#6th Floor Orchestra
josefavomjaaga · 1 year
Once more: Bal des Maréchaux, 6 January 1805
A long, long time ago I promised to translate the long newspaper report of the ball given by the marshals during the coronation festivals, the one where poor Mortier had to dance. @maggiec70 and everybody else who reads French can of course better enjoy the original text - without my stupid remarks, but with an astonishing amount of long s’s (ſ).
Journal Politique de Mannheim, No. 14, Monday 14 January 1805
Paris, January 8th
The Journal officiel has an account of the ball given on the 6th to Her Majesty the Empress, as follows:
»Yesterday the Marshals of the Empire gave Her Majesty the Empress a celebration for which she had kindly agreed to accept the honour. They had chosen the hall of the Opera. The most brilliant events succeed one another there, the most pompous spectacles are displayed, it is the theatre of enchantments, the temple of prestiges; the eye is accustomed to all the magic the art of the decorator can produce; but it was reserved for the feast given by the marshals to produce in this place of wonders a new surprise, to provide effects which were unknown, to spread a charm which had not yet been experienced, and finally to place reality above even the illusions of the stage.«
[Insert images of fourteen different marshals, all reading the morning paper to their respective wives and nodding approvingly. »I guess that means they liked it.«]
»The room was laid out as for ball days, but it was hardly recognisable. All the boxes were beautifully draped, and each row in a different manner.«
Event organisers, sighing: Yes, indeed. That was the only thing we could do when it became clear the gentleman would not agree on a common concept. We barely managed to avoid a brawl.
»Elegant colonnades and rich candelabras separated them. At each of them a wreath of flowers descended on the heads of the women who were to appear there; garlands and festoons united the wreaths between them; here the drapery was fastened with stars; there the imperial eagle unfolded its wings on a vast cordon; on another row, helmets, shields, and flags decorated the front of the boxes [...]«
Event organisers: Well, we did manage to talk Lannes out of decorating his boxes with cannons, so there’s that.
»[…] everywhere the initials of Napoleon and Josephine offered themselves to one’s eyes. A starlit sky replaced the ceiling. The dazzling brilliance of the chandeliers and the women's diamonds was reflected in the mirrors artfully arranged in most of the boxes. Below the orchestra floor were full-length mirrors that extended the lines of the seated women as far as the eye could see.«
Murat: That was my idea!
Event organisers: He also provided us with most of the mirrors.
»All the boxes were occupied by foreign or French persons, called by name to be placed there. Two armchairs were prepared for their Majesties, at the extreme end of the room. Near and behind them were reserved seats for the princes and princesses, the grand officers and the ladies of their court.«
Lannes: I voted to place those at an even greater distance, outside the hall. I was overruled.
»In two parallel lines and along the whole length of the hall, were placed some of the invited ladies; the men circulated behind their seats; a wide and long square, reserved for the quadrilles, remained free. At nine o'clock, their Imperial Highnesses Princesses Louis and Caroline were announced; they entered through a side door, followed by their ladies. The assembly rose; a moment later the Empress was announced, welcomed with the loudest applause, followed by her ladies, accompanied by two marshals of the Empire, she took her place in one of the armchairs prepared for her. In the name of the Emperor, there was a military drum salute, […]«
Event organisators: We just could not talk them out of that.
»[…] the orchestra gave a fanfare, and the loudest cheers erupted from all sides. The Emperor, followed by the princes, his brothers, the arch-chancellor and the arch-treasurer, one of the colonels-general of his guard and the aide-de-camp on duty, was led to his place by the Marshals of the Empire.«
Marshals: We were not sure if he would find it on his own, and we really wanted to have him out of the way so we could properly party.
»The concert began with a beautiful war song, [...]«
Event organisers: Well, as we already said...
»[...], performed by Monsieur Etienne, its author, that of the Preux de Charlemagne. Several pieces by the bards were then performed. They were not new to anyone, and yet they could never have been better appreciated than on this occasion, for they were sung not by the artists of the Opéra, who are most successful as actors, but by those whose beautiful voice and excellent method are constantly admired, Messrs Laïs, Chérin and Roland. These numbers caused a great sensation, although no one thought it proper to applaud; but a deep emotion was generally felt when Laïs, Chérin and Roland sang, a capella, the forever famous aria Charmante Gabrielle. The Vivat, vivat, performed on the day of the coronation and already famous, ended the concert. The Emperor then expressed to Messieurs les maréchaux how the organisation of the celebration given to the Empress seemed to him to be perfect in every respect, [...]«
Josephine: Not that anybody cared to ask my opinion, of course. You know, the opinion of the person this party was dedicated to.
»[...] and two quadrilles were formed. After a second contredance, formed of a greater number of quadrilles, the waltzes began.«
Marshals: That was the last time we caught sight of Davout.
»Meanwhile, the Emperor had descended into the ballroom and was successively addressing all the women he found on his way.«
Napoleon: Is that British cotton you’re wearing? Are those jewels real or fake? Don't you feel that this neckline is a bit daring at your age?
»While conversing with each of them, he went around the room twice. The ball then became extremely lively. There were few women who did not take part in it; all of them, with the richness of their finery, had been able to combine the elegance and delicacy of ball costume. The splendour of their charms, their grace in dancing, the richness of the French uniforms, the variety arising from the foreign uniforms and the adorned costumes, the eagerness of the dancers, the tumultuous movements of the waltzes formed a scene difficult to describe. Movement was free everywhere, and most of the people in the boxes had descended and poured into the hall. The number of people invited had been calculated skilfully enough to ensure that there was attendance everywhere and a crowd nowhere.«
Berthier: Yeah, about inviting too many people … let’s just say somebody was able to give the boys some hints on that.
»Around midnight, Their Majesties retired.«
Everybody: Finally! Party time!
»The ball lasted until nearly six o'clock in the morning.«
Event organisers: And we would like to emphasise that not a single marshal tried to extinguish the candles by pistol shots.
»This incomplete notice cannot be finished without recalling that Messieurs the aides-de-camp of the marshals of the Empire did the honours and supervised all the details with that exquisite politeness, that urbanity and that gallantry which is everywhere the characteristic of soldiers distinguished by their services and the undisputed prerogative of the French military.«
As a matter of fact, one of those aides, Soult’s aide-de-camp Auguste Petiet, was charged with preventing the public from entering the foyer where the marshals gathered to greet the emperor on his arrival, and comments in his memoirs that he found this job
quite unpleasant. I had placed two grenadiers of the Guard at each door of the foyer, and yet I was obliged to appear often to prevent the emperor's aides-de-camp, state councillors and other characters from breaking the rules.
Yes, Napoleon’s aides, state councilors and other shady folks clearly are the worst! I guess he did have more fun once he had seen Mortier dancing.
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gaygryffindorgal · 1 year
Weekend with The Grays 2022: Day 02
6th of December: The Welcome Ball 2.0
Gryff’s Winbourne Christmas Chronicles: Part 1
Malcolm Stolberg-Burke has a little problem: he’s not a very good dancer.
Words: 1.1k
A/N: This may or may not be canon, lmao
MCs included:
Elian Goldcrest by @potionboy3​
Primrose Gray by @endlessly-cursed​
MCs mentioned:
Cecilia Balinor by @endlessly-cursed​
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The ball had barely begun, and Malcolm watched as Primrose and Elian spun on the dancefloor with growing anxiety. He had always been a dreadful dancer, a fact his sister never let him forget. In theory, he knew all of the popular dances but when he attempted them, it usually ended in disaster. It had given him quite a lot of grief during his year as an earl and he couldn’t very well ask Prim to dance if he was only going to step on her dress or toes. As the orchestra began winding down, Malcolm made his way into the field of Elian’s view. He was trying very subtly to get his attention. Prim and Elian exchanged a few words and all the proper pleasantries, then went their separate ways. Elian had noticed him hovering, because of course he had.
