#Abdul Kader
iamheretemporarly · 8 months
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Everyone I introduce to you Abdul Kader Zatcha, Algeria’s one and only Spider-Man! Or as he’s known amongst the people as “Rtilla”
kader is my Algerian spidersona, he is 20 and was born in the times Algeria was still under the French colonisation, if you want to know more about my silly lil guy don’t be afraid to ask!!
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tu6hl · 8 months
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يا اغلى ما عندي من اللي يساويك
يازهره ايامي حياتي حلالك
اصد عن غيرك وانت ألبيك
وانا غرامي باين في دلالك
يا اغلى ما عندي ♡
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razmah1 · 1 year
Speed up implementation of targeted fuel subsidy: CAP
Dateline 2022-12-02, NST: GEORGE TOWN: The Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) has welcomed the government’s announcement of a plan to implement targeted fuel subsidies for those in the Below 40 (B40) group. CAP president Mohideen Abdul Kader urged the government to speed up the implementation because the war in Ukraine is not likely to end soon. He said contrary to what some consumers may…
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mdabdulkaderredoy · 2 years
❝পরকীয়া, অশ্লীলতার যুগে স্ত্রীকে হালাল ভাবে ভালোবেসে পাশে থাকার চেয়ে বড় সততা আর কিছু নেই। সমাজ যাদেরকে বউ পা’গল বলে, আমি তাদেরকে শ্রেষ্ঠ চরিত্রবান ভেবে সম্মান করি।❞🖤 ~Md Abdul Kader Redoy 🗣️ শুভকামনা ☘️
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mamadkhalik · 1 year
"Mas, gimana anak saya? Kok katanya pacaran lagi ya?"
"Mas kok temen-temenku pada futur terus? Capek kalau gerak sendiri, egois banget mikir kuliah, emang kita ga kuliah?"
"Kader hari ini militansinya kurang mas, semua aturan diterabas!"
"Mas kok pekananku ga jalan ya, apa aku pindah aja ya?"
"Mas aku ngerasa gak pantas dapat amanah, gagal aja gitu, banyak kesalahan yang ga perlu dilakukan"
"Assalamualaikum mas, ini saya dapat tugas dari senior, mau daftar dauroh tapi secara waktu belum boleh, apakah bisa dibantu? 🙏"
"Mas tak rabi wae yo, soyo suwe tambah ruwet wae hahaha"
Percayalah, Allah tidak akan menakdirkan hambanya susah!
Percayalah, Allah memberikan rezeki berupa kekayaan dan rasa cukup kepada hambanya!
Percayalah, Allah senantiasa menguji hambanya untuk membuktikan bahwa kita layak atau tidak!
Kita adalah penerus risalah Para Rasul yang mulia. Kita adalah penerus keteladanan Abu Bakar Ash-Shidiq, setegas Umar bin Khatab, Sedermawan Usman bin Affan, secerdas Ali bin Abi Thalib, seadil Umar bin Abdul Aziz.
Kita adalah pemuda pemegang panji Islam yang mulia. Penyambung bara api dari Damaskus, Konstantinopel, Cordoba, Mataram hingga Jogja-Surakarta. Kita adalah trah pemberani Bumi Nusantara, seperti Buya Hamka, Muhammad Natsir, Hadji Agus Salim.
Telah dijelaskan, Setiap masa ada tuntutannya, setiap masa ada konsekuensinya, dan setiap masa ada pelaku sejarahnya.
Bukan hanya untuk berbicara, dulu zaman ini begini, zaman dulu begitu. Tapi, kita harus berbicara, mau apa setelah ini?
Selanjutnya, apakah benar yakin berjuang untuk Allah? Atau hanya validasi manusia belaka?
Banyaklah bersyukur, memohon ampun, sembari melapangkan dada dengan kesabaran. Menangislah atas segala dosa yang menghambat langkah dakwahmu.
Berdoalah untuk saudaramu, dari mereka yang lalai, atau bahkan keluar dari barisan ini, juga tak lupa kepada dirimu sendiri, yang lalai menunaikan haknya, dari menanyakan kabar, memberi beban yang tak sesuai kepahaman, atau barangkali zalim atas segala perkataan yang tak disengaja.
