#(or basically i don't trust anyone after the anons i have received and blocked and i don't really want this to spread)
hope-ur-ok · 3 months
The vehement hatred being spewed at Glazer for his oscar speech is fascinating to me. Like the point of his speech is that dehumanization is at an all time high for both Jewish Israelis and Palestinians largely because of the fascist right wing government in Israel and parts of Palestine spreading propaganda with the intent of dehumanization. And instead what people seemed to get out of it was "he hates Israel" and "he promotes blood libel". Like please just take a step back from your knee jerk reaction and think for 2 seconds why he would be saying he resents Judaism being used to justify the mass bombing, and starvation of civilians. Think for 2 seconds about how after spending so much time researching and dedicating his blood sweat and tears into a film about one of the worst cases of dehumanization in world history he would feel the need to call it out when he sees it.
And like the thing is he very clearly was talking about there being victims of violent dehumanization on both sides and explicitly mentioned October 7th. Him also saying that he doesn't support the dehumanization of Palestinians and the death of more than 30,000 of them shouldn't be a controversial statement. But no according to people on the internet, and 500 people who work in Hollywood, what he said was "I support terrorism and think everyone in Israel should die"
Like did we hear/read the same speech?? The one where he was preaching the dangers of dehumanization?? And your response is "actually you are dehumanizing Jews by saying not to dehumanize Palestinians" like please just stop, you are honestly just spreading hate and fueling a greater divide that will only lead to more bloodshed and radicalization
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jellybeanium124 · 28 days
Hi, Australian Jew here.
Sending this anonymously because I'm not openly Jewish on Tumblr, however I am considering doing so in the short-term.
I'm sorry to bother you but I wanted to ask you a few questions, if you're open to it (feel free to ignore this if so). Just so you know, I'm asking the same questions of the Jewish bloggers I follow who post regularly - both those who blog about the current Israel/Palestine situation, and those who identify as Jewish but post mainly fandom/other content.
Do you or have you receive/d abuse for being Jewish, or for your stance on the war? If so, how often? How do you respond to any hateful messages? Do you post them publicly or answer them privately? How much would you say your mental health is/has been affected by any messages, or by the content you see on your feed? Have you developed any strategies for handling social media during this time?
Thank you for reading. :-)
I've received maybe half a dozen antisemitic hate anons since 10/7. I wanna say maybe 2 or 3 between june 7, 2020 (when I created this blog) and oct 7, 2023. I think I've posted the hate anons publicly once or twice, but after that I just screenshotted, blocked them, and sent them to one of my jewish friends for mocking. honestly they didn't bother me that much. a lot of them were low effort. nobody even threatened to kill me. the terfs put more effort into harassing me and I'm not even trans. frankly the antisemites need to step up their game.
while the messages haven't hurt me... yeah... the war in general has affected me. I've lost a lot of faith in the strength of my relationships with goyim. several of them have left me. every time I post about the war I'm certain I'm going to lose another friend, and that hurts. it's been a little nerve-wracking discussing it with my irl goyische friends, but to my massive relief all of them are normal about the situation. however, about a month ago, me and a friend of 15 years got into a small tiff about it, and when they went radio silent all day, visions of them hating me filled my head and I had to send a super annoying socially anxious text to make sure they don't hate me now. thank gd they do not. I love them deeply and want them to be in my life for as long as we live. we still have to come up with a gender-neutral alternative to aunt/uncle for my kids to call them someday. if they decided to cut me off that would've been the last straw for a mental breakdown, actually.
sometimes it gets really tough to see this stuff on my dash. I've gotten better at just filtering out all the blocked posts that pass me by. to be perfectly, 100% honest with you, if tumblr didn't allow me to block content so thoroughly and I had to see every single post about the war put onto my dash... I would've left tumblr months ago. or just unfollowed 95% of the people I follow. I could not handle that. I'm sorry. this war did upset me enough to the point where I decided to take a two-day break from tumblr (I... have a problem... you all know how much time I spend here...). I've lost a close friend on tumblr of several years that made me cry. as for other social media? I only look at two people's instagram stories these days. one of my friends, who posts her outfits daily and basically nothing else, and con o'neill. I don't trust anyone else not to put stuff that will upset me in front of my eyes. I've unfollowed a couple of people on instagram because I can't block stuff as thoroughly there. I'm also just... not on ig that much.
