#(in every route but esp the blue lions don't @ me)
fellstcr · 1 year
i know it feels like the world has left us behind dearly beloved , dearly beloved we’ve always had to fight to survive kicking and screaming but never running no , no , no no matter what they say i promise you it’s not for nothing
with every hit , we’re closer to the break but you might be surprised how much a heart can take stone after stone we’re getting stronger than you know , so let them throw
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northernember · 5 months
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Concept art of my FE3H!Red Queen au, starting with Cal as Dimitri of course. If you want to bare witness to my insane rambling, it'll be under the read more. FE3H spoiler warning.
So,,, I recently started another fire emblem 3 houses play through, and will probably go on to finish 3 hopes finally afterwards, but its brought the brainrot back in full swing. I have a general gist of who i want the main lords to be and a few of the house members but uh,, its a lot lmao.
The main ones I have set in my mind are Mare as Byleth, Cal as Dimitri, Maven as Edelgard and Farley as Claude, not only because I think they fit the characters best, but because I think it adds very interesting dynamics in terms of the fire emblem universe.
I absolutely adore Areadbhar, which is Dimitri's weapon, but I also love the very traumatic relationship Cal has with swords so I decided to design a sword based on the creator weapons. These line of weapons can only be safely wielded by those who have crests, and theyre made out of the bones of the goddess, the creator, the beginning,,
so i naturally kept that in mind and designed the sword based off the forearm bones and hand. Ignore all anatomical inaccuracies, its about the coolness factor more than anything.
Cal as Dimitri is just so [chef's kiss] to me, esp after getting that excerpt about Cal going insane in one of the cut concepts from the special edition set,,, it just slots so immediately well into dimitri's arc because they share very similar character motifs and tropes, and also general story tropes, their father dies, their step-mother had a hand in it, they're betrayed by their sibling. but at the end of it, when they come back to themselves and shed that anger they still try and Save their sibling etc etc.
Theyre loyal and duty bond, they were turned into soldiers from a very young age. Their ability is inherently destructive and it makes them more gentle out of fear of hurting anyone around them. they are generally kind and sincere, being deemed weaker due to the way they care and love, with something darker lurking just beneath the surface, but not because they are not who they present but because they are ashamed of what it means, of that part of themselves.
Until everything falls apart and they snap and are driven by anger and vengeance and use their ability to inflict harm that nothing else could ever rival.
And then once they are soaked through with blood, and see themselves in the reflection, their vision clear of that blinding anger, and a hand held out, granting them hope and showing them love and care, they vow to use their ability and and influence to protect their loved ones, and the people around them. they promise to uphold their beliefs and make things Better for those that come after them. im just,,, i love them your honor
Also the fact that in every other route where Byleth(Mare) does not choose Dimitri(Cal)'s house, he always ends up dead, because no one else is able to bring him back to himself, to save him from spiraling further and further until the only path he treads is towards a violent and bloody end, only they can make him believe he is worth saving, that his life is worth living for himself and not just in the pursuit of granting the violent wishes of the dead that haunt him.
And at the end of the blue lions route Dimitri(Cal) finds peace, not in vengeance, not in the arms of the dead, but in the people still living, in the support system that surrounds him, and in Byleth(Mare), he chooses to live for them, and lead a better life, and in the hope that maybe one day the water that washes his hands will run clear of blood.
I am a Marecal and Dimileth truther forever and always
Anyways this au is in no way fleshed out, mainly cause Im the kinda person that simply adheres to whatever is coolest to me at the time, so i don't know if I want to have Cal keep Dimitri's crest which grants Incredible strength (enough to crush a grown mans skull with little effort, one handed) or make a Crest that acts similarly to his sliver ability.
I just,, I love these games, and I love these books and so my brain decides to smush them together for the rabie inducing visuals. I hope you enjoy
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fireemblems24 · 2 years
Scarlet Blaze Ch 4
Really glad these routes change so soon. Makes playing all three much more fun, I think.
Every time they mention what's going on in the Blue Lions route, I'm like, I NEED TO KNOW. LET ME IN. Cool that it seems all the routes are happening in the same timeline so far this time. I know that'll split eventually, but I like it that way.
