#1d harry
drewsephrry · 3 months
harry styles x reader
inspired by: slut! -Taylor Swift
warnings: kisses, curse words, crying, drinking, smoking
words: 1.3k
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Being this young is art
The party is loud inside the house. Too loud for her liking. So there she sits in one of the sunbeds, beside the aquamarine moonlit swimming pool. Her lover laying on a pink flamingo floatie in the middle of it.
“Care to join me, darling?” His British accent, thick and inviting. Y/N looks at his green eyes shining even from afar and nods as she gets up. He gently gets off the flamingo and swims to the end of the pool where she is closer to.
He holds his hand up for her to take and she walks closer to him. Her mouth salivating at the sight of him. Long hair, now wet, wrapped in a bun, tanned and toned body adorned with tattoos, black shorts sticking on his thick thighs.
“You alright, my love?” he asks, as they swim towards the edge of the pool that overlooks the ocean. She nods.
“Do you need anything? You want me to get you a drink?”
What if all I need is you?
“No, H. I'm fine. Just want to stay like this with you in this moment.” She explains, turning away from him and looking away to the ocean, embarrassed by her confession. He hugs her from behind and kisses her shoulder gently.
“I adore you.”
Butterflies erupt in her stomach from lovesickness.
She turns around to face him and kiss his lips. They taste like tequila and mint. With his help, he has her pinned on the pool wall and her legs wrapped around his waist as they share kisses and sweet nothings underneath the moon.
After a little while, the couple gets out of the pool to dry off and join their friends in the party. Y/N puts back on her tight little skirt from earlier and Harry passes her his white t-shirt, after she dries herself with her towel. Harry puts back on his red and black checkered flannel and grabs his girlfriend's hand, walking together towards the house.
The music is really loud. People are drinking and dancing on the makeshift dance floor. Others are making out or playing beer pong.
Y/N grimaces, as Harry guides them where the boys were hanging out earlier. The boys greet the couple again and offer them drinks. Both of them refuse as Harry pulls Y/N to sit on his lap, on the couch.
And if I'm gonna be drunk
Might as well be drunk in love
Girls pass giggling and staring Y/N down, wishing they could be in her place. Wishing Harry's arms wrapped around their waist and kissing their necks.
“She's such a slut!” a jealous voice among the crowd makes herself known.
But if I'm all dressed up
They might as well be looking at us
And if they call me a slut
You know it might be worth it for once
The boys are smoking, drinking and having fun. Y/N isn't having it though. She tries plastering a fake smile on her face, for the sake of the handsome man under her. But she can't take her mind off the girls whispering about her.
“Harry?” She asks quietly, the music making it not noticeable for everyone else. Harry whips his head towards her and nods, pulling a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Yes, sweetheart?” “Can we go?” she asks, playing with the rings on his fingers, wrapped around her waist. Harry nods and helps her get up. He says quick goodbyes to everyone and pulls Y/N with him.
“Hi Harry!”
“Oh my god, you're so hot!”
“Can we take a selfie?”
“I'm like in love with you!”
“What is she doing with you?”
Harry ignores everyone as he walks, holding Y/N's hand towards the front door.
The clock strikes midnight. They both are in the car, with flickering headlights, driving around Sunrise Boulevard.
Y/N is quiet. Quieter than usual.
“What's on your mind, my love?”
“Just want to go home with you.”
Harry places his hand on her thigh, as he continues driving to his luxurious house. When they reach it, Harry decides to take a shower, whilst Y/N is having a midnight snack in the kitchen. Grapes and strawberries.
Got lovestruck, went straight to my head
Her phone is ringing loudly from her handbag, that she had forgotten she even had with her. She pulls it out and sees thousands of tweets, posts and articles about her and Harry out and about. She groans and opens a random one, reading the comments.
‘How could he be with someone like her?’
‘What is she even wearing?’
‘A friend of mine told me that she was drunk and all over him at the party.’
‘She's such a slut!’
‘She was so rude the whole night and kept Harry from having fun.’
I'll pay the price, you won't
Tears are running down her face, without noticing.
Everyone wants him
That was my crime
"Fuck.” She whispers. The water just stopped running from the bathroom and she doesn't want Harry to see her like this.
She tries wiping her tears as much as she can, but more fall down with each tissue. Her mascara stains her apple cheeks, her red lipstick still intact.
“Angel, the water's warm if you want to-” he looks up. “What happened?” he asks, grabbing her face. Y/N tries to look away but he doesn't let her.
When her eyes meet his green ones with that daydream look, she breaks down. Her sobs are loud and her tears are endless. Harry pulls her to his chest and holds her while she tries to calm down. He plants kisses all over her face, wiping the rest of the tears that dared falling.
And I break down, then he's pullin' me in
In a world of boys, he's a gentleman
“Shh, my love. I've got you. Please don't cry.” He whispers. Y/N finally calms down but keeps holding Harry close to her.
“What happened?” He asks, concerned. Y/N gives him her phone and he reads the comments.
“Baby, you shouldn't listen to them. They're so wrong about you and how perfect you are. You are a gorgeous, impossibly kind, patient person that puts up with me and those stupid parties and my friends. I had a lot of fun tonight with you and I wouldn't change a thing.” Harry confesses.
Lovelorn and nobody knows
Love thorns all over this rose
Y/N nods and pecks Harry's lips.
“Thank you.”
“How about you go take a nice and warm shower and I'll wait for you? I'll bring you a change of comfy clothes and I'll make popcorn. We can watch ‘The Notebook’, if you want.” He knows her so well. Y/N nods with teary eyes and walks to the bathroom.
After her quick and warm shower, she walks up the pink stairs in Harry's bedroom. She finds him sitting with his naked back on the headboard of the bed, hair slick back, with a tub of icecream on his lap and a bag of popcorn beside him.
“I found your favorite flavor in the freezer, so I thought why go to waste?” Y/N smiles as Harry chuckles. She joins him, wearing his rolling stones graphic t-shirt he can't get rid of and a pair of his boxers. She looks so tiny and gorgeous to him. He kisses her and pulls her close to his chest.
Love to think you'll never forget
“Harry, I wanted to thank you for tonight. The way you comforted me and calmed me down…I don't know what to say.” Y/N confesses, when the movie titles come up on the screen. Harry is half asleep, hooded eyes and a wide smile adored on his face. The tangerine light on his face from the lamp on his bedside table illuminates his features and black ink covered body.
“Y/N, I don't know if I should be saying this. Maybe it's too early.”
“The worst that can happen is that it might blow up in your pretty face and I'm not saying do it anyway but I know you're going to.” Y/N pushes him to continue.
“I'm in love with you.”
“I'm in love with you too, H.” he presses his lips against hers, moving in sync with her.
Got lovestruck, went straight to my head
Got lovesick, all over my bed
And if they call me a slut
You know it might be worth it for once
And if I'm gonna be drunk
Might as well be drunk in love
“We're going to be alright, my love.”
"By the way, you taste like strawberries."
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Love at The Second Sight - with Harry Styles
Situação: marido!Harry Styles x Leitora
Contagem de palavras: 936
Pedido de @httnathxs: Você está aceitando pedidos? Se sim você poderia fazer um imagine do Harry. Onde a S/n tem muita insegurança com o cabelo por ser cacheado e por isso ela faz progressiva ( lembrando o Harry nunca viu o cabelo dela cacheado e eles já se conheceram assim) aí quando ele vê o cabelo dela natural ele se apaixona duas vezes mais por ela.
N/A: Obrigada por enviar sua ideia, anjo. Gostei muito de escrever a história. Espero que goste do resultado e me diga o que achou :)
curte e reblogue o post para me ajudar 🫶
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- Você tá preparada? - os olhos de S/N fitaram através do espelho o amigo e fiel cabeleireiro desde seus 15 anos de idade. A expressão da garota continha uma mistura de pavor e ansiedade. Uma ansiedade boa que trazia um leve frio na barriga e a boca seca, sedenta pelo o que estava por vir.
- Não me pergunta de novo, senão é capaz de eu desistir. - a risadinha mostrou um tom de verdade.