“Malcolm,” he said as he approached. “Why do you look like an overgrown, lost child?”
“I need your help,” Malcolm told him. He really, really needed help.
“Of course you do,” Elian said. “Wait, with what? I’m not going to ask Primrose to dance with you on your behalf.”
“No, I can’t ask her to dance at all, because I’m a terrible dancer!” he explained, rather too frantically to his own taste. This was ridiculous.
“You’re an earl? How have you survived up to this point?”
“By being unapproachable and generally unpleasant to be around.”
Elian let out a heavy sigh. “Alright, come with me.”
“Thank you!”
“Don’t thank me yet.”
Malcolm and Elian snuck into one of the empty rooms on the second floor. It was quite a bit smaller than the ballroom but still sizable.
“This will do,” said Elian appraisingly. “Now, pretend I’m Primrose.”
Malcolm gaped at him. “You’re… I’m not sure I can do that.”
Elian rolled his eyes with a lot of drama. “Do you want my help or not?”
“Fine, fine, alright,” Malcolm relented. “Lady Gray, will you do me the honour of dancing with me?”
Elian, being the little shit that he was, put on his worst Prim-imitation. “Oh, I would love to!”
“She doesn’t sound like that,” Malcolm said grumpily.
“Play along now, Burke.”
Malcolm gave up, extended a hand and Elian took it.
“Do you like my dress?” asked Elian, batting his eyelashes comically, still continuing his terrible Primrose-impression. “I had it specially made for this occasion.”
“Elian—,” Malcolm started firmly.
“Do you think it matches my eyes?” Elian continued.
“Yes,” Malcolm muttered in his most passive-aggressive tone. “It’s lovely.”
“Now, remember, I’m the girl, so you’re supposed to lead.”
“I know how it works, theoretically,” Malcolm defended himself. “It’s just that my feet don’t seem to do what I tell them to do.”
“It’s because you’re too tall for a human-being.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be pretending to be Primrose?”
Elian snickered. “I have no idea what you two talk about when you’re alone, the weather? The consistency of pastries? Or wait, is that too titillating?”
“Now you’re just teasing me.”
“Of course I am,” said Elian. “Here, try being a little less stiff, you’re moving like a scarecrow.”
Malcolm tried and stepped on Elian’s toe. “Sorry.”
“I’m sturdy, but you might want to try avoiding that with Prim, she’s a bit more delicate than me.”
“Ha, ha,” was all Malcolm said. He was beginning to think this was not going to be helpful at all. They danced for a while longer, mostly with Elian leading, because Malcolm was truly hopeless. Eventually, Elian took a step back and said: “My deepest apologies, but I don’t think even I can help you.”
“Am I really that bad?”
“Yes, but I have another idea.”
“What is it?”
“Just tell Prim that you’re a terrible dancer and let her handle the rest.”
“I can’t very well do that!”
“Yes, you can,” Elian insisted. “Honesty is the best policy!”
“Says you.”
Elian shrugged. “The point is, you are friends, you can just tell her.”
“This is different.”
“Then just don’t ask her and sulk in the corner all evening, watching her dance with all the other eligible bachelors who are not unapproachable and unpleasant to be around,” Elian said, helpfully.
“You’re no help at all.”
“We best head back, I don’t want to start any scandalous rumours.”
“Don’t you have at least five of those circulating about you at any given time, anyway?” asked Malcolm.
“A lady never tells,” Elian said and headed out.
“I hate you.”
“I know!”
Malcolm followed him down the hall, feeling not at all better about his fortunes.
Malcolm grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waiter. Elian had already gone off to somewhere, probably to find Henry. He hadn’t been this nervous since giving his first speech as earl of Harrendale. Truth be told, this was probably worse. Not because it was more formal, because really, it wasn’t. The room was filled with people he knew from school, and it wasn’t as if Primrose and he hadn’t danced before, but it was very different to share a dance at a school event than this. He wanted to make an impression. It was perfectly possible, in fact, that Primrose knew he was a terrible dancer but had been too polite to say. He wasn’t sure if that was supposed to make him feel better or worse. He took a sip of the champagne and placed it on a table. The night was not getting any younger.
He found Prim talking with some of her friends. She looked beautiful, but then again, she always looked beautiful. He pretended to be extremely interested in a landscape painting of Winbournshire when he noticed Cecilia Balinor, one of the ladies Prim was talking to glance his way suspiciously. Merlin, why was he being so fussy about this? He mildly regretted leaving his champagne behind but couldn’t go back for it now. He straightened his back and headed toward the ladies.
“Evening, ladies,” he said as he reached them.
“My lord,” said Primrose. “Have you enjoyed the evening so far?”
“Yes, Winbourne is quite lovely this time of year,” replied Malcolm. “Or any time of year, I imagine.”
“It is,” said Primrose. “You should see the village in spring, when the first leaves come out.”
“I would like that very much.”
“Perhaps it can be arranged,” Primrose said with a smile.
Malcolm cleared his throat. “Lady Gray,” he started. He really was so incredibly bad at this. “Would you do me the honour of sharing the next dance with me?”
Primrose, to his relief, looked delighted. “Yes, I’d love to,” she said, but not in the exaggerated tone Elian had used. Still, he had to give it to the man that he knew Primrose quite well, even if he was unable to take anything seriously.
Malcolm and Primrose left her friends to head towards the dance floor.
“I have a confession to make,” said Malcolm.
Primrose looked at him in surprise. “Oh?”
“I’m not much of a dancer.”
She let out a quiet laugh. “Oh, I know, Malcolm.”
“Well, that’s a relief.”
“And I don’t mind,” Primrose continued. “I’d still rather dance with you than anyone else here.”
That made Malcolm blush. Primrose held his arm tighter.
“Don’t worry, I’m a good enough dancer for the both of us,” she whispered, as the first notes of the waltz began to play.
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whatsonmedia · 1 year
Best Offers Of This Week!
