#(you all know it's implied - but also little lion cub)
itsabouttimex2 · 6 days
I swear you never miss, notifications from your blog always make my day <3 The Azure Lion letter was so fun! I loved the little description and several crossed out words, the unintentional condescending manner the whole letter has when you take into account he thinks you doing know what ‘quenched’ is, is amazing.
Aww, thank you so much! That’s super sweet of you to say! 💞💞
I definitely intend on making more yandere letters, too. It was super fun to write! I’m taking requests for them, now!
Taking Azure’s delusions into account, I thought it made sense to have him severely misinterpret several things about his cub- their mental faculties, their innocence, and so on.
Given that Y/N has been alone for what’s implied to be at least several months, they can’t be all too young, but he’s out here acting like “shame” is a big-boy word out of your reach. Asking you to be brave like a kid that’s trying to hide from a flu shot, promising cuddles when he comes back-
Y/N is a young helpless child to him, but they’re also old enough/mature enough to be alone for long periods of time without his presence.
Compartmentalization, y’all.
And Sun Wukong hijacks the letter at the and uses nothing but “simple” words throughout his section without sounding condescending. (Guarantee he adores Y/N more than any other uncle except maybe Macaque- who brings them books and plushes to help stave off the loneliness and boredom they feel.)
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royalrazz37 · 10 months
Disclaimer: I love this film. These are just my critics. I know someone else has already pointed these issues out and better than I ever could. Just wanted to get my thoughts out. Feel free to link their analysis
Post Disclaimer Disclaimer: A lot of these may be petty and have no real solution so I apologize preemptively.
Without further ado here is an aging millennial’s concerns with: The Lion King (1994)
Small nitpicks first
Usually lion prides have a single adult male that mates with all the females but in this case there are two, Mufasa and Scar, meaning, that at best Simba and Nala are first cousins and at worst siblings, getting married and having children.
On the flip side there is nothing more royal than keeping it all in the family.
Say his name
What is Scar’s real name? I know it can probably be found somewhere but i think it’s pretty messed up it’s never said in the movie. Also making someone’s physical feature their name is rude. Its like calling someone Hairy, Big Nose, or Six-Fingered Man.
Sexiest Lion
From what I remember learning about lions, the males with darker manes are seen as more attractive. So why is my man Scar not getting hole? I know its a kids movie but could we at least see a couple dark furred cubs running about? (I know about Kovu)
Choice of voice actors
Why are all the good characters voiced by white people? (Exceptions for James and Madge) and all the bad guys are POC? And its some extra ish when only the lackeys are POC. The big bad is white. Colored folk can’t even be their own boss.
And i know the remake “fixed” this but we’re not talking about the new woke Disney.
Now the real gripes
Monarchy and leadership
While the idea of a hereditary monarchy is bad enough the main plot strongly implies divine right is just and desirable.
Mufasa is supposed to be king and this is reflected by the kingdom being pristine and in balance.
Scar, who is not ordained by the sky daddies, takes the throne and all falls to ruin.
Then the “rightful king” returns, restoring prosperity to the land.
It gives credence to the idea that a higher power has to approve of a leader for things to go right. That those in power are there because that is how it’s supposed to be.
Look, little one. See what happens when you try to break the status quo? Bad things happen. Be happy with your lot in life.
If you try to rise above your station like Scar, well. You saw what happened. (I know Scar murdered fools but you get my drift)
“But Razz” I hear you say. “The reason things went bad is because Scar had the hyenas live in the pride lands and they ate everything. Those slobbering mangy stupid poachers!”
Aha! I say. You activated my trap card.
US History as a Metaphor
I think its safe to say that the hyenas are coded as POC. As such the idea of their integration into the pride lands being the catalyst for its blight is troubling.
It harkens back to the fear of the negro moving into cities during white flight. Hyenas/blacks move in and everything goes to shit.
Thats why we keep them in their elephant graveyards and shadow lands (the ghettos) so the blight doesn’t spread.
And if one of the hyenas do come into the pride lands we send our strong alpha Mufasa to beat and brutalize them.
Also the hyenas are painted as gluttons for wanting to eat. THEY WERE IN A LITERAL GRAVEYARD.
Of course they’re hungry. Of course they’d want to eat everything they could. They were forced to live that way.
Now lets draw a line.
Hyenas are always hungry because they live in a food desert and actual desert.
They live there because of enforced segregation by the lions.
Lions who then blame the the hyenas for being hungry and use that as justification to continue segregation and harsh policing of the hyenas movements.
Sounds familiar.
And the film’s solution to all this is a return to the status quo. Yuck.
Not to mention the sequel where there’s a reconciliation between the lionesses who supported Scar and the pridelanders because Kiara says “We’re the same”. I know I’m probably grasping a straws here but that moment felt like the Irish and Italians gaining whiteness.
Ok rant over.
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eukaryotesrool · 4 months
"13 Animal Facts That Ruin Disney Movies" Is Silly
The article I'm discussing
(Bit of an introduction, feel free to skip to the creamy center.)
These clickbaitey lists have always been a pet peeve of mine. Though I get a lot of amusement out of mocking them, so why not ramble to you, yes you and only you specifically.
Lets talk about the introduction for a sec
"From Timone and Pumbaa in The Lion King" (An excerpt from the article intro)
I'm sorry, WHO THE HELL IS "TIMONE"!? Oh boy oh boy, you know it's a good one when they mispell a character name already.
"Mushu in Mulan, these animals add humor and life to the films." (An excerpt from the article intro)
Are... are they implying Mushu the dragon is an animal? They never even try to give 'facts' about him, so it feels like mentioning him just defeats the point they're making about animal characters being neat. If they HAD to talk about Mulan, why not Cri-Kee the cricket?
"You won’t believe which beloved characters are actually based on real animals!" (An excerpt from the article intro)
Yeah, we'll see about that one chief.
I grew up on a good few of the movies mentioned, so I'll tell ya when my childhood starts crumbling, lets get into it.
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(Bwhahahahahahaha, what a great start, and the image they chose! This has to be intentional)
Guys! G-guys! Come quick, Aladdin is ruined for me!!!
So, this is actually true and not presented facetiously. It seems like you can't really train them to stop, but like is this ruining the movie for y'all? I smell false advertising.
Also, I've seen some claims you CAN potty train them, so in the context of a Disney movie, mmm well consider my suspension of disbelief... unstretched.
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(What the fuck bro?)
A good few of these fall into the genre of "If the characters acted like perfect little robots dancing along to whatever facts about their species I read: the movie would be SO different guys!1!!1!1!" I won't talk about a few of them, to avoid repeating myself.
If they were perfectly realistic, they wouldn't talk or think like humans (I'm refering to the anthropomorphized animals) even IF Marlin still has that instinct. That is the last egg he had with his beloved (and now dead) wife, and the other eggs are all destroyed, it is NOT any stretch of the imagination to assume he would raise this egg because of
1: his emotional attachment to it and
2: if he ate it, there goes his ONLY offspring, this would only really work if Nemo had siblings and/or we see other clownfish Marlin would be willing to mate with.
Anyway, a list of all the "wouldn't movie be so sad/scary/gross different if the characters didn't act in character?" Ones: 8 and 5
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This is caused by boredom, Donald isn't bored, overcrowding (like in poorly managed farms, such as the ones that need beak trimming), or poor nutrition, Donald seems to have good enough nutrition
Also this essentially goes into what I was just talking about in the previous point, but frankly, most of them do.
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(Sheesh Cracked, no need to talk to Simba like that, what'd he do to you?)
1: That doesn't ALWAYS happen (especially when the cub is also the fucking prince, you wad!). I watched a documentary (called 'Born in Africa' I believe, would recommend) and there was a lion cub debiliated by a broken back, but she was still being raised, not treated as gently as she should have been, but not abandoned. YET lionesses will sometimes abandon weak, injured, or malformed cubs and since exceptions NEVER happen that documentery is unrealistic, clearly.
2: I'm pretty sure the abandonment only happens while the cubs are very young and the lioness leaves the pride to raise them. That doesn't seem to happen in the Lion King, so we can assume the abandonment wouldn't happen.
3: He's the fucking prince, you wad! But sure, lets kill him because he doesn't have a sibling, not like he has the protection of the lion pride and the respect of the animals of the Pridelands. This is totally the same thing as wild lions real life.
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(My poor heart can't take all this childhood-ruining!)
Ah yes, the other primary genre; the ones that are just plain silly, how could THIS ruin a movie?
Though I do wonder, why did they name him Flounder? Both in an in-canon and meta sense... huh.
Also, flounders are adorable!
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(Fun fact: Because elephant metabolisms don't digest their food too well, their feces is full of nutrients which goes into the environment, through bugs, and plants, and such.)
This list is starting to feel more like "Thirteen weird and worrying facts about animal species which happen to show up in Disney movies"
Anyway, refer to the Flounder rebuttal.
I'm skipping number four because it comes down to what I've just said.
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What? How does that even effect the movie? Are they saying the other rats being able to tell Remy's food isn't poison ruins the plot? THEY NEVER THOUGHT IT WAS POISON! They thought cooking food was frivolous.
Again, this is just listing animal facts which are maybe kinda tangientially related to Disney movies.
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(Imagine the bottom text without the context of the image or top text...)
"Those wild clothes-wearing-mice are filthy, don't touch them!"
Specist, much?
Admitably I don't have the greatest counter to this one.
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(What a coincidence, I've recently read/posted about meerkats)
Our friends at Cracked saved the best for last.
By insinuating Timon (Oh sorry) Timone is a mass murderer, did you not watch Lion King 1½!? Listen bud, you can misunderstand the word 'ruin', you can clickbait me, but I draw the line at failing to do the simplest research into the lore of the Lion King cinematic multiverse!
Okay, but maybe the writer denies the canonicity of everyone's favorite midquel, sure that's valid as hell.
Female meerkats are the ones doing the killing, like male lions, they (mostly the dominant female) kill the offspring of other meerkats to try and give their genes a better chance of passing on.
So, are they insinuating Timone is not just a mass murderer, but also trans? You know what Cracked? You win, lets go with that! But I wouldn't say it ruins the Lion King for me.
Sigh BUT the theory claims he killed his meerkat friends, not newborns, so it doesn't correctly use the real life fact, I could accept Disney using a bit of creative-liscense, I could accept a fan theory using creative liscense (I'd eat the "Timone murderer and trans dude" theory up, if not for the midquel) but an article dedicated to talking about fictional characters following animals facts perfectly, gets no such privilege.
To clear: I bear no real ill will to the author of this article, it is a bad article, but at least it made me chuckle, and gave me something to rant about. Either way, I'm sure the writer is a perfectly decent person, good even!
And hey! They cited their sources, in some cases they seemed to not even read their own sources, but they cited them! And it is my belief that spreading knowledge an inherent good.
But they wrote a silly article, so I get to point and laugh, them's da rules.
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devilsrecreation · 9 months
You know how I mentioned a whole TLG fic idea with Chungu? Here’s me infodumping about it
Kifamilia Means Family
Synopsis: Taking place post-The Lion Guard, the hyenas get a heartwarming surprise when Shenzi’s clan (AKA their parents) come back. But Chungu notices that he doesn’t have anyone to reunite with and goes off on a little journey to find his parents
What would happen (may or may not be in order):
The original trio and the rest of Shenzi’s clan come back and everyone’s elated
-The question of why they left in the first place is answered and the hyenas understand
-The truth that they killed Scar comes out. In fact, the trio tells them aaaaaall about Scar and how he betrayed them
-Upon seeing his friends reuniting with and cuddling with their parents, Chungu notices he doesn’t have anyone to greet him and wonders where his parents are
A couple flashbacks in the form of dreams:
1. How Chungu met Janja and Cheezi
2. Faintly remembering what his parents were like
He gets the idea after talking to Tunu and Wema and tells the rest of the clan (with support from them but Janja dismisses it). He then goes off on his own
The ghost of Ushari follows him everywhere, making sure he doesn’t make any bad decisions
-We get to see Ushari’s thoughts on the matter
-He also creates some obvious signs that he already has all the family he needs, but Chungu doesn’t get it until towards the end
Meanwhile, in the Outlands, the hyenas grow increasingly concerned for Chungu and have to be reassured by Janja that he’s gonna come back (except he starts to lose hope the longer he’s gone)
It would be implied that Chungu’s parents were part of Shenzi’s clan but died shortly after having Chungu (maybe a little before Shenzi left the cubs) from starvation
Chungu gets to meet and briefly live with many animals he meets. Thanks to his dim-witted personality, he’s able to befriend them all as well as wanting what they have
-The animals are ones TLG hasn’t shown like African Wild Dogs, striped hyenas, black mambas, etc.
- He first meets a wild dog named Nguvu (energetic), who lets him stay with her pack for a few nights
-A shoebill stork named Kiatu
-A striped hyena named Aibu and a black mamba named Kifo show him what a found family looks like since they’re misfits
- All his new friends either follow him back to the Outlands (like he’d arrive with them in tow) or they meet Chungu again when he’s already back home. Leaning towards the first option
He finds himself at the Tree of Life, where he finally decides to give up after searching for so long. At first he’s devastated that his parents don’t like him enough to want to see him (or so he thinks), but thanks to Ushari manipulating a cloud to look like a hyena, he finally realizes who his real family is and goes back home
-After saying out loud that “maybe they don’t wanna see me cuz they don’t like me”, Chungu gets to see his parents towards the end and they tell him how they’ll always watch over him. They also tell him how even though they’re gone, he still has a family before disappearing. Chungu doesn’t know what it means until Ushari gets him to understand
- “It’s Chungu!”
“And he brought friends….”
-Cheezi and Janja
Nguvu (energetic)- Living up to her name, Nguvu is an energetic, fun-loving painted dog who is the first animal Chungu meets on his quest. While the other wild dogs are distrusting of outsiders, Nguvu is the odd one out and loves making new friends. However, her nice, trusting nature can get her into trouble, leading her fellow pack members to save her.
Upon meeting Chungu, she immediately takes a liking to the hyena and somehow convinces her pack leaders to let him stay for a little while. She teaches him how wild dogs live (with Chungu almost ruining it due to his dimwittedness) while Chungu tells her about the hyenas. Chungu eventually learns his new friend hasn’t been in touch with her parents (giving wild dog traditions with the females leaving), thinking they don’t like her and encourages her to visit them. And she does!