- Isso nunca! - protesta, levantando o dedo indicador da mão esquerda e com a direita logo pega a tesoura para iniciar seu trabalho. - Eu sonhei tanto que esse dia chegasse. - diz emocionado olhando o cabelo molhado e repleto de anos de química que ele mesmo realizou. S/N alisava o cabelo desde que se conhecia por gente. A progressiva já fazia parte da vida dela, que a própria dona do cabelo não se recordava como era seu verdadeiro eu. No entanto agora seria questão de tempo para ela se encontrar consigo mesma quando o barulho da tesoura foi ouvido e cortado a parte dos fios modificados quimicamente. De modo involuntário e inevitável de certa forma a mulher fechou os olhos, uma atitude em vão quando parada para pensar, já que ela não conseguiu visualizar o cabelo sendo cortado. Mas deixou o reflexo de seu cérebro tomar conta pelo barulho da tesoura sendo utilizada. Seu coração acelerou e uma sensação nova instaurou-se sobre seu ser, especialmente quando observou o chumaço de cabelo na mão do cabeleireiro ao final da ação. Por conta da transição ter iniciado há pouco mais de um ano, o cabelo dela estava gigante, mesmo cortando boa parte ainda sim o comprimento chegou aos ombros. - Você está livre! - Elton comemora e S/N dá um sorriso de alivio acompanhando de emoção, vista pelas olhos marejados.
A finalização foi seguida de um cuidado ímpar com cada cachinho, e ao final da experiência S/N não acreditou quando finalmente viu seu reflexo naquele espelho imenso. Na verdade ela não reconhecia aquele cabelo, aquela S/N. Ela estava radiante, com um volume estrondoso e impecável que realçava seu rosto, especialmente seus olhos, que por conta da situação continham gotas aprisionadas até a primeira lágrima cair lentamente. O amigo, que viu aquela menina crescer, não conseguiu segurar a emoção e chorou com ela.
- Obrigada… - a jovem diz com a voz embargada e um sorriso lindo nos lábios.
Ao chegar em casa, S/N queria fazer uma surpresa para todos que a conheciam com o cabelo liso. E o primeiro deles era seu esposo. Harry havia um compromisso na casa de um dos amigos que casaria na semana que vem, e como padrinho tinha de comparecer ao último ensaio da cerimônia. Contudo a mulher não acreditou quando ele disse que seria rápido, surpreendendo-se quando percebeu que o rapaz já havia voltado da reunião, mas estava no banho quando ela entrou.
Animada por ainda sim conseguir realizar a surpresa, a garota imaginou por uns dez minutos como prepará-la, e decidiu que só apareceria para Harry quando ele descesse as escadas e a encontrasse na sala.
S/N deduziu que o chuveiro ser desligado já que não escutou sons de água escoando, e sentou-se no sofá, ligando a tevê “despretensiosamente”. Em menos de cinco minutos os passos descendo as escadas surgiram e antes de chegar no primeiro andar Styles grita.
- Como assim você já chegou e não…. - o moreno simplesmente perde a fala e trava no penúltimo degrau quando enfim visualiza a figura inédita da esposa. S/N conseguiu pegar todos os frames do marido surpreso, abrindo a boca e brilhando os olhos quando percebeu a mudança na jovem. O sorriso dela era gigantesco, contagiando Harry no mesmo segundo até os dois soltarem uma risada eletrizante. - Meu Deus! - fala deslumbrado, erguendo as sobrancelhas e caminhando devagar até o sofá. - Você tá tão, mais tão linda, S/A! - a sinceridade foi algo genuíno que mexeu com a emoção já abalada de S/N. - E eu juro que não tô exagerando. - ela ri, um pouco envergonhada.
- Diferente né?
- Muito! - ele diz enquanto avalia o novo visual da mulher, agora mais de perto. - Posso tocar? - o modo como ele pediu foi extremamente fofo.
- Pode. - ela responde rindo, completamente derretida. Em seguida Harry afaga os cachos cuidadosamente e percebe a maciez incrível, além do aroma fresco que o cabelo carregava. Por fim, e com um sorriso de orelha a orelha ele segura o rosto dela com uma mão em cada bochecha e encara os olhinhos lagrimejados da garota.
- Acho que me apaixonei de novo por você, amor. - a moça ri encantada e ele a puxa para um selinho. - Esse cabelo combina demais com você! - permanece em silêncio enquanto as pupilas dilatam percorrem lentamente cada detalhe que antes ele não dava tanta atenção. - Sua boca, seu sorriso, seus olhos! Poxa, seus olhos estão lindos!
- Tá me deixando com vergonha.. - dessa vez ele se derrete por ela, abraçando-a forte e beijando seus lábios novamente.
- Vai se acostumando, porque eu vou te elogiar por muito tempo. Afinal, olha esse cabelo! - comenta empolgado. - Simplesmente perfeito em você.
- Desse jeito a minha insegurança vai embora.
- E ela nunca deveria ter existido. - reafirma o que ele sempre defendeu. - Sua beleza está mil vezes mais potente com esse volumão e cachos lindíssimos.
- Obrigada, meu bem.
- Agora nós dois temos cachinhos! - Harry chacoalha a cabeça mexendo seus cachos úmidos, recém lavados e faz a esposa rir e repetir o ato, a cena mais fofa de todos os tempos, que com certeza seria contada adiante durante os próximos anos de relacionamento do casal mais apaixonado do mundo.
Feedbacks são sempre bem-vindos e de extrema importância para quem escreve. Se possível, não esqueça de deixar um comentário sobre o conteúdo lido acima na ask! Adoraria saber o que achou :)
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harrystylesluvr1 · 6 months
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cozysweaterlofi · 7 months
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Harry Styles + Sweaters
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Lost | Harry Styles
[part 5] [part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4]
You were Harry’s neighbor. And someone that crawled her way through Harry’s life. But you thought the world of him, what happens when you realize he doesn’t? He loses you. And he’s lost.
Warnings : Swearing, Kissing, Heartbreaking. Short.
Containing : Mostly Angst, some fluff. Friends to Enemies to Idiots to lovers.
Pairing : You and Harry styles
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You pushed open the glass doors and stomped out in the night. You wanted to scream out in the traffic, instead, you just groaned loudly. You didn't want this, you didn't want to be near him. It was just too painful to just be in his presence. Why was your mom doing this to you? Didn't she remember how you broke down near her feet as you told her everything? You hated him with every fiber of your being. You hated his beautiful green eyes. You hated his deep voice. You hated his curls, and you hated his citrus shampoo.
You wanted him to leave you alone.
But that didn't happen.
You quickly tried to get rid of your unshed tears as you heard heavy footsteps. Sighing, and taking a few steps forward, you stared into the traffic and listened to the horns. "Y/n-"
"I'm not going with you."
"I was thinking about the same thing. But you won't get a taxi in this traffic. You might wanna-"
You turned around sharply and looked at him. "I don't care! I'll find my way but I don't need you to take me, got it?" You said loudly enough to strike Harry of your anger but not enough to attract any attention. "Y/n please, I don't want you getting hurt." He said softly. You scoffed, the nerve of this guy. "You don't want me to get hurt? That's something I've never heard of!" You said coldly. Harry winced, your voice that he remembered to be so sweet was suddenly so unfeeling. His heart hurt more when he realized this was his doing.
He looked at you, "Please, Y/n." He whispered and took a step towards you. "Let me just take you home, and I won't bother you."
"Please! Why would I want to be a bother to you! Remember how seeing me pains you?" You cried. Harry clenched his jaw, remembering his own words. You were sniffling and shaking, you just wanted to rest. Harry took a careful step again, seeing that you were going to cry, he quickly took you in his embrace. You wanted to get out, you wanted to get out but you were too weak at the time. "No! No, no." You hit his chest, but he ran a hand through your hair and breathed in.
"Shhh, Shh. Calm down, baby." He cooed. You hated this, but you just wanted to let go and collapse onto his chest and sleep. "Let's go, yeah? Let's go." He said and half-carried you to his bike. You whimpered as you sat on his bike. He kissed your forehead, sitting on the bike, he gently took both of your hands and wrapped them around his waist so you would be leaning on his back. You sighed as you rested your body on his back, you took in a long breath of his scent with the fresh air, and closed your eyes. "It's going to be okay. Ok?" He said and started the engine.
You just remembered how the wind combed through your hair, and Harry's cologne.
You felt warm. You felt relaxed. You felt covered and comfortable. You exhaled through your nose, moved, and laid there. You breathed in and exhaled calmly, your lungs being filled with the scent of jasmine and gasoline. Dewdrops, and a hint of gasoline. It reminded you of home. You sighed and looked up to the ceiling. Wait a minute. You suddenly got up and looked around. You were home. You got off the bed and looked around. Not a thing had changed.
You chuckled and bit the tip of your thumb as you saw the small drawings you made on the walls. The polaroids you stuck above your desk. You briefly ran your hand on them and then turned around, only to be met with the window. The window that had your daisies, the window from which you would talk to him, the window that held so many bittersweet memories.
You stepped towards it, touching the pink curtains that you loved. It reminded you of how you were not embarrassed to be yourself. You bit your lip, you hoped that the daisies you planted were not dead, but they were likely. You sighed and grabbed them and opened them. You were hit with a ray of sunshine. You covered your eyes with your hand and then smiled, your heart filling with joy. Home. You chuckled quietly and looked down only to be shocked when you saw your daisies quite lively.
