#(and i've always loved and admired ruth for choosing to go with naomi)
serenpedac · 2 years
The lovely @ava-du-mortain tagged me to do this quiz about love for my OCs. Thank you, this was fun!
Tagging anyone who wants to do this and: @cleverblackcat, @wayhavenots, @agentnatesewell, @nerdierholler, @griffin-wood, @thecourierbabe, @evilbunnyking , @winterwolfwitch
Yael Greene -- love as light
[ love as a luminous force—warm, radiant, and golden ] when mary oliver wrote "light of the world hold me” and when charles bukowski said “I look at her and light goes all through me” and when david viscott said “to love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides”and when e. e. cummings said “lovers alone wear sunlight”
Gabi Sousa -- love as devotion
[ devotion: love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause ] when ruth said to naomi "where you go, i will go, and where you stay, i will stay. your people will be my people, and your God my God" and when hozier sang "i'll be the dreadful need from the devotee that drove [orpheus] underground" and when deathcab for cutie sang "if there's no one beside you when your soul embarks, i will follow you into the dark"
Rhiann Trevelyan -- love as a choice
[ love is beautiful because it's built deliberately ] when casey mcquinston wrote "that's the choice. i love him, with all that, because of all that, on purpose. i love him on purpose" and when jenny slate tweeted "i just want someone to grab my little face and scream on purpose, on purpose i am going to care about you" and when jodi picoult wrote "after fifteen years, love isn't just a feeling. it's a choice" and when the good place said "if soulmates do exist, they're not found they're made"
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