#3 billon bounty
khepiari · 2 years
One Piece 1053: The three-Three Billon Bounty Dilemma! And my birthright to comment on it! [Contains Spoilers]
{Okay, I have read chapter 1053. First of all Green Bull is scary. Secondly, Robin is safe, phew. Third, Pulton is on Wano.}
Since last night I have been laughing at Captain Buggy-Sama becoming the New Emperor! Underneath Buggy meme tweets I have been seeing people getting miffed about Luffy sharing same Bounty amount with Law and Kid, and how it makes them angry when Luffy defeated Kaido alone, and Law and Kid defeated Big Mom.
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I am sorry, but you are reading the situation of the bounties is wrong. To World Government bounties were never method of power scaling, bounties are a means to judge their enemies’ threat level. They hyped Luffy up with his first bounty of 30 million to catch the attention of bounty hunters, they had assumed Luffy would be eradicated if his bounty was higher, either by them or pirate hunters! But that backfired, instead it gave Luffy the attention that made him an enigma from east blue.
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We as a reader are getting the story told from an aware narrator perspective. But the events in One Piece universe are not linear or widely talked about. We have been with Luffy from the beginning, but the people of One Piece world hear about Luffy only when something drastic happens, and the bounties and the newspapers are the best means to explain this broken information trail.
Since the beginning of story other than us the readers, the only other people who know Luffy’s potential is World Government and Marines. Luffy, took down marines, pirates, kings, warlords within months of his debut on the seas. World Government knows he is a/the illogical invariable in their grand scheme of equations of ruling. Hence they placed the credit of Crocodile’s down fall on Smoker and Tashigi.
Similarly they must have hidden his actions with Captain Morgan, Captain Nezumi and more. By the time World Government realised Luffy was not a easy fly to catch he had already arranged an admirable crew, they jumped his bounty to 100 million, this time to attract other pirates who liked taking down rookies. Latest example of it being Kid trying to immediately eliminate Luffy after learning about his Emperor status!
And the 100 million bounty worked, Blackbeard came all the way to Jaya to catch Luffy, because offering his head to Marines would earn him shichibukai aka warlord title. Marines and World Government have always used bounties to spread the message they wanted the world to see. They hid the D. In Roger’s name, because Germa paid them or used their influence, they removed the wanted DEAD from Sanji’s poster, they can freeze bounty. Each poster is a message and threat and a boast that no matter how powerful a pirate is World Government can measure it in berries.
The world outside Wano will never learn of Luffy’s contributions, very much like, Alabasta, Dressrosa, Thriller Bark or Drum Island. At best Luffy is a legend; Lucy to Dressrosa, a cocky pirate friend of Chopper’s in Sakura, Luffylando to fairies or a warrior from Noland’s world to Skypiea people. The world knows of Luffy more is because of the den-den mushi mishap of Marineford, the entire world got to see him in action on the light scrolls. It is after Ace’s death that Luffy used World Government’s methods to trick them into believing he is ringing the ox bell to start new era, but it was actually to deliver his message to the crew.
Now let’s come to 3 billion berri new Emperor.
World Government wanted to remove the D. from the posters, the photograph printed of Luffy’s was not the approved one. Right now we are witnessing the display of 800 years of utter incompetency of the World Government, lack of communication between the five elders aka the Gorosei and Marines. Marines or World Government actually hired the same guys to print their posters who print the newspapers! A twittering Media Moghul Brid, who has been covering Luffy’s story since Marineford, named him the Fifth Emperor of Sea weeks back It shows us two things, World Government’s own network is broken and they have been in power for so long is all because of Mighty Marine Manpower.
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Luffy, Law, Kid sharing same bounty amount is nothing but an attempt to cover up Luffy’s potential from the world. Why call him an emperor and not the other two or why is his bounty same with other two when he fought thrice them; all these thoughts are redundant when seen from narrative context.
The title of emperor comes not based on who you defeated or what you did, it comes from what your name holds. Blackbeard earned the warlord title, but he became Emperor only when he began taking over islands under his banner. Shanks has territories and allies all over grandline and he can stop WAR. We may laugh at Buggy-Sama, but he filled the arms trade void left by Doffy, Buggy also has cult like followers, may be it is by fluke, but influence is influence.
Luffy at this point is the most chaotic element in the world; a walking god that can communicate with sea kings and a cursed depressive elephant, a D. with a Grand Fleet of reputed captains with 5640 people, an Island under his flag, three allies from worst generation, a handful of kingdoms who are supportive of him, a diabolical grandfather, a criminal father, a dead notorious brother and another revolutionary brother, has amicable alliance with two worst generations. As for crew members he has a woman the only one in the world with knowledge of poneglyphs, an exiled prince, a former bounty hunter, a cyborg who knows the mechanics of Pulton, an ancient musician who has mysterious past, a liar who swayed the population against Doffy. These are few feathers on Luffy’s hat.
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But World Government also doesn’t want Luffy to stand out much, and their intel collection is flawed. They believe what they hear and photographs they received. In their eyes, three worst generation rookies teamed up to defeat two emperors. Not only that, it is also a way of discrediting Luffy’s name, he maybe an emperor but he is not any better than his fellow peers, they have been trying to co-opt Luffy for their propaganda for days. But the initial aim of this decision backfired, the poster was meant to convey Luffy is just another Pirate who shot up the ranks, by omitting his D. and using his regular photos. Now people can clearly see he is not another rookie from his white bright as bulb, photo, people who know about DFs will understand he has awoken and people and creatures who have been awaiting the return of Joyboy/Sun God Nika might connect the dots! So new allies and new enemies will both come for Luffy now!
The three sharing same bounty amount is not Odachii undermining Luffy, it is World Government who has been repeatedly trying to erase Luffy from the existence of the narrative they have been trying to tell. Justice belongs to the victor, Luffy has with a steady speed been countering the story, it began with Marineford, the world saw there is no good or bad in violence. World Government and marines are meant to protect people, but throughout the story they have proved otherwise their goal is to maintain power, it never mattered if a country was brought to ruins. Fujitora is the first to accept responsibility of World Government’s failure, negligence and incompetence, the doubt in justice began with Kuzan, Koby wants to protect true justice that’s why he joined marines, Tashigi cried when she realised her job to protect people of Alabasta was done by Pirates, the marines who care follow their own code of justice, biggest example being Garp. There is going to be a fall out between the World Government and Marines in coming days, as the ruler and the execution bodies are no longer in sync. The three billion bounty poster is a last desperate attempt by World Government to control the narrative.
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