#*h 227
yamikawas · 2 years
Yoomtah smooching you, yoomtah holding your face in her hands and giving so many smoochies
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koch-snowflake-blog · 3 months
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ちとせ よしのは、日本のグラビアアイドル、アイドル、タレント、コスプレイヤー。佐賀県神埼市出身、女性アイドルグループ「あまいものつめあわせ」のメンバー。SPJ Entertainment所属。 ウィキペディア
生年月日: 2000年1月8日 (年齢 24歳)
出生地: 佐賀県
身長: 158 cm
学歴: 佐賀県立佐賀北高等学校
カップサイズ: H
スリーサイズ: 95 - 65 - 98 cm
デビュー: 2018年10月
鉄工所では、作業着、ヘルメット、すっぴんの姿に加えて唯一の女性社員だったことから、既婚者ばかりの周囲には親戚の子供のように扱われていた。また、芸能活動を社長以外には内緒にしていたため、作業着の下が恵まれた身体であることについては、周囲に知られていなかった。それゆえ、「YAグラ姫2019」にてファイナリストに残ったことについては、恥ずかしくて連絡を取っていないという。なお、鉄工所の社長はちとせの退職に際して勤務期間が8 - 9か月だったにもかかわらず優しく背中を押してくれたうえ、退職が決まった後に求人を出すとすぐにCAD経験のある女性から応募があったため、ちとせは神様からも上京を命じられていると思ったという。また、作業着については、上京後も初心を忘れないよう自室に置いているという。
YouTubeチャンネル「よしのんチャンネル」は、コロナ禍による休業に遭って外出自粛期間中に何かできることはないかと考えて始めたものであり、YouTubeで広く知ってもらえるきっかけにもなったため、本当にやって良かったと思っているが、グラビアアイドルがよく通る道である収益化停止に遭った際には、悔しい思いでいっぱいだったという。SPJ Entertainmentは関わっておらず、当初は企画、撮影、編集をすべて自分で担当していたが、弟が同棲するようになってからは撮影を担当してもらっているほか、編集も一部手伝ってもらっている。また、弟は企画も一緒に考えてくれるうえ、編集についてはちとせよりも高いクオリティに仕上げてくれるという。なお、2023年5月時点での最多再生回数を誇るのは『Eternal』のメイキング映像を収録した動画であり、227万回再生を記録しているうえ、YouTubeでちとせを知ってイベントを訪れるファンも増えていることから、YouTubeの凄さを実感したという。
佐賀県への思い入れは上京後も変わらず、2020年には写真週刊誌『FLASH』(光文社)のグラビア撮影を祖父母の暮らす実家にて行う、地元のラジオ番組にゲスト出演する、2021年には大町自動車学校のハロウィンイベント「大町 車肉祭 2021 in鍋島」にてトークショーに登壇する、2023年にはサガテレビのミニ番組『ユビサシカクニン』に出演するなど、地元への貢献のためにも時間を作っては帰郷している。また、将来は地元に貢献できるような仕事をしたいとも明かしている。 
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deadpresidents · 8 months
2 and a half weeks until JC passes Cactus Jack!
It took me a little bit to figure out what you were referencing, but yes, Jimmy Carter will pass John Nance Garner as the longest-living President or Vice President in American history on September 18th. And if he is still with us on October 1st, Carter will be the first President or Vice President in American history to celebrate their 99th birthday.
