#An Nisa
mylancap1 · 7 months
Selesai story aku berkenaan dengan celeb's hotwife. Dari Tasha sampai kepada bestfriend dia Alisha. Alisha pula ada hot siblings termasuk mommy dia. Semua high libido. Aku nak tutup dengan part V dengan side Bella. Hubby Bella memang terkenal dengan pelakon yang ramai. Antara yang aku follow adalah Nisa. Ada lagi girls yang lawa, memang berdozen-dozen sebab AI terkenal sebagai pencinta girls. Cuma kali ni aku fokus dekat Nisa.
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Nisa ni kategori girls yang nerdy tapi dah dicemari apabila exposure banyak dekat dia bila sertai dunia lakonan. Aku tak minat sangat dengan muka dia sebab lagi-lagi dia pakai braces. Tapi aku tau ada fappers yang suka girls pakai braces.
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Aku turn on dengan Nisa ni sebab dia dibentuk dari nerd kepada slut. Dan percubaan tu menjadi. Lakonan dia terbawa-bawa sampai ke dunia reality. Apa lagi dia tengok Bella & pelakon girls lain yang sangat open dan akan reveal semua benda pasal sexual preferences dorang. Setakat position apa yang dorang suka tu dah jadi topik perbincangan harian. Lepas tu dick macam mana yang dorang nak fuck. Semua tu dibincangkan dengan sangat detail.
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Untuk seorang girl yang lemah, memang Nisa terpaksa menahan horny sampai la benda tu tak tertahan lagi sampai terluah kepada semua orang. Dekat sini la buat aku turn on.
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Dengan muka yang nerd, Nisa dah jadi sangat slutty. Apa lagi bila dia dah kawin. Dia dah rasa semua yang dibincangkan secara teori. Dia teringin nak lagi. Nak explore lebih mendalam. Nisa tak nak rushing tapi dia tau lambat-laun dia akan terjebak dalam dunia yang penuh nikmat ni. Selama ni Nisa ni sangat nerd, nampak macam ustazah pun ada, selalu cover apa yang patut. Tapi kali ni nafsu Nisa membuak-buak untuk masuk ke dunia sex yang berbeza.
Bila masa tu akan tiba?
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Face 5/10
Muka dia sangat nerdy. Masih kesian untuk jadikan dia stok cumtribute. Tapi aku rasa kesian aku tak lama. Muka Nisa akan jadi medium untuk sperm aku meleleh. Masa tu markah jadi 6 atau 7.
Boobs 5.5/10
Boobs Nisa kecik je. Dia tak ada boobs yang boleh menggoda fappers secara direct. Tapi girl kategori Nisa ni lain cara untuk hayati boobs dia. Aku akan explain dalam part sexual attractiveness.
Butt 5.5/10
Aku percaya butt Nisa padu. Cuma dia sorok dan tak nak show off. Nisa perlu diberi pendedahan. Layan dulu pussy habis-habisan. Jangan rushing nak terus doggy yang versi hardcore. Sampai dah matang, boleh doggy dan try something wild macam anal.
Body Cutting 6.5/10
Body cutting dia not bad apa lagi kalau dia pakai outfit yang ketat. Nampak juga boobs dia yang kecik tu dan pinggang dia yang slim.
Sexual Attractiveness 7.5/10
Part ni markah Nisa tinggi berbanding lain. Macam aku janji nak terangkan. Nisa ni kategori girl yang tak boleh turn on secara direct. Macam tengok boobs sebijik dan akan turn on. Versi Nisa ni kena hayati kelembutan dan nerdy dia. Dan situ la imagination jadi liar. Apa yang ada di sebalik tudung yang cover penuh dada dia tu. Benda macam ni orang yang taste ustazah & nerdy girls akan faham sangat.
Exploration Nisa akan buatkan libido dia meningkat slowly. Terbaru, Nisa explore macam mana nak masturbate. Selama ni, tak pernah dia touch herself. So bila partner tak ada outstation, Nisa akan cuba dengan dildo & vibrator. Muka macam Nisa memang sangat ideal untuk masturbate version. Sebab expression muka dia tu mixed antara nerdy + notty.
