iknowitwontwork · 10 months
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sarah-cam · 7 months
After listening to Slut! by Taylor Swift, it reminded me how a lot of the fandom really slut shames Belly for having relationships with the brothers, even though that’s literally the show’s entire premise. While Belly is not perfect, there’s no excuse for people (a good amount of whom are adults) to slut shame an insecure 16 yo girl who is processing her own grief. It’s also surprising to hear people who are Team Conrad slut shame Belly because while Conrad was disappointed with Belly choosing Jeremiah in s2, he would not approve of this slut shaming at all. Plus, I find it ironic how tsitp (a very Taylor Swift coded show) has it’s main character face the same slut shaming Taylor Swift experienced throughout her career. Despite tsitp focusing on Belly’s coming of age and her taking charge of her life, she deserves a lot better from the fandom.
okay i want to start this off by saying i wholeheartedly agree that belly gets unfairly slut-shamed and yes she is only a teenager struggling with grief HOWEVER that doesn't mean she should be exempt from criticism
the fact that she dates both brothers is literally the entire premise lol and i suspend a level of morality, i guess you could say, when it comes to fiction because it's FICTION!! it's supposed to be fun and emotional and dramatic
i love belly but she is so messy ☠️
my issue with her behavior is not based around the fact that she kissed someone else, there's nothing wrong with her trying to move on from conrad. that in and of itself is not the issue, which is what's different from the slut-shaming that i see in fandom. it's the fact that it's with jeremiah -- it's the emotional aspect. like she really went after the one person that would hurt conrad the most without even giving it a second thought!! but even so, it doesn't make her a bad person or a slut. and i know she's a teenager but also... that's fucked up to ANYONE idc how young you are. like i was a 16 year old girl not THAT long ago 😅 and that's just so messed up (but that's on jeremiah too, not just her)
slut-shaming is a huge issue that i see in fandoms because that's such a huge part of society unfortunately. if you watched nancy drew or follow me then you've probably seen me express frustration when nancy gets slut-shamed by the fandom. if not here's a brief summary - nancy has multiple partners throughout the series, several of which are while she's trying to move on from her feelings for ace. the first is while ace has a girlfriend and neither know of the others' feelings, and the second is after nancy and ace break up. there's nothing wrong with a single woman/person having hookups or flings or whatever with other people or even multiple people. the only issue that would rise for me would again be regarding the emotional aspect -- it's WHO she is with, like if it was ace's brother or best friend
it's not about shaming a woman for expressing and enjoying her sexuality -- it's about just having simple respect and consideration for another person's feelings
think about it like this -- you and your boyfriend break-up (when neither of you really wanted to) and are still in love with each other. and then your (ex)boyfriend almost immediately goes and makes out with your sister. or your best friend. who KNOWS that you're still in love with each other. that's FUCKED UP and in reality i would never forgive either of them for that
i know that belly not wanting to have sex with jeremiah before the wedding is part of the plot in book 3 so i am wondering how they will handle that given she has already had sex with conrad, so she's obviously not waiting for marriage to lose her virginity. if we do have to suffer through a sex scene (🤮), it's not uncomfy because she's having sex with someone else, it's uncomfy from the emotional standpoint and because we know she ends up back with conrad -- but AGAIN this does not make her a slut, she can absolutely do what she wants with her body and should not be shamed for it
i'm hoping that maybe this is how they approach it -- with belly feeling weird about having been with conrad and tries to justify her uneasiness (since she's also still in love with him) by waiting until after the wedding because then she can say "well obviously i can have sex with my HUSBAND"
AGAIN, at the end of the day, she can do what she wants and having sex with jeremiah certainly doesn't diminish her or her value, or her love for conrad. and hey, if conrad can get over it and forgive her for everything then who am i to judge -- it's fiction!!
in real life though, if i was taylor, i would be checking belly SO HARD about her behavior and if i was steven, idc if it's my sister i would be verbally destroying her AND jeremiah AND telling conrad to go to cali and never come back 💅🏼
(also the line in the song is "if they call me a slut, it might as well be worth it for once" and belly sweetie jeremiah ain't worth shit ☠️)
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