#Also with the relationship I've build for Grim and V up to this point-
factual-fantasy · 1 month
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I started this comic back at the start of April, back when I made this other comic! It took an unfortunate amount of time to complete thanks to my condition.. but that's ok! All the lovely responses from the last comic kept me motivated! XDD (Thank you everyone!!🥰💞💞)
This time around I went with a more serious tone and put a bit more story in there! :00 With this comic I wanted to experiment with Bonnie and Gloria's relationship. And more importantly, Gloria as a character.
I've thought of her as the groups leader, some may even say she's a mother of sorts. She is always so calm in the face of danger.. She always knows exactly what to do and she does it perfectly. How is she so strong? How does she deal with the stress of it all?? Does she even feel stressed to begin with?? Well as its turns out.. she kind'a doesn't feel anything at all.. and she wishes she was stronger..
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thelustybraavosimaid · 2 years
We know for sure that Nymeria would only follow Ghost, out of the other direwolves. This is indicative of Arya's relationship with Jon.
"Nothing is fair," Jon said. He messed up her hair again and walked away from her, Ghost moving silently beside him. Nymeria started to follow too, then stopped and came back when she saw that Arya was not coming. (Arya I, AGoT)
She isn't noted to follow any of the others.
We also have moments like this:
He was watching the action, so absorbed that he seemed unaware of her approach until his white wolf moved to meet them. Nymeria stalked closer on wary feet. Ghost, already larger than his litter mates, smelled her, gave her ear a careful nip, and settled back down. (Arya I, AGoT)
Arya was in her room, packing a polished ironwood chest that was bigger than she was. Nymeria was helping. Arya would only have to point, and the wolf would bound across the room, snatch up some wisp of silk in her jaws, and fetch it back. But when she smelled Ghost, she sat down on her haunches and yelped at them. (Jon II, AGoT)
I do think this will have importance later on. Especially since:
"Some will tell you that they are demons. They say the pack is led by a monstrous she-wolf, a stalking shadow grim and grey and huge. They will tell you that she has been known to bring aurochs down all by herself, that no trap nor snare can hold her, that she fears neither steel nor fire, slays any wolf that tries to mount her, and devours no other flesh but man." (Brienne V, AFfC)
“Wolves and women wed for life,” Haggon often said. “You take one, that’s a marriage. The wolf is part of you from that day on, and you’re part of him. Both of you will change.” (Varamyr Sixskins, ADwD)
Jon agrees.
My last friend, Jon thought ruefully. And I had best outlive you, or you'll eat my face as well. Ghost did not count. Ghost was closer than a friend. Ghost was part of him. (Jon III, ADwD)
I don't think it's super unlikely that Ghost and Nymeria would meet in Winds. George wanted this in the show:
Mysterious Direwolf Plans: Speaking of which: Martin leaves a little note for the producers when writing about Ramsay’s flesh-eating hounds, whom we see hunting down a girl for sport.
[ [N.B. A note for future reference. A season or two down the line Ramsay’s pack of wolfhounds are going to be sent against the Stark direwolves, so we should build up the dogs as much as possible in this and subsequent episodes.]]
I've seen it be suggested that it could be possible that Ghost and Nymeria meet and possibly mate and, well...I don't exactly put that past George, especially considering that we know his initial intention was Jon and Arya being together. To what extent and how that would even begin to happen, no one knows. But George did promise that Winds would be a very, very dark book...hmm.
But, in the Varamyr Sixskins prologue, there's an instance of this and while twisted, I find this theory a lot more likely than *Arya/Jon dies and Nymeria/Ghost becomes a replacement for Lady* I've seen peddled around.
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