-Nguvu and the rest of the pack are Chungu’s first clue into realizing the hyenas are his family, as their bonds remind him of his friends
-She becomes good friends with Chungu and the clan and maaaaaay or may not become Cheezi’s love interest (okay, she does)
-Voice claim: Sarah-Nicole Robles (Luz Noceda)
-If this were an actual special, Nguvu and the other cape dogs would sing a cover of “One Way or Another” feat. Chungu who just goes along with it. They do choreography and everything
-Her and Cheezi’s dynamic is basically “What do you see in him?” “He makes me laugh”
Other pack members: Mbwa (dog), Mkulima (growl), Gome (bark), Rangi (paint) and other unnamed cape dogs;Mbwa (male) and Rangi (female) are the leaders; There are only 10 members altogether, but they’re always willing to expand
Aibu (shy)- A shy, submissive, but sweet striped hyena who Chungu meets along with her best friend, Kifo. She and Kifo teach Chungu that family doesn’t have to consist of the same species. Upon spending time together, she ends up catching feelings for Chungu because of how much he complimented her (much to his obliviousness). She gives him a little kiss on the cheek when he goes off on his own again
-It takes Chungu a while to realize Aibu had a crush on him. Janja had to tell him straightforward
-Aibu kissing Chungu was a lot like how Amity kissed Luz for the first time. She did it, then immediately got flustered, wished him good luck, and hurried off to her den while repeatedly questioning why she would do that. Chungu just thought it was a striped hyena thing
Kifo (death)- Despite being a black mamba, Kifo is actually incredibly sweet and wouldn’t hurt a fly, which is what makes her a misfit. Her goal is to teach animals not to be scared of her even though she’s highly venomous. Chungu meets her and Aibu when he accidentally steps on her and freaks out, begging not to be bitten. Kifo reassures him she won’t hurt him. She explains how she and Aibu are misfits who look out for each other and agree to let him spend the night with them cuz of the area being dangerous where they live
-After being persuaded by Chungu to move to the Outlands, she gets to know more of the reptiles. The skinks have taken a liking to her fairly well, Sumu is really chill with her, Kiburi…can tolerate her (although he thinks she’s annoying), it’s Kenge who takes the longest to warm up to her. Kenge doesn’t like meeting new animals in general, but meeting Kifo brings back so many memories to him. Being a venomous snake, not being afraid of him, and having that whole “please give me some respect” attitude towards him straight up reminds him of Ushari
-Speaking of Ushari, Kifo can actually see him. I’m not sure if he makes himself visible to her during Chungu’s quest, but they definitely meet in the Outlands. He gives her advice on how to befriend the animals and she thinks of him as a mentor figure. She doesn’t even realize Ushari’s dead until she brings his name up to the other reptiles and they’re like “….How do you know who Ushari is?”. Cue a very emotional conversation and Kenge finally opening up
-Kifo also agrees that Ushari was never evil and his reasoning for turning to the dark side was justified, just that he was wrong for the way he handled it
Kiatu (shoe)- An intimidating, tough, but good-hearted shoebill stork who is a single soon-to-be father to three eggs. He meets Chungu at the hyena’s most vulnerable state: exhausted, dehydrated, and starving. A lost Chungu stumbles upon his nest and tries to eat the eggs, only to be scared off by a strange sound similar to a machine gun (which is the sound shoebills make) and causing him to get his leg stuck between some fallen branches. Kiatu frees him and upon seeing his condition, nurses him back to health in exchange that he helps take care of the eggs. He eventually becomes Chungu’s bodyguard and gets a soft spot for him. He teaches Chungu how it’s okay that some families have only one parent and the importance of caring for a child while Chungu teaches him that not everyone is bad (he thinks almost all animals are bad, which is why he is so overprotective and so unfriendly)
-The reason why he’s a single father is cuz his mate died of some unknown cause. He doesn’t like to talk about it
-Like Paddington, he uses a death glare whenever animals have forgotten their manners. It works on everyone from other birds to crocodiles. Yes, it even scares Makuu and Kiburi
-When his chicks hatch, they call Chungu their uncle
- Kiatu knows that shoebills are supposed to only take care of one chick when they hatch, like in real life. Except Kiatu doesn’t want that. Neglecting kids just never sat right with him so he decided to care for all of his kids rather than just one
-Kiatu still thinks of himself as Chungu’s protector (and later Cheezi’s, too)
-Is like best friends with Basi (and later Beshte)
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spielzeugkaiser · 2 years
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With all the scars on Jaskiers back, but how he reconnected with his past over the years... Bear!Jaskier deserved a tattoo, he just did.
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whatisgoingonpaul · 3 years
Looking at the deleted scenes
so my last post looking into a scene to hear what they said was a deleted scene and that honestly got me on a kick now about looking though them all. This one is mainly going to be just taking about them/details more then a what I heard post. So here we go.
1- fighting over rooms
This was in the script and the book but never made it into the film, Sam was in the room Michael wanted and they fought for it. So this scene is the context behind Sam bolting down the stairs “MOM PLEASE! Ma! You gotta help me!” “S o o n”
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Sam’s got a serious comic collection, which he organises(I see the hulk but no Batman)
Sam mumbling the song he later sings in the tub!! (Ain’t got no home)
“oh no no no, this is MY room. You, spidey and richie rich and the rest of the boys are outta here.” Michael I love you.
“My way or the highway bud” Sam I love you
Sam bites this man in the leg- Michael also notably mumbles ‘lil shit’ as his brother rushes away laughing
Y’all I am in LOVE they are literally just siblings
2- Kitchen that night
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This was also script/book. I mean duh because it’s a deleted scene. Basically just talking after dinner
Lucy has two big pictures of her mother ‘hi mom’
Sam is trying to fix the stereo but it keeps popping also Sam wearing the bandana! Cutie lmao
The stereo starts playing lost in the shadows (also like how when Dwayne hits it, it plays good times)
Michaels “sammmmmmm”
Michael just “I dunno if I’m going back to school” he dead ass went ✨I wanna drop out✨
Sam swoops in and starts dancing with Lucy it’s to cute I’m gonna explode
Sam and Lucy dragging him in , Sam straight up head locking Mike and Lucy’s dance is gonna
3- extension of Michael following star
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Honestly this should have stayed in. It gives star a bit more character and it also makes Michael slightly less creepy in his actions. THIS IS WHERE THE PHOTO OF LADDIE COMES FROM!
Star: are you following me?*laugh*
Michael, confidently: yea, I am
How star is laughing and smacking gum watching this dork
Laddie like :0 the whole time
The way she says “well, talk” In a half laugh
SAM ACTUALLY CUTS THEM OFF FROM THEIR CONVO WITH “moms here” that’s why she goes off
“She wants me , all of me” - Sam Emerson 1987
4- Michaels job
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Self explanatory, honestly I think this scene should have been kept in for little more past actually establishing that the movie is longer then a few days. Really it’s more like a few weeks
The drunk dude laying on the beach left over from the night before
Hhhhhhhh shirtless Michael hhhhhh
This kid is trying to read a comic in the ocean
Sam gets splashed by the surf nazis
Michael gets tricked by hair lmao
5- video store that afternoon
Weird note but Maria is called Marie? However in all media she’s called Maria??
Marie gives her little backstory, how she owes max
Max is busy during the day you see
Lucy is such a sweetie “there’s my boys! :D” “my sons my sons”
Michael trying to give Lucy his left over Christmas money and all that 🥺
Sams “bye mike!”
6- talking again
Second night extended talks
They used to come spend summers in Santa Carla
M: where’s your little brother?
S: hes not my little brother
The audio cut out :(
Grandpa asks Lucy about her boss “oh you know him?” “Oh I’ve seen him around”
“Yea if i knew I was gonna live this long I woulda taken better care of myself”
8- morning
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Sam watching the stuffed mountain lion
Nanook going after the rears of the stuffed hunting dogs- sir-
“Chill out Nanook”
Sam gets noosy and looks in on the Taxidermy and Grandpa chooses to gross him out lmao
“Nanook, this is my life , I come from a broken home. My mom works all day, my brother SLEEPS all day and my grandfathers possibly a alien who stuffs chipmunks” SAM I LOVE YOU
Sam sneaks a bit of grandpas weed
I’m going to sob I’m gonna sob it’s like a bit of the leaf! Sam baby never change
Grandpa walks in- Sam gets offended and tells him to stop with the Indian walk (this implies that he just straight up sneaks up on Sam non stop lmao I love him)
This blends into the “let’s go to town” scene
9- Michaels “morning after
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The video I’m watching titled it this and I’m losing my shit so I’m keeping it. ALSO AGAIN THE MAGGOTS AND THE BRIDGE SCENE ARENT ON THE SAME NIGHT. THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN KEPT IN TO ESTABLISH THAT
Michael not being able to lift his weights
“I can’t remember to much, not after the Chinese food that looked like maggots” Sam slowly putting down his apple lmao
“Hey mike, you think grandpas a alien?”
Mike “mom and I didn’t wanna tell you two early” lmao
Nanook and Michaels salty feet. I still don’t get this part
“That was some pretty funky Chinese food”
Mike just placing his full hand over sams face
Went over this last night
Max having thorn sit shot gun
His baseball cap that’s it just his hat
11- max and Lucy date pre phone call
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Again for  character development , like star. Like he doubles as a love interest and villain you think they’d leave the little parts with him in it in the movie
Max saying “I know what it’s like to be alone”
He says protecting mother in Latin(I think?) then English - NERD
“Lioness with her Cubs” she laughs THEYRE REALLY CUTE- STOP
“I think my mothering days are just about over” “well, they don’t have to be” SUBTLE
Max trying to show off with a fancy order shsisososososos
Max goes all out and spoils with the expensive order and Lucy is all !!! ☺️ no one touch me
They’re actually really cute and it makes me so mad they cut out moments like this for him and star? Because even with these they don’t get that much time but they get that much more character
13- Mike they’re here! Introductions
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Should have been kept simply because there’s a huge gap
“This guy looks more like a zombie”
“Should I run him though?”
Mike is so sarcastic
“David! It’s David isn’t it?! He’s the leader! David ansisosososoos” mikes deflated “yea”
In conclusion these all should have stayed in the film and I am still upset over this. Also if there’s any more or any one that I missed: gimme
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noirbriar · 2 years
FFXV AU: Innocent Sin
No one:
Absolutely no one:
My brain: Yo, its angst and violence for dinner.
When young Prompto and Noctis gets taken by traitors to the Crown. Duty aside, the Lion and Coeurl will not show mercy to those who hurt their own.
Part of the The Lion, the Coeurl and the Cub AU
( I have no explanation for this oneshot. Trigger warnings for blood, implied torture and violence. Plotholes in my own AU and OOC-ness is all on me. I do not know politics or law. I am but a self indulgent derp. Note that there is one BE in this HE ficlet. )
“You dare?”The King of Lucis glares at the shaking forms cowering before him in rage. As if sensing his anger, a storm rages across the Insomnia without control.
“FIND THEM!”  King Regis roars, his voice fills the hollow throne room, slaming his hand on the throne as thunder claps in his rumbling fury.
Nyx Ulric is the last of his clan. When he came to Insomnia to repay his debt to King Regis, he all but left behind all that he bore as Coeurl-kin, member of the Old Blood and Ruling Clan of Galahd. A part of him wanting to escape from the crushing weight of it all as he mourns for his family, his motherland, and all that is lost in the War. Though now, he feels nothing but the molten heat of anger in his gut as he stands in an empty training hall under construction, waiting.
Crowe is seated nearby watching him alongside Pelna who explains the Old Ways to her. A half Galahdian who grew up in Duscae, whose father was a traditionalist.
Even though many Galahdians have forgone their braids and do not remember the Old Ways, there are some who remember the strict laws of their forebears. Nyx lets Pelna join tonight, seeing he has been as close as his own kin since he joined his team.
Crowe however, is not from Galahd. But she has all but officially taken a Clan name, and she loves Prompto like her own. She may stay.
The entire Kingsglaive and Crownsguard are combing the city, trying to get a hold of the perpetrators. The chaos only makes it easier for Nyx to carry out what he wants in the little time available. He would be considered a rogue soldier by going against his given orders, gathering his own people and operating on his own will. So unfortunately, he has to omit the other non-galahdian glaives that he is close with. Nyx is driven purely by a personal vendetta now.
Even should no one recognise or heed the call of a kinsman who had practically abandoned his rightful duties, the Galahadian took a leap of faith. He left a summon mark earlier that day. Those who recognise the old customs and respect the Ulric name, Keepers of Etro, will answer the call.
Here in the darkness of the storm,Nyx prays silently.To Etro to grant him strength For Selena to bless his son and his friend. For his Mam to guide him as he assumes the old role of his forebears.
Nyx also thinks he probably should have explained it all to his husband first. However in that critical moment, Cor simply stopped him and told him to do what he thinks he should. Their cub and the prince comes first. With so little time, the Lion of Lucis has his own prey to deal with unfortunately. That is how much trust he has in Nyx.
Libertus arrives at the promised meeting point, his ever loyal friend from his tribe. Nyx’s breath hitches when he sees a handful of other Galahdian glaives behind. All familiar faces of those who had followed him to Insomnia all those years ago. These are people who not only know that Prompto carries the Ulric Clan name, but adhere to their Old Ways as well. They have not abandoned or forgotten the Ulrics. They come willingly.
“Brother.” Libertus’ voice snaps Nyx out of his reverie as he turns and mentally makes a count and acknowledges the kinsmen who have answered. It is enough. ”By your word. We’re here.”
“I thank you all for coming, my fellow kin.” Nyx begins, reverting to his old mother tongue, and an even older dialect effortlessly, as the thunder rolls and the rain sings.
“Now, brothers and sisters. Let us hunt.”
Councilman Fenas is a prideful man. That is public knowledge and he revels in it even despite a fair number of haters. Yet he has a vast number of support from Lucian purists. His family is part of the old noble families of Lucian society, his ancestors a distant branch of the Lucis Caelum’s own. Also, a staunch believer of the Six with a deep pocket from old money.
