#Ambar fort
among-thestarsss · 2 years
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Ambar fort.
Not everything is flowers and sunshine but do you ever end up going to places where you just wish you could turn back time ?
It's quiet surprising how listening to your heart takes you to places where you just want to walk back into the past, not to relive it but to embrace it and then leave it there as it is. Living in the moment while embracing the past, sounds fascinating isn't it ?
15 Kms of ride in the rain while we were singing "Kadi aawo in raseela mhaare des, jowaan thaari baat ghani" and 2 Kms of ascent to the palace where you see Bhopas playing "ghar aaja pardesi" on Ravanahattha, I'd say was worth it.
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dlyarchitecture · 1 year
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louddydisturb · 7 months
Call out my name
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Harry e louis eram melhores amigos, eles namoram por 4 anos e acabaram terminando e estabelecendo uma amizade mesmo depois do termino, que funcionava muito bem. Pelo menos ele achavam que funcionava
Harry, 25
Louis, 26
Tw: h!mulher cis, agressão (levinho)
Ib: anon
(Essa ta bem tranquila então acho que é só isso)
Boa leitura!!
O celular de harry marcava 00:00 ela estava sentada em um sofá grande da balada conversando distraida, as luzes coloridas brilhavam pelo local e ela ja não sabia quantos copos de bebida tinha ingerido
"Harry! Esse é zayn, aquele que eu tinha falado" maddie, sua amiga desde do ensino medio trazia um homem uns centimetros mais alto que ela
Acontece que madison pegava no seu pé há 3 meses que ela deveria seguir em frente e pegar alguem, mesmo que sem compromisso.
Harry tinha terminado há 4 meses com louis mas os dois acabaram por estabelecer uma amizade depois do termino e funcionava muito bem, eles eram como melhores amigos com uma historinha a mais
"Oi, zayn" ela levanta comprimentando o outro com um beijo de bochecha
"Oi" ele sorri simpatico "maddie fala muito bem de você" ele senta no lado dela "quer outra bebida?" Oferece ao ver o copo vazio da garota
"A unica coisa que é irrecusavel" ela aceita o copo vermelho
"me diz uma musica para eu postar essa no stories" foi oque louis recebeu seguido por uma foto de harry sentada no colo de um cara, que não aparecia o rosto, ele tinha a mão na cintura dela e ela segurava um copo de bebida rindo animada
Tomlinson reconheceu o bar, eles costumavam ir quando harry tinha folga
Enquanto isso harry dançava e virava shots pouco ligando para a ressaca que ela teria na manhã seguinte
"Hora do body shot!!" Harry escutou alguem gritar e seu olhar encontrou o olhos ambar de zayn que estava sentado a olhando do sofá
Louis entrou no local, seus olhos vasculhando todos os cantos atrás da cacheada
Harry sentava no colo de zayn, que estava deitado no balcão do bar, a garota tinha um shot de tequila e uma rodela de limão na mão
O olhar azul encontrou harry no exato momento em que ela derrubava a tequila no peito desnudo do cara, que julgando pelas tatuagens era o mesmo da foto, e lambendo todo o torso chupando o limão da boca do outro
Ela sorria animada ainda no colo de zayn fazendo o sangue de louis ferver mas ele pegou um copo com bebida de um dos garçons que passava ali, sentando no sofá observando a cacheada
Harry dançava com zayn alheia quando os olhos do outro se arregalaram de afastando rapido da cacheada
"Zayn? Aonde voce-" ela sentiu as mãos fortes apertando sua cintura
"Zayn?" Louis sopra contra o ouvido da garota
"Louis?" Ela vira encontrando o olhar gelido a encarando, ele usava uma t-shirt branca e uma jaqueta de couro larguinha junto com uma calça reta preta "estragando minha festa? Tinhamos outro combinado" ela sorri vendo o mais alto a fitar sério
"Já chega vamos para casa" a garota se apoia em seus ombros, extremamente perto de sua boca
"Pai? Não vou para casa"
"Ah não?" Ela tinha um sorriso de lado nos labios vermelhos
"Não, ainda não bati minha meta" harry toma um gole da bebida em seu copo
"Meta?" Ele escuta a garota falar um "uhum" quase como um sussuro "e quanto falta para esse meta?"
"Eu deixo você escolher dessa vez"
"Cinco" ele fala entrando na brincadeira
"Ja bati faz tempo" era mentira
"Já? Quantos ja pegou então?" As mãos de louis descançam na cintura de harry, ele observa levantar 7 dedos "então chegue nos oito" ele fala em tom de desafio "vá" ele da dois tapinhas nas coxas gordinhas e senta em um dos bancos do bar observando a garota olhar em volta
Ele vê o momento que um cara que aparentava ter mais ou menos a mesma idade que harry se aproxima da garota, ele sussura algo no ouvido da cacheada deixando uma mão na cintura dela, não demora muito para ele estar com a porra da lingua na boca de harry fazendo novamente o sangue de louis ferver
Ele levanta em passos firmes pegando um copo do balcão e despejando todo o liquido no cabelo castanho escuro antes de o empurrar fazendo harry gritar assustada tentando segurar o braço de louis
"Ta doente filho da puta?" Ele olha com desgosto o outro jogado na mesa de centro que tinha ali "ela tem namorado, seu fudido"
"ela não falou nada, então acho que não seja veridico" ele fala levantando e louis agarra o colarinho de sua camisa
"Seu fudido do caralho" um murro é acertado no rosto do desconhecido antes de louis o jogar no chão ficando em cima dele e disparando socos contra seu rosto, que tinha um corte superficial -- culpa do aneis que o tomlinson usava -- e um hematoma na bochecha
"Louis para! Caralho" ele ouvia a voz de harry gritar distante
Ele sentiu duas pessoas o puxarem de cima do garoto que tinha a mão no labio que sangrava
"Eu te matava seu desgraçado" harry se mete na frente de louis o puxando para fora da balada
"Louis! Ficou louco? Ele pode chamar a policia" harry falava tirando um pacote de lenços humedecidos da bolsinha e limpando os nós dos dedos de louis que sangravam
"Que chamasse, eu não ia deixar esse filho da puta falando merda e saindo ileso" louis encosta na moto que estava parada na vaga
"Não sei porque tanto ciumes, não namoramos mais. Acertamos isso tempos atras" harry suspira segurando o queixo de louis o fazendo olhar para si
"Ehm, sim eu só estava te defendendo, ele não parecia boa pessoa" louis tira os dois capacetes do compartimento na moto "vamos, te deixo em casa" ele coloca um capacete e entrega o outro para harry antes de subir na moto, essa que abraça o corpo rigido do garoto
Louis da a partida não demorando mais que 10 minutos para estar na porta do apartamento de harry
"Quer entrar?" A cacheada fala tirando o capacete e arrumando os cachos "já está tarde"
"Vou só estacionar a moto" harry assente vendo o outro se afastar
Harry estava sentada no hall de entrada quando louis parou em sua frente segurando a jaqueta pelo ombro
"Está bem?" Ele fala simples
"Sim" ela levanta indo seguida de louis até o elevador
O relogio marcava 8 da manhã, o sol já brilhava no ceu mas os dois dormiam tranquilos, harry dormindo confortavel abraçando um traveseiro e louis abraçado em sua cintura com o rosto afundado nos cachos com cheirinho de morango, os dois somente de langerie e cueca, vendo que era um costume deles e eles nunca viram problema mesmo agora sendo 'amigos'
Não era um problema até agora quando harry sentia o contorno do pau de louis perfeitamente em sua bunda, ela fingia continuar dormindo sentindo louis -- mesmo que inconcientemente -- roçar a ereção contra si
Ela sentiu a respiração de louis prender e ele sair devagar de trás de si e em seguida a porta do banheiro bater, harry riu baixinho contra o traveseiro
"Bom dia" harry murmura ouvindo louis sair do banheiro alguns minutos depois
"B-bom dia, quer que eu prepare o café?" Ele pergunta vasculhando o guarda-roupa da garota na esperança de achar algum short esquecido
"Sim, mordomo, procura na segunda gaveta" ela levanta pegando a camisa de louis no chão e vestindo se apossando da peça
Ele abre a gaveta achando um short preto esquecido uns dias atrás
"Anda na seca tommo?" Ela brinca apertando o pau de louis por cima do short antes de ir ate o banheiro
Louis suspira caminhando até a cozinha
"Oque vai ser o menu, chef louis?" Harry entra na cozinha agora com os cachos presos em um rabo de cavalo
"Torrada com ovo e café, meu salario não é alto o suficiente"
Eles tomaram café e harry obrigou louis a deixar ela cuidar do pequenos machucados em sua mão, ela higienizou e envolveu os nós dos dedos em esparadrapo
"Isso é drama" louis fala vendo a garota prender o esparadrapo cuidadosamente com a fita
"Estavam sagrando e muito machucados, louis" ela guarda a caixinha de primeiros socorros no armario do banheiro "agora voltando no assunto da festa, namorada?"
"Você estava bebada, achei que sequer ia lembrar" louis pega o celular rolando pelo feed do instagram
"Então quando eu estou bebada você sai dizendo que eu sou sua namorada?" Ela se aproxima sentando ao lado de louis na cama, as coxas ficando praticamente toda a mostra
"As vezes é preciso" ele sequer olha os olhos verdes
"Sabe..." ela contorna a tatuagem do braço do garoto "não acho que seja uma má ideia uma amizade com beneficios"
"Amizade com beneficios?" o olhos azuis fitam harry pela primeira vez desde do inicio do assunto "um relacionamento aberto?"
"Não, só uma amizade mas que..." ela fez uma pausa pensando nas palavras "ajudam um ao outro sem compromiso"
"Então posso ficar com outras garota que eu quiser?" Ele pergunta fitando os labios rosinhos que era maltrados pelos dentes de harry
"Pode" ela fala relutante "só ficamos caso um de nos queira desestressar ou algo do tipo" ela se perde um pouco nas palavras quando o mais velho começa a se inclinar ficando poucos centimetros de juntar suas bocas
"Sem compromisso?" Louis se apoia ficando meio que por cima da garota
"Sem compromi..." a fala da cacheada é cortada pela lingua de louis invadindo sua boca
Ela leva as mãos para os fios macios o puxando para si conforme ela deita na cama
A mão do moreno invade a blusa que harry usava, amaciando os peitinhos que cabiam perfeitamente em sua mão
Louis separa o beijo descendo para o pescoço de harry beijando ali antes de puxar a camisa para fora do corpo da mesma
"É incrivel como parece que seu corpo foi feito perfeitamente para mim" louis separa o beijo deixando selinhos pelo pescoço de harry até seu colo enquanto apertava a cinturinha que encaixava perfeitamente em sua mão
Harry gemeu ao que os olhos azuis a fitavam em desejo antes de praticamente arrancar o sutiã de seu corpo
Ela sentiu suas costas baterem contra o colchão e louis se encaixar no meio de suas pernas, abocanhando seu seio enquanto apertava o outro
As unhas pintadas de vermelho arranhavam as costas de louis, marcando todo o local
Ele solta o mamilo da boca em um estalo e então o mesmo se sentou no meio das coxas cheinhas
Harry se apoiou nos antebraços, os labios vermelinhos sendo mordidos constantementes ao que louis roçava suas intimidades
"Continua tão boa quanto antes" ele segura o queixo da garota juntando suas bocas em um beijo afoito, harry rebola contra a pelves de louis ainda coberta pelo short sentindo o quão duro ele estava
"Me fode" ela afasta o beijo puxando um pacote de camisinha da mesa de cabeçeira
"E tão apressada quanto antes" louis a ignora se afastando, arrancando a calcinha de harry de seu corpo e puxando sua cintura para si
Harry arqueou as costas sentindo a lingua quente passear por toda sua buceta
As mãos fortes apertavam sua cintura ao ponto de deixar os dedos marcados ali
"Isso lou" ela puxava os fios castanhos, rebolando na boca do outro
Harry gemeu gozando quando louis chupou e esfregou a lingua em seu clitoris, molhando todo o queixo dele
"Tão gostosa" ele levanta e tira o short junto com a cueca, gemendo em alivio de ter seu pau fora daquele aperto irritante "senti falta do seu gosto" ele punheta o pau dolorido, observando harry pós-orgasmo manhosa embaixo de si
"Ja pode me foder agora" ela se apoia nos cotovelos encarando as orbes azuis
"Quero gozar na sua boquinha gostosa primeiro" louis fica de joelhos na altura do peito de harry "e depois de comer gostosinho" ele segurou a ereção batendo duas vezes nas bochechas vermelhinhas antes de levar para os labios gordinhos
Harry recebeu o falo duro de bom grado, o gosto salgado invadia seu palato e ela sentia a extensão pulsar em sua lingua
"Eu nunca vou conseguir enjoar de você" ele segura os cachos usando de apoio para foder os labios inchadinhos "esses foras os piores 4 meses da minha vida" os olhos de harry lagrimejavam enquanto as investidad iam fundos deixando-a sem ar "nenhuma chegava ao seus pés" harry apertou as coxas de louis, o afastando
"Não me compare com as putinhas baratas com quem ficou" ele masturba o falo duro antes de o colocar na boca novamente
"Boquinha afiada" ele puxa os cachos estocando com mais força e urgencia, se sentindo a beira de gozar "não precisa se preucupar, amor. Você sempre vai ser melhor" a porra escorre em jatos grossos na garganta de harry, que engole tudo
"Claro que vou" ela morde os labios sentindo o gosto e cheiro de louis inundarem seus sentidos
Tomlinson sai de cima da garota e empurra o corpo magro para o lado, encostando a costa dela em seu peito
Ele coloca a camisinha desajeitadamente e puxa a cintura de harry para perto, a cacheada segura a coxa dando acesso para louis
"Você sempre gostava quando eu te fodia assim, amor." Ele penetra a grutinha molhada, sentindo-a praticamente o esmagar "pelo visto ainda gosta" louis aperta o quadril da garota usando de apoio para as estocadas, harry gemia manhosa sentindo o pau ir fundo em si
"Tão apertada" ele afunda o rosto nos cachos com cheirinho de morango de harry "caralho"
Louis aperta os peitos cheinhos de harry, esse que cabiam perfeitamente em sua mão, e estocava com força contra a bunda lisinha
"Lou você sempre me fode tão bem..." ela joga a cabeça para tras se apoiando no peito de louis "tão fundo"
Ver o quão manhosa harry estava foi o estopim para louis, ele apenas a virou contra a cama novamente, a deixando meio que de quatro e voltou a estocar enquanto estapeava a bunda branquinha da garota
"Louis!" Ela gritava tentando alcançar o braço de louis em busca de apoio, esse que gemia rouco e fodia harry cada vez mais proximo de outro orgasmo
E então harry esguichou, ela tremeu quase cedendo no colchão e gemendo varios "louislouislouislouis"
"Shh, tudo bem, amor." Ele beijou a bochecha suada e diminuiu os movimentos, a fodendo devagar e fundo. Ele ainda podia sentir harry ter espasmos em seus braços
Ele estocou mais algumas vezes antes de gozar sentindo o aperto da buceta em seu pau
"Você foi tão boa, nenem. Sempre tão boa" ele deixa selinhos pelo rosto suado e corado
Harry sorri sonolenta sentindo o acariciar de louis em sua cintura
"Você é tão perfeita" ele se afasta e tira a camisinha, amarrando e jogando no lixo do banheiro. Ele pega tambem uma toalha e molha com agua morninha para poder limpar a garota sonolenta na cama "porque terminamos mesmo?" Ela ri baixinho enquanto louis passava a toalinha por todo seu corpo
"Vamos dormir mais um pouco" harry diz e louis deita no outro lado da cama, a puxando para seu colo. Nenhum dos dois estava afim de trocar os lençois
Eles queriam apenas ficar presos nessa bolha que eles criaram
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writingonleaves · 5 months
will you take a moment? promise me this (that you'll stand by me forever) - the blue au
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universe: the blue au (clementine sandoval x hughes brothers x nico hischier)
warnings: swearing, mentions of death, more sadness than i intended originally, mentions of covid during one particular part, so so much fluff!!
title + based on: "long live" by taylor swift, "i'll always remember you" by hannah montana, "ribs" by lorde, "vienna" by billy joel, "home" by edward sharpe & the magnetic zeros and "a letter to my younger self" by ambar lucid. title from "long live"
word count: 14k
author's note: graduation / draft moments that technically take place before the first installment. though you should read the first part for context if you haven't yet! romance who? we ride and die with found family. i def made myself cry a few times writing this. happy american thanksgiving to all those who celebrate. hold your family and loved ones close. hope you all enjoy and please let me know what you think <3
2018 - dallas, texas 
i wish you love, i wish you luck
for you, the world just opens up
- “i’ll always remember you” by hannah montana
“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Dallas. The time is currently 12:26 p.m. and the current temperature outside is a very toasty 91 degrees Fahrenheit.”
