I'm a baby Shawol, and I just bought the "Don't call me album", and like... Do they always go this hard???
Cause usually when I buy a kpop album I get the album, the concept book, a poster and a photocard. That's it.
In the "don't call me" album I got one giant poster, one smaller poster, the concept book, the song book, a postcard, a photocard and whatever this is
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Like SHINee don't mess around.....
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qivum · 3 years
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h-studio · 4 years
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200225 lm_____ltm IG Live
like if you save/used
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spearbby · 5 years
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SHINee pride month icons 🏳️‍🌈💘
feel free to use, like if you save!! love yoi guys 🏳️‍🌈 if you want some pride icons just ask!!
((tw hyvkey))
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aunnie-ssi · 5 years
This is my 2nd all time favorite performance of SHINee. It captures many of the reasons I love SHINee but what I love the most is the moment right after Beautiful when they all start laughing with each other over the utter ridiculousness that is laying down on the wet stage and the many looks they gave each other which conveyed only 2 thoughts: "Are we really doing this?" And "Yup, we're doing this."
Its unbelievable that already a year has passed since his death. The pain has dulled a bit, it's not quite as piercing as it once was but it's still very real and still very...heartbreaking. He left us with many beautiful memories that myself and many fans and hopefully family members can relive and enjoy. We love you, Jonghyun. Always and forever, 5HINee. XOXOXO
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alaorilladelmar · 5 years
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Feliz Cumpleaños 💓 La foto no es mía pero la tome yo.
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chiakairi · 6 years
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💜🌌💧 #taemin #leetaemin #SHINee #taeminshinee #shineetaemin #fanart #art #shineeart #kpop #MOVE #taeminmove #taemin_japan1sttour_sirius #sirius #taeminsolo #5hinee #myart #korea #boy #taeminlee #taeminnie #taeminthe1ststage日本武道館 #taeminjapan1sttour #digitalart #digitalpainting #kpopart #샤이니 #이태민
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onkeyjinkibum · 5 years
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D-579 5SHINee Forever 091031 SHINee update [SHINee] 행복해서, 머리 속에 벨이 울려요. 'Ring Ding Dong' 2009, Year Of Us! 이제! 시작!
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isallgodplans · 6 years
Sunt distrus pe dinăuntru.
Depresia ce mă mânca încet a sfârșit prin a mă înghiți.
Nu am putut să o înfrâng.
Mă urăsc. Mi-am strâns toate amintirile pierdute și am strigat la mine să îmi revin, dar nu am primit niciun răspuns.
Dacă este imposibil să mă eliberez din această respirație sufocantă, atunci mai bine mă opresc de tot din a respira.
Am întrebat cine este responsabil de mine.
Doar eu sunt.
Eram complet singur.
Este ușor să vorbești despre sfârșit.
Dar este greu să pui capăt.
Dificultatea asta este singura care m-a ținut în viață până acum.
Mi s-a spus că vreau să scap, să fug.
Da, am vrut să scap.
De mine.
De voi.
Am întrebat cine a fost acolo. Am fost eu. Și din nou, am fost tot eu. Și tot doar eu am fost iarăși.
Am întrebat de ce îmi pierd amintirile. Era din cauza personalității mele. Înțeleg. Deci este doar vina mea în final.
Am vrut ca cineva să observe, dar nimeni nu a făcut-o. Nu m-au întâlnit niciodată, așa că bineînțeles, nimeni nu a știut că am trecut prin asta, că am fost acolo.
Am întrebat de ce să trăiești. Doar. Doar. Toată lumea doar trăiește.
Când am întrebat de ce să moară cineva, atunci mi-au spus pentru că au obosit.
Am suferit și eram îngrijorat. Nu am învățat niciodată cum să transform această durere obositoare în bucurie.
Durerea este durere.
M-au implorat să nu fac asta.
De ce? De ce nu pot nici macar să închei lucrurile așa cum vreau?
Mi-au spus să găsesc motivul pentru care sunt rănit.
Eu știu prea bine motivul. Sunt bolnav din vina mea. Este totul doar din vina mea, pentru că sunt jalnic.
Doctore, este asta ceea ce ai vrut să auzi?
Nu. Nu am făcut nimic greșit.
Când am auzit acea voce suavă învinuindu-mă, am gandit :” Doamne, este prea ușor să fii doctor. “.
Este atât de ciudat că doare atât de tare.
Oamenii care sunt mai împovărați decât mine par să o ducă bine. Oamenii care sunt mai slabi decât mine par să trăiască bine de asemenea. Poate nu. Nu există nimeni în viață care să fie mai împovărat și mai slab decât mine.
Dar mi-au spus să continui să trăiesc.
Am continuat să întreb “de ce?” de o sută de ori și mi-au spus : “ Nu este pentru bine meu, ci pentru al tău.”
Te rog, încetează să vorbești despre ceva ce nu știi absolut nimic.