The pudgy councilman lounges in comfort of his home, sipping fine tenebraen wine and uncaring of the storm brewing outside his window. A classical score plays on the vintage player, echoing in the lavish room between the pattering sound of the rain beating against the glass windows.
“The Ballad of Witches. Its origins and composer unknown. Yet became popular in the dynasty of Queen Crepera, despite its score appearing even before Solheim in another name. Interesting choice of music, Councilman. Though I personally prefer the Insomnian Opera’s rendition.”
Fenas jumps from his seat at the voice. He knows the voice. Yet he sees no one as the lights flicker ominously. He quickly leaves his room only to find bodies littering the hall way with little bloodshed or struggle. Since when? There was no noise or commotion in his manor yet-
In a moment of panic the man backtracks into the safety of his room once more, yet another presence is has already occupied the vacated seat.
“L-Leonis!” Fenas stutters, trying to play the fool,” What’s the meaning of this?”
“A King’s Sword answers to no one but to the King himself.” Cor looks at the man coldly.”You know why I am here.”
“What-Preposterous-I, I am loyal to the Crown-“
The Marshal’s eyes glints in an eerie light, watching the man trembling before him like he is less than dirt. The Lion of Lucis stands and approaches him slowly.
“Are you?”
The music loops in an endless cycle on a sad note, almost in pity for the poor soul as Cor makes a quick, clean work and disposes of the Councilman. His body falling over like a broken marionette, his cold, lifeless eyes reflecting nothing but the retreating form of the Marshal of Lucis.
It is not always that he needs to leave behind bodies to be found but it all depends on his King’s will. After some checks and collection of evidence, Cor leaves behind the intended markings and nothing else but a doomed family who met their demise. With an impending downfall of another family against the Crown come tomorrow morn.
“I’m not a patient man, so, better talk fast.” Nyx drawls out lazily, leaning against a crate as he keeps his arms folded. While Libertus pushes the scowling crownsguard onto the dirt ground, making sure his boots dig into his face hard. Crowe kneeling beside the captive man with a mocking smile.
“Fucking immigrants, get your filthy hands off me-“ the foolish idiot spits at them before Libertus steps harder, making sure he chokes as he speaks, “Drautos will hear o-
“Unfortunately, the Captain and the Lord Shield is, ah, too busy lately with the mess you and your buddies have made back in the Citadel. We won’t be missed really.” Nyx smirks in the darkness, flexing his hands much like a Coeurl inspecting his claws expectantly.”Besides, I don’t think it is the Kingsglaive Captain you should be worried about, Crownsguard Harring.”
Nyx strides over with Libertus and Crowe moving back, allowing him to pull Harring up by his neck. The tight grip chokes him but the Galahdian father does not care for his plight. He has no feelings for the fool who hurt his family. The other glaives watches on.
“Do you know that in Galahd, Etro, the Goddess of Death does not take kindly to those who revel in the pain of the young?”
A flicker of light, a kukri materialises.
”We’ll have a good time, aye? After you tell us what we want to know. I’m sure you have plenty to share.” Nyx whispers into his horrified man’s ear. He gives a sharp grin, “Rest assured. We are just here to extend the hospitality you and your fellows have given our cub and his Royal Highness. Tell me, Herring. Do you enjoy broken bones? Or is it that you simply like the suffering of children?”
The pitiful crownsguard gets thrown down before a bloodcurdling scream resounds. With his ribs beginning to crack open slowly, blooming like a flower in a muddied pond. Though here in the outskirts of Insomnia away from prying eyes, it is as if nothing else is wrong in the world.
The lightning flashes and the rain pours upon the escaping boys running across the wastelands. Noctis still heavily drugged and unable to focus enough to summon his armiger. Prompto struggling to pull his friend along despite the storm, his injuries not helping in the least, the waterlogged mud dragging them down relentlessly. Bullets flying and grazing their every step.
“P-Prom, go-“
“Don’t be stupid! I’m not leaving you Noct-“
The prince shoves the blond teen away as a shadow falls. A glint of a blade shines and pierces deep into flesh. Prompto stops breathing, as his friend collapses heavily into him.Warm liquid trickles along his arm, a chill shivers down Prompto’s spine, and its not from the rain.
“N-Noct-“ Prompto lifts a hand, and sees bright warm crimson flowing between his fingers. Noct’s blood. So much blood staining his hands as he stares at the blade pierced through his best friend’s back. A blade pierced through his friend’s torso. Prompto begins to hyperventilate in panic, before a harsh hand grabs his hair and hauls him up.The cruel captor pulls him away from his wounded friend and throws him into the mud but all Prompto sees is the unmoving body of Noctis as the rain drenches their form.
No please, not Noct-
Prompto chokes in pain as his ears ring, a pressure in the back of his head pushes in like a crushing migraine up his skull. His tears fall, mingling with the rain as a forgotten memory replaces the imagery before his eyes like a nightmare.
A King. With a sword pierced through him. A cold lifeless kIng who faded with a sad smile.
No, no, no, Not again.
Not Noct.
A hand pushes the convulsing blond down as a gun takes aim. Prompto screams. Agony echoes in his voice as light and darkness drowns his sight, as he allows a warmth to consume him from within.
If it means protecting him. Then, I don’t mind burning even in the storm and fire.
In a split moment, Prompto kicks the man off him in a sudden burst of strength. He leaps over towards Noctis, hunched over protectively, making sure not to touch the blade first to control the bleeding wound. He lays his friend down gently, making sure his school coat covers Noctis before approaching the men. Crystalline fragments glitter in the darkness of the storm. A soft golden glow pulses dimly where the mark of Etro burns in place of the cold barcode under a bloodied wristband. The blond teen exhales, his eyes bright with a familiar power of several lifetimes.
This was no longer a young teen, but one who had seen life and death of many, countlessly, endlessly. He watches these cruel men stand before him, feeling nothing. Afterall, who are mortals compared to a God who had already lost everything he had loved and held dear?
Etro shall welcome you at her door.
Prompto leaps, attacking their pursuers straight up and taking any firearm he can get. His manoeuvres and strikes precise and deadly like a veteran soldier than a 15 year old high schooler. When their kidnappers realised that something was wrong, it was much too late. Their steps slow and time comes to a crawl even as the rain falls in nonchalance at the violence. Their souls call for mercy yet the God gives none, even as he walks towards the final henchman frozen in time, picking up the fallen handgun. He aims it easily and pulls the trigger.
With a final gunshot, theres nothing left but the sound of the raindrops as he lets his arm fall back to his side. Their tainted blood colours his school uniform, a permanent stain that cannot be erased. An innocent sin.
Prompto quietly trudges back to his prince with heavy steps, picking him up gently in a quiet embrace, brushing the damp hair away from the heavily breathing friend he held dear. He traces the face ever so familiar to him in another life silently.
This was the boy he had not seen for a long time. At least. For Prompto Argentum.
I set out to change everything yet in the compression of time and breaking of fate, all I did was destroy everything. The dawn you had brought with your life. The sacrifices you all had made across the timelines.
Maybe one day, you will forgive me for my selfishness, Noct. But, for now-
Please, let me be selfish once again.
Prompto bends down, brushing his lips softly against Noctis’ forehead, ever so gently, as a stray tear falls. Before he pries the blade free, grazing his fingers over the wound. He lets the tendrils of his magic to flow across his skin and onto his beloved friend, ignoring the accursed gaze of an arrogant dragon from somewhere afar.
Come and stop me Bahamut. I dare you.
The warmth speeds up the healing of the wounds the young body bore, while stopping the pain of old relentless scars.
May you all find happiness. Thanks for being by my side, Noct.
With every slowing pulse of his magic, every flow of his affection, Prompto Argentum breathes and lets his battered soul fade, leaving behind only the memories for his other self.
Its all up to you now, Prompto Leonis.
He’s all yours.
Over here.
Cor’s feet come to a halt as a voice echoes in his ear softly in the howling wind of the storm. The other guards and glaives running on ahead across the wasteland of abandoned warehouses in the outskirts of Insomnia.
If there’s one thing the Marshal relied the most, it was his gut instincts. He turns, and sprints.
“COR?!” Nyx roars as he notices the Marshal running across another direction. The Glahadian spares no thought, and follows closely behind. Ignis and Gladio chases after them, clinging tightly onto a dim hope.
They were rewarded.
The fathers find their missing son and the retainers find their fallen charge in what seems to be a massacre. As they quickly make their approach, the blond teen seems to be delirious as he curls over the crown prince in effort to shield him. A handgun tight in his palm as he pulls the weapon up to aim at the approaching blur. Although in his exhaustion, his movements staggers as blood drips from his nose, eventually coughing up more blood before his weakened form falls over a sleeping Noctis.
Cor and Nyx rushes over as does Ignis and Gladio, just as the rest of the remaining forces arrive on the scene.
Noctis Lucis Caelum blinks into wakefulness the very next day, untouched, despite his bloodied uniform telling a whole other tale. He does not remember much of what happened but he feels fresh like the world after a storm, and strangely well. His ruined muscles no longer ache or pull, as if they never existed if not for the scars. A blessing from the Astrals, the doctors had called it, as bizarre as it seemed. Until he remembers his best friend who was kidnapped with him. The prince looks at his retainer for answers, before he rushes out of his ward and into the critical care department. Where he sees a couple of Kingsglaives keeping a rotating watch over their little chocobo. The doctors still unable to find the cause for the teen’s comatose state despite the lack of physical injuries.
“You were one of the first few against of the policies his Royal Highness had suggested to help his people and the immigrants. Thus, marking the beginnings of your act of terrorism for personal beliefs and gains, Later, you had sent out orders, instigating people to act on your behalf. Even suggesting to your fellows to ‘preserve the purity of strong Lucian blood’ and helping them plot to undermine the Crown in effort overthrow the rule of the current monarchy.” Cor dryly states the list of crimes, standing stiffly by the door and watching closely at the only pitiful player left in this entire mess.
“You went further and proposed an attack on the Crown Prince of Lucis and his friend, a Lucian, in a secure environment. Using a civilian as a hold over his Royal Highness. While aiming to put the blame on refugees that have sought and obtain the safety of our Wall eventually. All of this, with intent, to disrupt the peace of Insomnia.”
Nyx slowly bends down and gives the twitching Councilman a hard stare.
“That was not a question, Councilman Nadius.”
The door suddenly creeks open, finally allowing some proper light to pour into the dark cell. Clarus Amicitia strides in, ignoring the shivering figure cowering under the Marshal and the Kingsglaive.
“The King has spoken. Judgement has been called. Do as you please.”
With that, Clarus turns and leaves, not even bothering to cast a glance at the fallen noble, as he screams for the King’s mercy in the cold, damp cell.
When Prompto finally wakes, it is more than a week later, to the soft golden morning rays, his best friend’s hand tightly clasped with his own. Prompto Leonis’ brain is fuzzy and disorientated with fragmented memories, like being underwater for far too long. The oxygen mask and the various tubes in his hand feels uncomfortable. His wounds strangely missing, yet it was a certain emptiness that he cannot explain sitting in his chest that aches the most. He turns his head slowly, patting the mop of soft raven hair resting beside him.
Just then, Gladio enters the ward and is surprised to see their friend finally awake, turning around to shout for a doctor. The commotion soon rouses the prince from his slumber as he spots Prompto staring at him in a daze.
Ah. Noctis is okay. He’s safe. For that, he lets relief wash over him as he smiles at the Lucian prince.
“Noct? Y-You’re ok?”
Noctis’ face crumbles as he buries his face into his best friend’s shoulder. Prompto holds him close as his own tears began to fall.
For a moment, he mourns. But for what? He does not know.
Like something is lost and can never return.
The following Spring, a determined Prompto Leonis dressed formally enters the Chambers of the King in a private audience alongside his fathers. The Lord Marshal and Kingsglaive Ulric stands further behind the room at attention and watches in silence. While Prompto approaches without hesitation and bows before the King and Shield willingly, where he states his clear intent to enter a vow of service to the Crown Prince of Lucis.
King Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII permits it.
“Preposterous!” Ignis thunders as he dials on his cell for the nth time. Gladio looking equally concerned while Noctis’ face gets blacker with every minute. Almost the equal shade of the cup of Ebony in his hands.
Regis, Clarus and Cor walks into the hospital rest area where the boys are gathered beside the vending machines. They give Regis a bow before Ignis excuses himself to his original task. In his curiosity, the King asks kindly at Ignis’ unusual behaviour.
“Its Prompto’s parents. Apparently the contact information listed was false and Ignis has been trying dozens of other numbers he could find in record. What kind of idiot father does not even come to see his kid in the hospital??” Gladio snorts at the ridiculousness of the situation.
Regis and Clarus bites their tongue, risking a glance at their youngest brother. They are not disappointed.
"Save your tears 'cause I'll come back"
I could hear that you whispered
As you walked through that door
But still I swore to hide the pain
When I turn back the pages
Shouting might've been the answer
What if I'd cried my eyes out
And begged you not to depart?
But now I'm not afraid to say what's in my heart
Though a thousand words
Have never been spoken,
They'll fly to you
Crossing over the time
And distance holding you
Suspended on silver wings
-FFX-2 ,1000 Words ( eng ver )
Songs for this ficlet: FF8 Succession of Witches / Liberi Fatali ( Fated Children ), FFX-2 1000 Words
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inukag · 3 years
I've seen some people say that Yashahime is canon only to the OG anime, but I'd make the argument that it's not even that! Think about it:
While the Inuyasha anime did mess around with the manga lore or make up their own here and there, they still did bring to attention some lore that they CLEARLY ignore/retcon in Trashahime. Like in one of the 1st episodes of the OG anime where Myoga explains how Tessaiga was made to protect Izayoi, Inuyasha's mother. Yet, later on in Yashahime we find through a flashback that Touga apparently had Tessaiga long before he met Izayoi? What?
