#*clenches fist* if i hadn't send away those few people who had invalid voting passes we could have reached 1000 votes. damn my integrity!
genniviva · 6 months
The mood was pretty weird while counting votes tonight. We were all... baffled? Baffled, yeah, especially at first when we were unfolding the votes and were met with party four, four, nineteen, four again. Wilders' PVV ended up with more than a quarter of the votes cast at our location.
We tried, but none of us could imagine what that guy would do if he were to somehow form a coalition. He has been opposition for so long that we had to wonder--does he even know? He doesn't have a party program beyond "fuck migrants." He relies on charisma and the neat thing called "not being in charge of the government people hate." Dick.
Anyways. Not happy about this at all.
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