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Get ready for an exciting week ahead with WhatsOn's unbeatable offers! Whether you're looking to stay healthy, try new things, or indulge in delicious food and drinks, we've got you covered. With just one click, discover pocket-friendly fun that will leave you wanting more. Don't miss out on the hottest offers in town! 75% off Brash Wedfair tickets Brash Wedfair is an inclusive event for individuals of all sexualities, genders, races, ages, body types, and abilities. On April 29th at Old Sessions House, local vendors from Leyton and beyond will showcase unique and creative wedding ideas, from floral arrangements to bespoke favors. Sip on cocktails, coffee, and sample delectable cakes and pastries while you discover inspiration and connect with like-minded individuals. Get your £2 ticket now and make your wedding dreams a reality at Brash Wedfair. Here are the highlights of the event: - Brash Wedfair features three rooms filled with local exhibitors from Leyton and the surrounding areas, showcasing everything from celebrants to wedding favours. - Attendees can also enjoy a sustainable wedding wear catwalk show with live music. - Currently, there is a special promotion for a massive 75% discount, making tickets only £2 and VIP tickets just £3. - VIP ticket holders will receive a goodie bag that includes gifts, vouchers, offers, and flyers from exhibitors. The Definitive Rat Pack at Boisdale Canary Wharf tickets start at £7.50 The Definitive Rat Pack is a live show at Boisdale Canary Wharf featuring stars from the award-winning West End musical. Enjoy hits from the 50s, such as "Fly Me To The Moon" and "New York, New York," alongside romantic ballads like "That's Amore" and "Mr. Bojangles." A heated terrace on the first floor is available for pre and post-show drinks, including whisky and classic cocktails. Don't miss this unforgettable night of glamour, sophistication, and old-school cool. Tickets start at just £7.50. Here are the highlights of The Definitive Rat Pack live show: - The show features stars from the award-winning West End musical, "The Rat Pack – Live from Las Vegas." - The setlist includes classic hits from the 50s, such as "Fly Me To The Moon" and "New York, New York." - Tickets range from £7.50 to £39.50. From £30, tickets are available for a private King's Coronation afternoon at 116 Pall Mall. To celebrate King Charles' coronation, the London Chamber Orchestra will perform at 116 Pall Mall on May 6th, with music approved by the royal family. The venue's former palace setting is a fitting location, featuring Elgar's 'Nimrod' and Leonard Cohen's 'Take This Waltz', one of the King's favorites. Make it extra special with Searcys afternoon tea, including smoked salmon rillette and warm scones with clotted cream and jam. Enjoy a memorable celebration! Here are the highlights: - Coronation music concert by London Chamber Orchestra near the royal celebrations - Optional indulgent Searcys afternoon tea available before the concert - Enjoy a stunning array of drinks and Champagnes at The Champagne Bar - Concert tickets priced at £30 per person - Afternoon tea and concert package available for £75 per person Save 68% on Inamo's cutting-edge bottomless brunch with food and beverages. Inamo in Covent Garden offers a unique bottomless food and drink brunch every Saturday and Sunday, where you can enjoy delicious Korean baby back ribs, spicy fries, and crispy panko salmon rolls. But what makes this experience truly special is the interactive touchscreen tables, which allow you to order food and play arcade games like Space Invaders and air hockey. All of this is available for just £35.95, a significant discount from the regular price of £113.35. Don't miss out on this futuristic and delicious brunch! Highlights: - Inamo Covent Garden has installed touch-sensitive tables for a unique dining experience - Enjoy Asian fusion tapas and sushi while playing arcade games like Space Invaders and air hockey - Bottomless food and unlimited beer, wine, and fizz for just £35.95. Read the full article
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roctownlive · 2 years
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Regram • @friendsofeastmanopera Eastman Opera Theatre’s production of Anthony Davis’ Lear on the 2nd Floor opens Thursday November 3 and runs through the 6th.  Performances are in Kilbourn Hall. Thanks to Mark Houser for providing these dress rehearsal photos of the cast and orchestra. Tickets are $20 for general admission. Internally, students, faculty, and staff may present their URID to receive one free ticket. Tickets can be purchased at the Eastman Theatre Box Office, 433 East Main St., or online at eastmantheatre.org. #friendsofeastmanopera #eastmanoperatheatre #eastmanschoolofmusic #roctownevents #roctownlive #rochesterny #opera #operasingersofinstagram @eastman.school (at Rochester, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkiR6EBOLHH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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highslis · 2 years
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Greek colonizers
Balchik is one of the oldest and most beautiful coastal towns with a population of 11,861. It was founded in the 6th century B.C. by Greek colonizers. Its first name was Cruni, meaning spring, owing to the numerous springs around. Balchik existed in Roman times as a seaport and had its own mint. Later it became the possession of the Boyar Balik and bears his name, After the Balkan War of 1912-1913 it came within the boundaries of Romania and was returned to Bulgaria by the Craiova Treaty of September 21, 1940.
The most interesting sight in Balchik is the park belonging to the Palace of Queen Maria of Romania, It is now a botanical garden with 3,000 species of plants, among them a unique collection of cactuses. The Palace rises above the shore and the small church was transferred from the island of Crete, stone by stone. Ancient amphorae, Turkish tombstones and fountains can be seen scattered about in the park,
Hotels: Balchik, three stars, with 68 beds sightseeing turkey; Raketa, two stars, with 36 beds. There is also the Bisser camp site, two stars, with a restaurant, the Tihiya Kut.
Eight kilometres from Balchik towards Varna is Albena, the newest and most picturesque seaside resort on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. The sea here is clean and shallow and the beach is six kilometres long. There are 40 hotels with a total of 12,750 beds, as well as the camp sites Albena, Ekzotika and International many restaurants and entertainment spots with 10,000 seats, most of these being situated at some distance from the hotels.
There are good sports facilities: volleyball, basketball and tennis courts, golf links, croquet greens, bowling alleys, horse riding, cycling, a yachting club and go-carts. Next to Kardam Hotel is a men’s and women’s tailor, shoemaker’s, watchmaker’s and a dry-cleaning and pressing shop. At the entrance to the resort is the post office, open from 6 a.m. to 10 pm.
Varna, Zlatni Pyassatsi, Drouzhba, Tolbukhin and Balchik
A regular bus service connects it with Varna, Zlatni Pyassatsi, Drouzhba, Tolbukhin and Balchik and a six-seater cutter makes regular trips to Balchik, Kavarna and Kaliakra.
Exhibitions of the works of leading Bulgarian painters, cartoonists and graphic artists are organized in the hotel lobbies. The Miss Albena and the Miss Cherno More beauty contests are held in July and August.
There are several places of entertainment offering interesting programmes and excellent cuisine.
The Zlaten Klass Taverna, next to the Orlov Hotel is open from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
The Dobroudja Taverna in the shopping centre, is open from 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
The Old House Restaurant in national style, with folk orchestra (near the Dobrich restaurant) is open from 6.00 p.m. to 12.00 pm.
Hotels; 1. Gergana 2. Slavourta 3. Moura 4. Elitsa 5. Nona 6. Boryana 11. Ralitsa 13, Kiev 14. Vihren 16. Kom 17. Leipzig 18. Dnepr 19. Neptun 20. Bratislava 21. Karvouna 22. Balik 23. Tervel 24. Kaliopa 25. Orlov 27, Slavyanka 29. Drouzhba 30. Praga 31. Kompas 32 Shabla 33. Orhidea 34. Warshava 35. Kamelia 36, 36. Dorostol 37. Kardam 40. Zvezda 41. Avrora 42. Dobroudja 43, Ka)iakra44. Lovech 45. Zdravets 46. Zomitsa
Gorski Tsar Night Club has a nightly concert programme. Open from 9.00 p.m. to 4.00 a.m.
Arabella Night Club, close to the beach, is open from 9,00 p.m. to 4.00 a m.
Batova Picnic — 18 kilometres from the resort with delicious food and a floor show. Open from 11,00 am fo 12.00 p.m,
Robinson — a picnic ground near Baichik. Interesting programme every day from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
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lifestylemanagement · 2 years
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Greek colonizers
Balchik is one of the oldest and most beautiful coastal towns with a population of 11,861. It was founded in the 6th century B.C. by Greek colonizers. Its first name was Cruni, meaning spring, owing to the numerous springs around. Balchik existed in Roman times as a seaport and had its own mint. Later it became the possession of the Boyar Balik and bears his name, After the Balkan War of 1912-1913 it came within the boundaries of Romania and was returned to Bulgaria by the Craiova Treaty of September 21, 1940.
The most interesting sight in Balchik is the park belonging to the Palace of Queen Maria of Romania, It is now a botanical garden with 3,000 species of plants, among them a unique collection of cactuses. The Palace rises above the shore and the small church was transferred from the island of Crete, stone by stone. Ancient amphorae, Turkish tombstones and fountains can be seen scattered about in the park,
Hotels: Balchik, three stars, with 68 beds sightseeing turkey; Raketa, two stars, with 36 beds. There is also the Bisser camp site, two stars, with a restaurant, the Tihiya Kut.
Eight kilometres from Balchik towards Varna is Albena, the newest and most picturesque seaside resort on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. The sea here is clean and shallow and the beach is six kilometres long. There are 40 hotels with a total of 12,750 beds, as well as the camp sites Albena, Ekzotika and International many restaurants and entertainment spots with 10,000 seats, most of these being situated at some distance from the hotels.
There are good sports facilities: volleyball, basketball and tennis courts, golf links, croquet greens, bowling alleys, horse riding, cycling, a yachting club and go-carts. Next to Kardam Hotel is a men’s and women’s tailor, shoemaker’s, watchmaker’s and a dry-cleaning and pressing shop. At the entrance to the resort is the post office, open from 6 a.m. to 10 pm.
