#9 times out of 10 it is completely impersonal. i have rain world shipping blocked because i just don't care for it
hantu-burung · 4 months
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another drawing of the tisserand! my slugcat sona (they/he)
slightly unrelated prelude to lore below. i'm just a bit excited to share their story. skip to the red text for an explanation about the pole plant on their back! this is like an internet recipe i'm giving you a bit of his life story first.
the tisserand comes from a colony of slugcats that lived in an abandoned scavenger room/shelter directly beneath the farm arrays wormgrass. their colony lives a very secluded life, using the wormgrass alone to sustrain themselves (for safety. and when the wormgrass dies, for food too.)
on one cycle, the room breaks down in the rain.
the carpet slugcats evacuate, with the colony leader migrating them to a secondary shelter far away.
the tisserand, however, overslept his hibernation, somehow missing the shelter failure altogether. they wake up starving, in a sopping wet ruin of their old colony, looking for their family.
like monk, they're a bit too young and inexperienced especially coming from a reclusive breed of slugcat. but they figure out a few tricks using their sticky mucus and uh, pest weaponry??
sticking wormgrass on their back is the default for carpet slugcats, it's almost instinctual. however, during the tisserand's journey, they might find wormgrass limiting or dangerous. it's a short range defensive cover, not enough to take them from one side of the map to the other.
if the tisserand is taking a bit more of a violent route, they might be able to harness a pole plant, using them as a "spear plant". (it's a little bit far-fetched but...i mean look, theres slugcats making singularity bombs out of plants...should be fine.)
the process of wrangling a pole plant is difficult. first, the plant needs to be fed, then stunned. the tisserand is able to dig the plant's roots and stomach out, but that takes time. time left vulnerable to other predators in the area. if the slugcat isn't eaten up by a lizard or vulture, they can stick the plant onto their back. it cannot be used until the tisserand hibernates while wearing the plant.
once that ordeal is over though, it's worth it. a spear that can grapple and swallow predators whole is very very useful. the pole plant's stomach might weight the tisserand down while it digests something heavy, but that only takes a couple of seconds for the plant to process its meal. (i know that's not how weight works...shh....)
that's all i have so far on the "spear plant" but i absolutely have a lot to say about the tisserand in general. there'll be more
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