"Oh my god!" You said, your voice low. You gently touched them and smiled. They were blooming, just like you were. It felt so good to be home. You looked up and your breath hitched when you saw his window. His curtain was open and he was pacing around, brushing his teeth. Shirtless. You took in a deep breath, as you stared at him. You tried to look around, but damn, when did he get so ripped.
You coughed rapidly trying to shrug off your thoughts. What the fuck was that?
You looked away, flushed when Harry noticed your cough. His eyes widened and he quickly put a shirt on, gargled and came to the window. "Hey-"
"I'm going to the hospital, thanks for last night, but that's it." You said sharply. Your heart clenched when you saw his pained expression. "Yeah," He whispered. "Bye." You turned around and breathed heavily, this is not a time to cry. You needed to shower. You quickly showered, put on a white top and a flannel, and headed straight towards the hospital. You sighed and got out of your house, a sneeze sneaking up your nose. You knew you shouldn't have washed your hair, you cursed. You looked around waiting for a taxi.
You rolled your eyes. You forgot that taxi's didn't roam at your part of town, you'd either go by your bicycle or...Harry would take you. But that was long ago. You looked around, shit, how were you gonna go to the hospital.
"You need a ride?"
You swore loudly again, your heart jumping. You looked in front of you, to see none other than Roger Brown. "You live here?" You ask him. "Well, good morning to you too miss," He snarled sarcastically. You rolled your eyes and raised your eyebrows. "Yes, I live here. Now, do you want a ride?"
You shook your head. "Why didn't you tell me? You could've taken me home.."
"Now, now. Doesn't that seem forward?" He said, and winked. You gave a not-so amused look and suddenly came forward, opening the door harshly and then sitting in it. You resisted the urge to smirk when you saw his priceless, alarmed, caught off guard expression.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" He shook his head and put on a charming smile. "You are something." He said and fired the engine but as you heard it, you bit your lip. You looked outside the window, your head leaning on your hands and you kept them on the window sill and your hair literally flying when he drove off...and not noticing the pained expression on Harry's face as he watched you both drive off.
Harry sighed as he plopped down on his bed. His mind was hurting from overthinking. He massaged his temple, and closed his eyes. But every time he closed his eyes, you would haunt him. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw you. You biting your lip, you smiling and giggling, you in his purple football shirt that's too big for you, you being shy, you when you were 15, you when you were 9 and begging him to come with him at the carnival. And you as you looked today, so, so beautiful. Just you.
He didn't know what was happening to him.
When he saw you last night, his heart leaped out of his chest. The first time his eyes met yours, he felt like he couldn't breathe. Your eyes were so mesmerizing, their shade was amazing. It was like a beautiful painting that had come to live. And even if you were so exhausted and traveled so far, you still looked so fucking pretty.
Harry gulped and opened his eyes. What was he thinking? He breathed in, and got up. He clenched his jaw when he thought of that doctor who offered you a ride. He rolled his neck, it was nothing. They're just friends.
And what gives you the right to be angry at her? His mind scowled at him. He knew that. He had no right to be upset at that, you can be with anyone you like. He ran a hand through his hair. Anyone. That didn't exactly sit well with him. He shook his and weakly got up. He cuddled into his shirt, that had your scent all over it. It made him feel comfortable.
Harry snapped back, and walked down the stairs. "Hey dipshit! Did you know y/n's back?!"
Harry cleared his throat and awkwardly stared at the ground as Gemma asked him. "Why are you acting strange-" He avoided her gaze. He really didn't want her to know he had already met you, in the kind of conditions no one would anticipate. He embarrassingly pouted when Gemma gasped, realization hitting her. "You already knew?! Is she here yet?! Dude!" She yelled but seeing as Harry looked more guilty, she tilted her head. "You've already met her, haven't you?"
Harry rolled his eyes as his sister practically ran at the hospital when he told you what exactly had happened, except a few details here and there. He walked slowly behind her but she scoffed at him and took grasp of his hand, practically dragging him. He yelped when he was about to hit a wall. "Gemma-Could you-ahh! Oh my god, I'm sorry, miss-ah!" He stuttered and apologized to people in between. But then he just gave up and let Gemma drag him.
Harry looked up ahead to see your mother. "Mrs. L/n!!! Help me!" She looked up, alarmed but turned into a grin when she saw Gemma. "Hello dear!" Gemma's face lit up when she saw your mother, and she pulled her hand and hugged your mother. "Hi! How are you? How's uncle?"
"Oh, I'm fine." She dismissed jokingly. "And your uncle is perfect, as he said. He's asleep for now, but he said he wanted ice cream when he woke up. I protested but the doc said it's okay to eat ice cream and stuff now and then, but in a small amount. So, here I am buying cookie ice cream." Gemma giggled. "That's good! Oh and who's the doctor?"
"A guy named Roger Brown, tall, dark, and not that handsome," Harry grumbled. Gemma was taken aback by his response and gave him a weird look, while your mother just slightly smirked. "What?"
"Gemma? Gemma!!" Harry's head snapped into the direction of your voice. He looked at you grin at his sister and run towards her, as she did the same. Harry would've rolled his eyes at you if this were to happen before, but right now Harry was too preoccupied being mesmerized by your shining eyes. He didn't realize he was staring at you, when suddenly he was nudged by your mother.
He cleared his throat, interrupting your hugs and squeals. You furrowed your eyebrows at him as you pulled back from Gemma. "Oh my god, how are you!? And how's LA? Ooh and did you meet any boys???" Gemma rambled while Harry gave her a not-so amused look, greatly annoyed by the last question. You giggled at her, and side-hugged her. "Well, there was someone..." you muttered.
What the fuck?
Who was this someone?
Gemma squealed, "Really?" You shook your head. "Well, not exactly 'was', I just met him yesterday." Harry's ears started ringing. He knew exactly who you were talking to. And he didn't like it. He glared behind you, Dr. Roger Brown was walking his way towards you. Harry watched as you went towards him, a smile etched across your beautiful face, as you introduced him to Gemma. He glared at the way Dr. Roger Brown deeply chuckled, and slightly caressed your waist. He looked at the way you blushed at him, making his heart tighten again.
He hated it, he hated it because that was the way you blushed at him.
"Are you ready?" Your mom asked you. You blushed and looked at yourself in the mirror and twirled, and then turned back to your mom and nodded. Your mom smiled at you, "You're looking beautiful, my love." You smiled at her. "Thanks, mom." She led you by your waist. You walked down the stairs, holding your dress and saw your father standing in the kitchen making a sandwich. "Hello there." He said and you swayed from side to side shyly. "Oh honey, you look beautiful." He said and hugged you. "Come on, your ride is here." You blushed as you realized who your ride was.
You had developed a crush on him, and although you were trying to move on cause somehow you knew that he would never feel the same, your heart beating was fast. You carefully stepped out the door, and walked towards the car, your eyes focusing on the ground.
"Holy fuck." Were Harry's words when he saw you.
You looked up, your eyes shining. Your beautiful dress hung down, and the beautiful lilac shade that you wore made you look brighter, somehow. The innocent off-shoulder neckline adorned with flowers made you look so lovely. And the way your hair was put up just made you prettier. Harry breathed, not knowing why his heart was freaking the hell out.
You looked like a fucking princess.
You looked like such a pretty princess.
Harry gulped in, and then looked at Gemma who nudged him. He looked back at you and bit his lip. "You look v-very beautiful." He said. You blushed under his intense gaze. "Thank you," You said, your voice low. Gemma rolled her eyes at her brother and pushed him towards you. After giving Gemma a 'seriously?' look, he walked towards you and held out his hand out for you to take. You shyly took it and let him lead you towards the car. You sighed as you got in and looked back at your father and waved at him as Harry started the engine. "Bye, have fun, honey!!"
"Thanks dad!"
You smiled prettily and looked in front of you, as Harry drove off in the jeep. You sighed as your heart thudded hard against your chest in the quiet night. Harry looked at you, as the moon shined on you. He breathed in again deeply, not understanding why he was nervous. "Look-" He started to speak. But you just shook your head, knowing exactly what he was going to say. "I know you're going to just dance with me for one song for convenience and then go to your group. Could you just come back when I have to go home and not leave me there?" Harry's words stuck in his throat. He didn't know why but seeing so broken yet smiling made his throat constrict with pain. He nodded at your directness and stayed in silence as you looked outside the window again, lost in your own world.
