#(torani's apple syrup with a few drops of lorann apple pie flavoring would probably be fine)
greyias · 4 months
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Delighted to report I finally cracked the code on my quest to successfully emulate Starbuck's Apple Crisp macchiato—and the secret is Oatly Barista Edition. That was the magic I was missing in my previous (admittedly still tasty) attempts. Not that anyone else is this obsessed about a seasonal apple pie flavored coffee drink as me, but for future reference, to create a 16 oz cup:
2 pumps syrup (aka 1 tbsp/0.5 oz)
3/4 cup Oatly Barista Edition oat milk floated on top of syrup
ice filled to 2 inches below the rim of the glass
top with 2 shots of blonde espresso
drizzle with spiced apple drizzle (or be lazy like me and just use this, it's close enough and lasts forever in the fridge)
✨✨ MAGIC ✨✨
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