#A funny one this. It has the bones of a really interesting episode as Jordan investigates whether a manuscript purported to be by a great
jordankennedy · 4 years
top ten (eleven?) tma episodes of all time (harley original)
1. 55 pest control (brilliant. incredible. showstopping. legitimately the best episode of the entire podcast. i rly liked how it was sort of two separate stories instead of one long one and jordan kennedy my friend jordan kennedy is funny as fuck. i actually have this episode word for word memorized. desolation bitches will see a corruption avatar and say is anyone gonna set this on fire? and not wait for an answer)
2. 157 rotten core (adelard dekker fans rise up...also just delightfully gross in all aspects. 100% the best episode in terms of sheer visceral imagery. points also for the john amherst concrete cringe compilation. charlie i think about the extinction every single day of my life)
3. 120 eye contact (not exactly scary, just sort of...troubling. idk if its just ben merediths voice, he has a very good one for narrating fucked up coma dreams, but it felt very...personal. gives me goosebumps. the line “the exterminator looks to her, then to the archivist, and it is not certain which he fears more” lives inside of my head rent free)
4. 15 lost john’s cave + 93 contaminant (these two are tied. only episodes that actually legitimately really really scared me. i still havent listened to lost johns cave all the way through i cant bring myself to do it. “take her not me” get the fuck out bro i cant DO that shit)
5. 68 the tale of a field hospital (i actually find all the statements involving leitners pretty interesting but especially this one just cause its funny. i feel like if i had the ability to just die and respawn infinitely like a video game protagonist i would instantly also use it to fuck with people. also has the single best transition between post-statement and supplemental in all of season 2)
6. 106 a matter of perspective (this one was weirdly thought-provoking to me. the whole shit with the daedalus mission was funny as hell but this bit of it was sort of like...hm. idk how to explain it. it hit different and i think about it a lot. rest literally in pieces mr kilbride)
7. 59 recluse (i think about raymond fielding using his web powers to make the kids living at hill top road brush their teeth genuinely at least once every two days. something about him doing that is so captivatingly strange. actually maybe i just think the web is cool)
8. 36 taken ill (equal parts funny and freaky. “i’m sure you know all about what heat does to cadavers” man shut the fuck up. what the hell is your problem. nicole baxter’s views on death are also pretty interesting to me...she is a very fascinating woman and i like her very much)
9. 42 grifter’s bone (just fucking hilarious like, as a concept. truly the definition of music make you lose control)
10. 71 underground (why don’t you take a nap in the buried train and maybe youll calm down)
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seancesays · 5 years
im doing a rewatch recap of each episode because i haven’t watched the show straight through since i finished it the first time and i figured: why not?
i was so confused by the opening of the show the first time I watched it (like? who are these random Russian teenagers?) but it just intrigues me now. i wonder if they’ll ever elaborate on how/where each of the siblings was born?
I love love love how they introduce each of the siblings at the beginning. it’s a really succinct summary of their lives prior to reggie’s death and how him dying upends what they’re individually doing and forces them back together
similarly to that, the individual reactions to the news of Reggie’s death are just. so good. and I’m never going to get over the shot of Luther on the moon with the earth in front of him. like. that fuckin lens flare man.
Diego finding Luther, and having already gotten the coroners report, telling him he’s already cased the whole house is sad to me in a way. He’s still trying to be number one, still trying to show he can lead too.
The lighting when the kids are trying to say goodnight to Reggie intrigues the fuck out of me. The warm vs. cool tones. how he doesn’t even make eye contact with them. Also all these kids do such a good job of playing the older siblings younger counter parts.
Klaus’ “you know how I know” is so soft. For no reason. Who gave him the right. Also I love how they establish Klaus is the Friend Sibling 20 minutes into the pilot. Allison finds him fucking hilarious even if she doesn’t want to. (“No need to get your little panties in a bunch” Klaus honey I hate to break it to you but you are literally canonically wearing panties at that moment.)
There is such a reserved brilliance to the way Emmy plays Allison I don’t even have the words to it. The little pause before “he got custody” is fantastic.
Luther. Sweetheart. For the assigned leader of the group you Cannot give good speeches or properly motivate the group. It’s almost sad. Please don’t accuse your siblings of murder.
The bank robbery scene. Art. That’s all. (Actually - I love how they show ben but don’t clearly mention his death at any point until his statue / the end with him in the car. It’s a really good way of implying they Don’t Talk About Ben without having to make one of them say it.)
None of these dysfunctional idiots can dance. I love them.
It’s honestly iconic that’s Five’s first on screen word in the present day is shit.
Would Diego and Luther PLEASE use an umbrella in the pouring rain? Like what’s wrong with them.
The tattoo thing gets more and more fucked up the more I think of it. God I fucking hate Reginald.
Reggie monitoring their brain activity while they sleep (and FILMING them) is still so fucking creepy - BUT, I do love the little bit of foreshadowing with him also monitoring Vanya, that confused me the first time through but it also planted the seed that she could have powers in a very subtle manner. plus then transitioning to a shot of her taking her meds? *italian chef kiss* poetic cinema.
klaus, high as a kite, clutching a guitar. love that for him.
I didn’t know anything abt this show going in so i was SO CONFUSED when they showed us a glimpse of Luther’s monkey arm where he got cut the first time. i was like the large man needs to SHAVE. Luther sweetie I’m so sorry for body shaming you.
there is something just so. bittersweet and heart wrenching in the scene of grace staring at the paintings. it hurts my heart. also Jordan Claire Robbins does SUCH a fantastic job in this role.
Also: do we think Reggie named Grace, or did she name herself? Or did the kids give her a name in return for naming them? I have questions.
“The kid wants coffee. Black.” Five you prick I love you. Also I love five trying to have bitter old man conversation with the mechanic and how much it weirds the mechanic out. That’s fucking funny.
ISTANBUL WAS CONSTANTINOPLE NOW IT’S ISTANBUL NOT CONSTANTINOPLE (also - I think it’s interesting the commission goons aren’t wearing masks in this scene, but do in the rest of them?)
Diego you dramatic fuck. the monocle. the skyline. thank u klaus for interrupting him.
Klaus how is it too late for eggs but not waffles. boy how does that make sense.
Robert’s delivery of “breaking bones ... cracking skulls?” vs. David’s delivery of “saving lives baby” intrigues the fuck out of me. Maybe klaus is just pouting that he’s not getting food with Diego but he sounds so distraught over it whereas it’s obviously completely normal for Diego.
Ben ily.
I still LOVE the foreshadowing of “rapists can climb.”
“Because you’re ordinary ... because you’ll listen.” It actually irritates me that five establishes Vanya as the one who will listen / help them even if she isn’t directly involved and then she gets excluded the rest of the season. Like I know, for narrative purposes, she has to be, but I just don’t understand the purpose of the line if it’s then just made pointless by the rest of the show.
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