After you reached the school for the prom. You were surprised but hid it well when Harry got out and opened the door for you. "You don't have to do that just to show, Harry. I don't care." You said, not noticing Harry's taken aback expression. Harry let out an exasperated sigh, gently took your hand, and led you to the hall. You looked at Harry and blushed. He looked so amazing. His long hair was as greasy as ever, making him look hotter, with the suit being a great factor. His green eyes were so beautiful.
You got in the hall and took a deep breath. A bit overwhelmed by the loud music and the lights and all of the students dancing and talking. You took a shaky breath, which Harry noticed, and glanced at you, somewhat concerned. You took in another deep breath when you saw the popular crowd staring at you and Harry judgmentally. You suddenly felt conscious, and you got your hand out of Harry's grip and rubbed the forearm of your other arm, and sighed. You weakly smiled at Harry and gestured at the punch.
"I'm going to get something."
Harry stared at you speeding off. What the hell happened to you? He went towards the crowd in the middle who was dancing and spotted one of his friends, who called him over. He smiled at him briefly and nodded and went over him, hoping that would get his mind over you, but unfortunately it didn't.
You were near the food table, sulking as your hand reached the cheetos. You looked over to the big crowd of people, dancing, singing, laughing. You hated that they never included you. You hated the feeling of loneliness. You hated to pretend that you have Harry and that he's never gonna leave you. But that wasn't true, was it? Nobody ever knew that sometimes you would choke up while trying to keep your tears in, why? Because everybody hated you for being you.
Even the guy that you loved.
Your head shot up. Loved? You internally groaned. Why did this have to happen to you? You stuffed your mouth with more chips and munched on them loudly. But then you froze when you heard someone groan. "Stop stuffing your mouth with chips and let's go, love." He said, his voice disinterested. "Why are you here?" You squeaked out as his hand slowly reached out to your cheek and wiped out of some crumbs.
"Well, I promised you a dance, idiot." You blushed as he said that, and he slightly smirked, kind of knowing what kind of effect he had on you. You looked down, as he led you and gasped as he pulled you close. Your eyes slowly went higher than his chest to his deep green orbs. Harry looked at you and saw you flushed, gaping at him too. He liked the way you blushed at him, knowing that he was the only person who could do that.
Your eyes glanced at Harry, who was already gaping at you, his nose turning red. You scrunched your eyebrows in concern, why was his nose turning red? You looked back at Roger, who smiled back at you. "Nice to meet you, Gemma." He said and turned to you. "I have to get back to my patient, but would you like to join me for Jell-O break at 2 o'clock maybe?" He asked hopefully. You grinned at his requested and nodded. "Sure."
Harry looked away from the scene to the ward where your father laid. He sighed and walked towards it. He looked through the small window to see your father sleeping with a remote in his hand. Harry walked in quietly and stepped towards the bed, and slowly took the remote out of his hands, making sure not to wake him up and kept it on the bedside table. "You know he likes it on, don't turn it off."
"I know." There was a silence between the both of you as your eyes drifted from his figure and your father's, to the window in front of you. You looked at the clouds, the weird shapes and the unique white that coloured them, and the way they were scattered across the blue sky. "Harry." He took in a sharp deep breath and turned at you. "Yeah?"
"Do you really care about my father?" Harry smiled and scoffed. You scrunched up your nose, your heart beating as you found his smile ever so sweet. "Of course, I do." He says, his voice deep. He turned his head to look at your father once again and back at you. You nodded at his reply and felt your mind softening it's opinions about him. "Harry, last night-"
"Can you not call me that?" He asked. You looked at him, confused by his question. "Why?"
"I was so used to you calling me Haz or Curly hair, that I forgot how my name was pronounced out of your mouth." Your ears and cheeks tinted pink at that. You swallowed and bit your lip. "Maybe you have to earn that." Harry's eyebrows raised up, and he turned back to you. "What do you mean?" You sighed deeply and looked around the room, and back at your father sleeping. "You better be true when you say that you care for my father." Is all that you say. "We can be acquaintances." You said and walk out of there.
Harry stood there in shock. Did you just say that and walk out of here? He sighed and looked at the door. You sighed and rested your head on the door. Little did you know, so did he.
At this point in both of your lives, you didn't what was going to happen. It was unclear and confusing to you, yet you both went on. You didn't know the outcome of this, of giving Harry a chance or considering dating Roger, but you just wanted to go with the flow. Overthinking was a sickness that everybody goes through, and right now both of you were literally living it. Your heart always pounded with fear as you thought about your parents, about your father.
You didn't know what was going to happen to him, will life give him a chance or not? Life was unpredictable, and you knew it. You had to live through it. You had to face this. And you weren't the only one, you will have many other people with you. The ones you love. And maybe that included Harry.
You sighed and sat on the bench outside the hospital, your fingers rubbing your forehead. Your mother was asleep, and Gemma had gone home because she had some business to attend to. Harry was beside your father, in case he woke up. You looked at the sky, your head not clear. You were having very negative thoughts. Not about your father, no. About you being a good daughter. When you saw the way Harry cared for your father, your heart ached. What if he was more caring than you? What if you were totally wrong about him?
You didn't remember how it used to be between them.
You looked up, your heart startled. "Roger.." You sighed and got up. Heat crept up your neck and cheeks as he put a loose strand behind your ear. "You look really pale, are you okay?" He said, and immediately his hand went up to your forehead, your eyes widened at him. "Sorry, habit." You laughed softly and pinched Roger's cheeks. He blushed and you kissed his cheek. Roger gazed into your eyes and you felt shy under his stare. You looked into his grey eyes, as storming as ever, but they were not as lively as Harry's.
what the fuck. Your breath hitched and you suddenly stepped back as you tried to clear your head. Roger broke out of his trance. To give you space he stepped back a bit. What the hell was that? You looked back to Roger who looked at you, concerned. "Y/n, are you sure you're okay?"
You nodded quietly. He briefly touched your shoulders- and then caressed your cheek. "Anyway, are we on tonight?"
You smiled at him, "Definitely."
Suddenly, you heard his beeper go out. "I'm sorry, I have to go." You shook your head and gestured for him to go on. He looked at you and smiled wholeheartedly- but you gasped when he suddenly grabbed your neck and kissed your cheek. "Wish me luck!" He ran back.
You stood there, shocked for two seconds, and then chuckled. You walked off, touching your cheek, excited for your date.
You stood there behind the crowd, hiding near the extra chairs. You could not bear to look at the cluster of people who danced around, happy while you felt so...empty.
After that dance, Harry saw Cassie- the popular cheerleader person. You, personally thought that she was not a good person at all. You remembered all the times she made you the center of attention and laughed at you because of your lack of friends which you tried to deny, but you didn't. For this guilty feeling stuck in your throat, telling them that Harry was your best friend will not make Harry happy.
Was he even your friend?
You looked around, the loud music making you uneasy. This is what you aren't supposed to feel. Be normal, they say. You're supposed to be accompanied by your date- rather your alleged best friend.
Why were you still pretending?
You hated feeling lonely at heart, when you knew nobody was on your side, beside you, supporting you. You already knew- but you still pretended, perhaps because you loved him too much and didn't want to let him go, or because you didn't want to feel like that.
And the longer you tried to hide your feelings for him, the harder it hit you that he wasn't truly your friend at all.
@vinniemeetsworld24 @harrysficreblog @msolbesg @chocochipcookie305 @sophiaedits @rosaliedepp @toujurspure @hotharry @styles-weasley @michellekstyles @felinfleurs @4-everm-0-re @bhumee @phatcrackdad @brunettebabyxxo @ayeshathestyles @elenagilbert01 @leebodeckersgoodgirl @harryssunflowerbread @happycupcakeenthusiast @tenaciousperfectionunknown @slutfortigertattoo @almosttoopizza @vaseoftulips @auroravol-6 @aliccstuna @behindmygreyeyes @irondragonpsychictrash @cowboylikevicky @imjusthereforthefics2 @greenapples4876 @academiaghosts @thefuckingrande @harrystylesfan2686 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @venomsvl @faith-in-midnights @clairestylessss
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One Direction "Through The Dark" Review
If you're new to this series I get sent a song from 1 direction (during 1d days or solo careers) and I review it. The ones I like will make a playlist that I'll share at the end of this series.
Thoughts from title: something sweet, maybe upbeat?
Initial reaction: ohh I like this, the beat is hitting. OH WAIT ITS THIS SONG OMG I LOVE THIS SO AHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I DIDNT KNOW THE TITLE!!!!
Overall thoughts: absolutely slay this song is just so good omg I love this it's so happy ahhhh this is just top tier music right here.