I actually talked about this next one with @loveyou-x3000 a long while back, but remember Hosenki l? Remember on how in the OG anime we found out he was the one whole created the black pearl that was in Inuyasha's eye? Well, I apparently found out that by Yashahime's logic, the black pearl was created by Izayoi's or somebody's tears? I'm sorry, but how does that make sense? (Correct me if I'm wrong there)
They even ignore the lore they created themselves from the OG anime, like when InuKag give Moroha the lip stick shell that was destroyed by Naraku in the Anime-only episode "Tragic Love Song of Destiny". What, am I just supposed to assume that InuYasha's been walking around with a bunch of his mother's old make-up stuff this whole time? And that he never thought to give one to Kagome, his wife, even tho he gave it to Kikyou and his own daughter?
Let's also not forget what the director has said in one of the recent interviews about demons apparently throwing their kids out in the wild as a "test of courage and cowardice", AKA Demon parents apparently not caring about their kids and abandoning them similar to how lions apparently treat their cubs. This absolute bullshit because not only is this not true in the manga, but the OG anime itself has shown several examples of demons caring about and raising their kids!!! Think about Shippo's dad, that little cat demon's dad when Inu trained with Totosai, Kuroro (demon cat that looks like Kirara), that demon dad who got his head chopped off by Hokudoshi, and even that insect demon that Jeniji killed who went out to teach its offspring how to hunt and feed! Its important too note that a good chunk of these parents are anime-only characters.
Hell, even the demon parents who didn't get to raise their kids still gave a fuck about them!!! Just look at Shiori's dad who clearly had every intention of raising his kid and even when he was dead STILL came back to protect her from her grandfather! What about Jeniji's dad who left his farm to his son so that both he and his mother would have a place to call home!?
What about Touga who sacrificed his own life so that his hanyou son could live??? (And that was from one of the movies mind you, so its anime lore.)
So now your telling me that the demon way of parenting was to leave your kids out in the middle of the woods when they're not even old enough to hold up their heads by themselves? If the OG anime series and movies followed that logic, then Touga wouldn't have even bothered to save Inuyasha's life on the night of his birth. Better yet, Touga could've just left Inuyasha in that fire, but saved Izayoi. He wouldn't have even bothered to give InuYasha his name if he just figured that his son failed his "test of courage" for being in that fire that he surely would have perished in if Touga didn't get there in time.
Also, and you can correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Yashahime's director HIMSELF (who worked on the OG anime too) say that a certain pairing that I won't name was never depicted as romantic in the original anime series? We all know it wasn't in the manga, but a while back I swear I read an interview where the director said it was never depicted in the anime either. Clearly, Yashahime threw that out the window, too.
And finally, I don't think I have to mention the retconning of all if the OG cast's character developments that were CLEARLY SHOWN IN THE OG ANIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And that is why I don't think Trashahime can even be considered canon to the anime either. I rest my case.
(Sorry for the long post. I just had to vent and get that out of my system)
Don’t worry about venting! I agree with what you said there, I would love to add more plotholes and inconsistencies that are in Yashahime to your list but... I get exhausted just thinking about it lmao
The Tessaiga retcon is especially bad. First, like you said both in the anime and manga it is said that Tessaiga was forged for Inuyasha’s mother, who in Sunrise-canon was born 200 years ago, but in Yashahime Toga had Tessaiga and was using a perfect meido zangetsuha 500 years ago to destroy the comet... 
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^^ He literally has Tenseiga on his hip even though Tenseiga was created to take Meido Zangetsuha out of Tessaiga lmao
You’re not wrong about the black pearl and Hosenki. Hosenki II says in chapter 298 that he and his father “cultivate” the pearls, it has nothing to do with tears, and Inuyasha’s father commissioned the black pearl before his death... 
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The rouge / lipstick is not even a different rouge, they imply in episode 15 that it’s the same one Inuyasha gave to Kikyo, but Riku somehow found it and gave it to Hosenki II for some reason. 
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That raises SO many questions... When did Riku find the pieces of the rouge? Was he spying on Kikyo and Inuyasha this whole time?? How did he know the rouge belonged to Izayoi?? Is he a time traveler?? Why did Riku and Hosenki II even work together to create the new black pearl?? Is this ever going to be addressed??
Oh man the interviews... I get a headache every time I read them. Personally, I don’t really think it’s ooc for Sesshomaru to set up some kind of rite or trial for his hanyo daughters to prove their strength. I never imagined him being soft and loving with them, especially not with the way he treated Inuyasha. But like you said, it’s definitely not a universal yokai thing, we all know that. Sesshomaru is just Like That lmao. I still don’t understand why his “rite” had to take 14+ years, why it involves Kirinmaru and Zero and what it has to do with Inuyasha, Kagome and Moroha...? If he wants to make his daughters go through that, that’s his business, there’s no need to also ruin Moroha’s childhood by letting her parents rot in the border to the after life when he could get them out whenever he wants (since he can go through the gate to the afterlife thanks to Tenseiga).
Other hilarious things that Sumisawa mentioned in the last interview: - Moroha knows Sesshomaru’s scent because he’s famous amongst demons - Everyone call the girls “yashahime” because Treekyo started the trend (no one was there to hear Treekyo except the girls...?)  - Kirinmaru met Jesus Christ and Buddha at some point 
And probably other stuff I’m forgetting... I’m so tired lol
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theoreticslut · 4 years
The Truth that you Deny // Part 1
pairing: fred weasley x reader x george weasley
word count: 2,644
warnings: none, fluff
A/N: apologies that this is a day late! I wasn’t feeling great yesterday, but i’m posting it now so I hope you all like it! also, i don’t have a lot of followers yet, but if you like my wrting and/or just this imagine maybe I could start a taglist?? let me know what you think!
“I don’t know what to do anymore, steph. I don’t understand this at all.” You pout, sighing as you lean back in your chair.
You’d been studying for hours now, which is the last thing you wanted to do on a Saturday, and the only thing you’ve managed to do is waste time and get maybe one or two questions/paragraphs done on a number of assignments. You had yet to actually complete anything.
Stephanie looks at you frowning, more than just a little bit annoyed with you.
“Maybe it’d help if you didn’t drift off thinking about your little crush every five minutes.”
“Who?” You ask, having not been paying attention.
“You’re seriously going to play dumb right now? We both know who you’re constantly thinking about.”
“I honestly don’t.”
“Oh come on, y/n. You so totally have a crush on the twins!”
“I do not. Why would you even think that?” You scoff. You, Stephanie, Katie, Lee, and the twins have been friends since first year and you had never once mentioned having a crush on either of them. Sure you might’ve been quiet and distracted around them sometimes, but you get stressed about school so easily. You spend most of the time worrying about grades and whether you know the material. In fact, while the twins were amazing friends, their pranks often drove you insane.
“Why would I think that? Y/n, have you seen the way you look at them? Do you even realize what you say to them?”
“What do you mean? I don’t say anything different to them than I do you.”
“Uh, yeah. You do. You are way nicer to them then you are me or katie or Lee. Remember when gryffindor won the last quidditch game and you couldn’t tell Fred and George enough how well they did?”
“Well they did. I was just saying the truth. It was a really good game.” You defend, not liking how steph seems to be grilling you for a yes.
“Okay, well then how about when either of them show up you’re suddenly ten times happier then you were beforehand?” She looks at you smugly like she knows she’s correct.
“Afternoon, ladies.” Fred greets as both him and George suddenly appear and sit down at the table you and Steph were studying at.
“Hey guys,” you smile catching the knowing look Steph throws your way. You roll your eyes at her and turn your attention to the twins. She can believe whatever she pleases, but it still doesn’t make it true.
“Are you girls studying?” George asks, a hint of disgust in his tone.
“Trying to. I’m not having much luck.” You sigh, throwing a playful glare at your best friend which doesn’t go unnoticed by any of them.
“Well then how about you put it away and come play a game of quidditch with us?” Fred asks, hope glowing on his face.
You sigh as frown takes hold of your face. If only you had gotten all this done already, or even better, didn’t have it to begin with.
“I’d love too, but I really need to get all of this done. I can’t put it off any longer.”
Both twins join as you pout. You know that they know that you’d absolutely love to play. While you hadn’t made the team (because you never tried out), you loved playing and were even really good at it.
You had surprised the twins over summer break two years ago when you visited the burrow for a week. Obviously since all the Weasley’s love playing quidditch and it’s almost a daily occurrence, it was bound to happen that they’d play a game while you were there. However, they really needed another player so you joined in and gave them all a run for their money (if only you had placed bets beforehand). Since then, the twins love asking you to play because you’re actually a bit of competition to them.
“Not even one game?” George asks, leaning towards you ever so slightly to try to catch your eye.
“Guys, I...no.” You sigh, frustrated that the professors gave you this much homework to begin with.
“Honestly, I’d love to play. You both know that, but I really need to get this done. Maybe tomorrow?” You ask.
“How about you put this up for awhile, come and play a game of quidditch with us, and then you finish this tomorrow?” Fred asks, looking to persuade you.
“You’re too persuasive for your own good, Weasley. As much as I’d love to play, I really ought to get this done or else I’m just going to be worrying about it tomorrow.”
“What if we study with you?” George asks, catching all of your attention.
“You two studying? That’s a really good one, George.” Stephanie replies, saying exactly what you were thinking.
“I’m serious,” he chuckles. “Believe it or not.”
“If we were to study with you later tonight and tomorrow, would you come and play a game with us?” He asks, giving his best impression of a sad puppy dog.
“George, I can’t. I’m already so behind and I want to make sure that I don’t fail. We do have the O.W.L.s this year you kn-“
“Pleeeeeease.” Both the twins beg, cutting you off.
“No, I-“
“It’s just one game, I promise.” George pouts.
You look over at Steph who’s only smirking and shaking her head at you, knowing you can’t say no. You hate that you can tell what’s she’s thinking with just that expression; ‘this is your problem, sweetie. Your the one that likes them.’
You roll your eyes at her again, mentally thanking her for all the help and give in.
“Fine! Fine. I’ll play one game.” you agree.
“Yes!” The twins shout simultaneously, high-fiving across the table.
“But you both better keep your word and study with me or else I won’t play with you again.” you threaten, even though it sounds empty even to you.
“Of course we will, gorgeous. We wouldn’t want our little lion cub upset.” Fred smirked, winking at you and George as you groan at their nickname for you.
Another lovely thing that’s come out of your few visits to the burrow. After another one of your empty threats, George laughed and made the point that even though you try to come off strong and threatening, you often fall short and sound like a child who just doesn’t quite have the bite to back up the bark. And since you’re all in gryffindor together, they made the connection to a lion cub.
Since then, it’s been expanded upon given different circumstances. Like when you were standing up for Ron one time, it changed to mumma lion. Then another time when you were confronting a girl that had been spreading rumors about one of your other friends, the twins joked about how you had become a lioness. So while it’s not your favourite nickname, it isn’t the worst one that you could’ve gotten and it’s only ever used by Fred, George and occasionally their family.
“You better watch it, Freddie.” You warned as you started packing up your books.
“And that’s another point for Y/n’s team!”
“Bloody hell, y/n. Give us a chance would you.” Fred nearly begs, rubbing his side where you may have just hit a bludger into him.
“You guys begged me to play and you both know that I don’t play nice.” You retort, not feeling any remorse.
You’d deny it if someone pointed it out, but the truth is you are extremely competitive, no matter the situation as long as it interests you. Quidditch? Bloody hell, you’d think your life depended on you winning. Proving to Lee that you could out drink him? You better have a full bottle of replenishing potion because you are going to have one of the worst hangovers of your life. Basically, if you were presented any sort of challenge, you tackled it head-on.
“He’s just upset that he’s losing. You know how he is.” George says, winking at you as his brother grumbles to himself.
“Want to play once more and whoever gets the point wins? I’m getting awfully tired.”
“Sounds good to me.” George nods.
“Yeah, let’s do it.” Fred grumbled as he and George fly back to their positions.
“Oh bloody hell” you grumble as you wake up and stretch. You don’t often play quidditch, therefore you’re a little out of shape and currently very sore.
That doesn’t even take into account that you stayed up much later than you should have last night trying to get something done.
You groan as you roll over to look at the clock to find it to be 8 AM. You’d certainly love to sleep in a bit more, but if you didn’t get a move on you’d miss breakfast and that’s the last thing you need to do if you were going to be studying with Fred and George today. You loved them, but boy could they get in your nerves sometimes. You didn’t need to be hungry on top of it.
Dragging yourself out of bed, you change into a pair of leggings and an oversized black sweater that tends to hang off one shoulder. You pull on your favourite pair of black heeled boots and move onto brushing your hair and apply the minimal makeup you’re comfortable wearing.
“Good morning, sleeping beauty. You look like your ready to spend the day studying with Fred and George.” Steph teased as you sit down next to her.
“Let me eat first, and hopefully get a cup of coffee. Then you can taunt me all you want.” You say, rubbing at your eyes as you’re not quite awake yet.
“Take my fun away.” She pouts, picking up a bite of pancake with her fork.
“But seriously, how are you feeling about today? You get to spend ALL the quality time with your boys as you like.”
She smiles, staring at you to see your reaction.
“I don’t like them like you’re implying, Stephanie. How many times do I have to tell you?” You huff, taking a sip of your much needed cup of coffee.
“Yeah-huh. You keep telling yourself that. Eventually you’ll believe it.”
“Maybe eventually you’ll get the hint.” You grumble, moodily stabbing a piece of pancake yourself.
“Someone seems to be in a mood this morning.” Fred states as he and George sit down across from you two.
You send a glare over at him as you continue eating your breakfast.
“Definitely. What have we missed already this morning?” George asks, looking from you to Stephanie as he gets himself a cup of coffee.
“Someone is denying that she has feelings for a couple certain people when it’s glaringly obvious.” Stephanie states.
“Ooh, who does our little lion cub have a crush on? Anyone we know?” Fred asks, not missing the opportunity to try and tease you.
“Steph just needs to learn how to take no as an answer. I’ve already told her that I do not, in fact, have feelings for them, but she can’t seem to accept that.”
“Again, who are they?” Fred asks.
“Don’t worry about it because I don’t like them. And even if I did I’m positive neither of them would see me in the same way so it really doesn’t matter whatever way you try to look at it.” You rant, stabbing your fork into some scrambled eggs.
You notice Fred and George share a look that can only be translated to ‘well she isn’t having a good morning. Yikes.’ You huff as you continue eating in silence, feeling all three of them look at you.
“Y/n, what does this even mean?” Fred asks exasperatedly.