Clementine tunes out after that. 91 degrees? She’s gonna die when she gets out of the airport. 
As soon as she exits the plane, she follows the signs to the baggage claim, waiting for her luggage that isn’t only for this next week, but is for the entire summer as well before she returns to UCLA in the fall. After the draft, she’s heading back to Massachusetts to work in a clinic for the summer. 
Fuck, she just had her last final three days ago. She feels like it never stops. Sometimes she wishes it would. 
But she shakes her head to herself, watching as her bag comes closer. None of that now. She’s about to celebrate one of her favorite people making their dream come true. She smiles to herself as she wheels her suitcase and adjusts the straps of her backpack, not quite running but pretty close to it as she walks through the arrivals terminal of Dallas Fort Worth International Airport. 
“Clementine!” She whips her head over to see Ellen’s unmistakable blonde hair and wide smile, waving enthusiastically. Next to her is Maeve, her own mother with a more subdued smile, her carry-on suitcase beside her. They had scheduled their flights so that they’d land around the same time. To Clementine’s absolute delight, she sees Jack and Luke right before Luke comes flying at her. 
“Oof,” she groans as Luke hugs her tightly, burying his head into her shoulder. “God. You need to stop growing.”
“Never,” he mutters into her neck before letting go with a bright smile. “Hi Clemmy!”
She grins back. “Hi Lukey. I’ve missed you.”
“My turn!” She laughs as Jack shoves his brother aside and sways her around. He messed up her hair before pulling away. “I’m so pumped you’re here.”
“Me too, Jackson.” Both moms finally get to where they are and she hugs Ellen before hugging her own mother. “When did you land?”
“About an hour ago.”
Clementine cringes. “Yeah, we were delayed back at LAX. Sorry.”
Ellen waves her apology away as they start heading out of the airport, Jack grabbing her suitcase and Luke grabbing Maeve’s. “No worries. We’re just excited you both are here.”
“El, we wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Maeve says. And her mom’s right, Clementine thinks. Quinn’s getting drafted into the NHL. She can’t remember a time when this wasn’t his dream. 
“How have you been? How’s college?” Jack asks. “I feel like I haven’t talked to you in forever.”
“We literally all FaceTimed last week,” Luke says while avoiding Jack’s slap. 
“It’s not the same,” Jack whines. Clementine rolls her eyes at his tone, but he kinda has a point. FaceTimes and texts are never the same as their in-person debriefs, which have become fewer and more in-depth since all four of them are in different-ish places now (though Jack and Luke technically still live under the same roof and Quinn isn’t that far). 
Clementine feels a pang in her heart, knowing that the amount of debriefs will only get fewer and fewer as the years go on. 
“College is good,” she automatically squints against the sun the second they get outside. “Same old, same old. Didn’t fail any classes somehow, which is always a win.”
Ellen snorts. “Honey, you’re literally the smartest girl I know. I don’t think failing is in your vocabulary.”
“No, literally.” Luke adds. 
“Aw, not true. Thank you, but not true. And this weekend isn’t about me.” Clementine whips out her arm in front of Jack’s front so that he doesn’t get run over by a car. “I didn’t expect to see you two until dinner.”
Jack shrugs. “We were gonna tag along with Dad, but we already did to some of his stuff yesterday and it was so boring.”
Clementine snorts. “Well, he’s technically kind of working this weekend, no?”
“Yeah, but I didn’t think it would be that boring,” Jack says. 
“You two better get used to it then,” she swings an arm around both Jack and Luke’s shoulders. “Especially you, Jacky. This is gonna be you next year.”
Jack groans, but Clementine knows he secretly loves it. “Ugh. Don’t remind me. You’re gonna be here, right?”
“Next year. At the draft.”
“What? Of course I will.” How dare he think differently? “And whenever Luke’s is. You guys are silly for thinking otherwise.”
“But what if you’re too busy saving lives?”
“It doesn't matter where I am. I’ll be there,” Clementine promises, as they all climb into the car. 
“Clem’s right, boys.” Maeve says, turning around from the passenger seat as Ellen starts the engine. “You can’t get rid of us that easily.” Luke responds by putting his chin on Maeve’s shoulder as she reaches up to tap his cheek fondly. “Have you all gotten the chance to see Quinn much?”
“Here and there,” Ellen says. “Media and last minute meetings with teams have been keeping him busy though.”
Clementine has naturally always known more about the hockey world than the average person purely from her circumstances, but within the last month or so — mostly when she’s been procrastinating on studying for final exams — she’s been poking around online to see people’s pre-draft predictions. Obviously, she knows they’re just speculations, but she wanted to get an idea of what the general world has been thinking of Quinn. She thinks he’s the best at everything, but she’s aware she’s incredibly biased. 
She hasn’t really talked to Quinn, or the other two, about it, knowing that it’s all they’ve been thinking or hearing about and there’s no use adding onto the noise. But Clementine wants to be prepared. From her research, people have Quinn going to places from Arizona to Vancouver to Ottawa. She’s seen Detroit a good amount. One or two said New York or Chicago. 
But at the end of the day, truly, it doesn't matter. For her at least. He’s getting drafted into the National Hockey League and Clementine brought two waterproof mascaras to prepare. 
“God, El.” Maeve puts a hand on her best friend’s shoulder. “You must be so proud.”
“It’s definitely a big week,” Ellen says. Jack puts his head on Clementine’s shoulder because she somehow ended up in the middle seat. But she doesn’t shove him off like she usually would. 
Every time she sees these boys — this family — again, she feels more grateful to have them.
“Thanks for picking us up,” Clementine says. “You really didn’t have to.”
“Oh, it was nothing.” Ellen says. “Now tell us about college, honey. Only one more year to go! Well, of undergrad at least.”
Later that night, they’re about to go inside a nice restaurant for dinner when Clementine squeals, launching herself at Quinn. She feels his laughter as she squeezes tight and she holds on longer than normal. 
“Hey Clem,” he says. 
She pulls back and smiles, before hugging him again. “Hi Q.”
“It’s so good to see you,” he says, as Clementine lets go to let him hug Maeve, who sways him. Clementine thinks she sees her mother’s eyes water. 
Clementine turns to beam at Jim. “Hi Jimmy!”
“Hey sunshine,” he says with a laugh, hugging her and kissing her on the cheek. “Glad you and your mom made it.”
“Of course.” They all file into the restaurant and take their seats. She sits inbetween Quinn and Ellen with Jack directly across from her. She narrows her eyes when he kicks her foot and purposefully avoids her eye contact. 
She turns to Quinn with a wide smile. “Look at you. You’re such a star.”
Quinn laughs nervously. “What are you talking about?”
“We’re here. In Dallas. To watch you get drafted. This is a big deal!”
“Are you gonna cry?” Luke teases. 
Clementine snorts. “Of course I am. Stupid question, Lukey. I’m gonna be crying all weekend.” She wraps an arm around Quinn and leans in for a side hug. “I’m sorry I didn’t get to come to see you play at Michigan this year. I’ll try my best next season.”
“What?” Quinn asks, genuinely confused. “It’s okay. I-I didn’t expect you to. You’re busy at school.”
She shrugs, thanking the waitress for pouring out her glass of water before turning back to Quinn. “I want to, though. Jack and Luke and even Trevor keep texting me that I need to come to one.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Quinn says. And Clementine knows he means it too, the sweet boy. “I’m serious. You already stream the games and that’s completely unnecessary.”
“Sorry I want to support my best friend slash brother.”
Quinn pouts, “Well now I feel like an asshole.”
Clementine just smirks as everyone looks over the menu.
Dinner is simply wonderful. The food is yummy but the company is even better, as she finds herself laughing loudly at all of Ellen’s classic stories and Maeve bouncing off of her old friend seamlessly. Clementine just giggles under her breath as she watches Jim sit there in amusement and sometimes exasperation, ordering a second beer before their main courses even come. The boys are the boys, lively as ever and filled with love. The feeling of anticipation and excitement in the air has Clementine just putting her chin on her hand, observing the love around her. 
Her father would’ve loved this. 
As if he knows that she’s about to go too deep in her thoughts, Luke pulls on her ponytail. She shoots him a look as she’s swallowing her bite of gnocchi. “What?”
He beams. “Nothing.”
She rolls her eyes, but smiles nonetheless. Luke will always be her baby, but it’s moments like this when she realizes that he’s growing up so fast. As Quinn laughs at something his dad said and she watches Luke’s eyes drift towards him, she bites her lip. Soon enough, it’ll be Luke in his oldest brother’s shoes seeing what team will draft him. 
She blinks as a hand waves in front of her. “Earth to Clee,” Jack says. 
“What’s up?”
Jack gives her a hopeful look. “Can I try some of your pasta?”
“Cut me a piece of your steak and then we’ll talk.”
The next few days, Clementine and her mom explore Dallas. Ellen, Jack and Luke join them when they can, Jim comes on the rare time that he doesn’t have meetings and Quinn is just too busy to join at all. Clementine’s surprised Ellen, Jack and Luke are even tagging along with them. But she welcomes it. 
Until Jack is nudging her way too close to the edge of the sidewalk and she stumbles. Luke just laughs and both Ellen and Maeve don’t see it because they’re walking up ahead. Assholes. 
The day of the draft comes quickly, and her and her mom are staying in the same hotel the Hughes family is. They get ready right after lunch, as Maeve and Clementine take charge of being the communication liaison for the rest of the Hughes family who’s here on this special day to let Ellen and Jim handle what they need to. Ever since the day Ellen introduced Maeve to her family, Maeve’s become one of them. Clementine smiles as she watches Geegs, Ellen’s mom, and her mom hug, opening her own arms happily when it’s her turn. 
“Hi Sweetie.”
“Hi Geegs,” she lets the older woman place her hands on her cheeks. 
“You look more like your father the older you get. Beautiful.”
Clementine swallows as she reaches up to squeeze her pseudo-grandma’s wrists, before turning to greet the various other family members. Most of them she knows, some she doesn’t. Many she hasn’t seen since she went to college. 
She volunteers to wait downstairs for everyone to come while her mom makes a few trips to and from the hotel room where Ellen, Jim, Quinn, Jack and Luke are. Once she’s 99% sure everyone is at the hotel, she makes the trip up to the room herself. In the elevator mirror, she glances at her outfit. A blush pink wrap dress with white heeled sandals. She’s decided to keep her hair down, a hair elastic around her wrist that will no doubt be used the second she steps outside into the Dallas heat. Earrings that Ellen gave her for her 18th birthday are dangling from her ears.
And of course, the three friendship bracelets tied around her left wrist. They don’t match any part of her outfit, but it doesn’t matter. She rubs over them with her right thumb as the elevator door opens. 
When she knocks on the door, it’s swung open immediately by one of their many cousins. Emily, who can’t be more than five years old, immediately wraps her arms around Clementine’s legs.
Clementine laughs, maneuvering carefully so that she can shut the door behind her before bending down to fully hug the girl. “Hi Em.”
“Hi Clee!”
“How are you?” Clementine stands back up. “You look so pretty.”
“Thank you,” Emily reaches out to tug at Clementine’s hand and she obliges. “Everyone’s been looking for you.”
“Really?” Clementine asks skeptically as she follows the young girl down the short hallway.
“Well, maybe just me.” They come to a stop and there’s a big call of her name echoed throughout the room. Clementine smiles bashfully. The Hughes extended family has always been nice to her, but this isn’t her day. She eyes the camera out of the corner of her eye and blinks.
Sometimes she forgets that the three boys she calls her brothers have outside attention on them. Which is dumb, because duh. But she forgets they’re not just… Quinny, Jacky and Lukey. 
Though today, out of all days, nothing will let her forget. She thinks she’s okay with that. 
The sound of Luke calling out her name puts her a bit more at ease. “I was starting to think you got lost.” She rolls her eyes, ignoring him as she gets pulled into hugs. 
She eventually stops in front of her mother, who just raises an eyebrow and lowers her voice. “You have the cufflinks?”
She nods, blindly reaching into her purse and feeling around for her small gift for Quinn. “Yeah. I’ll give it to him when he starts getting dressed.”
Jim, who overhears the exchange between mother and daughter, eyes them suspiciously. “Cufflinks? Mae, you already got him-”
“Not from me,” Maeve sings with a mischievous smile. “Technically, this one is all Clem.” Jim rolls his eyes as Clementine smiles innocently, before she gets pulled into a conversation with Lara, one of the aunts. 
She notices immediately when Quinn is ducking into the attached bedroom to change and quickly scurries in his direction. She stops in the doorway, watching as Quinn starts unzipping the garment bag that’s holding the suit that Maeve gifted him for this very day. “You have a second?” Clementine says. 
Quinn turns around quickly with a small smile. “Of course.” Clementine walks in and reaches into the outside pocket, taking out the small black pouch. Immediately, Quinn is shaking his head. “Clem, no.”
“You don’t even know what it is!”
“I don’t have to. Clem, the fact that you’re here and I’m wearing a suit your mom made me. That’s enough. That’s more than enough.”
Clementine pouts, “It’s never enough. Open it.” With a skeptical look, he carefully takes the pouch for her hands and opens it. He gently lays the cufflinks out on the palm of his hand. They’re silver, a Q and an H written out in cursive on each. “It’s nothing too crazy, but-”
“It’s perfect,” Quinn breathes out. He closes his fest and looks up, pulling Clementine into a very tight hug. “Thank you so much.”
She can feel herself starting to tear up. Dammit. “I’m so…god, I don’t know.”
He pulls away and laughs. “You’re already crying?”
“I’m trying not to,” she whines, watching as he puts the cufflinks back into the pouch and places them on a nearby table. She clears her throat. “I’ll let you get ready.”
She smiles at him one last time before turning around to walk out of the room. “Clem?” He says. 
She whips her head back around. “Yeah?”
“I love you.” 
She swallows and puts a hand up. “Don’t,” she says, trying to keep her voice steady. He laughs and she laughs with him. “I love you too, Quinny. So much.”
He nods and she leaves the room and enters the other bedroom. Immediately, she’s met with Jack. He takes one look at her watery eyes and cackles. “Oh, I’m so glad you’re here.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
Jack’s eyes widen as he clasps his watch around his wrist. “Little ears!”