And since I'm a huge dork who finds this stuff interesting, here's the big, complete list of longest-living to shortest-living Presidents and Vice Presidents in American history: (Presidents are in bold text, Vice Presidents are in italics, and those who served as both POTUS and VP are in bold italics.) John Nance Garner: 98 years, 351 days Jimmy Carter: 98 years, 337 days (As of Sept. 3, 2023) Levi P. Morton: 96 years, 0 days George H.W. Bush: 94 years, 171 days Gerald R. Ford: 93 years, 165 days Ronald Reagan: 93 years, 120 days Walter Mondale: 93 years, 81 days John Adams: 90 years, 247 days Herbert Hoover: 90 years, 71 days Harry S. Truman: 88 years, 232 days Charles G. Dawes: 85 years, 239 days James Madison: 85 years, 104 days Thomas Jefferson: 83 years, 82 days Dick Cheney: 82 years, 216 days (As of Sept. 3, 2023) Hannibal Hamlin: 81 years, 311 days Richard Nixon: 81 years, 104 days Joe Biden: 80 years, 287 days (As of Sept. 3, 2023) John Quincy Adams: 80 years, 227 days Aaron Burr: 80 years, 220 days Martin Van Buren: 79 years, 231 days Adlai E. Stevenson: 78 years, 234 days Dwight D. Eisenhower: 78 years, 165 days Alben W. Barkley: 78 years, 157 days Andrew Jackson: 78 years, 85 days Spiro Agnew: 77 years, 261 days Donald Trump: 77 years, 81 days (As of Sept. 3, 2023) George W. Bush: 77 years, 59 days (As of Sept. 3, 2023) Henry A. Wallace: 77 years, 42 days James Buchanan: 77 years, 39 days Bill Clinton: 77 years, 15 days (As of Sept. 3, 2023) Dan Quayle: 76 years, 211 days (As of Sept. 3, 2023) Charles Curtis: 76 years, 14 days Al Gore: 75 years, 156 days (As of Sept. 3, 2023) Millard Fillmore: 74 years, 60 days James Monroe: 73 years, 67 days George Clinton: 72 years, 268 days George M. Dallas: 72 years, 174 days William Howard Taft: 72 years, 174 days John Tyler: 71 years, 295 days Grover Cleveland: 71 years, 98 days Thomas R. Marshall: 71 years, 79 days Nelson Rockefeller: 70 years, 202 days Elbridge Gerry: 70 years, 129 days Rutherford B. Hayes: 70 years, 105 days Richard M. Johnson: 70 years, 33 days William Henry Harrison: 68 years, 54 days John C. Calhoun: 68 years, 13 days William A. Wheeler: 67 years, 339 days George Washington: 67 years, 295 days Benjamin Harrison: 67 years, 205 days Woodrow Wilson: 67 years, 36 days William R. King: 67 years, 11 days Hubert H. Humphrey: 66 years, 231 days Andrew Johnson: 66 years, 214 days Thomas A. Hendricks: 66 years, 79 days Charles W. Fairbanks: 66 years, 24 days Zachary Taylor: 65 years, 227 days Franklin Pierce: 64 years, 319 days Lyndon B. Johnson: 64 years, 148 days Mike Pence: 64 years, 88 days (As of Sept. 3, 2023) Henry Wilson: 63 years, 279 days Ulysses S. Grant: 63 years, 87 days Franklin D. Roosevelt: 63 years, 72 days Barack Obama: 62 years, 30 days (As of Sept. 3, 2023) Schuyler Colfax: 61 years, 296 days Calvin Coolidge: 60 years, 185 days Theodore Roosevelt: 60 years, 71 days Kamala Harris: 58 years, 318 days (As of Sept. 3, 2023) William McKinley: 58 years, 228 days Warren G. Harding: 57 years, 273 days Chester A. Arthur: 57 years, 44 days James S. Sherman: 57 years, 6 days Abraham Lincoln: 56 years, 62 days Garret A. Hobart: 55 years, 171 days John C. Breckinridge: 54 years, 116 days James K. Polk: 53 years, 225 days Daniel D. Tompkins: 50 years, 355 days James Garfield: 49 years, 304 days John F. Kennedy: 46 years, 177 days
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murasaki-cha · 3 months
Tcf part 2 chapter 227
Clopeh said that no variables should appear in His path.
Please I'm loosing it at the capital H *wheeze*!!!!
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Ok so I've just finished reading the tsats for the third time and was scrolling on tumblr when I saw that people were coming for will again like the I get that people have their own opinions and they're allowed to have them but like these people are wrong on so many levels and I'm gonna defend will again but this time it's him from the sun and the star.
Problems that people have with will :
1. Will was trying to fix nico :
No he wasn't dude this whole time will was horrified because of the underworld which went against his nature and everything he stands for like will is a child of the sun who is attracted to life and light like a moth,and he does his best to prevent death as he is a healer and the underworld is full of death and darkness so will subconsciously thinks that its a bad place . While will thinks this and expresses his opinion by saying that I could never stay here , he never says anything bad about nico or to nico like yes he finds nico collecting bones unusual ( which it kinda is but it's also cool as hell ) but he also accepts it as nicos hobby and says nothing . He never indicates that he wants nico to change himself and he's just confused about how to show nico that he loves him in a way nico will appreciate because he feels that nico doesn't always want his light which is why he asks persephone on how to do it and then throughout the book he learns that light and darkness have a balance and that he also has darkness inside him (sorry I got off topic 😅) but he accepts nicos darkness ( he's never been against it and kinda gets it but yk he completely gets it now) and he loves him for it and apologizes for his closed mindset before on two occasions and he was never trying to upset nico in the first place.