“What does what mean, Freddie?” You sigh, looking up from your own parchment where you are attempting to write a paper for Potions.
“I don’t know. I can’t make sense of any of it anymore.” He pouts.
“Well then I don’t know how to help you.” You say, watching as he pouts in frustration.
“What about you, Georgie? How is everything going?” You ask, looking over to find George staring down at his parchment.
“Uh, decent?” He asks, seeming awfully confused.
“You two are some of the worst study partners around. How have you made it this far, honestly?” You chuckle, leaning back in your chair.
“Our charm and wit.” George jokingly says, winking at you which only causes you to laugh a bit more.
“Why don’t we take a break for awhile? We’ve been working at this for nearly two hours now.” Fred sighs.
You look over at him and give him a small smile. You honestly can’t believe that both of them came along with you and haven’t done much complaining until now. Neither of these boys liked their homework much, in fact it was rare to find them ever working on it.
“You two can if you’d like. I’m nearly done with this paper and if I stop now I’ll forget what I was doing.”
“Then finish the paper and then we’ll all take a break.” He smiles.
I shake my head as I smile back at him and continue working on my potions paper. I just need another paragraph or two to finish it off and then I’m early done with all of my work.
“There, done.” I say as I set my quill down. I lean back to find both of the twins staring at me.
“Who were you and Stephanie talking about over breakfast?” Fred asks, a smile on his lips yet he sounds fairly serious, not trying to joke around at all.
“Back to this again?” You sigh, tossing your head back in annoyance. “It doesn’t matter, Freddie. Let it go.”
“C’mon y/n, we’re just curious. Maybe we could help you find out if they like you back.” George offers.
“Yeah, you’re one of our best friends, y/n and you deserve to be with someone that makes you happy.” Freddie says, looking directly at you.
“Besides, you haven’t ever been with anyone at all have you? Like not even just dating?” He adds on.
“No, and I don’t really care to. I’ve got too many other things on my mind.” You say, still ignoring the main question at hand here.
“You have no interest at all? Really?” Fred asks knowing otherwise. You know both of them have heard you talk about guys before with the other girls and you all know that you’ve said not once, but multiple times, that you can’t wait to have a boyfriend to cuddle with and to just love.
“Can’t we just drop it? I really don’t want to talk about it. Steph’s made it into a bigger deal than it needs to be.”
You look at George for some sort of support. You know he and his brother are very much alike, but he’s always been a bit
more considerate when it comes to things people don’t feel like sharing.
“If it’s not a big deal, then why don’t you just tell us? No big deal, no harm in telling right?” George asks, doing the complete opposite of what you were hoping.
“I don’t want to talk about it because if I do I’m afraid...well, I’m afraid it’ll make everything more complicated that what I want to deal with.” You truthfully state.
Both twins watch you as you go silent again, not meeting either of their gazes. If they had known it was this difficult for you to acknowledge, then they wouldn’t have pushed it so much, but here you all were; past that line that pushes your relationship with each other into uncharted territory. You guys don’t share your emotions with each other like this, so now that you have, where do you all go from here?
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side-shawty · 4 years
Don’t Hate Me
Fandom: DC 
Type: one-shot
Prompt/Summary: “Hello! Can I request a Damian Wayne x reader where the reader can communicate and control animals, so when the batfam sees her fight for the first time, they're like, hella surprised and Dami is very pleased that the reader treats the animals so kindly? 💜💜👽”
Pairing(s): Damian Wayne x Reader
Requested? YES by @comicnerd557​
I mostly focused on the controlling part but the communication is implied. I hope you enjoy :)
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“Come on Y/N just show me what your power is please~” Dick begged for what felt like the millionth time today. Ever since Damian had let it “slip” that you had an ability that even he didn’t know about all of the Wayne boys had become curious.
“Just give us a hint,” Tim pressed as you sat on one of the sofas, getting ready for a post-patrol movie night.
“I’m telling you she’s not going to give it up,” Damian said as he sat beside you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, you were quick to snuggle into his side.
“How about this,” Jason began settling into one of the armchairs, “If we guess right or even pretty close then you have to tell us that we’re right, okay?”
“Deal,” you said as Dick started the movie but it was pointless considering they spent the entirety of it trying to guess at your power. They were close a couple of times but not enough to call them right.
“Okay can you, um, teleport people?” Dick asked as the credits rolled.
“Nope,” you said, popping the ‘p’ and repositioning to place your head in Damian’s lap.
“Alight how about —“ Jason started but was interrupted as all of your phones began to chime with a crime alert from Bruce, who was already suited in the cave when you all arrived, he probably hadn’t taken it off.
“Sorry to interrupt movie night but I could use a hand with something,” Bruce said, “Get suited up, I’ll brief you in 5.”
“So much for a quiet night,” you said before you all suited up for a second time that night.
When you all got back there were already images and CCTV footage on the Batcomputer and Bruce didn’t hesitate to begin.
“At approximately 3:45 AM Killer Croc and Gorilla Grodd released all the animals from the Gotham Zoo from their cages but have yet to release them into the city. They’re trying to wait until sunrise for their ‘animal liberation.’
“The police are there but it seems they have lions and tigers barricading the entrances. We’ll go in, take down Crock and Grodd, and put the animals back. Hopefully before breakfast,” he finished and you saw Damian’s hands become fists, you knew he had a soft spot for animals and it was one of the reasons you hesitated to tell him about your powers.
You controlled them, for lack of a better word. Yes, they might have been drawn to you but like Grodd, it didn’t take much for them to bend to your will.
“One last thing,” Bruce continued, “You’ll be needing these. Attach them to your temples and Grodd won’t be able to get inside your head.” He looked to you, “Y/N, you’ll be needing this too,” Bruce said and handed you an amplifier. You looked at him and shock but he only winked at you.
Damn, he really was the world’s greatest detective. 
“What why does she get a special gadget?” Jason asked.
“It probably has to do with her powers, idiot,” Tim retorted.
“Shut up replacement. Y/N you told B about your powers before us? I’m hurt,” he said throwing a hand over his heart as you all made your way to your vehicles.
“Let’s be honest, nobody tells B anything,” you said before hopping onto your cycle and revving the engine.
The Zoo was controlled chaos when you got there. Gordon already knew what Grodd’s powers were so he had fewer men than with a regular villain. Just in case the gorilla somehow managed to be able to control the animals and the police there wouldn’t be too many at his disposal.
You split into two teams Bruce, Tim, and Dick would focus on Killer Croc whilst you, Damian, and Jason went after Grodd. They had barricaded themselves in the middle of the zoo along with crocodiles and gorillas because they truly were that cliche.
Killer Croc put up a good a fight as ever but he couldn’t do much when Grodd turned on him and forced the animals to defend only himself. Croc went down cursing Grodd’s name as Batman and Nightwing left to take him to the authorities.
“Now that the nuisance is out of the way I can focus my energy on getting rid of all you pests,” he said and began his onslaught. You fought but waited for Batman’s signal before hitting the amplifier on your neck and stretching your powers.
“Stop,” you spoke, holding a hand in front of Grodd and he immediately went lax before you.
Damian and his brothers also froze as Batman and Nightwing returned to the battlefield.
“What the hell?” Grodd spoke angrily, “What are you doing to me girl?!” He screamed at you.
“You’re strong Grodd but your downfall is that you’re also an animal and I control animals,” you told him, a smug smile on your face as he roared at you.
“Silence,” you commanded and he found himself unable to speak.
“Take his helmet, Robin, it’s still controlling the animals but they can’t move if he can’t. The cuffs are on my belt,” you told him and Damian quickly removed it and disabled it. Within minutes he was in police custody with the proper utilities to ensure he wouldn’t be using his powers any more tonight.
“Nice work Y/H/N,” Batman complimented and you smiled at him.
“Couldn’t have done it without this,” you told him tapping the amplifier. 
“Feel free to keep it. Now let’s get these animals back in their enclosures,” Batman said and you all instantly got to work.
You took the lead mostly, coaxing the larger animals back to where they should be but stopping often to pet them or appreciate how beautiful they were. At some point, Robin had joined you in or rather stared watch you as you were getting the polar bears back to their place.
Even though you weren’t looking at him you could feel his eyes on you from your crouched position rubbing at the polar bear cubs belly. 
“What?” You asked as the cub rolled over and stood up to join its mother behind the gates.
“So this is your power? It is truly“ you braced yourself for the worst, “amazing,” Damian finished and you had to do a double-take.
“Huh?” You said dumbly, not expecting that at all.
He grabbed your hand so you stood next to him but still avoided eye contact.
“Why did you not tell me sooner?” Damian questioned softly, releasing your hand because you were still in uniform even if your only witnesses were animals.
You thought about beating around the bush or making a joke of it but instead, you said, “I thought you’d hate me.”
“Hate you?” He said, incredulous, so much so that you spared a glance at him and suddenly you took interest in anything but him.
“Yes, I’m no better than Grodd,” You said fingers grazing over the feathers of a passing peacock.
“Tsk, I assure you that you are not similar to that overgrown monkey in the slightest. Let’s go home,” he said and you nodded.
When you got back you took a long shower and didn’t see Damian again until you found him reading on his bed as the sun rose.
He looked at you, all smiles as if nothing had changed and it made you look away again as you sat next to him.
Damian sighed at your silence and put his book down, holding your hand instead.
“What’s wrong beloved?” He asked, noting your lack of eye contact.
“I just don’t understand why you’re so okay with my power. I mean I can’t stand it and I hate using it,” you told him and risked a glance into his blue orbs, suddenly you couldn’t look away.
“Y/N do you want to know one of the reasons I fell in love with you?” When you said nothing he continued, “It’s because Ace, Titus, and Alfred don’t like anyone outside of the family for at least a month but the moment you stepped through the door they were as smitten with you as I was,” he told you and your eyebrows raised in surprise.
“Really? ” You asked, you hadn’t even noticed.
“Yeah, and then when you told me you were studying to be a vet I fell a little harder. And when I came back from patrol and found you and Titus sleeping on my bed. And when you carried that bird half a mile in the rain because of its broken wing,” he said and before he could continue you interrupted.
“Robin, it was a robin. I found it a day after we told each other about our night lives. I thought of you that entire half-mile,” you told him smiling as the rising sun began to make his eyes shine.
“There you go again,” he said and you tilted your head slightly in confusion, “Making me fall in love.”
You felt your cheeks warm beneath your chocolate skin as he used his free hand to cup your face.
“I don’t hate you or your power beloved, I know people who would be more than happy to abuse an ability like yours but you only use it for good. Hell if it was up to me I’d use it to make Alfred attack Drake non-stop,” he smiled at you and you couldn’t help the laugh that escaped your lips.
“That laugh too, I have always loved your laugh,” he told you.
“Okay now you’re getting cheesy,” you smiled as he released your hand to mimic the one on your face.
“Oh am I?” He teased inching closer and closer to your face.
“Absolutely,” you told him before closing the space between you and falling into a kiss that was all smiles and love.
Suddenly you didn’t hate your power so much.
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hmmm how about 24 and/or 41? :3c
24. you’re my ex but i think i still have feelings for you / 41. overhearing they have feelings for you
post-s1, geraskier, past yenralt, implied yenskier if u squint, break up & make up situation, angst with a hopeful ending
cliche prompts~!
there’s a tight feeling in his chest, a pressing weight on him as a rush of feeling overcomes him when he sees jaskier standing at the entrance of kaer morhen.
their eyes meet for the first time since the mountain, and geralt thinks they’re even bluer than he remembers. perhaps it’s the light of the afternoon sun dappling in beams over the keep, or just that old adage of absence making the heart grow fonder, but his breath is stolen as he looks at his bard once again.
not your bard, he reminds himself harshly, dropping his gaze but unable to look away for long, not after so much time apart. not anymore.
he watches those blue eyes go dim with a fresh wave of pain and heartache as they land on him, and then go wide when he sees geralt’s companion.
ciri rushes forward from his side, and jaskier drops to his knees, arms open to catch her in a hug. he presses his face in her hair the same way geralt had back in the forest where they found each other, holding something so indescribably precious in his arms.
the aching of his own heart intensifies.
“oh, sweet girl,” jaskier is murmuring to her, holding her tight while she buries her face in his neck. “i’m so glad you found him. it’s alright, it’s alright. you’re safe now.”
he’d forgotten jaskier spent many winters after that disastrous engagement banquet back in cintra’s court, watching their little lion cub grow up. one of us should be there for her, he’d told geralt once, a look in his blue eyes geralt hadn’t been able to place.
he thinks now it might have been something like understanding, something like resignation. always picking up the slack abandoned by geralt in matters of destiny.
he’s always done more than geralt deserves of him.
those blue eyes that always make him feel simultaneously like he’s drowning and finding air after being underwater for too long find his again as jaskier stands up, hands still on ciri’s shoulders, and then jaskier turns away without a word and leads her into the keep.
the clenching in his chest cinches tighter and geralt feels another piece of his heart crack and splinter, chipped away by his own doing.
yen’s gaze, from where she stands beside him, burns into the side of his head. “you’re a real piece of work, geralt of rivia.”
with that, she moves away and heads into kaer morhen, and he watches yet again as the two halves of his heart leave him behind, one slightly mended by necessity, the other still raw and bleeding.
he avoids jaskier for the first several weeks as winter sets in in earnest. it’s—more difficult than he expects. kaer morhen is large, but not large enough to keep geralt from being in the same space as jaskier, and he finds himself leaving rooms right after entering them when he sees his—not his—bard sitting at a table or curled in a chair, lute in hand, his voice warm and soft and gods, he’s missed it. missed jaskier.
but he messed it up on that mountain. he fucked up the one good thing life had seen fit to bless him with—how could he have ever called jaskier a curse—and he’s not sure it’s something he can fix.
so he avoids jaskier to avoid having to face the consequences of his mistakes. of this mistake in particular.
it doesn’t last.
he’s been trying to ignore the burn of jealousy in his veins when he catches yen with jaskier, both of them with their heads together and smiling and laughing together like old friends. yen had said she and jaskier had worked through their differences and come to an understanding sometime in the time between the mountain and now, but she’d never offered the details of their relationship.
the urge to put himself between them and pull jaskier away, to crowd him against a wall and hide him from her gaze and focus all of that blue-eyed attention on himself is strong, and it takes a great amount of his carefully learned and honed control to keep it in check. he hates the envy spreading in him like toxins in his blood.
he finds himself lingering outside the door to the room jaskier was given, hand poised in the air as if to knock or push his way in, wanting to, wanting to be let back in, but never going through with it. he listens instead, from the hallway, to jaskier singing softly or muttering nonsense to himself as he goes about his nightly routines. it’s familiar, calming, something he did on the road with geralt, and geralt feels something in him settle knowing jaskier hasn’t changed much at all.
occasionally, he’ll be talking to someone—ciri, usually, or yen, or eskel or lambert—and geralt burns with the desire to be the one he talks to, to be given the honor of keeping him company, even if he’s proven he’s not worthy of jaskier time and time again. he wants jaskier back, but he’s not sure jaskier wants him anymore.
it’s a night like this, geralt lingering beyond the door and listening in, that something in this self-imposed stalemate between them finally shifts.
jaskier is with yen tonight, and geralt thinks, later, wryly, that it was probably some kind of omen from destiny. their voices are low murmurs, occasionally interspersed with laughter, but it turns quiet and somber at some point over something he didn’t catch. at first.