“You’re a big boy. You can handle it.” She sits down on the edge of the bed across from him, eyeing his formal attire. Only his blazer is missing. She softens. “You look great.”
Jack beams. “Thanks, Clee! You do too.”
“You think?” She says playfully, smoothing down her dress. 
“Yes,” he says genuinely, causing her to look at him. “You look beautiful.”
She just smiles, making grabby hands at him. Jack obliges, collapsing into her for a tight hug that has a tear falling down Clementine’s face. A few other ones slip out as Luke walks in and immediately wraps himself around the two. 
The ride to the arena is quick, Maeve in charge of driving her daughter, Aunt Lara, Uncle Rich and Emily. Once they’re parked, Maeve sees a text from Ellen saying that that the Hughes family who were riding on the bus also just got there and asks if she and Clementine can meet them for a second before they all go their separate ways — the Hughes family to their spots and the others to the designed family and friends area on the other side of the arena. Maeve furrows her eyebrows, muttering about what her old friend could possibly want, but obliges.
Clementine hears the crowd before she sees them, knowing that Quinn is somewhere in the thrall. Before Clementine and Maeve can be confused about where they go, they see Ellen waving them over. 
“What’s up? Did you forget something?” Maeve asks. 
Ellen shakes her head with a smile. Suspicious. “No. Come on. They just opened the doors.”
“What?” Maeve and Clementine ask in unison as they follow Ellen. 
“Surprise! You two are sitting with us.”
“Nope,” Ellen glares at Maeve. “No arguments. Quinn wanted you both with him when his name gets called, and it’s his day, so what he says goes.”
Clementine snorts. Dirty move pulling that. But she knows Ellen knows exactly what she’s doing. 
“Are you sure?” Clementine asks softly. 
Ellen pulls her into a side hug as they walk into the building together. “Of course, honey. You’re family. You know that.”
The only three people who are actually in their seats when the three of them go up to their row are Jack, Luke and Geegs, who all just smile and direct them both to their designated seats — Clementine inbetween Jack and Geegs while Maeve is inbetween Ellen and Jim. Maeve sits on the other side of Geegs, the seat momentarily open and Ellen immediately leaves because she’s getting signaled to do media.
Thank god that she doesn’t have to do that, Clementine thinks. She thinks she’d rather die. 
Clementina takes her seat and narrows her eyes playfully at Jack and Luke. “You little secret keepers.”
Luke laughs as Jack smirks. “Good to see you again.”
“Yeah,” she breathes out, looking around and taking in her surroundings for the first time. “This is bananas.”
“Pretty cool, isn’t it?” Luke says. And yeah, it is cool. And wonderful. But also scary? And Clementine’s not the one being drafted. 
Clementine sees Quinn and the Tkachuk brothers coming up to where they are. She’s only met Brady and Matthew a handful of times, but everytime has been as lovely as the last. Brady is immediately occupied by Jack and Luke so Clementine turns to Matthew, standing up and giving him a quick hug. 
“Hey Clementine. Long time no see,” Matthew says into her ear. 
Clementine chuckles. “Hi Matty. It’s good to see you.”
“You look beautiful. Most stunning woman in the room.”
She rolls her eyes. Fucking charmer. “The flirting didn’t work when we were 17. It’s not gonna work when we’re 20.”
Matthew pouts playfully. “At least I tried.” He smiles genuinely. “You excited? It’s a big day.”
“Yeah. It’s quite something.” They both look at Quinn and Brady and she nudges Matthew. “Big day for you guys too. I bet your parents are excited.”
“Yeah, they are. I’m sure you’ll see them later. Last I heard you were in college?”
“I am. Just finished my junior year at UCLA. One more to go.”
Matthew whistles. “Damn. You still wanna be a doctor?”
“That’s the plan.”
He shakes his head with a smirk. “Smartest Hughes by far.” She just shoves his shoulder playfully.
“Clem!” Brady interrupts them by corralling her into a hug, causing Matthew to almost fall. 
Clementine giggles. “Hey Brady. Congratulations.”
“Thank you,” Brady beams. Clementine finds him absolutely endearing. 
“Whatever team calls your name is lucky to have you.” Brady just keeps smiling and it’s so damn infectious.
Ellen and Jim return and Brady and Matthew take that as a signal that they should head back to their seats. Clementine smiles as the boys all exchange hugs — Quinn and Brady’s lasting longer than all the others — and settles back into her seat. Geegs offers her a bottle of water and Clementine thanks her with a grin. 
“I’m nervous,” she mutters to Geegs, so the boys can’t hear and make fun of her. 
“Me too, sweetie.” She says, patting her leg in such a grandmotherly way that makes Clementine miss her own. She catches Clementine looking down the row at Jack, Luke and Quinn, in that order and takes her hand to squeeze it. “They’re always gonna need you, you know?”
She whips her head back, Geegs with a light smile on her face. “What do you mean?” Clementine asks. 
“It doesn’t matter what team all three of them will eventually get drafted to, they’re always gonna need their big sister.” 
Immediately, Clementine shakes her head, trying not to fucking cry at an event that has nothing to do with her. “They’ve been doing just fine on their own.”
“Sweetie.” Geegs just says, looking at her with that look. 
And Clementine realizes the last time she saw that look, three years ago, a day before she was on a flight to LA, her father dying nine months prior but it feeling like yesterday. She had broken down in her childhood bedroom in Toronto, where everyone was downstairs about to have a farewell dinner to send her off. Geegs had seen her first before getting Maeve and Ellen, and then the three women were just holding Clementine and letting her cry. She had gone on a ramble about leaving home and going to LA and how she misses her dad and how her brothers are going to be so far away and are gonna forget about her. It was a lot for her at that time and the three most important women in her life helped her through it. 
She just leans her head on Geegs’s shoulder, before placing a kiss on her cheek. “Love you.”
“Love you too, sweet girl.” 
Geegs is about to say more before Jack starts incessantly tapping on Clementine’s shoulder. She rolls her eyes but catches Geegs’s knowing look before turning. “What?” Jack pouts at the snap in her tone and Clementine sighs. “Oh don’t give me that.”
“Why not? It works everytime.”
“What’s up?”
He just nudges her shoulder. “Just, I don’t know, wanna make sure you’re good.”
Clementine smiles, leaning her head on his shoulder as he rests his arm around the back of her seat. “I’m perfect.”
“You sure?”
She bites her lip. “Yeah. I just, I don’t know, not trying to bring down the mood but, I wish Dad was here, you know? He would’ve loved all this.”
Jack swallows and she feels him lean his head atop of hers. “Yeah,” he breathes out. “I was thinking that this morning, when we were all at the hotel and everything. I wish he was here too.”
She sneaks a look at Quinn, who’s chatting with his mom. “He would’ve been so proud.”
Jack hums. “Love you, Clee.”
It’s the second time she’s heard that from someone in the Hughes family in two minutes, but it still makes her emotional all the same. “Love you too, Jacky.” She breathes out and tries to gather herself. “God, can we get this show on the road? I’m getting antsy.”
Jack snorts. “Already? It’s gonna be a long night for you then.”
She narrows her eyes. “Careful. If you want me to sneak you a sip of alcohol later, you have to be nice to me.”
Jack huffs. “I can’t wait until the day I’m legal. The drinking age being 19 here is ruining my vibe.”
“Got a couple more years until that, buddy.” And then the arena lights start dimming and a tribute for the Humboldt Broncos tragedy starts. 
It begins. 
When Quinn’s name gets called seventh overall to the Vancouver Canucks, Clementine jumps out of her seat and immediately starts crying as she watches him hug his brothers, before hugging her tightly.
“I’m so proud of you, Q.” She mutters into his shoulder.
“Thanks, Clem.”
“I love you so much.”
“I love you too.” And she lets go to let him hug his grandmother. 
Clementine catches Ellen’s gaze right after Quinn hugs his mother and they share a watery smile, as she watches Maeve squeeze Quinn and kiss him on the cheek. As she watches him go down the stairs and give Brady a hug — she cheered extra loud when Ottawa called his name out earlier — she takes a deep shaky breath but laughs when Luke urges her to take Quinn’s seat. She sits down and squeezes Ellen’s hand, before Ellen kisses her on the cheek. 
Clementine is so overwhelmed and proud and excited for what’s to come, while also being very emotional about how much hard work it took for Quinn to get here. She’s had a front seat on seeing him grow up and it’s been the most incredible ride. 
Later, when they finally all meet up with Quinn again at one of the suites in the arena, she’s about half a vodka cranberry in and just watches all his admirers greet him, the Canucks jersey and hat adorning him nicely. When he finally comes up to her, she beams. 
Quinn laughs as he hugs her, “Already starting to drink?”
“It’s a big day,” she says, pulling away to look him up and down. “Holy shit, dude.”
“Careful. I’m mic’ed up.”
She rolls her eyes. “They can bleep that out. I’m so happy for you. How you feeling?”
“Good, good.” That’s all the words they exchange before other family members rightfully step in to offer their congratulations.
She knows it won’t fully sink in until later, probably when he makes his NHL debut. But what a special day that will live in Clementine’s memory forever.
(It’s not until they’re transferring the celebration to a nearby restaurant / bar does Clementine remember. She literally stops in her tracks, and Quinn, who’s walking beside her and was talking about all the media stuff he had to do, looks at her, confused. 
“Everything good?” He asks. 
Clementine digs into her purse to pull out an envelope. “Yeah. I just almost forgot.”
He takes the envelope, still confused. “What’s this?”
“It’s from Dad.” Quinn blinks at the familiar scribble of his name. “I’ve been keeping it safe this whole time.”
“Fuck, Clem. I-what’s in it?”
She shrugs. “Whatever he wanted to say to you during this moment. I got one when I graduated high school. I’m almost certain your parents probably got theirs today or will eventually from my mom.” She smiles sadly as Quinn sniffs, still staring at the envelope. “Read it later,” she urges softly. “It’ll still be there tomorrow.”
Quinn nods, putting it inside his suit jacket as they continue walking. “Yeah, that’s probably for the best.” He pauses for a few seconds before hugging Clementine the tightest he’s hugged her today. “Thank you.”
“I’m just the messenger,” Clementine says, but she hugs him back. “I know he’s so proud of you, wherever he is.”
Quinn just nods into her shoulder and Clementine feels like they’re kids again)
2019 - los angeles, california
you’re the only friend i need
sharing beds like little kids
and laughing till our ribs get tired
but that will never be enough
- “ribs” by lorde
Clementine’s trying to stifle a yawn as the speeches start. At least they got over the majority of the speeches yesterday during all-university commencement. 
She knows her mom, Ellen and Jim are in the crowd somewhere, from the selfie she got from them as she was waiting to walk to her seat. Thankfully it’s not that hot out, especially for LA, otherwise she’d be more restless than she already is in her lace white dress. Having a ceremony outside is kinda nice, actually, especially with the wind brushing around her legs. 
She walks on the stage, shakes the dean’s hand, gets her diploma and doesn’t faceplant at all, so she takes that as a win. She cheers for her friends when they walk across, and she’s still trying to wrap her head around the fact that four years have gone by so slowly yet so quickly. It’s been filled with great and tough moments, but she’s grateful despite it all. 
They throw their hats up and she embraces her friends, thinking about how they’re all gonna be spread out around the country in just a few months. Clementine’s staying in California, at least, heading to Stanford for medical school in the fall, but it’ll be so different. 
But that’s the beauty of it all, right?
After exchanging a few texts with her mom to establish a meeting place, she briskly walks over to the area, eager to see her family. But she stops in her tracks when she sees Quinn, Jack and Luke. 
They’re not supposed to be here. She blinks, wondering if she’s imagining it. But she hears Luke scream her name and it’s real. All in various colors of a button up and slacks and they’re fucking here. 
“Oh my god,” she says to herself before running over — as fast as she can in these heels — and absolutely crashing into Luke. Her cap falls off but she can’t even care. Jack’s next and hearing his laugh so close to her ear makes her fully start sobbing. By the time Quinn is swaying her side to side and handing her a huge bouquet of flowers “from all three of us,” she’s afraid her eyeliner is ruined. 
She quickly hugs her mom, Ellen and Jim, accepting two more smaller bouquets and turns back to the boys. “You guys are not-how are you here?”
“This was the plan all along,” Quinn laughs. “Come on, Clem. We weren’t gonna miss this.”
“B-but you’re supposed to be, I don’t know, somewhere! Jack, you’re supposed to be doing whatever the hell people do a week before their draft. And Luke, I swear you told me you had a tournament.”
Everyone’s laughing at her disbelief. “Just a few white lies here and there,” Jack says with a proud smile. “Quinn’s right. We wouldn’t miss this.”
“Congratulations, Clemmy!” Luke beams and Clementine wants to squeeze his fucking cheeks. “You didn’t trip walking across the stage.”
“And isn’t that a relief,” Jim jokes. 
Clementines points at the parents in mock accusation after adjusting her hold on all the flowers and her diploma. “You guys knew about this all along, didn’t you?”
“Of course we did,” Maeve rolls her eyes with a grin. “They’ve been planning this for months. Jack literally said he wouldn’t go to Worlds if it was at the same time as your graduation.”
She whacks him lightly across the back of his head with her diploma. “Stupid.”
“Hey!” Jack whines, rubbing the back of his head. 
“Okay, pictures! Before Clem completely cries her makeup off.” Ellen exclaims as they all laugh. Pictures take way too long but Clementine can’t even complain, even when Jack blows raspberries on her and she wants to strangle him. 
As they all walk around campus, Clementine giving an unofficial tour, she points out her old residences, where she used to study, where she’s cried, where she’s laughed. This campus means so much to her and houses so many memories that they’re not a part of. She also gets updates since the last time she saw them over her brief winter break. Luke officially committed to the NTDP, Quinn made his debut with the Canucks that she’s still upset she couldn’t make it for, both Quinn and Jack went to the World Championships, not to mention that Jack’s draft is literally in a week.  
They’re so interested in hearing about her last semester of college and congratulate her officially on Stanford even though Clementine thinks that’s nothing compared to what they’re accomplishing. She voices that, and Quinn immediately gives her a disapproving look that is kinda funny coming from someone younger than her and Luke rolls his eyes with the bold sass of a 15 year old.
Maybe that’s a good thing, Clementine thinks as Jack starts saying how he always talks to his friends about how his “smart, cool older sister” is gonna be a doctor and go to one of the top schools in the country. They all have their talents and they see each other’s accomplishments as the coolest thing in the world. 
She knows not everyone has that kind of support system. She is so blessed that she does, especially today. 
She’s surprised even more when she’s told her mom booked a reservation for one of her favorite farm to table places nearby for dinner, and she indulges herself with two glasses of wine, turning a blind eye when Quinn sneaks a sip. She glares when Luke tries though. Quinn’s at least closer to legal age. 
As she gets healthily tipsy, giggling at every single thing being said and Quinn subtly filling up her glass of water, a tear slips out again. Luckily, no one notices because she wipes it away very quickly.
Everything’s moving so fast. She wishes it would slow down. 
2019 - vancouver, british columbia 
slow down, you’re doing fine
you can’t be everything you wanna be before your time
although it’s so romantic on the borderline tonight
- “vienna” by billy joel
Clementine likes to think she’s more prepared this time around. But deep down, she asks herself if she really is. 
The vibe leading up to this draft compared to last year has been a bit different. While there was a good amount of focus on Quinn last year, it’s ramped so much higher this time around for Jack. She’s heard all about the hype. The draft of the Americans. The draft where Jack’s projected to go first.
