#(no actually- the bios describe her writing poems about how her and Thomas' love was The Most Perfect Celestial Fated Thing Ever)
marzipanandminutiae · 6 months
do people get that Lucille's hobbies are considered perfectly ladylike and acceptable for women within her cultural context?
natural sciences, as long as they remained at the amateur level, were common interests for Victorian women. and lepidopterology? combining a "feminine" branch of the sciences with Pretty Animals? high on the approved list, even though it involved killing aforesaid Pretty Animals
music was all but expected of middle- and upper-class women, hence her performance at the McMichaels' ball. even her offscreen hobbies from the bios- writing never-to-be-published poetry and reading French literature -could come from a checklist of Appropriate 19th-Century Feminine PursuitsTM
Lucille is an EXTREMELY typical, even ideal Victorian lady on the surface, with the exception of wearing old clothes and being unmarried at age 36. and that contrast makes what lies beneath the surface all the more compelling
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