2. Will being an asshole:
Now I have no idea where this came from but willam Andrew Solace is not a jerk. He was confused about the culture of the troglodytes but after sometime he was nothing but appreciative, supportive ( of hiss majesty) and thankful of them . Same with the underworld he was put off at first but then he realized the beauty of the underworld and was nothing but appreciative and apologizes for being close minded. He is a caring boyfriend and tries to understand the dark parts off nico and be supportive like in page 35 he tries to comfort nico after his nightmare . He tries to understand nicos feelings but admits ( in page 198) that sometimes it's hard for him . He asks about meeting nico's dad as he knows that he's important to nico and in turn will says he's important to will because he cares about what nico cares about and tries to not invalidate him . On page 373 he asks about nico's mom but as soon as he senses that nico might be uncomfortable he quickly tells nico that he doesn't have to say anything and that he doesn't mean to pry he's genuinely curious about nicos past . On page 229 he says that they should talk to Chiron about giving credit to the underworld farm for making ambrosia and this tells us that he's a fair person and yk jerks are not . On page 227 he even says that they shouldn't be too rude too greyon as some people change like Ethan and Luke for the better like this boy is soo kind that he potentially forgave Luke, the same Luke who was the reason why he lost soo many of his siblings and now he's willing to give a giant a second chance . I feel like we forgot that this dude is going to save a titan he never met and that he's going litteral super hell for his bf because he didn't want him to be alone .
3. Will is controlling :
Again no he is not actually like my bro told nico that he shouldn't shadow travel without reason as it is bad for his Health which we know he's right about and he's not forcing nico to do anything he's telling him a fact which nico knows is true so he goes along with it . And I feel like people forget that no matter how terrified and confused will was, he trusts nicos judgment like when both of them enter tartarus and nico tells Will to hold onto his ankles and will was confused but he did it and he didn't let go even as he was screaming .
4. Will doesn't trust nico :
Yes he does bro he trusts him enough to let nico take him nyx's palace which he couldn't see at the moment like he knew that if he fell he'd fall into chaos and cease to exist so yeah 😐
5. Will was whining too much :
Bro will was dying ever since he set foot in the underworld like his wounds weren't cloting, and he was emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausted, and he was forgetting things . My bros life force was being drained he was tweaking in tartarus like son was losing his shit and going insane but he never showed hesitation of going into tartarus like nico was worried about him and thought of going away because he didnt want will to be hurt but will was undeterred .
I think that's it, and if I missed something please tell me , I'm sorry If it doesn't make sense I'm sleep deprived rn because of exams and could barely tell if what I was typing made sense . I also wanna add that everyone is entitled to their opinion, but before you criticize a character, make sure what you're saying isn't countered in the canon text . Ik many people were disappointed by Wills' characterization, but he's actually not a bad person in canon he's just a confused little night light, but he's trying his best ok so let him live 😭. Thank you for listening to my rant, and have a good good day
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Weekly Wrapup 3/24/24 (late)
This Week's Rankings:
Lash Legend - 71.7% smash
Killer Kelly - 66.9%
Wade Barrett - 65.5%
Jordynne Grace - 65.3%
Rey Mysterio - 64.9%
Shayna Baszler - 62.7%
Angelico - 58.2%
Santos Escobar - 58.1%
Dominik Mysterio - 58.0%
Bollywood Boyz/Singh Brothers - 44.5%
Ryusuke Taguchi (Apollo 55) - 43.0%
Nick Wayne - 32.5%
Nia Jax - 28.7%
Nasty Boys - 7.1%
Average smash rating this week: 51.9%
More stats under the cut, along with my observations, commentary, and some of my favorite tags...
Most total votes this week (most enthusiasm)
Nick Wayne - 397 votes
Dominik Mysterio - 371
Shayna Baszler - 244
Nia Jax - 230
Santos Escobar - 227
And least total votes this week (least enthusiasm)
Ryusuke Taguchi - 149 votes
Bollywood Boyz/Singh Brothers - 164
Lash Legend - 173
Killer Kelly - 181
Jordynne Grace - 193
The closest poll was Bollywood Boyz/Singh Brothers, who lost 73-91.
Bottom Ten Overall
Vince McMahon - 3.9% smash
Ric Flair - 4.6% smash
Nasty Boys - 7.1% smash
Kane (Corporate variant) - 10.1% smash
Miracle Violence Connection - 11.8% smash
Gene Munny - 12.4% smash
Spike Trivet - 12.% smash
Kevin Sullivan - 13.1% smash
Triple H (Terra Ryzing variant) - 18.6% smash
Eric Bischoff (NWO) - 20.0% smash
Bottom Women Overall
Nia Jax - 28.7% smash
Eve Torres - 47.1% smash
Carmella - 47.8% smash
Nikkita Lyons - 48.2% smash
Julia Hart (Cheerleader Variant) - 49.8% smash
With an average smash rate of 51.0%, this is the lowest-scoring week yet. The overall average smash rate currently sits at 58.9%, and the previous low score was allllllll the way back in Week 1, at 52.6% average smash rate.
