#A to L — ♥ there is no one else I'd rather entrust my life to; you who sees all sides of me & still loves me no matter what.
macestro · 9 months
these, too, were inevitable — for @hisgame's L, @hitoseigi's Light and @divadied's Misa!
L LAWLIET ♦ they are more than just the world's greatest detective; they are my best and only friend. I trust you with my life. YAGAMI LIGHT ♣ he who walks a damned path in the name of justice; will your choices be worth it in the end? AMANE MISA ♥ she who has a smile as radiant as the sun itself and a heart bigger than her body can handle.
A to L — ♥ there is no one else I'd rather entrust my life to; you who sees all sides of me & still loves me no matter what.
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