#ALSO. i'm having thoughts about holly having more cancer tendencies and poppy having more gemini
lizzieehearts · 3 years
okay i have eah zodiac thoughts that nobody asked for but here we go (all of these are from their canon birthdays)
lizzie and bunny are both cap/aquarius cuspers on opposite sides and i can't stop thinking about this
hunter is a pisces. why did this never occur to me before now
daring's an aries??? i thought he was a libra
crystal is the only scorpio who doesn't have a villain destiny/heritage (faybelle and cerise being the other two)
hopper is the only cancer. rip him i guess
raven's also the only sag. Main Character Things i guess
nina is also an aries. i am questioning if the eah writers room know what an aries is
courtly and lizzie's birthdays are less than a week apart. i feel like this was one of the things that started their rivalry
lizzie's and bunny's birthdays are three days apart so joint birthday parties question mark
farrah is a libra. i have nothing else to say
so is ashlynn but that makes more sense
holly and poppy are gemini/cancer cuspers love that for them
kitty is a gemini. why did i never think of this
alistair and apple's birthdays are one day apart???
briar is a leo. bc of course she is have you met her
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