the past several months have also made me deeply disillusioned with the state of the left. why should I care about unrelated leftist movements when I know all of my comrades there would turn on me in a millisecond if they knew that I thought israel should keep existing even though it's done horrible things? it's turned me off of activism... seeing these "pro-palestine" protests quickly turn into "harass jews" protests and the way these college students discuss these issues, fetishizing palestinian pain and not knowing a single thing about it, is just... it makes it all feel so fake and hollow. these privileged college kids are comparing themselves to gazans and I'm supposed to believe they actually care about gazans and don't just want to feel like righteous heroes? these people verbally and physically harass jews and I'm supposed to believe they're the good guys? I don't like feeling this way. I wish I didn't feel this way. but right now the only political action I give a shit about is voting. I'm gonna vote. I'm always gonna vote. but why on earth would I get involved with people who say "punch nazis" until nazis are on their side and increase their numbers then suddenly it's all "uwu nazis are hard to get rid of 🥺?"
I understand why you're hiding your jewishness. I've started hiding it too. I stopped wearing my magen david on october 13th. I recently had my first paid film gig (yay for that at least), and whenever I was telling a story that involved my jewishness in some way, I bent the truth to go around that tidbit and told no one. someone asked if I was irish. I answered I was eastern european. a year ago I would've said I was jewish without a second thought.
I'm tired. I want the war to end. I want there to be a peace deal. I want innocent civilians to stop dying and be safe.
I don't think I'm brave, or anything. I'm a safe lil american thousands of miles away. I don't know what palestinians and israelis are living through right now. my pain is a single molecule of sand compared to the pain people actually affected by this war have gone through. all I want is for people to listen to us. I don't speak up to be brave, I speak up because knowing a jew is the only inoculation against the hatred spreading through the pro-palestine movement. because if you know me, then jews aren't foreign. noa's a jew. noa's my friend. noa likes billy joel. noa writes silly incorrect quote posts. noa's a person. she's not some scary unknown. she's my friend.
I wish people still wanted to be my friend.
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jihyocentric · 1 year
i'll take a break
so guys, i wasn't going to say anything about this ask i received yesterday because i usually delete everything i find sarcastic, backhanded or just simply rude, but this one has been on my mind since i read it. (and trust me, i've gotten quite a few of these types of asks. but i've deleted them and didn't say a thing abt it.)
the ask in question is no longer in my inbox as i've deleted it after noticing it was one of those asks. it was from the same person who had sent me a rq while requests were closed, and they were really mad that i deleted it. they wrote a pretty lengthy paragraph to say that i was 'rude af' for deleting it, that i could've filled it as i'm opening requests now and that my blog is 'just a blog' and there's others that might be better.
they even said 'it's not that deep' but then again, they were the ones coming in my inbox with an entire paragraph about how i was rude for deleting their request when i had warned at least twice that i would delete requests sent while rqs were closed. (and i mean, if they were closed and you knew, the logical thing to do is to not send any. if you didn't want to forget it, you could've written it somewhere like my other anons do and send it when i reopened rqs. or go to the other blogs that you said are better than mine and ask them to write it. i don't doubt they'd do a great job filling it!)
anyway, this post isn't about this specific ask i got yesterday, but to say that i've gotten similar stuff before, like the time i said i'd block whoever follows me and doesn't have age in their bios, and got some pretty... heated stuff in my inbox. or people calling me an akgae totally unprovoked just because i mainly write jihyo's ships (which is a bit funny tbh). i ignored all of that and didn't answer those asks because this is a hc blog. i'm a writer. and that's it. i won't ever engage in these silly attempts to start a fight.
but what i really want to say is: if you don't like me it's totally fine, i'm a nobody. but respect is a basic thing you should have. not just with me, but with anyone really. you can hate me for whatever reason and still read my works, send requests and all. just be respectful. i take like about an hour to fill in a single request if they're one of the shorter ones, even more if they're lengthier, and i do it because i genuinely like writing, but i put a lot of effort in this so i think i deserve at least a tiny bit of respect.
with that being said, i'll take a few days break and come back when it's jihyo's birthday. i'm sorry for the nice anons and non anons who have nothing to do with this, really. you guys are awesome! i just had to get it off my chest bc i was starting to get anxious and i want to avoid future asks like those. i'll see you soon.
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