#* second muse // jonah nightcross
warsinmyhead · 6 years
[Musing] I’m With You
“Sorry, she called out today,” Nate apologized as he rubbed the back of his ear, earring jiggling up and down. "Is there something I can help you with?”
Jonah shook his head no and thanked the fae behind the counter, exiting as quickly as he could. He was concerned – she rarely didn’t come into work and she seemed fine a few days ago. Although, it could be a real case where she was sick – a few Shadowhunters caught colds recently and were forced to sleep it off versus head out into the field. He was determined to remain healthy, which prompted him to take more Vitamin C, get enough sleep, and wash his hands regularly. 
“Briggs! It’s me – I brought you all of the normal Mundie stuff for colds!” Jonah called out. He juggled the heavy bag filled with soup, cold medicine, tissues, ginger ale, and other things in one arm as he knocked on her door. 
He waited a few seconds but no one came to the door. Jonah knocked again, sucking in a sharp breath. When she didn’t answer, he swallowed hard, fingers fumbling for the knob and trying it. He blinked when it opened with ease and he dropped the bag onto the nearby coffee table, ears pounding as he drew his blade and looked around the apartment warily. He moved slowly toward the bedroom, blade in front as he nudged the door open with his foot. 
His eyes widened when he saw the warlock curled up in her bed, a dead look in her puffy eyes. Jonah dropped the blade and rushed to her side, hands cupping her cheeks. Her face was still warm and he looked her in the eyes.
“Briggs! Your co-worker said you didn’t come in – what’s wrong?” he asked. 
“My existence,” she deadpanned. “Nightcross, why are you lying to yourself about us?”
“What? Briggs, what are you talking about?”
“I. Fucking. Hate. Being. Immortal,” she said. “Magnus got to drinking some vintage he had saved up, then he drunk dials me saying we can have fun now, but it’s not like we’re gonna marry the people we’re seeing now, you know with being warlocks and all. That just...it fucking killed me and I realized he was right. I’m the worst being ever for leading you on and I should have said something sooner.”
Jonah chewed on his lip and made a note to talk to Alec later. He knew from his lessons growing up that warlocks were immortal, with a few exceptions based on power level. Useful if you needed their help in something but not ideal for them if they were looking for a lover or friend. 
He made up his mind as he helped Briggs sit up and he crushed her in a warm hug, chin resting on top of her head. A hand slowly rubbed her cheek and he closed his eyes, leaving a light kiss on top of her head. 
“We’ll deal with Magnus later,” he promised, “but right now, I don’t want you to think about him or what he said. I’m here for you now, later, and whenever you need me, okay? You did nothing wrong. I got myself into this by...ah man, I wish I could finish this sentence with something better, but honestly, I got into this by being clumsy as always. If you hadn’t been the one to take a last minute rush job, I don’t think I’d be here in New York doing what I wanted.”
Briggs snorted at his comment about his clumsiness and allowed a small smile to cross her lips. “Ah the broken blade, how could I forget that? Now you’ve become more careful having me around, huh?”
“HEY!” he protested with a pout. 
“Shh I’m just teasing you,” she replied as she wrapped her arms around him, returning the hug.
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