Să aflu ce mă împovărează? Ți-am spus de atâtea ori. Ce mă împovărează. Este așa de greșit să fii atât de rănit din cauza asta? Am nevoie de un motiv mult mai dramatic? Un motiv specific? Ți-am spus deja. Nu ascultai?
Nimic din ce se poate depăși nu lasă cicatrici.
Cred că să înfrunt lumea nu e ceva făcut pentru mine.
(-Cred că să fii cunoscut nu este pentru mine.
De aceea este dificil. Să înfrunți, și să fii cunoscut este dificil. De ce am ales asta? Este amuzant.-)
Este impresionant că am rezistat pana acum.
Ce altceva este de spus? Doar spune-mi că am lucrat din greu.
Spune-mi că atât cât am făcut a fost suficient de bun. Spune-mi că deja am trecut prin multe.
Chiar dacă nu poți zâmbi, nu mă învinovăți.
“Ai muncit din greu. Tu chiar ai trecut prin multe.”
-SHINee’s Kim Jonghyun (last letter)
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lydiaryinfinite · 6 years
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Tahun 2008 merupakan tahun yang membuat saya pertama kali tertarik dengan genre musik dari negeri gingseng, korea. saat itu saya masih berusia sekitar 12 atau 13 tahun, dan duduk di bangku sekolah menengah.
Saya menyukai grup idol,SUPER JUNIOR atau biasa dikenal dengan singkatan SUJU dan SHINee, dan juga saya menyukai 1 grup band asal negeri ginseng tersebut CNBLUE.
Namun disini saya akan menceritakan kesukaan saya pada salah satu grup yang merupakan junior dari SUJU, yaitu SHINee.
Saya jatuh cinta pada pesona ke-5 member ini, ntah bagimana cara mereka menyihir mata dan telinga saya saat itu.
Tapi satu yang jelas  mereka memang benar-benar bersinar, sesuai dengan nama mereka SHINee.
Hari demi hari, minggu demi minggu, bulan demi bulan, dan sampai tahun ke tahun saya masih mengaggumi mereka.
Sampai mengkoleksi setiap info tentang mereka, mengikuti setiap vareity show yang selalu mereka bintangi.
Dahulu youtube belum begitu populer seperti sekarang, jadi saya bisa mengikuti setiap vareity show mereka dengan membeli sebuah CD dengan hasil duit jajan yang saya kumpulkan sendiri.
Sampai pada akhirnya saya kuliah saya masih mengikuti berita tetang mereka.
Dan suatu ketika saya mendengar salah satu Leader mereka Onew. Terkena suatu tuduhan skandal seksual disuatu bar membuat saya terkejut mendengar kabar itu
Meski saya tidak mengenal dekat dengan Onew tapi itu benar membuat saya tidak percaya.
Sosok onew yang begitu religius dengan senyuman yang mempesona seperti itu melakukan hal yang tidak sopan?
dan disaat itu saya pun sedang menunggu akting ke-2 nya dalam sebuah drama, namun sayang. sang leader memilih mundur dari drama tersebut, dan memilih untuk merenungkan sikap dirinya.
Saya sebagai fans mendukung apa pun yang dilakukan sang leader tersebut. tapi saya pun yakin dia tidak mungkin melakukan hal tersebut
Setelah beberapa minggu Onew memutuskan hiatus, terdengar kabar bahwa Onew dinyatakan tidak bersalah dan ternyata itu hanyalah kesalah pahaman belaka.
Ditengah kesibukan para masing-masing member SHINee tetap mengisi jadwal tur mereka ditahun 2017.
Namun sayang, sang Leader memilih absen dari tour nya dengan SHINee dan aktifitasnya di panggung hiburan.
Kurang lengkap rasa nya jika SHINee hanya berempat saat  mereka mengisi jadwal tur mereka, bagaikan memasak makanan tanpa garam sebagai penambah rasa.
Setelah sekitar kurang lebih 4 bulan Onew hiatus dari dunia hiburan, dan para member yang melakukan kegiatan nya masing-masing.
Agensi mereka mengumumkan ditahun 2018 SHINee akan comeback di jepang, dengan formasi lengkap yaitu lima orang yang bersinar.
Begitu bahagianya saya mendengar kabar itu, sudah lama rasa nya menunggu mereka bersama. Tertawa, menari dengan penuh canda bersama.
Namun sebelum hari H itu terjadi, saya dan mungkin kalian mendengar kapar yang begitu benar-benar sangat mengejutkan melebihi apa pun.
Bahwa salah satu member mereka memilih untuk mengakhiri hidup nya dan pergi ke sisi tuhan terlebih dahulu, tanpa pamit. KIM JONGHYUN
Sontak hati saya runtuh membaca artikel demi artikel mengenai itu.
Berharap bahwa itu tidak benar, dan dia hanya pingsan saja dan dapat diselamatkan.
Tetapi, ternyata TUHAN berkehendak lain. Tuhan mengambil Jonghyun dari kehidupannya didunia
Jujur saya sangat sedih mendegar kabar itu, teman-teman saya yang mengetahui kabar itu bertanya ke saya “apa kah itu benar?”