We also got two changes to the overall rankings: Nasty Boys made it to No. 3 on the Bottom Ten Overall list, and Nia Jax was voted the least smashable woman so far. There are still 31 men considered less smashable than her, but it's a major accomplishment to be the first woman to score significantly under 50%.
In happier news, someone finally requested one of my personal blorbos: Angelico. It has been agonizing waiting for him to be requested, so thank you to whoever sent him in. Now to see how long it takes for someone to request my other blorbo...
Rey Mysterio is more smashable than his son Dominik, 64.9% to 58.0%. Dom got 149 more votes, though.
Ryusuke Taguchi is more smashable as a member of Apollo 55 than he is on his own, but not smashable enough to get over the 50% mark (43.0% vs 28.4%).
Nick Wayne got the most votes this week, at 397. A lot of the tags said something along the lines of "he's too young right now, but let's check back in a few years." So, if this blog is still around in 5 years, I will make sure to run a new Nick Wayne poll.
And now for some of my favorite tags and comment
@dm-me-your-weltanschauung on Nasty Boys: #if you told me that this photo was from a campaign encouraging people to get tested for STIs I would believe you#or one of those “talk to your kids about sex before THEY do” things
@booboo-eyedbambi on Dominik Mysterio: #he gives me cute aggression in a way that makes me wanna squeeze him dry like an orange or burn the world down if he says he's chilly
@romanthereigns on Jordynne Grace: #I would let that woman throw me
@discow1tch on Nick Wayne: #he would 100% have been my type when I was a teenager but unfortunately I'm old now and would rather fuck his evil step dad
@supernaturalkickparty on Nick Wayne: #if anything take him to ihop gamestop and build a bear#think i saw a turtleneck shirt this past winter#he can make a christian cage bear
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ryotarox · 1 month
(アカデミー賞の視覚効果賞の悲劇 - 破壊屋ブログから)
ライフ・オブ・パイの悲劇 『ライフ・オブ・パイ/トラと漂流した227日』が視覚効果賞を受賞したんだけど、視覚効果(以降はVFXと表記)を担当した名門会社リズム&ヒューズ・スタジオは映画の公開後の2013年2月に倒産。アカデミー賞を受賞する11日前に会社が倒産してしまったのだ。とんでもない悲劇である。そして大きな社会問題となった
監督=VFXの素人 ハリウッドの素晴らしい慣習として「才能あるなら新人だろうが外国人だろうが監督として起用する」というのがある。アメコミ映画だと『エターナルズ』のクロエ・ジャオなんかが有名だろう。でもVFX問題についてはこれは悪しき要因となる。 1 VFXのことを全然知らない人が監督になる 2 監督はVFXの苦労を知らずにリテイクさせ続ける これが起きやすい。『ライフ・オブ・パイ/トラと漂流した227日』の場合はアン・リー監督がリテイクを連発したらしい。私はアン・リー好きなので、これ知った時はショックだった。 この問題を取り上げたドキュメンタリー映画をギズモードが翻訳解説してくれている
米VFX業界の闇。『ライフ・オブ・パイ』製作チームがアカデミー賞前夜の倒産ドキュメンタリー公開、会場前でデモ(動画あり) | ギズモード・ジャパン
【解説】映画『ライフ・オブ・パイ/トラと漂流した227日』アカデミー賞視覚効果賞を受賞したVFXスタッフの苦労と悲劇とは :5ページ目|CINEMORE(シネモア)
契約では、500カットを1,000万ドルで作るというものだったが、監督の意見が途中で頻繁に変わる。実写畑のスタッフは、「VFX作業は何でも簡単にやり直せるものだ」と考えがちだ。だから膨大なシミュレーション計算が必要になる場面でも、ろくに打合せもせず、仕上がった映像を見てから初めて具体的なダメ出しを行う。当然VFXスタッフは、中間のチェック用映像を何度も見せているにも関わらずだ。そしてこの空しい繰り返しが続き、時間ばかりが過ぎて人件費も膨らんで行く。  結局、完成は予定より20ヶ月も遅れ、2,400万~3,200万ドルほどの赤字を出し、これはR&Hの自腹となってしまった。
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thehusbandoden · 11 months
The Beauty- Dabi x F! Reader
Dabi goes to destroy an agency, but is interrupted by a girl EXACTLY his type.