Favorite lyric(s): Oh I will carry you over
Fire and water for your love
And I will hold you closer
Hope your heart is strong enough
When the night is coming down on you
We will find a way through the dark
Overall rating: 10/10
Did it make the playlist? It would be a crime if it didn't
Let me know what other songs you wanna see 💚💙🧡💛❤️
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1dgalleryx · 1 year
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matildashoney · 2 years
Delicate Point of View Masterlist
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*Contains Sexual Content, Trigger Warnings will be included individually in the chapter.
Harry Styles and Hera Collins were lovestruck and obsessed with each other, like every early-twenties romance. Going to concerts, travelling the world, doing everything they possibly could in their time together. Harry was obsessed and in love, and could see their future ahead of him - doing all the things they were already doing, but forever. He was writing songs about her and singing them to thousands of people every night, every word sung back to him, and most importantly, his lover was in the audience, supporting and surprising him every night. Hera wanted all that and more, the promise of a future that she was never shown by her own parents, the promise of a loving family that cared for her unconditionally. Hera wanted that, the swear of the future. 
Harry, in the midst of the height of his career, and Hera, embarking on the biggest tour of her life, are forced to have a conversation about their future, and how their visions of what’s next aren’t lining up. Unfortunately, that conversation ends in a way that neither of them want.
Going on two and a half years later, a new Harry Styles album approaching, Hera is confronted with a call from the one person she has desperately tried not to think about for the last year and a half, the person she knows part of her heart still belongs to. Hera hears the songs written for her, the love songs she never thought she’d hear, and is forced to make a decision: will she see him again?
Like that, Harry and Hera are sucked into a new romance, although this time, it is much different. And that is because, Hera is now dating someone - someone Harry knows.
Hera is now dating both Harry and Grant, and is forced to make a decision, the hardest decision she’ll ever have to make.
Who does her heart belong to? And will she make the right decision?
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One Two Three* Four* Five Six* Seven Eight Nine Ten* Epilogue
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margalitarry · 2 years
happily | h.s
i just want it to be you and i forever
i know you wanna leave, so come on, baby, be with me so happily
warnings: mention of sex, cursing
word count: 0.8k
notes: reader is referred to as a woman and is bisexual. harry styles x reader
harry styles groaned into his pillow as his best friend, mitch rowland, stole his phone away.
"she's not gonna text you back any faster if you stare at the conversation!" mitch told harry, who's face was still in the pillow.
"it's just not fair, i know we weren't exclusive but we basically were!" harry complained.
"i mean didn't you know about the other girl?"
"she talked about her a few times and i know they've hung out but i just- i don't know." harry said.
you were out in a date with a girl you had been talking to for a little less than three months. you had known harry for a few years and had multiple on and off benefits with each other but never went over that line.
ever since you had met aria, the girl you were out with, harry had become jealous. neither of you had anyone outside of each other before; harry quickly decided he didn't like that thought.
"how's harry doing? it feels you guys are attached at the hip." aria asked you in the dimly lit restaurant.
"he's good! working on music as always." you said doing your best to ignore the last part of her sentence.
"did you guys- you know… ever date?" aria warily asked.
"no, just super good friends. we've been with each other through a lot." you lied.
you tried to avoid bringing up harry with aria. you couldn't have been more flattered to say you've slept with harry but you oddly felt guilty about it when it came to aria.
"ohh, yeah you guys are always together. i was just wondering. i mean- just the last month you've not been away from him."
you dropped your eyes down to your lap feeling your breath hitch, why were you so nervous over something that wasn't happening?
"he's just going through stuff and i help him write music, nothing more." you lied again, beginning to bounce your leg under the table.
"i just don't wanna continue with this if it's not gonna go anywhere due to him!" aria said, raising her voice slightly at the end.
"i'm telling you what happened!"
"no you're not! remember a month ago whenever i tried walking into your room, the door was locked and you said to give you a minute? it's not hard to see a black escalade pulling out!" aria continued to rant.
"but we aren't dating and never have! i've known you two months and if we aren't dating it doesn't matter!" you whispered yelled trying to defend yourself.
"so absolutely none of this meant anything to you? go have fun with your shitty womanizing bestfriend y/n. you're fucking hilarious if you think you'd be a thing." aria sarcastically said as she left $40 on the table and left the restaurant.
mitch locked harry's door as quietly as he could, harry had finally fallen asleep. mitch cursed himself in the head when he turned around and saw your car pulling in. he started to talk before you interrupted him.
"he just fell a-"
"i need to talk to him, seriously mitch." you pleaded.
mitch really didn't want to let you in, worried that it wouldn't end well and he'd be back here tomorrow comforting harry again. but he trusted you and unlocked the door; giving you an eye roll as you went inside.
you nearly sprinted up the stairs through harry's large, dark house and took a deep breath as you stood in front of his closed door. you cracked it open and looked at harry, who couldn't have looked more peaceful with his eyes shut and mouth slightly opened.
you opened the door some more and walked in, waking up harry in the process.
"y/n? why are you here?" he whispered, not even sure if it was actually you standing there.
"i'm sorry i just needed to talk to you. i can leave though-"
"no it's fine, what's going on? are you okay?" harry asked, sitting up in his bed.
"yes but i just need the fucking talk to you about this and us." you quickly said, bouncing your leg once again as harry took your hand into his.
"what do you mean 'us'?"
"i like you so much more than this stupid benefits thing we have going on and i thought i could get away with it and just ignore those emotions but i can't anymore!" you said, taking a deep breath before continuing.
"i don't wanna care about those people i just want it to you and i." you whispered.
"you wouldn't believe how long i've been waiting to hear you say that." harry said, looking you dead in the eyes still holding onto your hand.
"i have a slight idea i think." you smiled at him.
"did everything go okay tonight with aria though? something else is bothering you."
"she definitely won't be around to say the least." you grumbled.
"i could make you feel better than she could've anyways." harry smirked causing your cheeks to heat up.
"you should prove that again real quick."
"who said we have to be quick?"
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bciwasinlove · 5 months
So I came across my old 1D member photocards where, on the back of each members card, an interviewer asked them certain questions.
For dear harold's card, of course, they asked the question, "What do you look for in a girlfriend?"
And harold's reply being "nice person with a good sense of humor, nice smile & a nice bum" has me 💀.
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How does anyone think this boy is straight ???
He never once said the term girl when it came to his partner it was always just someone or person.
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solariconsblog · 1 year
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Harry Styles
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niallers-irish-potato · 2 months
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imagines-1directioner · 3 months
Can You Help Me? - with Harry Styles
Situação: crush!desconhecido!Harry Styles x Leitora
Contagem de palavras: 927
Sinopse: A ajuda que vira flerte em uma loja do shopping calhou muito bem para a vida de S/N e Harry.
N/A: Feliz ano novo, meu povoooo! Trago para vocês a primeira historinha com nosso divo - agora careca.. rip cabelão lindo que eu sempre fui apaixonada 🪦 - e com direito a fake messages hehe Espero que gostem 😘
curte e compartilha o post para me ajudar 🫶
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- Estou tão em dúvida.. - concentrada e totalmente indecisa lanço uma careta que exemplifica muito bem meus sentimentos. De maneira involuntária remexo os lábios de um lado para o outro formando um biquinho, enquanto meus olhos verificavam cada detalhe das sandálias posicionadas no chão. A creme com tiras brilhantes e um saltinho era lindíssima e muito confortável. A azul escuro com salto fino, hiper elegante ficou perfeito no meu pé. E a verde, incrível, a cara do verão, amarração moderna, salto mediano, enfim, linda! Infeliz indecisão.
- A senhorita gostaria de mais opções?
- Não, não! - respondo a atendente entre risos. - Já estou indecisa somente com três modelos, imagine mais. - olho mais uma vez para o trio de sandálias a minha frente e respiro fundo no intuito de me decidir logo. - Se bem que está verdinha ficou um pouco grande no meu pé.. mas eu amei ela! - a vendedora sorri.
- Posso verificar no estoque se tem um tamanho menor.
- Eu adoraria! - meus olhos brilharam, sinal que a moça entendeu que eu queria um número menor. Após ela se afastar e entrar em um portinha que dava acesso ao estoque, meus olhos retornaram aos calçados e pego o de brilhantes para prová-lo novamente.
- Desculpe a intromissão, mas caso ajude este é o mais bonito. - instantaneamente olho para a voz que escuto falar comigo, localizada à minha direita. Era um rapaz estiloso, vestindo uma camisa branca, entre aberta no peito sendo possível visualizar algumas tatuagens que me chamaram atenção. Os olhos incrivelmente verdes e um sorriso tímido eram detalhes que despertaram certo interesse em mim - e imagino que em qualquer outra pessoa, o cara era um gato! Sentado também nos bancos almofadados, padrão de lojas de calçados, vejo que no chão existem muitas caixas com vários sapatos femininos e logo minhas expectativa baixam.