Tak hanya teman saya, tetapi ayah dan ibu saya pun menanyakan kebenaran itu. Dalam hati saya menjawab “inginnya kabar itu hanya lah kebohongan...!”
Tapi itu kenyataan yang ada, sedih, sakit dan sama sekali tidak rela. dia harus berpulang terlebih dahulu, meninggalkan kita selamanya.
Pilu yang begitu dirasakan pasti lah keluarganya, termaksud SHINee yang merupakan bagian keluarga JONGHYUN.
Selama beberapa hari seluruh berita diisikan dengan mendiang jonghyun, lalu mendengar kondisi-kondisi member yang lain.
Minho yang dikabar pingsan, Taemin yang dikabarkan hanya bisa bersedih, Key yang kembali terbang dan membatalkan pemotretan di eropa dan kembali ke korea, serta Onew yang baru saja kembali dari masa Hiatus nya hanya bisa bersedih sambil menyalahkan dirinya.
itu pun membuat saya dan seluruhnya sangat terpukul.
rekan-rekan nya hadir dalam upacara pemakaman beliau, tampak wajah mereka yang tidak dapat dideskribsikan kesedihan nya.
Tiba dimana hari pemakaman KIM JONGHYUN dilaksanakan, melihat dari berbagai liputan berita. Peti jenazah yang keluar dari rumah duka dan dimasukan kedalam mobil jenazah membuat saya meneteskan air mata.
Dan berkata dalam hati, “Why u should do it, oppa?” 
Satu hal yang membuat saya meresa terharus juga adalah, sikap sosok seorang kakak tertua dari Onew.
Yang selalu menggenggam tangan Kibum dan memeluk nya saat menjatuhkan kepala nya dipundak seorang Jinki. membuat saya begitu tambah terharu melihat ketegarannya.
Sosok yang sangat dewasa, dan memang benar sosok Leader yang berhati lembut dan bijaksana.
selalu ada untuk adik-adiknya, yang selalu melindungi adik-adik nya. dan selalu menjadi sumber kekuatan bagi adik-adiknya yang membutuhkan.
Semoga pundak Lee Jinki, tetap kuat dan hatinya selalu lembut dan bijaksanaka sebagai seorang Leader.
Meski kini kau ada ditempat yang jauh KIM JONGHYUN oppa, cinta mu, senyum mu, karya mu dan janji mu tetap abadi.
Dan meski begitu aku selalu berharap kalian tetap menjadi SHINee sampai kalian tua dan sampai kalian tidak bisa melakukan hal apa pun itu.
SHINee always Five, four a humans and one is an angle in heaven.
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kseniaswen · 6 years
Полная версия веб-тун об #Jonghyun #Shinee и песне From now on... #shawol #5shinee #shinee_world #shinee5 #SHINeeWorld #SHINeeTheBestFromNowOn #SHINeeFromNowOn
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goldenangelfeather · 6 years
Lee Jinki <3
I cannot explain in words how sad I’ve been because of what happend with Jinki...
The letter that he uploaded means so much and I actually had tears and in my eyes and I cried...
I felt ecstatic, happy, excited, yet worried as well... But I’m just so grateful that he wrote this letter and that he’s back
It’s like a heavy weight being taken off of my shoulders 
A virtual hug to all the shawols!! 
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18.01.18 🖤 I can't believe it's been a month. A full month since we all heard the tragic news we hoped and prayed wouldn't be true. I've been going through the reality shows they've done, the concerts they've performed, and I always feel a punch in the gut when reality hits and I realise this was filmed ages ago and he's really gone. I still haven't managed not to tear up when I hear him talking about his future like it's one big adventure where he can't wait to see what happens next. What his wife will be like. The daughter he wants. His hope to see Yoogeun hit 20. We'll be okay. We all will. I pray the other members as well as his family are at least safe and healthy, if they cannot be truly happy just yet. Time heals. We'll heal. We will grieve and we will cry and we will heal. We won't ever look back on that day without feeling the pain, but we will day by day make peace with it. We're going to be just fine. 🖤
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clowncow · 6 years
Jonghyun, I hope you're in a better place now and that your soul will forever be the brightest star in the sky.
You were loved when you were alive and you are loved now, and that will never change.
With your music you touched thousands of lives, changed thousands of lives for the better.
People only truely die once they are forgotten and you will forever live on in our hearts.I will never forget you.
I will remember you everytime i look at the sky and i will remember you in the little things.
Please rest well
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casaderea · 6 years
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I was still in college when I stumbled across "Ring Ding Dong". The video starts with Jong-Hyun singing the opening line ("BAY BEH~~"). This picture isn't the best picture of him, but I chose this one because it was the very FIRST moment that introduced me to SHINee. Jong-Hyun was one of the few in the kpop community to go beyond the life as a idol and actually produce and write music. Truly talented and truly a blessing. I hope you can finally breathe without pain. You did more than well; you did a really good job
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