Merenunglah lebih lama, atas diamnya barisan ini kepada kepada kezaliman yang nyata. Menunggu Imam Mahdi datang tanpa bergerak dan tak mengubah apapun.
Setelah semua terlewati, kuatkanlah lagi lingkaranya, bersusah payahlah mencari ilmu, sambung silaturahmi dengan sesama saudara, dan yang paling penting, kuatkan rabithohnya!
"Tetaplah di sini. Di jalan ini. Bersama kafilah dakwah ini. Seberat apapun perjalanan yang harus ditempuh, sebesar apapun pengorbanan untuk menebusnya, tetaplah di sini. Jika bersama dakwah saja engkau serapuh ini, sekuat apa engkau jika seorang diri.” (KH. Rahmat Abdullah)
Bertahanlah, sedikit lagi.
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
Why is Avi Shlaim recycling ‘Baghdad bombings’ theory?
Why is Oxford professor Avi Shlaim blaming Zionist agents for forcing the Jews out of Iraq with a series of bombings? The answer lies in his new childhood memoir, argues Lyn Julius in The Jewish Chronicle:
Avi Shlaim, a professor of history at Oxford, has been no stranger to controversy, attracting criticism from his fellow academics.
Benny Morris has called Shlaim “sloppy”, and slammed his work for “one-sidedness and plain unfairness.”
Now in retirement, Shlaim has just published Three Worlds: Memoir of an Arab-Jew. This is a personal account of his childhood and teenage years straddling three worlds: Iraq, where he was born, Israel where his family resettled, and the UK, where he has lived since 1966.
Aged five, his was a brutal uprooting from a comfortable Baghdad mansion with servants. At a time of rising antisemitism during the 1948 war with Israel, the family fled Iraq to begin new lives in Israel. His father, a prosperous importer of building materials with influential Muslim friends, was completely undone by the move and his much younger wife, once a society hostess, was forced to work as a telephonist.
The marriage broke down. Young Avi brought his emotional baggage to his Jewish school in London, where a friend testifies to the fact he smuggled in non-kosher burgers to spite the headmaster.
During his academic career, Shlaim became more and more stridently anti-Israel. Today he calls it a “colonial settler state”, even though Mizrahi Jewish communities, now comprising over half of Israel’s Jews, predated the Arab conquest and Islam by 1,000 years or more.
The “Arab-Jew” of the title will raise a few eyebrows: the expression is used by some anti-Zionists who deny Jews from Arab countries a separate identity.
But the plaudits have been flowing from reviewers’ pens for Avi Shlaim’s new book. Eugene Rogan, author of “The Arabs” called it the best book he had read all year.
Max Hastings had this to say in the Sunday Times: “This remarkable upside-down tale… A personal story, not a polemic… provocative… His personal odyssey confers on Shlaim an exceptional authority for his words; he can say things that others of us cannot… his thesis deserves to be considered with respect.”
The thesis in question is that “the Zionists” planted bombs in Baghdad to help eradicate the presence of Jews in Iraq. “The shocking truth about the Baghdad bombings of 1950 -51” blares the title of a review by Justin Marozzi in The Spectator.
But Shlaim’s theory is far from conclusive. The only fatal bombing took place in January 1951 (six weeks before the deadline for legal Jewish emigration from Iraq was due to expire) in the Massouda Shemtob synagogue, then being used by “the Zionists” as a registration centre for departing Jews. Three of the five bombs were planted three months after the emigration deadline had passed and caused no casualties.
It is a mystery why “the Zionists” might have thought it necessary to bomb the synagogue when, by late 1950 a backlog of 80,000 Jews, who had already registered to leave for Israel, were stranded in Iraq. Indeed, the Iraqi government toyed with the idea of dumping these Jews on Israel’s border with Jordan or in the Kuwaiti desert because Israel was not shipping them out fast enough.
All the evidence for the bombings points to the nationalist Istiqlal party as the culprit. An Istiqlal member confessed to an Iraqi historian, Shamel Abdul Kader, that he planted the first bomb in April 1950. The Israeli new historian Tom Segev produced evidence blaming the synagogue bombing on Iraqi nationalists.