“i used to think i knew him,” jaskier says, confesses it like a dark secret. he sounds so terribly sad it makes geralt want to run himself onto his own sword, because it’s his fault. “that i knew, no matter what words he did or didn’t say, that i knew what he was trying to say, what he was actually saying. now...now, i’m not sure i ever did.”
you did, geralt thinks, jaw clenching. you knew me better than anyone. no one else had ever bothered to know me like you did.
“for someone so smart,” yen muses, “he’s very stupid.”
it makes jaskier laugh. “he is. it’s part of his charm.”
“if you think stupidity is charming.”
“well obviously i did.”
did. but not anymore.
it’s quiet between them for a moment, and geralt strains to hear anything from beyond the thick door separating him from the one who had become his everything without him even realizing it until it was too late.
“sometimes i wonder if there’s something wrong with me,” jaskier murmurs, and geralt’s heart twists. no, there’s not. you’re perfect. you were always too good for me. “something not quite right inside me. i mean,” he laughs again, but it sounds pained this time, worn out and tired, “why else, even after everything, would i still love him this deeply?”
geralt’s breath leaves him in a rush, like he’s been punch, or tossed into a wall by a beast.
“love makes fools of us all,” yen says. “it’s a curse—but also a blessing. if you’re into it. personally, i prefer a good bondage kink, but to each his own. martyrdom does it for some people, i hear.”
geralt pictures the way jaskier might try to hide a smile in her hair at the attempt at a joke. he always tried to hide his smiles when he didn’t want to admit geralt had said something funny, dry as it was.
he wants that back, wants that easy friendship, that easy love jaskier gave to him so freely.
“i want him back,” jaskier says then, as if he can hear geralt’s thoughts from the hall. “he was never mine, but i want him back anyway.”
i was always yours, geralt thinks. i just hadn’t realized how completely you had me until i forced you to let go.
he can’t listen to any more—he’s scraped raw at the confession, at the depth of jaskier’s love for him even after how he’d treated him, at his own realization. as quietly as he can, he walks away from jaskier’s room, though not without feeling a pull back to the door, back to his bard.
not your bard, he tells himself again. then amends, but maybe he would be again, if given the chance.
geralt returns to his own room, checking in on ciri as he goes, feeling some of the tension in his chest ease knowing his child surprise is sleeping safely close by. his resolve is set:
he’s got an apology to give that’s long past due.
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jcisthebestfightme · 4 years
BJYX Song #2: Nan Hai (Boy)
BJYX Song Series List
Okay dd, I promised I will write Nan Hai for you so here we go.
Disclaimer: My own thoughts only. I overthink. Don’t take this seriously.
This song is so complicated to analyze because dd changed the lyrics multiple times. I initially didn’t believe in the lyrics changing thing but I went back to watch the videos carefully and if you look at his mouth’s shape, the lyrics are definitely changed. And “ending CAN be changed” is super clear, which mean it’s not completely delusional to think he changed “thinking of you” to “meeting you”.
I think I will start with the original lyrics but also talk about why he changed the lyrics at where he did. 
曾经意外 他和他 相爱 (Once upon a time, by accident, he fell in love with her/him)
在不会 犹豫的时代 (In a time where people to do hesitate [to fall in love])
To me, the “accident” refers to love at first sight. We know that dd claims to fall in love at first sight and many clues (similar WB post, asking for wechat, handgun etc.) points to dd at least being attracted to gg at first sight. I think for “Nan hai” to fit, we must subscribe to the 2017 meeting love at first sight theory. The reason being dd singing this song first on 3/30/2018, which is 2 days after knowing he will play LWJ but before he got to know gg personally. It’s also possible he already likes this song and then later realize it fits gg and gave it to him. But then that means he’s thinking of someone else when he loves this song so much. And then he gave this song to gg? Wouldn’t he betraying that other person when he willing, unprompted gave the song to gg? This is why I stand the 2017 love at first sight. 
The “accident” can also be referring to falling in love or being attracted with a guy. It’s definitely not very conventional and for dd who was only 19 when meeting gg, it must’ve been a surprise. This theme also carries on to the next line, “in a time where people don’t hesitate”. I think this also points to homosexuality in this context because it’s talking about a time where people are more open. The original lyrics probably just refers to people being more open to dating in modern times. 
以为明白 (I thought I understood)
所以爱得痛快 (So I loved very straightforwardly)
一双手 紧紧放不开 (A pair of hands, unwilling to let go)
I’m under the assumption that gg and dd did not actually stay in contact after meeting in 2017. The reason being that if adding the WeChat is true, then it’s also true they said in an interview that they already added WeChat and never talked. If they did talk, they would try to hide this fact and not mention the already being friends on WeChat at all. With that in mind, I think this part of the lyrics that original is describing a past relationship that he can’t let go of doesn’t fit our story in March 2018. We can only say that dd may be referring to his naiveness and that he “thought he understood” love so he’s more straightforward about his love. “A pair of hands unwilling to let go” may be about how he’s not willing to let go of gg, thus being persistent.
In summer 2019 when dd mentions this song again, dd may be talking about his initial bluntness when approaching gg. We can see in the bts how obvious he is about his adoration. But over time, he probably learned that love is more than just telling the other person. Because of their status and environment, they often have to hide their love so it can no longer be as straightforward so it was in the beginning. But even then, he’s still unwilling to let go of gg. 
心中的 执着与未来 (The persistence and future in my heart)
In March 2018, the “persistence” matches with dd’s persistence to try to get close to gg. He was persistent about getting the role of LWJ, putting in his picture twice and then auditioning in person. The “future” refers to the unknown that will come with filming CQL. In summer 2019, the “persistence” is his willingness to keep fighting for their relationship even though it’s hard. The “future” at this point has more longevity and is about them spending their life together.
忘不了 你的爱 (I can’t forget your love)
但结局难更改 (But the ending cannot be changed)
The original lyrics here is the singer who already broke up with his lover and is reminiscing about their love. He’s sad that he cannot change their ending. In March 2018, dd is probably referring to not being about to forget gg even though they only met briefly. When he sang this song on 3/30/18, he changed “cannot” to “can”. He knew that he will be playing LWJ already so he’s changing his own ending by pursuing this role. Not surprise our little lion cub has decided to take destiny into his own hands and change a tragic ending into a happy one.
In ttxs recording in July, 2019, “忘不了 你的爱 (I can’t forget your love)” is the line that he purposefully wrote, and then looked at gg right afterwards. This means that this is the line that stuck out to him the most at this point in time. He’s telling gg that he will remember their love for the rest of their life. Compare this to June 2018 where when prompted to sing the song, he chose to sing the first line “曾经意外 他和他 相爱 (Once upon a time, by accident, he fell in love with her/him)”. At that point, their love is just the beginning of the story and it’s more just dd falling for gg. Now in 2019, their relationship has developed into not being able to forget each other. 
我没能把你留下来 (I couldn’t make you stay)
更不像他 能给你一个 期待的未来 (Unlike him/her, who could give you a expected future)
那幼稚的男孩 (That childish boy)
The original meaning of going through a breakup doesn’t fit again. But I think the second line refers to homosexuality. Dd feels like he can’t give gg an “expected future” because of their gender. Here, I think he’s coming himself to a girl, any girl, that can give gg what others may call a “complete, happy family.” 
He can also be insecure about his age. Since he’s much younger, he’s not sure what kind of future he can give gg. The “childish boy” refers to himself. Dd has always been insecure about his age compare to gg, evident whenever gg calls him a “kid”. (Fun fact: “That boy with a mole” is a homophone here so people joke he’s actually referring to gg.)
你的关怀一直随身携带 (Your caring, I bring it with me everywhere)
无人的地方再打开 (I open it [the caring] only when no one is already)
Here, I think it’s amazing that dd may not have known gg well at that point but can already tell he’s a very caring person. And in my own opinion, I think gg’s meticulous care for dd is what makes dd falls hard for him. 
想问你现在 (I want to ask if right now)
是否忧伤不再 (you are no longer sad)
像躺在阳光下的海 (Just like the ocean under the sun)
像用心涂抹的色彩 (like colors painted with love)
让你微笑起来 勇敢起来 (Let you smile again, brave again)
Here, there are coincidental reference to gg: painted colors because is an artist and smile because gg has a beautiful smile.
On dd’s birthday in 2019, gg was in Abu Dhabi and he posted an image of the ocean on instagram. The photo was time stamp at 17:52, which is 1:52pm in Abu Dhabi. If you on QQ, the time at “1:52” of “Nan Hai” is the “just like ocean under the song”. I can just imagine gg, looking at the ocean on dd’s birthday, thinking of him, thinking of his favorite song and taking a photo of it and sharing it. It’s definitely something I would do but would be too afraid no one will understand. And gg is known to do this, as pointed out by his solo fans. He timestamp a song lyrics from the album Kepler for his fans (see Analysis of Blue Sky White Cloud.)
想你就现在 (Thinking of you now)
想你 每当我又徘徊 (Thinking of you whenever I waver/wonder)
This is the part dd changed from “thinking” to “meeting” when he sang this song (4/2), the day before meeting gg for the first time on set (4/3). This is like fate has given him a second chance of meeting. To me, the way he sang this part is full of gratitude and unwillingness to let go of this love again. 
所有遗憾的 都不是未来 (All regrets are in the past, they are not conducive for our future)
所有爱最后都难免 逃不过伤害 (All love will have some inevitable pain)
不必再重来 (It doesn’t need to be repeat)
This part gives me a lot of hope. The original lyrics is trying to use this part to let go of this past relationship and move on. However, I think to dd, it means that they have a bright future ahead of them that he’s not willing to let go. In 2019, it can mean that whatever pain/misunderstanding they may have in the past year, they will move on to the future together. What is interesting is that the third line doesn’t specify “they.” Is it the “pain” that cannot be avoided or the “love” that they shared that should not be repeated? I think the original song’s meaning is the past love but for ggdd, it’s the any pain in their journey. 
现在我只希望疼痛来得更痛快 (Right now I just want the pain to come faster)
反正不能够重来 (Since [this love] cannot be redone)
In the original song, this ending implies that the singer has decided to wrap up this relationship with a nice bow and let go of it completely since he has determined they will not get together. What about ggdd? Their love hasn’t/can’t/won’t end, right? So what did dd do when he sang this song in April, 2018? He didn’t sing these two lines at all! He left the recording right before when this will come up in the song. He basically sang the whole song (the beginning was cut off but it seems like he was singing before the clip started) but left right before the very end. Why? Is it because he knows this love is not going to be in the past? Is it because he’s unwilling to ever let go of it?
You can argue that maybe he stop singing because he forgot the lyrics or that his throat was hurting (you can see him cough afterwards.) However, he was already lip-syncing some parts towards the end of the bridge. He could’ve continue to do so until the song ends, which is what people would logically do since it’s almost over. Probably my own delusional thinking again LOL
This is probably the most complicated analysis I’ve ever done since dd sang it during multiple time points and he changed the lyrics. But after writing this, I believe in their love even more, especially if you think about when and why he chose to sing certain parts and leave out others. Overall, I think this song is dd feeling insecure about his age and gender to be able to give gg a stable future. There’s definitely pain in this song but also a lot of love. Dd, you are the most passionate “nan hai” and will be loved by the passionate “nan hai.”
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autisticyue · 3 years
I’m Milo, but you can also call me Balto. This is my ATLA blog! My mane (main) is @the-floof-king, where I post Deltarune stuff, Disney stuff, lion stuff, and just things I like in general.
General info about me:
I am FTM. I use he/him pronouns.
Taken <3 (please don’t flirt with me)
I am an adult, and as such I may consume a little mature Avatar content, but ONLY of ADULT characters like Hakoda or Iroh. I do not support the sexualization of underage ATLA characters, even “aged up” as they are still originally minors and were aged up only to make it legal and nothing else. I do consider it fine to lewd the adult characters as well as the adult forms of characters who canonically grow up, as long as it is not shown to minors and put in places they cannot easily access. I also consider it fine to age up minors for purposes that aren’t solely sexual, such as a next-gen AU or something else of the sort.
I’m willing to interact with both adults and minors. This blog will not contain any sexual content that minors shouldn’t be viewing; anything of that sort will only be implied (i.e. “and then they had sex”). There may be some intense and more mature things like blood or birth which will be under a cut. Minors, please filter #cubs don’t look. #spicyish is for jokes that are a little spicy but not as spicy as the former, feel free to blacklist that too if you wish.
First of all: Tokophobia TW for a good chunk of this blog. Not all or most, but a considerable amount. I don’t know why writing pregnancy stories is my strong suit, but it is, and I enjoy it, so I write plenty of those. It’s not weird or kinky however, just fluff. This will be tagged with “#toko mention” for mentions, and “#toko tw” for visual media. “Toko” in this case is short for tokophobia of course, not Toph x Zuko. If you’re wondering, I don’t really ship that because the age and maturity gap is weird. If anything, I ship them as friends, with Toph perhaps having a little innocent crush on Zuko (but he doesn’t get the memo). TLDR: “#toko” is Toph x Zuko (again, not really my thing besides platonically), “#toko tw” is pregnancy.