And she really applauds Jack for handling it as well as he has. Clementine turns 22 in two weeks and she doesn’t think she could be as collected as Jack is at 18. But then again, all three brothers have been preparing for something like this their whole lives. 
Her and her mother are sitting with the family again with the draftees and this time it’s not a surprise. Maeve once again bought Jack’s suit and Clementine gifted him a watch this morning, and also gave him the letter from Miguel because she vowed to herself that she wouldn’t almost forget like she did for Quinn’s. Jack had just given her the longest hug. 
Jack’s been smiles all morning, confidence radiating off his skin. Clementine knows that most of that is genuine  — Jack has always worn his fearlessness the most outwardly compared to his brothers. So when he says he isn’t nervous, she believes him.
At least this time she has a clearer idea of where Jack will be. It’s either going to be New Jersey or New York. She, and everyone in the hockey world, would be shocked if he ended up in Chicago. 
New Jersey would be extra special. Her dad grew up there. So she hopes all the prediction articles she’s read are correct.
So now here they are. A different country and arena this time around. She’s sitting next to Luke and Geegs and there’s a lot more media that’s paying attention to them. Like right now, where it’s only her and Geegs at their seats because the entire Hughes family is doing media. Being on the bus with them this time around instead of driving to the arena herself, Clementine got more of a look into the behind the scenes stuff before the draft starts. She watched with pride as Jack walked down the carpet, signing autographs and probably charming every single person out there. 
As she walked into Rogers Arena, she got more nervous, smoothing down her olive green dress with her sweaty palms. She’s wearing the same white sandals she wore last year because of some sentimental thought she had in her head while figuring out her outfit. Friendship bracelets are on, hair is fully up this time in a high curled ponytail and her head’s all over the place.
But she also is distracted as Jack has wanted to introduce her to everyone. She’s met a lot of the kids in the program at least once, but it’s been awhile and it feels like she’s meeting them again. Everyone except for Alex, who has crashed some of Jack’s FaceTimes with her since he’s lived with the Hughes’ the last two years. Because of that, she’s inadvertently adopted him as another younger brother of sorts. Cole has the widest smile on his face and Clementine just wants to put him in her pocket. Trevor’s laugh is so contagious that Clementine understands why Jack always says him and Trevor are almost the same person. 
As she watches all of them together, she feels sad that she’s had to miss out on stuff like this, watching her younger brothers find their friends and their way and her only appearing in the stories the boys tell but not actually being in the stories. But what can she do? She chose to go to California for school. She’s choosing to stay in California for school. All with their full support and encouragement. 
That doesn’t mean she can’t be sad that she’s missing things back home. Wherever that is.
She snaps herself out of it though, those pangs of sadness she’s felt throughout the morning. It’s not fair on her emotions that she literally just packed her own stuff up from UCLA a week ago and now is here for one of Jack’s biggest moments. He’s so excited. She doesn’t want to cloud that. 
Jack’s ability to be so happy and excited is one of the best things about him.
Once everyone’s back to their seats, she’s bouncing her leg. Without looking, Quinn just puts a hand on her thigh to calm her down and she wonders for the 100th time in the last week when the fuck he got so observant and mature. 
(He always has been. Clementine’s just in a state of constant denial lately.) 
Jack gets picked first overall to the New Jersey Devils and Clementine, to no one’s surprise, starts crying. 
“Let’s go, baby!” He practically screams into her ear as he hugs her.
She laughs through her tears. “Congrats, Jacky. Love you.”
“Love you more, Clee.”
Jack walks down and makes his way onto the stage and Clementine is having the most intense case of deja vu in her life. Maeve hands her a tissue and she knows that some camera is capturing her wiping her eyes carefully. Hopefully the camera captures her whacking Quinn as he makes fun of her as well. She puts her hands over her heart watching Jack shake Gary Bettman’s hand. She can feel her dad’s love and happiness as if he’s here. 
And maybe he is, even if not physically. He’s here somewhere.  
(Hearing “Coming Home” by Diddy - Dirty Money and Skylar Grey playing as Jack walked down had Clementine wanting to slam her head through a wall. She knows Jack probably didn’t put too much thought into the song, but as she hears Skylar’s voice crooning on about letting the rain wash the pain away and coming home and forgiving mistakes, what else is she supposed to feel?)
She watches one by one as Jack’s friends get drafted with a big smile while enjoying the quiet commentary that Jim is offering. She’s still trying to wrap her head around the fact that Jack will probably be playing in the NHL this year and she still clearly remembers him hiding her shoes when they were younger. 
Clementine laughs as Jack launches himself at her when she sees him later, laughs even more when he and his buddies are being stupid and so boy-like that it makes her heart ache. At some point, someone has control of the aux and “The Spins” by Mac Miller starts playing and Clementine feels fond. Quinn appears beside her and she leans into him. 
“Is this how you feel all the time when you see us?” He asks. 
She breathes out. “Yup.” 
“I don’t know how you do it.”
“Me neither, Q.” 
He chuckles. “The curse of being an older sibling.”
“You have no fucking idea.” 
“The first thought I had when his name was called was that Miguel would’ve screamed.” 
She snorts. “Probably true. I gave Jack his letter this morning.”
“I know. I accidentally walked in just as he was finishing reading it.” He pauses suddenly. “Will you come watch when I come to play the Sharks?” 
She looks over at the vulnerable look in his eyes. “Of course.” She realizes then where Quinn’s fears are going. Michigan is only an hour and a half away from Jersey by plane, while Vancouver is four hours away by plane. She’s gonna be the closest to him out of the seven of them. “Of course I will, Quinn. Always.”
“Thanks,” Quinn replies, voice a bit rough. She just presses a kiss to his cheek.
The next morning, Clementine’s woken up by a knock on the door. She groans, but the knocks keep happening so she kicks herself off the bed, throws on a UCLA sweatshirt over herself and opens the door. Jack’s standing at the doorway, hair all over the place and t-shirt and shorts wrinkly. 
“What the fuck, Jack?” She asks bluntly. 
“Sorry.” At least he looks apologetic. “Shit, sorry. I’m just a bit restless.”
“Get in. Quietly. We can talk on the balcony.” Jack gives her a thankful smile as he follows her into the room. They tiptoe past so that Maeve doesn’t wake up, Clementine grabbing her phone along the way. 
She groans as he closes the balcony door and she sinks down into one of the seats. “Jack, it’s 8 in the goddamn morning. Did you not see Ellen and I knocking back shots yesterday?”
Jack snorts. “Who didn’t? I’m pretty sure at least 10 people were filming.”
“What can I say? Your family and friends think I’m entertaining.” She yawns. “What’s up, superstar? What’s got your mind racing at this ungodly hour?”
He shrugs and Clementine wants to roll her eyes. But her semi-awake brain reminds her that this is how all three of them, but especially Jack, has always been. When there’s something bothering him, she always gives him time and lets him come to her. 
A few minutes of silence, before:
“I’m not in over my head, right?”
Clementine blinks. Frankly, she’s too tired and hungover to be a big sister right now. But she’ll try her best. “Jack Rowden Hughes. Don’t tell me you were just drafted number one in the National Hockey League, which is something that had been predicted for at least two years now, and are telling me you’re in over your head.”
He flinches. “Don’t full name me. It’s too early for that.”
She kicks him in the ribs. “You’re a good player, Jack. Which is honestly probably an understatement. I’ve seen you play since you were literally a child. It’s almost freaky how good you are.”
“But you have to say that.”
“I don’t have to say anything,” Clementine says. “I don’t have the time and energy to be bullshitting people anymore, especially you.”
Jack looks down at his hands. “I guess the expectations have always been there, especially recently. But it’s so much more now and that’s kinda scary, Clee.”
“Everything new is always gonna be scary,” Clementine says softly, the breeze waving with her words. “Always. I don’t care how ready for it you’ve been. I’ve been wanting to be a doctor since I was 16. You think I’m not scared to go to Stanford in the fall?”
He furrows his eyebrows. “B-but you’re so smart. You’re gonna be fine.”
“And you’re so talented. So you’re gonna be fine.” She says pointedly. “Realistically, no one can predict the future. Of course I hope that you and Quinn have a great rookie year and a long, successful career ahead of you. Same with Lukey when it’s his turn. But inevitably, there’s gonna be hard moments. That’s just life. You and I both know that. Hell, we’ve been through that together. Will people talk shit about your hard moments more than mine? Yeah, unfortunately, which I hate and wish I could change. But those people, you need to remember, don’t know you. The people who do know you and who love you whether you have skates on your feet or not? Those are the people you should be listening to. And we all love you and are so, so proud of you, Jacky.”
He scooches his chair over and leans his head on her shoulder. “How do you always know what to say?”
“I think I’ve known you all long enough just to know what to say so that you’ll listen to me.” She plays with his hair, staring out into the harbor the hotel borders. “You got all the time in the world to be who you want to be, Jack. And maybe sometimes that requires being in your head a bit. But you’ll come out okay in the end. You always have.”
She swears she feels a few of his tears drip onto her shirt. “I love you, Clee. I know I say it a lot but I mean it everytime.”
“I know you do.”
“I cried when you got your diploma last week.”
“I know. Luke told me.”
“Traitor,” he says with no heat. He throws his legs over her lap and tucks himself into her. “I-I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“I don’t know what I’d do without you,” she parrots back.
He looks up at her from where he’s tucked his head under her chin and Clementine smiles sadly. He looks so young when he does that. He pouts. “You look sad.”
“I’m not sad.” 
He gives her a look. “Clementine Ana Sandoval.”
“Hey. You can’t do that,” she protests weakly. He waits. “I’m not sad, really. It’s just been an emotional week. In a happy way.”
“You can still be emotional in a happy way and be sad.”
She smiles. “I guess you’re right.” She kisses the top of his head. “I am so proud of you, Jack. Truly. I love you so much.”
“I love you the most, Clee. I’m serious.”
She looks at him with a smile, because she knows there’s just no way. He smiles back brightly in the morning light. 
His lips quiver and she frowns. “We’re gonna be so far apart now.” He whispers.
“We haven’t lived close to each other in awhile.”
“But it’s gonna be even farther.”
“Like I told Quinn, whenever you come play at San Jose, I’ll be there. I promise.”
“And what if I need you other times?”
“When have you called me and I haven’t picked up? Or haven’t called back within the hour?” Silence from him, because he knows she has a point. “Doesn’t matter how far apart we are. I’ll always be there for you.”
He nods, once to indicate that he heard, twice to inject those words into his veins. He kisses her cheek and she bites her lip. She’ll always love him. 
(They end up dozing off. Maeve wakes up and is very confused when she looks to see her daughter’s empty bed. Her gaze shifts to the balcony beyond the glass door and she smiles, watching Clementine and Jack’s chests fall and rise in sync. 
Maeve snaps a picture and sends it to Ellen, before getting out of bed to shower. She’ll give them some more time to rest.)
2021 - canton, michigan
laugh until we think we’ll die
barefoot on a summer night
never could be sweeter than with you
- “home” by edward sharpe & the magnetic zeros
The second her mom pulls into the Hughes’s driveway after 13 hours of being in the car, Clementine immediately runs to Ellen, who’s standing by the doorway waiting to greet them.
She breathes in Ellen’s familiar citrus perfume and melts into her arms. A year and a half into the pandemic has felt like 30 years, and Clementine just feels lucky that she can be here. She steps aside to let Maeve and Ellen embrace, getting the luggage from the car. 
“Where are Jimmy and the boys?” Maeve asks as they all gather in the kitchen and Ellen starts reheating some lasagna.
“Playing golf. They’ll be back soon.”
All three of them are collectively a bottle of white wine in deep when they hear a call pull into the driveway. Clementine can hear the moment the boys see the Massachusetts license plate because she hears Luke scream “Maeve and Clemmy are here!” and three car doors slamming before they barrel into the house. 
Clementine just waves her fingers and giggles. Quinn reaches her first, hugging her and lifting her off the stool as she laughs into his neck. Luke’s next — has he grown even more? — and she places three consecutive kisses on his cheek. Jack’s smile is as bright as ever and she threads one hand in his hair as he spins her around. 
Then finally, Jim, who’s been patiently waiting his turn. When she hugs him, she turns her cheek so that it’s against his chest. He places a fatherly kiss in her hair and she feels like a little girl again. 
In her wine drunk stage, she happily listens to the boys babble on about whatever, Maeve chiming in from time to time with stories about what it’s like trying to teach ten year olds over Zoom. At one point, Jack spits out a mouthful of beer and Quinn’s grimacing while Clementine grabs a paper towel without missing a beat in her retelling of how she should’ve gotten an A on a final paper she submitted last semester. 
(Jack had rolled his eyes, muttering “fucking overachiever” under his breath which Clementine glared at him for. Mr. Number One Pick shouldn’t be talking) 
It sucks that Luke won’t be able to get the same draft experience his brothers did, but in a way, it’s a wonderful compromise. He gets to be at home surrounded by his family and friends. Sure, media is still somehow finding their way in because it’s the draft and because he’s a Hughes but it won’t be nearly as much as it has been before. 
Clementine finds a bit of comfort in knowing that Luke won’t immediately jump into the NHL like Jack did. Not that she doesn’t want him to. She wants them to get everything they want in life. But Luke is her baby. He’s perpetually eight years old in her mind. 
And this isn’t the time to dwell on this, but Jack’s rookie year was so tough on him. She’ll never forget getting a call at 2 am his time, absolutely hyperventilating over the phone. After that, she demanded he call her once every week for at least two months after. Luckily, Quinn had a great rookie year and Jack’s second year was better, but goodness, she needs a bit more time to prepare before she starts getting middle of the night calls from three Hughes brothers involving a world she’s still learning about day by day. 
The next week is relaxing and lovely, Clementine having nothing to do for the first time in awhile having taken two weeks off from her summer job at Boston Children’s for this. She lets herself sleep in, takes naps in the backyard and on the boat, moves around slowly in the kitchen to help prepare dinner and cherishes the sounds of Quinn, Jack and Luke’s laughter echoing through the house. 
The night before the draft, Clementine feels a bit restless. She tosses aside her blanket and tiptoes downstairs in a Michigan sweatshirt that she’s stolen at some point this week. Wiping her eyes, she quietly opens cabinets and pokes through the pantry, concluding that the Hughes household has all the ingredients she needs to make brown sugar cookies. Luckily, sound doesn’t travel much in this house, she’s learned. Clementine starts to get to work. 
By the time she’s waiting for the oven to finish preheating so she can put cookies into the oven, she hears footsteps coming down the stairs. She’s about to open her mouth to apologize but snaps it shut when she sees Quinn, all cozied up in a black t-shirt and gray sweats, hair absolutely all over the place. 
He blinks. “Why are you awake?”
“Your guess is as good as mine.”
Quinn scans over the three trays of cookies waiting to go in. “Didn’t both our moms bake a gigantic cake today?”
He hums. The oven beeps and before she can react, he slides the trays in. As he shuts the oven door, Clementine pours him a glass of water as she sets a timer on her phone.
“Why are you awake at this hour, Quinny?”
Quinn shrugs. “I was up to use the bathroom. Thought I heard something downstairs and wanted to check it out.”
She yawns. “Yeah, sorry.”
“I didn’t know you baked.”
“Newer habit. One of my roommates, Allie, you’ve met Allie over FaceTime, she’s a stress baker. Whenever exam season hit, there were baked goods all over our apartment. Picked up on a thing or two.”
Quinn hums. “What’s Allie up to this summer?”
“She just started her residency in Florida.”