Iraqi Jews already had reason enough to seek a haven in Israel – rising pro-Nazi sentiment, the memory of a vicious Baghdad pogrom in 1941, the execution of the wealthy non-Zionist Shafik Ades in 1948, arrests, extortion, racist laws persecuting and dispossessing them. A vibrant community of 150,000 is now reduced to three Jews.
But Shlaim claims there was no antisemitism in Iraq until the Iraqis ‘turned on the Jews’ for their alleged complicity with the British invasion of 1941 and the foundation of Israel.
It is a travesty that Shlaim should not only fail to blame Arab regimes for the mass ethnic cleansing of their Jewish citizens, but that his reputation as an Oxford academic should lend ‘exceptional authority’ and respectability to these highly controversial claims,
What lies behind Shlaim’s anti-Zionism? In reviewing ‘Israel and Palestine’ Benny Morris pronounced himself puzzled.
“Many intellectuals, in Israel as in the West, have been moved by the Palestinians’ history and their plight, but at the same time they have remained sympathetic to Israel’s predicament…. In Israel and Palestine, by contrast, there is no sign of any such complex sympathy.
“For Shlaim, Israel and its leaders can do no right. It all begins to seem very personal. What is the source of this bias and this resentment? ‘
It appears that Shlaim’s memoir holds the answer. Israel is responsible for his unhappy childhood, his family’s impoverishment and his broken home.
Read article in full
More about Avi Shlaim
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Point of No Return
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surrealistnyc · 1 year
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The fourth issue of in toto is now available, with pieces by Jean-Claude Barbé, Georges Henein, Abdul Kader El Janabi, and many others.
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hamdaniblogs · 2 years
A world I crafted
where my feeling
reached you, and
all the love for you
which I kept was
On the plain lands
a sunny afternoon
together we sat, blissful
moment we spent under
the shadow of that one
tree , our lips to
each other soon to meet
Unlucky my sleep broke
and the dream had to end,
eyes showed me my lonely
home, where often every dream
I had to return
I asked the king of Dreams
what can't be beaten
he replied, it is the
hope that you kept for her.
-Abdul Kader Hamdani
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ovnihoje · 6 days
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iamheretemporarly · 8 months
Abdul Kader’s spider-kiss
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meowmaids · 11 days
Palestinian journalist Motasem A Dalloul posted a picture today of thirteen year old Abdul Kader al Serhi.
He was so young, his entire life ahead of him. He has a right to be alive! He should be playing with friends! Going to school! His family should be able to tuck him in every night, and remind him each day how much they love him! Abdul should be enjoying life to the fullest and doing what he loves most.
Abdul was forcibly starved to death by the war on civillans. A little boy has been stolen from his loved ones in a world filled with food because he is Palestinian.
Forced Starvation is weapon of war. Starvation, direct bombing, illness from lack of medical care and sanitation, and exposure are all deaths which should have never been allowed to happen.
We cannot let anyone die of starvation and all other completely preventable causes. We can't live in a world which permits the starvation and genocide of Sudanese and Palestinian nor any group of people.
It is the greatest sorrow to see people and families targeted by starvation and genocide. Abdul's picture is heartbreaking. How can we allow any human being to die of starvation My God
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mdabdulkaderredoy · 2 years
অপরূপ দৃশ্য
না দেখলে মিস করবেন😍😍😍
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il-ciuchino · 2 months
India: ripetuti avvistamenti UFO
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In India, sono stati segnalati differenti avvistamenti UFO nei pressi di due centrali nucleari, uno vicino alla centrale nucleare di Kudankulam ed un altro alla centrale nucleare di Madras vicino a Kalpakkam. Syed Abdul Kader, subispettore della polizia, nonché uno dei testimoni di tali avvistamenti ha dichiarato di aver girato dei video che dimostrano la cosa. "Sono sicuro più del 100% che quello che ho visto fossero UFO...Il modo in cui stava fermo, il modo in cui faceva movimenti a zigzag e la velocità con cui scompariva… tutto era diverso" sono le parole di Kader, che ha avvistato degli UFO sia nel 2020 che nel 2023. Il video è possibile vederlo in questa pagina: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-13245755/indian-police-officer-wife-ufo-footage-nuclear-power-plant.html
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Doctors in Deira | Al Shifa Al Khaleeji Medical Center
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Dr. Kaja Mohaideen is a Specialist Orthodontist and Certified Invisalign provider with 3 years of experience. He is trained in various fixed and removable orthodontic appliances, as well as digital imaging and virtual treatment planning. Dr. Mohaideen offers quality orthodontic care for patients of all ages, with a focus on aesthetics and comfort.