Oh, wow, that time skip went by fast. Does that mean the stuff with Rufus and Almyra will get solved THAT fast??? I really was hoping more for Almyra. For Rufus, I'm glad that doesn't get dragged out for too long.
Spoiler: Dimitri and Claude win their battles. I'm shocked. God, I can't wait to see King Dimitri though. Really seems like he's at least going to get a different storyline.
Oh. Great. This really is just CF 2.0. Oh well.
So, let me get this straight. Rhea helps take down TWSITD, leaves Edelgard alone when she makes her reforms, and Edelgard sets up her own church with a shitty person in charge of it and . . . declares war on the church???
It's funny how silly all those "Rhea wouldn't let Edelgard make those changes!!!!" people all look now though.
Didn't TWSITD create the Kingdom and Alliance, not the Church?
OMG I forgot Hubert's new design. 😅🤣 He looks like a hot topic addict.
So TWSITD is still around. And this route will still be about how evil Rhea is for doing things TWSITD did lamo.
Caspar's hair. . . is something. Ferdinand looks pretty though.
So they haven't seen each other in a while. Unlike in CF where they were all together that whole time.
Petra looks so cool. She won the redesign for the Black Eagles.
This really is just CF again. Poor Edelgard. Unless the other characters get the same storylines again.
So Arval is just floating around like Sothis.
I love how everyone looks different, but not Shez.
Oh, Manuela, awesome! Jeritza. Expected. Don't plan on using, thanks.
So we have a base war camp looking thing now. Makes sense. I hope it stays like this and doesn't go to the Monastery after we attack it. Again.
Petra be like, I believe the Empire invading other people will bring peace and posterity to Brigid. My woman, how.
That document full of Adrestia lore was pretty cool. REALLLY hope we see that for the Alliance and Faerghus.
Gatekeeper, you traitor.
Wait, if Hanneman is here, and I didn't unlock him, why isn't he playable?
Oh, I like the NPC saying he's on the front line despite having a new kid at home. Seeing those tidbits about how war isn't all just a parade lap for Edeleth is nice. Really hope we see more of that, esp if we're the invaders - again.
Yikes, Caspar bloodthirsty. Dude is foaming at the mouth to kill Seteth and Catherine, either that or he doesn't understand how serious war is and thinks this is like a tournament where people just lose and not die. Though, CF!Caspar was like that too.
I like making Shez an absolute dumbass.
Edelgard - We will attack the church. Hubert first time in the camp - First, we're going to conquer this Alliance lord. 👀
Did they retcon Edelgard's siblings away? That would be an improvement, in my opinion. They never made any sense.
Also, what happened to Edelgard's dad? Is he dead or . . .???
I like the map feature.
Ok, but how on earth do you end the mock battles? I eventually just quit the game because it wouldn't end and my unit just wouldn't die either. How long does that go on for? And I had to restart wayyyy at the back. Ugh. This is so annoying.
Yeah, I'm not running around and talking to everyone again.
Holy shit, we're really attacking civilian homes and fleeing refugees, huh. Def a bit edgier this time.
I'm invading the Alliance. Feels bad, man. EXACTLY like the first few chapters of CF, bummer. Still time for Edelgard to get new material though.
"Lady Edelgard's path to conquest continues." - Hubert, but she's TOTALLY only after the church, guysssss
Hubert's level up was painfully bad. +1 magic. Why.
Ferdi is MVP. Seems right.
Poor Rhea, Seteth, and Flayn. They literally helped Edelgard and in turn she's attacking them.
Poor Flayn wants to avoid bloodshed. They don't even know why Edelgard is attacking them. 😭
"Or worse, this entire invasion could be a precursor to conquering all of Fodlan." - Seteth on point. At least we're being a bit more honest about Edelgard's true intentions this time.
And Rhea just wants to defend her mother's grave. 😭
We're stealing from fleeing residents now :( On the map.
I think it's so funny seeing the NPCs being like - oh, the corruption in the Central Church, good thing we not have Count Varley to guide us to heaven 😅🤣. They're eating Edelgard's shit right up.
Only Ferdie wants to play with the horses. No wonder me and the BE just don't vibe well. I'm a 100% horse-girl. I'm making Hubert do it too. I think it's funny seeing him shovel horse shit.