“So she graduated?”
“Yup. Now I’m all alone.” Quinn rolls his eyes because he knows that’s not true. It isn’t. Clementine still has two other roommates as they continue looking for a third. 
“I still can’t believe you had time to do med school applications as well as a full course load,” Quinn says. “Like, I know you said that’s kinda normal. But how did you have the time?”
Clementine snickers. “I’m not sure how I did. Pure rage and fumes? ”
“I mean, you’re superwoman. You always have been. But damn. There are really no breaks for you, eh?”
“Coming here is a break.”
“Good,” she ruffles his hair. Quinn sighs. “Can’t believe it’s finally little Lukey’s turn.”
“Yeah. I’ve been having a crisis about it all summer. Makes me feel old.”
“You’re only 24?”
“Exactly,” she deadpans. “Old.”
Quinn rolls his eyes. They both look up as someone else comes down the stairs. Alex, who came in just a few hours ago, rubs his eyes with his fists. “What the fuck are you two doing up awake?”
“Clem’s making cookies.”
Alex blinks. “And you are?”
“Keeping her company.”
Alex just shrugs before sitting down across from her. He nods in thanks when Clementine fills up a glass of water for him. “Haven’t really gotten the chance to catch up with you. How’s Stanford?”
Clementine snickers. “Good. Well, as good as it can be in a pandemic. School’s school. First two years were mostly by the textbooks. Next two will be textbooks and clinicals so I’ll be in the hospital. Hopefully.”
“Like, actually working with patients. Or like, observing in the hospital with a supervisor. The good stuff.”
“Sounds smart,” Alex hums. “How do you feel that all your babies will have been drafted 24 hours from now?” 
Fucking asshole. She doesn’t know why Ellen has a soft spot towards Alex when he’s clearly a nuisance. He just laughs at her pout and Quinn shakes his head with a close-lipped smile. “Don’t get her started. It’s 1 a.m.”
Her eyes roll so hard they might as well fall out of her head. “Don’t you have siblings?” He nods. “Are they younger or older?”
“Older. I’m the youngest.”
She huffs and Quinn grins. “That makes sense,” she says. “You don’t get it.”
Alex gets up and pulls Clementine into a quick side hug as he gets more water. “I only got to hear about how you were crying when Quinn and Jack got called. Now I’ll get to see for myself.”
“Careful,” she says wearily. Careful of what, she doesn’t know, but she needs to instill some sort of dominance as the oldest here. Quinn snickers into his sweatshirt. 
Her timer beeps a few minutes later and she shuts it off. Quinn ushers her aside while he grabs the trays and sets them on the counter to cool while Clementine digs around for a large tupperware container to store them. Alex just stares at them hungrily and she can’t even be annoyed. She sees that look in all the Hughes brothers’ eyes all the time in the kitchen. And Alex might as well be a Hughes. 
Once they each finish a cookie, Clementine shoos them both upstairs as she follows behind them to try and go back to sleep. Tomorrow’s a big day.
The next morning comes quickly. She’s sharing a room and bed with her mother but she’s nowhere to be found. Instead, Clementine gets woken up by Jack jumping on her bed. Thankfully, he avoids anything that could really hurt her, but she still grunts, whacking him in the stomach and shooing him out of the room before beginning to get ready. She can already hear various family and friends coming through the front door downstairs.
She gets dressed in a cream romper she found on sale a month ago and pulls out, of course, the white sandals. She rummages through her backpack to find the letter — the final one she’s in charge of — and quickly debates on when she’ll give it to Luke. 
Now, she decides, putting it on the bedside table. Before the cameras turn on. She slips her phone into the pockets of her romper — she’s pumped they even have pockets — and walks down the stairs. Immediately at the front door, she’s met with Emily. She’s nine now and Clementine just goes on her knees and holds her tightly. Clementine then quickly runs into Ellen, who wants to introduce her to some people — some she’s met a handful of times, some she hasn’t met once.
It’s lovely, in a way, knowing that while their lives are so intertwined, there’s always someone new to meet or someone to reunite with. The support system for all of them is so much larger than she could’ve ever dreamed of, as she grins when Sophia, who she last saw at Quinn’s draft, hugs her tight like they just saw each other yesterday. She’s in her second year at Michigan on the lacrosse team and so smiley and lovely.
Once she spots Luke, she taps his shoulder and he excuses himself from talking to one of Jim’s old friends. Luke’s constant smile this whole week has been small but genuine. As his eyes drift down to the envelope in her hands, she sees him swallow. 
Clementine hands it over and claps a hand on his shoulder. “Later, yeah? When you have a minute.”
Luke just nods expectantly. Like almost everything in life, his brothers have gotten their letters before him. If Clementine sometimes thinks too much about it, it makes her almost sad that Luke’s always had someone do something before him, whether it’s her or Quinn and Jack. But it’s also a blessing, in a way, she thinks, because in her eyes, Luke is the best out of all of them in pretty much every single way possible because he’s seen how the older three have messed up and can take from that. She knows Quinn and Jack agree. 
“Thanks for being here.”
“Of course.” She pulls him into a hug and breathes in. “Is that the cologne I gave you yesterday?”
“Cute.” Clementine gives him one last squeeze before pulling away. The house is filling up more and more and she knows her time is limited. “If I don’t catch you before, just remember that I love you, okay? And I’m so proud of you.”
“Thanks, Clemmy.”
“I’ll look at the schedule soon and try to come down to see a game when I can.”
His eyes light up. “Really?”
“Duh. I gotta put all this Michigan merch I have to some use.” 
Luke shrugs. “I don’t know-I just figured, you saw Quinn at Michigan and you’ve seen Quinn and Jack in the show. Why would you come to see something you’ve already seen, you know?”
“Because it’s you, Lukey.” She squeezes his arm. “You’re always going to be my baby brother.”
She feels him relax as he folds himself into her arms again. 
The day passes by in a blur as Clementine is enjoying catching up with everyone. And there’s a feeling of gratitude in that everyone can gather with each other again after so much isolation in different parts of the continent for so long. She sees Josh for the first time in literal years and happily spends time catching up with him. 
For most of the day, she forgets that it’s draft day. She’s just bouncing around, sipping casually on her cider and snacking. The cookies she made the night before are gone very quickly, which makes her laugh to herself. 
Once Luke disappears upstairs to get dressed, she finds herself leaning against a doorway, staring out into the living room that’s filled with people but not really looking at anything. 
“You okay?”
She turns to see her mom, pearl earrings matching her deep red blouse. Clementine grins. “Yeah. Just zoned out for a minute.”
Maeve lets out a heavy breath. “Last one.”
“It’s weird. I always knew he’d get here. All of them. But then it happens. And you think you’re prepared, but you’re not.” Clementine perks up. Her mom doesn’t often get into these types of moods, always the fun-loving, energetic woman. Her dad was more the outwardly perceptive one. Maeve just continues with a small smile. “From the most adorable little boys to incredible young men.”
Clementine laughs. “They’ll always be little to me.”
“Take how you feel and multiply that by three hundred and that’s where I’m at as I’ve seen all of you together this week,” Maeve says with a snort. She hooks her chin on Clementine’s shoulder. “Love you, Clementine.”
“Love you too, Mom.”
Soon enough, everyone’s gathered in front of the TV, with a few cameras around and someone on standby who’s gonna do an interview right when Luke’s name gets called. On the couch and chairs at the front, from right to left, are Geegs, Ellen, Quinn, Luke, Jack and Jim. Her and Maeve are standing right behind Jim and Alex and Josh are next to Clementine. 
This time, it could be Anaheim or Columbus or Detroit. Maybe San Jose. 
Or it could be New Jersey. 
She knows Jack has been pretty outwardly casual about it — he knows nothing, he’s just hoping. But she knows Jack. He wants his younger brother with him. And it would be lovely for those two to play on the same team. What are the odds? 
(Apparently, pretty good.)
Luke gets drafted to New Jersey fourth overall. The whole house explodes with cheers. She’s never seen Jack so excited. Maeve puts her hands on Jim’s shoulders as Luke is hugging Quinn and Jim turns around, eyes wet. That’s what sets Clementine off crying. When it’s her turn to get a hug from Luke, she rises to her tiptoes and throws her arms around his neck. 
“Congrats, Lukey. Proud of you.”
“Thanks, Clemmy. I love you.”
She smacks a kiss on his cheek. “I love you too.” Luke then hugs Maeve, Alex and Josh before continuing down the line. 
From there, there’s media to be down and they quickly set up. Most of the family stays in the room as the three boys adjust themselves on the couch, ready to answer some questions. After Geegs gives her a big hug and Luke throws on Jack’s Devils jersey, Clementine bites her lip and suddenly spins on her heel, feeling overwhelmed. 
Alex notices, furrowing his eyebrows as he lightly grabs her arm. “You okay?”
Clementine nods with a smile. “Yeah. I’m just gonna get some air.”
Alex just nods. “Okay,” he squeezes her shoulder in a side hug. “Don’t be too long or we’ll all come looking for you.”
“I won’t,” she promises, before quietly slipping out the screen door in the backyard. 
She takes a deep breath, wiping her eyes and deciding to take a little walk around the block. She stares out at the sky, currently painted in hues of pink and purple as the sun is starting to set. Michigan is beautiful. She can understand why they all love it. She fiddles with the three friendship bracelets and her vision blurs as she starts lightly crying again. 
It’s been a long time coming. All of this always has. But like her mom said, it doesn’t mean she’s ready for it. 
After a nice walk, Clementine sits down on the swing in the front yard. She can hear the commotion happening inside the house and in the backyard, but she’s not quite ready to go back in yet. She watches the sun continue setting, thankful that it’s just windy and cool enough to not have the mosquitos attacking her. 
Quinn’s in Vancouver. Jack’s in New Jersey. Both of them are looking to stay long term. Luke will be going to Michigan for at least a year. If Clementine’s inkling is right, it’ll be two, just like Quinn did. And then Luke will be in New Jersey. She’s in California for two more years. And then who knows where for residency afterwards. Ellen and Jim are mainly based in Michigan and her mom’s out in Massachusetts.
Will they ever all live close enough to each other again? Will there ever be more than just the holidays, which started already looking different ages ago when the boys started having tournaments at that time of the year? Will there ever be a time where they’re all able to be together for more than two — maybe three if they’re lucky — times a year? 
She’s accepted by now that no, they probably will never live near each other again or see each other more than they currently do. But she can hope, right? 
Because she’s made a home for herself in a few places now. Massachusetts, where Mom is. California, where she’s been for six years, She hasn’t lived in Toronto for six years now, but that will always be home too. 
But home, Clementine realizes, as she hears Quinn’s contagious laughter filter from the house, is this. Home is Quinn’s subtle loyalty and kindness that knows no bounds. Home is Jack’s contagious vivacity and love that envelopes every room. Home is Luke’s steadfast resilience and empathy that pulls everyone in. Home is Ellen’s warm hugs and Jim’s proud eyes. Home is her own mother’s…everything. 
Home is the way her father lives in all their memories, even six years after he’s gone. All the people he loved the most. That’s home. 
The front door opens. She looks up as Luke walks out and immediately smiles. He looks good in Devils red. “Hey.”
He grins. “Hi. I was looking for you.”
“Just needed some air. Are you done with media and interviews?”
“Yeah,” he slides in next to her. She watches his handle fiddle with the envelope, “Luke” written unmistakingly in Miguel’s handwriting. “I wanted to read this with you.”
Clementine shakes her head. “Nope. I was given very specific instructions. Your-”
“Eyes only,” Luke finishes. “Yeah, yeah. I know. But could you stay here while I read it to myself?”
She softens with a smile. “Of course I can.” 
She watches as his shaky hands carefully tear open the envelope, biting her lip as he unfolds the paper. She then purposely looks away as Luke leans forward, elbows on his knees, eyes scanning the words. She places a hand on his back, rubbing small circles to let him know that she’s here. Once she hears the sound of him folding the paper, she turns to look at him. His lips are quivering and she corrals him into a hug. 
“I wish he was here,” Luke chokes out through tears and Clementine tilts her chin up to the sky to try to hold back her own. “I miss him so much, Clemmy.”
“Me too, Lukey,” she whispers, letting him place his head on her lap. “Me too.”
“It’s so unfair how little time we had with him,” he says and well, Clementine’s fully crying again because yeah, she was 17 when her dad died. But Luke was 11. Not even a teenager. “All I could really think of when I got picked was that Miguel’s from Jersey.”
Clementine smiles. “Yeah.”
“Kinda feels like fate, maybe?”
“Fate sounds good,” she says softly, stroking his cheek with her thumb as she smiles at him. “I really like the sound of that, actually.”
There are footsteps coming closer and Clementine turns behind her to see Quinn with Jack behind him. She gives them a bittersweet smile and nods at them to come sit. Quinn slides in next to her and Jack sits on the other side of Luke. 
“You okay, Moose?” Quinn asks softly.
“Yeah,” Luke says in a scratchy voice. “I’ll come back in in a few minutes.”
“Take your time,” Jack says, exchanging a look with Clementine as she starts playing with Luke’s hair. “No rush.”
“Did all your letters make you feel like this?” Luke asks. 
“Yup.” Jack snorts.
“Yeah.” Quinn sighs. “It still does.”
“I had to reapply my mascara before my grad party,” Clementine says lightly. All four of them chuckle. She swallows, “I love you guys. So much.”
Quinn kisses her on the cheek as Jack reaches out behind Luke to squeeze her shoulder. “We love you more, Clem.” Quinn mutters. 
They stay out on the swing for a little while, just the four of them. Only when the sun sets do they make their way to the backyard to rejoin everyone. Before he gets pulled away again, Clementine holds Luke one last time. 
bonus - 2028 - new york city, new york
ya no quiero que llores
the universe is gonna give you muchas flores
quitate ese miedo
you’ll be a lot more, trust me, yo te entiendo
- “a letter to my younger self” ambar lucid
Clementine really didn’t need everyone to be here. It’s only a lunch after all. 
But “it’s not like we have anything going on anyways,” Quinn had said, the lunch NYU is throwing to mark the end of people’s residencies taking place at the end of June during the off season. So when NYU said she could bring up to eight guests, she didn’t really have a solid argument. 
And here they are now, sitting in a small but beautifully decorated ballroom. Clementine’s wearing a dark purple jumpsuit as she looks around the table. Nico’s to her right, talking happily with Jim on his other side. Then it’s Jack, then Luke, then Quinn, then Ellen and then finally her own mother on Clementine’s left. They’re all dressed up a bit, the guys in button ups and Ellen and Maeve with nice blouses on. It makes Clementine smile.
It’s really not a formal thing. But she’s grateful to have them all here anyways.
“Okay, real talk.” Jack says across the table, grabbing Clementine’s attention. “Your attending physician who stopped by earlier? I would hit.”
Maeve snorts. Ellen sighs and just says his name in disappointment. Jim takes a sip of his beer trying to hide a smile. Quinn and Luke roll their eyes and Nico scoffs. 
“Really?” Clementine says dryly. 
Jack, like the menace he is, just smirks. “Absolutely. I mean, I know you’re engaged or whatever, but if you weren’t…”
“The person she’s engaged to is right here,” Nico says as Jack cackles. 
Clementine rolls her eyes. “Well, Dr. Butterfield is happily married with kids. Sorry to burst your bubble. Though I’m sure Amelie would also not be thrilled.”
Jack waves her off at the mention of his girlfriend. “Amelie would probably agree with me.”
“I don’t know how Amelie deals with you,” Nico shoots back. 