227 words
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(b/d)-body type, (h/l)-hair length, (h/c)-hair color, (e/c)-eye color, (s/t)-skin tone
Dabi's P.O.V:
Stepping out of the alley, I walked towards the agency building. The agency was shared between five new heroes that could pose a problem in the future, hence why I'm about to burn the place to the ground.
Striding towards the agency, I readied my arm. About to strike, I stumbled as a force ran into my back. Glaring back, I stopped as I saw a (b/t) girl around 20.
She had (h/l), (h/c) hair and bright (e/c) eyes. She was breathtakingly gorgeous. Her (b/t) body looked perfect to me, making me think about taking her as mine. She was perfect in every way, and I wanted her.
"I-I'm so sorry sir! A-are you okay?!" She squeaked, causing me to smile. She's cute too. "No problem Doll." I winked, causing the girl to turn red. "U-u-uh." As she moved to grab her fallen books I crouched to help, intentionally brushing hands with her.
"T-thank you very much." The girl squeaked, (s/t) cheeks a bright pink. "I didn't catch your name." "O-oh.. I'm (Y/n) sir." "Alright Dollface. See you around." I wink. After (Y/n) scrambled off my heart dropped as I saw her rushing toward the agency.
Chuckling darkly, I turned around, deciding that today wasn't the best day to rampage. And so, I headed back to the bar with the beauty (Y/n) on my mind.
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way, minus reblogging.
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friendswithclay · 1 day
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“Figure 8.1. Examples of decorated African and African American manufactured pots. A. Yoruba (Fatunsin 1992); B. BaKongo funerary pot (after Thompson 1981:82); C-E. Ashanti (after DeCorse 2001:121); F-G. Carolina colonowares (after Ferguson 1992:11,31); H-I. Montserrat earthenwares (after Petersen et al. 1999: 167):J-K. monkey jar and coal pot from Barbados (after Loftfield 2001:227).”
From: “Sampling many pots: An archaeology of memory and tradition at a Bahamian plantation” by Wilkie, Laurie A.; 2005.
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compneuropapers · 4 months
Interesting Papers for Week 1, 2024
Spike-based coupling between single neurons and populations across rat sensory cortices, perirhinal cortex, and hippocampus. Dorman, R., Bos, J. J., Vinck, M. A., Marchesi, P., Fiorilli, J., Lorteije, J. A. M., … Pennartz, C. M. A. (2023). Cerebral Cortex, 33(13), 8247–8264.
Value-based neural representations predict social decision preferences. Guassi Moreira, J. F., Méndez Leal, A. S., Waizman, Y. H., Tashjian, S. M., Galván, A., & Silvers, J. A. (2023). Cerebral Cortex, 33(13), 8605–8619.
Hippocampo-cortical circuits for selective memory encoding, routing, and replay. Harvey, R. E., Robinson, H. L., Liu, C., Oliva, A., & Fernandez-Ruiz, A. (2023). Neuron, 111(13), 2076-2090.e9.
Dynamic modulation of subthalamic nucleus activity facilitates adaptive behavior. Herz, D. M., Bange, M., Gonzalez-Escamilla, G., Auer, M., Muthuraman, M., Glaser, M., … Brown, P. (2023). PLOS Biology, 21(6), e3002140.
Hippocampal theta activity during encoding promotes subsequent associative memory in humans. Joensen, B. H., Bush, D., Vivekananda, U., Horner, A. J., Bisby, J. A., Diehl, B., … Burgess, N. (2023). Cerebral Cortex, 33(13), 8792–8802.
Neural reinstatement of context memory in adults with autism spectrum disorder. Justus, S. A., Mirjalili, S., Powell, P. S., & Duarte, A. (2023). Cerebral Cortex, 33(13), 8546–8556.
Not all errors are created equal: decoding the error-processing mechanisms using alpha oscillations. Li, Q., Yin, S., Wang, J., Zhang, M., Li, Z., Chen, X., & Chen, A. (2023). Cerebral Cortex, 33(13), 8110–8121.
Behavioral decomposition reveals rich encoding structure employed across neocortex in rats. Mimica, B., Tombaz, T., Battistin, C., Fuglstad, J. G., Dunn, B. A., & Whitlock, J. R. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 3947.
A mechanism for differential control of axonal and dendritic spiking underlying learning in a cerebellum-like circuit. Muller, S. Z., Abbott, L. F., & Sawtell, N. B. (2023). Current Biology, 33(13), 2657-2667.e4.
Object-centered population coding in CA1 of the hippocampus. Nagelhus, A., Andersson, S. O., Cogno, S. G., Moser, E. I., & Moser, M.-B. (2023). Neuron, 111(13), 2091-2104.e14.