- Gostei bastante deles também, mas achei muito festa. - dou uma risadinha olhando para o par aos meus pés. - Por outro lado é imensamente confortável. Mas o verde foi paixão à primeira vista.
- E é confortável?
- Acredito que nos primeiros trinta minutos seja. - ele me acompanha nas risadas.
- A difícil escolha entre beleza e conforto.
- A pior de todas.
- Está escolhendo para uma ocasião especial?
- Na verdade estou trocando uma sandália que ganhei de presente de natal. - o moreno assentiu. - Não serviu muito bem.
- Namorado errou?
- Pior, meu pai errou. - eu ri e ele levanta as sobrancelhas e comprime os lábios entendendo o “vacilo”. - Não tenho namorado. - achei interessante frisar tal fato.
- Oh, que coisa.. estou passando por esse problema agorinha mesmo. - comenta sem graça, coçando a cabeça.
- Está trocando algo também?
- Não. Eu sou a pessoa que vai presentear. - ele passa as mãos pelo rosto, tirando-me uma risada. - Não lembro muito bem a numeração dela.
- Sabe a altura? - sacudiu a cabeça que não.
- Ela é um pouquinho mais baixa que eu. Bate no meu ombro talvez. - o rapaz se levanta e eu não esperava que ele fosse tão alto. Pelo menos consegui deslumbrar ainda mais sua beleza.
- Ah, ela é alta então. - disfarço minha cara de besta com um comentário idiota.
- É, é sim.
- Talvez use 39? - sugiro erguendo os ombros.
- Essa é a minha aposta. - ele ri e mostra um sapato bordô mas com um salto agulha alto.
- Esta é linda, mas como ela é alta acho que o salto poderia ser um pouco mais baixo. - doou a minha opinião. - A não ser que ela goste de ficar mais alta.
- Definitivamente não. - solta uma risadinha e deixa de lado o que era para ser o provável presente.
- E este dourado aqui? - pego a sandália com um saltinho baixo, moderno e o acabamento em uma espécie de couro. - Acha que combina com ela?
- Combinar eu acho que combina, mas ela é tão chata para esse tipo de coisa.
- Eu não posso falar muito pois sou igual. - dou uma risadinha. - Qual a cor preferida dela?
- Não sei.. - o rapaz faz uma careta.
- Poxa, aí fica difícil.
- Ela adoro todas as cores, mas quando o assunto é roupa todas as cores que eu compro a feição dela muda. E eu sempre erro a numeração dela em roupa, então decidi ir em sapato. Achei que as chances de errar seriam menores. Ao que tudo indica achei errado.
- É, presente é sempre difícil acertar de primeira. Mas acho esse dourado é muito bonito, eu gostaria de ganhar. Ou aquele preto ali. - aponto para o outro sapato em vinil, na caixa à esquerda dele.
- Infelizmente não achei no verde, querida. - interrompendo a conversa, a vendedora fala assim que sai do cômodo.
- Tudo bem, vou levar esse aqui mesmo. - digo ao pegar os saltos com tiras brilhantes, e olho para o moreno que pisca pra mim e dá um pequeno sorriso. Sério, que homem bonito!
- Ótimo, vou embrulhar para você.
- Obrigada pela ajuda. - agradeço o rapaz enquanto me levanto, antes de pegar meu novo par de calçado.
- Imagina! Obrigado pela ajuda também.
- Espero que sua namorada goste do presente.
- É para a minha irmã. - as expectativas que antes eram baixas aumentaram e eu ergo as sobrancelhas indicando interesse, claro, e leve surpresa.
- Ah, entendi!
- Posso pegar seu número e te enviar uma mensagem caso ela goste?
- Claro! - ele entrega o celular dele para adicionar meu número. - Pode colocar o seu na minha agenda também. E caso ela não gostar, me avisa que te ajudo a escolher outro. - vejo que ele entendeu a indireta ao soltar um riso e concordar com a cabeça.
- Obrigado…
- S/N!
- Muito prazer, S/N! Sou o Harry!
- O prazer é meu, Harry! Até mais!
- Até..
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Feedbacks são sempre bem-vindos e de extrema importância para quem escreve. Se possível, não esqueça de deixar um comentário sobre o conteúdo lido acima na ask! Adoraria saber o que achou :)
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harrystylesluvr1 · 6 months
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louisharry-28 · 2 years
HARRY STYLES WHATTTTT!!!! Why i have never seen thiss!!!
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79 notes · View notes
Lost | Harry Styles
[part 4] [part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 5]
You were Harry’s neighbor. And someone that crawled her way through Harry’s life. But you thought the world of him, what happens when you realize he doesn’t? He loses you. And he’s lost.
Warnings : Swearing, Kissing, Heartbreaking. Short.
Containing : Mostly Angst, some fluff. Friends to Enemies to Idiots to lovers.
Pairing : You and Harry styles
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Your eyes were drooping now, but you were still alert. Wide awake. Your mom had texted you that your father had gotten another seizure, and you panicked. See, now being the only daughter in the family, you had to make sure nobody else panicked. So, you tried to calm your mum down as your own cheeks were stained with tears, which were not stopping to roll down.
You slightly hit the window as your lip quivered a bit. Why wasn't the traffic moving? "Fuck!"You hated this. It felt like you couldn't do anything, you hated feeling like that. It did not help your anxiety. You were becoming nervous and nervous by the minute and the fact that you also had the bad memories here was worse. You knew how hard it was going to be, considering some stuff.
You breathed, as the traffic started to move again.
Your heartbeat started to rise as you still hadn't heard anything from your mom. You started to tap your feet constantly, and your mind went to the consequences of coming here.
You were going to live next to the person you didn't want to see the most.
How ironic.
Will he try to talk to me? Or will he ignore me? You don't even know if he's still here. You sighed as you realized that he never really liked this town. Or maybe it was just because of you. You rolled your eyes at that. Then maybe he's really enjoying his time in your town. You looked outside the window, and saw the lake that extended up till your part of the town. You remembered how you used to watch the ducks swim by every time you went to school. Why did you exactly leave the place again? It was paradise.
You quickly averted your gaze. You didn't want to think of that.
You sat up straighter; and wiped your cheeks. "Can you turn the radio on?"
"Sure, mam." You slightly smiled at his southern accent.
You sighed and put on a weak smile on. "Climb on board,
We'll go slow and high tempo
Light and dark
You hummed along and closed your eyes. "Hold me dark and mellow
I'm seeing the pain and seeing the pleasure
Nobody but you, 'body but me, 'body but us
Tears fell slowly from your eyes, and you let them flow. It was a humane thing to do, it was what made you human.
Bodies together
"Hey, you okay?" You asked him. He looked unusually tense, all week. You were concerned about him; but didn't want to pry. But this was making you worry too much. You looked at him. He looked pale, and his eyes were tired. Exhausted.
"What do you want?" He asked, harshly.
"Um," You played with your fingers. "You look sick, you haven't really eaten anything for the past days-"
"So what? You're so obsessed, god! You're noting my behavior now?"
"I was just worried," Your voice became low. "I mean, you haven't exactly been as cheerful as you always has been and-"
"Oh, like you know me? You don't know anything about me! Stop!" You tensed, your shoulders flinching. Maybe, you had gone too far. "I'm sorry." You whispered lightly, "Are you okay? I'm always here to talk, you know." Your eyes softened as you kept your gaze on his figure. "Is it the tests or the exams? I mean, I understand-"
"No you don't!" He turned his eyes at you sharply. "Its fucking hard, okay? You don't understand. You've always been like this, jumpy and cheery, like everything is alright, everybody is happy. Well, guess what, chirpy? It's not!" You stared at him, quietly. You nodded as you took in his burst. His eyes were red, they held a lot of tears in them. You breathed in deeply and exhaled. "It's alright to cry." You whispered, again. "What?" He whispered back, sharply.
You inhaled shortly. "It's okay to cry."
Suddenly, his whole posture turns. He becomes more relaxed but still alert. He had a faraway look in his eyes; as if he was remembering something else. "I know." He said, softly.
"Good." You replied.
"You wanna put on the radio?"
"Sure." You gave him a wry smile.
I love to hold you close, tonight and always
I love to wake up next to you
You hummed back, and looked at the hills that were covered with fogs.
I love to hold you close, tonight and always
I'd love to wake up next to you
"So we'll piss off the neighbors
In the place that feels the tears
The place you lose your fears
Yeah, reckless behavior
"Mam? Mam?"
"Oh! Yes?"
"We're almost here." Your driver said. You didn't understand how you fell asleep. You quickly wiped off your tear-stained cheeks, and sighed. "Um, how much time?'"
"15 minutes, mam."
"Thank you."