I do interact with a few people who are uncomfortable with minors interacting with them, whether it be because of the content they post or just for their own personal comfort. Minors, please check OPs before interacting with things I reblog. People with 18+ only blogs, check OPs too so you do not accidentally reblog from a minor and break your own DNI (if that’s a thing). Whether you’re an adult or a minor, act mature. I’m here to post art and write fanfics, not babysit.
I am an amateur game dev! I love making little mini-games, but I also want to make a huge, great, and all-around amazing game someday.
My art and edits are tagged as “#my art” and “#atla edit”. If there is any trigger you want me to tag, send an ask and I’ll do it.
I also write fics! Ask about them. I’ve yet to compile all the links, heheh.
Discourse fairly often appears here. It’s tagged with one of three tags: “#atla fandom problems”, “#atla discourse” and “#salt”. The third one is the most used and most recommended to filter.
All pairings are tagged accordingly. I multi-ship and enjoy almost all pairings. However, I do have limits on what I consider okay, and I will express what my limits are by posting things that can be considered discourse. This will be tagged as “#atla discourse”. It’s also often tagged with #salt, but #salt is also for me being salty in general lel
I support all ships EXCEPT illegal ones.
If you are a “pro-shipper,” just don’t.
As long as you are not a “pro-shipper,” “(NO)MAP,” TERF, any kind of bigot, or anyone else nasty, you may interact!
If you are under 15, you may interact, but please ask to follow. However, if you are my mutual, I follow first, or were already following me before June 22, 2021, you are “grandfathered in” and do not need to ask to keep following. (If I follow first and you’re uncomfortable with me doing so then do feel free to softblock.)
You are free to reblog anything NOT tagged with “#don’t reblog”. Reblogging my art and edits means a lot to me!
You can also message me, I don’t bite! But please ask before doing so if you’re over 21. Nothing against you, just a comfort thing.
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mfkinanaa · 3 years
Leo: Fixed Fire       
Ruler: The Sun
Keywords: Creativity, Love, Warmth, Self-Expression, Leadership
Functional Expression: Confident, self-expressive, loyal, honourable, affectionate, regal, romantic, fun.
Dysfunctional Expression: Vain, selfish, arrogant, hedonistic, dictatorial, extravagant, superficial, snobbish.
Living with Passion.
Born with the Sun in Leo, you are likely to be motivated by the need to experience life from a place of fun, passion and creative self-expression.
Leo is the Fixed Fire sign of the Zodiac. Its symbolic qualities are described by the physical influence of the Sun. Leos can be gifted with outgoing qualities such as radiance, confidence and energy. These they freely share with those around. The Sun is at the centre of the solar system and the sign of Leo relates to qualities which encourage growth.
Most often, Leos feel the need to organize and lead. Because those with the Sun in Leo look at the world from a central point view, they see themselves as the focal point of everything. Because they see themselves as pivotal, they naturally feel entitled to rule.
At their best, Leos lead with generosity, warmth and strength. They are learning what it means to be confident, and encourage others to be the best that they can be.
In fact, leadership is a special quality of this sign. Others will look to Leo to provide cohesiveness and direction.
Over time, Leos must learn to accept this role with humility and good grace.
Self-assuredness and a willingness to lead often comes naturally. Leos have gifts of vitality and popularity that assist them on the way. Because of the need to be centre-stage, they thrive on attention and approval. Within moderation, this is fine.
But taken to excess, this can manifest as a constant search for recognition that reveals an insecurity about where their true value lies. Theirs is a journey toward developing a healthy sense of self.
Accordingly Leos are often happy in the spotlight, and will readily become the life of the party if the situation requires. More retiring Leo types may avoid this attention, but secretly wish it was theirs. Whilst Leos may not always want to be centre of attention, it is important they learn to develop the confidence to shine and lead, so that these gifts can be shared.
Learning to be Confident.
Despite these outgoing and entertaining qualities, those with the Sun in Leo tend to struggle with deep insecurities about their value and worth. Leos are not born for the spotlight. They are learning how to be in charge.
Because of this there is an existential angst that sits at the centre of this sign. Beneath a confident and sunny exterior can hide an insecure little cub. This cub needs constant reassurance to know it is accepted by others, and so fundamentally alright.
Sometimes this insecurity overtakes their natural desire to shine. Some with the Sun in Leo prefer to bloom from the sidelines, rather than stand in the limelight. Whether this is due to real shyness, or a deeper insecurity, will be shown over time.
The Child Within.
This ‘existential angst’ deserves closer inspection. Despite the apparent confidence and self-assuredness of Leo, this is actually a deeply mystic or religious sign that is intrinsically connected to the mystery of Life.
Leo rules the forces of creation – the process which governs the emergence of something from idea/inspiration into form. At a broad level, this lends those with the Sun in Leo an innate connection to creative processes and many times a creative streak.
The mystery at the heart of creativity is essentially unknowable, and may be divine. It is within the pulsing heart of this mystery that Leos look to discover their source.
Are they really a Divine Child born to live out some unique destiny? Or are they just a chance conglomeration of emotions, opportunities, opinions and needs? Is there really something inside which makes them special? Or are they simply playing out a one-dimensional role?
Finding fun in the moment will help them sort these issues out. They need to connect with their inner-child and remember its ok to play.
Spending time cultivating their creativity through hard work and self-discipline helps them learn what they are good at and what they love. Whatever path they choose in life, it should be one that meets their sense of passion and urge for self-expression.
By taking up the opportunity to do things that make them feel special, they gain the self-approval which will stand them in good stead. Once Leo knows what they do well, they can “launch their promotional tour”. When feeling secure in their own abilities, they will instinctively know when it is time to ascend to the podium, and when it is time to get off!
A major part of the Leo journey involves having the courage to follow their passions and developing the skill required to be good at them.
The Mystery of Creation.
At a philosophical level, Leo is connected to the utterly human need to know the Source. They may be attracted to magic, mysteries and enchantment. For the Leo individual, there is often a very private insecurity (or introversion) that drives them to seek the mysteries of life. They know that life tends to “favour” them, but they have no idea what they have done to deserve this or whether it will continue. Is it of their own making? Or does it come from a source higher than themselves?
Through understanding the act of creation, those with the Sun Leo secretly hope to reconnect with the source of Life itself, to discover where they have come from and so where they are meant to go.
Yet in order to find answers they must face a fundamental truth – it is only through the loss of personal meaning that eternal truths are found. Leos often encounter a period in their lives (and there may be more than one) in which they cannot rely on luck, courage and charm to get them through.
Then they must make a deeper voyage – into the Heart of Darkness – a deeply personal place.
When they accept their shadow side then they know the brilliance of their light. Through depression and spiritual yearning, Leo comes to understand in a truly personal way where their radiance lies.
A Dark Heart.
Within the Heart of Darkness, a curious beast stirs. When failing to operate from the highest ideals and motivations, Leos can become ruthless despots and manic “drama queens”.
When they are not secure in who they are they can become enraged with the idea that they are not receiving their rightful dues. Traditionally Leo was called a bestial sign, with all the ugliness this implies
As much as they can be light, bright and full of sunshine, they can also become complaining, vain and self-centred black-holes, destroying everything around them in a monstrous rage of dissatisfaction.
The deep-rooted insecurity that sits at the centre of this sign can take over, clouding their other more attractive qualities. The Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland is typical of a displaced Lion. She destroys what she cannot have out of a desperate insecurity that someone else has more than her.
Leo must guard against the tendency to feel outrage when they do not receive their “due”. They must come to terms with feelings of petulance and self-indulgence, to remember that everyone is special in their own terms. When Leo finds their own light they do not covet what is not theirs.
The Lion’s Domain.
Just like the lion which is their symbol, a Leo must have their own domain. In certain ways, Leos gain a sense of personal authenticity by having precedence and being able to take charge. They need an area of focus where they know that they can “rule”.
This can be the home, the job or the local football team. Managed wisely, Leos blend passion, vitality and creative interest in such a way that they ensure everyone benefits from the outcome. Passion is the key-word here, for as a sign ruled by the qualities of the heart, Leos tend to want to lead in whatever area of life generates passion and meaning for them.
Failure to offer respect, or question the Leo’s authority or right to rule, can have dire consequences.
Leos hate to be told what to do, and may rise up in self-righteous indignation should anybody question a decision they have made. They are best left to feel in charge of their domain, for it is here that any inherent insecurity will diminish, and the more noble qualities of the sign can eventually shine through.
Romance and Affection.
As the sign of romance, Leos also specialize in affection, grand gestures and big gifts. Leo is connected to the expression of love. Chasing the thrill of romance is one of their favourite pastimes.
They make warm and generous lovers who take the time to enjoy the art of love. Yet whilst they will often display a great affection and tenderness to others that makes them exciting to be around, the flow of attention can eventually become one way.
Once the thrill of the initial chase is done, Leo can tend to expect more for themselves than they are prepared to give. As a basically self-centred sign, Leo will easily get wrapped up in the importance of their own self-expression once they have captured another’s heart.
They may expect unending adoration and lavish proofs of affection, but may not be so ready on the return. For Leo, the fun of relationship lies in the romance, and after the initial gestures are made, attention is likely to shift back to their own demands, sometimes leaving partners out in the cold.
This can be especially problematic in relationships where the partner is less independent or needs constant reassurance themselves. In this degree, the evolved Leo should remember – to ensure happiness they should give as good as they expect, so ensuring that the flow of mutual generosity and reward stays open, even when the other’s heart has been won.
Sun in Leo: Your Solar Journey.
If you were born under the sign of Leo, your task here on Earth is to shine. You are likely to be gifted with qualities such as confidence, warmth, good humour and a generosity of spirit that make you easy to be around. Because of your innate sense of being at the centre of everything, you are ideally suited to organizing others and taking charge. Yet stepping into this role as the central organizing principle within others lives requires you to confront and eventually vanquish the deeper insecurities that you carry inside.
You are likely to be a highly creative and self-expressive individual, and when you take the time to understand and develop your capacities before expecting others to recognize and approve of them, you will learn to appreciate yourself. Then you can step out into the limelight when the moment requires without simultaneously demanding attention, recognition and applause. All this will come naturally to you in time, greatly assisted by your sunny disposition and effortlessly radiant charm.
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reddogcollar · 3 years
thinking more if my funny little rewrite thoughts so like. here's an entire run down of what I'd do with season 1 of my pride
under the cut cuz its long and like. warning for like. everything that already happens in the series anyway
starting first! with the naming conventions. so the whole naming scheme is appropriation of indigenous culture. and I'm white so take this one with a grain of salt but replacing that mess with instead the mother naming the cub after a trait after getting to know em would. probably fix it? Like naming a cub Power or Tenacious and. stuff
the names could not only be personality based but just general descriptors. Quick for someone fast, Golden for someone blonde, Cherished for someone especially loved by their mother. Names could also be based off something they want the child to be, like Fearless or Perceptive. naming a child after something they don't start as, but turn out to be instead would make everyone to regard the mother as an especially good one for knowing her child so well. Being wrong would have the opposite effect. Waiting too long would bring scorn, implying you don't spend enough time with your child to think of any name at all.
Prideless lions wouldn't be named by their parents at all, instead given the right to name themselves based on what they think. This leaves room for them to rename themselves as grow and change, something pride lions cant do. Until the cub names themselves, the mother will refer to them with affectionate nickname.
and I think that. fixes that issue. onto plot
I think episode 1 is fine left alone, though all three children would be left unnamed. though I think its weird how quick managed to rip off the skin all around nothing's eye but didn't actually damage it. Like at all. so she's half blind now too.
So they go on lion trial, power saying quick is unfit because he was bested by a cub, so there's no way he could've beat star fairly. sharp calls forth the currently unnamed fire to ask his opinion as a supposed witness. even though I'm pretty sure he ran away before star died? eh <3
despite having the chance to get rid of quick, he says it was fair and quick has earned the pride. whether or not that's true, fire is a devout believer in pride law and a pride without a mane would be worse than a pride lead by a cheating mane.
because nothing and quick each half blinded each other, they go with the law of equivalent exchange. one each gets something from the other. nothing asks for her and her brother's lives to spared, and quick asks that she always takes as little resources as possible
instead of like. skipping 2 years. it would instead actually like. show the childhood. how nothing is ignored by her on mother, and doted on by fire. specifically because he think she's weak. despite doting on her, he also generally ignores her opinions.
even as a little wounded baby she gets the least food and water, enforced by quick and even fire sometimes, rules are rules. some of the unnamed adults will try to cheat this tho and get her more food and water cuz Holy Shit? Dude?
when she's a little older and not. covered in open wounds. the adults more or less stop trying to protect her. she's on her own now, and they have cubs of their own to worry about anyways.
since time is also a resource she gets the least of that too, most notably the least time being trained in anything. hunting, fighting, tracking, she's taught the absolute least.
despite that, she always tries.to do the absolute most. first to volunteer for anything she could theoretically do, last to get picked for any minorly important task. getting ridiculed for doing things slower due to her limp, to the point where she starts trying to just power through the pain to walk normally. it only slows her down and she gets mocked more. fire generally doesn't stand up for her, just makes her lay down
eventually she starts getting out a bit. The younger cubs mock her, their parents don't stop them, her mom never speaks to her unless its to antagonize her, and quick is downright terrifying. despite being healed up, fire never leaves her alone and disregards her when she wants to be alone.
this is how she meets hover, who is now named insightful. bc I just inexplicably cant stand the name Hover for a lion. she thinks she's insightful, but she's kind of just snarky and a little mean without saying anything w real depth, probably bc they're all prepubescent
despite being snarky and a little mean, she's a breath of fresh air to nothing cuz she's yk. not ableist and calls fire out when he starts acting ableist. its a short interaction, and when they're home fire immediately goes to tell his mom there's not only a prideless lion in their territory, but a cub, implying her mother and possibly siblings are around. cuz he's a little bitch
nothing gets into an argument with him over it, she could've been their friend after all, and both fire and her mom yell at her for even thinking about disobeying pride law
not sure what else to do here, so skip to when they're 2 and fires about to be kicked out. they're both still nameless, bringing a lot of bad opinions power's way. she's also required to name at least fire before he leaves. so she sits down, rolls her eyes, and half asses the name fire. quick is about to push him out but nothing interrupts, saying she still needs a name.