Varna, Zlatni Pyassatsi, Drouzhba, Tolbukhin and Balchik
A regular bus service connects it with Varna, Zlatni Pyassatsi, Drouzhba, Tolbukhin and Balchik and a six-seater cutter makes regular trips to Balchik, Kavarna and Kaliakra.
Exhibitions of the works of leading Bulgarian painters, cartoonists and graphic artists are organized in the hotel lobbies. The Miss Albena and the Miss Cherno More beauty contests are held in July and August.
There are several places of entertainment offering interesting programmes and excellent cuisine.
The Zlaten Klass Taverna, next to the Orlov Hotel is open from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
The Dobroudja Taverna in the shopping centre, is open from 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
The Old House Restaurant in national style, with folk orchestra (near the Dobrich restaurant) is open from 6.00 p.m. to 12.00 pm.
Hotels; 1. Gergana 2. Slavourta 3. Moura 4. Elitsa 5. Nona 6. Boryana 11. Ralitsa 13, Kiev 14. Vihren 16. Kom 17. Leipzig 18. Dnepr 19. Neptun 20. Bratislava 21. Karvouna 22. Balik 23. Tervel 24. Kaliopa 25. Orlov 27, Slavyanka 29. Drouzhba 30. Praga 31. Kompas 32 Shabla 33. Orhidea 34. Warshava 35. Kamelia 36, 36. Dorostol 37. Kardam 40. Zvezda 41. Avrora 42. Dobroudja 43, Ka)iakra44. Lovech 45. Zdravets 46. Zomitsa
Gorski Tsar Night Club has a nightly concert programme. Open from 9.00 p.m. to 4.00 a.m.
Arabella Night Club, close to the beach, is open from 9,00 p.m. to 4.00 a m.
Batova Picnic — 18 kilometres from the resort with delicious food and a floor show. Open from 11,00 am fo 12.00 p.m,
Robinson — a picnic ground near Baichik. Interesting programme every day from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
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bulgariakitchen · 2 years
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Greek colonizers
Balchik is one of the oldest and most beautiful coastal towns with a population of 11,861. It was founded in the 6th century B.C. by Greek colonizers. Its first name was Cruni, meaning spring, owing to the numerous springs around. Balchik existed in Roman times as a seaport and had its own mint. Later it became the possession of the Boyar Balik and bears his name, After the Balkan War of 1912-1913 it came within the boundaries of Romania and was returned to Bulgaria by the Craiova Treaty of September 21, 1940.
The most interesting sight in Balchik is the park belonging to the Palace of Queen Maria of Romania, It is now a botanical garden with 3,000 species of plants, among them a unique collection of cactuses. The Palace rises above the shore and the small church was transferred from the island of Crete, stone by stone. Ancient amphorae, Turkish tombstones and fountains can be seen scattered about in the park,
Hotels: Balchik, three stars, with 68 beds sightseeing turkey; Raketa, two stars, with 36 beds. There is also the Bisser camp site, two stars, with a restaurant, the Tihiya Kut.
Eight kilometres from Balchik towards Varna is Albena, the newest and most picturesque seaside resort on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. The sea here is clean and shallow and the beach is six kilometres long. There are 40 hotels with a total of 12,750 beds, as well as the camp sites Albena, Ekzotika and International many restaurants and entertainment spots with 10,000 seats, most of these being situated at some distance from the hotels.
There are good sports facilities: volleyball, basketball and tennis courts, golf links, croquet greens, bowling alleys, horse riding, cycling, a yachting club and go-carts. Next to Kardam Hotel is a men’s and women’s tailor, shoemaker’s, watchmaker’s and a dry-cleaning and pressing shop. At the entrance to the resort is the post office, open from 6 a.m. to 10 pm.
Varna, Zlatni Pyassatsi, Drouzhba, Tolbukhin and Balchik
A regular bus service connects it with Varna, Zlatni Pyassatsi, Drouzhba, Tolbukhin and Balchik and a six-seater cutter makes regular trips to Balchik, Kavarna and Kaliakra.
Exhibitions of the works of leading Bulgarian painters, cartoonists and graphic artists are organized in the hotel lobbies. The Miss Albena and the Miss Cherno More beauty contests are held in July and August.
There are several places of entertainment offering interesting programmes and excellent cuisine.
The Zlaten Klass Taverna, next to the Orlov Hotel is open from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
The Dobroudja Taverna in the shopping centre, is open from 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
The Old House Restaurant in national style, with folk orchestra (near the Dobrich restaurant) is open from 6.00 p.m. to 12.00 pm.
Hotels; 1. Gergana 2. Slavourta 3. Moura 4. Elitsa 5. Nona 6. Boryana 11. Ralitsa 13, Kiev 14. Vihren 16. Kom 17. Leipzig 18. Dnepr 19. Neptun 20. Bratislava 21. Karvouna 22. Balik 23. Tervel 24. Kaliopa 25. Orlov 27, Slavyanka 29. Drouzhba 30. Praga 31. Kompas 32 Shabla 33. Orhidea 34. Warshava 35. Kamelia 36, 36. Dorostol 37. Kardam 40. Zvezda 41. Avrora 42. Dobroudja 43, Ka)iakra44. Lovech 45. Zdravets 46. Zomitsa
Gorski Tsar Night Club has a nightly concert programme. Open from 9.00 p.m. to 4.00 a.m.
Arabella Night Club, close to the beach, is open from 9,00 p.m. to 4.00 a m.
Batova Picnic — 18 kilometres from the resort with delicious food and a floor show. Open from 11,00 am fo 12.00 p.m,
Robinson — a picnic ground near Baichik. Interesting programme every day from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
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lifestylelalka · 2 years
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Greek colonizers
Balchik is one of the oldest and most beautiful coastal towns with a population of 11,861. It was founded in the 6th century B.C. by Greek colonizers. Its first name was Cruni, meaning spring, owing to the numerous springs around. Balchik existed in Roman times as a seaport and had its own mint. Later it became the possession of the Boyar Balik and bears his name, After the Balkan War of 1912-1913 it came within the boundaries of Romania and was returned to Bulgaria by the Craiova Treaty of September 21, 1940.
The most interesting sight in Balchik is the park belonging to the Palace of Queen Maria of Romania, It is now a botanical garden with 3,000 species of plants, among them a unique collection of cactuses. The Palace rises above the shore and the small church was transferred from the island of Crete, stone by stone. Ancient amphorae, Turkish tombstones and fountains can be seen scattered about in the park,
Hotels: Balchik, three stars, with 68 beds sightseeing turkey; Raketa, two stars, with 36 beds. There is also the Bisser camp site, two stars, with a restaurant, the Tihiya Kut.
Eight kilometres from Balchik towards Varna is Albena, the newest and most picturesque seaside resort on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. The sea here is clean and shallow and the beach is six kilometres long. There are 40 hotels with a total of 12,750 beds, as well as the camp sites Albena, Ekzotika and International many restaurants and entertainment spots with 10,000 seats, most of these being situated at some distance from the hotels.
There are good sports facilities: volleyball, basketball and tennis courts, golf links, croquet greens, bowling alleys, horse riding, cycling, a yachting club and go-carts. Next to Kardam Hotel is a men’s and women’s tailor, shoemaker’s, watchmaker’s and a dry-cleaning and pressing shop. At the entrance to the resort is the post office, open from 6 a.m. to 10 pm.
Varna, Zlatni Pyassatsi, Drouzhba, Tolbukhin and Balchik
A regular bus service connects it with Varna, Zlatni Pyassatsi, Drouzhba, Tolbukhin and Balchik and a six-seater cutter makes regular trips to Balchik, Kavarna and Kaliakra.
Exhibitions of the works of leading Bulgarian painters, cartoonists and graphic artists are organized in the hotel lobbies. The Miss Albena and the Miss Cherno More beauty contests are held in July and August.