Dr. Anil Kaintura is a specialist in Internal Medicine with 23 years of experience and a special focus on kidney diseases. He has extensive skills in diagnosing and treating both acute and chronic conditions, such as heart diseases, diabetes, and hypertension. He has also managed life-threatening cases in emergency settings, performing thrombolysis and other therapeutic procedures. Dr. Kaintura is highly organized and adheres to laws and quality standards while prescribing medications and conducting regular drug reviews. He is a reliable and compassionate doctor who strives to provide the best care for his patients.
Dr. Kajal Devi is a seasoned senior Physiotherapist with specialized training in musculoskeletal and pediatric rehabilitation, making her adept at addressing a diverse range of health concerns. Her expertise spans from managing cervical problems and lower back pain to providing effective therapies for complex conditions like muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy. Dr. Devi’s approach is rooted in compassion, personalized care, and evidence-based practices, ensuring that each patient experiences holistic healing and an improved quality of life. Visit Med7 for an appointment with Kajal Devi for enhanced wellness, where every session is tailored to meet your unique needs and health goals.
Dr. Mintu Joy is a General Dentist with expertise in cosmetic, prosthodontic, endodontic, emergency, and pedodontic procedures. He provides quality dental care for patients of all ages.
Dr. Parag Pitty is a General & Cosmetic Dentist with 10 years of experience in Mumbai, India. He can perform a wide range of routine dental procedures, as well as complex dental extractions and single-visit root canal treatments. Book his appointment for a hassle-free dental treatment.
Dr. Qudeer Ahmed Qureshi is a General Medicine practitioner with 22 years of experience in the UAE. He treats pediatric and adult patients with various medical conditions, including chronic diseases and emergencies. He provides detailed patient analyses and personalized services to enhance health and well-being.
Dr. Shefna Abdul Aziz is a seasoned General Practitioner, boasting 8 years of hands-on experience in emergency and critical care. With a foundation built on strong clinical skills, Dr. Aziz exemplifies excellence in patient care, ensuring precision and empathy at every step. Her adeptness in EMR systems and ECG interpretation, coupled with proficiency in suturing and catheterization, positions her as a beacon of reliability.
Her interpersonal skills are unmatched; she fosters an environment of trust and understanding, ensuring that each patient feels heard, understood, and cared for.
Visit Dr. Shefna Abdul Aziz for a healthcare experience where expertise meets compassion and every interaction is tailored to meet your unique health needs.
Dr. Sruthi SJ Nair is a general practitioner with a track record of aptly diagnosing various diseases. She is an expert in psychiatric medicine. Dr Sruthi brings to Med7 the rich practice, & expertise of working as duty officer in Cosmopolitan hospital Trivandrum, a senior medical officer in Pediatric department of ISAACs hospitals, Visit Med7 for a consultation session with Dr Sruthi to ensure your health & wellness.
Dr. Ejas Kader is a distinguished Orthopedic surgeon, holding the prestigious MOH specialist A and DOH specialist licenses. His academic journey includes an MCh Orth. from the University of Dundee, an MS in Orthopedics from Calcutta National Medical College, and an MBBS from Government Medical College in Calicut. Currently, he enhances lives at the Med7 Medical Center in Deira, near the clock tower.
His rich experience spans from Sheikh Khalifa Hospital in Ajman to Bilal Medical Center in Sharjah, along with significant roles at Jubilee Mission Hospital and Calcutta National Medical College in India.
Dr. Kader’s expertise also extends to emergency care, having served as an RMO at Ansar Hospital. His career is marked by a commitment to excellence and a passion for advancing orthopedic care.
For more details visit our website : https://alshifaalkhaleeji.com/doctors/
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