power gets annoyed and demands what she could even be named after, her injury? her disregard for the law? her ability to butt in at the most annoying times? nothing sputters, shocked and unable to come up with a response for a moment. before she can, she's named nothing
she protests, and even fire thinks that's a lot. they're both shut down, by power and quick respectively. most of the present adults are shocked, some of the older ones even appalled. none step in though. fire has to go, and nothing leaves toward the watering holes so she doesn't cry in front of her mom. all that stupid shit is internalized though so she starts trying again to support her full weight on her leg no matter how much it hurts. thinking maybe it broke and healed so wrong that it can barely support her now. idk I'm no doctor
she ends up laying down by the water, feeling all bad and in pain. then she notices the crocodile and some other lion and yada yada saves her life. insightful immediately recognizes her and that stops nothing from chasing her off. they catch up a little until they hear someone coming. insightful runs off and farleap, now called jumper comes out of the grass.
she questions nothing, she heard something and she can definitely smell a stranger. nothing lies and said she just chased off a prideless. jumper doesn't seem convinced, but doesn't push it because the stranger is gone, at least. so she just gets her drink and nothing goes home. and that's the day.
next day we can be introduced to feather, now named light. he's the runt of his litter, the lightest color of his siblings, and the light of my life. his name has nothing to do with the reincarnation stuff, which ill get into later. he gets teased for being smaller than his sisters, but keeps up an over energetic, happy mood that children have. he prefers hanging out with nothing though, seeing as she's not gonna be mean to him for being short.
he refuses to leave her alone to the point of finding out when nothing starts sneaking out to see insightful. their little dates go all nice and cute until light jumps out of the bushes scaring the life out of them. nothing freaks out a little because holy fuck? quick's son just found her out? oh god oh fuck! insightful is just amused though, because children are funny.
they make light swear to keep it a secret, and he promises. as long as nothing lets him go with her whenever he wants, because its fun breaking the rules and being out at night. it's a little less fun third wheeling on your cousin's date when you're like 7 but its fine cuz insightful plays with him
everyone thinks its pretty weird how both nothing and light are getting exhausted in the middle of the day, and jumper is still on that "I don't believe that you chased that prideless off" stuff, and eventually convinces power of increasing like patrol or whatever, and everyone keeps their guard up, making it harder for nothing and insightful to meet
this spurs nothing to ask insightful to join, to which insightful asks her to leave the prides and go with her. nothing says she doesn't want insightful to just have to take care of her and it goes back and forth and its a whole thing. it turns into an argument and they part ways for the night before it can escalate further.
the next morning, insightful has shown up and is asking to join. mostly so she can spend more time trying to convince nothing to leave the prides with her.
they get convinced and she is stripped of her name immediately. either quick or power will rename her when they come with something suitable. of course she is. upset as all hell. she swallows it though, since she's never seen nothing so happy. light is ecstatic, also, cuz he thinks she is cool.
go through some time showing insightful being worn down by pride life, nothing still continuing to practically destroy her body to make herself palatable, and light being downright bullied because he's still smaller than his everyone his age. quick even starts looking down on his son cuz Why Is He Still So Small? light begins to resent his father, and pride life a little.
jumper is rude as hell, naturally. except this time insightful actually stands up for nothing by cuz holy shit? that's your girlfriend why wouldn't you help her?
we can also implement the homophobia rule here. because of course power is a homophobe. would you expect anything less??
and yeah that's the vibe until nothing is left with some unnamed lion to look after the children while everyone else is off doing things that are important. she goes off for a drink and light follows her because of course he does. yadda yadda fire is back for a visit cuz he thinks nothing is like. useless and can't survive without him. their little visit goes down light thinks its so cool to meet a bunch of prideless men yk yk
on their way back they run into quick, who is followed by power and insightful. that unnamed lion with the other children said nothing and light had been gone for a long time and quick is pissed off cuz that's his only son n she just took him off for a jaunt.
he's yelling at her and insightful is about to interject before she's stopped by power, and light interrupts his dad to tell him about fire's group. cuz hey it'll make him leave them alone so like? go off??
nothing gets pissed off at him though because he just sent his murderous father off to kill her brother. rude or not he's still important to her. she and power have their interaction, power whining about how much she "loves" her children, you know. except nothing disowns her. power gets called out and yk yk. its a whole thing and gives nothing some of the agency she lost over the years
then she goes off to find quick, insightful follows her to help, and light follows them because he feels bad.
quick is dead, proud is a dick, light is hidden away in this scene. it goes much the same except light is seeing his father's corpse for himself and insightful is there negotiating their lives alongside nothing. also threatening proud
they yet away with their lives and run as far away as possible just in case he comes after light. nothing may be annoyed but letting your small cousin be murdered isn't cool
so they go off to find fire. its important to nothing cuz ykkk he's her last living sibling and as far as she's concerned, her remaining immediate family. he treats her how he does cuz he loves her, right? right. right?
nothing lives on the stretch how she lived in the prides, taking as little as possible of everything. insightful starts trying to get her to eat more before she like. drops dead. but its hard bc yk internalized self hatred is a vibe. they stay hot on fire's trail, until they come across some bones, a lot of blood, and the eaten remains of tangle. I'm making that plot point more fucked up.
everyone is of course freaked out, and insightful immediately takes it on herself to make sure nothing and light have some skill in fighting cuz Oh My God! they each play to their strengths, and it's like typical training montage. I like to think that with nothing's bad leg opponents would naturally try to take advantage of her balance, and which point she could rear up on her hind legs and then unexpectedly just crash down onto her opponent with her full weight. idk I've never seen a lion fight.
so yeah they eventually find fire and light and insightful are like. not trusting him at all, they suspect him. nothing isn't so hasty with the blame, cannibalism is a lot to accuse your brother of. fire says that if he takes over the nearest pride, he can change her name due to her time as a prideless lion.
as discussed, light objects. he thinks she should be able to choose her own name. pride or not. fire the devout follower of pride law didn't like that
they kill that old man, fire demands the pride, moonstrike (now striker) denies him and he's like. "You cant do that. That's illegal" and striker claims he couldn't have beaten her mate in fair combat after getting his ass kicked the first time. plus he's got some random child that isn't his
he takes that as "kill the kid" and yk. goes after light. nothing's reaction time is normal now though and barrels into him before he can rip lights throat out. he's still gravely wounded though, so much so that insightful is fully occupied trying to keep him alive.
nothing and fire square off, fire is ableist, nothing challenges him. You know. except this time she kills him. she gets him on his back and cuts him open, guts everywhere. no Ghost scene.
Injured and horrified, she lays down. she's like. going to have a breakdown. she just killed her brother, light may be dead, these strangers won't quit staring at her, its not good. episode end.
cut to like next morning and nothing's injuries are being taken care of at the same time as light's. insightful is in there with em talking with striker. noticing she's up, striker asks her name. I'm still not sure what I'd want her to change it to but she does change it. perhaps Enough?
idk idk either way, she doesn't get the pride. she beat fire but it wasn't his to give. however, striker offers them all a place there, including light. boom season 1 end
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31 Days of Arcana: Day 10 Familiar
⚠️ Warnings: Implied animal abuse, panic attack, fire ⚠️
Ialonus was rescued from a traveling circus but things definitely did not go to plan...
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Simple and to the point.
The blaring sounds of knowing things are definitely not going as planned.
That was all Andi could hear over the loud pounding in her ears as she sat in the back area of the largest tent she’d ever seen.
‘Who decides to use a tent to house shows that include fire?!”
Only a few days before, Andi and Asra heard the news of a traveling circus stopping by outside the city gates while shopping in the market. Life had begun to settle down after Lucio’s brief reign of terror ended and perhaps the citizens could use some fun.
“I hear they have one of the largest displays of captive animals this side of Prakra!”
One sentence was all it took to put an end to any ideas of merriment in Andi’s mind.
Over the days leading up to the events, Andi tried to rationalize the information to herself.
‘They could be tame animals being treated very well? There’s no need to assume the worst! They could be happy...’
Nothing quelled the dark feeling in her gut though. So she began to form a plan.
Asra noticed the looks of concentration and determination in Andi and decided to let her come to him when she felt comfortable. Circuses and carnivals had always been a hard subject for her since her days on her own. Asra heard all the stories of her animal liberations from meat markets, private zoos, or poachers when they were teenagers. Now, Andi didn’t have any of those memories.
Asra tried his best to tell her a little when she asked, careful that she didn’t become overwhelmed. But the scars on her hands and arms from daring rescues were a permanent reminder of the time she’d lost.
No, she would have to do something.
On the day of the festivities the two mages wandered into the field where a whole world seemed to spring up.
Color screamed at them from every direction, the sounds of shouting or laughter reverberated off the flimsy walls, delicious and not so pleasant smells filled the air.
Andi spotted someone in make-up made to look like a fish juggling fire sticks while telling jokes. At the same time, Asra watched someone on tall stilts stepping over the crowds and tossing little candies below them.
Magic thrummed in the air as many of the performers weaved it into their acts.
Andi had to pause often in quiet corners to focus on her emotional shield. If even the smallest crack appeared, she’d be quickly overtaken by all the emotions swirling around.
The magicians wandered, awed, and ate whatever caught their eye until the sun had set.
As soon as the dark crept in, lights appeared to fill a strange looking tent in the middle of the field. Performers began herding the crowds into the tent with promises that the best had yet to come.
Andi and Asra allowed themselves to be swept in but stood near a door in case they needed a quick exit. Unfortunately, the best did not come.
A large sweaty man in obnoxiously bright clothing stood at the center of the tent and began to yell out his introductions. This was the Show Of the Beast. Andi gripped Asra’s hand a little tighter.
Inside the circle spread out in the middle, zebras appeared magically and started to run. Ooo’s and Aww’s poured in at the impressive sight. Dancers took to the middle and began to command the Zebras. It was all so organized. The Zebras moved as they were told, dogs ran in wearing little outfits and performed tricks, even a wolf appeared where they gave a good howl to the sky. The crowd loved every moment.
But by the door, Andi’s aura grew darker. Did they not notice the marks on the Zebras legs? The terrified look of those dogs? The malnourished wolf who walked with a heavy chain? Or did they just not care.
It was all too much for her.
Andi excused herself by telling Asra she was going out for some fresh air. He offered to come with her and even better, offered to go home early but Andi waved it off. Around the corner of the tent she took a deep breath. Slowly, her magic reached out to map out the inside of the tent. Animals were kept in a closed off area where the guests couldn’t see them but only one person sat with them.
Andi leaned against the canvas wall outside the room and seemed to slip through the surface as if it were only the surface of water. She tried not to pause and wonder where she’d learned that or how she even knew to do it.
Cages filled the room and the sounds of miserable cries came from all around. It broke her heart to hear but at the same time made sneaking easier. Ever so carefully, Andi pulled out her little lock picking kit and got to work. Once a cage was unlocked she pressed it closed with a little magic so all the animals stayed inside instead of bursting out in ones and twos. Then she spotted the lone guard whose chair sat right in front of a very large cage holding a very unhappy looking lioness.
Andi his herself behind some cages and closed her eyes. It was easier to use the kit but with someone so close she’d have to use magic. Lock picking was a delicate type of magic, she had to do the exact same process as before only without the physical tools or feelings. Essentially, Andi had to become the tools and the skill at the same time.
Precious seconds seemed to tick by so quickly as she focused on each individual tumbler. Clicks so faint sounded like canons.
Finally, the lock gave.
That’s when the plan fell apart.
Andi took half a second of relief after the lock released and apparently that was all it took for the lioness to form her own plan. Andi didn’t have time to hold the door closed before a strong force slammed into the metal doors. The lioness forced her way out of the cage and launched at the person guarding her. They screamed as they ran from the room and in the panic Andi accidentally lost focus and all the doors released at once.
Chaos erupted.
Screams of humans and animals overtook everything. Andi curled up on herself with her hands pressed firmly over her ears.
Too much.
Fur brushed by her skin.
Too much.
Smells of sweat and excitement.
Too much.
Too much.
A small ball of golden light.
Too much.
Softness wormed it’s way into her arms.
Too much...
A heat radiated at her core...
A soft voice...
Andi awoke in her own bed hours later clutching her core as if to hold onto the imaginary warmth.
Asra was by her side immediately and cautiously wrapped her in his arms. He held her tightly and whispered soothing words. As Andi came to her senses the memories of the night flooded back in.
“A-Asra?” Her voice cracked.
“Shhh, my love, you’re safe. You’re home.”
Andi nodded unconsciously.
“Wha-what happened?”
“There was a fire...,” he started then sighed.
“You kept a secret from me.”
Andi looked down at her lap in shame. Instead she saw an unexpected sight. A small ball of tan fur snoozed away as she clutched it to her. The warmth was real and coming off of this tiny creature.
“Asra...? What’s this?”
Asra peered over her shoulder at the lump.
“Oh, yes. I couldn’t get you two apart when I found you.”
Andi gently lifted the animal up to eye level so she could get a better look. Sleepily they revealed large blue-grey eyes and yawned so long pointy teeth were on display.
“This... this is a Lion, Asra.”
Andi stared in shock but the cub didn’t seem to care and started whining about his interrupted nap.
“Asra! It talked!”
Realization hit Asra first and he reached out to lower her arms so the cub could lay back down.
“It is. They also seem to be your familiar because I didn’t hear it speak.”
Andi stared at the bundle in shock. Of course she’d always wondered when or even if she’d get a familiar but a lion had never crossed her mind. She’d always thought a wolf would be closest to her own temperament. Maybe even a housecat or a dog. Never something so wholly beyond their normal realm of animal life.
Then again, she wondered if that’s why she’d never found them until now.
“I just never saw myself as a lion-like person,” she mused.
“Isn’t that the point though? If our familiars were like us, we’d never learn anything from them. Instead maybe we find those who help us unlock another part of ourselves.”
Andi smiled, she liked that idea. Her face quickly fell though and she groaned.
“Feeding him is going to be a nightmare...”
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