#2022 at 12:00PM
food-log-life · 2 years
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dopingconsomme · 1 year
写真の歴史 (知の再発見双書)
写真の歴史 (知の再発見双書) DopingConsomme さんのクエンティン・バジャック『写真の歴史 (「知の再発見」双書)』についてのレビュー:レビュ... https://booklog.jp/users/dopingconsomme/archives/1/4422211692 https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51H725BG9WL._SL160_.jpg Domain:booklog.jp At: December 5, 2022 at 12:00PM
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mft-toyama · 2 years
[新商品]バンカラ街のトレンドをおさえたいなら「サキイカホワイト」。渋谷の #NintendoTOKYO、#博多 #熊本 の期間限定ポップアップストアと #マイニンテンドーストア で販売中。#スプラトゥーン3 https://t.co/MynGourNbe https://t.co/qtozXfddpJ
— Nintendo TOKYO (@N_Officialstore) Sep 14, 2022
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auvietco · 2 years
Another day! June 08, 2022 at 12:00PM
Currently, it's June 08, 2022 at 12:00PM via IFTTT
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Almost done with the second chapter of Artemis (technically first chapter bc the other one's an intro bur still)
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actual-llamadrama · 1 year
I feel like the only parent that cares about me is my Dad and he’s in England right now. It feels like My mom and step dad could fuckjng care less if I got home safe 🙄 it’s snowing and slippery and i almost got hit by a fucking car walking through the parking lot of my work MINUTES after getting off the phone with my step dad asking him to give me a ride home because I didn’t feel safe taking the bus in this weather.
Yes.. I know my parents care for me, I do and I understand that my step dad works long hours and his feet hurt and his body aches WELL MY FUCKING FEET HURT AND MY BODY ACHES TOO AND I AM REACHING OUT ASKING FOR HELP! And he tells me “no”
I get it. I’m an adult now I should be able to get home by myself and what not but be for real. If ur kid calls and needs a ride home you drive them home. My day has literally been spent outside in freezing weather because no one else wants to fucking be outside. I have shoveled snow and swept wet floors and dealt with THE RUDEST old people asking if my work has fucking ice melt and I have repeated that answer to so many people I can almost psychically guess what the customer is going to ask me before they even fucking ask.
Sometimes I feel hurt and alone when I try to reach out to my other parents for help like this instead of just my dad because I know my dad will say yes, especially if I ask him to meet me in the middle. I can bribe my dad with the back scratch  but I can’t bribe my mom or my stepdad with the back scratch to give me a ride home. And the worst part is before I even ask them I already know the answer is no, but there’s just that split-second of hope that I feel like they’ll say yes this one time and all I have to do is wait in the break room and in 15 minutes, I’ll be home with my dogs and I’ll give my parents a kiss on the cheek and I’ll tell them thank you and I can’t wait to hang out with them again. 
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rkntg · 2 years
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food-log-life · 2 years
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mft-toyama · 2 years
私事ですがこの度、声優の武内駿輔さんと入籍致しました。 一緒に居ると自分らしくいれる彼と、日々精進していきます。 いつもお世話になっている関係者様、スタッフの方々に感謝の気持ちを忘れずに、一層真摯に作品づくりに励んでいければと思いますので、今後ともよろしくお願い致します。 https://t.co/rvGQWdzZgZ
— かとうみさと (@nebiru3) Sep 5, 2022
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abunawaf9 · 2 years
Anothe May 09, 2022 at 12:00PM r hour!
طريقة بناء بيت باذن الله May 09, 2022 at 12:00PM youtu.be/VgWOVb6t0ws #الامارات #دبى #ابوظبى #الشارقة #الكويت #قطر #عمان #البحرين #السعودية #UAE #Dubai #AD #Sharjah #kuwait #ksa #qatar #oman #bahrain #happiness #printing #tshirt #Love #instagood #me #selfie #instagramhub?
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storedev · 2 years
May 03, 2022 at 12:00PM
May 03, 2022 at 12:00PM
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My dashboard, 12:00PM September 8th, 2022
I’m guessing a certain royal has passed...
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