“Settle down,” Clementine says in a monotone voice. Even after so many years, Nico and Jack love finding anything to bicker about off the ice. “Let me eat my pasta in peace.”
“Better listen to Clem, boys,” Jim chuckles. “It’s her day.”
“It’s her month,” Luke clarifies, elbowing Jack. “Are you trying to get uninvited to her wedding?”
“Clee would never!” Jack exclaims. Which is true, but Clementine’s glad Luke is backing her up. 
“Nico would,” Nico grumbles. Good thing they’re not seated next to each other right now or she’s sure Jack would be smacking him. Which is hilarious, considering Jack is one of Nico’s groomsmen. 
Five years. Five years since she walked into Langone for the first time. Five years since she moved into Hoboken with Jack and Luke. She may not live with them anymore, but sometimes, with the amount they’re over her and Nico’s house, it feels like she still does. 
Five years of great moments and really, really tough ones. Five years of highlighters in her mouth, pencils twisted in a bun atop of her head, dark under-eye circles after overnight shifts, delirious conversations with her fellow residents and so, so much coffee. And before that, eight years of school, sometimes forgetting what it was all for. But here she is.
Doctor Clementine Sandoval has a nice ring to it. 
She’s brought out of her own world when she feels Nico squeeze her thigh lightly. “Hi.”
“You zoned out again.”
She hums lightly. Nico always knows when to bring her back to the present. “Thanks.” He just kisses her temple. 
Along with eighteen other new doctors, Clementine’s called up on the stage to receive her certificate. Dr. Butterfield says a few words about her in front of everyone that she thinks are far too kind and she can’t help but laugh when she hears her whole table cheering as her picture’s being taken. 
“You have a lot of loud supporters,” Dr. Butterfield jokes as he shakes her hand. 
She snickers. “You have no idea.”
“They seem lovely. Keep them close.”
“They are. I will.”
“Enjoy your time off. You deserve it. We’ll see you back at NYU in September.”
Clementine beams. “Thanks Doc. I’m looking forward to it.”
After lunch is over, they go outside and take pictures right by Battery Park, where the lunch was held. Unlike the three brothers, she doesn't complain about the amount of pictures Ellen, Jim and Maeve want to take, just grinning and laughing as Nico pokes her side. They split up to drive back to Nico and Clementine’s in Jersey — Ellen, Jim and Maeve in one car and her, Nico, Quinn, Jack and Luke in the other. Nico is somehow roped into driving and Clementine knows he probably regrets that. You put five 25-31 year olds who see each other simultaneously too little and too much in the same car when there’s an annoying amount of traffic and it’s an interesting ride. 
“Someone must be throwing a party,” Clementine comments as they turn onto the cul de sac, cars lining up the curb. She squints at her and Nico’s driveway at two familiar cars. “What are Dougie and Bratter doing here?” Nico just gives her a shrug. The brothers in the back don’t respond either. “What are you guys not telling me?”
“Chill, Clee,” Jack says. “We have no idea what’s going on either. We’ll find out in two seconds anyways. 
She almost believes him. Instead, she falls in step with Nico, who locks the car. “What’s going on?” She mutters.
Nico just smiles, hand on her lower back naturally. “It’s all good. Just trust me.”
And the thing is, she does. She trusts Nico with her life. 
The second she walks through the door, she jumps as a chorus of “congratulations” echoes through the home. She scans the room quickly. The house is decorated with streamers and balloons, there are food and snacks all over and their home looks so filled. 
Maeve, Ellen and Jim beat them here, all looking very proud. Next to them are Quinn, Jack and Luke with big smiles, next to their significant others — Amelie snapping pictures with her camera, Jordyn leaning back into Luke’s chest, and even Grace is here, Quinn’s arm wrapped around her waist that’s starting to show her small, beautiful baby bump. Grace is supposed to be on tour singing in front of a sold-out crowd in Florida right now.
And then there’s Dougie. And Jesper and Nicole and their toddler son. And Timo and Steph. And Erik and Kristen and their kids. And Seamus. And Jonas. And Ethan. And Nate and Dawson and their significant others. And seemingly almost every other Devils player, most present, some past. And then there’s Trevor, Alex and Cole and Clementine feels like she’s 21 again.
Then there’s her family, blood related and not. Her Uncle Thomas and Aunt Mariana — Thomas is Miguel’s younger brother. Her Aunt Aoife, who was in California literally two days ago. Those are the only blood-related family members who live in the US, and they’re all here. Then there’s Lara and John and Emily, who’s somehow 16 now. Other various members of the Hughes extended family who she’s always loved are dispersed around. 
And then a smattering of her friends from UCLA, Stanford and NYU, all cheering enthusiastically. The ones who made all those years filled with light even in the darkest crevices.
The house is filled with so many people she loves. As she turns back to look at Nico, she feels overwhelmed. “What’s all this?” She chokes out.
“To celebrate you,” Nico says with a twinkle in his eye. 
“His idea, by the way.” Emilia calls out with a grin. Clementine has to laugh. Because of course it is. 
“I love you,” she whispers to Nico, pecking him on the lips. 
“I love you.” He repeats back. “Now go celebrate with everyone.”
And celebrate with everyone she does. As she does that, she can’t help but steal glances at Nico from wherever she is in the room. Because she’s been blessed with having a wonderful support system — the people currently in this house prove that — but there’s never been anyone quite like Nico who just loves her so wholly and wants to celebrate her all the time. 
Later that night, after she bids goodbye and a gracious thank you to Jesper and Nicole, who stayed to help clean up, she lets out a deep breath. It’s just her and her brothers and all the significant others now, Ellen, Jim and Maeve having retired up to bed half an hour ago. She collapses on the couch next to Nico. She stays quiet as she listens to Luke and Grace arguing about something that really reminds Clementine that Grace may be married to Quinn, but Grace met Luke first at a bar in New York years ago and has refused to stop making fun of him since then.
It was just her and the boys for so long. She’s so happy that they’ve all found their own counterparts throughout the years. 
“Thank you for today,” she mutters to Nico. “Seriously. It was…thank you.”
“Of course,” Nico says, his thumb going over the ring on her left hand. “You’re so loved, baby. Any chance to remind you of that is worth it to me.” She just leans up to kiss him. 
“Ew,” Luke says, ruining the moment. Jordyn slaps him for that one. 
Clementine scoffs, “Fuck off. We’re literally getting married next month.”
“Okay and?” Even at 25, Luke is still her annoying little brother. “I know today’s your day and all, but sucking face with my captain is not something I really want to see.”
“Then look away.”
Quinn snorts under his breath. “You guys are impossible.”
“Learn to deal with it, Quinny,” Jack smirks. “You have a child coming soon. If they’re anything like Grace, they’re gonna be fighting you all the time.” 
Grace reaches over her husband and shoves Jack. “Watch it, Hughes. Unless you want your backstage pass taken away when you come to my show in two weeks.”
Jack gasps dramatically. “But I haven’t gotten to see you perform in ages!”
“Exactly. So zip it.”
Amelie makes eye contact with Clementine and Nico with an eye roll. “They exhaust me.” And Clementine has to laugh, because they’ve all made the choice to be exhausted by each other.
Soon after, everyone’s tired out from the day’s festivities and starts heading to their respective rooms for the evening. Clementine trails behind everyone, shutting the lights off and making sure the doors are locked. 
She’s about to shut the light off in the living room when she stops, catching sight of a photo frame hung on the wall opposite the couch. They don’t have many frames hung up around the house, but the photos they do have hung up are important.
She stares at her father’s face. The picture was taken when Clementine was fifteen. The three of them were about to go to Thomas and Mariana’s wedding, Maeve in a long blue dress, Miguel in a dashing suit with a matching blue tie and Clementine in a glittery pink dress. They’re all smiling at the camera in front of a sunset. It’s one of Clementine’s favorites. 
Suddenly, her throat closes up as her father’s voice echoes through her brain. “The universe is gonna give you muchas flores,” he always said. All the flowers, he would say. She thinks he said that on the hospital bed on his last day. She’s long forgiven herself for not remembering every word from that day anymore. 
Nico comes from behind and his hands wrap around her shoulders as she grabs his wrists. She then turns her head to the picture right next to it and smiles. It’s of her and Nico almost two years ago on New Year’s Eve, four hours before Nico would get down on one knee and ask her to spend the rest of their lives together. And then lastly, to the right of that picture, a frame with three pictures in one. Her, Quinn, Jack and Luke all during their respective drafts. The same photoset is hanging in their homes as well. 
She feels Nico kiss the back of her head and she smiles, before turning and heading to bed, Nico’s arm around her shoulder.
long live the walls we crashed through
i had the time of my life with you
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wishesofeternity · 11 months
Zeb-un-Nisa, Aurangzeb’s eldest daughter, is born in Daulatabad in 1638 when Aurangzeb is governor of the Deccan. While Daulatabad fort dominates the horizon from a hilltop, Aurangzeb is building a new capital at Khadki town, stronghold of Jahangir’s old nemesis, Malik Ambar the ‘rebel of black fortune’. Malik Ambar is now long dead, having never allowed the Mughals to claim the Deccan while he lived. Zeb-un-Nisa, daughter of the Persian noblewoman Dilras Banu Begum, grows up in this provincial capital, far from the intrigues of the Mughal court. In the Deccan, the supremacy of her father is unchallenged and Zeb-un-Nisa is given a rigorous education under the supervision of Hafiza Mariam, a scholar from a Khurasani family. Zeb-un-Nisa is an excellent student and excels in the Arabic and Persian languages. Her father is so delighted when she recites the entire Quran from memory as a child that he gifts her 30,000 gold mohurs. In her erudition and her quick wit she is very like her aunt, Shahzaadi Jahanara, whom her father respects above all the other women of the court. When she is fifteen years old, she visits Shahjahanabad with Aurangzeb’s zenana as they return from the doomed Kandahar campaign. She is enchanted with the sparkling new city, the elegant women with their refined tehzeeb, their every gesture studied and full of grace. In the travelling court of her father, in these wildering years, it is a more pragmatic and pared down zenana but in 1658, when Zeb-un-Nisa is twenty years old, Aurangzeb deposes Shah Jahan and his household moves to Shahjahanabad.
Dilras Banu Begum, the somewhat haughty senior wife of Aurangzeb, is now dead. Even Aurangzeb, when giving marital advice to a grandson, will later admit that ‘in the season of youth’, he ‘too had this relation with a wife who had extreme imperiousness’. Since the other wives of Aurangzeb have less illustrious backgrounds, the senior women of the royal zenana are Roshanara and her eldest niece, Zeb-un-Nisa.
For twenty years Zeb-un-Nisa will be one of the most influential women of the zenana at Shahjahanabad. Her particular area of interest is poetry and literature. She collects valuable manuscripts and books and her library is one of the most extensive in the country. When Aurangzeb begins to retrench imperial patronage towards music and poetry, it is the royal women, the shahzaadas, the noblemen and then, later still, the wealthy middle class of Shahjahanabad who will continue the patronage of the arts. The governor of Shahjahanabad, Aqil Khan, is himself a poet and writes under the pen name Razi. Indeed, despite Aurangzeb’s later disfavour, Shahjahanabad fairly pulses with music. It tumbles from the kothis of the courtesans, the women thoroughly trained singers themselves, who bring Delhi Qawwali singing to mainstream attention. It vaults out of the large mansions of the newly wealthy, who prefer the lighter Khayaal and Thumri styles. In the gloaming of a tropical evening, it throbs out of the immense havelis of the princes and the noblemen, in the tenuous hold that Dhrupad still has amongst the elite of the Mughal court. And the poets keep gathering at Shahjahanabad, despite Aurangzeb’s dismissal of them as ‘idle flatterers’. They come from very far, like Abd-al-Qader Bidel, whose family is Chagatai Turkic but whose poetry so defines a phase of Shahjahanabadi poetry that he becomes Abd-al-Qader Dehlvi. Some will come from the Deccan, like Wali Dakhni, and some are born in the narrow, winding galis (lanes) of Shahjahanabad itself. They will write in Persian, in Urdu, in Braj and later in Rekhti. They will write in obscure philosophical quatrains, in flamboyant ghazals or in erotic riti styles but many will glow with the high-voltage mysticism of Sufi thought, for the ghosts of Shahjahanabad’s Sufi saints will enchant all the poets of the city.
Zeb-un-Nisa, like Jahanara who returns to court as padshah begum in 1666, is instrumental in supporting the work of writers and poets through her patronage. She supports the scholar Mulla Safiuddin Adbeli when he translates the Arabic Tafsir-i-Kabir (Great Commentary) into Persian and he dedicates the book to the shahzaadi—Zeb-ut-Tafasir. She also sponsors the Hajj pilgrimage of Muhammad Safi Qazwini. Qazwini will write an extraordinary account of his voyage, the Pilgrims’ Confidant, unique in its genre and magnificently illustrated and will dedicate it to Zeb-un-Nisa. For a few years, the courts of Jahanara and Zeb-un-Nisa will nurture this eclectic maelstrom of a culture, which has much more in common with Babur and Humayun’s camaraderie of artists than it has with Aurangzeb’s increasingly austere one. When Aurangzeb bans opium and alcohol, the easy complicity that the noblemen and padshahs shared in the ghusal khaana or the Deewan-e-khaas while drinking wine, is now forbidden. The imperial women, however, continue to drink wine, often made from grapes in their own gardens, flavoured with spices.
In 1669, Zeb-un-Nisa attends the lavish marriage ceremony of her cousin, Jaani Begum, to her brother, Muhammad Azam, at the haveli of Jahanara. There will be other weddings too: her sister Zubdat-un-Nisa will marry Dara Shikoh’s youngest son Siphir Shikoh and Mehr-un-Nisa will marry Murad Baksh’s son Izad Baksh. But for Aurangzeb’s oldest daughters, there are no more cousins to marry. There is an understanding, also, that these oldest daughters, like their aunts, possess a powerful charisma as Timurid shahzaadis and must be kept within the controlling orbit of the imperial zenana. The decades pass and still Aurangzeb rules, as resolute and restless as a young man. His sons, meanwhile, are growing old and impatient. Muhammad Akbar is Zeb-un-Nisa’s youngest brother and she is particularly close to him, as their mother Dilras Banu died soon after giving birth to him, when Zeb-un-Nisa was nineteen. The other sons are middle-aged men, and there have been skirmishes, the shahzaadas jostling for power, always subdued immediately by their unforgiving father. In 1681, when Muhammad Akbar decides to challenge his father, with the support of a Rajput alliance including the Rathors of Jodhpur, Zeb-un-Nisa is in a particularly vulnerable position.
In 1681, Jahanara dies. The imperial zenana has glowed with her ambition and talent for more than half a century. If the shahzaadas are uncertain about the future leadership of the Mughal empire, then the stakes are almost as high in the imperial zenana. Zeb-un-Nisa believes she may become the next padshah begum. She is a woman of letters, like Jahanara, with the same Sufi inclinations too. She is the eldest of the Timurid shahzaadis and presides over an astonishingly talented salon. It is time, surely, for a shahzaada to ascend the Peacock Throne as Aurangzeb is already an old man, sixty-three years old. So Zeb-un-Nisa sides with the young prince Muhammad Akbar, hoping to ensure her legacy in the next court.