So does Shez eat like 10 meals eventually?
Oh, wow, I can actually criticize Edelgard? In a Fodlan game?
I also love how Edelgard is asking Shez, an Imperial commander, for an "outsiders'" opinion.
Impressed with this so far. Throwing it in her face that her army is destroying the commoners' lives lamo. That no farmers would actually support her. I mean, not inaccurate.
Not a bad support, honestly, I was always so frustrated in CF that it never acknowledge how Edelgard was just making everyone's lives but her loyal nobles worse.
I picked the negative answer just to mess around, but nothing dampers Ferdinand, does it?
I guess the trend of critiquing Ferdie in all his supports continues. I really don't like how the BE constantly puts him down. Like, why.
Can you imagine Ferdinand and Annette support? Neither know how to take it easy.
Cool Brigid lore. They want the physically strongest to lead them. Betting Dimitri will have no issues earning their respect post-AM or AG then, hunh.
Shez is a moron. Saying no one has to risk their life to get a bite to eat in Brigid, but like, my dude, you have to hunt your own food. Like, bears, boars, just . . . the outdoors . . . Not to mention, if you suck at it, then there's no one to hire. Don't get me wrong, cool concept, but Shez's comment was just idiotic and written by someone who's never actually had to face extreme temperatures, hikes without a path already cleared out, etc . . .
I've been targeting this one. Because, you know, Bergliez is in the game now so. Curious about this.
Oh, she's mad. God, Caspar is a moron. Doesn't he remember his father brutalized Petra's people and killed her father?
I LIKE this Petra wayyyyyy more than the good little hostage she was in CF, sucking up to Edelgard and everyone else as the only way to get Brigid independent.
Fuck. Seteth showed up. I don't want to fight him :( He kicked my ass so hard. Killed Petra and Ferdinand (he spawned right where Ferdinand was and weapon triangle brutalized him lamo). Almost wiped out Hubert, but he FINALLY took Seteth down.
Wow, this dialogue is deep. Rhea's mad we want to throw her out of her home? Shocking.
It would be cool if we actually killed Rhea here, though. Because so far this is kind of the same as CF.
Seteth is like "don't throw your lives away." I feel awful right now.
Now Cyril and Flayn too :( And I'm having Ferdie try to kill her :(
I love how Shez's reason for fighting for Edelgard is she's paying him.
It's always so underwhelming how in Edelgard's routes Rhea's the big bad, but like, we already defeated her. Makes Edelgard's main opposition always super underwhelming.
Do they even know why Edelgard is trying to kill them? Imagine how horrifying that is. You're just living your life and suddenly the largest, richest army with the most soldiers decides to invade your home and you don't even know why.
Hell yeah, seeking aid from Faerghus.
It's so gross we kicked out Rhea to promote Varley.
"You say fighting, but I think you mean instigating. Let's be fully clear about our role in all this." Based Arval.
Judith. Such a MILF.
That shadow profile Holst has looks so funny on screen.
Really feel like I'm playing as the villain. All Rhea wanted was to stay in her home. All Claude wants is independence from Edelgard's conquest.
Dedue and Dimitri!!! Gilbert and Rodrigue too. Lamo, Claude's like shocked face! Dimitri's like, I expected this. Once again, Dimitri's the smart one again.
This is pretty similar conversation to the one in AG. Except they left out the whole "they're going to conquer us if we don't do anything."
Dimitri is taking no prisoners. I like that.
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oraclebell17 · 11 months
idk which questions you've already had. 3, 14, 20?
03. unit you always recruit?
i'm a person who usually recruits as many as possible hbjdfgjdfg- but either Ignatz or Marianne i'll try to recruit every time i play through the game!! i don't like thinking of leaving Marianne....
14. most emotional moment?
agh... blue lions is definitely a rollercoaster of emotions, but Dimitri confronting Edelgard before the final map of the route is very much for me (melting emoji)......
20. unpopular opinion?
idk if you'd call this unpopular, but i really don't like seeing the academy phase students x Byleth ships, esp academy phase Edel which i see sometimes (melting emoji) it's just weird to me
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