Siapa yang akan guide & bagi Nisa exposure nanti? Adakah girls di sekeliling dia? Atau lelaki yang selalu jadi pelakon bersama? Arghhh hot
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persuadedasians · 1 month
Has some great assests
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pumpkinhimiko · 3 months
Mistranslations that aren't, part 2
Part 1 here. I didn't catch all the misinformation in this thread the first time, so I'm back for a second round.
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つまり、オマエラには帰る場所なんてもうないんだ。In short, there's no place for you bastards (omaera) to return to. だから外に出ても無意味なんだよ。So there's no point in going outside.
Omaera, the plural form of omae, is a very crude way to address someone. It's the same word Monokuma uses that has been consistently translated as "you bastards" throughout the series. Kokichi normally uses the more polite kimi, the plural form being kimitachi, so him suddenly switching to omaera is an indication of how he's aligning himself with Monokuma and the mastermind at this point in the story. Translating it as "you bastards" is more than appropriate, is what I'm saying.
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王馬くん・・・これって単純に、Ouma-kun... this means he's simply 僕で遊んでるだけ・・・ だよな? playing with me... right?
So, I finally found the line I think the OP was referring to. The reason I couldn't find it before? Because their "translation" is so incredibly off that it went straight over my head. 単純 carries the meanings pure, simple, straightforward, but here, 単純に is like the English purely. You use に for adjectives the same reason you use -ly in English. They mistook Shuichi's junsuini, meaning purely or simply, as him calling Kokichi himself pure. The context for this, by the way, is Shuichi wondering whether Kokichi is serious about killing him.
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にしし、 それはね... Nishishi, well... 親を殺して組織を乗っ取ったんだ。I took over the organization by killing my parents.
大丈夫、嘘に決まってるじゃん。Don't worry, I'm lying of course.
殺したのは兄貴だよ! The one I killed was my older brother!
I... don't even know how to explain this one since it's so straightforward. 殺したのは = one that was killed, followed immediately by 兄貴 = older brother. There's no mention of parents in this last sentence. Maybe because Kokichi doesn't explicitly but rather implicitly refer to himself they got confused? I honestly don't know. It's also in response to Shuichi asking how he took over his organization, so Kokichi's response to that being "my brother killed my parents!" does not connect.
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yalnzardc · 3 months
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Allah sizden (yükünüzü) hafifletmek ister; çünkü insan zayıf yaratılmıştır.
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mewozie · 10 months
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He's so me guys omg
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mihrunnisasultans · 3 months
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I am not going to defend myself, Your Majesty. Whatever I say, your decision will not change anyway. I could calm you by denying it, but I don't intend to do it. Throw me into the fire like you did with your family and other people you loved. [...] So this is [absolute loyalty] why you killed them all? Hatice, Ibrahim, Mustafa, Çihangir...I remember how our father Selim Han died. He didn't die easily. God did not let him leave this world without suffering first. The same fate awaits you!
Fatma + roasting Suleiman to his face (and to others)
Happy (belated) Birthday Plami! @mc-critical
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lunarin64art · 1 year
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For you...
 (Sorry in advance for the rant below lol)
 For anyone who hasn’t played V3 for a while, Gonta was acting increasingly depressed throughout the game up until chp4. This was due to the fact that he didn’t feel smart enough to contribute to class trials and because he was unable to use his strength to fight the mastermind. Ouma would have picked up on this so, I wonder if he had planned on giving Gonta credit if the bugvac brought the class closer to finding the mastermind.
 There’s also a part on the Official V3 artbook (translated by @kaibutsushidousha​) that seems to imply that Ouma planned on eventually having Gonta use the bugvac so that he could finally find out what the “tiny bugs” he was seeing were.
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 Which is interesting as it contradicts the idea that Ouma had planned on “making Gonta a murderer” in order to become the “mastermind” as chp5 suggests. But most people already assume that he did this out of desperation anyway...
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 I also find it interesting how much detail Ouma put into the blueprint as Miu likely would have been able to make the same thing with just a simple one. It being so detailed was likely meant to show that the bugvac wasn’t just some after thought for Ouma. He, unlike the rest of the class (aside from maybe Saihara) actually took Gonta seriously.