You breathed in and out, picturing what you were going to see in the hospital. Your breathing became shaky again, and you tightened your fists again and again. "It's going to be okay."
You looked outside your window, and sighed. Houses and trees passed by, children on cycles and skateboards, some new faces, gasping as she saw some old and familiar ones. You clutched your purse in hand, and mentally got ready to run to the hospital. Your taxi started to slow itself, and you gaped outside. You could see the big building that was standing tall a few blocks ahead.
"How much is it?" You asked, your hand going to fish in your purse. "12 $ and 35 cents mam." Your hand halted. You knew you didn't have that much money, your cheeks and neck turned hot from embarrassment. "Um, is it okay if you stand outside while I get the money? I have 5 dollars right now-"
"It's okay, mam." You sighed and smiled. "Thank you for understanding." He dismissed you with a smile.
You hastily opened the door, got all of your luggage and purse, and ran to the hospital. You panted as you reached the terribly busy hospital. You walked quickly towards the receptionist, "Excuse me." You tapped on the table. "Yes, miss?"
"Uhm," your voice shook, "Mr. L/n. Where is the Mr. L/n's ward?"
"Oh, he's in the emergency ward," She stated. Your hands started to sweat, as they reached your forehead. "C-Can you-" She pointed to where the emergency ward was, as you gave her a nod filled with gratitude. You ran again, dodging many doctors in white robes, as well as nurses in pink and blue uniforms. You scanned all the rooms as you went passed them. Why the hell was the most important room the farthest? What you didn't see was a blue-eyed doctor walking right towards you. You let out an adorable 'uff' as you bumped right into the doctor's chest.
Your mind went unexplainably blank, as your spine went stiff. Your head was against this man's chest. You slowly looked up, just to be intimidated by a beautiful pair of baby blue eyes.
"Oh god," You whispered. But it was like your body didn't have control, because you didn't dare to move, or even budge. He grabbed your arms and gave you support. You stood up, staring at him. Hotness creeping up your neck. "I'm so sorry." You try to say but it came out as a whisper. You mentally slapped your forehead. What was happening to you?
"Are you lost?" Came out his voice. You almost swooned. God. You cleared your throat, "I, uhm, was looking for the emergency ward."
His eyebrows scrunched, and you studied his face. You took his confused face in, as he opened his mouth again. "Are you someone of Mr. L/n?" You desperately nodded at the mention of your father. "I'm his daughter." You said. He took in your declaration and showed you to the way to the emergency ward. "Turn left after two more rooms." You glanced at him for the last time, and started jogging again. Who was that? You shrugged as you realized that was a highly irrelevant thought, given the circumstances.
You stopped before a room, taking a deep breath. You read the 'Emergency Ward', that was written in big bold red letters. Tears started to build up in your eyes as you spotted your father and your mother, talking to each other merrily. You let out a breath you were holding and sighed, he was fine. They were fine. You weakly smiled and carefully opened the door.
"Dad," You whispered. And they both looked at you. You smiled widely. Your mother walked towards you, "Y/n!" You hugged her, your bag slipping to the floor. "What took you so long?" She asked you, and you chuckled. "Traffic," you said. You walked towards your father laying in the bed, "Hi, dad." You said.
"Hey, there, Rainbow sprinkles." He said, smiling. You laughed, as you sit at the edge of the bed. "How are you?" You asked him. And he looked at you with gentle eyes. "Lovely." He said and touched his throat, briefly. "And a bit thirsty." You chuckled. He was okay. "I gotcha." You got up and strode towards the water cooler. You filled up the glass, and turned around to be faced with your dad who was looking at someone else. You looked at him as he gestured over to the door. Your face held confusion, so you twisted your neck.
Your eyes met green orbs.
The green orbs that you adored so much.
The green orbs that you had utterly fallen in love with.
You took in shaky breaths, what the fuck? Why the hell was the person you were trying so hard to avoid right in front of you? Why was the world so cruel? You stared at him, like he was some kind of unusual and abnormal creature. Your heart was racing, and your whole body had frozen. Your eyes were wide. You didn't acknowledge that your mother had let him in.
Your cup slipped out of your hands and the water dramatically splashed on the floor.
Your throat was suddenly dry, and your voice came out low.
"Harry! Come ere'!" Your father called him. Your voice was stuck in your throat, you were beyond shocked. You thought you were ready for it, maybe you'll be able to face this. You'll be able to face Harry, but this honestly came out of nowhere. "H-How-" you tried to talk, but your voice died again as you saw your father beam at Harry. You took in some deep breaths and studied the scene in front of you.
Why was he here?
You flinched when suddenly you felt a hand on your forearm. "Mom?" you whispered, "Why, and--and h-how--" You stuttered miserably. You looked at your mother, and she just looked at you apologetically, but you knew something was going on in her mind. Your mind was racing, but you knew the inevitable thing to do. You had to act normal. Because your father didn't know anything. He didn't know what had happened between you and harry. You looked at your father laughing freely with Harry, and put on a stiff yet somewhat genuine smile. You cleared your throat, and watched as Harry's spine froze.
"Dad, do you need anything?" You asked, gently. He just smiled at you and shook his head. "I bet you didn't have dinner, how about a garlic steamed rice?" you asked cheekily. You giggled as you saw your father wiggling his eyebrows at your mother. "Fine!" She groaned and threw her hair back, "But! You'll not meddle in, with all your 'i'm trying to help!' shit." You raised your hand in surrender. "-and maybe Harry can join us!" Your mom added, and your head jerked to the side to glare at your mother. "I don't think that's a good idea-" Harry protested, as you opened your mouth to agree with him. "Oh! That's a wonderful idea!" your father exclaimed, clapping his hands once as if to declare it. Your glaring intensified as your mother talked again.
"It's done then! I'm sure Anne wouldn't mind, I'll call her." Your mother said. You gave her a 'seriously?' look, and you were almost on the tip of breaking into a '!!!!!!' rant as you say your mother shrug. "Great!!!" Your father shouted excitedly until his ecstatic face transformed into an alarmed one as he started to cough loudly. Panic struck you and Harry, as you both started to quickly walk towards to the water cooler. You reached for the glass, and a barely audible gasp came out, when your hand brushed against his, but he heard it. He reluctantly pulled his hand back and you took in a deep breath, and resumed filling up the glass again. "Here you go, dad." You said, and handed him the glass. "You good?" Harry asked him, and you glanced at him.
His voice held so much care and concern in them, that your mind was confused. Did he care for your father? Maybe he did. You quickly averted your eyes to your father as he gulped and nodded towards Harry. You stroked your father's hands and looked at him as he sighed and closed his eyes. "Dad, you should rest now. Get a little sleep? Yeah? I'll be back when mom brings dinner." You said, your voice low. Your father hummed back, and breathed calmly. You kissed his forehead and sighed. You stood up again and turned around, only for Harry to catch your eyes. He almost flinched when he saw your eyes turn cold. You quickly paced towards the door, until you heard a soft voice. "Y/n,"
You softly swallowed. "What?" You whispered harshly, Harry looked at you and took the sight in. You were here. You were finally here. "What? Spit it out, Harry." You said, careful not to wake your father. There was a moment of silence. "Will you just look at me?" He asked, his voice breaking. "Look, I get that you might even care for my father, but that's it. There's no need to converse with me. I still don't believe you do care for him, but he's okay now, right? You might've taken care for him or shown concern for him and I appreciate it, but he's fine now, I'm here. You're not needed here," You say, and breathed sharply.
You gulped again when you heard his stern voice. "I do care for him."
You stood still for a few seconds, your hand lingering over the handle, and then opened the door, storming off. Your breath wavered off, your eyes threatening to spill tears. You jogged towards an unattended counter and rested your hands over it. You sniffled and you closed your eyes, only for those tears to fall.
You rubbed your reddened cheeks with your extended sleeves. You looked at the glass window in front of you. Your nose was red and your tear-stained cheeks were clearly visible, you shuddered as you felt another tear trickling down your neck.
"We have mirrors in our bathrooms, miss."
You chuckled and quickly wiped whole face and turned around. "I know. Thank you for the reminder, mister-"
"Brown. Roger Brown." He introduced himself, giving you a wicked smirk and putting his hand forward for a shake. "L/N. Y/n L/n." You said cheekily, mocking his James Bond style. "So two things I know about you is that you are my patient's daughter, and you are a fan of James Bond." He pointed out. "Pierce Brosnan is superior," You said and tilted your head to the side.
"I'll fight you on that later. But we have some things to discuss," He said and sighed. "I know," you said blankly and shivered a bit. "We'll discuss that later because you honestly look like you need to eat."
"Are you asking me out?" You asked directly.