There are several places of entertainment offering interesting programmes and excellent cuisine.
The Zlaten Klass Taverna, next to the Orlov Hotel is open from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
The Dobroudja Taverna in the shopping centre, is open from 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
The Old House Restaurant in national style, with folk orchestra (near the Dobrich restaurant) is open from 6.00 p.m. to 12.00 pm.
Hotels; 1. Gergana 2. Slavourta 3. Moura 4. Elitsa 5. Nona 6. Boryana 11. Ralitsa 13, Kiev 14. Vihren 16. Kom 17. Leipzig 18. Dnepr 19. Neptun 20. Bratislava 21. Karvouna 22. Balik 23. Tervel 24. Kaliopa 25. Orlov 27, Slavyanka 29. Drouzhba 30. Praga 31. Kompas 32 Shabla 33. Orhidea 34. Warshava 35. Kamelia 36, 36. Dorostol 37. Kardam 40. Zvezda 41. Avrora 42. Dobroudja 43, Ka)iakra44. Lovech 45. Zdravets 46. Zomitsa
Gorski Tsar Night Club has a nightly concert programme. Open from 9.00 p.m. to 4.00 a.m.
Arabella Night Club, close to the beach, is open from 9,00 p.m. to 4.00 a m.
Batova Picnic — 18 kilometres from the resort with delicious food and a floor show. Open from 11,00 am fo 12.00 p.m,
Robinson — a picnic ground near Baichik. Interesting programme every day from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
0 notes
moviestyles · 2 years
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Greek colonizers
Balchik is one of the oldest and most beautiful coastal towns with a population of 11,861. It was founded in the 6th century B.C. by Greek colonizers. Its first name was Cruni, meaning spring, owing to the numerous springs around. Balchik existed in Roman times as a seaport and had its own mint. Later it became the possession of the Boyar Balik and bears his name, After the Balkan War of 1912-1913 it came within the boundaries of Romania and was returned to Bulgaria by the Craiova Treaty of September 21, 1940.
The most interesting sight in Balchik is the park belonging to the Palace of Queen Maria of Romania, It is now a botanical garden with 3,000 species of plants, among them a unique collection of cactuses. The Palace rises above the shore and the small church was transferred from the island of Crete, stone by stone. Ancient amphorae, Turkish tombstones and fountains can be seen scattered about in the park,
Hotels: Balchik, three stars, with 68 beds sightseeing turkey; Raketa, two stars, with 36 beds. There is also the Bisser camp site, two stars, with a restaurant, the Tihiya Kut.
Eight kilometres from Balchik towards Varna is Albena, the newest and most picturesque seaside resort on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. The sea here is clean and shallow and the beach is six kilometres long. There are 40 hotels with a total of 12,750 beds, as well as the camp sites Albena, Ekzotika and International many restaurants and entertainment spots with 10,000 seats, most of these being situated at some distance from the hotels.
There are good sports facilities: volleyball, basketball and tennis courts, golf links, croquet greens, bowling alleys, horse riding, cycling, a yachting club and go-carts. Next to Kardam Hotel is a men’s and women’s tailor, shoemaker’s, watchmaker’s and a dry-cleaning and pressing shop. At the entrance to the resort is the post office, open from 6 a.m. to 10 pm.
Varna, Zlatni Pyassatsi, Drouzhba, Tolbukhin and Balchik
A regular bus service connects it with Varna, Zlatni Pyassatsi, Drouzhba, Tolbukhin and Balchik and a six-seater cutter makes regular trips to Balchik, Kavarna and Kaliakra.
Exhibitions of the works of leading Bulgarian painters, cartoonists and graphic artists are organized in the hotel lobbies. The Miss Albena and the Miss Cherno More beauty contests are held in July and August.
There are several places of entertainment offering interesting programmes and excellent cuisine.
The Zlaten Klass Taverna, next to the Orlov Hotel is open from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
The Dobroudja Taverna in the shopping centre, is open from 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
The Old House Restaurant in national style, with folk orchestra (near the Dobrich restaurant) is open from 6.00 p.m. to 12.00 pm.
Hotels; 1. Gergana 2. Slavourta 3. Moura 4. Elitsa 5. Nona 6. Boryana 11. Ralitsa 13, Kiev 14. Vihren 16. Kom 17. Leipzig 18. Dnepr 19. Neptun 20. Bratislava 21. Karvouna 22. Balik 23. Tervel 24. Kaliopa 25. Orlov 27, Slavyanka 29. Drouzhba 30. Praga 31. Kompas 32 Shabla 33. Orhidea 34. Warshava 35. Kamelia 36, 36. Dorostol 37. Kardam 40. Zvezda 41. Avrora 42. Dobroudja 43, Ka)iakra44. Lovech 45. Zdravets 46. Zomitsa
Gorski Tsar Night Club has a nightly concert programme. Open from 9.00 p.m. to 4.00 a.m.
Arabella Night Club, close to the beach, is open from 9,00 p.m. to 4.00 a m.
Batova Picnic — 18 kilometres from the resort with delicious food and a floor show. Open from 11,00 am fo 12.00 p.m,
Robinson — a picnic ground near Baichik. Interesting programme every day from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
0 notes
lifebeg · 2 years
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Greek colonizers
Balchik is one of the oldest and most beautiful coastal towns with a population of 11,861. It was founded in the 6th century B.C. by Greek colonizers. Its first name was Cruni, meaning spring, owing to the numerous springs around. Balchik existed in Roman times as a seaport and had its own mint. Later it became the possession of the Boyar Balik and bears his name, After the Balkan War of 1912-1913 it came within the boundaries of Romania and was returned to Bulgaria by the Craiova Treaty of September 21, 1940.
The most interesting sight in Balchik is the park belonging to the Palace of Queen Maria of Romania, It is now a botanical garden with 3,000 species of plants, among them a unique collection of cactuses. The Palace rises above the shore and the small church was transferred from the island of Crete, stone by stone. Ancient amphorae, Turkish tombstones and fountains can be seen scattered about in the park,
Hotels: Balchik, three stars, with 68 beds sightseeing turkey; Raketa, two stars, with 36 beds. There is also the Bisser camp site, two stars, with a restaurant, the Tihiya Kut.
Eight kilometres from Balchik towards Varna is Albena, the newest and most picturesque seaside resort on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. The sea here is clean and shallow and the beach is six kilometres long. There are 40 hotels with a total of 12,750 beds, as well as the camp sites Albena, Ekzotika and International many restaurants and entertainment spots with 10,000 seats, most of these being situated at some distance from the hotels.
There are good sports facilities: volleyball, basketball and tennis courts, golf links, croquet greens, bowling alleys, horse riding, cycling, a yachting club and go-carts. Next to Kardam Hotel is a men’s and women’s tailor, shoemaker’s, watchmaker’s and a dry-cleaning and pressing shop. At the entrance to the resort is the post office, open from 6 a.m. to 10 pm.
Varna, Zlatni Pyassatsi, Drouzhba, Tolbukhin and Balchik
A regular bus service connects it with Varna, Zlatni Pyassatsi, Drouzhba, Tolbukhin and Balchik and a six-seater cutter makes regular trips to Balchik, Kavarna and Kaliakra.
Exhibitions of the works of leading Bulgarian painters, cartoonists and graphic artists are organized in the hotel lobbies. The Miss Albena and the Miss Cherno More beauty contests are held in July and August.
There are several places of entertainment offering interesting programmes and excellent cuisine.
The Zlaten Klass Taverna, next to the Orlov Hotel is open from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
The Dobroudja Taverna in the shopping centre, is open from 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
The Old House Restaurant in national style, with folk orchestra (near the Dobrich restaurant) is open from 6.00 p.m. to 12.00 pm.
