#(bc she'd also been back even earlier to meet julia...)
danzafila · 2 years
Might be too meta-level for the discussion you're having with the other nonny. But I think She-Hulk: Sensational is post-Alias purely because it would be a bit rude for Reed to retcon in a story about Carol making a best friend out of an old acquaintance before the earlier one by the previous writer. Yeah the previous one involved a retconned acquaintance too, but I don't think retconning in an acquaintance is anywhere near as bad as retconning in a best friend.
nah I think that's a totally fair consideration to include when trying to figure out the chronology!
the whole "you know Carol? I know Carol." line does sound more like something a casual acquaintance would say (realizing they have a mutual connection) than something someone who considers Carol a best friend would (realizing Carol has another best friend she never heard of). so now you've got me thinking you're probably right it fits in better after Alias.
the more I think about it, the more I think having JD instead of JJ appear in Ms. Marvel v2 probably was initially an editorial mistake. but fans liked it so much that they committed to it. and then She-Hulk: Sensational offered Reed the opportunity to retcon where their relationship came from.
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