Prior expectation enhances sensorimotor behavior by modulating population tuning and subspace activity in sensory cortex. Park, J., Kim, S., Kim, H. R., & Lee, J. (2023). Science Advances, 9(27).
Cortico-ocular coupling in the service of episodic memory formation. Popov, T., & Staudigl, T. (2023). Progress in Neurobiology, 227, 102476.
Expectation violations produce error signals in mouse V1. Price, B. H., Jensen, C. M., Khoudary, A. A., & Gavornik, J. P. (2023). Cerebral Cortex, 33(13), 8803–8820.
Opponent learning with different representations in the cortico-basal ganglia pathways can develop obsession-compulsion cycle. Sato, R., Shimomura, K., & Morita, K. (2023). PLOS Computational Biology, 19(6), e1011206.
Kinematic priming of action predictions. Scaliti, E., Pullar, K., Borghini, G., Cavallo, A., Panzeri, S., & Becchio, C. (2023). Current Biology, 33(13), 2717-2727.e6.
An evolutionary conserved division-of-labor between archicortical and neocortical ripples organizes information transfer during sleep. van Schalkwijk, F. J., Weber, J., Hahn, M. A., Lendner, J. D., Inostroza, M., Lin, J. J., & Helfrich, R. F. (2023). Progress in Neurobiology, 227, 102485.
Natural statistics support a rational account of confidence biases. Webb, T. W., Miyoshi, K., So, T. Y., Rajananda, S., & Lau, H. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 3992.
Distinct encoding and post-encoding representational formats contribute to episodic sequence memory formation. Wu, X., & Fuentemilla, L. (2023). Cerebral Cortex, 33(13), 8534–8545.
Humans predict the forest, not the trees: statistical learning of spatiotemporal structure in visual scenes. Yan, C., Ehinger, B. V, Pérez-Bellido, A., Peelen, M. V, & de Lange, F. P. (2023). Cerebral Cortex, 33(13), 8300–8311.
Fear memory recall involves hippocampal somatostatin interneurons. Zichó, K., Sos, K. E., Papp, P., Barth, A. M., Misák, E., Orosz, Á., … Nyiri, G. (2023). PLOS Biology, 21(6), e3002154.
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jellydishes · 15 days
tagged by @broodsys, tagging @skeletonsgeorg and @neonhoneycomb and @diroxy
1. How many works do you have on AO3 uhhhhhhh hang on i gotta combine three different accounts lol. ANSWER: 209
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 383,402 + 194,512 + 6,876 = 584,790
3. What fandoms do you write for? Dragon age 2 and Transformers, mostly, but i randomly branch out on occasion
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? uhhh on my main account?
misfiled, a magnus archives fic, with 314 kudos
mama said there'd be days like this, a bojack horseman story with 246
the trick is not to look down, an avatar: the last airbender fic, with 227
two truths, a disco elysium nsfw story with 184
only our enemies leave roses, an umbrella academy fic, with 177
(bonus round, i won't be linking these bc it's my forbidden account, HOWEVER: 173, 124, 118, 114, and 111 kudos for the top five)
5. Do you respond to comments? i do! often very very late because of my social anxiety, but yes
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? uhhhhhhhhh OH! that would be one breath, two
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? offhand??? maybe bone meal
8. Do you get hate on fics? fairly regularly for my forbidden account, yes, i just got a nasty comment last week
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? every couple of months, yes. typically m/f or f/f in general, [REDACTED] for my forbidden account
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? very occasionally. i did a final fantasy seven/fire emblem or a while back, which fulfills both criteria
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? idk? probably, but i don't worry about it very much
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? not to my knowledge
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? yup! i worked together on a couple dragon age fic before, for instance, as well as on my second forbidden account lol, this one specifically for transformers
14. What's your all time favorite ship? uhhhhhhhh idk probably bethany hawke/literally anybody
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? the sequel fic for believe it's easier for you
16. What are your writing strengths? dialogue and characterization
17. What are your writing weaknesses? action scenes and plot
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i mean if i knew another language sure
19. First fandom you wrote for? uhhhh either yuyu hakusho or h*rry p*tter
20. Favorite fic you've written? idkkkk uhhh potentially silhouette, which is a hard fic to pitch to people but it's the fic that first saw me experiment with writing an nd protagonist back in the day, so i have a lot of affection for it
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drstonetrivia · 4 months
Chapter 227 Trivia (Part 1)
I hope everyone's enjoying wondering who or what Senku saw in that black cloud…
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The Medusa's capsule is a small radio receiver with a speaker to relay commands. This means that all the astronauts can speak to it, and since Whyman could pretend to be Senku, then they could have also activated the device directly.