But Aurangzeb is able to defeat Muhammad Akbar, using a mixture of duplicity and treachery. In the process, he discovers letters which incriminate Zeb-un-Nisa, demonstrating her ardent support for her brother. ‘What belongs to you is as good as mine,’ Muhammad Akbar writes in a letter to Zeb-un-Nisa, ‘and whatever I own is at your disposal.’ And in another letter he writes: ‘The dismissal or appointment of the sons-in-law of Daulat and Sagar Mal is at your discretion. I have dismissed them at your bidding. I consider your orders in all affairs as sacred like the Quran and Traditions of the Prophet, and obedience to them is proper.’ Muhammad Akbar is exiled to Persia, and Zeb-un-Nisa is imprisoned at the Salimgarh fort in Delhi. Her pension of four lakhs rupees a year is discontinued and her property is seized.
Very soon after this rebellion, Aurangzeb leaves Shahjahanabad for the Deccan with an entourage of tens of thousands, all of his sons and his zenana. He will never return to Shahjahanabad, which will slowly be leached of all of its nobility, craftsmen, soldiers and traders. Zeb-un-Nisa will live more than twenty years imprisoned in Salimgarh fort. She will grow old here as Shahjahanabad empties of its people and becomes a shadow of its former self. But the poets and the singers do not desert Shahjahanabad, their fortunes and their hearts are too inextricably linked to the great city, to this paradise on earth. Other patrons take over the role of the nobility, humbler people, so that a critical poet will later write:
Those who once rode elephants now go barefooted; (while) those who longed for parched grains once are today owners of property mansions, elephants and banners, (and now) the rank of the lions has gone to the jackals.
Not only do the poets remain but their poetry becomes saturated with the haunted longing and nostalgia which becomes the calling card of all the great poets of Delhi. This city of beauty and splendour, abandoned and then desecrated, and then bloodied, will inspire reams of poetry on the twin themes of grief and remembrance. In the future, one of these poets will court eternity when he writes:
Dil ki basti bhi Sheher Dilli hai;
Jo bhi guzra usi ne loota
As for Zeb-un-Nisa, she waits for Muhammad Akbar to claim the Peacock Throne but he dies, in 1703, outlived by his father. From her lonely prison on the Yamuna, the shahzaadi can see Shah Jahan’s magnificent fort. The Qila-e-Mubaarak remains locked up for decades and the dust and ghosts move in. The bats make their home in the crenelated awnings and sleep as the relentless sun arcs through the lattice windows. Bees cluster drunkenly around the fruit trees in the Hayat Baksh, the overripe fruit crushed on the marble walkways like blood. Moss skims over the canals and the pools, though the waterfall still whispers its secrets to itself in the teh khana (underground chamber) as Zeb-un-Nisa waits. Zeb-un-Nisa writes poetry while she waits for a deliverance that will never come. She is a poet of some repute, and writes under the pseudonym Makhvi, the Concealed One. This is a popular pseudonym, however, and it is difficult to establish which lines are truly written by the shahzaadi but it is likely that the following wistful and delicate lines are hers, written in the grim solitude of Salimgarh fort:
Were an artist to choose me for his model—
How could he draw the form of a sigh?
She dies in 1702, unforgiven by Aurangzeb, and is buried in the Tees Hazari Garden, gifted to her by Jahanara.
- Ira Mukhoty, “Daughters of the Sun: Empresses, Queens and Begums of the Mughal Empire”
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chikucabvns · 1 month
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Then from the search results, select the option that is best suited for you and then fill up the other details such as your name, address, etc., and proceed to the next step.
Finally, you have to make the payment for your selected option. You can choose from the available mode of payment which is most convenient to you and then complete the payment.
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This way you can hire Innova in Jaipur for your trip within seconds without any help. After you complete the payment, you will receive a confirmation on your submitted email and phone number. You will also receive the driver’s details and contact. You can contact him for any changes and can verify him upon his arrival. This confirmation message is important; keep it for further assistance from us.
In Jaipur, visitors can immerse themselves in the bustling markets of the city, sampling local delicacies, vibrant handicrafts, and grand forts that tell their unique story of royalty and grandeur. With its blend of tradition and modernity, Jaipur promises an unforgettable journey to India’s past. So booking Innova taxi in Jaipur from Chiku Cab now and immerse in the majestic aura of the city.
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moviesgirliez · 3 months
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ㅤ ㅤ⸻ ㅤ ㅤKLARA.
NOME / klara aurora ackerman.
APELIDO / milý, significa amor em tcheco.
NASCIMENTO / londres, inglaterra. — 12 de novembro de 2015.
IDADE / 9.
SIGNO / escorpião.
FAMÍLIA / viktorya kovàc (mãe), edward ackeman (pai), kašpar kovàc (avô paterno), elizabeth robertson (avó materna), joseph ackerman (avô paterno), diana ackerman (avó paterna), amália kovàc bridges (tia), stepan kovàc (tio), kristof bridges (primo), sabina bridges (prima).
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foi nomeada klara inspirada no filme morgiana ( 1972 ). viktorya recebeu seu nome do pai após assistir ao filme e gostar de como soava, além de ter se tornado um dos favoritos dos dois. quando descobriu que estava grávida de uma menina, lembrou-se de que no filme klara era irmã de viktorya e simbolizava tudo o que era belo e bom. sendo assim, quis trazer esse simbolismo para a filha.
seu nome do meio, aurora, foi escolhido por ser o nome da avó materna de edward. ela era apaixonada por shakespeare e por teatro, sendo a principal inspiração do homem para buscar sua carreira na atuação. dessa forma, se não fosse pela avó de edward, não seria ator, não teria conhecido vik e eles não teriam klara.
nasceu com olhos verdes, uma verdadeira mistura dos olhos ambares da mãe e dos olhos azuis do pai. a família sempre comenta sobre como todos acreditavam que ela teria os olhos da cor de algum dos dois, não que seria uma mistura.
na realidade, klara é a completa mistura dos pais em tudo. possui o rosto angulado como o do pai, mas olhos e sorriso suave da mãe. o cabelo é loiro como era de se esperar e, com o tempo, demonstrou ter um porte forte e delicado.
sua risada é idêntica a risada de viktorya.
a menina é autentica, não tinha como não ser, além de ter traços dos pais e alguns que não herdou de ninguém. é criativa, hiperativa, esperta e possui uma língua afiada como ninguém. aprende tudo com facilidade e é extremamente curiosa. 
é artística como os pais, porém sua paixão se mostrou pela música e pela dança. em 2023, começou a aprender piano e tem se desenvolvido muito bem.
tem um sotaque estranho e fofo, próprio de si, e há quem diga que é uma mistura do sotaque americano da mãe, do sotaque britânico pesado do pai e do sotaque tcheco do avô, kašpar.
é apaixonada pelo avô, pelos seus filmes e suas histórias. diz que irá aprender tcheco para conversar com ele quando ficar mais velha.
fez a mãe prometer dirigir ou produzir um musical e colocar o pai como personagem principal; ao qual fez prometer que iria trabalhar no projeto.
é sapeca e, dessa forma, vive tentando criar planos mirabolantes para fazer os pais voltarem a ficar juntos. tudo porque quer um irmão, mas que seja do mesmo pai e da mesma mãe.
ainda assim, gostava muito de christopher, o ex-namorado da mãe, porque ele lhe levava para conhecer sets de filmagens de musicais.
faz o inferno na vida de qualquer mulher que ouse chegar perto do pai. em suas próprias palavras, edward é dela, da mãe e da avó.
já cortou o cabelo de uma ex-namorada do pai enquanto estava na casa dele. a mulher surtou com toda a situação e ameaçou processar edward. para klara, ela estava protegendo o pai.
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If you are planning to visit resorts near Panhala. Then you should stay at Walstar Castle View.Being a renowned family hotel in Panhala Fort. We will assure you that you will have a holiday with your loved ones, which you will always remember. No matter, whether there is any special occasion or a vacation. We will take care of every moment. We follow through on assistance, worth, and conveniences to fulfill both business and delight explorers.
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reviewsthatburn · 1 year
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saudeempauta · 2 years
Propriedades Medicinais do Âmbar e seus 10 Benefícios Principais
O ambar baltico tem propriedades antibacterianas, que facilitam a cicatrização e baixam a pressão arterial, aumentam a secreção biliar, acalmam e ativam o corpo para combater doenças e se regenerar. A análise das propriedades do âmbar mostra que o ácido e o óleo que o âmbar contém destroem os radicais livres e as bactérias, têm propriedades regenerativas, desinfetantes, hidratantes, oxigenantes, nutritivas e muitas outras.
Os âmbares não polidos emitem íons negativos, que influenciam positivamente a ionização do ar interno e neutralizam a influência negativa das ondas eletromagnéticas enviadas por dispositivos eletrônicos.
Outra vantagem do uso do âmbar é o fato de que as preparações à base desta pedra melhoram o tom da pele, protegem contra a radiação UV prejudicial, reduzem as rugas, melhoram a firmeza e elasticidade da pele e previnem a queda de cabelo.
10 principais benefícios do uso do Âmbar Natural:
1. Reduz o estresse
O óleo de âmbar ajuda a eliminar o estresse quando passado no corpo. O aroma do âmbar, no entanto, tem um efeito duradouro e suave, reduzindo o estresse e garantindo uma boa noite de sono.
2. Reduz a inflamação
Devido às suas ricas propriedades anti-inflamatórias, quando aplicado na pele, alivia a irritação e o inchaço da pele. Sendo um poderoso antioxidante, ajuda na remoção dos radicais livres produzidos.
3. Elimina a dor e os espasmos musculares
O óleo de âmbar relaxa rapidamente a pele, penetrando profundamente no tecido, limpando o fluxo sanguíneo nos capilares. Pode ser usado na forma de pomadas e loções para massagens e compressas no caso de dores reumáticas e traumáticas.
4. Protege o coração
O óleo de âmbar ajuda a proteger o coração, prevenindo problemas fatais, como pressão alta e diminuindo o colesterol no corpo.
5. Fortalece o sistema imunológico
O óleo essencial de âmbar tem fortes propriedades imunoprotetoras, ele estimula a produção de glóbulos brancos no corpo. Os glóbulos brancos ajudam a combater patógenos estranhos e servem como a segunda linha de defesa do corpo. As células são ativadas quando os patógenos atacam e preparam anticorpos para agir contra eles.
6. Previne doenças degenerativas
Sendo uma rica fonte de antioxidantes, ajuda a aumentar a concentração e previne doenças degenerativas de longo prazo que podem ser causadas por funções neuronais diminuídas.
7. Ajuda na dentição de Crianças
A melhor maneira de ajudar crianças cujos dentes estão começando a nascer é com o uso de um colar de ambar para bebe.
8. Previne a insuficiência renal
Os óleos essenciais de âmbar também se mostraram eficazes no tratamento de doenças renais. Suas propriedades terapêuticas protegem o coração contra a pressão alta e o acúmulo de colesterol.
9. Ajuda no combate à depressão
Estimula neurônios e terminações nervosas, ajudando a manter a condução adequada do impulso nervoso e eliminando a depressão. Reduz o nível de cortisol (hormônio do estresse). Quando os níveis de cortisol caem, os níveis de dopamina aumentam (hormônio da felicidade).
10. Possui propriedades antibacterianas
O óleo essencial de âmbar é um poderoso agente antioxidante e antibacteriano. Os compostos antioxidantes do óleo de âmbar destroem as paredes das células bacterianas e sua estrutura.
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wereadersworld · 2 years
[Read Online] Hunted by the Sky (The Wrath of Ambar, #1) BY : Tanaz Bhathena
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Hunted by the Sky (The Wrath of Ambar, #1)
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 Read Or Download Hunted by the Sky (The Wrath of Ambar, #1)
 Author : Tanaz Bhathena
Title : Hunted by the Sky (The Wrath of Ambar, #1)
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 Gul has spent her life running. She has a star-shaped birthmark on her arm, and in the kingdom of Ambar, girls with such birthmarks have been disappearing for years. Gul's mark is what caused her parents' murder at the hand of King Lohar's ruthless soldiers and forced her into hiding to protect her own life. So when a group of rebel women called the Sisters of the Golden Lotus rescue her, take her in, and train her in warrior magic, Gul wants only one thing: revenge.Cavas lives in the tenements, and he's just about ready to sign his life over to the king's army. His father is terminally ill, and Cavas will do anything to save him. But sparks fly when he meets a mysterious girl--Gul--in the capital's bazaar, and as the chemistry between them undeniably grows, he becomes entangled in a mission of vengeance--and discovers a magic he never expected to find.Dangerous circumstances have brought Gul and Cavas together at the king's domain in Ambar Fort . . . a world with secrets deadlier
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jaanusbooktalk · 2 years
Hunted By The Sky by Tanaz Bhathena - Review
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TWs: murdered parents, violence, discrimination (classism, slurs), implied sexual assault, attempted assault, dying parent, animal cruelty, blood
(TWs are ranked in order of severity, please take them seriously!)
Before anything, take a moment to scroll back up and look at that beautiful cover 😍 I don’t normally buy books based on the cover, but seeing my culture represented in such a gorgeous way made this an insta-buy for me (not to mention it was already in my TBR).
I guess I could call this an “own voices” review, but let’s keep in mind that Indian culture is very diverse and changes depending on region, so my interpretation is not going to speak for anyone but myself.
The author was actually inspired to write this book by two time periods in Indian history - Vedic India and medieval India. There’s a cool combination of court drama and desi royalty versus magical powers and distant gods. Bhathena also included elements of her Persian culture as well!
Imagine fantasy meets Indian royalty/mythology in a mystical world after a war and a 16 year old has to overthrow a tyrant. (Also enemies to lovers, badass women, ✨culture✨ etc).
On to the review ☀️
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The Summary:
“Gul has spent her life running. She has a star-shaped birthmark on her arm, and in the kingdom of Ambar, girls with such birthmarks have been disappearing for years. Gul's mark is what caused her parents' murder at the hand of King Lohar's ruthless soldiers and forced her into hiding to protect her own life. So when a group of rebel women called the Sisters of the Golden Lotus rescue her, take her in, and train her in warrior magic, Gul wants only one thing: revenge.
Cavas lives in the tenements, and he's just about ready to sign his life over to the king's army. His father is terminally ill, and Cavas will do anything to save him. But sparks fly when he meets a mysterious girl--Gul--in the capital's bazaar, and as the chemistry between them undeniably grows, he becomes entangled in a mission of vengeance--and discovers a magic he never expected to find.
Dangerous circumstances have brought Gul and Cavas together at the king's domain in Ambar Fort . . . a world with secrets deadlier than their own. Exploring identity, class struggles, and high-stakes romance, Hunted by the Sky is a gripping adventure set in a world inspired by medieval India.”
TL;DR 16 year old Gul witnesses her parents’ murder by royal troops under order from a king terrified of a prophecy that spells his end, and she’s set on a path to revenge. Cavas is trying to save his father from a chronic illness and lives in the lower class of society just trying to survive, but when he meets Gul sparks fly and adventure ensues.
(It’s 1:30 am right now so please bear with me 😭)
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Ok so on representation:
This is embarrassing - like really embarrassing especially considering I read the summary - that when I first started because of the switching perspectives I thought that Cavas was Gul for the first two chapters and that the main character was into women 😭 alas, this was not the case.
While the main couple is not confirmed to be LGBTQ+, much of the lore is. The story of the sun and the moon being lovers is so adorable and told in such a beautiful, simple way. There are queer background characters, and it’s not introduced in a weird way, it’s just a natural part of the world they live in (which was so great).
As someone who reads fantasy for escapism, reading this and knowing there was no racism or homophobia was a big plus for me ✅
Also Gul is dark skinned (from a fictional world but presumably Indian) with curly dark hair. I loved this because Indians with natural curly dark hair are not often represented in media, so this was great!!
