#(somehow. somehow. fukurou wins the betting pool on this turning out to be true. nobody's quite sure how the fuck he knew.)
bipherpol · 18 days
In regards to the Nico siblings AU, have you heard the theory that Robin's father is Monkey D. Dragon? I ask only because the mental image of Lucci slowly realizing that Luffy is their half-brother is hilarious.
Like, there's definitely joy because he's not the only younger sibling anymore, but also LUFFY is their younger brother. This is alarming and confusing and Jabra will laugh himself sick.
i had not heard that theory but that is hilarious. lucci would be absolutely horrified at finding out he's related to luffy. like, yay he's not the youngest, but... luffy. lucci strongly considers asking to be adopted by someone else rather than be related to luffy.
(and garp. imagine looking at garp and realizing he's your grandfather.)
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