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Rather than all being on the same frequency, each astronaut has their own. This means they can all talk at the same time without needing to wait if someone else is transmitting, and also means they may have some sort of indicator for who's talking.
This means that Kohaku can hear Senku and Stanley talk, but she can't hear herself because her own frequency is blocked out to avoid echoes. This is why Senku doesn't seem to react to Whyman nor know what's going on, but Stanley reacts strongly. This is confirmed by Ukyo.
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I wonder if the on/off includes receiving radio transmissions, or if it's just about the seal being on/off.
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The current land speed record on the moon is only 18 km/h (11.2 mph) by the Apollo 17 Lunar Rover.
I feel like even with the reduced gravity, Stanley is driving faster than that.
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The Taurus-Littrow valley was chosen as the destination for the Apollo 17 mission because of its geological value. It is located on the lunar highland (=not one of the dark patches) and has some volcanic material as well.
It's also got "orange soil" (volcanic glass beads).
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Apollo 17 was the last manned mission to the moon, but it was also the longest (<75 hours) and most ambitious. They collected 155kg (253lbs) of rock samples for analysis.
Nothing noteworthy seemed to have happened on this mission that could've pointed to Whyman's involvement.
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An interesting coincidence…
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The rover I believe was inspired by a very recent collaboration between JAXA and Nissan for an unmanned lunar rover. Notably it has a boxy body and no guards over any of the 4 wheels. It's obviously been redesigned to hold people, with elements taken from the NASA rovers.
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The astronauts have variants of their names written on their backs: "STANLEE11" and "KOHAKO11". Senku's isn't fully visible but you can see what looks like an "-U11", so his may simply be "SENKU11".
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So the capsule didn't open fully, going by the little black line drawn on the top, but it opened enough to break the seal, making the atmosphere inside escape.
It's interesting that Whyman chose to put the Medusa in a vacuum rather than simply using the radio/speaker directly: they obviously knew how the Medusa was being stored since they asked Kohaku to open it.
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I'm not sure if Stan hit the brakes here or if he drove into a hole because he wasn't looking where he was going. If he hit the brakes, it seemed unhelpful since Kohaku was then spinning midair when she had to throw it.
You can also see Stan landing perfectly and Senku falling.
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Another thing of note is that Kohaku seems to have snapped the string sometime between Stanley grabbing her wrist and her throwing it, which I think is impressive.
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It's hard to tell because we don't know how far Kohaku threw it, but the radius of this one may be the same as the one that happened in chapter 213/214 (~20 meters according to Senku).
On the image it appears a little over 13 meters.
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(Next part)
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deadpresidents · 4 months
Who are the youngest and oldest vice presidents
At the time of their Inauguration? Here's the list of the Vice Presidents' Age at Inauguration, from youngest-to-oldest:
AGE AT INAUGURATION: NAME OF VP [Administration] 36 years, 42 days: John C. Breckinridge [Buchanan] 40 years, 11 days: Richard Nixon [Eisenhower] 41 years, 353 days: Dan Quayle [G.H.W. Bush] 42 years, 128 days: Theodore Roosevelt [McKinley's 2nd VP] 42 years, 256 days: Daniel D. Tompkins [Monroe] 42 years, 352 days: John C. Calhoun [J.Q. Adams/Jackson's 1st VP] 44 years, 232 days: Al Gore [Clinton] 45 years, 26 days: Aaron Burr [Jefferson's 1st VP] 45 years, 346 days: Schuyler Colfax [Grant's 1st VP] 48 years, 243 days: Calvin Coolidge [Harding] 49 years, 15 days: Walter Mondale [Carter] 49 years, 56 days: Millard Fillmore [Taylor] 50 years, 72 days: Spiro Agnew [Nixon's 1st VP] 50 years, 98 days: Martin Van Buren [Jackson's 2nd VP] 50 years, 340 days: John Tyler [W.H. Harrison] 51 years, 150 days: Chester A. Arthur [Garfield] 51 years, 189 days: Hannibal Hamlin [Lincoln's 1st VP] 52 years, 105 days: Henry A. Wallace [FDR's 2nd VP] 52 years, 146 days: Lyndon B. Johnson [JFK] 52 years, 237 days: George M. Dallas [Polk] 52 years, 274 days: Garret A. Hobart [McKinley's 1st VP] 52 years, 297 days: Charles W. Fairbanks [T. Roosevelt] 53 years, 131 days: James S. Sherman [Taft] 