I had trouble picturing what Cavas looks like, but I remember he’s also desi and has dark brown eyes and black hair. I didn’t know what “aquiline” meant before reading HBTS but apparently it means hooked or beak-like, and I think it’s a really pretty word for Cavas’s nose.
There was clear influence from Indian mythology and the Hindu gods, but also from traditional mythical creatures and foods. Even the outfits are fantastic- I can’t explain how it felt to read about a character getting ready for an event and pinning her dupatta in place. My heart felt warm and seen 💕💕
There is also (if I’m interpreting this right) a variety of religions present in the fictional world, some of which are similar to Islam, Hinduism, or Atheism today.
I loved how despite these different beliefs, people are able to get along. It’s more so the border disputes between rivaling kingdoms that cause trouble.
Imagining Gul running through the palace in a sari and her brown jootis just fulfills all of my childhood Bollywood dreams ❤️😭
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What I Liked:
I didn’t think I was going to like this book as much as I did. When it first started, I had a hard time getting into it, and it felt a little slow. But about a quarter in things started picking up - and quickly. I really liked how HBTS avoided some of the typical pitfalls of YA fantasy when it comes to overthrowing governments/the chosen one trope.
Also the story just starts to pull you in and you can’t tell the writer is in her groove. I liked all of the references to desi culture and the clothing, and the imagery was really pretty. Diversity in fantasy means so much to me - more than just being represented in books we get to have magic and adventures and romance too, and I adore that.
I feel like it would make a really good movie, and also the WOMEN are so great. Every single woman in this book is very well written and what I would give to have Amira call me princess 😍 anyways… 👀
I’m actually about to read the second book (this is a duology!) because I’m way too invested in the plot now.
HBTS switches perspectives between Cavas and Gul, and I honestly found Cavas’s perspective more refreshing - maybe because he was more mature than Gul or because I related to him more, but he just had more interesting thoughts 💭
I also didn’t really like Gul at the beginning, but I stuck around to see if she got character development and Ms. Bhathena did NOT disappoint. I can’t wait to see how she changes from here.
Side note: Hunted By The Sky handles classism in a really interesting way, and it makes me so happy that it was printed in India because there’s an inter-class relationship & that’s a really important convo that needs to be had
Side side note: INDIAN MAGICAL GIRLS‼️
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Why I couldn’t give it a ten:
I already mentioned this but I just had a hard time getting into it at first. There was a lot of lore specific/culture specific vocab that I wasn’t familiar with (but there is a glossary of terms at the back!)
This happens often when starting fantasy books, but the time it took to wrap my head around the world and who was who took longer than usual because new positions and groups kept being introduced.
Also, at the beginning Gul was kinda selfish and even though I really wanted to be on her side her actions were thoughtless. Her attitude when she was ten came off less as an actual ten year old and more as an older girl pretending to be a ten year old. She’s obviously not meant to be perfect however, and that’s okay. Her character development makes up for it.
Now this is a really big pitfall for YA fantasy romance and I can’t stand it:
Gul, the main character, has just turned 16. She never actually has sex but she gets into certain encounters that I felt uncomfortable reading about, knowing it was happening between two minors and written BY an adult.
Sadly, this is a common thing in YA fantasy (I’m looking at you, Sarah J. Maas). Oversexualizing minors in YA books needs to stop because it has a big impact on the kids reading - it wasn’t too bad in this book, so I still gave it 7/10. But please, do better.
Also tell me why enemies to lovers couples are always emotionally constipated 🙄 just tell each other how you feel already!! Communication, guys.
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I sincerely recommend to fans of:
• The Shadow of the Fox series 🦊 by Julie Kagawa
• Tomi Adeyemi (Children of Blood and Bone)
• Sabaa Tahir (An Ember in the Ashes)
• Jodhaa Akbar (Bollywood movie)
• Scavenge the Stars by Tara Sim
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Despite its faults, I sincerely enjoyed this book enough to check out the second. I’ll comment an update when I’ve finished but I don’t know if I’ll give it a review. This was one of those books that I wish I had liked more because of the representation it brought to the table, and I think that it’s a genuinely good book, that fell into some difficult traps. Still worth the read 🍵
And as always, read the acknowledgments and author’s note!! They’re usually really sweet or include things about the book you didn’t know when you finished. Because it’s spoiler free and I really liked it, I’ve included Tanaz Bhathena’s note below:
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Kinda badass ngl
Also if you aren’t familiar with the Gulabi Gang, please search them up and watch the documentary because they are so cool!!! A group of older Indian ladies who go around wearing pink and beating up domestic abusers.
I also really like that she describes the story as a brief journey through her twisted imagination - it deals with some rough and violent themes, and I feel like that fits. Excited to see what happens in the sequel! It’s called Rising Like A Storm ⛈
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sincerelylaurel · 3 years
YA Books With South Asian Representation
I think we can all agree that we need more South Asian representation in the books we read, especially in Young Adult and fantasy. Here’s a list of YA books with south asian rep because we need it. They’re all written by South Asian authors, too! I read a bit about each of them which was very fun. I’m including the synopsis from goodreads as well so you know which ones to read first :)
The Henna Artist by Alka Joshi
Escaping from an abusive marriage, seventeen-year-old Lakshmi makes her way alone to the vibrant 1950s pink city of Jaipur. There she becomes the most highly requested henna artist—and confidante—to the wealthy women of the upper class. But trusted with the secrets of the wealthy, she can never reveal her own...Known for her original designs and sage advice, Lakshmi must tread carefully to avoid the jealous gossips who could ruin her reputation and her livelihood. As she pursues her dream of an independent life, she is startled one day when she is confronted by her husband, who has tracked her down these many years later with a high-spirited young girl in tow—a sister Lakshmi never knew she had. Suddenly the caution that she has carefully cultivated as protection is threatened. Still she perseveres, applying her talents and lifting up those that surround her as she does.
Hunted by the Sky by Taniz Bhathena
Gul has spent her life running. She has a star-shaped birthmark on her arm, and in the kingdom of Ambar, girls with such birthmarks have been disappearing for years. Gul's mark is what caused her parents' murder at the hand of King Lohar's ruthless soldiers and forced her into hiding to protect her own life. So when a group of rebel women called the Sisters of the Golden Lotus rescue her, take her in, and train her in warrior magic, Gul wants only one thing: revenge. Cavas lives in the tenements, and he's just about ready to sign his life over to the king's army. His father is terminally ill, and Cavas will do anything to save him. But sparks fly when he meets a mysterious girl--Gul--in the capital's bazaar, and as the chemistry between them undeniably grows, he becomes entangled in a mission of vengeance--and discovers a magic he never expected to find. Dangerous circumstances have brought Gul and Cavas together at the king's domain in Ambar Fort...a world with secrets deadlier than their own. Exploring identity, class struggles, and high-stakes romance, Hunted by the Sky is a gripping adventure set in a world inspired by medieval India.
Star Daughter by Shveta Thakrar
If the night sky holds many secrets, it holds Sheetal Mistry's secret the closest. A secret that explains why her hair is the silver of starlight, or why some nights the stars call Sheetal by name. Stars like her mother, who returned to her place in the constellation Pushya years ago. Since that day, Sheetal has been forced to hide. But as her seventeenth birthday draws near, the pull from the sky is growing stronger. So strong that Sheetal loses control, and a flare of starfire burns her human father—an injury only a full star's blood can heal. Sheetal has no choice but to answer the starsong and ascend to the sky. But her celestial family has summoned her for a reason: to act as their human champion in a competition to decide the next ruling house of heavens. Desperate to save her father, Sheetal agrees. But nothing could have prepared Sheetal to face the stars' dark history—or the forces that are working to shut the gate between the realms for good.
The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi
Maya is cursed. With a horoscope that promises a marriage of death and destruction, she has earned only the scorn and fear of her father’s kingdom. Content to follow more scholarly pursuits, her whole world is torn apart when her father, the Raja, arranges a wedding of political convenience to quell outside rebellions. Soon Maya becomes the queen of Akaran and wife of Amar. Neither roles are what she expected: As Akaran’s queen, she finds her voice and power. As Amar’s wife, she finds something else entirely: Compassion. Protection. Desire...But Akaran has its own secrets—thousands of locked doors, gardens of glass, and a tree that bears memories instead of fruit. Soon, Maya suspects her life is in danger. Yet who, besides her husband, can she trust? With the fate of the human and Otherworldly realms hanging in the balance, Maya must unravel an ancient mystery that spans reincarnated lives to save those she loves the most…including herself.
The Henna Wars by Adiba Jaigrirdar
When Nishat comes out to her parents, they say she can be anyone she wants—as long as she isn’t herself. Because Muslim girls aren’t lesbians. Nishat doesn’t want to hide who she is, but she also doesn’t want to lose her relationship with her family. And her life only gets harder once a childhood friend walks back into her life. Flávia is beautiful and charismatic and Nishat falls for her instantly. But when a school competition invites students to create their own businesses, both Flávia and Nishat choose to do henna, even though Flávia is appropriating Nishat’s culture. Amidst sabotage and school stress, their lives get more tangled—but Nishat can’t quite get rid of her crush on Flávia, and realizes there might be more to her than she realized.
An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
Under the Martial Empire, defiance is met with death. Those who do not vow their blood and bodies to the Emperor risk the execution of their loved ones and the destruction of all they hold dear. It is in this brutal world, inspired by ancient Rome, that Laia lives with her grandparents and older brother. The family ekes out an existence in the Empire’s impoverished backstreets. They do not challenge the Empire. They’ve seen what happens to those who do. But when Laia’s brother is arrested for treason, Laia is forced to make a decision. In exchange for help from rebels who promise to rescue her brother, she will risk her life to spy for them from within the Empire’s greatest military academy. There, Laia meets Elias, the school’s finest soldier—and secretly, its most unwilling. Elias wants only to be free of the tyranny he’s being trained to enforce. He and Laia will soon realize that their destinies are intertwined—and that their choices will change the fate of the Empire itself.
The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi
It's 1889. The city is on the cusp of industry and power, and the Exposition Universelle has breathed new life into the streets and dredged up ancient secrets. Here, no one keeps tabs on dark truths better than treasure-hunter and wealthy hotelier Séverin Montagnet-Alarie. When the elite, ever-powerful Order of Babel coerces him to help them on a mission, Séverin is offered a treasure that he never imagined: his true inheritance. To hunt down the ancient artifact the Order seeks, Séverin calls upon a band of unlikely experts: An engineer with a debt to pay. A historian banished from his home. A dancer with a sinister past. And a brother in arms if not blood. Together, they will join Séverin as he explores the dark, glittering heart of Paris. What they find might change the course of history--but only if they can stay alive.
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For #MotivationMonday: Danger, adventure, and high-stakes romance await in Hunted by the Sky, Tanaz Bhathena’s debut YA fantasy inspired by medieval India. The best part? It comes out TOMORROW (6/23/2020)! 
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Exploring identity, class struggles, and high-stakes romance, Tanaz Bhathena’s Hunted by the Sky is a gripping adventure set in a world inspired by medieval India.
Gul has spent her life running. She has a star-shaped birthmark on her arm, and in the kingdom of Ambar, girls with such birthmarks have been disappearing for years. Gul’s mark is what caused her parents’ murder at the hand of King Lohar’s ruthless soldiers and forced her into hiding to protect her own life. So when a group of rebel women called the Sisters of the Golden Lotus rescue her, take her in, and train her in warrior magic, Gul wants only one thing: revenge.
Cavas lives in the tenements, and he’s just about ready to sign his life over to the king’s army. His father is terminally ill, and Cavas will do anything to save him. But sparks fly when he meets a mysterious girl—Gul—in the capital’s bazaar, and as the chemistry between them undeniably grows, he becomes entangled in a mission of vengeance—and discovers a magic he never expected to find.
Dangerous circumstances have brought Gul and Cavas together at the king’s domain in Ambar Fort … a world with secrets deadlier than their own.
Read Bhathena’s interview with Fierce Reads here!
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silver-inked · 4 years
I really want them all to have a sleep over at the Yam and Roller for no reason now. The guys would probably volunteer to sleep on the rink and make a gigantic fort. The girls would sleep in the cafe area and put all the sofas together and make a really comfy bed. And they would just play music and have karaoke all night. Pedro would make so amazing food. At some point there would be a gigantic argument (probably started by Ambar or Matteo) and somehow the mood would change and eveyone would die from laughter. Ramiro would try to scare eveyone and would paint on someone’s face while they are sleeping. They would play werewolf and yam and Delfi would somehow be an amazing team and would win as werewolves. On top of that Nina would make these amazing storylines for the werewolf games that were gruesome and yet intriguing. Each one of them would gasp when they find out they were killed in some horrible way and then those who are out would make background noises for those still playing. They would somehow compose an amazing song together. At the end of the night eveyone would have interacted with eveyone and there is this deep understanding of family and friendship.
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richincolor · 4 years
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New Releases
It's Monday, which means new week, new books! We've got some exciting new YA books out on Tuesday, and one on Thursday. What's on your TBR pile? Let us know!
Hunted by the Sky (The Wrath of Ambar #1) by Tanaz Bhathena - June 23 Gul has spent her life running. She has a star-shaped birthmark on her arm, and in the kingdom of Ambar, girls with such birthmarks have been disappearing for years. Gul’s mark is what caused her parents’ murder at the hand of King Lohar’s ruthless soldiers and forced her into hiding to protect her own life. So when a group of rebel women called the Sisters of the Golden Lotus rescue her, take her in, and train her in warrior magic, Gul wants only one thing: revenge.
Cavas lives in the tenements, and he’s just about ready to sign his life over to the king’s army. His father is terminally ill, and Cavas will do anything to save him. But sparks fly when he meets a mysterious girl–Gul–in the capital’s bazaar, and as the chemistry between them undeniably grows, he becomes entangled in a mission of vengeance–and discovers a magic he never expected to find.
Dangerous circumstances have brought Gul and Cavas together at the king’s domain in Ambar Fort . . . a world with secrets deadlier than their own. Exploring identity, class struggles, and high-stakes romance, Hunted by the Sky is a gripping adventure set in a world inspired by medieval India. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
Forest of Souls by Lori M. Lee - June 23 Sirscha Ashwyn comes from nothing, but she’s intent on becoming something. After years of training to become the queen’s next royal spy, her plans are derailed when shamans attack and kill her best friend Saengo.
And then Sirscha, somehow, restores Saengo to life.
Unveiled as the first soulguide in living memory, Sirscha is summoned to the domain of the Spider King. For centuries, he has used his influence over the Dead Wood—an ancient forest possessed by souls—to enforce peace between the kingdoms. Now, with the trees growing wild and untamed, only a soulguide can restrain them. As war looms, Sirscha must master her newly awakened abilities before the trees shatter the brittle peace, or worse, claim Saengo, the friend she would die for. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
Love on the Main Stage by S.A. Domingo - June 25 Five music festivals . . . One unforgettable summer! A new clean teen romance from the author of Love, Secret Santa.
16-year-old songwriter Nova is having the best summer of her life. Helping out with her parents’ food truck, she gets to attend not one, but FIVE different music festivals! Things get even better when she meets cute American boy, Sam, an aspiring musician like her. After sharing a magical evening dancing under the stars, Nova never expects to see Sam again. But to her surprise they keep meeting up at music festivals . . .
Nova begins to hope that their romance could become more than just a festival fling. So why is Sam so reluctant to talk about himself? And why does he have access to the VIP backstage area . . .?  — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
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