 As for the second part, the reason why it’s implied that Ouma attempted to save the class on chp5 due to his promise with Gonta, is because I truly believe that Gonta was the only classmate that he ever felt a true bond with. He was also friends with Miu and Kiibo but, like the rest of the class, they also often vilified him. With Gonta gone, he was now left with people who, in his view, couldn’t care less if he died, even prior to chp4. So, while he would already be inspired due to his anger toward the mastermind and to let his dead classmates rest in peace, I still find it hard to believe that he would end his life in such a gruesome way for people who treated him so badly. Because of this, I think he did what he did in order keep his promise with Gonta, by forgiving his classmates for how they treated him. 
 As a final note, I know that there are some people who would argue that Ouma would instead be thinking of Saihara during this time due to the “trustworthy?” line on his whiteboard. But that was only on the NISA version. In the original it was something more along the lines of “dangerous?” or ”untrustworthy?”. Also, most of their canon interactions are negative so there’s a possibility that Ouma actually saw Saihara as a potential mastermind. But that’s for another post...
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just-about-nothing · 6 months
nisipisa saying she eats nooch is so nasty i’m sorry that shit scarred me as a child
i had a friend’s mom call it yellow yum yums which was The most condescending thing to child me & also i thought it was foul and stank and fuckin nasty texture on my fingers & in my mouth
like. don’t bring that shiitt into my house blegh 🤢🙅‍♀️
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mylancap1 · 7 months
Koleksi Nisa #1
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persuadedasians · 2 months
Great tits
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dalennaugw · 5 months
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@magistersieran surprised me with a drawing of Bean today! Local dork cannot be suave, news at eleven.
I had to answer with my own drawing.
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He won them over anyway.
Thank you for the drawing, Lu! <3
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kiigoumiu-blog · 1 year
  I wish that more English Danganronpa V3 fans knew that in the original Japanese version, Gonta didn’t talk in caveman/Hulk speech. He spoke in normal polite Japanese, only struggling with the meaning of certain words from his lack of experience. He did however talk in third person but Tenko and Angie did as well. In Japanese 3rd person speech works and is used to make characters cute and childish. But in English none of this comes across and instead is just distracting. Its obvious that the NISA translators only kept Gonta in 3rd person to insert weird American humor into the series.
  I especially dislike this translation because Gonta is one of the most important characters in ndrv3, especially when it comes to Kokichi’s character arc. Now, instead of being the sweet and naive entomologist who allows the audience to see beneath Kokichi’s mask, he is now seen as nothing but a joke side character. 
  Which not only ruins Gonta’s entire character but also makes Kokichi’s character and intentions even more confusing.
(No wonder people are confused that Kokichi and Gonta got official Anniversary wine together haha)
  To make things worse, they also changed Kokichi’s character by making him more childish and aggressive.(even going as far as changing his sprites on scenes!) I’d say one of the worst mistranslations though was making his whiteboard have “trustworthy?” written below the photo of Shuichi. In Japanese it says something more along the lines of “dangerous?” or “untrustworthy?”. I really don’t know how they messed this up but it was likely because there was a translator who wanted Kokichi to be shipped with the protagonist. The translation error to me was strange because most of his interactions with Shuichi were negative so, to suddenly say that Shuichi was the only one he trusted would feel like a contradiction. It’s also frustrating because, the original whiteboard translation imo implies that Kokichi may have suspected that Shuichi was the mastermind which is SO INTERESTING and gives their dynamic so much more depth.
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In conclusion: NISA ruined V3 lol
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exrt7 · 4 months
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Early in the morning. They are going to set off to buy some limited edition products. "It's time to go, Nisa." Selene calls downstairs for her sister who is theoretically on time every day. "I'm here. Sorry, my stiff neck last night was killing me." Nisha's expression was obviously not good when she came downstairs.
Image courtesy of  umefolklore
I hope you like it
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rasiha · 11 months
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Sevgili Dost,
Belki de ihtiyacımız olan şey uzun soluklu bir dinlenme değil de soluksuz bir meşguliyettir...🌻
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dindargenclik · 6 months
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persuadedasians · 3 months
Used to be a tease now she gets them out all the time
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