#2nd hand
deakyghostcosplay · 3 months
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The next cosplay goal is to finish my dream cosplay Carrie Wilson. I've been working on this for almost 4 years & with lack of decent pieces & a bunch of charity shopping, we got half way through.
As you can see, the details that are vital are missing. I am on search for a belt, headset mic & of course A WIG.
I am TERRIBLE when it comes to wigs & shopping for them so this time I will get a wig.
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myflawsburnthrumyskin · 3 months
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all i gotta say is G59 until the grave
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raisedplain · 6 months
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new digs from thredup 🤩
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gryffindor-pie · 3 months
Does anyone else just love 2nd hand books? Idk it just feels like there's more "weight" (?) to them in a way? Like they have a "history", whereas with newly purchased books it feels so bland and artificial. I can't explain it but hopefully you know what I mean :)
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xtraumasoupx · 4 months
Shop my closet 🛍️
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warehouse-staff-blog · 7 months
2023 MID SUMMER Lot 4064 ②
こんにちは 名古屋店 コジャです。
2023 MID SUMMER Lot 4064、後半スタートです。
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WAREHOUSE & CO. Lot 4064 FORD CLIFF \6.160-(with tax)
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豚・猪論争が名古屋店では繰り広げられていて、 垂れた耳や「PIG」というワードから私は豚派です。笑
リアルな豚が加えるタバコや「PIG ROAST」がブラックジョークを感じさせて、 ユニークなプリントですね。
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このプリントを見る度に名作アニメのマ⚪コの名台詞、 「飛べない豚は~」が頭で反芻されるのは私だけではないですよね? このプリントだと、 「焼かない豚はただの豚」と言ったところでしょうか?笑
2023の盛夏ではこのように消防に関連するプリントがチラホラと。 お好きな方はこちらも是非是非~。
173cm,60kg SIZE:L
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WAREHOUSE & CO. Lot 4064 CALUMET CITY FEST \6.600-(with tax)
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名前通りその地域で開催されたフェスのプリント。 内容は定かではありませんが、 日本でも行われているように音楽やフードを楽しめるイベントかと思われます。
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173cm,60kg SIZE:L
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WAREHOUSE & CO. Lot 4064 LABOR DAY \6.600-(with tax)
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「LABOR DAY」はアメリカ合衆国において連邦政府の祝日の一つ(9月の第1月曜日と定められている)。 その日は休養とパレードの日と見なされていることが多いそうです。
カジュアルな装いのバイオリニストが写実チックに描かれており、 バックプリントを見ると、
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恐らくこちらはある地域で行われた一行事で、 アメリカでは「LABOR DAY」(9月の第1月曜日)を祝事の一環として様々なイベントが行われることがあるそうですよ。
179cm,69kg SIZE:XL
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WAREHOUSE & CO. Lot 4064 JACK & JILL \7.260-(with tax)
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2023春夏・盛夏合わせてLot 4064の中で人気No.1! ナンバー1も納得のデザインはアメリカで実在した(実在する?)アイスクリームメーカー物。
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両面多色で可愛くて。 このプリントを見た方は口を揃えて「アイス⚪リン」と仰います。笑
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179cm,69kg SIZE:XL
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WAREHOUSE & CO. Lot 4064 COLD STEEL CHARLIE \6.600-(with tax)
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ロック・フェスTEEのようなデザイン。 多色で配色も非常に良いです。
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173cm,60kg SIZE:L
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入荷ラッシュで御紹介が間に合わず、 「もう売り切れ!?」のプリントも出てきております。
ただ、 まだ《John Gluckow》シリーズの新作TEEも入荷していて、 次回から御案内していきますのでそちらもお楽しみに~。
☞ [営業時間のお知らせ]
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LINE公式アカウント開設にあたり、 2019年3月26日(火)以降、提供しておりましたスマートフォンアプリはご利用できなくなっております。 お手数をおかけしますが、今後はLINEアカウントのご利用をお願いします。
ご利用されるエリアのアカウントを「友だち登録」して下さい。 ※WAREHOUSE名古屋店をご利用頂いているお客様は【WAREHOUSE EAST】をご登録下さい。
弊社直営店で行っておりますジーンズ等のリペアの受付を休止させて頂いております。 ※ご郵送に関しても同様に休止させて頂いております。再開の日程は未定です。
ご迷惑お掛け致しますが、ご理解下さいます様お願い致します。 ※弊社製品であればボトムスの裾上げは無料にてお受けしております。お預かり期間は各店舗により異なりますのでお問合せ下さい。
〒460-0011 愛知県名古屋市中区大須3-13-18
【営業時間:平日 12時~19時、土日祝 12時~19時】水曜定休
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paulcatania · 8 months
Dear Tumblr, I am so sorry for everything. Really. I am part of the problem.