Hotels; 1. Gergana 2. Slavourta 3. Moura 4. Elitsa 5. Nona 6. Boryana 11. Ralitsa 13, Kiev 14. Vihren 16. Kom 17. Leipzig 18. Dnepr 19. Neptun 20. Bratislava 21. Karvouna 22. Balik 23. Tervel 24. Kaliopa 25. Orlov 27, Slavyanka 29. Drouzhba 30. Praga 31. Kompas 32 Shabla 33. Orhidea 34. Warshava 35. Kamelia 36, 36. Dorostol 37. Kardam 40. Zvezda 41. Avrora 42. Dobroudja 43, Ka)iakra44. Lovech 45. Zdravets 46. Zomitsa
Gorski Tsar Night Club has a nightly concert programme. Open from 9.00 p.m. to 4.00 a.m.
Arabella Night Club, close to the beach, is open from 9,00 p.m. to 4.00 a m.
Batova Picnic — 18 kilometres from the resort with delicious food and a floor show. Open from 11,00 am fo 12.00 p.m,
Robinson — a picnic ground near Baichik. Interesting programme every day from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
0 notes
younglsre · 2 years
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Greek colonizers
Balchik is one of the oldest and most beautiful coastal towns with a population of 11,861. It was founded in the 6th century B.C. by Greek colonizers. Its first name was Cruni, meaning spring, owing to the numerous springs around. Balchik existed in Roman times as a seaport and had its own mint. Later it became the possession of the Boyar Balik and bears his name, After the Balkan War of 1912-1913 it came within the boundaries of Romania and was returned to Bulgaria by the Craiova Treaty of September 21, 1940.
The most interesting sight in Balchik is the park belonging to the Palace of Queen Maria of Romania, It is now a botanical garden with 3,000 species of plants, among them a unique collection of cactuses. The Palace rises above the shore and the small church was transferred from the island of Crete, stone by stone. Ancient amphorae, Turkish tombstones and fountains can be seen scattered about in the park,
Hotels: Balchik, three stars, with 68 beds sightseeing turkey; Raketa, two stars, with 36 beds. There is also the Bisser camp site, two stars, with a restaurant, the Tihiya Kut.
Eight kilometres from Balchik towards Varna is Albena, the newest and most picturesque seaside resort on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. The sea here is clean and shallow and the beach is six kilometres long. There are 40 hotels with a total of 12,750 beds, as well as the camp sites Albena, Ekzotika and International many restaurants and entertainment spots with 10,000 seats, most of these being situated at some distance from the hotels.
There are good sports facilities: volleyball, basketball and tennis courts, golf links, croquet greens, bowling alleys, horse riding, cycling, a yachting club and go-carts. Next to Kardam Hotel is a men’s and women’s tailor, shoemaker’s, watchmaker’s and a dry-cleaning and pressing shop. At the entrance to the resort is the post office, open from 6 a.m. to 10 pm.
Varna, Zlatni Pyassatsi, Drouzhba, Tolbukhin and Balchik
A regular bus service connects it with Varna, Zlatni Pyassatsi, Drouzhba, Tolbukhin and Balchik and a six-seater cutter makes regular trips to Balchik, Kavarna and Kaliakra.
Exhibitions of the works of leading Bulgarian painters, cartoonists and graphic artists are organized in the hotel lobbies. The Miss Albena and the Miss Cherno More beauty contests are held in July and August.
There are several places of entertainment offering interesting programmes and excellent cuisine.
The Zlaten Klass Taverna, next to the Orlov Hotel is open from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
The Dobroudja Taverna in the shopping centre, is open from 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
The Old House Restaurant in national style, with folk orchestra (near the Dobrich restaurant) is open from 6.00 p.m. to 12.00 pm.
Hotels; 1. Gergana 2. Slavourta 3. Moura 4. Elitsa 5. Nona 6. Boryana 11. Ralitsa 13, Kiev 14. Vihren 16. Kom 17. Leipzig 18. Dnepr 19. Neptun 20. Bratislava 21. Karvouna 22. Balik 23. Tervel 24. Kaliopa 25. Orlov 27, Slavyanka 29. Drouzhba 30. Praga 31. Kompas 32 Shabla 33. Orhidea 34. Warshava 35. Kamelia 36, 36. Dorostol 37. Kardam 40. Zvezda 41. Avrora 42. Dobroudja 43, Ka)iakra44. Lovech 45. Zdravets 46. Zomitsa
Gorski Tsar Night Club has a nightly concert programme. Open from 9.00 p.m. to 4.00 a.m.
Arabella Night Club, close to the beach, is open from 9,00 p.m. to 4.00 a m.
Batova Picnic — 18 kilometres from the resort with delicious food and a floor show. Open from 11,00 am fo 12.00 p.m,
Robinson — a picnic ground near Baichik. Interesting programme every day from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
0 notes
lifestylehints · 2 years
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Greek colonizers
Balchik is one of the oldest and most beautiful coastal towns with a population of 11,861. It was founded in the 6th century B.C. by Greek colonizers. Its first name was Cruni, meaning spring, owing to the numerous springs around. Balchik existed in Roman times as a seaport and had its own mint. Later it became the possession of the Boyar Balik and bears his name, After the Balkan War of 1912-1913 it came within the boundaries of Romania and was returned to Bulgaria by the Craiova Treaty of September 21, 1940.
The most interesting sight in Balchik is the park belonging to the Palace of Queen Maria of Romania, It is now a botanical garden with 3,000 species of plants, among them a unique collection of cactuses. The Palace rises above the shore and the small church was transferred from the island of Crete, stone by stone. Ancient amphorae, Turkish tombstones and fountains can be seen scattered about in the park,
Hotels: Balchik, three stars, with 68 beds sightseeing turkey; Raketa, two stars, with 36 beds. There is also the Bisser camp site, two stars, with a restaurant, the Tihiya Kut.
Eight kilometres from Balchik towards Varna is Albena, the newest and most picturesque seaside resort on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. The sea here is clean and shallow and the beach is six kilometres long. There are 40 hotels with a total of 12,750 beds, as well as the camp sites Albena, Ekzotika and International many restaurants and entertainment spots with 10,000 seats, most of these being situated at some distance from the hotels.
There are good sports facilities: volleyball, basketball and tennis courts, golf links, croquet greens, bowling alleys, horse riding, cycling, a yachting club and go-carts. Next to Kardam Hotel is a men’s and women’s tailor, shoemaker’s, watchmaker’s and a dry-cleaning and pressing shop. At the entrance to the resort is the post office, open from 6 a.m. to 10 pm.
Varna, Zlatni Pyassatsi, Drouzhba, Tolbukhin and Balchik
A regular bus service connects it with Varna, Zlatni Pyassatsi, Drouzhba, Tolbukhin and Balchik and a six-seater cutter makes regular trips to Balchik, Kavarna and Kaliakra.
Exhibitions of the works of leading Bulgarian painters, cartoonists and graphic artists are organized in the hotel lobbies. The Miss Albena and the Miss Cherno More beauty contests are held in July and August.
There are several places of entertainment offering interesting programmes and excellent cuisine.
The Zlaten Klass Taverna, next to the Orlov Hotel is open from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
The Dobroudja Taverna in the shopping centre, is open from 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
The Old House Restaurant in national style, with folk orchestra (near the Dobrich restaurant) is open from 6.00 p.m. to 12.00 pm.
Hotels; 1. Gergana 2. Slavourta 3. Moura 4. Elitsa 5. Nona 6. Boryana 11. Ralitsa 13, Kiev 14. Vihren 16. Kom 17. Leipzig 18. Dnepr 19. Neptun 20. Bratislava 21. Karvouna 22. Balik 23. Tervel 24. Kaliopa 25. Orlov 27, Slavyanka 29. Drouzhba 30. Praga 31. Kompas 32 Shabla 33. Orhidea 34. Warshava 35. Kamelia 36, 36. Dorostol 37. Kardam 40. Zvezda 41. Avrora 42. Dobroudja 43, Ka)iakra44. Lovech 45. Zdravets 46. Zomitsa
Gorski Tsar Night Club has a nightly concert programme. Open from 9.00 p.m. to 4.00 a.m.