53 years, 174 days: John Adams [Washington] 53 years, 238 days: Hubert H. Humphrey [LBJ] 53 years, 325 days: Thomas Jefferson [J. Adams] 56 years, 65 days: Andrew Johnson [Lincoln's 2nd VP] 56 years, 92 days: Kamala Harris [Biden] 56 years, 138 days: Richard M. Johnson [Van Buren] 56 years, 223 days: George H.W. Bush [Reagan] 57 years, 132 days: Adlai E. Stevenson [Cleveland's 2nd VP] 57 years, 227 days: Mike Pence [Trump] 57 years, 247 days: William A. Wheeler [Hayes] 58 years, 355 days: Thomas R. Marshall [Wilson] 59 years, 189 days: Charles G. Dawes [Coolidge] 59 years, 335 days: Dick Cheney [G.W. Bush] 60 years, 145 days: Gerald Ford [Nixon's 2nd VP] 60 years, 257 days: Harry S. Truman [FDR's 3rd VP] 61 years, 16 days: Henry Wilson [Grant's 2nd VP] 64 years, 102 days: John Nance Garner {FDR's 1st VP] 64 years, 292 days: Levi P. Morton [B. Harrison] 65 years, 178 days: Thomas A. Hendricks [Cleveland's 1st VP] 65 years, 221 days: George Clinton [Jefferson's 2nd/Madison's 1st] 66 years, 61 days: Joe Biden [Obama] 66 years, 165 days: Nelson Rockefeller [Ford] 66 years, 331 days: William R.D. King [Pierce] 68 years, 230 days: Elbridge Gerry [Madison's 2nd VP] 69 years, 38 days: Charles Curtis [Hoover] 71 years, 57 days: Alben W. Barkley [Truman]
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kattitude130 · 20 days
someone in a discord server asked the members how many animes theyve watched, so here is a copy-paste of my answer that will act as a small update/summary of my project
i have watched every* anime up to 1985 plus some of 1986 and whatever i watched before i started this project of watching every anime in chronological order which i will know the exact count of once i get to them in The List**
*every anime that is available to me to watch and has all episodes uploaded, including movies; incomplete anime are bookmarked on a separate list
**The List: the anime site i am currently using, sorted by release date. i will expand to others eventually to make sure i see as much as possible
FAQ Q: why are you doing this A: to test the limits of my ability Q: ok but whats the count A: Movies 227 (50 minutes or more) Shorts 228 (less than 50 mins) Series 206 (anything multi-episode, counted per installment/season) Q: how??? A: the power of ADHD, too much free time, and 2x speed button Q: ok but, EVERY anime? even those ones? A: yes, every anime available. im not going to enjoy most of this, the ones i do enjoy are a bonus. please dont be like me. however i will say i probably wont watch every h/ntai just whatever you can find on standard anime sites. we'll see
also, i just started the first dragon ball series! hooray! its cute
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magicwingslisten · 1 year
H.P. Lovecraft on C.L. Moore
As to the work of C. L. Moore—I don’t agree with your low estimate. These tales have a peculiar quality of cosmic weirdness, hard to define but easy to recognize, which marks them out as really unique. […] In these tales there is an indefinable atmosphere of vague outsideness & cosmic dread which marks weird work of the best sort. How notably they contrast with the average pulp product—whose bizarre subject-matter is wholly neutralized by the brisk, almost cheerful manner of narration! Whether the Moore tales will keep their pristine quality or deteriorate as their author picks up the methods, formulae, & style of cheap magazine fiction, still remains to be seen.
—H. P. Lovecraft to William F. Anger, 28 Jan 1935, Letters to Robert Bloch & Others 227
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kingdrawcse · 1 year
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Hexaarylbenzenes (HABs) with six different substituents were synthesized for the first time in 2015 by a research team consisting of Kenichiro Itami and Shin Suzuki from Nagoya University and Junichiro Yamaguchi from Waseda University in Japan, which is a milestone.
"The key to access HABs was to use thiophene (a five membered ring containing a sulfur atom) as the starting material," says Junichiro Yamaguchi who co-led the research. "
They describe a programmed synthesis of hexaarylbenzenes using C-H activation, cross-coupling and [4+2] cycloaddition reactions. The present method allows for the isolation and structure–property characterization of hexaarylbenzenes with distinctive aryl substituents at all positions for the first time. Moreover, the established protocol can be applied to the synthesis of tetraarylnaphthalenes and pentaarylpyridines(Nat. Chem. 2015, 7, 227). Two years later, the team again synthesized octaarylnaphthalenes (OAN) and octaarylanthracenes (OAA) with eight different substituents.
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More information: "Synthesis and characterization of hexaarylbenzenes with five or six different substituents enabled by programmed synthesis" by Shin Suzuki et al, Nature Chemistry. DOI: 10.1038/nchem.2174
Journal information: Nature Chemistry 
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