First off, I am sorry for the #PornVibesStrong moment that Twitter ROBBED you of during and prior to the Trump Administration (and who knows, perhaps now). Didn't Trump shut you down? Something happened. I can't remember. But I know that wow, what a time. This time however? This is another time. A time which feels like no time or space are we existing. Just maybe. If anyone can understand what that means of feels like to think or say. The post Covid existence being this constant alternate universe, time warp fuckery I can't quite seem to pinpoint with a term defining. Listening to "Head Over Heels" right now by Tears For Fears feels appropriate. It just has that sound to it ya know. Especially when it shows up in Donnie Darko. OMG. DOES NOT THE POST COVID WORLD FEEL LIKE DONNIE DARKO???? I know this much. Wait hold on..... Ok I had to go and quickly skim the lyrics to that song as final line of the song played... "Funny how time flies....". It really is all connected.
I haven't written in forever. Not like this. Not through the vessel that is you dearest Tumblr. I have abandoned my original venting/creative space-preferred via the digital realm. It's all beyond a bit much; to say the least. As of this exact moment, trying to rid myself of the physical foot print being my last four years. A mental health decline in late 2018 where life didn't seem one worth living, yet still trucking through creative projects and feeling connected to "the muses" whoever they are. Entities undisclosed, yet carrying me. An overpowering of dark forces bringing me to feelings of wanting to simply NOT EXIST. I wouldn't say I was suicidal, but how many steps can we possibly be before thoughts turn transcend actions. So I kind of acquired an art gallery of my friends in the earlier months of 2019 which then turns into my quite literally manifested 2nd Hand Shop which I simply called "Paul's Closet". In this post Covid world I am left with what seems to be endless items now making up my brand name switch to a less than desireable to some "2nd Hand HoE". I know right. Who doesn't want to shop there?
2nd Hand HoE is a less than acceptably managed resale shop out of my office space in my hometown of Gloucester, MA. Yup. This is where I'm at. I mean it's not THAT bad. I'm working the sidewalk/vestibule/stairwell which leads to a second-level office building consisting of office space for commercial use. It's been a long and wild 3 years being back and forth between here and my apartment in Peabody just about 15 miles away. A shared space with my ex partner. The poor dude. Sorry Alex. Haha. Yeah, No. It was a great 3 years. A wild learning experience with a friend unlike any I'd ever had. Relationships can be intense. Cohabited relationships even more so if not the right time and place. And space. Hold this space my dear lover. Ugh I'm gonna shart my jorts. Honestly. I'm so lost. Like what am I doing. WAIT, I know....... DUH. I'm reintroducing myself into the strong relationship I once had with the Tumbz. I see you Tumbzi, and I know you see #metoo.
Anyhoozers, I was all up in my feelitos, and I don't even know what the fuck made me think of it but I was like, what should I do? Just sit here anal cav deep in my iPhone swiping between apps slash doom scrolling and being envious of others' shit???? NO. Ufck That dumb stuff. I need to recreate my life. Will I this time? Well, hope the fuck so. The universe will always work out the shit it needs to but I would like to be a little bit of a commander in this simulation as well. I mean that's only fair right? Most would say so. I have discipline issues. I'm afraid to take chances. I'm afraid of what everyone thinks of me. It's ridiculous. I hate the internet, and all these things I hate and am afraid of are the things I'm supposed to connect to and through to be anything worth anything in a capitalist world right? I don't even know what I'm saying right now. I just know that I need to speak or type or write or whatever the fahhhhhk is on my mind or else the wheels will turn and spin right off the track. Or shall we say, Tumbl off course.
of course.
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puppyeared · 4 months
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these two are so interesting to me
characters belong to @canisalbus
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bobschroeder · 1 year
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yazthebookish · 9 months
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"I love you. Even when we are a whisper of existence among the stars."
Feyre and Rhysand's Secret Mating Ceremony commissioned by me with the amazingly talented Artcraawl (link to art post here).
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cinematic-phosphenes · 3 months
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Barry Keoghan as Oliver Quick & Jacob Elordi as Felix Catton SALTBURN (2023) | Dir. Emerald Fennell
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deakyghostcosplay · 3 months
So I did a thing. I told myself I wouldn't work on another cosplay until I've finished Carrie Wilson from JATP but my girlfriend found this jacket on Vinted & I had to get it.
I think this will be my easiest cosplay (& impulsive) one yet but I have pieces in my wardrobe that I can use for Kate!
And last year I made a Tiktok video about cosplay updates & one of those was updates on my dream cosplay & one of them was Kate Bishop.
The only thing I need is a bow & arrow but that can wait for now.
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obsob · 9 months
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happy and proud!!
✷(print shop)✷
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tsunosagun · 3 months
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smoke and mirrors
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catliker49 · 2 months
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We're almost Home!
Aahh I am so relieved! This was more of a Messy sketch and such, but I am Happy to have been able to draw something I can be proud of! I am a bit frustrated with the grass, but I'm super Glad I managed to finish this!!
I am very Excited for the March 1st update!! So much more inspiration.. colours.. just.. AAH!! Yay yay!!!! :o)
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bzjohndory · 3 months
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Thats just on floyd for biting the hand that feeds you
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