Arabella Night Club, close to the beach, is open from 9,00 p.m. to 4.00 a m.
Batova Picnic — 18 kilometres from the resort with delicious food and a floor show. Open from 11,00 am fo 12.00 p.m,
Robinson — a picnic ground near Baichik. Interesting programme every day from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
0 notes
bulgariasya · 2 years
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Kiril and Metodii
Hotels: Miziya, 1 star, 3 storeys, 140 beds, restaurant, night club and coffee shop. Tel. 25-33. Balkan and Moskva — Gladston St. Balkan tourist Office — tel. 25-33.
Bulgarian Motorists’ Union — 1 Kiril and Metodii St., tel. 40-14; car repair shop — tel. 46-03.
From Turgovishte take the road for Shoutnen (pop. 94,500) — large administrative, industrial and cultural centre. The Romans built a strong fortress here on the ruins of a fortified Thracian settlement. In the 6th-7th century it was captured by the Slavs. During the First Bulgarian State the fortress was part of the fortified quadrangle Pliska-Madara-Shou- men fortress — Khan Omourtag’s settlement on the River Ticha. It was also an important point during the Second Bulgarian State. In 1388 the town yielded to Ottoman invaders and in 1444 was seized by the troops of Wladyslaw III Yagelo (Var- nenchik). After his defeat at Varna, the Ottomans retrieved the fortress abandoning it later because it was heavily damaged. In the 18th and 19th centunes German, French and Belgian engineers helped turn Shoumen once more into a strong fortress, this time it formed part of the fortified quadrangle Rous- se-Silistra-Shoumen-Varna.
During the National Revival, Shoumen was a centre for Bulgarian national culture, influenced by Austro-Hungary. One of these emigrants was Lajos Kossuth who became a leader of the revolution. The first Bulgarian orchestra was founded in 1851, and the Bulgarian national theatre was founded in 1856,
Today Shoumen is one of the country’s biggest industrial centres.
Tourist sights:
District History Museum, 10 d. Blagoev St. The exhibition is arranged in several buildings.
Tombul Mosque — the largest in the country, preserved from Ottoman times, built with material from the old Bulgarian capitals of Pliska and Veliki Preslav, Madara and the Shoumen fortress. The courtyard of the mosque housed a Turkish primary school, a theological school and a library. There is an ethnographic exhibition in the school.
lt 300 Years of Bulgaria Memorial — stands on Ilchov Bair hill.
Vassil Kolarov Museum, 11 T. Ikonomov St.
Lajos Kossuth Museum, where he lived in 1849-1850.
The Common Grave with a monument to those who fell against capitalism and fascism sofia guided tours.
Hotels: Madara — 3 stars, 7 floors, accommodating 140, restaurant, coffee shop, national taverna, information and rent-a-car offices. Tel. 5-75-98.
Sofia — 37 Tsar Osvoboditei St.
Balkantourist office, hotel Madara, tel. 5-75-98
Car-repair shop, 14 Gagarin St., tel. 5-20-84
Shoumen-Razgrad (49 km)
A short detour northwest leads to (pop. 55,000).
0 notes
laurenkj24 · 2 years
Travel Log through Classical Greece
By: Lauren Clark HIS 101 Professor Winters
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After spending this summer working on my History 101 Western Civilization class, I decided to take a trip to the other side of the world and check out some of the amazing sights and events that I learned about this semester. Come along with me while I dive a little bit deeper into the Classical Greek time period. I hope you enjoy this trip just as much as I did!!
Our first stop on this trip is to the Theatre of Dionysus
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We are traveling back to the mid to late 6th century BC, and making our way to the south side of the Acropolis to see the Theatre of Dionysus. The minute I saw this orchestra style auditorium you can almost hear the great plays that were written by Sophocles, Euripides, Aeschylus, and Aristophanes being performed. The theatre is placed next to the altar dedicated to the fertility god Dionysus. If you are lucky enough to be one of the more important citizens of Athens, you would be found sitting in the front row of the circular floor with nearly 17,000 people in attendance. At the time you would be sitting on wood benches in the front row, but they began to update the seats to stone. The acoustics were outstanding because the theatre was built into the side of a hill. The Theatre of Dionysus was the first and largest theatre built in Athens. Now since we are here at the theatre, I thought our next stop of this trip could be to see the Festivals of Dionysia, but unfortunately I will not be able to attend this festivity.
The Festivals of Dionysia
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Now we are in 487 BC, it is springtime, the sun is bright and the biggest theatrical event of the year is about to begin. With about 16,000 citizens in attendance, men begin a procession to usher in the statue of Dionysus from outside of the city to the theatre. Women were not allowed to attend the 6 day event at this time, so I will be watching everything from afar, but the atmosphere is amazing. Songs were sung during the procession and lots of wine was consumed on that first day. After a night of rest, orphans to the war would honor their fathers, who fought for their lives at the polis, were gifted the front row of the theatre to watch 3 tragic playwrights, followed by a semi comedic play. The next 2 days followed the same schedule, but on day 5 they celebrated with all comedic performances, giving the audience a break from the tragedy and sadness in some of the plays. Day 6 was a day of complete rest after being up late drinking and celebrating every night of the festival. On the final day of the festival, a winner was chosen and that brought a close to the festival. Although I was unable to participate in the festivities, the whole city made it possible for me to witness the events that were happening. Now we are going to change it up and visit the largest and most valuable temple in Athens, come along....
The Parthenon
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We are traveling to the center of religious life in Athens. I will recommend to anyone to wear comfortable shoes and maybe a hat, the sun is very bright as it shines off this beautiful structure. Pericles was responsible for the design and construction of the lavish temple known as the Parthenon. It was built in dedication to the goddess Athena. Construction began in 447 BC and was finished in 432 BC. It was used as a treasury for the Delian League at the height of its power. This structure is extremely unique because it was built on top of another temple in its place. It is said that because of its placement in Athens, it could be used as a defense against an attack from the Persian Empire. But being able to witness the Greek art that was put in during this time period is beautiful. After witnessing the outstanding architecture displayed, I decided to my next stop would be a play, lets go!
Lysistrata- a play by Aristophanes
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After visiting the Theatre of Dionysus, watching the Festival of Dionysus, and getting to see the Parthenon, I thought taking in a play would be the perfect next stop on my trip through Greece. It's 411 BC and I am the Lenaea Fesitval, its midday and I am enjoying the sunlight, ready to witness the Greek comedy Lysistrata by Aristophanes. I am looking at the gateway to the Acropolis of Athens, when the performance begins, and I am excited to see a play where a woman is the main character. It follows one woman's mission to end the Peloponnesian War by denying all the men in the land any sex, stating that it was the only thing men truly desired. The play was outstanding and so inspiring to see that women during this time were being seen as have some control in the male dominated society. After an afternoon sitting and enjoying the Lysistrata premiere, I decided on one last stop before heading back home to finish off my History course.
Plato and The Academy
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It's 387 BC and we are visiting The Academy founded by Plato. The view from the grounds is gorgeous, located in a park in the center of Athens. Walking the grounds and seeing the school, it isn't hard to imagine the brilliant philosophers who studied in this school. It is a place where intellectuals with any interests, could come and meet with Plato. They are given the opportunity to conduct their own research and hold discussions with fellow philosophers on the grounds of the Academy. Plato believed that education was the foundation of the future and many of his ideas were used to influence kings and emperors. Unfortunately, I am 20 years to early or I could have witnessed one of Plato's most gift and talented students, Aristotle, walking the halls of the Academy. Aristotle studied at the Academy for almost 20 years, and after becoming an established philosopher and author, he began to have doubts in some of Plato's teachings and began to separate himself from the Academy. After a day wandering the grounds and listening to brilliant students discuss everything on their minds I feel like my trip is complete!
