shop. Local organizations have been formed to help share information and educate the general public about the need for support of vaping in general.
from Vaporfi blog http://ift.tt/2lTBPDC via IFTTT
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