Roger looked at you and pouted. "Obviously not, unless you want to-"
You gave him a pretty judgmental look which he noticed and rolled his eyes. "Hey, don't judge me like that," He said and put his hands up in surrender, "You look tired and I'm pretty sure you haven't eaten, because you must have drove from the airport to here directly," He stated. You raised your eyebrows, "Oh yeah?"
"Your dad talks a lot about you." You shook your head, and looked at him. "Of course he did," You said, smiling, feeling a bit embarrassed. "He talks very fondly of that guy too," He said and your face went from a smiling one to a confused one. "What guy?"
"That guy, you know? Curly hair, green eyes-"
"Oh," Your eyebrows scrunched up. "That guy."
Roger looked at you, "Hey, you okay?" You just nodded, "So..." You looked up at him and smiled, "You want a cheeseburger?" You chuckled and shook your head. "Maybe next time? My mum is making garlic steamed rice." He looked at his feet, pouting. "But you owe me a cheeseburger, got it?" You said, cockily. He smiled at you and gestured you to goon. "Bye, Enjoy."
"Thanks," You said, remembering who was going to be present there. "I'll try." You sighed and put a strand of your hair behind your ear and walked towards the door.
"I'm back!" You smiled as you saw your mom, walking through the door of your father's ward. You got up from your spot and sprinted towards her to help her with the containers. You sighed as you took in the beautiful smell of your mother's garlic steamed rice.
"So, what were you both up to while I was gone?"
You and your father just giggled. "We were up to watching The Simpsons." Your mom rolled your eyes when she heard your response. "You guys and your Simpsons."
She set up the rice on one of the tables, and was about to say something but refrained and started to look for something. "Where's Harry?" She asked. You grunted silently at her question. Doesn't she remember what he did to you?
"Y/n?" You rolled your eyes. "What?" You replied. She looked at you with a warning look, and you averted her eyes from her to your father. "Well go get him!" He said to you as well. You got up and grabbed the door handle, but you walked right into another firm chest. You smiled, "We've got to stop meeting like this," You say giddily. But when you looked up, your eyes met sparkly apple-green eyes. You gasped lightly but your eyes were stuck again, threatening to drown you in them. Again.
Harry stared at your eyes as well, his breath was caught. What did she mean by that? Who was she talking about? Unable to move, Harry was frozen in the place. "What?" He whispered. Your body shook and you coughed. Harry let you go and you pulled back from his chest. You glanced at him and looked back at your mom. "He's here." You dismissed, while your mom narrowed her eyes.
Harry cleared his throat and noticed how the warmth of your body leave his. He stared as you walked towards the table. Why were his eyes obsessed with you? He shook the thought and slowly strolled towards you-no the table. He shyly smiled at your mom, who softly smiled at him too. "Well, how are we gonna sit?"
"I can sit next to dad." You said but when you turned, Harry had already settled next to him. His eyes widened when he realized you wanted to sit in his place, but when he looked up, you were glaring at him. He went to get up but your mom started speaking again. "Nevermind that then. You sit next to Harry on the bed while I take the chair."
"Come on, be quick. I'm hungry," She complained, and you just groaned and sat next to Harry. Really close to him. You sighed and started to eat the rice and hoped that your mind wouldn't focus on Harry's position but on the food. Yet it doesn't.
You breathed in and expected the aroma of the rice to fill your lungs, but instead your nose picked the scent of Harry's shampoo. Oranges. He never changed it. You glanced at Harry who was eating his rice calmly. Why was he here again?
"Did you meet your father's doctor?" You nodded while gulping your rice. "He's a nice guy. He invited me tomorrow to discuss," you glanced at your dad. "Some things." Your mom raised one of her eyebrows. "Invited?" She asked slyly, and you noticed Harry's knuckles turning white.
"Yes." Your mom looked at you expectantly, as if knowing there was something more. "And promised me a cheeseburger." Suddenly Harry started coughing. "Oh dear!" Your mum cried. "Are you okay? Y/n help him!"
You quickly took a glass of water, concern washing over you too, and handed it to Harry, absent-mindedly placing your hand on his back. He accepted the glass of water and gulped it down while staring at you. Your heart started to melt under his gaze so you quickly pulled your gaze from him to your bowl. You started playing with your food and gulped. Your movements stopped when you heard his deep voice.
"So, a cheeseburger?"
"So what do you want?" He grunted out. You were hungry but had forgotten your lunch. So, you seeked out Harry and asked him if he could buy you lunch. Now, you were in the cafeteria, trying to choose what to have while Harry was losing his patience.
He was honestly having the best day until obviously, you came along. His day started when the captain of the football team actually noticed him and called him 'bro' in the hallway making his other football mates call out to him too. Other girls didn't look at him and bully him, instead, one of the beautiful blondes smiled and winked at him. So, he didn't meet you once and even if he didn't have you to help him in algebra, his day was going fantastic.
Until, you came up to him in lunch while one of the greatest players in their football teams was sitting with him, and asked if he could buy your lunch because you forgot your lunch. He looked at the boy who was staring at you judgingly. But he didn't really have a choice.
So, rolling his eyes, he got up and apologized to the guy and proceeded to the cafeteria.
"Quick, Y/n!" He snapped and you flinched. "Sorry." You whispered. "Um, I would like a cheeseburger." You muttered. "Can't hear you!" He said. You gulped and tried to refrain your tears from reaching your eyes. "A cheeseburger would be great." You said and looked up at him. When the cheeseburger was getting made, you studied Harry. You hadn't seen him in two days and he was already looking so pale.
"Are you okay?" You asked him, but he just rolled his eyes, and chose to ignore you. You sighed and looked at the worker prepare the burger and put in the tomatoes. "Have you ever eaten a cheeseburger from the cafeteria?" You asked him, but he just shook his head.
Your eyes suddenly beamed. "Why don't you try it!" You exclaimed.
"Come on! Try it with me." You said but Harry shook his head again. "Please Haz!" His eyes widened when you called him that. He frantically looked around hoping that nobody heard that. He snapped at you, "I said don't call me that didn't I?!!"
You silenced down. You kept pouting at the ground and quietly took your burger, thanked Harry, and sat down at your table, alone. You wished Harry sat with you, but he never did. He always sat with other football players or alone, never with you. Did he not like to sit with you?
Harry walked towards his table and sat down next to his football mate again. "Who is she?" He asked. Harry glanced at you and shook his head. "No one," He muttered. The football player raised his eyebrows at Harry, and he noticed it. "Leave it alone, Charlie." Harry grunted. "Mhmm," Charlie hummed back, knowingly.
Harry observed you from afar. You were eating your cheeseburger contently. How were you happy even if you were so alone? He hated it. He hated you. And he hated that cheeseburger. Why did it have to look so dangerously delicious? He groaned and Charlie looked up at him again. "Dude, what's happening to you?" But Harry just shook his head again. He kept staring at you as you ate that cheeseburger.
He suddenly got up and stomped angrily towards you. He pulled the chair and sat in it. You were too surprised, and your mouth was agape. What was he doing here? He took your tray and slid it towards him, and took the cheeseburger in his hands. "I hate you." He mumbled, and looked at you as you grinned and your enchanting eyes sparkled again. He took a big bite of the burger and moaned. You giggled and blushed at his moan. "I can't believe this burger's that good." He said, with his mouth full.
"Maybe this can be our thing. Cafeteria cheeseburgers!" You said and giggled again. He just hummed back and had a warm feeling in his chest. "Maybe." He said and smiled.
Harry sighed as he remembered the cafeteria cheeseburgers. "It's our thing." He laughed and told your mom. Your blood began to boil, and you laughed bittersweet. "It used to be our thing. It's not anymore." You said and smiled coldly. Your mom frowned at your response. Harry looked down and his heart sank. You've changed.
"Um, I'm done," Harry said suddenly. "I should go. Thank you for the dinner, it was really delicious." He said and smiled at your mom. You scoffed internally. "Oh, okay Harry," She said and wiped her mouth with a napkin. "Can you take Y/n with you? She just came, so she might need to rest." You scrunched your eyebrows. "That's not happening." You said sternly, "I'm staying with dad."
Your mom raised her eyebrows. "No you're not. I'm staying with him."
"I don't wanna go home, mom! I wanna stay." You complained, also wanting to stay with your dad while not liking the idea of Harry taking you with him. But your mother gave you the most serious look.
"Look Y/n, I'm staying the night with your father. You can go home, freshen up and get rest, then come up tomorrow. Okay? Tomorrow you can stay with him. Right now, you're going."
"But -"
"You're going! And thats that." Your mom declared. You groaned and stormed out of their not taking regard of Harry standing behind you, embarrassed.
"You can go." Your mom said sweetly.
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