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After many days, and time traveling, it is time to head back home. I have a final I need to finish studying for and lots of photos to go through after this amazing trip. I hope you enjoyed traveling through Greece with me and visiting some of the sites and shows I have been learning about this year.
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nightbulgaria · 2 years
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Greek colonizers
Balchik is one of the oldest and most beautiful coastal towns with a population of 11,861. It was founded in the 6th century B.C. by Greek colonizers. Its first name was Cruni, meaning spring, owing to the numerous springs around. Balchik existed in Roman times as a seaport and had its own mint. Later it became the possession of the Boyar Balik and bears his name, After the Balkan War of 1912-1913 it came within the boundaries of Romania and was returned to Bulgaria by the Craiova Treaty of September 21, 1940.
The most interesting sight in Balchik is the park belonging to the Palace of Queen Maria of Romania, It is now a botanical garden with 3,000 species of plants, among them a unique collection of cactuses. The Palace rises above the shore and the small church was transferred from the island of Crete, stone by stone. Ancient amphorae, Turkish tombstones and fountains can be seen scattered about in the park,
Hotels: Balchik, three stars, with 68 beds sightseeing turkey; Raketa, two stars, with 36 beds. There is also the Bisser camp site, two stars, with a restaurant, the Tihiya Kut.
Eight kilometres from Balchik towards Varna is Albena, the newest and most picturesque seaside resort on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. The sea here is clean and shallow and the beach is six kilometres long. There are 40 hotels with a total of 12,750 beds, as well as the camp sites Albena, Ekzotika and International many restaurants and entertainment spots with 10,000 seats, most of these being situated at some distance from the hotels.
There are good sports facilities: volleyball, basketball and tennis courts, golf links, croquet greens, bowling alleys, horse riding, cycling, a yachting club and go-carts. Next to Kardam Hotel is a men’s and women’s tailor, shoemaker’s, watchmaker’s and a dry-cleaning and pressing shop. At the entrance to the resort is the post office, open from 6 a.m. to 10 pm.
Varna, Zlatni Pyassatsi, Drouzhba, Tolbukhin and Balchik
A regular bus service connects it with Varna, Zlatni Pyassatsi, Drouzhba, Tolbukhin and Balchik and a six-seater cutter makes regular trips to Balchik, Kavarna and Kaliakra.
Exhibitions of the works of leading Bulgarian painters, cartoonists and graphic artists are organized in the hotel lobbies. The Miss Albena and the Miss Cherno More beauty contests are held in July and August.
There are several places of entertainment offering interesting programmes and excellent cuisine.
The Zlaten Klass Taverna, next to the Orlov Hotel is open from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
The Dobroudja Taverna in the shopping centre, is open from 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
The Old House Restaurant in national style, with folk orchestra (near the Dobrich restaurant) is open from 6.00 p.m. to 12.00 pm.
Hotels; 1. Gergana 2. Slavourta 3. Moura 4. Elitsa 5. Nona 6. Boryana 11. Ralitsa 13, Kiev 14. Vihren 16. Kom 17. Leipzig 18. Dnepr 19. Neptun 20. Bratislava 21. Karvouna 22. Balik 23. Tervel 24. Kaliopa 25. Orlov 27, Slavyanka 29. Drouzhba 30. Praga 31. Kompas 32 Shabla 33. Orhidea 34. Warshava 35. Kamelia 36, 36. Dorostol 37. Kardam 40. Zvezda 41. Avrora 42. Dobroudja 43, Ka)iakra44. Lovech 45. Zdravets 46. Zomitsa
Gorski Tsar Night Club has a nightly concert programme. Open from 9.00 p.m. to 4.00 a.m.
Arabella Night Club, close to the beach, is open from 9,00 p.m. to 4.00 a m.
Batova Picnic — 18 kilometres from the resort with delicious food and a floor show. Open from 11,00 am fo 12.00 p.m,
Robinson — a picnic ground near Baichik. Interesting programme every day from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
0 notes
fashionandhealthly · 2 years
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Greek colonizers
Balchik is one of the oldest and most beautiful coastal towns with a population of 11,861. It was founded in the 6th century B.C. by Greek colonizers. Its first name was Cruni, meaning spring, owing to the numerous springs around. Balchik existed in Roman times as a seaport and had its own mint. Later it became the possession of the Boyar Balik and bears his name, After the Balkan War of 1912-1913 it came within the boundaries of Romania and was returned to Bulgaria by the Craiova Treaty of September 21, 1940.
The most interesting sight in Balchik is the park belonging to the Palace of Queen Maria of Romania, It is now a botanical garden with 3,000 species of plants, among them a unique collection of cactuses. The Palace rises above the shore and the small church was transferred from the island of Crete, stone by stone. Ancient amphorae, Turkish tombstones and fountains can be seen scattered about in the park,
Hotels: Balchik, three stars, with 68 beds sightseeing turkey; Raketa, two stars, with 36 beds. There is also the Bisser camp site, two stars, with a restaurant, the Tihiya Kut.
Eight kilometres from Balchik towards Varna is Albena, the newest and most picturesque seaside resort on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. The sea here is clean and shallow and the beach is six kilometres long. There are 40 hotels with a total of 12,750 beds, as well as the camp sites Albena, Ekzotika and International many restaurants and entertainment spots with 10,000 seats, most of these being situated at some distance from the hotels.
There are good sports facilities: volleyball, basketball and tennis courts, golf links, croquet greens, bowling alleys, horse riding, cycling, a yachting club and go-carts. Next to Kardam Hotel is a men’s and women’s tailor, shoemaker’s, watchmaker’s and a dry-cleaning and pressing shop. At the entrance to the resort is the post office, open from 6 a.m. to 10 pm.
Varna, Zlatni Pyassatsi, Drouzhba, Tolbukhin and Balchik
A regular bus service connects it with Varna, Zlatni Pyassatsi, Drouzhba, Tolbukhin and Balchik and a six-seater cutter makes regular trips to Balchik, Kavarna and Kaliakra.
Exhibitions of the works of leading Bulgarian painters, cartoonists and graphic artists are organized in the hotel lobbies. The Miss Albena and the Miss Cherno More beauty contests are held in July and August.
There are several places of entertainment offering interesting programmes and excellent cuisine.
The Zlaten Klass Taverna, next to the Orlov Hotel is open from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
The Dobroudja Taverna in the shopping centre, is open from 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
The Old House Restaurant in national style, with folk orchestra (near the Dobrich restaurant) is open from 6.00 p.m. to 12.00 pm.
Hotels; 1. Gergana 2. Slavourta 3. Moura 4. Elitsa 5. Nona 6. Boryana 11. Ralitsa 13, Kiev 14. Vihren 16. Kom 17. Leipzig 18. Dnepr 19. Neptun 20. Bratislava 21. Karvouna 22. Balik 23. Tervel 24. Kaliopa 25. Orlov 27, Slavyanka 29. Drouzhba 30. Praga 31. Kompas 32 Shabla 33. Orhidea 34. Warshava 35. Kamelia 36, 36. Dorostol 37. Kardam 40. Zvezda 41. Avrora 42. Dobroudja 43, Ka)iakra44. Lovech 45. Zdravets 46. Zomitsa
Gorski Tsar Night Club has a nightly concert programme. Open from 9.00 p.m. to 4.00 a.m.
Arabella Night Club, close to the beach, is open from 9,00 p.m. to 4.00 a m.
Batova Picnic — 18 kilometres from the resort with delicious food and a floor show. Open from 11,00 am fo 12.00 p.m,
Robinson — a picnic ground near Baichik. Interesting programme every day from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
0 notes